these are simple animations that anyone could create using free software programs like Daz, or Poser (if you have fifty bucks for software).
it's also suspicious that the language on the website is very poorly written. maybe third grade level English.
i would be very reluctant to send money to these people. you should really do your research first.
I appreciate your concern! Sending money to the suspicious places is not my choice either, so I'm here to answer any questions or provide any details you want to check.

I'm using daz genesis 3 shapes as a base models. As a 3D user you could notice that it's almost impossible to make any decent animation directly in daz. I'm using Maya for any further work over the basic models.
(Maya subscription cost me around ~100$/month) Also I'm using Unity3D as a game engine. It's free for an indie developers but all the necessary additions from the asset store cost me a lot

It's obviously not true, that
"anyone with daz studio" could do such animation. Even with more than 10 years experience in 3D production I still facing challenges working on NF3D. It takes me a lot of time, passion and really hard work. But I have intention to make a really good adult fighting game and rely on support of anyone who share my ambitions
I would like to answer any questions if you still have some
PS. English is my third language, I'm sorry it's not sounds good. But I hope my visuals works much better