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The Battle of Cactus Creek Part 2

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Offline carlbrad12

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The Battle of Cactus Creek Part 2
« on: October 23, 2017, 06:59:50 AM »
 The Battle of Cactus Creek Part 2
   Damn, Amanda was out of control. She was grabbing people, slapping some of them, and demanding to know where Liz was. She was about halfway through the customers when Liz arrived, standing at the top of the stairs.
   “Well, well, if it isn’t the little petticoat princess,” Liz laughed. “Still playing cowboy, I see.”
   Liz was standing at the top of the stairs. I could see she wore a pair of high heels, and fishnet stockings, and a fuzzy white robe.
   “I told you to get out of tow….” Amanda started to sneer, but then her jaw dropped open.
   The door that Liz had entered from was still open, and Johnna came out of it, dressed like Liz in heels, hose and another white robe. Following her out of the room was Adam, hair mussed and wearing another white robe, and a big ole smile on his face. The three of them came down the wide staircase, arm in arm, with Adam in the middle. Amanda just stared at them for a moment, her mouth moving up and down as if she was trying to speak, but words escaped her. From the look on Adam’s face, he had just had the night, and morning, of his life. Amy told me the three of them had been going at it since yesterday afternoon, when Adam was supposed to be leaving town. All three of them had that look of sexual satisfaction on their faces, and I think they all just got done doing it.
   I knew that look. I’ve seen it on Amy’s face plenty of times, and on my own, in the mirror, with Amy naked on the bed behind me. Now, Amanda was still the prettiest gal in town and it’s hard to imagine any man turning her down, but spending the day and night screwing not one but two Spanish beauties was something Adam sure seemed to like. Hell, who wouldn’t?  The three of them were coming down the staircase, side by side by side, with Adam in the middle of them two pretty gals. He had an arm around each of their waists, and alternated between kissing one and the other.
   Amanda was dumbstruck, and she was fuming.
   Amanda was pretty public with her threat to run Liz outta town, so I took a look around, just to make sure nobody was carrying any guns. The only table I couldn’t see without being obvious was the one behind me, but I had already looked back there and I knew that was where that Spanish Contessa, Rosalita or some such was her name, was sitting with her ranch foreman. She owned a spread Southeast of town and often came in on the weekends to have breakfast. There is just something about those Spanish gals. She had the same kind of curly hair some of the other Spanish gals had, curlier than Consuela’s but not as kinky as Johanna’s, but it was this mixture of silver and white. She was on older woman, probably in her 60’s, or close to it, and she didn’t dress in tight, flashy clothes like they did, but from what I seen of her she was probably quite the looker, back in her day. She had one of those faces that looks real familiar, like I seen her before, but I ain’t never been to Mexico or Spain, or wherever she was from, but I always had the feeling I knew her from somewhere. Maybe it was just one of those faces. People say I have one of those faces. I wasn’t really worried about her, being a Contessa and all, but her foreman was a Mex, so I just kinda leaned back and yawned, stretching out like, so I could check him out. Nope, no gun.
   By this time Adam and the girls had made it down the stairs and sat down at Consuela’s regular table at the base of the stairs. Adam was still taking turns kissing the gals and nibbling on their necks. Amanda just stared at them, eyes wide in shock.
   “Ad…Ad…Adam...but you…you…you left…what are you doing with those whores?” Amanda stammered.
   Amanda had stormed into the place all cocky and arrogant but now she seemed like a lost little girl.
   “What’s the matter?  Is the petticoat princess going to cry?” Liz laughed.
   Amanda’s eyes got all narrow and mean. She was back to being the spoiled brat of Big Dick. She wore her two-gun rig and carried another gun belt over her shoulder. She took it and tossed it at Liz’s feet.
   “I done told you to get outta town. Now you find out what “or else” means!” Amanda sneered.
   Liz, still seated, bent over and picked up the gun belt, sort of gingerly, holding it with two fingers. She bent over and flashed the crowd her cleavage. Liz stood up, holding the gun belt at arm’s length with two fingers and wandered over to the bar. Liz had her back to me now, and Amanda was facing me. Amanda didn’t seem to see me, all she saw was Liz.
   “And what exactly am I supposed to do with this?” Liz said with a laugh.
“Put it on, whore. I’m calling you out.”
“Oh, Amanda,” Adam said with a laugh, “I’m flattered your dressing up like this for me, I really am. But everyone knows that you are too delicate a flower to be a real cowgirl. Besides, I like my women rough, right gals!”  He punctuated his sentence by burying his face in Johnna’s tits.
“This is what he really likes,” Liz said, turning around and smacking her hands against her ass cheeks. “He ate it like it was the last supper!”
   Amanda was getting madder and madder, I could see it in her eyes.
“He likes a woman with substance, don’t you Adam sweetie?” Liz continued.
“Sure do, Liz honey.”
Liz wasn’t done yet.
“Stealing some boy’s clothes that are too small for you and carrying some toy guns, well, you just look ridiculous. You should go home and put your petticoat back on before you start to chafe.”
It finally dawned on Amanda that for all her wild and out of control actions that last few weeks that Adam and Liz had never actually seen her in action. She was boiling now.
“Toy guns!  Toy guns!  I’ll…I’ll show you toy guns,” she snapped and turned towards the gambling hall. Right outside the doorway to the gambling hall was what they called a wheel of fortune. It was this big wheel with 30 or so numbers on it, and you spun it around. There was a fella standing next to the wheel, watching the show, and Amanda told him to spin the wheel. He did, and got the hell out of the way.
Amanda whipped out her guns as fast as lightning and started blasting. One by one she put a hole, dead center, in 12 of those numbers. It was pretty fancy shooting.
“Toy guns my ass,” she sneered, beginning to turn around. “Now strap on that pistol and…”
Amanda stopped in mid-sentence, interrupted by the unmistakable sound of a pistol being cocked. She finished turning and her eyes opened wide as saucers and her jaw dropped open. Liz had let her robe fall open and underneath it she wore a white corset, a pair of white panties that were all ruffles and frills, white fishnets, white heels, and a fancy two-gun rig. Amanda was now staring down the barrels of those pistols.
“I do believe she is out of bullets,” Johnna laughed.
“You’re not real smart, are you,” Liz laughed. “You were so busy showing off you forgot to leave yourself some bullets for the gunfight you just challenged me to. Kind of stupid, if you ask me.”
Amanda was scared, I could see it in her eyes, and the way she was shaking. But then she saw me and relaxed. And she smiled.
“Kiss my ass, you Mexican whore,” Amanda sneered. “Eric, shoot her!  Take care of this Mexican piece of shit!”
Amanda was the Sheriff now, and I was her deputy, but still, you could have heard a pin drop when I said; “You take care of her!”
Amanda’s face dropped and her jaw just about hit the floor.
 Most people, most decent people anyway, have a line they won’t cross. For some people, it’s kicking dogs or other dumb animals, for some it’s spitting in church, or cussing, or whatever their line is. As for me, well, I ain’t no bushwhacker. I ain’t never shot nobody in the back and I wasn’t about to start now. I sure as shit wasn’t going to shoot a woman in the back. Especially not a woman who didn’t break any laws, and whose only crime was that some fella that Amanda liked, liked her better. I wasn’t about to shoot no woman in the back just cause Amanda couldn’t catch her man. This was a criminal matter or a legal one. It was personal and I said as much.
“Fuck you, Eric, you asshole! You’re just jealous I didn’t want you, you little faggot!  You ain’t my deputy no more. You ain’t man enough. In fact now you’re under arrest. You been sniffin’ after me for ten years. Wait till I get you in that cell, you little…”
Amanda’s little rant was cut short by Liz, who fired a shot between Amanda’s feet. Amanda jumped, eyes wide again, and she looked scared shitless.
“I hear you like to watch people dance,” Liz said with a laugh. “Maybe the reason you can’t get a man is you don’t know how to dance. Let me teach you.”
“No…Liz…please…come on…we…we’re sisters now…” Amanda stammered.
Liz responded with a shot about an inch in front of Amanda’s right foot. I’ve seen Amanda, and Big Dick, make a lot of people do the old Cactus Creek Two Step, but this is the first time that Amanda was on the wrong end of it. It was funny when you think about it. She kept on making comments about Liz, calling her Mexican this and Mexican that, and now it was Amanda jumping around like a Mexican Jumping Bean. Naturally, her big tits and round ass were shaking and jiggly like jelly. It was quite a sight and it’s amazing how much dancing you can get with eleven shots.
Liz stopped firing, the room full of the smell of gun smoke, and Amanda, breathless, stopped dancing and sneered at Liz.
“Now who’s outta bullets, whore?”  She spit.
“You should learn how to count, Blondie. I have one bullet left,” she cocked the pistol and aimed it at Amanda’s head. “I would put one between your eyes and blow your brains our but I don’t think you have any brains.”
“I ain’t stupid,” was all Amanda could think to say. She really hates being called dumb.
“Well, you’re not smart. If you were smart you’d still have bullets in your guns.”
Amanda started to open her mouth, but didn’t say anything this time. There really wasn’t anything she could say.
“Big, tough Sheriff,” Liz continued. “You don’t look so big and tough now, do you, Blondie?”
   “Yeah, well, put that gun away and I’ll show you how tough I am.”
Liz laughed.
“Don’t you laugh at me! Put that gun away and we’ll settle this woman to woman, if you got the guts.”
“You want me to fight you?” Liz said. “Well, I have to think about that. You’re awfully big.”
Several people warned her not to do it. Amanda was twice her size. Liz seemed doubtful about the whole thing, especially since she had the upper hand.
“Big, tough bitch when you have the drop on someone,” Amanda said, trying to goad Liz into a fight. “Take them guns away and you ain’t nothing.”
Amanda wasn’t big on irony. She didn’t understand that being the big, tough one with the drop on someone usually described her. She could, however, see doubt in Liz’s eyes.
“Yeah, I knew you were scared of me. You’re a great big chicken, aren’t you?  Take that gun away and you’re nothing but a yellow, scared chicken, just like all the Mex’s.”
“So what kind of rules are we talking about?”
“There ain’t no rules, bitch!  No rules, and nobody interferes. And the fight don’t stop until the winner says it’s over. Unless you’re afraid of me.”
“Alright,” Liz said, slipping out of her robe. Damn she looked good, showing off a lot of skin, and her big butt. She holstered her guns, took off the gun belt and turned to place it on top of the bar.
Amanda saw her opening, and, never one to fight fair, rushed forward, fist cocked, and when Liz turned back to face her Amanda was right there, swinging a wild haymaker, throwing everything she had into it, and connecting with Liz’s jaw.
The fight was on!
Now our town is pretty normal, and is just like everywhere else. You say “fight!” and people gather round. You say “Gal fight!” and words spreads like wildfire, and I bet they was already riding in from three counties over. Even them boys in the gambling hall, the real die-hard gamblers, the ones who don’t blink an eye to shooting, fights or even fire, well, when they heard “gal fight” they all stopped and crowded to watch. As soon as they starting talking about a fight them boys started taking bets. People were still calling out to Liz to watch out for Amanda, and so many people bet on the beautiful blonde Sheriff they had to start offering odds just to get anyone to bet on Liz. It might have been 3 to 1 or even 4 to 1 by the time it all started, and that was only a few minutes. Hell, by that time everyone’s attention was on the gals, and even the veranda was full of people trying to get a look. Good thing they made it out of brick because I don’t think wood could have held all that weight.
Yes sir, I gotta hand it to that gal. It was like the spider and the fly, goading her opponent into turning it from a gun fight into a fist fight.
It was understandable why everyone was betting on Amanda. Hell, Amanda was a good five or six inches taller than Liz and she had twenty years and twenty pounds over that pretty Spanish gal, and she meaner than any three women I ever met. I wasn’t a bit surprised to see Amanda run up while Liz’s back was turned and bushwhack her like she done.
Like I said, Amanda rushed up while Liz was putting her guns on the bar and swung while she wasn’t looking. When Liz turned back around Amanda’s wild, roundhouse right connected with her jaw, taunting, “I’m gonna teach you a lesson you’ll never forget!”  The fight was going to be over before it even started.
Liz was caught off guard, and off balance, when Amanda attacked. That punch connected and Liz’s head snapped to the side a bit and she went back half a step. But that was it. Liz turned back to face Amanda, it only needed a slight turn of her head, her eyes narrowing. Amanda was holding her right thumb in her left hand and sort of shaking her wrist at the same time.
Amanda was bigger, taller, heavier, and meaner, and it occurred to me that in all the time I known her, I ain’t never seen Amanda is a real fight.  Oh sure, I’ve seen her whip those guns out at the drop of a hat, but I have never seen her in a physical fight. Amanda was cocky, arrogant, and plum mad dog mean, but like most bullies there comes a point where you gotta put up or shut up. Amanda just put up, and now she was going to have to shut up, and Liz was going to do the shutting.
See, Amanda loved her tight clothes, and while she dressed like a man, could shoot like a man, and was meaner than any man except her daddy, she fought like a little girl. I apologize if I offend any little girls, she was that pathetic. Looking back, and I got 20/20 hindsight, from that first punch it was perfectly clear. Amanda threw everything she had into that first shot, and it didn’t even faze Liz. It sure as shit didn’t knock her out like Amanda thought it would. And Amanda didn’t even know how to throw a punch. She had her thumb inside her fist, which was why she was holding it and shaking her wrist.
When Amanda hit the unsuspecting Liz, she had her usual cocky look on her face. She threw everything she had into that punch and when she saw that she didn’t even hurt Liz her mouth dropped open in shock.
Liz turned back to face her, eyes narrowing, and sneered, “That the best you got, Blondie?  This is going to be easier than I thought. And a lot more fun!”
Liz curled her hands into fists, and she knew how to make a fist!
Amanda just turned white. She could see by the way Liz held her hands she knew how to fight. When I said that thing about the spider and the fly, well, I wasn’t talking about Amanda, she’s about as smart as a box of rocks. I meant Liz. She suckered Amanda into challenging her to a fist fight, and was going to make her pay.
Amanda was backing up, hands out in front of her, palms open in submission. “Come on Liz. Can’t we talk about this?  Hey, we’re sister now after all.”
Liz was moving forward too.
“I’m going to bust you up, Blondie!”
Liz feinted with her left, up towards Amanda’s head, and Amanda threw her arms over her face, crying, “Not my face!  Not my face!”
Liz just buried her right fist deep in Amanda’s soft belly, and she hit her so hard that Amanda immediately doubled over, her feet leaving the floor and her ass sticking out. Amanda was desperately gasping for air, and Liz didn’t waste a second and threw another right, an uppercut, aimed right at Amanda’s jaw. She hit her so hard that Amanda’s feet flew in the air as Liz knocked her clear off her feet, and I swear her hat seemed to hang in the air for a moment as Amanda hit the floor, hard, knocked spread eagle and silly. Liz picked up the hat and put it on, tightening the draw cord to keep it in place.
“Looks like we got a new Sheriff in town, and it ain’t you, bitch!” Liz sneered as she moved in on Amanda.
Amanda looked a little groggy as a couple fellas helped her to sit up. They helped her up and she was still a little groggy when she saw Liz wearing her hat. “Gimme back my hat!” Amanda cried as she rushed forward. It looked like she was going to ram her head into Liz’s belly and barrel her over.
Liz was too smart for her, and too good, and easily moved to the side, catching Amanda in a headlock under her right arm, and, using Amanda’s own momentum against her, spun her around and sent her flying. Amanda was out of control, spinning around a couple of times before she tripped over her own feet and crashed into one of the tables. Amanda hit the table belly first, and immediately up-ended it, crashing to the floor face first, with the table tipping over on top of her. The half-drunk beer and whiskey glasses and a full glass ashtray dumped on top of her. I said she landed face first. I shoulda said she landed tits first, because those 34Cs took the brunt of the impact and you could tell they was hurting now.
Amanda managed to untangle herself from under the table and struggle to her feet. The fight wasn’t very old but you could see she was already starting to sweat, her clothes were dirty from rolling around on the floor, and her blonde hair, which she had tied up in a tight bun like the schoolmarms wear and tucked under her hat, was mussed. The hat Liz now wore, and when she saw Liz, smiling and wearing her hat, she went wild and charged at her again, this time keeping her head up.
It was pretty clear already that Amanda was out of her league. She was big, slow and lumbering and the smaller Liz waited, and easily slid out of Amanda’s way, sticking out a foot to trip Amanda, and, adding insult to injury, delivering a solid smack to Amanda’s big, shapely bottom as she went flying.
Amanda staggered and stumbled forward, her own momentum working against her as she couldn’t stop herself and crashed into a table on the other side of the room. With a loud crash Amanda hit the tables and chairs, and once again wound up a heap on the floor, her hair soaked with old beer and cigar ash, her right arm stuck in the legs of a chair, as was her left foot, and she was squirming and trying to get free, and you could see her shapely ass squirming inside those tight jeans.
Like in most fights, the folks watching picked their fighter, and while there were a few fellas who were rooting for Amanda, mostly cause they put big bets on her, most everyone else was laughing at her. Some of those fellas who bet on her helped Amanda untangle herself from the tables and chairs, Amanda didn’t seem to mind interference when it helped her, and they encouraged her to go and “whip her Mexican ass” as they gave her a push to send her back into battle. Amanda staggered at first, but then rushed towards Liz to teach her a lesson.
Liz was waiting for her and Amanda rushed forward, and Liz stopped her with a left jab to her right eye. She stopped Amanda dead in her tracks and snapped her head back, and when her head came back down Amanda just sort of blinked and looked at Liz with a blank, dazed look in her eyes. Her eyes were dazed and her mouth was open and Amanda just sort of stood there while Liz hit her with another left jab, and then another, each time snapping Amanda’s head back. Liz threw another left, slow and easy, and Amanda tried to grab for it or block it, but it didn’t matter because it was a feint, and Liz slammed her right fist straight into Amanda’s pretty little nose and knocked her right on she shapely backside. I swear she bounced a couple of times on that big round rump of hers.
Amanda was dazed and she sat there, shaking her head, and when she brought the back of her hand up to wipe the snot from her nose she was horrified to see blood. “You…you busted my nose,” Amanda cried. When I say “cried” I mean cried like a little girl. It was kinda pathetic. The cocky, arrogant gunslinger who strutted into the Spanish Rose such a short time ago was nowhere to be found. In her place was a spoiled little crybaby.
“My daddy is going to kill you when he finds out.”
“That ain’t the only thing I going to bust,” Liz sneered, planting the pointy toe of her shoe into Amanda’s belly, sending her sprawling to the floor, curled up in the fetal position and struggling to breathe. “And your daddy ain’t here, is he?” she added, grabbing Amanda by her bun and using her hair to drag Amanda to her feet and shove her back against the bar.
Amanda’s nose wasn’t busted at all, just a little bloody. I’ll bet she would have preferred a busted nose compared to what came next.
I told you about the industrial strength buttons of Amanda’s tight denim shirts that strained to the limit to remain intact, despite the strains of the clothes being too tight, and her tits being too big. They were no match for Liz, however. She grabbed the front of Amanda’s shirt and pulled, managing to pop the first few buttons, and grabbing the shirt by the collar and tugging it down.
“Now who wants to see these ta-tas?” Liz laughed.
Amanda was dazed, but when she heard that she started to struggle, but a knee to the belly put a stop to that. Liz brought her knee up again, this time straight up between Amanda’s legs and the big blonde just about fell into her arms. Liz used this opportunity to start tugging that shirt down, baring Amanda’s shoulders, and then more, letting her big 34Cs flop free. Liz tugged the shirt down to Amanda’s elbows and stopped, effectively using Amanda’s own skin-tight shirt against her and basically pinning her arms to her sides with it. Amanda’s fat tits were out there for all to see.
Amanda was a sobbing wreck. For ten years she had been shaking those big tits in everyone’s face. But now there they were, naked for all to see, and she was absolutely humiliated. The men were all hootin’ and hollerin’, and a sobbing Amanda was beside herself with shame, begging Liz to stop.
“Please, Liz, please,” Amanda blubbered, “please stop. Please don’t let them see me like this. I’ll be good, I promise. Please cover me up.”
“Shut the fuck up, puta,” Liz snapped.
Amanda, sensing a chance, sobbed, “That’s right. Consuela says I’m her little puta, her little princess. You wouldn’t want to hurt her little princess, would you?”
Liz laughed.
“Is that what you think it means? Princess?  Puta means whore, you stupid bitch.”
Yeah, about that first day that Consuela came to town, and told Amanda she was a puta. Well, for the better part of a year Amanda would walk around, beaming, boasting that she was a pretty puta. It wasn’t until much later that I asked one of the Mexicans in town about that phrase. Maybe I said it wrong but I was told that “Lo no siento que sucia a puta poco,” didn’t mean “I am so terribly sorry my pretty little puta, I mean princess” but really meant “I’m not sorry you dirty little whore”. By that time I just didn’t have the heart to tell Amanda she had been running around, proudly boasting “I’m a pretty whore”.
Amanda was losing all sense of dignity. It’s a pity she didn’t know that Liz was just getting warmed up.
Amanda’s back was against the bar so she couldn’t go back, and if she tried to go left or right Liz would just punch or kick her in the belly or crotch, so there was nowhere for Amanda to go. Liz could have beat the piss out of her then and there, but she had other plans and started using open-handed slaps to smack Amanda’s face back and forth. Liz had really fast hands, and she had Amanda’s face whipping back and forth, her cheeks turning red and puffy.
Unfortunately for Amanda, her face was not all Liz hit. She began landing the same hard, open-handed slaps to Amanda’s big tits. The first time she did it she left a big red handprint on each of Amanda’s big, soft tits. For the next several minutes Amanda just slapped the shit out of Amanda, working her face, and especially her titties, mostly with open hand slaps, bit throwing a few punches in here and there, sinking her fist, up to the wrist, into Amanda’s big, soft tits. Occasionally she would bop her in the face with her fist, either her eye or nose, just to keep Amanda honest, as it were.
Amanda was squealing and crying during this, as Liz was hitting her so fast she didn’t have time to beg. Liz stopped punching and slapping her and Amanda slumped back against the bar. She was sweating like a pig, gasping for air and softly sobbing, and I gotta say, she was a hot mess. Amanda was half naked, sweaty and dirty, reeking of sweat, beer and whiskey, her face and tits all red and puffy and her perfect hair all mussed up, with strands falling out of her bun. Her face, and especially her tits, were red and puffy and she looked sexy as hell. Despite all this her nipples were thick and hard.
Liz spit in her face, literally, and said, “Let’s go for a walk.”
Liz grabbed Amanda by her stiff nipples, pinching and twisting them, and proceeded to drag her around the saloon. Amanda was really howling now, screaming, crying and begging Liz to stop. She dragged her all around that saloon, and the crowd, those lucky enough to be in the front, reached out and pinched her titites, or her ass, as she was paraded around the room, half naked and helpless. Most of the grabbers were the bar gals, but some of the men joined in. The opportunity was too good to pass up, and yes, I was one of them. I gave her left ass cheek a good pinch, then would up my right hand and delivered a solid smack right between the cheeks and watched that big, soft, round, perfect ass shake and jiggle like jelly. Just dragging her by the nipples wasn’t enough for Liz and she released Amanda’s nipples. Amanda gasped and sobbed, but soon started screaming when Liz sank her strong fingers, and sharp nails, into those red, swollen orbs and dragged her around the room a few more times. Pretty soon Amanda’s perfect 34Cs were not only red and swollen, but covered with red scratches.
Liz finally ripped the shirt from her body, tossing it on top of the bar. “I think we’ll hang this over the bar,” Liz laughed. 
 She left Amanda completely topless, and the big blonde immediately crossed her arms over her chest, trying to cover her tits, and tried to rush past Liz. Maybe I should have said run away, because that’s what it looked like. Liz was having none of it and started punching Amanda, landing left hooks and right hooks and stunning the big blonde Sheriff. She threw a few uppercuts as well, to Amanda’s fat jugs, and Amanda tried to cover up but a solid right cross to the jaw spun her around and Liz grabbed her and slammed her into the bar, belly first, and grabbed that bun of hair and used it to pound Amanda’s face into the top of the bar a half dozen times. Amanda’s arms dropped to her sides, as limp as noodles. She was a weak rag doll in little Liz’s strong hands.
Johnna was behind the bar now and Liz said, “How about a shot of tequila?”  Then she turned to Amanda, who by this point was bleary eyed and slack jawed, and asked her if she wanted one. Liz used that hair bun to make Amanda nod her head up and down. Little Liz was making our big, tough blonde Sheriff look downright feeble, and pretty ridiculous.
Liz slammed Amanda right up against the bar, her arms down by her sides, limp and useless, and her big tits sprawled out on top of the bar. Liz took the bottle of tequila and poured three shots; one for herself, one for Johnna and one for Amanda. I think the Mexicans in the area made that tequila special for Consuela. I know it was the good stuff. It was in one of those ceramic jugs the Mexican’s like so much, just a little bigger than a whiskey bottle, and wrapped in leather. It was a real fancy bottle.
Liz and Johnna clinked their glasses together and started to drink them down when Liz stopped and said, “Where are my manners?  Everyone knows the guest of honor should go first. You still want your shot?” she asked Amanda, who once again nodded her head, thanks to the tight grip Liz had on her bun. Amanda, whose eyes were bleary slits, and whose mouth hung limply open, looked downright comical. I’m sure she didn’t find what happened next to be funny.
Liz grabbed up the bottle of tequila, and Johnna grabbed Amanda’s nipples and stretched her big, fat tits out across the bar, and Liz raised that bottle up and brought the bottom of it straight down onto Amanda’s outstretched right boob. That bottle was sturdy, and wrapped in leather it was too strong to break. I’m not sure you can say the same about Amanda’s bog boob. Liz damn near crushed it flat and Amanda let out with a scream the likes of which I have never heard. It was loud, and bloodcurdling, and I felt a shiver run up my spine. I ain’t never heard a scream like that of pure agony and Amanda immediately dropped to the floor, writhing around, clutching her tit with both hands. Damn, Liz hit it so hard it was already turning purple.
Like I said, it was pure agony for Amanda, who writhed around on the floor, clutching her tits, screaming and crying and begging Liz for mercy.
“My tits!  My tits!  My poor tits!  Oh God, I can’t take it anymore. Please, Liz, please, I’m begging you. I give up!  I don’t want to fight you anymore.”
Liz responded by kicking Amanda, as hard as she could, right between the legs again. She then grabbed Amanda by her hair, and an arm, and hauled her up to her feet before slamming her belly first into the bar again.
“We can’t send you home without a matched set,” she laughed as Johnna once again grabbed Amanda by the nipples and stretched her tits out across the bar.
Amanda was too weak, and too hurt, to resist and just sobbed for mercy. “Please, Liz, please, I am begging you. Please don’t…you win…I give up…you win…Please…oh God I can’t take it…you win…it’s over!” Amanda sounded downright pathetic now.
Liz brought the bottle straight down again, crushing Amanda’s left tit flat and sending Amanda once again to the floor. It was so bad Amanda passed out from the pain. Liz looked down at her and laughed.
“Over?  Puta, we’re still in round one. I’m just getting warmed up!”
Amanda was a hot, sweaty, stinking mess!  She was laid out on the floor, spread eagle, completely overwhelmed by the pain in her tits. Amanda was sweating like a pig, I mean she was soaked with it, and let me apologize to the pigs cause she smelled a damned sight worse!  She reeked of stale beer and whiskey but that wasn’t all. She was filthy from being thrown around and rolling around on the floor, and if you ain’t never been in a saloon, even a fancy one like this, well, folks walk in from dirty and muddy street, from stables and alleys, and it’s usually pretty grubby and grimy. Amanda was soaked with sweat, and all that muck and mire was clinging to her hot, sweaty body. She was downright filthy, and stank something fierce.
But she was still the prettiest gal in town, even if she was all beat up and all. Amanda’s pretty face was red and puffy, but I can’t rightly say how much of that was from little Lizzie slapping the shit out of her, and how much was from Amanda crying her eyes out. She was naked from the waist up, and under all that filth and grime she was covered with scrapes and bruises, from being thrown around like a rag doll, and her tits, her big, beautiful tits, splayed out across her chest for all to see, were covered in scratches, but you couldn’t really see them now since Liz had beat them titties purple. Amanda might be the first gal to wind up with two sets of shiners, one set on her eyes and one set on her big fat tits.
Yes sir, Amanda, the prettiest gal in town, was a downright stinking, sweaty mess, and, maybe it’s me, but she was more desirable than ever.
At that moment, the only woman in town who could hold a candle to the sexy and desirable Amanda, was the woman standing over her; little Liz!  Liz was pretty, while Amanda was beautiful, but there was something about Liz. Maybe it was the way that white corset pushed her titties together and made those 34Bs look bigger than then were, or the way the corset cinched her waist, although it still wasn’t as slim as Amanda’s, or maybe it was the way them ruffled, lacy panties showed of her big, round butt. Liz definitely had a bigger butt than Amanda. She looked so sexy, and so dominant, that for the first time Amanda definitely had some competition.
I’m betting that Amanda wished she never got out of bed that morning. This was turning out to be the most embarrassing and humiliating day of her life, and that is saying something considering how many times she trudged outta this place, her tail between her legs, covered in mud, paint, pies or some such, and not to mention an ass full of cactus. To make matters even worse Amanda had stormed in here, all cocky and arrogant as usual, to face down Liz, her sexual rival, and been made to look stupid and foolish at every turn. And it all happened in front of Adam, the man they were supposed to be fighting over. To make it even worse, Little Lizzie, who was half her age and half her size, hadn’t even broken a sweat yet and didn’t even have a hair out of place!  Amanda was lucky she was passed out and all, otherwise she would have heard everyone laughing at her. They were laughing and making comments, comments they wouldn’t have dared to make ten minutes ago. Maybe it was a good thing Amanda passed out. She wouldn’t know that she was already the laughingstock of the town.
Adam was watching all this and licking his lips. I guess we all were. Even little Juan from the kitchen, who was supposed to be mopping up in the dining room had abandoned his mop and bucket and was standing on a chair so he could see the fun. Liz and Johnna were toasting Amanda’s downfall with a couple of beers when Amanda started moaning. Liz asked for another mug of beer.
Johnna gave her one and said, “You going to throw it in face and wake her up?”
Liz drank down a gulp of beer.
“I wouldn’t waste it on this lily-white piece of shit,” she laughed and wandered along the bar, kicking the spittoons. I guess she was looking for what she considered the right one.  They got these short, squat spittoons, but the lip is about a foot across, and they form a sort of funnel and there is a big hole, and the base is about a foot across. They are where the people deposit their spit, regular old spit and from chewing tobacco, and I seen them drop rotgut in there, old cigars and cigarettes when they finished smoking them, and I’ve even seen cowboys scrape the mud and horseshit off their boots on the rim.
Liz found the one she was looking for and picked it up, and from the way she turned her head to the side I’m guessing it smelled something awful. She went over to a moaning Amanda and just duped the contents of that spittoon right on Amanda’s pretty face.   She upended that spittoon and out came the blackest, most foul mixture of God knows what, splashing over Amanda’s face and bringing her back to life. That foul goo covered her face and part of her hair, and Amanda was just a filthy, disgusting mess.
Now I know that Amanda is cocky and arrogant, and mean, and this was all her own doing, and no matter what happened, Amanda probably has it coming, but I sort of felt bad for her. Not just because she was the prettiest gal in town either. You see, when Amanda passed out from the pain, she passed out with her mouth wide open, and when Liz dumped that swill all over her some of it went right into her mouth. In the moments between that swill being dumped on her, and coming back to her senses, Amanda must have done what they call an “involuntary” swallow. Lord knows what she swallowed. Amanda sat straight up, big tits bouncing, and that black shitty slop dripped down her face and hair and onto her chest. She was choking and gagging and suddenly she stopped, her eyes wide as saucers, and scrambled to her feet. Amanda made some funny sounds, her cheeks bulging like a chipmunk with a pack of nuts, and she sort of pitched forward, one arm wrapped around her gut, and one hand clamped over her mouth. I couldn’t tell but I think she was turning green under all that black slop.
Amanda looked like she was going to be sick, and she turned towards the front door, but there were so many people packed in there, watching Amanda get her ass whooped, that there was no way she could get outside. She began to run for the dining room, there was door in there she could get out of, but suddenly Liz jumped in her way, cutting off her escape.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Liz laughed.
Amanda didn’t say anything, but just made gagging noises. Liz poked Amanda in the belly, then reached out and pinched one of her nipples. That was all it took. Amanda screamed in pain, and promptly swallowed whatever was in her mouth. Amanda stared at Liz, eyes wide, her face a mixture of shock, hope, and a sort of stupefied look. It only lasted a moment or two because then Amanda groaned, both arms wrapped around her belly, and dropped to her knees, heaving. There’s no other way to say it, she puked her guts out. It was real nasty too.
Now I ain’t going to describe it, everyone’s seen people vomit before, but when she was done there was a puddle of puke on the floor in front of her, and Amanda, gasping, tried to brace herself with her hand and get up, sticking her shapely ass in the air. Liz was having none of it. She was behind Amanda and bent down, sticking her own big butt into the air, as she grabbed Amanda’s ankles and pulled her legs out from under her, and sending Amanda face first into her own puke.
Liz wasn’t done. She jumped on Amanda’s back, grabbing her left arm and twisting it behind her back with one hand while grabbing her hair and rubbing Amanda’s face in the slop with the other.
“Look at what you did to me floor, you little pig!” Liz screamed.
“I’d make her eat it,” Johnna sneered in contempt at Amanda.
Liz laughed, pulling Amanda’s face an inch or two off the floor, screaming, “Lick it up little piggy!”
Liz was not going to be happy until she took every ounce of dignity away from Amanda.
I knew that Amanda would never submit. She was too proud to ever do that, especially in front of all these people, and especially in front of Adam, the love of her life and object of her affection. Amanda was gagging through her pursed lips, legs kicking, and her juicy round ass squirming in those skin-tight jeans. Amanda was sexy, and disgusting, both at the same time. I knew she was just too damned proud to submit.
You can imagine my shock when Amanda, gagging and crying, stuck her tongue out and did what she was told.
Now you can’t blame her, after all, Liz had Amanda’s left arm twisted behind her back, the wrist twisted and wedged up between Amanda’s should blades. She was going to break that arm if she had to and the pain was too much for Amanda. Still, the crowd voiced its disgust at what Amanda was doing, and at Amanda. Even some tough old cowboys were looking away at the disgusting show.
Once Amanda obeyed Liz released her arm and got off her back, leaving Amanda face down in the vile slop and going over to where Johnna stood a few feet away.  Liz took up her beer, then eyes Amanda’s shirt. She was fiddling with it before handing it over to Johnna to put away somewhere safe.
Amanda was struggling to her hands and knees, a filthy, stinking mess, but with her shapely round ass sticking in the air. Amanda was covered in the black slop and her own puke and a couple of cowboys came forward to help Amanda to her feet. Maybe they felt bad for her, or maybe they just bet big on her, but once on her feet I could see the anger and hatred on that pretty face and Amanda just shoved them aside and stormed up to Liz, who had her back to Amanda, and who was waving Amanda’s hat around in the air, asking the crowd, “Don’t you all think it’s time we had a new Sheriff?”
Amanda stormed up behind Liz, pulled her right hand far behind her back and let it fly, aiming to smack the shit out of Liz from behind. Maybe Liz heard her coming, or felt it, or maybe saw it in the mirror behind the bar, but whatever happened, when Amanda tried to bushwhack her Liz easily ducked, leaving Amanda hitting empty air, and she spun around in a complete circle. By that time Liz was facing her and bopped Amanda on the nose, snapping her head back. Amanda tried to hit her with her left, but Liz easily ducked that one as well. Amanda was big, slow and lumbering, and when Liz ducked Amanda spun around, unable to control herself, and wound up facing away from Liz. Liz laughed and planted her foot in Amanda’s round ass, sending her staggering forward. Amanda was so mad and ornery now that she didn’t even seem to notice her big titties were bouncing around naked for all to see. Maybe she did notice, she sort of winced every time they bounced up and down, but she was so mad she just didn’t care. Some fellas caught her before she fell and Amanda shoved them aside and she turned and rushed at Liz again.
Like I said, a box of rocks. Amanda never learned. She rushed at Liz, who stopped her dead in her tracks with another bop to her nose. Amanda had that dazed, stupid look on her face. For the moment, at least, because Liz then stepped forward and her right foot flew right up between Amanda’s long, sexy legs and Liz planted the pointy toe of her shoe right into her crotch. Amanda seemed frozen for a moment, eyes and mouth both wide open, but the pain must have been so intense that she couldn’t even scream. It only lasted a moment. Amanda doubled over, hands pressed between her legs, and Liz slid around beside her, one hand grabbing Amanda by the hair and the other hand grabbing a handful of Amanda’s plump, round ass. Liz dragged her along by the scruff of the neck and the seat of her pants, picking up momentum as they headed towards the dining room. Amanda did manage to scream now, her arms flailing wildly as Liz dragged her along, picking up steam until they entered the dining room and Liz kicked Amanda’s legs out from under her, sending the big blonde Sheriff staggering forward, out of control and unable to stop herself, until she crashed into one of the tables. Amanda hit the table hard, upended it, and the table, and its contents crashed down on top of her. Poor Amanda was whimpering and moaning as she rolled over onto her back.
“We have laws here about breaking furniture,” Liz said with a laugh.
Amanda was struggling to rise when she heard Liz’s voice, and looked up to see the Latin beauty standing over her, wearing her hat, and wearing the shiny Sheriff’s badge pinned to her corset, right between the cleavage. Amanda saw red and leapt to her feet, lunging at Liz, claws bared, screaming “Take that off!  You’ll pay for that!  I’m going to kill you, you whore!”
Amanda was bigger, and meaner, but Liz was faster, and stronger, and she caught Amanda’s hands in midair, easily controlling the bigger blonde. Liz caught her hands in midair and yanked on them, spinning Amanda round and round and slammed her back against the wall. Poor Juan had to jump out of the way, but at least he had a front row seat. Even though Amanda was taller and heavier, Liz easily pinned her arms to the wall. Amanda was trying to make claws with her hands, screaming, “I’ll scratch your eyes out, whore!”
Liz laughed. She had control of Amanda’s hands and easily pulled them forward and no matter how much Amanda struggles she could not break free. Liz used Amanda’s hands to slam the blonde beauty back against the wall a few times, knocking the wind out of her, and every time she did Amanda’s head bounced off the wall, making the big, dizzy blonde even dizzier. Liz switched her grip on Amanda’s hands and used her strong body to pin Amanda to the wall. She easily manipulated Amanda’s still struggling hands, and brought them up to her own mouth. Liz bit off Amanda’s fingernail, the one off her right index finger, and spit it into Amanda’s face.
“You won’t be scratching anything but your own ass, Blondie!” Liz sneered, as bit off another nail.
One by one Liz bit off every one of Amanda’s nails, and each time she chewed one off she spit it into Amanda’s face. During all of this our big, tough, blonde Sheriff struggled in vain, and even though she was bigger and heavier, Amanda seemed weak and helpless. When she was finished declawing Amanda, Liz said, “Oh And there is one more thing…”
Amanda looked at her, on the verge of tears, with a puzzled look on her face.
Liz stepped in and rammed her knee up between Amanda’s slim legs and into her crotch again, dropping Amanda to her knees, hand pressed against her crotch again. Little Juan’s mop and bucket were nearby and Liz caught sight of them and laughed, “Maybe you just need to cool off,” as she grabbed Amanda by the hair and plunged her head into the bucket.
You might think that this would at least wash some of the slop, slime and puke off Amanda’s pretty face, and I suppose it did, but Liz held her head down there a long time. Amanda’s round ass was squirming in her jeans, and her arms were flailing wildly as Liz damned near drowned her in the mop bucket. Liz yanked her head out of the bucket and Amanda gasped for badly needed air, heaving and trying to suck it into her lungs. Liz looked at the once pretty face, dripping slop and slime, and said, “Nope, not clean yet,” before shoving Amanda’s face back into the bucket. She did this for a few minutes before she dragged a still gasping Amanda to her feet by the hair. Amanda was still trying to suck in air, and her legs were wobbly, and Liz once again buried her knee up into her crotch, doubling Amanda over, her plump, sexy ass sticking out again.
Once again Liz grabbed a handful of hair with one hand and a handful of ass with the other and dragged Amanda along by the scruff of the neck and the seat of her pants back towards the saloon part of the building. Amanda could do nothing but go with the flow. Liz dragged her along and ran her head first into the end of the bar. Amanda crumbled into a heap at her feet.  Liz wasted no time in dragging Amanda to her feet by her hair and shoved her belly first into the bar, grabbing the waistband if those skin-tight jeans and hauling Amanda up and onto the bar. Liz grabbed her again by the hair and ass and dragged her the length of the bar, picking up steam, and knocking over everything in her path. Liz stopped when they ran out of bar, but Amanda did not, and the big blonde was sent flying through the air, arms flailing and legs kicking, until she slammed into another table. Adam barely got out of the way in time.
I could hear Amanda moaning and groaning, and see her plump, round ass squiring in those tight jeans. It was quite a sight. Remember when I said Amanda fought like a little girl?  Let me now apologize to little girls everywhere. I bet there are ten-year-old girls out there who could whoop that sexy ass and not break a sweat. Liz sure hadn’t broken a sweat yet. From what we have all seen so far, I bet if you put Amanda in a fight with a wet paper bag that soggy bag would have an unfair advantage. That’s how pitiful Amanda was.
Amanda was moaning and crying, her legs, and juicy ass, sticking out of the table that was on top of her. She let out a squeal when Liz grabbed her by the ankles and dragged her out from under the table. She dragged Amanda up to her feet by the hair and spun her around to face her. Everyone was hootin’ and hollerin’ again, laughing and making fun of the half-naked and battered Amanda. Amanda somehow found the strength to shove Liz back away from her.
For what was probably the first time in her life Amanda finally showed some horse sense. She didn’t shove Liz back so she could attack her, she did it so she could get away from her!  Amanda threw her arms over her naked titties and ran for the hills. Well, she tried to anyway. The crowd was so thick with people that she couldn’t break through, and when she tried the folks in the crowd pushed her back, and took the opportunity to grab a handful of tits, ass or crotch, as a sobbing Amanda tried to get away. She was shoved around the crowd until she was finally back where she started, although her face was sure redder now, facing Liz, who was slipping on a pair of black leather gloves.
“I don’t want to bruise my knuckles while I bust you up,” Liz sneered with contempt. “And bitch, I am going to bust you up!”
I have known Amanda for over ten years now and I have seen that cocky blonde sneer with arrogance, and contempt, at other women. I now saw something else on her face, and in her eyes, and that was fear; pure, unadulterated, gut-wrenching terror. You could see it in her eyes, and in the way her mouth moved up and down like she was talking but no words could come out because she was so afraid. Amanda put her arms out, palms open, backing up and backing away from Liz. She did finally find her voice though.
“Please, Liz, please…. I am sorry…I am so, so sorry…. please…please…I’m begging you…please don’t beat me up…. I’ll give you anything….do anything you say…. just please don’t beat me up anymore.”
That cold, cocky, arrogant blonde who had stormed in here such a short time ago was long gone. Now we had the real Amanda, the weak, pathetic bully who didn’t know how to fight. Long gone was the big, tough blonde Sheriff and now we had this weak and feeble excuse for a woman, scared shitless of a woman half her age and half her size.
Amanda backed away from Liz and backed herself right into the wall, and now she had nowhere to run. Liz smiled, a wolf’s smile, and took a step forward. Amanda began to blubber, “I…. I…. I….” 
There were tears in her terrified eyes and suddenly she stopped and looked down at the big dark stain in the crotch of her tight jeans. Liz had taken one step towards her and Amanda just pissed herself in fear. She was sobbing pathetically and her hands dropped to her crotch, as if that would somehow stem the flowing tide, or stop that stain from getting bigger and bigger. Poor Amanda. The big tough Sheriff had just pissed her pants, in front of what seemed like half the town, terrified of a woman half her size. I saw a flash of lightning, as I had several times during all of this, and I knew that meant that the photographers had captured yet another humiliating Amanda moment. I was looking forward to seeing those pictures when they developed them.
Now I know what some of you might be thinking. Hasn’t the old gal has suffered enough?  Lest you think the town is uncivilized, or made up of bloodthirsty savages, you gotta remember that the town has been ruled by Big Dick and Amanda for ten years. For ten years it’s been under their power, and they never missed an opportunity to use, or abuse, that power. For ten years Amanda has been strutting around town in her skin-tight clothes. For ten years Amanda has been shoving her big tits in everyone’s face. For ten years she’s shaking that ass, bending over in front of fellas, with their girls right there beside them, knowing all eyes would be on her round backside. For ten years she’s been teasing the men and taunting the women. For ten years Amanda has been strutting around town, thinking she was better than everybody else. Has she suffered enough?  Some folks might say that this was just a down payment on what she owed.
Let me add that, if you stop and think about it, the only who to blame for what happened to Amanda is Amanda herself. Just cause she got all jealous of Liz, Amanda went off the rails. She’s the one who got out of control. She’s the one who came storming in her, guns blasting.  Amanda is the one who came in to challenge Liz to a gunfight, then used up all her bullets showing off and got caught with her pants down, so to speak. So maybe Liz did sucker Amanda into challenging her to a fistfight. So what?  Just because she was too dumb to figure out what was happening, and just like she was too dumb to know better than to use up all her bullets when she challenged someone to a gunfight, doesn’t relieve her of responsibility. Like they say in the law enforcement business, ignorance of the law is no excuse, and neither is being ignorant.
If you stop and think about it what did happen to Amanda?  Sure, she got made a fool of, and everyone laughed at her, but that was her own doing. Yes, Amanda lost her hat to Liz, and her shirt, and was now running around topless. But, hey, she’s been shaking them tits in everyone’s face for ten years, showing them off. Now she was really showing them off. Keep in mind that it was Amanda who picked the fight, it was Amanda who started the fight, and it was Amanda who, not once but twice, tried to attack Liz while her back was turned. It sure as shit ain’t Liz’s fault that Amanda can’t fight her way out of a wet paper bag. Liz didn’t even beat her up all that bad. Sure, she bloodied her nose, and sure, maybe Amanda will have a couple of black eyes in the morning, and Liz really did a number on her big tits, but most of what went on was Amanda being tossed around like a rag doll, and half of that was Amanda tripping over her own big feet. Sure, Amanda had been covered in slop and slime, but that wasn’t anything new for Amanda. That’s been happening to her ever since Consuela hit town. And as far as ass whoopins go this one was nothing. I’ve seen gals fighting in the streets, kicking and scratching in the mud, beating each other bloody, knocking out teeth and ripping out hair and when there was finally a winner they was so messed up that the fella they was fighting over didn’t either one of them. This fight was nothing.
So, you can see where folks might consider this just a down payment on what Amanda owed.
What do I think?  Well, I been watching her for ten years, ever since I was a 16 year old schoolboy. I thought she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and thought she was the most amazing woman in the world. She was prettier, and shapelier, than any woman I ever seen, and she was rougher, tougher and meaner than any man alive, except for her daddy. If you had asked me this morning, before she came into the Spanish Rose, what I thought about her I would have used words like “beautiful”, “cocky”, “tough”, “mean” or “domineering”. I probably would have added a few words about her big tits and ass too.
If you asked me now, what would I say?  I’m looking across the room at the old gal right now and she was starting to show her age. I ain’t never seen a gal that old cry that much. And them big tits of hers, well, trapped inside those tight shirts of hers, Amanda’s tits always looked like big, beautiful balloons. Seeing them naked and bruised like they were I could see they were big and heavy, all droopy and sagging down towards her belly. But hell, that’s just gravity. It wasn’t just that she was all sweaty, smelly and filthy, or half naked that I was thinking about. It was what Liz had done to her, and how easily she done it.
I was looking at Amanda, who was sweating bullets, arms crossed over her big, naked chest, cringing and cowering, backed into the wall and trying to somehow disappear into it. Amanda stank all right, and it wasn’t the sweat, vomit or filth, but the fear. She reeked of it. You could smell it in the room. Hell, she just pissed her pants in front of all these people. That’s the kind of thing that people never live down. You could hear it in the comments people were throwing at her. Amanda went from “Scaredy Cat” and “Fraidy Pants” to “Little Miss Piss Pants” or “Miss Piss”. And she done it in front of what seems like half the down, and they didn’t see it they would hear about before the Sun went down, you can be sure.
What made it all worse was that there was no reason Amanda should have ended up like this. She was always strutting around, all cocky and arrogant, like she was the biggest, toughest, strongest bitch in town. Well, Amanda may have been big, but she sure as hell wasn’t strong, and she sure as hell wasn’t tough. Amanda was so much bigger, taller, heavier and older than little Liz that, well, there just ain’t no excuse for her losing so bad, and pissing her pants, against such a smaller opponent. Looking at her standing there, towering over her opponent yet still cowering and shaking like a scared church mouse, I saw Amanda for what she was, a feeble weakling, an old, broken-down wretch, and even though she towered over Liz it was Amanda to looked puny, and downright pathetic!
Looking at her now, at this pathetic wreck of a woman, I couldn’t help but remember the first time I saw her. It was back at the school, shortly after she and her daddy came to town.  I had never seen a gal wearing a gun before, and I sure as heck never saw a gal wearing clothes that tight. Yeah, I had a crush on her. Amanda already had a reputation for her short temper, for being fast with a gun, and for being mean, and ornery, and being a little slow in the head. Amanda got into this battle, this confrontation, with little Jemima Washington. Jemima was this cute little black girl, about 10 years old, with pig tails and big glasses. Jemima wasn’t just black, she was as black as the ace of spades, I’ve never seen anyone so dark, and she was sweet and funny.
Well, Amanda saw her, and called her over, calling Jemima “little xxxxxxx girl”, and she made a couple of comments about slaves, and asked her “How come you slaves all get named after presidents?”  Now we don’t have any slaves around here and never did. All the black folk around her are honest, hardworking and free. Then Amanda went and licked her fingers and tried to wipe the black off Jemima.
“How come you’re so black?”  Amanda laughed.
“How come you’re so dumb?” Jemima shot back.
Luckily Big Dick was there to keep Amanda from whipping out her pistols, which she tried to do, while some of us got Jemima out of there fast.
Looking at Amanda I could not help but think of Jemima as I saw, for the first time, the real Amanda. I no longer saw the big, blonde bully who was so cocky and arrogant, and who acted like she was rough and tough. Take away her guns and you see the real Amanda, no longer big and tough, but a weak, feeble, pathetic little baby.  Amanda was now the town joke, Little Miss Piss Pants.
I couldn’t help but look at the wreck that was Amanda and think of Jemima, and wonder what would have happened that day of Amanda didn’t have her guns. I imagine Amanda the bully trying to push that little black girl around, and getting knocked on her ass by little Jemima. Seeing the new Amanda, the real Amanda, I reckon it would take about ten seconds for Jemima to have her crying for daddy. I picture Amanda sitting there on her sexy ass, crying, and that little girl jumping on her and wailing away. I can picture little Jemima pulling Amanda up by the hair, dragging her around and punching her in her big soft tits and belly, and I’m sure kicking Amanda in her round, sexy ass. Two-gun Amanda was fearless. No-gun Amanda was a pathetic wimp. I bet if Amanda saw that angry little black girl coming at her she would just shit her pants and crawl home with her tail between her legs, crying for daddy and whining about the “big” bully who beat her up-a ten-year-old black girl!
I saw Jemima a couple of months back, and she is all grown up, 20 years old, and all filled out, especially in the ass department. She’s got one of them big, round, black girl asses. I kinda wish she was here today to see this. I know she’ll hear about it. I will see to it personally. Then I might just have to remind her of that day at the school, and of how arrogant and mean Amanda was. Hell, I could sell tickets to that and get rich. I have no doubt that if Amanda saw grown up Jemima coming after her she would just shit her pants and run away.
Of course, Amanda did not have to worry about Jemima coming after her right now. She had to worry about Liz. Amanda just pissed all over herself, soaking her crotch and thighs, and the tears were flowing as she begged Liz not to beat her up anymore. 
“I thought you were going to teach me a lesson?” Liz sneered.
“I…I…I…” Amanda blubbered.
“I…I…I…” Liz mocked her. “If that’s all you can say then shut the fuck up, you stupid cxnt!”
Liz punctuated her words by sinking her right fist deep into Amanda’s bare belly. Amanda doubled over with an “oomph” sound, and Liz knocked her back up with an uppercut.
It looked like the lesson was about to begin, and so was the real ass whoopin’!
Throughout all this there were not many people cheering for Amanda. Sure, some fellas helped her drag her ass off the floor a time or two, but for the most part they were all cheering on Liz. It wasn’t that they ignored Amanda, they just all mocked her and made fun of her. So I don’t know who Amanda was talking to when she started screaming “Help me!  Somebody please help me!  She’s gonna kill me!”
“I’m not going to kill you,” Liz said with a laugh. “I’m just going to mess up that pretty little face of yours.”
Desperate times call for desperate measures and Amanda managed to push Liz back a step, but instead of attacking she ran for the hills, screaming for somebody to help her. But the crowd was too thick, and they were enjoying the sow too much. Nobody much liked Amanda in the first place, and seeing that big blonde being dominated by that little Latin beauty only lowered their opinion of the supposedly big, tough Sheriff. The townsfolk had nothing but contempt and disgust for the pitiful and pathetic wreck of a woman who was once the most feared woman in the land.
I guess I should rephrase what I said. Amanda did not push her way past Liz as much as Liz let her do it. Amanda was so pitiful that she didn’t do anything that Liz didn’t let her. Liz was smiling as she chased her down, knowing full well that Amanda’s pleas for help would go unanswered, and that any hopes the big blonde had about escape would soon be dashed, crushing her soul further. Liz was right about the crowd not helping Amanda, or helping her to escape. In fact, they still took every opportunity to grab at her sweaty, half naked body, not willing to miss an opportunity to grab the tits and ass that Amanda had been shaking in their faces for ten years. Hell, even the women in the crowd were getting in on the fun, laughing as they pinched her tits or smacked Amanda on her big, round rump. Amanda ran all around that saloon, trying to cover her tits and run away, but the crowd taunted her at every turn, and no matter which way she ran, when she turned around, there was Liz.
Amanda was shoved back yet again, right into Liz’s waiting hands, or should I say foot, because Liz gave her a sharp kick to the ass, sending Amanda staggering forward. Amanda turned, desperate, and kicked at Liz.
It was downright pitiful.
Liz easily caught her foot, and held on, using Amanda’s right foot to control the big blonde. Amanda’s arms were flailing wildly, trying to keep her balance, and her round ass was jiggling in those tight pants, and her big tits were bouncing up, down and all around. She did this for a few minutes, taunting Amanda, and enjoying the laughter of the crowd.
“How’s that pussy feel now, puta?” Liz sneered.
“Huh?”  Amanda just looked at Liz with a comically puzzled look on her face.
Liz, who had Amanda’s right foot in her left hand, forced the leg up high in the air and slammed a right uppercut straight into Amanda’s crotch, dropping the big blonde to the floor. Amanda was rolling and writhing on the floor, her hands pressed between her legs, whining and whimpering. Her legs were weak and wobbly when Liz dragged her to her feet by the hair and gave her a shove. The only thing that prevented Amanda from hitting the floor again was the crowd, which caught her and shoved her back into the fray, back to where Liz was waiting for her.
Liz proceeded to stalk Amanda around the room, landing punches at will, and punishing the big blonde. Amanda wasn’t fighting back, hell; she wasn’t even fighting at all. Amanda was basically a human punching bag by this point. Liz stalked her around the room, snapping out that left jab, snapping Amanda’s head back again and again, and then punishing her body with her right. It was like watching a cat play with a mouse, except Amanda was so much bigger than Liz it was more like watching the mouse play with the cat.
Amanda just kept backing up, and she backed right into the wall by the stairs where Adam was still sitting. Now that Amanda had nowhere to run Liz proceeded to take her apart, piece by piece. Liz was merciless with that left jab, snapping Amanda’s head back again and again, peppering her face with that jab. Liz wasn’t trying to knock her out, just bust her up.
Amanda didn’t know what to do. Liz’s jab was relentless, and Amanda tried to cover her face with her arms. When she did Liz just started landing uppercuts to the blonde’s already battered tits. When Amanda dropped her arms to cover her tits Liz would hit her in the face. Amanda was turned every which way but loose. When Amanda covered her face, Liz would pummel her big soft tits, and when Amanda covered her tits, Liz would pound her face. Not to mention sinking her fists into Amanda’s soft belly, or landing uppercuts, and the occasional knee, to Amanda’s pussy. Amanda wasn’t fighting back, or even fighting at all. She was just covering whatever part of her body that Liz was working over. There was just too much room to cover. All of this was made worse by the fact that Amanda towered over her opponent. Amanda had 20 years, 20 pounds, and almost six inches over little Lizzie, yet it was the big blonde who seemed small, weak and feeble.
Amanda was taking a tremendous beating. Her face was really starting to swell, her nose was bleeding, and she would definitely have a pair of shiners in the morning. The tight bun that Amanda had pulled her hair into was unraveling and each time Liz snapped her head back with that jab more hair would fall out of the bun and splay down over her once pretty but now swollen face. Amanda’s belly was getting softer with each blow, and every punch sank in deeper than the last, and those big, droopy tits were so soft that Liz’s fist sank in right up to the wrist!
Liz began taunting the big blonde. “Still think you’re so tough?  Still think you’re so big and bad?  You still think you can take Adam away from me?  Still going to teach me a lesson?”  Liz punctuated each question with an uppercut to Amanda’s big, sagging tits or right between the legs. She landed an uppercut to Amanda’s chin and you could see the end was near for the big, “tough” Sheriff. Amanda’s eyes glazed over, her mouth dropped open, and her arms dropped to her sides like they were attached to lead weights as she slumped back against the wall.
Liz began using Amanda’s big tits as her personal punching bags, hitting them from every direction with jabs, hooks, crosses and straight punches, making them bounce and dance to her tune. She then landed a pair of uppercuts, left-right, to Amanda’s pussy, doubling her over, and followed that with a left-right combination to her gut. A knee to the face sent Amanda upright and sent Amanda’s tits flopping up and down with a pair of uppercuts before landing a left uppercut and a right cross to the jaw.
Amanda bounced off the wall and took a step forward and dropped to her knees. Liz reached out her left hand and yanked Amanda’s head back by the hair, her right fist cocked and ready. She took one look at Amanda’s bleary eyed, slack jawed face and laughed. She released her hair as Amanda’s eyes rolled back into her head and she wavered back and forth for a moment before crashing to the floor, landing flush on her battered face and tits, her big, round ass sticking up in the air. Liz planted her foot on Amanda’s upraised ass and lifted her arms, striking a double bicep pose as the photographer captured the image for posterity. The crowd erupted into cheers for the champion.


Offline carlbrad12

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Re: The Battle of Cactus Creek Part 2
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2017, 07:02:24 AM »
Little Lizzie, Consuela’s little girl, had destroyed the big blonde Sheriff so thoroughly, and with such ease, that it was downright frightening. Adam gave Liz a big hug and escorted her to the bar where they shared a victory beer with Johnna; leaving Amanda, knocked out cold, still face down on the floor, her ass still sticking up in the air. When she came to after a few minutes, moaning and groaning, Liz strolled over, beer still in hand, and as Amanda lifted her swollen face from the floor, forcing herself to her hands and knees with obvious effort, Liz laughed.
“Oh look, Sleeping Ugly is awake now. Ready to teach me that lesson now, bitch?”
Amanda managed to lift her head and her face went white as the blood drained out of her. There was a look of such stark terror on her face like I have never seen before. Amanda, the big, tough Sheriff, just threw herself at the feet of the woman who had destroyed her.
“Oh God! Please, Liz, please,” Amanda blubbered, “I’m begging you!  I can’t take anymore. Please!  I’ll give you anything you want. I do whatever you say, just please don’t beat me up anymore!”
I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. Amanda wasn’t just beaten, she was broken!
For ten years I have had a crush on, and lusted after, that tall, blonde beauty. Amanda was the most beautiful woman in town, and she knew it, and was smug about it.  Smug, snooty and a little stuck on herself. It gave her a confidence, and made her cocky and arrogant. She was always shaking that sexy ass of hers, and knew that everyone gawked at it, and she loved it. Amanda was not just confident, she was over-confident, and everyone was gawking at her sweet, round ass, sticking high in the air while she groveled at the feet of that little Latin beauty. Watching the big, beautiful, cocky, arrogant, but now beaten and broken blonde debase herself like this made my stomach turn a little. And it made her hard as a rock. I guess I was mad at myself for lusting after this sexy blonde who had beauty but no brains, and attitude, but no backbone.  I couldn’t even feel bad for her. I figured that if she couldn’t fight any better than that, well, then she deserved whatever she got.
Liz then said what I was thinking.
“You’re pathetic!” Liz snarled. “You dare come into my place running your mouth and acting all big and tough and look at you now. You are so weak and worthless. You disgust me!  Big tough Sheriff going to kick my ass and run me out of town? Hah! Look at you now, down there shaking like a scared little church mouse. Is that what you are, a mouse?”
“I’m…I’m…I’m a woman,” Amanda muttered. She said the words her voice was meek, and without confidence. Amanda had her head down the whole time, too ashamed and too afraid to look Liz in the eye.
“Hah!” Liz snapped and stomped her foot in Amanda’s direction.
Amanda threw her arms over her head. “Please don’t beat me up again,” she sobbed.
Liz smiled and went over and said something to Johnna, who disappeared behind the bar and into the kitchen. The big Spanish beauty came back with a half-eaten chunk of cheese and handed it to Liz, who tossed it down in the middle of the filthy floor.
“Now a mouse would crawl…no… scurry, over to that piece of cheese and start chewing on it. But a woman, well, a woman would get up and fight!  So, what are you, a woman, or a mouse?”  As she said these last words Liz curled her hands into fists.
With her head still bowed Amanda looked up at Liz and saw her standing there with the cool confidence that she herself once possessed fists at the ready. Tears welled up in her eyes, her lower lip quivered, and Amanda’s mouth opened a few times, as if to speak, but she had lost her voice. She looked up at Liz, who looked hot, sexy and ready for battle, and lowered her eyes in shame. Amanda then scurried across the floor on her hands and knees, picked up that half-eaten, filthy chunk of cheese and began nibbling on it.
“Well, you scurry like a mouse, and eat cheese like a mouse, let’s hear you squeak like a mouse. And do it loud!  I want Adam to see what you’re made of. I want everyone to know what you’re made of!” Liz snapped.
I was shocked when Amanda, my warrior queen, my tough, haughty object of desire, began to squeak like a mouse. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Big, tough Amanda, down on her hands and knees, mouth full of cheese, and squeaking like a mouse, scared shitless of a woman half her age and half her size.
Liz made Amanda debase herself like this until the cheese was gone, and dragged Amanda to her feet by the hair. It was a sight to see, this big, haughty, arrogant blonde, no longer haughty or arrogant, her head lowered in shame and towering over Liz who was clearly in control.
Liz wandered across the saloon and sat down, lifting a thick, strong and shapely leg up she looked at her high heeled shoes.
“My shoes are dirty. Why don’t you scurry over here and clean them, mouse!”
Amanda was just terrified of little Lizzie and obeyed immediately, scurrying across the room on her hands and knees, plump ass high in the air, and stopped at Liz’s feet. She looked up at Liz, her eyes submissive, and said, “I don’t have a cloth.”
“You know what, mouse?” Liz sneered. “You really are dumb. Clean them with your tongue!”
Amanda’s jaw dropped and she started doing that thing with her mouth where it opened and closed but no words came out. Liz glared at her, her pretty green eyes narrowing and burning through Amanda, right down to her very soul.
Amanda dropped her head and with eyes clamped shut and a disgusted look on her face she slid her tongue out and began to lick Liz’s shoes.
“Don’t forget the soles, mouse!”
By this point Amanda was so terrified of little Liz that she would not dare disobey, and after licking every inch of the leather top she ran her tongue over the dirty, gritty and filthy soles of her shoe. I told you how filthy a saloon floor can get, with a mix of sawdust, dirt, mud, cow and horse shit from the cowboy’s boots. I could see how disgusted Amanda was but she didn’t stop until she had licked every inch of the shoe clean. Then she went and did the same thing to the other one. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to kiss her now.
Once Amanda had licked her shoes clean Liz stood up and laughed as she looked down at Amanda. She grabbed her by the hair and forced Amanda to her feet.
“Now whoever heard of a mouse wearing pants?”  Liz laughed. “Take them off!”
“Here? In front of everybody?”  Amanda was horrified.
“I said take those pants off, mouse!” Liz snapped.
“Oh please, Liz, I begging you. Please don’t make me take of my pants in front of them,” Amanda blubbered.
Liz reached out and grabbed Amanda by her nipples, pinching them hard and giving them a twist. “If I have to repeat myself one more time, you pathetic little mouse, you are going to wish you stayed in your momma’s womb.”
“She gives blondes a bad name,” said Johnna, she of the fake blonde dye job. “You should cut her hair off.”
“Oh no, Liz, please,” Amanda blubbered, “Please don’t cut my hair.”  Amanda was in tears at the thought.
“Mouse, if I have to repeat myself one more time not only will I shave your head I will knock out all your teeth and have you gumming sweaty cowboy cocks for a nickel a shot. That’s if anyone will ever look at you again after I bust up that pretty little face.”
“No, Liz, no, please. I’ll be good. Honest. See, I’m taking them off now.”
The only thing worse than pain, to Amanda, was the idea of losing her pretty blonde hair. Nothing that had happened to her so far would not heal, except maybe her pride, and the very idea that she would not be pretty anymore scared the piss out of her, literally. I think she pissed herself again. Amanda was sobbing in shame, and from the fact that Liz was still pinching and twisting her nipples, but she obeyed.
It was a sight to see, that big, haughty blonde, towering over her opponent, yet at the same time cowering and submissive, trying to wiggle her ass out of those skin-tight jeans. Those pants were so tight they looked like they was painted on her body. Getting out of them on a good day was no easy task, but doing it in front of a crowd of leering and jeering men and women, while having her nipples pinched, was downright comical. The jeans were so tight that Amanda had to push and tug, slowly working them down her hips, baring a pair of thin white panties. She tugged and pushed and finally got them over her hips, giving the people behind her a good show, no doubt, baring her long legs until finally the pants rested down around her ankles. Amanda stood there with her pants down around her ankles, wearing nothing but her scraped and bruises, her boots, and those white panties. They weren’t exactly all white. Not anymore. There was a big, wet yellow stain in Amanda’s crotch from pissing all over herself.
“I…I…I can’t get them off over my boots,” Amanda apologized.
“You really are dumb,” Liz said with contempt. “Take the boots off.”
Amanda gave quite a show, bending over and showing off her broad backside as she took off her boots, and her jeans, and presented them to Liz. Liz told her to take them over to Johnna, and made her carry them in her teeth, piss-soaked crotch first, on her hands and knees. By this point if Liz told her to do something Amanda did it, immediately and without question, and with her jeans in her mouth she scurried over to the bar, big tits hanging down and her round ass wiggling. She scurried back to Liz on her hands and knees, and waited at the Latin beauty’s feet, head bowed in subservience. Amanda was humiliated by all of this, but she was too terrified to dare disobey.
Liz was admiring Amanda’s boots but threw them back at her.
“Nice boots,” Liz said. “Too bad you got such big feet. Put them back on.”
Amanda obeyed and Liz made her stand up.
As beautiful as she was, and as sexy as she was, Amanda looked downright ridiculous!  Just standing there in her piss-soaked panties was bad enough, but the boots made Amanda look like some kind of buffoon. It might not have looked so bad if her panties were all frilly and ruffled, like Liz’s were, or if they were lacy, although the big piss stain didn’t help. Amanda’s panties were plain, white (mostly), and big. The kind of panties your grandma might wear.
Somebody yelled out “Looks like you’re wearing a diaper!”
“Didn’t work,” someone else yelled.
Liz grabbed the waistband of the diaper, I mean panties, and yanked up sharply on them. Those panties just disappeared between Amanda’s round ass cheeks, and in the front they were wedged so high and tight that Amanda’s pussy hair was poking out the sides, and Amanda was forced up on her toes. Liz had those panties wedged so tightly up Amanda’s cxnt and ass that in the front the panties disappeared into her bush, cutting into her cxnt lips, and reappeared out the top of her ass crack. Amanda was red-faced with embarrassment because the whole crowd could now see her big, pale ass. Amanda was sobbing, begging Liz for mercy.
“Please don’t show them my pale white ass,” she whimpered.
Liz just laughed and gave those pale white cheeks a sharp slap.
“Don’t worry, it won’t be pale much longer!”
Liz then began dragging Amanda around the room by her tightly wedged panties. Liz made sure to get close to the crowd, so they could get a good look at the broken and humiliated Sheriff, and close enough so that they could reach out and grab her tits and ass and whatever else they wanted. Amanda sobbed the whole time, from shame, for sure, but also because of the pain because you know those panties were cutting deep into her cxnt and asshole.
After a while Liz shoved Amanda down to her hands and knees and made her crawl around the room on her hands and knees, leading her along by the hair, and her tightly wedged panties. Not only could you see every inch of Amanda’s round, shapely jiggling ass, you could see how the material of the panties was wedged between Amanda’s pussy lips, and you could even see the outline of her puckered brown asshole. After a few trips around the saloon Liz dragged a sobbing Amanda up to her feet by the hair and reached out and grabbed Amanda by the ear.
“No reason we should keep the show private,” Liz laughed.
She gave Amanda’s ear a pinch and began dragging her along by the ear, across the saloon, through the crowd and right out the front door and onto the veranda. Amanda was led around the veranda, and there were hundreds more people crowded out there on the street, watching. I should note that, with all those people watching, not a single person came to Amanda’s defense. Why would they?  Nobody much liked Amanda anyway, and the fact that the woman who was doing this to her was so much smaller than her that Amanda just looked like a big, blonde buffoon.
Amanda looked pretty ridiculous, wearing nothing but her pee-soaked panties and her cowgirl boots, being led around by the ear like a disobedient child. Amanda looked comical, to be sure, but she also looked pitiful, and downright pathetic. Amanda was a real mess. She was soaked with sweat, and out in the sunlight her body glistened with it, and pretty blonde hair was stringy and plastered to her head from the sweat. She had bruises all over her body from being tossed around like a rag doll, her once pretty face was puffy and swollen, and her eyes were red and poffy from crying so much. Her big tits were so bruised and battered that that sagged down on her chest like two bags of chocolate pudding. The way Liz, without a hair out of place, led her around, left no question to who did this to the once proud and cocky Sheriff. Liz paraded what was left of Amanda all around the veranda, making sure everyone got a good look.
There were a lot of people inside the Spanish Rose who witnessed the destruction of Amanda, and there were four or five times that out in the street. They lined both sides of the street, and the balcony of the hotel across the street was full as well. The girls from Madame Orr’s place hung out the windows, and some had set up chairs on the porch, and the street was packed with people. Amanda now stood at the top of the stairs, one arm across her chest, the other covering her pee-soaked crotch and eyes clamped shut in shame, as the crowd laughed and jeered at her.
Liz asked for a chair, and they brought her out a straight-backed chair from the saloon. Liz squeezed her big, sexy ass onto it.
“I do believe that all this activity has really worked up a sweat,” Liz said. She raised her right arm and slid her fingers into her dark curls, elbow pointed skyward. “Don’t you want your new Mistress to look good, mouse?  Scurry over here and lick it up!”
It was a big veranda, and Liz sat by the front door of the Spanish Rose, with Amanda six or eight feet away at the top of the stairs. Amanda could have made a run for it, or she could have at least tried. Oh, how the mighty have fallen!  You could see how low Amanda had sunk when Liz told her to scurry over there and lick the sweat from her armpit and the big blonde did exactly that. Amanda immediately dropped to her hands and knees and crawled over to Liz and, eyes clamped shut in a mixture of shame and disgust, stuck her tongue out and ran it up and down Liz’s sweaty pit. Liz made Amanda clean both of her sweaty pits with her tongue, and while you could see that Amanda didn’t enjoy it, she performed enthusiastically.
Liz finally told her to get up and go stand at the top of the stairs again. Amanda obeyed, once again trying to cover her nearly naked body with her arms.
“I thought you like to show off?” Liz laughed. “Why are you being so shy now?  Take off those panties!”
Amanda spun around and she was doing that thing with her mouth where it kept opening and closing but no words would come out. She looked like a dumbfounded fish.
 “Please don’t take me take off my panties off and show them my pale white ass,” Amanda sobbed.
Johnna, throughout much of Amanda’s humiliation, had been begging Liz to let her shave off Amanda’s blonde hair.
“Johnna,” Liz said, “go get the scissors.”
Amanda’s jaw dropped open and damn if that woman didn’t go and piss herself again. Not only were Amanda’s panties totally soaked, so were her thighs, and she left a small puddle on the brick veranda.
“Did you just piss on my porch?” Liz snapped.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Amanda blubbered. “I’ll be a good girl, really I will. See…”  Amanda slid her fingers into the waistband of her panties and began tugging them downward.
Liz made Amanda turn around so that she was facing Liz, and had her back to the crowded street. She also made Amanda bend at the waist while she did this, slowly exposing every inch of her naked backside, and I do mean every inch. Liz made her do it slowly, and when she finally exposed both cheeks well, bent over like she was, you could see straight through to China. Anyone behind her could see the wet, glistening cxnt lips, and you could see her puckered brown asshole.
“Why Amanda,” said Millie Jackson, a shy, quiet girl, one of the “nice” townsfolk who helped her daddy run the general store, “I do believe you just winked at me.”
The crowd erupted in laughter while Amanda, eyes clamed shut in shame, had tears running down her cheeks as she finally removed her panties and stood there, head down, with her soggy panties in her hand, facing Liz.
“You made a mess on my porch,” Liz said. “Now mop it up.”
“I don’t have a mop,” Amanda said blankly.
“Then use your panties!”
I can’t say whether it was Liz’s commanding voice, or the way Johnna stood behind her friend making scissor motions with her fingers, or a combination of both, but Amanda immediately dropped to her hands and knees and started mopping up her piss with her own panties.
Amanda did her best. Lucky for her, those granny panties were sort of big, so they made somewhat of a good sponge. On the other hand, she had pissed herself so much that they were pretty soggy to begin with. Like I said, she did her best, and did manage to soak up a good portion of it.
“I can’t get anymore,” Amanda whined, her voice totally subservient to Liz. Amanda once snapped commands at people. Now her voice was not just humble, but that, mixed in with fear and desperation. Amanda was desperate to please Liz.
“I said I want that cleaned up,” Liz said. She didn’t raise her voice, but spoke sternly. “If your mop is too wet then you’ll have to use your tongue and lick it up!”
Amanda didn’t miss a beat. There was no begging or pleading now. Amanda just lowered her head, her eyes clamped shut in shame and disgust, and began to lick her piss off the porch.
That poor woman didn’t have an ounce of self-respect left. Amanda clearly hated every second of this, and was clearly disgusted by what she was being forced to do, but at the same time she was scared shitless of Liz, and did not want to face her displeasure.
When she was done licking up her own piss Amanda looked up at Liz. “What should I do with these?” she asked rather stupidly, holding up her soggy panties.
“Better put them someplace safe,” Liz said. “Put them in your mouth.”
Amanda was doing that fish thing with her mouth, but there was no begging or pleading again. She screwed her eyes shut with a look of absolute disgust on her face and pushed the piss soaked panties into her mouth. She was gagging, and probably got a mouthful of piss, but she obeyed completely. Piss was dripping out of her mouth when she closed it.
Liz then ordered Amanda to crawl over to her, to stand up, and to lay herself face down across her lap. Amanda did everything Liz said, and was soon bent over Liz’s lap.
 “Now who wants to see me gives these pale ass cheeks a little color?” Liz laughed.
The crowd roared its approval.
This was incredibly humiliating for Amanda. Here she was, bent over Liz’s lap, and about to be spanked like a little girl by a woman who was half her age. Amanda’s round ass was sticking up in the air and Liz gave it a few light swats under the fleshy ass cheeks, making Amanda’s soft, round ass shake and jiggle. Liz gave it a pinch here and there as well while Amanda just laid there, whimpering.
Amanda, well, the old Amanda, had been a commanding and domineering presence, the exact opposite of what she was now, and it occurred to me that this was probably the first spanking of her adult life. Considering how Big Dick treated her, and how cocky and arrogant she once was, this might actually be the first spanking of her life. Not only was Amanda about to get the first spanking of her lifetime, it was going to happen right in front of the man she lusted after, Adam had a front row seat, and in front of what looked like half the town.
“This is going to hurt me a lot more than it hurts you,” Liz said, wrapping her left arm around Amanda’s waist and raising her right hand high above her shoulder. “Just kidding. It won’t hurt me at all. You, on the other hand…”
Liz brought her hand down, full force, against the fleshy underside of Amanda’s soft, round ass cheeks. Amanda’s head shot up, eyes wide, and she screamed into her pissy panty gag. Liz brought her hand down, full force, and it landed with a loud smack as Amanda’s soft, round ass cheeks shook like twin bowls of jelly, a big red handprint spread across both cheeks.
Liz was relentless. She brought her hand down again and again, and each time it connected with that same loud “whap” sound, and each time sending Amanda’s soft ass cheeks bouncing and jiggling all over the place. Amanda was bouncing too, all over Liz’s lap, but the little Latin beauty held her tight. Amanda squealed with each smack to her plump rump, but they were all muffled by the piss-soaked panties that were in her mouth. Her tears were flowing freely though.
Now I can’t rightly say how many spanks Liz delivered. I stopped after 100, and that was in the first minute!  I know that Liz had sent Johnna into the Spanish Rose to get her “special bag” and when Johnna came back after a minute or two she was disappointed to see Amanda’s upraised ass turning red. She was sorry she missed the show. That was OK, because the show was just beginning.
I’ve been watching Amanda’s perfectly round ass shake and wiggle around town for ten years, and if you add all the times I watched her ass jiggle through town it still wouldn’t equal the jiggle show that she was now going through. Every time Liz smacked her plump bottom those round cheeks would bounce and jiggle and shake and shimmy. Hell, even her thighs were getting in on the act. What I found funny was that Amanda had been so worried about everyone seeing her pale white ass, and believe me, it is the palest, whitest ass I have ever seen. Or should I say, was, the palest and whitest ass. The hard, constant spanks had turned those cheeks from the whitest of white pink, at first, then every shade of red. By the time she stopped spanking her with her hand Amanda’s ass was glowing bright red.
Liz ran her hand over Amanda’s red, fiery ass cheeks, starting at the top of the thighs and rubbing her hand lightly over the round, fleshy cheeks all the way up to the top of her ass crack. Liz had not just warmed her buns, they were on fire. Liz pulled her hand away quickly, shaking it as if she had touched something hot.
“Wow, you could fry an egg on that ass,” Liz laughed.
Liz then spread Amanda’s ass cheeks, laughing at the contrast between Amanda’s pale, white ass crack, and her bright red glowing buns. When she spread those red cheeks she warned Amanda, “Now don’t you go winking at anybody, Mandy.”
Amanda, eyes clamped shut, sobbed and whimpered. I wondered how much of that was from pain, and how much was shame. Maybe it was a little of both. Amanda surely had a lot to be ashamed about. Here she was, a fully-grown woman, bent over the knee of her rival, half her age and half her size, but it was Amanda who was being spanked like an unruly child. It was happening not only in front of the man they were fighting over, but in front of half the town.   Amanda was naked, except for her boots, which gave her seem more ridiculous, and there wasn’t an inch of her body that hadn’t been exposed to the leering and cheering crowd. Amanda was clenching her ass cheeks, as if that would help her, and that was not all she clenched.
“Didn’t I tell you not to wink at me?” Liz laughed.
Adam laughed that Amanda couldn’t wink with her eyes but she sure could wink with her butthole.
Amanda sobbed even more in her shame. Amanda was probably feeling as humiliated as she ever thought possible.
As with everything else that day, Amanda could not have been more wrong.
With Amanda’s ass cheeks spread wide Liz could not only see Amanda’s winking asshole, but even more, like the wetness between her legs.
“Either you just pissed yourself again,” Liz said, releasing Amanda’s spread ass cheeks and plunging a hand between her legs and rubbing the wetness between her thighs, “or you are really enjoying this.”
The crowd loved it. As for Amanda, well, it was hard to say. In between her sobs of shame Amanda moaned, and arched her back, trying to press herself against Liz’s hand, a fact that was not lost on Liz.
“Oh, you naughty bitch!” Liz laughed. “I think you like getting spanked. Is that it?  Do you like getting your buns blistered?”
As she was saying this Liz was rubbing her hand up and down the sopping wet slit between Amanda’s thighs.  Amanda sobbed, and moaned, and even with the pussy panty gag I could hear her gasp when Liz slid a finger into Amanda’s wet pussy. The crowd gasped, and then laughed, and once they had fell silent, gleefully watching the spectacle that was Amanda’s humiliation unfold, the only sounds you could hear were Amanda’s sobs, her moans, her gasps, and the sound of Liz’s finger squishing in and out of Amanda’s hot, wet cxnt. If there was any doubt about whether Amanda was enjoying this they were put to rest when Liz pulled her hand away and Amanda pushed her ass in the air, trying to push herself against Liz’s hand.
Liz began to alternate between rubbing Amanda’s wet pussy, and plunging two fingers in and out, with one hand, and using her other hand to pinch and smack Amanda’s red, swollen ass cheeks. With all the squealing, sobbing, moaning, and back arching, it was hard to tell what was making that kitty purr. Was it the rubbing and fingering, or was it having her big, red bottom smacked? 
Whatever it was, from the gasping and moaning Amanda was like a volcano that was ready to erupt. Ironically, the piss-soaked panties that gagged her mouth may have added to her shame and humiliation, but it muffled her moaning and gasping in pleasure, and kept her sounds of pleasure from echoing through the street. Amanda was about to blow!
Liz could obviously tell because she suddenly pulled her hand away, leaving Amanda pushing her ass up and humping empty air.
“You’re a naughty girl,” Liz laughed. “Do you know what happens to naughty girls?  Bad girls get spanked!”
Liz laid into her ass again, and Amanda was screaming and squirming again, although I thought I might have heard a moan or two of pleasure mixed in with the screams and squeals.
Liz made Amanda stand up, and when she did she immediately began jumping up and down, squealing as she tried to rub the pain out of her big, and red, ass cheeks.
“You want some of this?” Liz asked Johnna. Johnna beamed a bright, and rather cruel, smile, and managed to wedge her big, fat ass in that chair and hauled Amanda face down across her lap.
Johnna was much bigger than Liz, and had those big arms, and big hands, and began to paddle Amanda’s already red ass with relish while Liz rummaged around in the big carpet bag. Liz pulled out a leather barber’s strap, the kind they sharpen razors on. It was about two feet long, and two inches wide, and really thick. Liz moved around in front of Amanda where she could see her, and slapped the leather strap against her own thigh. Amanda, in the midst of her bouncing, squirming and squealing act saw that and her eyes grew even wider, and she really began to squirm and scream.
I wondered if it was anticipation of the pain, and pleasure, to come, and I also wondered if Amanda was starting to link the two in her mind. Was it the anticipation that had Amanda squirming, or the fact that Johnna was rubbing and fingering her pussy?  Poor Amanda!  Just as Liz had earlier, Johnna brought her to the brink of climax, and then abruptly stopped, leaving Amanda frustrated and humping air.
Johnna had delivered a few hundred spanks to Amanda’s already red and swollen ass when Liz said, “Hold her tight.”  Johnna did, squealing in delight as Liz laid that thick leather strap to Amanda’s swollen ass. Even the soggy panties in her mouth could not stifle Amanda’s screams as Liz brought the strap down across her already tender ass cheeks, leaving a long, wide, streak of ass blistering pain to those already pain-filled ass cheeks. She did it again and again, slashing this way and then that, leaving large, raised red welts crisscrossed across Amanda’s once perfect ass.  To Johnna’s delight, and Amanda’s horror, Liz and Johnna swapped places and Amanda was once again face down across Liz’s lap, and big Johnna was walloping her ass with the strap. And once again, before swapping places, Amanda was rubbed to the brink of climax, only to be denied yet again.
I am sure the sobbing wreck that was once Amanda thought her ass could not get any redder, any more swollen, or any more painful. She would be mistaken. Liz reached into her bag and brought out a hairbrush. It had a wide, flat wooden handle, and stiff wire bristles. Amanda was already a sobbing wreck when Liz showed it to her, but then she used the wood part to lightly smack Amanda’s fleshy, and painfully swollen, ass cheeks. The she flipped it over and scraped the stiff wire bristles across Amanda’s red, tender flesh and the big blonde began blubbering. Liz laid into Amanda’s swollen ass, teasing her by flipping between handle and bristles, and alternating between one cheek, the other cheek, or both cheeks, and alternating how fast, how hard, and how many times she hit. One cheek would get ten, then the other one, then three to one and five to the other, and sometimes is was smack dab in between both cheeks.   Liz did not stop until she turned Amanda’s once beautiful and perfect ass into red, raw hamburger. Amanda would not be able to sit for a month or longer!
   Amanda’s ass was on fire, and even the hairbrush seemed to be smoking with the heat. Liz rubbed the warm wooden brush against Amanda’s wet box, and even though her ass was blistered and swollen, literally on fire, so was her pussy and Amanda moaned and pushed herself back against the brush. Amanda had no shame.
Liz finally allowed Amanda to stand, and the big blonde was jumping around like a Mexican Jumping Bean, her hands trying to rub the fire out of her backside, but only causing herself more pain, and as she jumped around everyone got a good look at her swollen ass, her battered boobs, and her big blonde bush.
“If you are going to dance then dance for everyone,” Liz said and made Amanda climb on the railing that went around the veranda. Amanda was standing between two posts on the left side of the steps, directly above the cucumber and cactus patch. Amanda was wavering on the thin rail, somehow trying to retain her balance. It wasn’t easy. The railing was narrow, her feet were big, and she was still trying to rub the pain out of her red, swollen ass cheeks.
Liz then picked up a horsewhip and offered Amanda a deal. If she could take ten strokes of the whip Liz would let her go and never bother her again. Or Amanda could jump down to get away and choose her fate. Amanda looked down at the pile of cactus on the left side of the garden, and the cucumbers on the right side. She must have felt her back was strong enough to take ten lashes and nodded her head; her mouth was still full of piss soaked panties, and held on to one of the posts. Liz would have none of that.
“Come on, mouse, bend over and stick that ass out!”
Amanda’s eyes grew wide.  She thought she was going to get in on the back, not the backside. It didn’t matter, really. Amanda obeyed, as we all knew she would. Amanda was a whipped puppy and did whatever Liz told her to. She had to spread her legs a little to keep her balance, and bent over with her hands on her knees, and her big, blistered butt sticking out at Liz. Liz could not only see every inch of those swollen red buns, she could see Amanda’s pussy, dripping wet.
“I do believe you are enjoying this,” Liz laughed.
Amanda’s head was lowered in shame, and she could not bear to look up and see the laughing crowd. There was no denying Amanda’s loud gasp when Liz took the handle of the horsewhip and pushed it between Amanda’s spread thighs and rubbed it against her wetness. Amanda sobbed, but at the same time it looked like she pushed her hips back to rub herself against the whip. Amanda had been brought to the brink of orgasm again and again, only to be denied release, and even though she was hurt, and humiliated, her pussy was dripping wet and that filly was in heat!   
Unfortunately for Amanda Liz took the handle away as quickly as she had brought it against her and Amanda was left frustrated again. Even though Amanda had been publicly humiliated in more ways than she thought possible, she had no shame or dignity and left and would have been grateful for release.
Her eyes were clamped shut, but Amanda’s eyes opened wider than ever and she cringed when she heard Liz crack that whip. Amanda’s moment of courage faded and before the first blow had been struck she jumped down into the dirt of the cucumber patch, landing hard and falling on her swollen backside. With a laugh Liz jumped down next to her, landing easily on her feet.
“I should have known a whore like you would pick the cucumbers,” Liz laughed, shoving Amanda down and sitting on her chest. Amanda was staring up between Liz’s legs, and that up close and personal I am sure she saw the dark hairs poking out the sides of Liz’s panties. Liz grabbed her by the hair, pulling Amanda’s face deep into her crotch, sliding her thighs around Amanda’s head and squeezing.
The rough fabric of the fishnets scraped at Amanda’s face, but she had other things to worry about, like the fact that she couldn’t breathe, and what little air she had was tainted with the scent of Liz’s sweaty pussy.
Liz let her go and stood up, still straddling Amanda’s body, and undid her garters so she could wiggle her big, sexy ass out of her frilly panties. Then she sat down again and Amanda was face to face with her rival’s hairy pussy.
“I hope you brought an appetite,” Liz laughed, pulling the piss soaked panties out of Amanda’s mouth, and pulling the defeated blonde’s face deep into her own crotch.
Now I don’t know if you have ever seen one of the Latin ladies naked, but some of them are pretty hairy down there. Liz is one of them. Liz’s bush was very dark, very kinky, and very full, not only filling the triangle of her crotch, but continuing down between her legs, surrounding two wet, and glistening pussy lips. Amanda had a close-up view as Liz used her blonde hair to rub Amanda’s face in her snatch while she ground her hips and rubbed herself all over Amanda’s teary-eyed face. She used Amanda’s hair to pull her face out of her crotch and said, “You know what to do.”
The scent of Liz’s sweaty, sopping wet pussy filled Amanda’s head. Hell, the juices were dripping off her mouth and nose. Amanda just stared between Liz’s legs, eyes wide, and making her fish face.
“I…please, Liz…I…I…I could never do that…I…I …I couldn’t…I just couldn’t…I…I don’t like girls like that…I…I like boys” Amanda blubbered.
“You really are as dumb as you look,” Liz said. “It ain’t about liking girls. It ain’t about sex.”
Of all people, Amanda should have understood that. After all, how many men had been she and Big Dick chained up in that jail cell?  How many men had Amanda and her daddy fucked in the ass?  It wasn’t like Big Dick liked boys. Just as Liz said, it wasn’t about sex. It was about power. Amanda should have known that. Who knows, maybe Amanda did understand that, but in her current state was befuddled and confused. Or maybe…
This was Amanda’s first time being up close and personal with another woman’s pussy, and it seemed pretty clear that she didn’t care for the smell or taste. Liz didn’t miss a beat. She simply turned around so that she was facing Amanda’s feet, and so that Amanda, instead of staring at her wet, hairy pussy was staring wide eyed at Liz’s big, meaty ass. Liz told Johnna to get her bag. Johnna laughed and wanted to know if she could cut off Amanda’s hair now.
Before a sobbing Amanda could begin blubbering Liz reached back and grabbed her by the hair and used it to pull Amanda’s face deep into her ass crack and sat back full on her face. Amanda’s protests were muffled by the big, sweaty ass that covered her face. Liz reached out and plucked a cucumber from the vine. It was a good sized one, eight or nine inches long, an inch or two around, and it was covered with these little bumps and nubs, sort of like what they call a French Tickler. She rubbed it over Amanda’s full bush, then teased her by sliding it down between her legs, and rubbing it up and down Amanda’s wet slit, just barely touching her. Amanda tried to push that big ass off her face, to no avail, and the sounds of her voice were muffled by those big buns. Despite that, Amanda was pushing her hips into the air, trying to get that cucumber inside of her.  It was all so humiliating for Amanda. But she needed release. Liz flicked her finger across Amanda’s clit a couple of times and turned the big blonde to jelly.
Liz reached down and grabbed Amanda’s legs, pulling them high in the air, spread wide, and neatly tucked them under her arms. She smacked Amanda across her swollen ass a few times before picking the cucumber back up and teasing Amanda’s wet pussy with it again. Amanda was left moaning into her big ass. Liz sat up, just a little, to let Amanda suck in some badly needed air. Liz did not want Amanda passing out on her.
Liz took that cucumber and plunged it deep into Amanda’s hot, wet and waiting pussy. Amanda gasped into Liz’s ass as the Latin beauty shoved the cucumber in and out, the squishing sound almost as loud as Amanda’s gasps and moans. Liz rammed it in and out for a few minutes, then shoved it all the way in and asked Johnna for a pair of pliers from her bag. The tip of the green cucumber was sticking out of Amanda’s pussy, her cxnt lips stretched obscenely around it, and for a moment I thought Liz was going to do some permanent damage with those pliers and was contemplating stepping in. But Liz wasn’t going to damage Amanda, not permanently at least, and used the pliers to start yanking out Amanda’s pussy fur. Amanda was screaming and Liz told her to “Shut the fuck up and start eating my pussy!”
Amanda did. Amanda was still screaming, and crying, and gagging because she definitely didn’t like the smell or taste, but she obediently began eating Liz out. She may not have enjoyed what she was doing but Liz sure was. She was turned on from dominating Amanda and it wasn’t long before she came all over Amanda’s humiliated face. She made Amanda lick her clean.
“Now eat my ass, slut!” Liz snapped, plucking away at Amanda’s cxnt hairs, leaving the blonde with a mangy, mangled muff.
Amanda was really gagging now but she obediently licked Liz’s pussy, and tongued her asshole, just as she was ordered. Liz pulled that cucumber out of Amanda’s pussy and plucked an even fatter one off the vine and rammed that in in its place. She took that first cucumber, slick with Amanda’s love juices, and pressed it against Amanda’s puckered brown asshole. Amanda’s cxnt lips were stretched out around the fat cucumber in her snatch and she began screaming and pulling at her own hair as Liz began to work that first cucumber into her ass.
About all Amanda could do was scream, and clench her asshole shut tight. But Liz would not be denied and she pushed and pushed and just popped Amanda’s cherry ass. Or should it be popped her ass cherry?  Whatever the terminology, Liz began to work that cucumber into Amanda’s tight, tired, no longer virgin asshole, inch by fucking inch. And with every painful inch she inserted Liz would give it a twist. Soon she had nearly all of it up Amanda’s ass and began ramming the entire length in and out of Amanda’s ass, twisting it back and forth. Liz began working both cukes in and out of Amanda’s cxnt and ass, and the pain, and lack of air, was too much for Amanda, who passed out.
Undaunted, Liz sat up and proceeded to piss all over Amanda’s face. Amanda came to, coughing, choking and gagging, and swallowing more than a mouthful of piss.
“Who told you to stop licking my ass, bitch?” Liz snapped, dragging Amanda up to her knees by the hair and forcing her to hold the cucumbers deep in her own cxnt and asshole. Liz used her hair to pull Amanda’s face deep into her ass as she bent over and backed her fleshy ass into Amanda’s face. There was no more begging and pleading from Amanda. If Liz told her to do something she did it immediately and without question. So when Liz shoved her ass in her face and told her to lick it, that is exactly what Amanda did, meekly and obediently running her tongue up and down the crack of Liz’s sweaty ass, and holding those cucumbers stuffed up her own cxnt and asshole.
“Enough foreplay,” Liz said, reaching back and spreading her ass cheeks, “now eat my asshole!  And do it right, you stupid slut! I want some tongue action!”
Amanda just buried her face between those meaty ass cheeks and went to town. Liz was moaning in pleasure and rubbing her pussy while Amanda submissively ate out her asshole. Now I could not see what was going on down there, but Liz was moaning, Amanda was crying, and I could see the muscles of Amanda’s jaw moving a mile a minute as she obviously did what she was told and worked on Liz’s sweaty asshole with her tongue. Liz had worked up a sweat out in the hot Sun, dominating Amanda, and from the way Amanda was gagging I bet it was pretty ripe by this time. Amanda ate out her ass and didn’t stop until Liz told her to.
Liz had an orgasm from rubbing her pussy, and from the way Amanda was eating out her ass, and made Amanda lick her clean. Amanda obeyed, and the poor thing had her nose stuffed up Liz’s asshole when she did it.
It might seem like Amanda had suffered enough, and that she was as humiliated as was humanly possible. If you thought that you would be wrong.
It was just beginning.
For ten years Amanda has been strutting around town, showing off in her skin-tight clothes. Well, she wasn’t strutting now, that’s for sure, and she wasn’t wearing any clothes; unless you count her cowgirl boots, but they only made her look more ridiculous. I wouldn’t say that Amanda looked ridiculous now. No, she looked pitiful and pathetic, groveling at the feet, or should I say, ass, of the woman who had utterly destroyed her. There was something about seeing that big, brassy blonde, once so proud and haughty, being reduced to this sniveling, slobbering, wretched wreck of a woman, down on her knees, eating out Liz’s big, sweaty and sexy ass while she held a pair of cucumbers up her own pussy and ass.
I wondered if anyone in town could ever look at Amanda the same way again. The women had looked at Amanda with a mixture of awe and envy, who looked down on her with disgust and distaste for the way she dressed and carried herself, yet at the same time looking up at her with a mixture of admiration, for having the gall, the beauty and the body to get away with it. The men had looked down at Amanda as nothing more than a cockteasing bitch, shaking her luscious body under their noses, and taunting them with the knowledge that they could never have her, but at the same time they too looked at her with awe, and lust, and would willingly suffer her scorn, because she was so beautiful and desirous. Just because they hated her for the way she acted didn’t mean that Amanda didn’t make the women jealous, and the men horny, and I wondered how they would look on her now after seeing her down on her knees, eagerly and hungrily eating out the ass of the woman who had destroyed her, devoid of any mount of pride or shame.
Liz came again from Amanda’s tongue, and she smiled when she turned to face the broken blonde, still on her knees and still holding those cucumbers in place. Liz bent over, a display that rivaled Amanda’s posterior when she bent at the waist, and pulled the cucumber out of Amanda’s pussy. That was no doubt a relief for the broken blonde, but it was not all sunshine and roses now. Liz yanked Amanda’s head back by the hair, and when she opened her mouth to squeal in pain Liz shoved the cucumber, slick with Amanda’s pussy juice, right into her mouth. Amanda was gagging, partly because it was sort of big, partly because Liz rammed it halfway down her throat, and probably because Amanda was getting a taste of her own pussy.
“Come on, you dirty, cocksucking whore!” Liz sneered, ramming the cucumber in and out of Amanda’s mouth. “Don’t pretend this is the first hard, wet thing you’ve had in that slutty mouth of yours! Show us your technique, cocksucker!”
I can’t attest to Amanda’s experience or technique when it comes to this, and there wasn’t much “technique” to be found with Liz ramming the cuke in and out of her mouth. I do know that Liz made Amanda lick and suck that cucumber clean. And then she made her eat it; every inch of it. Amanda had that look on her face again, the one that is a mixture of distaste, disgust, and revulsion, not to mention shame. Now I know Amanda has been swiping cukes from Consuela’s cucumber patch ever since Adam arrived and she started acting all ladylike, so it couldn’t be that she didn’t like the taste of cucumbers. Unless, of course, she had been using them for something else. Maybe she didn’t like the taste of cucumbers that tasted like her own pussy. Whatever the case, with that look of distaste on her face Amanda did as she was told, and yes, she gagged a few times, but she did it, just like she did everything else that Liz told her to do.
Liz grabbed her by the hair and forced Amanda to stand. It was no easy feat, not with a cucumber stuck up her butt. Now, I have heard Amanda say on more than one occasion, usually when she or her daddy was about to fuck some stud up the butt, that the asshole was an exit, not an entrance. That became painfully obvious when Liz opened up the gate to the little garden and dragged Amanda along behind her by the hair, leading her out of the garden and out into the street where the crowd watched with a mixture of delight and disgust. Amanda was walking real funny, sort of stiff-legged, and sort of like she had just shit her pants and was trying to step real careful like.  I guess you could say she walked like she had a stick shoved up her ass, which I guess she did.
Amanda had a hell of a time keeping that cucumber in place. It kept on popping out of her butt and Amanda would have to push it back in. Amanda was making funny grunting and groaning noises every time the cuke slid and she shoved it black in. The crowd was laughing at her, and taunting her, and Amanda was beside herself begging Liz to show her some mercy.
“Please, Liz,” she whined, “can’t I take it out. It’s too big!  It hurts!  Please let me take it out!”
Liz just laughed.
“Stop being a baby! Besides, I doubt you can even feel it, considering what a big asshole you are!”
“I know what she needs,” Johnna laughed. “She needs something to wash the nasty taste of her skanky pussy out of her mouth.”
“Is that it? You need something to wash that taste out of your mouth,” Liz said. She said it in such a way that Amanda knew she had to say yes.
Liz and Johnna laughed as Johnna planted her foot into the side of Amanda’s ass, knocking her over onto her back. She stepped over Amanda’s prone body, one foot on either side of her head, and Amanda was horrified to see that the big girl wasn’t wearing any panties, and she was staring straight into her hairy pussy. Johnna reached down and grabbed Amanda’s hair and pulled her face up between her legs and laughed, “Open wide, cocksucker!” and pissed right into Amanda’s mouth. Amanda was coughing and gagging, and swallowed more than a mouthful of the big girl’s piss, and when Johnna was done she made Amanda lick her pussy, and then eat her asshole. Amanda, with no speck of pride or resistance, obeyed, licking that hairy snatch until Johnna came all over her face, and when the big girl turned around and stuck her ass out towards Amanda the beaten blonde immediately reached up, spread those fat ass cheek, buried her face between them, and obediently ate out Johnna’s asshole.
Amanda was thoroughly humiliated. Amanda was on her knees, eating out Johnna’s ass, Liz was behind her, strap in hand, and smacking Amanda’s swollen red ass for being such a “naughty bitch”. Once she was finished worshipping Johnna’s pussy and ass Amanda had to crawl over to Liz and repeat the process, only now it was Johnna strapping her ass. Johnna made it worse by pausing every so often to reach down and tease Amanda’s sopping wet pussy. It seems that no matter how badly Amanda was used, abused, degraded and humiliated, her pussy was dripping wet. And through it all Amanda still had to hold that fat cucumber up her ass, which wasn’t easy considering how she was flipped and flopped around, not to mention having her ass strapped, but she was so thoroughly terrified of Liz, and Johnna, that she dared not disobey.
Johnna still wanted to shave Amanda’s head, or at least cut her hair off. Johnna, with her dyed blonde hair, I think, wanted to be the prettiest blonde in town, and Amanda was obviously standing in her way. Amanda was a mess. She was bruised and battered, her body sweaty and smelly, and dirt and grass clung to her sweat-soaked body. Amanda was pretty messed up, and pretty filthy, but she was still pretty despite all that. Or maybe it was because of all that. Still, Amanda was a pretty gal, no matter what.
Amanda was dragged up by her hair again, and Liz was parading her around, proudly strutting the way Amanda once did, and showing off her new pet. Considering how meek and docile she was, and how much butt Amanda had been sniffing she was sort of like a whipped puppy. Amanda was sobbing the whole time, partly in shame, and partly because she has a cucumber stuck up her butt. Amanda kept on whining that the cucumber was too big and how it hurt too much, and begging Liz to take it out. Liz told her to “Shut the fuck up and stop being such a pussy!”  Johnna, on the other hand, kept saying “We should make her eat the fucking thing!”
They were on the other side of the porch now, where there was an identical cactus and cucumber garden. The crowd seemed to love every humiliating minute of Amanda’s shameful walk. Like I said, she was walking funny, and sort of slow, and Liz gave a sharp yank to her hair and Amanda, caught off guard, and off balance, flailed her arms to keep her balance, and pooped out the cucumber. It plopped on the ground, bouncing in the grass and dirt in front of the little garden and Amanda’s face dropped. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped open in a look of pure horror.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Amanda blathered, “I’ll…I’ll…”  Amanda’s eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped open in a look of horror as she suddenly bent over, arms clutching her gut. She dropped to her knees, muttering “no, no, no, no…” over and over again until she just clamped her eyes shut and her face twisted into a grimace, and, well, there ain’t no polite way to say it, Amanda shit herself, right there in the middle of the street.
The crowd’s reaction was a mixture of disgust, and gut-wrenching laughter. Amanda was on her knees, sticking out her plump, abused ass, and with half the town watching, shit like an old goat. I know she’s a big gal and all, but it was still hard to believe she had all that inside her. People in the crowd who had watched Amanda strut around all these years, and who had long wondered what she had under them skin-tight clothes, were now seeing more of Amanda than they ever thought they would, and a damned sight more than they ever wanted to. Amanda was probably wishing she had stayed in bed that morning, or that she had at least used the facilities before messing with Liz. Hell, by this time, Amanda was probably wishing that Liz would shoot her and put her out of her misery.
“I told you she was full of shit,” Liz laughed.
Amanda’s face was a weird mixture of tears, eyes that went from slits to bulging wide open and funny grimaces on her face. It was like she was trying to stop herself, but then she would let out a groan, and more would come spurting out. It was loud too!  Amanda just dumped log after log of steaming, slimy, smelly shit tight there in the middle of the street. You could literally see the steam rising form that pile of poop. It was loud too, spurting out of her ass and you could hear it plopping onto the pile. Amanda was making noises too, sort of grunting when she tried to stop it, and groaning, almost in pleasure, when she could not and another steaming log plopped out. Damn, Amanda must have dumped a good ten pounds of shit right there on the street. I’m sure she was glad she wasn’t wearing her tight pants. Now that sure would have been a sight!
Liz then told Johnna to get something from her bag, and Johnna came back with what looked like a short leather strap, with some metal rings hanging from it. It was thick and wide and looked like it would sure hurt. She made Amanda grab her hair and pile it on top of her head. That was when I saw that it wasn’t a strap, it was a collar. Liz placed it around Amanda’s neck and secured it in place with a small, golden lock.
“If you’re going to shit in the street like a dog you might as well be treated like one!’ Liz laughed.
You ever see a dog take a dump?  You see how they clean themselves?  That’s how Liz made Amanda clean up.
“If you’re going to shit in the street like a dog then clean yourself like one!” she snapped, forcing Amanda to sit down and scoot along, wiping her ass on the dirt and grass on the street. Amanda just did as she was told. There was no more begging or pleading or even whimpering. She truly looked broken.
The crowd only made things worse for Amanda. They were saying things like how she was a “shitty Sheriff”, asking her how long she had been holding that in, laughing that Amanda looked like shit, and smelled like it too now.
Amanda was in tears when she looked up at Liz. I couldn’t tell is she was seeking approval, or was just praying that the little Latin beauty was done.
She was not.
Liz wouldn’t let her cut it all off, but she did let Johnna have some fun. Johnna took some black boot polish and smeared it onto Amanda’s blonde hair. Amanda is so proud of her blonde hair and she sobbed the entire time, knowing that there was nothing she could do about it. Johnna didn’t cover all of Amanda’s hair with the boot black; she left a long streak of blonde right down the middle, making Amanda look like a skunk.
Johnna was off cleaning her hands and Liz was being treated like a goddess for what she had done to Amanda. As for Amanda, she was slinking away on her hands and knees. She crawled along the cactus/cucumber garden, past the steps, and past the other garden, and on down the street by Madame Orr’s big pig sty. They had recently replaced some of the mirrors in the Spanish Rose, and a few were stacked up, leaning against the fence of the sty. Amanda, who could never pass a mirror, or even a window, without checking out her own reflection, could not help herself. Even in her current condition, beat-up, battered, sweaty and filthy, Amanda could not resist looking at herself. She took one look and was horrified.
“My hair!  My beautiful hair!” she sobbed. “And my face!”
Amanda was a sobbing wreck. If there was one thing Amanda was, above being cocky or arrogant snooty, it was vain. Amanda was obsessed with herself, and her looks, and right now, well, she was as big a mess as that pile of dung she dumped in the middle of the street. The boot polish would wash out, but here she was crying about her hair. Or maybe it was just that, for the first time since this all began, Amanda was seeing what the townsfolk had been seeing. Amanda was a filthy, stinking mess, and she finally saw, with her own eyes, what a comical, pathetic figure she had become.
Amanda was staring at herself, sobbing over her face and hair, and she could see the figure behind her, laughing. It was little Lupita. Lupita was a Mexican girl, about 12 years old, and her family worked one of the little farms out on the Southwest part of town. Lupita, like just about everyone else who was there, was laughing her ass off.
“Stop laughing at me,” Amanda sobbed into her reflection.
Lupita continued to laugh and Amanda.
You would have thought, after everything that had happened to her today that Amanda would be used to people laughing at her. There was something about this little girl laughing at her that cut to her very soul. Amanda got to her feet and staggered forward, crying “Stop laughing at me!”
Lupita laughed, turned and said something to her mother, and then looked at Amanda and laughed even more.
“What did you say?” Amanda sobbed. She was becoming more pathetic by the second.
“I said you look like a skunk,” Lupita laughed, “and you smell like one too. Eww, you smell worse.” Lupita held her nose as she pointed at Amanda.
Puberty hadn’t hit yet, and Lupita was a scrawny little thing, a couple inches shy of five feet, and couldn’t weigh more than 75 or 80 pounds. Amanda was almost a foot taller, and twice as heavy, and staggered forward, tears streaming down her cheeks, humiliated, yet enraged at this skinny little girl who would not stop laughing.
“You shut up you little Mexican…” Amanda cried.
“Oh good, the wimpy little mouse wants to fight again,” Liz sneered, cutting off the big blonde.
Amanda’s jaw dropped and she probably would have shit her pants, of she had any pants, and if she hadn’t already shit herself out, out in the street.
“Oh no, Liz, I don’t want to fight,” Amanda blubbered, “I don’t want to fight.”
“Sure looked to me like she wanted to fight,” Johnna laughed.
“Looked like that to me too,” Liz said, moving forward.
Amanda had her hands up in surrender again. “Please, Liz, I don’t want to fight. Please don’t hit me anymore.” She dropped to her knees, cowering.
“What’s the matter, Blondie?  Are you scared of me?”
Amanda nodded her head, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“I asked you a question!” Liz snapped.
“Yes, yes, yes, I’m ascared of you,” Amanda wept.
“So, it turns out the big, tough Sherriff is just a big, fat chicken,” Liz laughed.
“Stop it, please, stop saying that,” Amanda whimpered.
Liz grabbed a handful of hair and yanked Amanda’s head up and sneered, “Either you’re woman enough to fight or you’re a big chicken. Which is it?”
Amanda looked up at her, body shaking, cowering in fear at the idea that Liz might kick her ass again.
“I…I…I’m a chicken…a big, fat, scaredy chicken!” Amanda sobbed.
“OK, chicken, now say you’re sorry,” Liz demanded.
Amanda turned towards little Lupita. “I’m sorry,” she apologized, but was cut off by Liz.
“Chickens don’t talk. Let’s hear you cluck like a chicken. And get them wings flapping!”
It was quite a sight, the big, tough Sheriff, down on her knees, with her thumbs stuck in her armpits, slapping her wings and clucking and squawking like a chicken.
“cluck, cluck, cluck, bwark, bwark, cluck…”  Amanda squawked, flapping her arms up and down as if they were wings.
I didn’t think Amanda could sink any lower, or appear more pathetic. I was wrong. Liz sent Johnna, Amy and some of the other girls into the Spanish Rose and they came back lugging a small barrel of molasses and a bunch of pillows. The wooden barrel looked like a miniature water barrel, and probably held around 20 gallons or so, and it took two of them to carry it. They busted open the top with a hammer and hefted it up, tipping it over, and letting the black, sticky goo pour over Amanda’s head.
Amanda began wailing like a baby as the black goo plastered her hair to her head, and began sliding down her face and back, coating her filthy body with the sloppy and sticky molasses. Amanda was a mess. The goo covered her battered tits, sliding down her belly, covering what was left of her bush, coating her thighs, and as it slid down her back it not only covered her blistered butt cheeks but slid down the crack of her ass. Amanda was made to stand, and more of the goo dripped down her body. Liz, Johanna, Amy and some of the other girls proceeded to have a pillow fight, with Amanda as the target. It didn’t take long for the pillows to burst and the feathers were flying in the air around Amanda, and clinging to her sticky body.
Liz made Amanda go back to flapping her wings and clucking like a chicken, and with the goo and feathers sticking to her body Amanda looked like a great big chicken. The laughter was deafening.
Liz got a leash from her bag and attached it to a ring in the dog collar that was locked around Amanda’s neck, and proceeded to lead her across South Street, and on up to Main Street. Amanda loved to strut through town, knowing all eyes were on her. All eyes were on her now, but I doubt Amanda was enjoying it now. Liz led her right down Main Street, and Amanda followed meekly behind her, flapping her wings and clucking like a chicken. The townsfolk stood there, mouths open in shock, before a smile crept over their faces, and uproarious laughter soon followed. I wondered if Amanda could ever recover from this and show her face in town again, or would she remain what she now was-the town’s laughingstock and joke.
Poor Amanda. Word had already spread about what had happened, about how little Lizzie had duped Amanda into challenging her to a fistfight, and the big blonde Sheriff’s total ineptitude. Word had spread about how quickly and easily Liz had beaten the much bigger blonde, and how badly she had beaten her. Amanda’s skill with a gun was legendary, and now so was her fighting ability, or lack thereof. By nightfall word would spread to the ranches and mining camps, and by the end of the week the entire territory would hear about Amanda’s fall from grace.
It really was a comical sight. Liz had put her panties back on and strolled down the street in her white corset, panties, fishnets and heels, twirling a matching parasol over her shoulder, and was quite a sight. She also wore Amanda’s hat, her fancy two-gun rig around her waist, and Amanda’s Sheriff’s badge pinned between her cleavage. Yes sir, she was quite a sight. So was Amanda, who followed about ten feet behind, led by the leash attached to the dog collar around her neck, covered in molasses and feather, flapping her wings and clucking like a chicken. Amanda’s clucking sounded even funnier, and more pathetic, because she was crying the whole time. Amanda had gone from being the town bully, the town champ, to the town chump, in less than a day. Hell, in less than an hour!
Amanda’s fall from grace was complete and the woman, who once swaggered down the street, filling the people with awe, and dread, had fallen so low that now those same people greeted her with laughter, scorn and ridicule. They called her “blockhead”, “birdbrain” and called out “Amanda, looks like you sure laid an egg this time!” Some people fell down in the street because they were laughing so hard. Amanda had sunk so low that even the children were no longer afraid of her, and a bunch of them ran behind the general store, collecting as many rotten vegetables and eggs as they could carry and ran out and began pelting Amanda with them. Liz politely paused and let the kids use up all of their ammunition, and let me tell you, some of them kids had perfect aim. Amanda got an old tomato in the face; eggs were splattered across her tits, and what was left of her bush. Two girls ran out carrying more eggs, but stopped when Liz looked at them. Liz smiled coyly and the girls smiled and ran up to Amanda, pushing an egg between Amanda’s big tits, one up her cxnt, and a third egg was wedged carefully between her ass cheeks. Liz gave a tug on the leash and it took Amanda about two steps to break all those eggs, and the gooey egg slime dripped down her belly, down her thighs, and oozed from between her feather covered butt cheeks. Throughout all of this Amanda was crying, but she kept on clucking.
Liz led her from one end of Main Street to the other, and then back again, this time on the other side of the street. With every step Amanda’s reputation fell even further; Amanda’s stature in town was lower than an ant’s asshole by the time they stopped at the Sheriff’s office. Liz went inside, leaving Amanda out in the hot sun, tied up to the hitching post like any other animal. By this point Amanda was pretty much Liz’s pet anyway.
Despite the fact that Liz was in the jailhouse Amanda continued to flap her wings and cluck. She really began to squawk when she saw that gang of kids, there must have been fifteen or twenty of them, had reloaded and proceeded to unload on Amanda again. Amanda’s eyes brightened when a handful of adults stopped the kinds from pelting her with the eggs and fruit, but her heart dropped when she saw they weren’t stopping the assault; they wanted to try a little target practice themselves.
Liz came out of the jailhouse carrying a heavy carpetbag, which landed with a clank when she tossed it on the ground. It sure looked heavy, and she took a length of rope and tied it to her clucking chicken and made her drag it along behind her as she led Amanda back towards the Spanish Rose, and continued the public humiliation of Amanda.
Once they were back on South Street Liz made Amanda deposit the carpetbag in front of the steps leading up to the Spanish Rose, between the twin hitching posts that framed the walkway, and then deposited Amanda in front of those mirrors by the pig sty so that Amanda could get a good look at herself. Liz pushed her hand between the big, blonde chicken’s legs and laughed as she plucked egg shells from Amanda’s sopping wet pussy.
“The worse it gets the wetter you get,” Liz laughed. “I think you like it.”
Liz left her there and wandered back to the carpet bag and began talking to a group of Mexican workers, apparently giving them instructions. Amanda couldn’t help herself and turned to look at her reflection and the tears began flowing again. Amanda did look like a big, giant, stupid chicken, and there were chunks of spoiled fruit and vegetables, not to mention broken egg shells stuck in her hair, between the feathers, and clinging to her sticky body in various spots.   She also saw, behind her, little Lupita laughing again. Lupita was standing alone, and there was no one within ten feet of either of them.
“You stop laughing!” Amanda demanded.
Lupita couldn’t stop laughing at the humiliated sheriff.
“Stop laughing at me!” Amanda cried.
A few hours ago, Lupita wouldn’t have dared laugh at the big blonde Sheriff. But now she couldn’t stop laughing at the blonde buffoon, who was now the town clown.
“I thought chickens laid eggs, how come you lay cucumbers?” Lupita laughed.
“I’ll show you,” Amanda cried, seeing that there was nobody around her, and enraged at the laughter of the little Mexican girl. Lupita was little, under 5 feet tall and weighing about 75 pounds or so. Amanda was twice her size, a foot taller, and twice as heavy, not to mention 30 years older. Amanda may have felt she was standing up for herself, or was trying to get some self-respect back, or maybe she just couldn’t stand this little girl, this little Mexican girl, laughing at her. It may also have been a matter of Lupita being so young and so small that Amanda was confident of victory.
Amanda did not realize how ridiculous this all made her look. First of all, she looked like a big chicken, which was funny enough. But here she was arguing with a little girl half her size, and about a quarter of her age, towering over her, but instead of seeming intimidating she just seemed pathetic. But Amanda was determined and rushed at the little girl.
Amanda was making herself even more of a joke as she ran at the little girl. Little Lupita was too quick for her and easily ducked under Amanda’s arms as she reached out to grab her, leaving Amanda grabbing at empty air. Amanda spun around, facing Lupita, who now had her back to the pig sty. There may not have been anyone within ten feet, but they were all watching now, including Liz who sneered, “What the fuck?” as Amanda charged again.
Amanda’s temper was getting the better of her yet again. Instead of reclaiming her identity, and self-respect, she was losing points with every second. Amanda ran at Lupita, who easily avoided her, and the big blonde didn’t realize how foolish she was making herself look, and how much of a joke she had become. She couldn’t lay a finger on a laughing Lupita.
“Stand still and fight me, you dirty Mexi..oof…” Amanda had ran at Lupita yet again, but this time Lupita stood her ground and buried her right fist deep into Amanda’s featherbed of a belly. Amanda ran right into it and doubled over with an “oomph”, her arms clutching her belly. A right uppercut not only knocked Amanda upright it knocked her off her feet. Feet flying in the air Amanda landed flat on her ass in the dirt with a dazed, stupid look on her face. Amanda was totally shocked that she was being beaten up by a little girl.
Amanda struggled to her feet and tried to launch herself at Lupita, trying to plant her feathery head in Lupita’s belly. Lupita kicked her right in the cxnt, stopping Amanda dead in her tracks, doubled over and clutching her pussy. Lupita moved behind her and kicked Amanda in her ass, sending her face down in the dirt.
Amanda was crying, from the pain, and from the fact that everyone was laughing at her again. The big, bad, blonde Sheriff was getting her ass kicked by a little twelve-year-old girl. Someone yelled out that next time Amanda should pick on a six-year-old, and someone else yelled out they had a baby in diapers that was more Amanda’s speed. Amanda, never knowing when to quit, dragged her ass off the dirt and ran at Lupita, and right into another cxnt kick. Amanda doubled over, backing up, and there was that look of fear in her eyes again. For a moment it looked as if Amanda might turn tail and run, but Lupita was too quick for her and grabbed Amanda by the wrist and spun her around and around, heading towards the pig sty, and with a flip she sent Amanda flying through the air. Amanda landed splat face down in the mid and rolled over, sitting up with her eyes wide open in shock, and doing that fish-faced thing with her lips.
Lupita had no reservations at climbing over the fence and storming over to Amanda. The look on Amanda’s face was priceless. She looked ready to shit! Amanda tried to scramble to her feet, but the mud was too thick and slick and she flopped on her face. By the time she pulled her face up out of the slop Lupita had her by the ankles and delivered another kick between the legs. She left Amanda, curled up in a ball in the sloppy mud, sobbing and weeping, beaten by a twelve-year-old girl.
Liz was carrying a pair of handcuffs that she had pulled out of the carpetbag and handed them to Lupita, whispering a few words into her ear. Lupita smiled and turned back to Amanda. Liz also handed her Amanda’s piss-soaked panties. Lupita stormed over to Amanda and stuffed the pissy panties into Amanda’s mouth. Lupita grabbed Amanda’s ankles and lifter her legs into the air, spread wide, almost as wide as Amanda’s eyes now were, terrified of what the little girl might do to her.
Lupita pushed Amanda’s long legs over her own body, bending Amanda in two, her head between her legs and her ass sticking up in the air, forcing Amanda’s legs behind her own shoulders. Then she forced her arms up and cuffed them around her legs. Amanda was twisted like a pretzel, a beautiful, messy, sexy pretzel. Amanda’s teary eyes grew wide when she watched that little girl hike up her skirt and pull her panties to the side.
“I piss on you, you gringo piece of shit!” Lupita said, right before she pissed all over Amanda’s shocked and horrified face.
Amanda was left there, trussed up like a Christmas goose, legs behind her ears, her ass sticking up in the air, covered in molasses, feathers, mud, and now piss, completely beaten by a twelve-year-old girl. Amanda began to sob in her shame. She could hear the laughter of the crowd, and the way they congratulated little Lupita. Liz laughed that about now Amanda’s pussy was probably dripping wet under all that muck. Poor Amanda. Twisted up like that, with her ass in the air, her ankles behind her ears, and her head between her legs, I think Amanda just pissed on her own face.
Liz was the toast of the town. She would never pay for another drink in this town again, and I thought the folk were going to hoist her up on their shoulders. As for Amanda, well, that wretched wreck of a woman was left wallowing in the mud, bound and gagged with her ankles behind her ears, and her ass sticking up in the air. Amanda was covered from head to toe with mud, and the dark mud was so thick and slick, it was obscuring the sticky goo and feathers that covered her once luscious body, plastering her hair to her scalp, and the only part of Amanda’s body that wasn’t covered with the slop was the twin trails of tears running from her eyes, and parts that had been pissed clean by Lupita. In between the laughter you could hear Amanda’s pathetic sobbing, and, I swear you could hear the cries of “Daddy!” muffled by a pair of piss soaked panties.
Liz, as I said, was the toast of the town, and so was Lupita, and after a small parade, she and her admirers went into the Spanish Rose to celebrate her decisive victory of the big bully of a Sheriff. Amanda was left in the muddy pig sty, and, like an unruly child that has been spanked and exiled to a corner to “Think about what you done”, the once proud Sheriff was left wallowing in the mud, wondering how it all went so wrong. She was the one who was supposed to be cheered. She was the one who deserved a parade. She was the one who belonged on that pedestal. If you listened close you could hear the sobs, muffled by her soiled panty gag, about how it wasn’t fair.
It was morning when this all began, and by now it was late afternoon, and Amanda had spent hours being beaten, used and abused, and humiliated. Amanda could try and make excuses about how it wasn’t fair, or how Liz had tricked her into a fight, or how she wasn’t really ready, but the truth was that Liz had kicked her ass, quickly, easily, and without much effort. While Amanda might try and make up excuses for why she lost to Liz, there was simply no excuse for what had happened to the big blonde at the hands of little Lupita. You might make a case for why Amanda was humiliated by Liz, but there was simply no excuse that could explain away the fact that a 12-year-old girl, who didn’t even stand five feet tall or weigh 75 pounds, had whooped her ass just as easily as Liz had. There was no living down the fact that it was a 12-year-old girl, who was half her size and a quarter of her age, had not only whooped her ass, in full view of everyone, but tossed her in the mud, bound and gagged her and then pissed right on her face!
Amanda was left in the mud, squirming and crying, but she was not going to free herself. She was twisted up like a pretzel, and there was no escaping her own handcuffs. Once word spread of this latest development people began to wander down to South Street to see for themselves. It was a constant parade of people coming down to see just how far the big blonde had fallen. Poor Amanda. At one point the other pigs in the sty came over to investigate, and it looked like that big fat one gave her a kiss with its snout. Another one scurried up under her ass and stuck its snout in her pussy, and quickly ran away, squealing something awful. The folks who saw this, well, they just busted a gut in laughter.
Late afternoon turned to dusk, and Amanda was still left squirming in the mud, although by this time she was doing more sobbing than squirming. Amanda was not alone, though. Townsfolk wandered down to see her shame, and by the time the Sun went down most of the town had either seen Amanda get her ass kicked by Liz, or Lupita, or seen the aftereffects. After the celebration in the Spanish Rose had died down the Mexican workers that Liz had been talking to came out and began hammering and sawing and building whatever it was that Liz wanted. You could still see Amanda out there in the mud from the light of the two small fires them Mexes had going. They had big iron pots hanging from tripods over the fires, which they kept stirring, and full of beans or tamales or whatever the hell it is them Mexes eat.
It was well after dark before Amanda was finally rescued, by none other than Adam himself, the man she was fighting over. He didn’t have the key to the cuffs, but he trudged out there anyway, helping Amanda to untangle her legs and when they did her legs fell heavily to the mud, splashing it everywhere. Adam told her he would help her clean up, and then promised “I’ll show you what a real man can do with a real woman!”  I guess you could say Amanda’s heart soared. She may have lost the battle, hell, she had lost the goddamned war, but she had won her man.
Amanda was too slick and slippery to carry, and she had spent so much time tangled up in herself that she could not even walk, so he led her by the leash over to the horse trough and shoved her in it, dumping buckets of cold water over her to try and clean her up some. Amanda wasn’t exactly clean, without soap and water there was still clumps of goo and feathers clinging to her body here and there, a clump on her hair, shoulder, arms or legs, and she didn’t exactly smell like a rose, but she didn’t care. She had her man and he was going to please her like no other man could. Throughout her ordeal Amanda’s pussy had been spanked, rubbed, fingered and teased, but she had never been given release, and no doubt she would erupt like a volcano once she had that big cock inside of her.
He led her along behind the buildings, so a set of back stairs and on up to some secret, private entrance, and on down the hall. She could hear the sounds of people talking and laughing, and the clinking of glasses, and it wasn’t until she was standing at the top of the stairs that she realized that she was inside the Spanish Rose!  Well, the people downstairs spotted her and the laughter erupted and a horrified Amanda, who had finally been able to walk on wobbly legs, ran into the first open door she saw, right there at the head of the stairs. Amanda’s horror knew no end. In that room, Adam’s room, was a king-sized bed, and on it lay Liz and Johnna, smiling as Amanda rushed in. Amanda’s jaw dropped open and she stood there, stunned, as Adam entered behind her, locking the door behind him, shoving past Amanda and climbing onto the bed with the two Latin beauties.
In that moment all of Amanda’s hopes, dreams and desires vanished. She was absolutely crushed, and completely broken. Liz snapped her “What are you doing standing there with that dumb look on your face, you stupid fucking cxnt?  Get on your knees like a proper slave!”  Amanda, totally broken and empty inside, meekly dropped to her knees and bowed her head.
I have it, on good authority, exactly what happened to Amanda that night. Adam had promised “I’ll show you what a real man can do with a real woman!”  Only Amanda was not that woman. For the rest of the night, and half the next morning, Amanda was forced to watch that young stud make love to Liz and Johnna. Amanda had to do more than watch. Yes, Amanda had to watch the man she desired, the man she loved, or at the least worshipped, making love to two hot, steamy Latin women, but also, per Liz’s commands, play with herself while she watched. Amanda had to play with herself, but Liz forbade her from cumming. That’s right, Amanda not only had to watch these two women make love to her god Adam, and play with her pussy, but deny herself pleasure, and release. It was humiliating for the big blonde, who once considered herself the most desired woman in town, but now had been reduced to a pathetic wretch, playing with herself while watching other, better woman enjoy the fruits of her would-be lover. Amanda wanted to cum so badly, but she was terrified of both Liz and Johnna, and by this time that cocky arrogance that Amanda once possessed had been replaced with a meek and docile servitude.
Amanda was helped along in her denial of release, as each of her tormentors poked and prodded her, spanked her, and at one point tied some string around the base of her already battered and swollen boobs, making them bulge and look ready to pop, and attaching clothespins to her nipples. Amanda was beginning to relate pain and pleasure as one, and after each spank to her already red and swollen ass, she could feel herself getting wetter and wetter. The pain in her tits was intense, but it was nothing compared to what she felt when they cut the string and pulled off the clothespins and the blood came rushing back. Amanda nearly had an orgasm, and the only thing preventing it was her intense fear of displeasing Liz.
Even that wasn’t all they did to her. Liz called Amanda over, and the hot little Latin beauty sat on her face, making Amanda lick her pussy. Liz was looking down into Amanda’s humiliated face, and could see the submission in Amanda’s pretty eyes, and the shame. It didn’t end there. Once Liz was juiced up and ready to go Adam moved in and, with Liz still straddling her face, Amanda had to take that big, stiff cock and use her cuffed hands to guide it into Liz’s wet and waiting pussy. Amanda had a close-up view of that big, hard cock plunging in and out of her rival’s pussy. No, that isn’t quite right. Liz was no longer her rival, Amanda knew, she was her conqueror, her better, and Amanda had been reduced to nothing more than Liz’s personal human sex toy. Amanda watched that cock slide in and out and even had to stick her tongue out, licking Adam’s cock and balls as they squished in and out of Liz’s hot, tight pussy.
Adam’s hands were all over Liz’s body and he gasped and groaned how much he loved her body, especially her big, round ass. Those words cut to Amanda’s heart. After all, she had always thought that she had the nicest ass in town, and to hear those words of adoration being said to the woman who had destroyed her, body and soul, made the big blonde sink lower and lower into her own humiliation. Once that young stud groaned in completion, filling Liz’s hot box with his seed and pulled away Amanda found herself staring at those wet, glistening lips, surrounded by the dark pussy fur, and that cum, Adam’s cum, the cum she so desired, was oozing from between those wet lips. Liz made Amanda lick the cum from her pussy, taunting Amanda that “the only way you’ll ever taste his cum is from a real woman’s pussy!” Amanda wanted to die, but continued to slurp the gooey cum from Liz’s hot pussy.
It went on like this for much of the night. Adam made love to both of those hot Latin women and Amanda watched, she guided his cock into their tight pussies, she licked those pussies before, during and after, tasting Adam’s cum, but only once it had been deposited in another woman’s pussy. Amanda did suck his cock, but only after it had been in the Latin’s pussies, and only long enough to get him hard again. That young stud could go on all night, and when he rested, there were tits, pussies and asses to worship. Amanda kissed and licked every inch of their bodies, all three of them, basically giving them all tongue baths, and when she worshipped the women, Amanda had to further debase herself by blabbering about how much bigger and nicer Johnna’s tits were, or how beautifully round Liz’s ass was, and how much better it was than her own. It didn’t matter if what she said was true, just the act of saying it further humiliated the big blonde far beyond what she thought was possible. Amanda spent the night as their personal sex toy, and lap dog, sucking toes, eating pussy, ass and cock over and over again, and watching the three of them reach heights of pleasure that she was denied.
The three of them fucked for most of the night and part of the morning, until they collapsed from exhaustion, and an overload of pleasure. Amanda too, drifted off to sleep eventually, exhausted, dreaming of cocks, cxnts and assholes, dreaming of being bent over a knee and having her round ass blistered. She dreamt of Adam, Liz, and Johnna, and even Lupita. She dreamt of fists and feet, of laughing crowds, of her tougher, stronger opponents, and of her own ineptitude. She dreamt of cucumbers, and pissing and pooping herself. Amanda dreamt of her walk of shame, of her chicken dance, and wondered why, why, after all she had been through, after all she had endured, and after all those degrading humiliations, why was her pussy still so fucking wet!
When Adam woke in the morning he had, like many men, a raging hard-on, and he finally fucked Amanda. Sort of. He climbed on her belly and slapped that big, hard cock slap dab between her tits, pushing the bruised, swollen and tender tits together and tit fucked poor Amanda. Liz grabbed Amanda by her hair and lifted her head up so that when he shot his load, he shot that hot, sticky mess all over her teary-eyed, humiliated face.
The gals had already dressed and Adam put on his pants and Amanda was led down the front stairs, into the Spanish Rose, and then right out the front door. A crowd was already formed, waiting to see what new degradations Amanda would face.
Those Mexican workers had finished Liz’s construction demands, and now the twin hitching posts that framed the front of the Spanish Rose now had shackles attached to them, a pair on each, and there was a small A frame structure dug in the ground a foot or so back, slightly shorter than the hitching posts.
Amanda was marched to the hitching post on the left side of the walk, her handcuffs removed, and she was chained to the hitching post, arms spread wide. Her crotch was up against the A frame that stood behind it, her belly resting on top of it, forcing her ass to remain up in the air. Amanda’s arms were stretched out across the hitching post and her big, bruised titties hung down in front of it. Liz clamped a pair of clothespins on Amanda’s nipples, tying them together with a piece of string, and then looping it around Amanda’s neck. She then went to the carpetbag and, much to Amanda’s horror, pulled out the Sheriff’s own strap-on dildo. Amanda’s mouth and eyes were wide with shock and horror and Liz grabbed her by the hair, yanking slightly on those clothespins on her nipples, and jammed the dildo into Amanda’s open mouth.
“Come on, cocksucker, show us your skills,” Liz taunted the big blonde, who was gagging because Liz was ramming it down her throat. She then moved behind the big blonde, giving her a few slaps on her plump, upraised ass, and led the head of the dildo between Amanda’s thighs.
Liz was evil alright. She took the head of that big dildo and gently teased Amanda with it, ever so slightly spreading her wet cxnt lips and rubbing the dildo up and down her wet slit, and then pulling it away. Amanda moaned, and even though she was trussed up and helpless, tried to push her hips back and get that thing inside of her. Liz teased her like this, alternating between using that dildo to torment Amanda, smacking her ass and tugging on the string attached to the clothespins and making Amanda’s titties dance. Liz teased and tormented her so bad that in the end Amanda was begging for it, and I mean literally begging for it.
“Please Miss Liz, you are the better woman. You are better in every way. I am weak and worthless. You are a goddess and I am a slimy, smelly piece of shit. I am your meek and obedient servant. You are my goddess and I am your slave. Please, Miss Liz, please fuck me. Fuck me like the slutty whore I am.”
Amanda was beside herself. For the last 24 hours she had not only been beaten, abused and humiliated, she had been teased and tormented to the point where she would have said anything, or done anything, to finally get release. Amanda wanted, no, she needed to be fucked, and fucked in the worst way possible.
Liz made Amanda suck the strap-on again, and then pulled it up and out of the way so she could lick her pussy and then turned so Amanda could eagerly eat out her asshole. Amanda had to service Johnna as well, and with every passing moment, with every slap to her ass, with every humiliating lick of pussy or ass, Amanda became more and more desperate. When Liz finally plunged that she-cock into Amanda’s sopping wet pussy the big blonde gasped so loud you could hear clear across the street, and in between gasps and moans Amanda blabbered “fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, Miss Lizzie, fuck me like the slut I am! I’m a dirty whore!  I’m a filthy slut!  Oh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeeeeeeeeee!!!”
Amanda was so ready for that orgasm, so turned-on, that it didn’t take long for Amanda to reach the point of climax. And just when she seemed ready to cum Liz yanked on that string and pulled the clothespins from her nipples and the blood, and pain, rushed into her tits just as she began to cum. Johnna upped the ante by roughly pinching and twisting those pain-wracked nips and Amanda began to gush out the wettest, most powerful orgasm of her life.
It was the first time in weeks, ever since Adam hit town and Amanda tried to act all ladylike, that she had been fucked to orgasm by anything except her own fingers, and the cucumbers she had been stealing from the garden, and her orgasm was intense. It may have been the first orgasm, but it surely wasn’t the last. Liz let the waves of pleasure pour over Amanda before she stopped fucking her and moved around in front of her and made Amanda suck the strap-on clean. Amanda was sucking her own juices, but she didn’t care. She was an obedient little slave to Liz now and would do whatever she told her to.
Liz went back behind her, smacking Amanda on the ass, pulling on her cxnt lips, and pulling on her hair before shoving the dildo back into Amanda. One was never enough for Amanda, and soon she was grunting, groaning and moaning again and just when she was ready to pop Liz pulled the dildo out of her pussy, and rammed it straight up Amanda’s ass!  The ass smacking really intensified, and Liz reached down and started playing with Amanda’s pussy and it wasn’t long before Amanda had another, even more thunderous orgasm. Amanda’s thighs were soaked with her own pussy juice as she kept on cumming and cumming and cumming. Liz made her clean that cock again before taking it off and handing it to Johnna. Johnna fucked the shit out of Amanda, fucking her mouth, cxnt and asshole, over and over, and not in that order. Liz took another turn after that, and so did several of the gals from the Spanish Rose, including my Amy. Liz, ever cruel, let Amanda suck Adam until he was hard, which, considering what he was seeing didn’t take long, and then jerked him off, spurting another load of his hot cum all over Amanda’s humiliated face.
Amanda had lost count of her orgasms by the time Liz and Johnna went over to one of those tripods the Mexes had been cooking in last night and lugged it over beside Amanda. It had a big paddle sticking out of it and I figured that it had what was left of their dinner last night and that Liz was going to shove Amanda’s face in it or something. Liz began to stir it and it was really thick, the fires had died down long before midnight, and when she pulled the paddle out I could see that it was covered with a black, gooey tar mixture. Liz didn’t say anything as that Spanish Contessa, Rosalita, I believe her name was, came over and grabbed Amanda by the hair and spit into her cum covered face.
“You don’t remember me, do you?” she spit again.
Liz handed her the paddle and Rosalita slapped the paddle, full of steamy black tar, smack dab between Amanda’s ass cheeks. It wasn’t boiling, but it was hot and steamy and as Amanda screamed Rosalita sneered, “Do you remember me now?”
Rosalita slapped a few more big globs of the thick, black goo all over Amanda before handing the paddle back to Liz. Liz was slopping the steaming tar onto Amanda, and Johnna and several of the other Spanish Rose gals grabbed sticks to help out and pretty soon Amanda was as black as night. Amanda was covered from head to toe with tar; every inch of her luscious body now black with the goo. Next came the feathers, two big crates of them, and the gals made sure they covered the humiliated blonde from head to toe as well. This wasn’t like the molasses, which dried up and washed out mostly in a horse trough. This was going to take some scrubbing to get off, and probably some turpentine as well. Amanda sobbed hysterically, and yes, she made a mess of the ground again.
They left her like that and Amanda was sobbing hysterically, absolutely humiliated, and begging someone, anyone, to help her and release her. She was met with scorn and laughter. Amanda was still in that position, covered in a thick coating of tar and feathers, shackled to the hitching post with her ass sticking up in the air, a couple of hours later when the stage arrived and Big Dick and Consuela returned to town.
There would be hell to pay when Big Dick came back to town and saw his cum covered baby girl beaten, naked, covered in tar and feathers.


Offline Raycat

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Re: The Battle of Cactus Creek Part 2
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2017, 08:04:15 PM »
Man, you did a great job. If you take the time to read (its more a book than a story. That long :) you read the best catfight stort ever written in history.

It contains humor, excitement, sexual vibrations it has all the colours.

The only thing i am afraid of is that a lot of people who read or should i say scan the stories will not have the patients to excually read it.

But if they do they read the best story ever written.


Offline Raycat

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Re: The Battle of Cactus Creek Part 2
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2017, 08:11:42 PM »
Btw very curioud how it will continue. :)