You know the worst thing about five minutes? All the adrenaline that's keeping you alive starts to fade and all the pain rushes up to replace it.
If I wasn't so fucked up, I'd be bouncing in the corner, trying to keep my adrenaline up. But I can't bounce right now. In fact, I can barely stand. So, instead of keeping my energy up, I sit down in the corner and try to get it back.
Let's evaluate things. I'm pretty sure I have a bruised or broken rib. My head tells me I probably have a concussion. Not too long ago, my heart stopped, so that can't be any good for me. I'm coughing blood. And my fucking mentor taught the one trick he never taught me to the woman I want to destroy.
Thanks, asshole.
Why? Why did he teach you that, Megan? What did you give up? I know you and I know your rules, so it couldn't have been... It couldn't have been that. You might have a hate for me that could fill the Grand Canyon, but you wouldn't have done
I'm trying to focus on now, but all I can do is flash back to that moment in the corner. The smile on your face. That fucking
knowing grin. You knew, didn't you? He told you, didn't he?
I'm missing something. Something right on the edge of my mind. Something I've missed.
"THREE MINUTES!!!"Dammit, Megan. How the fuck did you get him to teach you that?
Okay, stop it. Stop it. Get your head back into the ring.
He wouldn't teach me because... yeah. Because.
* * *
Vegas. Because Vegas.Laying with you in that bed and you lean over and say,
"Stay with me."I laugh. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."
But that's not what you meant. You started talking about...
There's a chapel downtown. You said we could go to a pawn shop and get rings. There's even a place called "The Fast Lane" where we could just pull up in a car and get married as we drove through. We could do that.
And in my head, I'm thinking...
"I'd...want it to be...more than that," I say, dodging what's going through my head. "You know, some rituals are important. I know you love pissing on tradition, but...I'd want that to be..."
You kiss me. "Of course. You'd want it to be
I nod, happy that you're happy with that answer. "Yes," I say.
You look away for a moment, open a Coors and drink it down. The whole thing in less time it takes most people to take a sip. You crush the can and look out that great big window that takes up the whole wall. Then, you nod your head. "Okay."
I blink. "Wh--?"
You turn from the window to me. "I'd do that for you." You snuggle up to me, coiling your warm body around mine. "But I won't wear the dress. You have to do that."
You're teasing me. But now, I'm ready to cry. Because you called my bluff.
"Meg, I..."
And that's when worry enters your eyes. It eclipses the excitement. Then, embarrassment eclipses all of it. Then,
RAGE. You've opened yourself to me and I'm about to reject you. Sensing what I'm about to say, you speak first. "Don't say it."
"Megan, I..."
"DON'T FUCKING SAY IT."You push yourself off the bed, reaching for your clothes.
"Keep saying that name all you want," you tell me. "I'm not going to hear it."
"I want to."
You don't stop. Tugging on your sweaty gear because that's what's closest. You're not listening to me. So, I shout.
"I can't belong to you!"
You're pulling your punk tee over your head. "You mean you don't want to belong to
I don't know what else to say to keep you from walking out the door, so I shout, "I BELONG TO HIM!"
You stop. A slow turn. Your eyes...I'll never forget your eyes in that moment.
Your lips move so slowly. "The fuck you say?"
* * *
"TWO MINUTES!!!"In the opposite corner. I'm not even looking at you. I'm looking at
What did she do, you bastard?Your mask gives up nothing. No emotion. Nothing.
What did she do?