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Camping Catfight

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Offline Super Deadly Ham Attack

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Camping Catfight
« on: August 27, 2017, 04:54:25 AM »
I started getting nervous when I saw that my boss hadn't packed a tent for our July 4th weekend camping trip. Looking back now, I should have bailed as soon as she said that her wife couldn't make it at the last minute; But I hadn't, and now we'd hiked three miles into the woods together (over 8000 steps on my Fitbit), and Stephanie had silently watched me set my little pup tent up, sitting on the black duffel bag she hadn't opened and drinking a warm beer.
"Well," I mumbled, taking a step back and looking at my tent. "I'm done. Did you, uh... is yours in that bag, or...?"
"No," Steph yawned, slowly standing up.
"Uh... well, my tent only sleeps one..." I took a unconscious step back as she walked towards me.
"I know." She kept coming, right into my personal space. "And you know what else I know, Miss Jennifer Chang?"
"No...." I squeaked.
"I know you've been stealing tips!"
My mouth hung open in shock. I'd been working for Stephanie for 2 years, starting right after I'd graduated college, and we'd never had a problem - and I'd certainly never stolen from her! If I had, I probably could have afforded a car instead of relying on my ten year old bike to get to and from work.
"Don't bother denying it. Now here's what's going to happen - there's nobody around for miles, and nobody to hear you scream. You understand?" I tried to take another step back, but I was at the edge of the clearing, backed up against a huge old tree. "You can pull your pants down right now and take a spanking, and I'll let you keep your job. And you can pay me back - uh - " she pulled a crumpled piece of paper out of her pocket - "um, $3872.96, and I won't beat it out of you."
"I don't have that kind of money!" I wailed.
"Spent it already, huh?" She smiled, a mean smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Well, then I'm gonna get $3872.96 of fun out of you. You know what's in my pack?" She jerked her thumb at the mysterious duffel bag. "All kinds of fun toys. Last chance..."

I mulled my options with the speed of a cornered, broke waitress. I didn't have the money to pay Steph back; my options were either running or fighting. I briefly considered running; I knew I could move faster than my angry boss, but looking at the sinking sun, I didn't know if I could get out of the woods by dark.
So, what, then, fight? I didn't rate my chances very high. But what else could I do?
"I don't have your money," I said slowly. "So... I guess... um, we're going to fight?" My boss shook her head at me, but backed away so we could face off in the middle of the clearing.
"Take off your shoes," Steph ordered. I did as she said, not quite sure why, I guess hoping somehow she'd rethink this whole thing if I did what she wanted. "And your socks!" she barked in her boss voice. For good measure I also took off my fitbit for some reason, sticking it in my left shoe.
We faced off in the center of the clearing. Both of us were wearing tank tops and shorts, but that's where the similarities ended. Steph was two inches shorter than me at 5'6", but she outweighed me considerably, with broad shoulders and big, thick arms, which were currently crossed under her C cups. She must've weighed at least 160 pounds, and I'm lying if I say I wasn't a little scared of her as her green eyes glared at me through her big, chunky glasses. Her small mouth was twisted into a mean sneer. Her brown hair was cut into a Skrillex, very long on her left side, shaved on the right - maybe I could make a grab for it, a note I filed away for later.
As for myself, I'm taller than Steph at 5'8", but I'm built very slim, maybe 130 pounds; my black hair fell down past my shoulders, and I wished I'd thought to put it up in a ponytail to make it harder to grab. Where Steph's large tits were formed into a deep valley of cleavage by her bra, my little A-cups (my precious miniatures, as I liked to call them) were so small I hadn't bothered putting a bra on. In contrast to her strong limbs,the only real muscles I had were in my long legs.
The start of a battle plan started to form. Maybe - just maybe - I had a chance; I couldn't even come close to matching her in upper body strength, but my legs were pretty powerful from miles of hikes and riding my bike to and from work every day. If I could get her down on the ground, maybe I could get my legs around her neck and choke her out?
This was a pretty thin string to hang my hopes on, but it was better than nothing. Steph put her fists up like a boxer, apparently thinking I was dumb enough to start trading punches with her. I knew how that would end and as we closed, I managed to surprise her, reaching around her guard and slapping the chunky hipster glasses right off her face. She froze for a second, long enough for me to go under her guard and slam my right fist into her soft tummy. Unprepared for the hit, Steph bent over, groaning; I wasn't really sure what to do and awkwardly shoved her, pushing her down to the grass on her back. I went to sit down next to her, hoping to trap her in a scissors hold and end the fight before it started, but she moved too quickly, scrabbling away from me. We both got to our feet and raised our hands, my opponent going back to her boxing pose, while I held my palms out towards her like a grappler. We circled each other for a second before Stephanie attacked, charging in at me throwing big punches.

I guess it was pretty clear neither one of us had been in many fights as Steph was throwing big, sloppy punches and I was barely managing to keep clear of them. I made a grab at her right wrist, but I missed, and Stephanie's left fist slammed up into my stomach, pain exploding from my gut where she hit me. I gagged, feeling like I was going to throw up, and couldn't stay standing, sinking down to my knees. I looked up to see a smirking Stephanie, already aiming a followup punch. I tried to get out of the way, but I was moving in slow motion; her right fist crashed straight into my face, stars exploding in my vision as I found myself laying on my back, looking up at the sunset sky. I felt my opponent sinking her hands into my long hair, pulling me up like dead weight until I was bent over in front of her, one of her hands still holding my hair, the other pressing down on my back.
Steph lifted her knee up into my stomach, once, twice, three times. She released me and I collapsed to the ground in a heap, coughing and holding my tummy where she'd hit me. As I lay there suffering my opponent pulled my tank top off. I felt my nipples instantly hardening in the cool air as I found the strength to roll away from Steph and get to my feet.
I was pretty wobbly; I doubted I could take another hit, and wanted to buy myself some time to recover. Stephanie threw a huge right-handed punch at my head, and I weaved back, seeing my opponent unbalance herself as her fist flew past my face. I kneed her between the legs, knowing I'd hit home as Steph's eyes went wide and she gasped. I put my hands on her shoulders and drew my right leg back, smashing my knee into her stomach with as much force as I could. I felt my kneecap sink into her soft gut and now it was Steph's turn to fall to her knees, retching. Returning her earlier move I yanked her tank top off, then reached down and undid the straps on her bra and whipped it off her. I tried to grab her wrists thinking I could tie her hands behind her back, but a coughing Steph backed me off with wild slaps and punches.
I took a few steps away from my opponent as she got to her feet, glaring at me. We faced each other  across the clearing, both topless, panting and out of breath, and both of us sporting newly-forming bruises on our stomachs (although the one on my flat tummy was far larger - Steph's repeated knee strikes had hit a wider area than my single powerful one, I guess). As we closed her heavy, bare tits made a fairly obvious target, and I reached out and grabbed one in each hand and started squeezing. Steph groaned in pain and returned the favor.
Where I had a kind of underhand cupping action on my boss' big boobs, mine were so small she had to take a straight-on grip mostly on my nipples. We struggled for a moment, Steph attacking my tits with fury, mostly focusing on nipple twists and hard slaps; the twists hurt like hell, but she couldn't really get the angle right on the slaps, and these didn't really phase me much (although I made sure to play up a grimace and cry out in pain when she did them, hoping to trick her into doing more slaps instead of the genuinely agonizing nipple attacks).
For myself I squeezed as hard as I could, crushing her mammaries in my hands, mixing in twisting downward pulls. At first this didn't seem to work too well, but I could hear Steph fighting down little gasping sobs. Despite the pain my opponent was inflicting on me, I found myself getting the upper hand, I guess mostly because I had more to work with.
Finally Steph had enough and broke off the attack on my chest, releasing my boobs and grabbing my wrists. I held on for dear life, but with a yell of effort she pulled my hands away from her tits. I guess I'd held on too long as now she had my wrists trapped, and using this hold to keep me in place, she lifted her knee into my crotch.
Pain exploded from between my legs and I let out an undignified wail. My boss released my arms and I took a step back, slightly bent over, hands protectively over my pussy. I felt tears sliding down my face and Stephanie attacked without mercy, punching me hard in the stomach. With a gasping sob I fell down to my knees, and my opponent easily pushed me down onto my back. I managed to roll over, but before I could get away from her she grabbed the waistband of my shorts. I frantically crawled away from her and caught a lucky break as Steph held onto my bottoms, apparently thinking this would keep me from moving; but instead I crawled out of both my shorts and panties, leaving me naked but free, and a surprised Steph taking a stumbling step backwards to keep from falling down.
I managed to get up to my feet before my opponent could recover from her surprise; I put my fists up as she tossed my shorts and undies away and we faced off again. My heart was pounding in my chest; I was scared, humiliated, hurt and exhausted.
"Should've given up when you had the chance," Stephanie taunted me as we circled each other. "You know what kind of toys I got in my bag? It's gonna be a real long weekend for you, sweetie. Let's get this fight over with, I got some big plans for your little ass." With this she attacked, throwing a big right hand square at my face. I went under her fist, grabbing her arm with both hands. Now, I don't want to perpetuate the stereotype that all Asians know martial arts (and I'm fourth generation anyways), but I knew enough simple mechanics for a basic throw - I pushed my hip into a surprised Steph and used her arm to lift her over my back, throwing her down hard into the grass. Steph let out a heavy grunt as her back slammed into the ground. I quickly stomped her in the stomach, my dirty foot sinking deep into her soft tummy, aiming for the bruise I'd already started going.
"You fuck face," my boss gasped. "I'm gonna kill you as soon as I get up. They're never gonna find your body out here!"
"Yeah, keep talking," I hissed. My opponent was right where I wanted her to unleash my hopefully finishing move. I quickly laid down on the grass so we were at 90 degrees, snaking my legs around her midsection, and snapped shut the scissors hold I'd been hoping for all fight.
Stephanie immediately grabbed my ankles and started trying to pull my legs apart as I squeezed. I could hear her groaning with effort as she tried to get out of the hold, and I was gasping with exertion as I worked just as hard to keep her in it. After just a minute of this struggle we were both sweating heavily, a bad sign as it might make Steph slippery and help her escape. My legs started getting sore, but I powered though, seeing that my scissors was working; Stephanie's strong hands started getting weaker and she began to panic as she frantically pulled on my legs. She was panting, clearly having to work hard to get any air into her lungs, and I felt her hands slide off me entirely as she let out a defeated moan.
I wasn't taking any chances. I kept Stephanie in the scissors for a minute more, my legs burning with fatigue. When I couldn't take it anymore I released my opponent, who looked like she had almost been knocked out; she barely stirred as my shaking legs came off her, her big tits heaving as she took in large gulps of air. I crawled over to where her bra lay in the grass, deciding I'd better tie her hands before I called the fight finished. I cursed my sore legs as I slowly moved back towards Steph; even crawling was agonizing.
I got back to where my boss was laying in the grass and, to my astonishment, in the few minutes it had taken me to cross the clearing she had woken up enough to fight; she grabbed the bra out of my hands and threw it into my face. Then she lift her right leg, aiming a big kick at my chest. Luckily for me she was clearly still hurting pretty badly, and her kick was slow and sloppy. I grabbed her leg, giving her a hard punch in the stomach. This clearly hurt her pretty badly; still, I had to finish her off quickly. I came up with a plan, peeling off her shorts and panties.
"You wanna give up, Steph?"
"Go fuck yourself," she huffed. I gave her pussy a light slap.
"Last chance..."
"Fuck you." She managed to sit up with effort that left her panting heavily. "Just wait until I get up. I'm going to snap you like a twig, Jen! I'm - what the fuck are you doing?"
What I was doing was sliding my body so that Stephanie and I were face to face, naked crotches against each other.
"It's over, sweetie," I taunted her. "You're done!"
I started rubbing my pussy against hers. I know it's more dramatic here if we had an epic trib duel where we were both pushed to the edge of endurance before one of us gave up and surrendered to the other heart and soul, but the truth is I pretty much destroyed her; she clearly had no idea what she was doing, and her resistance crumbled almost as soon as I got myself into position to start working her clit. We had started both sitting up face to face, but in less than a minute she was on her back, fingers digging into the dirt, panting like a bitch in heat as I dominated her pussy with mine. I kept grinding as she started cumming, wailing in defeated pleasure. I wanted her to understand that I'd beaten her and I didn't let up, tribbing her though what must have been a massive orgasm as she writhed in the grass.
This time when I went to tie her hands she didn't move an inch; I flipped her onto her back, put her wrists together and tied them into a solid knot. I left my beaten opponent laying on her face as I slowly got to my feet and painfully stumbled over to see what was in the duffel bag she'd brought.
Good as her word, she'd stuffed half a sex shop in there; she had packed cuffs, a gag, a gimp mask, two vibrators, a strapon, nipple clamps, a scary-looking whip, shaving cream, a razor, and a double-ended foot long black double-ended dildo. I looked over at Steph; she had just managed to roll over onto her back and was uselessly trying to free her hands. She looked up at me, an expression of shocked fear on her face.
Maybe this weekend wasn't going to be so bad after all.


Offline chrisstevens

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Re: Camping Catfight
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2017, 07:45:50 AM »
Wow, great story, very well written  :)


Offline underdweller

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Re: Camping Catfight
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2017, 12:49:30 AM »
Love this part. Hope there's a part 2 with the strap-on

"You wanna give up, Steph?"
"Go fuck yourself," she huffed. I gave her pussy a light slap.
"Last chance..."
"Fuck you." She managed to sit up with effort that left her panting heavily. "Just wait until I get up. I'm going to snap you like a twig, Jen! I'm - what the fuck are you doing?"
What I was doing was sliding my body so that Stephanie and I were face to face, naked crotches against each other.
"It's over, sweetie," I taunted her. "You're done!"
I started rubbing my pussy against hers. I know it's more dramatic here if we had an epic trib duel where we were both pushed to the edge of endurance before one of us gave up and surrendered to the other heart and soul, but the truth is I pretty much destroyed her; she clearly had no idea what she was doing, and her resistance crumbled almost as soon as I got myself into position to start working her clit. We had started both sitting up face to face, but in less than a minute she was on her back, fingers digging into the dirt, panting like a bitch in heat as I dominated her pussy with mine. I kept grinding as she started cumming, wailing in defeated pleasure. I wanted her to understand that I'd beaten her and I didn't let up, tribbing her though what must have been a massive orgasm as she writhed in the grass.
Good as her word, she'd stuffed half a sex shop in there; she had packed cuffs, a gag, a gimp mask, two vibrators, a strapon, nipple clamps, a scary-looking whip, shaving cream, a razor, and a double-ended foot long black double-ended dildo. I looked over at Steph; she had just managed to roll over onto her back and was uselessly trying to free her hands. She looked up at me, an expression of shocked fear on her face.
Maybe this weekend wasn't going to be so bad after all.
Female strap-on fights, missionary tribbing


Offline Super Deadly Ham Attack

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Re: Camping Catfight
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2019, 11:33:09 PM »
Finally got around to part 2!

“Hey, Jennifer,” Kendra stopped me as I was coming to the pass to drop off a ticket. “What was going on with your favorite customers? Debra looked like she was going to kill-”
“What?” I stared at her. “My regulars? The blonde cowgirl and her husband? They were here?”
“Oh, shit,” Kendra muttered. “I thought you knew. I mean, Britt said you gave her the table-”
“She what?!” I seethed. This wasn’t the first time Britt had pulled shit like this, but she’d never dared to steal my best regulars before. She might as well have reached into my pocket and taken money out of it. I stomped off to find her, but Kendra ran off to find the manager before I killed someone, and Kaneisha planted herself in my way.
“Jennifer, what’s up?”
“She took my regulars!”
“It’s gonna be okay. Look, take a break. I’m gonna get this checked out.”
“Jennifer,” she whispered in her don’t fuck with me voice. “Take a five minute break, and I’ll come talk to you.”

I stewed in the break room for a few minutes, angrily stirring my yogurt. I hadn’t gotten along with Britt from the get go. After my last fight I’d found a new place to work, and the only sour note was Britt; she thought she had the right to the best tips and shifts just because, well, I don’t know why, really. On top of that, she just got on my nerves - she always seemed to have a little smirk on her face I just wanted to wipe off with my fist. I was determined to do it this time, I didn’t care what my manager said.

When Kaneisha came to get me, she told me to finish my shift and stay late and we’d sort everything out. I spent the next two hours pretty distracted; I obviously didn’t know what Kaneisha was planning, but I was ready to walk if she was going to let Britt steal my best customers. After close, me, Kaneisha and Britt mopped and locked up in tense silence, then we got down to business.

“Now listen,” Kaneisha started. “I’m not gonna say who’s right and wrong - “ she held her hand up to forestall my furious interjection - “Here’s how it is. I can’t have you two doing this shit. We’re going to settle this now. You two can fight it out, winner gets whatever customers and shifts she wants, loser has to take whatever she can get. If either one of you doesn’t want to-”
“Oh, I want to,” Britt smirked. 
“Me too,” I growled.

“All right. Well, so here’s what we’re going to do; we’re gonna move these tables here - and these chairs - that’ll make a nice big circle for you two. I’m gonna watch and make sure you don’t kill each other or nothing. And it’s only over when one of you gives up. All right?” We both nodded and got to work clearing the fighting area. That done, we stripped down, neither one of us wanting to get our nice work clothes messed up. I went down to my plain back bottoms and Britt to a black set with white polka dots and a small red bow on the top.
“I think my niece has some panties like that,” I observed. “She’s eight.”
“Why are you looking at your eight year old niece’s underwear, sicko?” I opened my mouth to respond, but Kaneisha stepped between us.
“Save that shit. Looks like you’re both ready.” She took a step back. “Okay, fight!”

We faced off with each other, topless, in the middle of the fighting area we’d cleared. I’m 5’8”, built very slim with A-cups and long, strong legs; Britt was four inches shorter, much curvier (she liked fishing for tips by bending over and giving interested customers a view down her shirt), just on the right side between curvaceous and chubby. She was much softer looking than the last woman I’d fought, but I think she still had the edge in upper body strength. I’d snagged a hair tie out of my pocket before stripping and pulled my long, black hair up into a thick ponytail just in case she tried to make a grab for it. Britt’s lush red hair was almost as long as mine, brushing the top of her pale tits, and she was wearing it loose. She had that sneer on again; I thought she’d be cute without it - she had admittedly pretty, innocent green eyes and luscious lips.

I took up a defensive stance to see what Britt would do. I’m pretty slim, and I knew I couldn’t take too many hits; I was determined to avoid as much punishment as I could, so I was happy to set up a strong guard and let Britt take the lead. She came in reaching for my hair, and I brought her up short with a quick left to her belly. She flinched and I followed up with a right hook, popping my hips and getting as much force as I could into it. The hit turned Britt away from me, and she fell to all fours, shaking her head. I stepped up to press the attack, but she hopped to her feet and pushed me away with a snarl.

“Aww, poor baby. Did I hit you too hard?” I taunted, hoping to make her angry so she’d make a mistake. She lunged at me, again reaching for my hair; I sidestepped and threw a knee into her stomach, bending her over. I braced my hands on her back and lifted my knee into her gut; I aimed for the same spot, and I guess I was close enough as Britt collapsed, gasping. Damn, maybe I was worried for nothing; seemed like Britt was all talk so far. I went around to her front; my opponent had her arms crossed over her stomach, but that left her chest open, and I kicked her in the tits hard enough to roll her over onto her back. “How are you doing down there?” I teased. “Flat on your back already. Are you ready to give up?”

“Fuck off,” she gasped, sitting up; not as hurt as I’d hoped. I took a step back and charged, aiming a kick at her head; with a yelp she dipped out of the way, and by the time I was able to stop and turn back to her, she was on her feet, reaching for my hair for a third time. This time, unfortunately, she got it with both hands, yanking my hair back and then down, leaving me staring at the ceiling. I tried to push her away, but all I could see was the overhead lights, and ended up just flailing at her for a second before she stepped in and kneed me in the crotch.

I screamed, covering myself with my hands; Britt released my hair, which was a relief, but it was only to wind up and slam a punch into my stomach. I leaned against her, gasping, then yelled in surprise as Britt got her left arm between my legs and picked me right up. The room spun around as Britt lifted me, my head going down and my legs going up, then with a howl she slammed me down to the hard floor, following me down and landing on top of me. I was left on my back, dazed and gasping, as Britt rolled off me. I came back to my senses as she viciously slapped me across the face.

“You awake there, Jennifer?” she barked, reaching back for another slap; I knew I didn’t have time to do anything about it and only managed to wince and close my eyes before she gave me a stinging backhand. “Where’s your shit talk now!” She reached back for a third, and I seized my chance, leaning up and latching onto her tits. Britt froze with a howl as I started squeezing her tits. “Get off, bitch!” she shrieked. “Get off my tits!” She returned the hold, grabbing my boobs and crushing them between her fingers. Even though I was on the bottom, I had the advantage here - I simply had more to work with, and I could tell I was hurting my opponent badly; fat tears started running down her flushing face as she grunted and moaned with pain.

We had started with her vertical, me leaning off the ground; as I punished her tits we reversed positions, Britt gradually leaning backwards until she was laying down as I came up, on my knees over her. I pushed her down to the floor, releasing her boobs, which were bright red where I’d been squeezing them. Britt’s hands slid off my chest and I pinned her arms under my knees just to be sure. I drew my right arm back and punched her as hard as I could in the face; she tried to buck me off, but I was sitting high enough to prevent her from being able to do this, and I  attempted to bring the fight to an end by knocking her out, slamming punches into her cheeks and mouth. Now I’m not the strongest fighter, but I had a good angle here, and even the toughest woman can only take so many full-force hits to the head before she’s out; I busted the knuckles on my right hand open on my opponent’s nose, but before I could finish her, she leaned her lower body up and got her feet into my armpits.

Britt flung me off; I screamed in surprise as I went flying a good ten feet away from her, crashing on my chest. Operating on instinct I rolled over onto my back, moaning. I’d been thrown to the edge of the fighting area, and I realized with a start that if I’d gone another eight inches I would have smacked into some of the furniture head-first. Despite all the damage I thought I’d done to my opponent, before I could get up she was there, blood running out of her nose, giving me a crazy-eyed murder stare. She started lifting up one of the chairs; we use heavy wooden ones, and she was having some trouble with it, but she managed to get it up over her head with a grunt.

“Hey!” Kaneisha yelled. “Stop!” My opponent did not stop, throwing it down at me with a scream. Luckily she’d taken so long to heft it up I had time to roll out of the way, and it smashed into pieces with a horribly loud crash where I’d been laying a few seconds before.
“I said don’t do that!” Kaneisha bellowed, coming into the fighting area to face off with Britt. “Don’t be breaking shit! That’s coming out of your paycheck!”
“Fuck you!” Britt yelled back at her. “When I beat her, take it out of hers!”
“She didn’t break it, dumbass!”
“Listen here-”

I snuck around behind Britt as she continued red-facedly yelling at our boss, getting into a four-point stance and charging. Kaneisha’s eyes went wide, and I guess it dawned on Britt that she had lost track of me; she turned, just in time for me to tackle her. I hit her in the stomach, taking her down to the floor hard, hearing her gasp as I knocked the air out of her. I tried to hold her down, laying on top of her, and this worked, I think only because I’d just winded her; knowing I had to act fast before she recovered I grapevined her legs, hearing my opponent whine as I pushed her thighs apart past the point of comfort. Her upper half was a little tricker; I pinned her wrists to the floor, but this left me with no way to actually attack her, and she was recovering frighteningly quickly.

“What now, idiot?” she hissed at my predicament. “Hey, why don’t you try a breast smother? Oh, that’s right! You’re as flat as a fucking pancake!” I lifted off her a bit, thinking I could drop my weight down on her, but she freed her wrists with a grunt, then tried to push me off her. I managed to stay on for a minute thanks to my strong grapevine, but I lost even this as she heaved me off with a yell.

We both got to our feet, and although I wouldn’t say I was scared, I was worried; Britt was turning out to be a pretty tough bitch. She barreled at me in what I think was intended as a boxer’s guard, her fists in front of her face; if she thought I was going to get into a fistfight with her she was out of her mind, but here she came throwing sloppy hooks. Her form was terrible, but I didn’t doubt that a few of these would still be sufficient to lay me out and I backed up, looking for an opportunity to hit her back or get close.

I think her inexperience actually worked for her here - she didn’t know enough to cover up, and while that normally would have been good news for me, her erratic, unpredictable punches left me the choice of either coming in close to try and exploit the holes in her defense, or keep backing up. I chose the second option - I knew I could come in and get at least one good hit on her, but I could just see her absorbing my best shot and then taking my head off.

“You scared, Jen?!” Britt yelled, throwing a wild left haymaker. “You can’t run!” Unfortunately, she was right; the fighting area we had cleared wasn’t that big, and just a half dozen steps back had my hips bumping into one of the tables. “Nowhere to go, bitch!” she gloated, aiming a right hook at my jaw. I ducked it, leaving Britt to unbalance herself; she was left completely defenseless for a moment, which was all the time I needed to launch a desperate counter attack, aiming a knife-edge chop at her beaten breasts. I landed it perfectly if I may say so myself, crushing her swollen tits against her ribcage. Britt stumbled backwards, keening in agony. I followed her, getting her with another chop. Now, I don’t want you to think that because I’m Asian, I was throwing karate chops; these are the kind you might have seen Ric Flair throwing, if Ric Flair was wrestling a topless waitress with busted up tits for some reason.

Britt covered her chest after my second chop; I braced my left hand on her shoulder and gave her the hardest punch to the stomach I could. She bent over slightly with a moan, her arms still crossed over her tits. I gave her another gutbuster and she dropped to her knees, gasping. Her arms fell to the sides, and I grabbed a handful of her red hair with my left hand, leaning down and continuing to deliver chops with my right; every time the edge of my hand and arm slammed into her soft, yielding tits, she grunted or groaned, her eyes half-closed, tears running down her cheeks and onto the floor. I must have landed a dozen hits to my opponent’s boobs; she was in so much pain she couldn’t even stay vertical without my grip on her hair, let alone fight back. Britt would be remembering this fight for a while; I couldn’t imagine how long it would take them to heal after the beating I was laying on them. Ready to finish my opponent, I wound up and gave her one more, releasing her hair, the impact spinning her onto her chest as she landed on the floor. I put my foot on the back of her head and looked at Kaneisha, who came over to see if Britt had enough, motioning for me to step back. I crossed my arms and stood watching as Kaneisha gently rolled my beaten opponent onto her back.

“Brittney!” she yelled, giving the redhead a few light slaps to bring her around. “Britt! You done? Speak to me!”
“Let me at her,” Britt moaned. I rolled my eyes as she started trying to sit up. What was it going to take to keep this bitch down?
“Sorry, Jen,” Kaneisha looked over her shoulder at me. “She’s gotta give up.”
“Are you seriously going to let her keep fighting? Look at her boobs!” They must have been swollen to twice their normal size; not a single inch of healthy skin was left, her tits two big bruised, angry lumps.
“She’s gotta give up,” Kaneisha repeated as she backed off. Britt was sitting up now, giving me a wild-eyed stare.
“I’m never gonna give up, Jen,” she grunted, getting to her feet. “I took the best you got, and it’s not enough. I’m gonna show you how it’s done,” she advanced on me.

Well, there were two obvious targets that presented themselves, but I figured she’d be looking for an attack aimed at her chest and tried to trick her. I lunged in, faking a kick between the legs; unfortunately Britt figured out what I was doing and didn’t fall for it, grabbing my wrists as my hands raced towards her chest. Before I could even try jerking my hands back she executed a real kick between the legs, the top of her foot slamming up into my pussy. Pain exploded from my crotch and I sagged backwards, sitting down, my arms over my head as Britt still held my wrists. I looked up just in time to see her foot flying towards my face, and my head snapped back as she punted me under the chin. She released my wrists and I ended up on my back, tasting blood and staring at the ceiling.

Britt pulled me up to a sitting position, then slammed her elbow into the top of my head; I saw stars, and the next thing I knew she was pulling my underwear off.
“Jen, get cleaned up, you’re a fucking mess,” she yelled, throwing my sweaty bottoms on my face. With a groan I reached up and threw them off, seeing Britt stepping out of her own underwear. “Oh, do I have to do it for you?” She straddled my chest, easily slapping away my hands as I tried to stop her, then jammed her panties into my mouth. “You are such a loser, Jen!” she crowed. “How’s that taste, asshole?” She reached for my neck, and fueled by panic I managed to slide out from under her; even with Kaneisha there, I wasn’t totally sure she wouldn’t choke me to death. I got to my feet quickly, my body shaking from adrenaline.

“Can’t get away,” Britt sing-songed as she closed on me. I spit her panties out, then turned my back and ran; Britt chased me with a cackle. I came to one of the tables on the edge of the fighting area and grabbed the saltshaker, dispensing some into the palm of my other hand, working as quickly as I could; I sensed Britt coming up behind me and turned at the last moment, whipping the salt at her eyes. Britt screamed to wake the dead, her hands flying up to cover her face, pawing her watering eyes as she whimpered.

For a second I thought about going back at her chest, but I didn’t know what else I could possibly do - if the agony I’d already inflicted hadn’t been enough to put her down, I’d have to try something else. Pain hadn’t worked; so maybe I’d try pleasure. First, though, I had to get Britt under control, and I braced my left on her shoulder, punching her hard in the stomach. She gasped but stayed vertical, and I gave her another punch, then stepped in and kneed her in the gut, my kneecap smacking into her belly button. That did the trick as she fell to all fours. I grabbed her hair and pulled her over onto her back, laying down so I was on her left side, pulling Britt’s head between my legs, yanking her face up against my bare ass.

“Gotta make her give up,” Kaneisha reminded me, coming around to get a better look. “Just knocking her out doesn’t count.”
“Yeah, I got it,” I grunted. I was squeezing as hard as I could, not to knock Britt out, but to keep her still; considering how much punishment she’d already absorbed, she still had a lot of fight in her, thrashing against the floor, trying to pull my thighs apart. I locked my ankles and held on; Britt realized she couldn’t free herself this way and tried pulling her head out from between my legs, which didn’t work either. I could feel her getting weaker as she began to panic, slapping and pinching my thighs. This didn’t feel great, but my opponent was getting much the worse of it as she finally began to run out of steam, her hands coming to rest just holding onto my legs.

I kept the scissors locked on tight just a bit longer to make sure she was really getting worn down, then eased up a bit; I didn’t want her all the way out, after all.
“Hey, Britt,” I reached back to tug on her hair. “You awake?”  She was, making a pathetic attempt to roll over. “Oh, good. Do you like smelling my ass back there?”
“Mmmffaafff,” my opponent moaned into my butt.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh,” I sighed happily. “You know, Britt, you’re completely mine now. I can decide if you feel pain - “ I pulsed my legs, Britt briefly squirming as my thighs crushed her head - “or pleasure- “ I grabbed her left ankle, pulling her body closer so I could easily get access to her naked crotch, lazily circling her clit with one finger. Now I would have preferred to get her warmed up by playing with her tits first, but I wasn’t going anywhere near them after I’d destroyed them - a pretty big mistake, I admitted, but one I apparently was going to be able to overcome anyway; all it seemed like it would cost me was time, and Britt wasn’t going anywhere.

“So, what’s it gonna be?” I looked up at Kaneisha, who was standing over us watching closely. “Tell you what, tap out now and I’ll go easy on you; I’ll get my pick of your shifts, and if you ever try to take my regulars again, you’re fired-” Britt was frantically tapping before I could even finish laying down my terms. I eased up my legs a little more. “Oh, good. Well, I’m not quite done with you yet. You’re pretty dense, so I want to make sure you’re getting the message about who’s in charge.”

I pulled on her left leg a little bit, getting her closer so I could get both hands between her legs comfortably. I warmed her up slowly, teasing her clit with my left hand, rubbing her pussy with my right. She responded to my touch, her breathing slowing, her hands coming up to grip my thighs just to have something to hold on to. When her right leg started kicking I knew she was ready for more and slipped my index finger in, pumping her slowly to start and speeding up; her hips started bucking, desperate for more sensation, and I added my middle finger. Britt was completely at my command; I slowed down a bit, gradually working her up to the edge, then leaving her there to make my point that I was in control. Then I finished her, speeding up again.
“That’s right,” I egged her on. “Cum for me, loser!” She did, her body quaking as I took her past her limit, working her though a climax that left her completely limp. 

I released the scissors, but before Britt could get a nice deep breath I rolled her onto her back, sitting on her face. I’d earned this, keeping her pinned to the floor as I started roughly grinding my pussy against her nose and mouth. Britt just lay there as I put the exclamation point on my victory, closing my eyes and reflexively squeezing my thighs around her head as I came.

I sighed happily, completely satisfied, teetering on her for a second before I rolled off, not bothering to even give her a last look as I slowly got dressed and headed home to shower. She called out the next day, and when she came in the day after that it was to find that I’d taken all her best shifts. She didn’t say shit about it, scuttling off to get screamed at by a drunk mom and daughter two-top nobody else wanted. Everything was smooth sailing for a few months until the whole place went belly up, but that’s a story for another time.


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Re: Camping Catfight
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2019, 05:35:27 PM »
Hawt stories!  :P ;D ;)
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


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Re: Camping Catfight
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2019, 08:58:34 AM »
Nice stories
The best way to settle rivalries between bitter rivals is to get down and dirty and let the claws talk...


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Re: Camping Catfight
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2019, 11:31:50 PM »
Despite winning my fight at the restaurant, I ended up leaving a few months later; corporate forced a ill-thought out rebrand on us, and even with my pick of the scheduling, the tips cratered as our customers fled the new, unpopular menu. Luckily I landed on my feet, quitting a few weeks before the place shut down for good, jumping into a new job as the assistant front of house manager at a tequila bar. I got along great with my boss, Kristen, a tall, middle-aged brunette who worked her ass off; she was always there when I got there and was usually still there when I left.

Unfortunately, the kitchen manager was a little less dedicated - she was the owner’s daughter, a curvy blonde about my age named DeAnne, who knew she couldn’t be fired and spent most of her time either hiding in her office not working or sitting at the bar swilling free drinks, playing on her phone and not working.

For a few months the situation simmered; Kristen did the best she could, and we muddled along gently steering customers away from ordering any food more complicated than microwaving a pizza. I knew it was going to blow up eventually, and it did one rainy Sunday night when a regular customer ordered wings that came out of the kitchen completely raw in the middle. After close, Kristen called a staff meeting; I could tell it was going to be bad, my boss seething as DeAnne sat there laughing at something on her phone.

“Well, I guess we all know why we’re here,” Kristen started, staring daggers at DeAnne. “Does our kitchen manager want to tell me how we almost killed someone tonight?”
“Huh?” DeAnne looked up. “What happened?”
“What happened! What happened?!”I could see Kristen finally losing control of herself; she unleashed on DeAnne, screaming at the younger woman so loud and angrily I found myself trying to inch backwards away from her. DeAnne just stared, open-mouthed, as Kristen ran her down. She finished strong, yelling: "I've got three kids to feed! I care about this place, even if you don't give a fuck! My youngest has more sense than you do, and she's four! Now you start doing your fucking job, or you’re out of here, I don’t care whose pussy you dropped out of!”

“Whatever,” DeAnne tossed her hair dismissively. “You can’t fire me. You’re not my boss. And my mom-”
“Fuck your mom!” Kristen screamed. “I’m going to throw you out of here like the garbage you are!”
“You aren’t gonna do shit!” DeAnne screamed back, getting off her stool and walking up to Kristen. “All I gotta do is tell my mom-”
“My moommmyyyy, my mommmmmmmmmy,” Kristen taunted. “Do you know how to do anything besides hide behind her and drink?”
“I’ll show you what I can do,” DeAnne growled. “Everyone else get out!” We all got up to leave quickly, but as I passed by Kristen, she grabbed my arm.

“Jennifer! Stay and watch this. I’m about to fucking lose my shit.” (About to, I thought? I hated to see what she thought losing her shit was if screaming at DeAnne for ten minutes didn’t count.) “You need to make sure I don’t kill DeAnne.”
“Fine, you can stay,” DeAnne added, as though anybody had asked her. “But you’re not getting paid.” That was one battle that wasn’t worth fighting and I let it pass. The three of us cleared a roughly ten foot circle in the middle of the floor for the women to fight; I took a seat on a stool at the edge, sizing the women up as they got ready to face off.

It looked like a pretty even fight to me; Kristen was old enough to be DeAnne's mother, which would give the younger fighter an advantage, but DeAnne was also kinda tipsy, so maybe that would even out. Kristen was taller, maybe five nine - she was just a hair taller than me, and I’m 5’8” - and a bit willowy, while DeAnne was shorter, probably five four, but considerably thicker and curvier than her opponent. Kristen was wearing a black T-shirt and jeans while DeAnne had on a red tank top showing off a lot of cleavage, a black bra and cutoff jean shorts. Both women were pretty in different ways; Kristen had delicate features, hooded dark eyes, a narrow nose and a small heart-shaped mouth. She was just starting to get fine lines around her eyes, but otherwise was a total MILF. DeAnne had larger features - big blue eyes (although they were slightly too far apart), a wide nose and a big mouth, currently wearing slightly garish ruby red lipstick.

“Fight!” I yelled. DeAnne attacked with a drunk bellow, launching herself at Kristen, sloppily tackling the brunette down to the hard floor; I could see the back of Kristen’s head bounce off with an audible thunk. DeAnne ended up sitting on Kristen’s midsection, and grabbed her opponent’s long hair, pulling Kristen’s head up and then slamming it back down against the ground. After four of these I was wondering if I should get up and break up the fight already, but Kristen managed to reach up and grab her opponent’s breasts and begin squeezing. That brought DeAnne up short with a shriek, releasing Kristen’s hair and leaning back as her opponent worked the double breast claw. She ended up accidentally escaping as she fell off Kristen, landing on her back, slowly rolling over and starting to get up. For her part, Kristen couldn’t recover enough fast enough to capitalize; she’d clearly been rocked, looking wobbly as she got to her feet and rubbed the back of her head.

“Fucking old asshole bitch,” DeAnne yelled as the women faced off. “I’m gonna mess you up!”
“Come on,” Kristen waved her on. “Come on, mess me up. I’d like to see you try!”
DeAnne took the bait, charging her opponent again; this time the older fighter had plenty of time to see her coming and neatly sidestepped, throwing a beautiful clothesline as DeAnne ran past. I found myself briefly wondering where she’d learned to do that as her outstretched arm smashed into DeAnne’s jaw. The blonde went down on her back, and Kristen pounced, dropping an elbow into her opponent’s gut. DeAnne gagged, rolling over onto her side as Kristen started laying kicks into her back. “How’s that, bitch?!” the brunette screamed. “I thought you were going to mess me up! Come on!” DeAnne managed to slowly get up to all fours; Kristen went around to her side, landing a rising kick up into the blonde’s stomach, the force throwing DeAnne over on her back.

“Fucking useless!” Kristen yelled. “Can’t even stand up! I have to do everything!” With that Kristen grabbed DeAnne’s shoulders, pulling the reeling younger woman up to her feet. Whatever Kristen was going to do next was cut short as DeAnne surprised her, grabbing her in a strong if slightly sloppy bearhug. DeAnne roared as she poured on the pressure, shaking Kristen back and forth; the brunette looked like she was in big trouble as she kicked her legs in useless panic. Her arms were trapped at her sides, and she couldn’t get free; her eyes started to bug out a she struggled fruitlessly to breathe. Her wild thrashing quieted down as she ended up resting her head on her opponent’s shoulder; DeAnne kept squeezing her for a minute or two more before throwing the brunette down to the floor with a bellow of victory.

I waited to see if Kristen was able to get up; she was pretty roughed up, but still conscious as she sucked in big breaths, rolling onto her back and panting. DeAnne didn’t give her the chance to recover, standing over her and reaching down to grab her jeans.
“Let’s see that wrinkled old pussy!” DeAnne howled as she roughly yanked Kristen’s pants and underwear off. She pulled Kristen’s T-shirt off next, then ripped her bra off, leaving the older woman naked, still breathing heavily and trying to recover. DeAnne reached between her opponent’s legs to apply a pussy claw, but Kristen just managed to close her legs around her enemy’s hand. DeAnne stared at her dumbly for a second, then used her free hand to punch Kristen in the stomach. The older woman had just managed to start catching her breath, and it looked like this was undone as she lay back with a gasp, covering her tummy where she’d been hit; her legs were still closed around her opponent’s hand, which looked like it was about all she had going for her.

“Let go, bitch!” DeAnne screamed. “Fuck!” Had she not been so drunk, I think she could have come up with another avenue of attack, but as it was she seemed completely focused on getting that pussy claw, using her free hand to try and push Kristen’s legs apart clumsily. This didn’t work either, giving Kristen enough time to take a few breaths; then she leaned up, grabbing DeAnne’s tank top and pulling it up over her head. This left the blonde blind, and I could see her trying to reach up and fix it, but by now both her hands were stuck between Kristen’s legs, and she was completely defenseless as the brunette started laying punches into her gut. DeAnne’s stomach shook with each hit, and I started wondering if this was going to be the end of the fight as Kristen landed punch after punch, DeAnne’s midsection beginning to bruise and swell with the repeated hits. DeAnne started very slowly leaning backwards, and this was how she eventually escaped, flopping onto her back, her hands finally coming out from between Kristen’s legs, but not before she took enough punches to leave her stomach a pulverized mess.

Kristen got up, panting, finally pulling the tank top completely off DeAnne, then undoing her enemy’s bra. She completed stripping her opponent, removing her shorts and underwear, leaving both women completely naked. DeAnne still hadn’t recovered, raggedly panting, one arm draped over her eyes against the overhead light. Kristen lifted her foot and I watched through my fingers as the brunette delivered a vicious stomp to DeAnne’s stomach, the blonde coming off the floor screaming as Kristen ground her heel into the younger woman’s bruised tummy. Kristen pulled DeAnne up to her feet again, going behind the blonde, controlling her with a strong hammerlock on her right arm. Using this hold, Kristen marched DeAnne over behind the bar, bending her over so her face was right over one of the sinks, grabbing the soda gun with her other hand.

“Sober up, bitch!” Kristen yelled, aiming the soda gun square at DeAnne’s face, hosing the younger woman down with what I think was Sprite. DeAnne gagged, pawing at her face as the liquid went into her eyes as well as up her nose and in her mouth. Kristen cackled as she focused the spray on DeAnne’s eyes; I could only imagine how much that must sting. By the time Kristen released her, DeAnne slid down to the floor behind the bar, gasping and blinking.

“Oh, we’re not done yet, girl! Get up!” Kristen shouted, pulling DeAnne back to her feet. The Sprite to the face seemed to have sobered DeAnne up as she surprised Kristen with an angry left straight to the stomach. The older brunette reeled backwards against a shelf of tequila bottles, gasping, and DeAnne reached back and punched her square in the face, the blonde’s right fist smacking into the older woman’s mouth. Kristen covered her face and DeAnne hit her with a left-handed gutbuster, driving her down to her knees. A sloppy kick to the side of her head put Kristen down on the mats behind the bar; I had to get up and come around to see what was happening as DeAnne grabbed the soda gun herself and started spraying Kristen with it.

This certainly seemed cathartic for DeAnne, who unleashed a torrent of verbal abuse along with the soda as she hosed Kristen down, but it gave the fallen fighter time to recover; although her skin and hair ended up sticky with sweat and Sprite, she was able to catch her breath and get up. DeAnne kept spraying her just a little too long, dropping the soda gun too late to stop Kristen from slamming a knee up between her legs. This must not have landed quite right as DeAnne seemed more mad than hurt; the blonde came back at Kristen with a right hook, and the brunette only had time for her eyes to widen in surprise before her opponent’s fist smashed into her jaw. Kristen did a 180, leaning against the back of the bar; DeAnne grabbed her long hair, pulling her opponent’s head back with a yell, then turned Kristen around. I saw what she was going for as she lined both women up so that she’d be able to bring Kristen’s face down onto the bartop. I could barely stand to look; the bar is made of hardwood, and I didn’t think my boss was going to be able to get up again if she took the hit DeAnne was preparing.

The same thought must have been going through Kristen’s mind as she frantically braced her arms against the bar, stopping DeAnne from pushing her face down. They struggled, both women grunting with effort, but I could see that Kristen was going to lose; her opponent was stronger, and the brunette’s thin arms started quavering. She took a risk, lifting her left hand off the bar; before DeAnne could complete the move, Kristen slammed her elbow back into the blonde’s bruised tummy. DeAnne gasped as the bony tip of the older woman’s elbow smashed into the center of her sore stomach and she released her opponent, stumbling back and covering herself. Kristen pounced, getting her own two-handed grip on DeAnne’s hair, getting her into position, and slamming the younger woman’s face down onto the bar with a shockingly loud smack. Kristen pulled DeAnne back up, and I could see the blonde was dazed; she offered no resistance as Kristen gave her a second slam. This time when she pulled DeAnne up, I could see her eyes glazing over. Two more slams left DeAnne’s mouth hanging open half-consciously;  two more set her nose bleeding, and I was just moving to stop Kristen from killing her when the older woman released her opponent, letting DeAnne slump to the floor.

“Hey, Kristen. I think you won.”
“Yeah?” she panted, looking down at DeAnne. The younger woman was a complete panting mess, naked, sweaty and beaten, her face coated with a mixture of congealing Sprite and bright red blood; she couldn’t even stand, let alone think about putting up any kind of resistance.
“Look, you wanted me to stop you from killing her, right? She’s finished. If you want to humiliate her, go ahead, but don’t hurt her anymore, okay?”
“Yeah, all right,” Kristen agreed, giving DeAnne a few lazy kicks. Kristen dragged DeAnne out from behind the bar, back to the cleared area of the floor, laying the beaten woman out on her back. Kristen sat down on DeAnne’s tummy, making the blonde gasp. Kristen gave her a few light slaps to make sure she was awake. “Hey, DeAnne, Jennifer says you’re finished. You done?”

“Yeah,” DeAnne mumbled.
“What was that?” Kristen gave the younger woman a cruel double nipple twist.
“Yeah!” DeAnne screeched. “Stop! You won!”
“Fine. Come on.” The brunette got off her, sitting down on the mat in front of DeAnne and spreading her legs. “Now here’s one job you better be able to fucking do. Make me cum.” DeAnne slithered up on the mat until her face was between her victorious opponent’s legs. I started squirming in my seat at the sight of the blonde servicing my boss. Kristen reached down to rest her hands on the back of DeAnne’s head, leaning forward slightly, her eyes closed in pleasure, her breathing ragged as she moaned. I guess destroying DeAnne was a pretty good aphrodisiac, as it only took her a few minutes to get close to her climax.

“Ah, fuck,” she gasped. “Don’t you dare stop that. Oh, shit. Ohhhh, shit. Ohhhhhhh, shittttttttt-” She threw her head back as she came, her hands pushing DeAnne’s head further between her thighs, a trilling moan rising into a screaming orgasm. Finished, she flopped over backwards. DeAnne rolled onto her back too, both women breathing heavily. After a minute Kristen sat up with a happy sigh, absentmindedly smoothing her messy hair down.

“Well, I’m satisfied. You want her to do you, too? I mean, you deserve something for staying late without pay, right?”
I looked between the two women, thinking this over. On the one hand, having DeAnne pleasure me would probably make it weird working here - but no weirder than Kristen already fucking her up so bad. I figured either DeAnne or Kristen would have to go after this; would I be able to stay? Probably not. In for a penny, in for a pound. I’d like to think looking back I made a clear headed decision instead of thinking with my pussy, but I’d also gotten pretty turned on watching Kristen dominate DeAnne, and I was curious to taste the blonde’s technique that Kristen had seemed to enjoy so much.

“Yeah, all right.” I got up and slid off my pants and underwear as Kristen dragged a crawling DeAnne over by her hair.
“You’re not quite done, honey,” Kristen told the blonde, giving her ass a loud smack. “Now I want you to do Jennifer, then you can get cleaned up and go home. Okay?”
“Yeah,” DeAnne gasped. Kristen pulled DeAnne up to her knees, then released her hair; the blonde shuffled forward, resting her hands on the stool, leaning forward and running her tongue up my pussy.

“Oooh, fuck,” I gasped. I don’t know anything about DeAnne’s personal life, but this was clearly not her first time as she started expertly eating me out. I braced myself on her shoulders, sighing happily. Kristen had just stood there watching at first, but then she came around behind me, surprising me as she ran her hands up under my shirt, cupping my breasts through my bra.
“Jennifer, you’re a doll, but you should have taken this off too,” she whispered in my ear, then started sucking on my neck. My nipples were so hard they were poking through my bra, and Kristen teased them with her fingertips. I had to hold on to DeAnne for life; the two of them were driving me crazy. Kristen flipped my bra up and started caressing my breasts as DeAnne moved up and started butterflying her tongue against my clit. I leaned back against Kristen, panting, as the dam burst; I came as hard as I can remember, almost falling off the stool as pleasure blew through my body.

Kristen made sure I was able to sit up before going around to pat DeAnne on the head.
“Great, you did it. You work that hard every day and we won’t have any problem, right?” DeAnne looked up at her and nodded. “Okay. Well, Jennifer, you can go home. I’ll get her cleaned up and lock up.”
The next day I came in wondering if I’d still have a job; DeAnne wasn’t there, but Kristen was. She gave me a knowing look, but we didn’t say anything else about it; three days later DeAnne was back, drinking less and working harder. Her and I didn’t say anything about it either; it was awkward for a while, but after a few weeks the three of us were working together great. And that’s the last vicious catfight I’ve been a part of. (At least for now; I sure hope I’m not tempting fate saying that…)


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Re: Camping Catfight
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2019, 09:26:43 PM »
I had to hold on to DeAnne for life; the two of them were driving me crazy. Kristen flipped my bra up and started caressing my breasts as DeAnne moved up and started butterflying her tongue against my clit. I leaned back against Kristen, panting, as the dam burst; I came as hard as I can remember, almost falling off the stool as pleasure blew through my body.

Ooh la la!  :P Need I say more?  ::)
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


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Re: Camping Catfight
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2019, 11:30:48 PM »
Great balance of character, dialogue and hot, steamy action. Awesome!  :)
There's no elevator to success. You'll have to take the stairs.