The sushi bar. Our second date.
We're way too drunk. You on Asahi and me on saki. I'm drinking it cold because that's how you serve
good saki. The itamae just keeps bringing us sashimi and we keep putting it down. We're laughing way too loud, but we're gaijin, so that's okay. After we share a whole plate of tuna sashimi, I lean in close and whisper something. Your eyes go wide and you almost shout,
I kiss you and shush you, laughing out loud. "Don't go telling the whole goddamn world."
You kiss me back, but then push me away. "Are you fucking kidding? That was you?"
The itamae's eyes go wide too. "You are Lady DDT?" he asks in Japanese, pointing at me.
I shake my head. "No, no," I tell him. "I
know Lady DDT."
He smiles and nods. "Get her picture for me?" he asks.
I nod. "Sure."
He goes on making more sashimi. I look back at you. "See?" I say, still laughing. "See the trouble you cause? There's a reason I whi?"
You get up on the barstool and point at me. "Lady DDT!" you shout, loud and proud. "This is Lady DDT!"
I have to drag you back down. You land on that exquisite ass of yours and we're both laughing so hard, I almost fall off my own stool.
"It's not something I'm exactly proud of," I say.
"You should be," you tell me. "God, that was an
awful gimmick." You stroke my hair, looking into my eyes. "But you made it work."
"Eventually," I say.
That's when a small group of fans comes over. They recognize you, of course, but they're all asking, "Lady DDT?"
I start to say, "No," but you're already there, nodding up and down. "Yup! This is her!"
I sigh and roll my eyes. "Cat's out of the bag, now."
They ask for our picture and you squeeze me, pulling my face close. "Hai!" you say, way too loud.
Phones come out and we're there, arm in arm.
After they leave, you say, "Did they really not allow you to use anything else? Just DDTs?"
I nod. "Yup." Take another piece of sashimi. "For six months."
You shake your head. "That sucks." You blink. "Hey, wait...didn't you use a figure four?"
I nodded. "Yeah," I said. "Got me fired." I wink at you. "But I won the belt with it. Won the belt, took it to the back and the booker took it away from me. Didn't even let me shower or get dressed. Threw my bag at me and told me to get out."
You kiss me. "You're such a rebel." You take another saki bomb and say, "You know, I was so hot for Lady DDT."
"Oh really?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
You raise your right hand. "'Sthetruth," you slur. "You looked so good in that lycra one piece."
"Ugh," I say. "It was itchy."
Then, you look at me with that mischievous grin. "Still got the mask?"
The next morning, I'm next to you. You're flat on your stomach, groaning something about saki bombs. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom, checking my phone for emails...and someone's sent me a link. There we are, the two of us, at the sushi bar, wrapped up together and smiling. Way too drunk.
I just shake my head and smile.
"Cat's out of the bag."
* * *
But back in the ring, you're on the canvas, clutching that knee of yours. I put my hands and feet under me and slowly drag myself back to my feet. You don't even see me.
I limp over to you, clutching my side. My chest burns like you poured lava over it. My breath is wet and heaving. I sound like an old man trying to breathe. I watch you roll, grabbing your knee. I wipe the hair from my face and grin down at you.
I grab your ankle and give it a good tug, Ric Flair style, and listen to the wonderful sound that makes. Then, I use your wounded leg to flip you over onto your stomach. This ain't your grandpa's figure's
"Time to go to school," I say, my voice sharp and cruel. And just like Ric, I do a little spin, holding on to your ankle, twisting it around my leg, and get set for the move that got me fired. Except you are face down and I'm face up.
It's better this way.