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Offline stormbolt7

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I was walking through the mall, with one of the best looking ladies in the place, on my arm.
Tonya was stunning. I loved seeng her smile, as her blue eyes showed how much she was enjoying our day together.
Tonya had an amazing body, that most guys would look at, while never seeing how beautiful a woman she was.
Even worse, they never got to find out, just how smart, and fun to be with she was.
Today was even better, since I was with her, as she was picking out some very sexy lingerie, I was going to get to see her model later.
The two of us enjoying one another, when another lady, very hot. Walks over and bumps her arm, into Tonya.
"Hey, you look like that slut Tonya, from the forum." She says, as Tonya sizes the other woman up.
Standing close, the ladies were very close, in height, weight, and the impressive size of their generous assets.
"Why look baby, it's that skank Heather, from catfights." Tonya says, as both ladies eye one another.
Heather was maybe just a little larger, than my girl. Yet both were drop dead gorgeous, and drawing lots of stares.
"Hear you've been shooting your mouth off, wanting a fight?" Heather asks, as Tonya stares right back at her.
"You name it, and we wil get it on anytime." Tonya replies, as Heather lets her eyes go back and forth between us.
"Fine you bring lover boy, as a referee, dress that nasty body in a bikini." "Then meet me at this adress." heather says, hading Tonya a card.
Tonya snatches it out of her hand, and smiles back at her. "You wish to lose before or after stuffing that fat face of yours?" Tonya asks, as Heather glares at her.
"Make it just after noon." "I want you to get plenty of beauty sleep, for your ugly ass." "Before I beat it, and make you cry." Heather replies, as she laughs, then turns and leaves.
Tonya hugs me, as I can tell she is excited. Heather would be her first true test, at the forum.
We finish shopping for her, then slip back to our place, to get Tonya's things.
That done, we look for the adress on the card.
It turns out to be a night club, still shut down for the day. The staff would not start coming in for the coming night.
The place is lit not to badly, as we walk around checking it out.
"I didn't think you had the guts girl." Heather says, as she makes her way from the back. A robe pulled slightly around her.
Heather gets our attention, then as we follow, we find a nice sized, slightly raised wrestling pit. Sitting on the floor, close by a larger stage.
The inside already glistening, as she opens and drops her robe.
Heather's body is amazing. Like Tonya she is very voluptuous, yet it is easily seen, the tone, and that the lady takes care of herself.
Heather's large breasts barely covered, by her skimpy bikini top.
She leans down, and pulls a towel aside, and reveals a few extra bottles of oil.
Heather's body already glistening from chest on down. Most of her hot body, on display, as she tosses me a bottle.
"Can tell she has blonde hair, the dumb bitch, does not come ready for an oil wrestling match." Heather says, as she grabs and opens the other bottles, and begins emptying them out, inside the pit.
The liquid splatting on the inside coating, even as Tonya strips her own robe, and smiles at me. "Guess you have work to do baby." She says, as I uncap the bottle, and begin to work down low, with her shapely legs, and move my way up.
Tonya's body is incredible. I feel her tense, then relax, as my hands glide along her thighs.
Heather has turned, and is watching, as Tonya's body, begins to glisten just like her own.
Tonya's own bikini as revealing as Heather's. The two ladies both having long, hair hanging down. Heather's more sandy brown.
Tonya's blonde with some darker highlights.
Tonya smiles, as Heather licks her lips, as I rub the oil, over Tonya's nice ass. Giving it a playfull slap, before moving over her back.
Then I am in front of her, as my hands slip beneath her top, to massage and enjoy her nipples hardening. As my hands oil her firm, nice sized tits.
One hand working down over her belly, as the other continues to enjoy the warm soft skin, of Tonya's breasts.
Her blue eyes speaking volumes, as she kisses me.
Then I feel Heather's impressive, firm tits press into my back, as Heather wraps her arms around me, and pulls her body close to mine.
"Now we have the pig oiled, let's stick an apple in her mouth, and roast her." Heather says, as Tonya's eyes flash, and I realize what Heather is up to.
Then I am very ready to die a happy man. As I have Heather's sexy body pressing against me from behind.
Then I have my gal Tonya's nice tits, and struggling body, pressed against my front, as she begins to try and claw at Heather.
The more seasoned member of the forum, trying to use me to make Tonya lose her cool. As both ladies press to me, I was definately feeling the heat as well.
Heather making faces at Tonya, as I grasp Tonya as well as I can, being as slicked as she is.
My eyes finally locking on hers.
"Tonya baby, look at me." I say softly to her, and she does. Heather losing this opening gambit, as my lady relaxes, and begins to cool down a little.
Heather counting on her having anger make her less focused and easier to beat.
Yet now Tonya was just thinking of taking it to her in the ring.
"What do I win, after I pin your ass in the ring bitch??" Tonya asks, as they both step in, and begin to circle one another.
"Tell you what, since I am going to beat your ass so easy." "I will make it best two out of three falls." "No rules just try not to cry to loud, when I embarass you before your man here." Heather says, as their arms move back and forth. Each lady searching for the right opening.
I am close by the outside to see the shoulders, and to make the count when needed.

The two ladies seeming to be very evenly matched, as they clinch, then break, with neither seeming to be able to get the advantage.
Then as Tonya moves in to close, Heather gives a shout of triumph, as she hooks Tonya's bikini top, and yanks it off, from her oiled body.
Tonya's tits  fell free to jiggle a little, before heaving full, and firm.
Her nipples distended, as she was very aroused, by my applying the oil, and her combat with this sexy opponent Heather.
I found it hard not to stare, as Tonya had mouth watering tits. That I wanted to go to, to kiss, and suck on those hard nipples.

Heather is waving the top around, as a trophy. When Tonya drops, sweeps Heather's legs.
Heather landing with a wet sound, in the oil. The buxom beauty, not having a chance to recover. Before Tonya like a pouncing lioness, has Heather down, and pinned for the one, two, three.

As Tonya slips from her opponent. She yanks Heather's top free, and I get to enjoy seeing Heather's impressive tits. Fall free, to quiver a little, before standing very nicely at attention.
Heather's nipples thrust out, as the sandy brown haired beauty, was aroused as well, by the battle.

Now both voluptuous ladies are moving around on their knees, as two pair of the finest tits anywhere, heave, glisten and rub together, as they continue.

Arms, and legs shoving back and forth, as they try to maneuver for position.
The two sexy ladies now slick, and wet looking from head to toe, as they roll, and look so hot together.
Long hair, dripping with oil, on both ladies, as they shift, and Tonya's bikini bottoms go flying, as my lady is now naked, and never looking better.
Then Heather partially flips Tonya, to her back.
Tonya's blue eyes widening, as her grip is lost, and her air is knocked loose, a little, as she shoots over Heather's back, onto the bottom of the pit.

Heather rolling quickly, and just like the experienced fighter she is. I have to count to three, as this time it is Tonya's shoulders down for the count.

The ladies slide apart. Hands wiping oil away from their eyes, and pulling, oil soaked hair, away from their faces, as they prepare for the final fall.
Heather's hazel eyes looking at me momentarily. A smile on her face, as she had seen. I had made the count, the same speed, when it was my girls shoulders pinned, as when it was Heather's shoulders.
At least for now, I was calling it fairly.
This also giving Heather confidence, that the final pin, and the win would be hers.

Two breath taking beauties, ready to go, as if an unseen message given. They tie up again, as they are face to face, and tit to tit, as taunts are given, between gasps of inhaled, and exhaled air.
Tonya is down, the count is to two. Then she shifts to barely escape the final count.

Then Heather is pinned for only one.
Back and forth they roll, breasts pressing together, legs wrapped around each other. Then a break, and Heather is pinned for two. Yet works herself free.

As Tonya tries to belly to belly, Heather over. She slips in the oil, and Heather lands on her.
Heather having the perfect chance to end it, shifts, and soon begins lowering her ass, down over Tonya's face.
Heather maybe going to sit on Tonya's face, the final insult as she pins her for the win.
Tonya struggling with all of her might, to escape. As Heather laughs and rubs her ass over Tonya.
"Hey slut, loser kisses the winner's ass." Heather says, while I watch, and she simply does not keep Tonya's shoulders down. Long enough to start a count.
Heather is so intent on embarassing the newer fighter, that she is not finishing her off.

As Heather begins to get ready for another full face sitting. Tonya grabs her bikini botoms, and yanks them up into Heather's crack, and slightly into her pussy lips.  Heather's hazel eyes widen, as she tries to ease her discomfort, as her bikini bottoms pull free, and a very naked Heather is rolled, by the lady beneath her.
Before she can recover. Tonya's meaty tits drop over Heathers. Tonya forcing Heather's arms up over her head.
As they lay naked, tit to tit, and clit to clit. Very aroused, and breathing heavily.
Heather goes down for the final three count.

Tonya raising up slightly, her breasts heaving above Heather's lovely face. "I think it is loser sucks the winners tit." Tonya teases, as to my own arousal.
Heather leans up, her tongue soon licking around Tonya's engorged nipple. Before Heather sucks on Tonya's left breast.

Tonya moaning, as she enjoys her victory.

Heather let's the tit slide from her mouth, as they move apart.
Tonya getting up, and throwing herself into my arms, as she is excited over such a big win, against such a worthy competitor, as Heather.

I do not even care, my clothes are getting smeared with the oil, as Tonya's hot body rubs against me.
Heather watching, staying quiet.
Then Tonya releases me, as I hold my hand out to help Heather safely get out of the pit.
Her hazel eyes lock on Tonya's blue ones. "I think he looks to clean, what do you think?" She says, as before I can react to my own peril.
Heather pulls, and Tonya helps, as they bring me into the wrestling pit.

Soon I happily have them pinning me. This was definately a piece of heaven on earth.
Heather's right breast resting against me, as Tonya's left tit, did the same from the other side.
Two very beautiful and smiling faces peer down at me.

Then Heather leans down, and I find her lips pressing to mine. Her final poke, at Tonya.
Tonya's eyes beginning to blaze, as I kiss back, by reflex, yet their is no passion, as when I kiss Tonya.
Heather breaks the kiss, as she smiles. "That was for calling it fairly." "You would not believe the amount of boyfriends, makiing fast counts to keep their whore from losing." Heather says, as she begins to prop herself up.
Tonya doing the same on the other side, as I lay my eyes taking in, two of the sexiest ladies on the planet, naked, glistening with oil, and staring at each other over top of me.
Then Heather reaches across, cuping Tonya's chin with her hand.
Tonya leans into it, and tongues meet, as the two fighters briefly kiss.

They part, looking into each others eyes.
"I will so rule your ass, next time you slut." Heather says. Making sure we both knew, her spirit, was still a fighting one.
"Bring it anytime whore." Tonya replies, as Heather gets up, gathers her sodden bikini, and steps carefully out of the pit.

I have to admit, as I get to see her bare ass, as she leaves us together.
Heather is one fine looking lady, coming and going.

Heather was also smart. She knew a lot of the fight fans only liked you when you were a winner. Many jumping sides, as soon as you had a loss.
Tonya knowing this also.
Yet Heather kept her head high, as both ladies also knew. You could not always win.
Yet the ones true to you, stayed this way, win or lose.
Heather had given me a test in front of Tonya. That I had passed.
I had to admit, if I did not have Tonya.
I definately had to admit. Heather was a very sexy and impressive lady.
Any guy, getting her was one lucky man.

I feel a light slap to the side of my head, and turn to see blue eyes watching me.

Heather gone to shower.

I found, as I had already known. I was very lucky myself. My heart pounding, as win or lose. Tonya was pleasing to me in every way.
Her body sliding over mine, as my one arm encircles her lower back.
While the other keeps as good a grasp, on her oil covered ass. As I get to enjoy some very wet kisses, from the winner of this fight. Tonya knowing she had me as her own.
Tonya had won, yet Heather had nothing to be ashamed of. Her overconfidence, maybe the deciding factor, as she lost two out of three, in the oil wrestling fight.

Tonya the winner, and by the look in her blue eyes, so would I be, later this night.

The end .. and Thanks to both sexy and wonderful ladies, for letting me use them in this story. 



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« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2010, 07:15:58 AM »
This was a great story.



Offline stormbolt7

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« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2010, 03:46:53 AM »
Karen ...

In what way ?? You mean the type of fight in the story ??

That Tonya won .. give a bit more lady .... if you would.



Offline Kayla

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« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2010, 08:16:51 AM »
A pretty SLICK story, Storm! (Sorry, couldn't resist that little 'pun'!) LOL!  ;D ;D ;D
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline stormbolt7

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« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2010, 05:44:31 AM »
Kayla .. Hmmm maybe it is from thinking of that ass, in a thong and oiled.. I needed to do oil wrestling match??

THANKS for the compliments .....

Karen ......  OHHHH Yeahhhh Tonya is definately a lady to fantasize about .....
Lovely, with just that little bit of naughty the right places .... 

I have to give Heather her due. The lady looks very nice my opinion ....  plus she did have the nerve to give me a chance, and enter one of the poll items I had given ...
I can't at this point, say anything against Heather ....  she was fun to work with, and not bad on the eyes either.

BTW Karen hope outside of that part .. you liked the story.
Have to say, with YOU and KAYLA commenting .. plus 2 ladies in the story.
This has turned out to be quite a sexy thread ..
May not be able to agree, yet THANKS Karen for adding some more spice to this.



Offline stormbolt7

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« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2010, 02:27:22 AM »
Karen .. have to say think Heather is showing some claws .... sharp teeth and definate attitude ..

Admit I do not know you lady ... so I have to pop in, and say. Karen is definately one hot sexy lady, I do not think I would ever sell short.

I am not trying to push one way or the other here. I think Heather rocks, but have to admit Karen is very easy on the eyes as well.
Can't openly back one of these ladies over the other.
Yet I hope with both being as damn fine as they are.
The healing from any fights between them. Will be quick, as the ladies both have some very nice merchandise, not deserving to get damaged too badly.



Offline stormbolt7

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« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2010, 12:33:12 AM »
TONYA !!!! TONYA !!!! TONYA !!!!! 

Just letting a sexy lady know, some of us very willing to get the name right.
Heather .. Karen ... see  sexy ladies deserve not screwing it up .... already was told I did the same to another lady.
So wanted to be sure, I got it right, for the others.  :-*
