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Bikini catfight in the beach for the QoD tourney. Francesca Le vs Kim Chambers

  • 15 Replies

Offline Christina Carter

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As Francesca mercilessly digs her nails on my big breasts, I start to scream out louder and louder in pure agony.


My eyes are closed, now I can only hear the flashes of the cameras taking pictures of the nasty hold.
My feet kicking the sand, I try to pull my arms free but she secured them between hips and thighs so that they are firmly trapped.

My face contorted in pain.

I refuse to give up, trying to resist, although my back hurts more and more as she bends me in a not natural angle

But she doesn't stop, she goes on and eventually raking and scratching my breasts.

I realize that this is just too much.


The crowd explodes in a cheer as my words signaling the end of the fight and Francesca's win.
But that's not enough for her.

She keeps going on bending me, asking me to admit who's the better woman.

Now tears are forming in my eyes and run down across my cheeks as the defeat turns into humiliation.


I scream out like crazy, feeling helpless and humbled and finally accepting to humiliate myself

" are better woman are better than me"

She laughs and pulls one more time before releasing my breasts, I end down, face and chest first under her ass.
She looks around with a satisfied look through her face, adjusting her hair and pushing herself up.
She kicks my side to force me on my back and place her foot on my body, flexing her biceps in a classic victory pose as I sob down

"Latinas beat blondes, bitch" she laughs and kicks some sand up to my face and chest before she leaves escorted by the sexy young hunk, leaving me there, whimpering until some staff members come to help me up on my feet.
