Three gorgeous blondes strutted across the expanse of pure white sand toward the microphone set up in front of the press tent for the event. After beautiful pornstar Julia Ann were
the newest member of the team, world famous swimsuit SI covergirl and model, Kate Upton and beside Kate strode the world famous, Oscar winning, actress Charlize Theron!
"Charlize and I are proud to present the newest member of 3BlondMILFs, Kate Upton!" Julia said breathily as she adjusted the microphone nearer to her lips, resting the mic stand between her heavy breasts. Charlize and I were sad when Cam Diaz told us she would have to pull out of the tournament due to a film project, but we are excited and pleased to have Kate take her place."
Rumors had surrounded the team ever since TMZ reported Diaz' departure and subsequent replacement by the busty young blond model. It didn't take much to convince some that Cameron Diaz' leaving had more to do with her success in the ring - compared to Theron's lackluster, so-so, record - than it did with some "film project" that no one, including the Internet Movie Database, had ever heard of.
Theron's being irked at Diaz earning praise for "carrying Theron" may well have led to her removal and replacement, but it wasn't the whole story. Upton had admitted in an interview that she had been angry and upset at being assigned a "meaningless and trivial" role as a referee when she'd volunteered for the tournament. Her anger grew when she had been "brutally raped" by another referee, Ronda Rousey, during a Round Five match after she'd been accidentally head-butted by one of the fighters and knocked unconscious!
Upton had approached "several teams" about joining them when the rules permitted them to replace one woman, although only Team Strahotski had confirmed their discussion. Kate had been rebuffed by Team Strahotski, either because they were satisfied with their existing team (the Strahotski version of what they said) or they didn't think she had "the right stuff" Kate's version of what they told her.
Whatever the truth is, as soon as Upton saw the draw for the Knockout rounds, she approached the manager of 3BlondMILFs and made an offer they couldn't refuse.... Whatever it was, the next day Diaz was out and Upton was in. Then the Tournament was rocked with another stunning bit of news! 3BlondMILFs had replaced Charlize Theron as captain, naming instead the tournament's first - and so far ONLY pornstar team captain, Julia Ann in her place.
Ever the professional, Theron granted interviews in which she praised Julia for her performance and accepted the demotion graciously. In fact, she said not having to worry about being captain would free her mind to concentrate on her job.
Upton smiled as she talked about how eager she was to show Team Strahotski they'd made a "huge mistake" when they rejected her offer to help them. Then added ominously, "... and Ronda Rousey hasn't seen the last of me. We have some unfinished business, her and me."