Yep. There's that fuckin' laugh.
Sting's got his war whoop, Megumi Kudo had her fist-pump roar, Reckless Youth had his "KING OF DELAWARE!", Adam Cole just throws up four fingers and gets the crowd to do his catchphrase for him, and Rowan Chance laughs like a sexy young Alec Baldwin playing the fucking Shadow (you end up watching a lot of old movies in Greyhound stations). Heard it dozens of times in bingo halls and armories and sporting centers all across every fucking town on the map. Even knowing it was coming, even after all the times it's rung in my ears, it still sends a thrill up my spine. It means you're ALL fired up. It means you're ready to hurt someone.
It means you think you smell blood.
I can't let my sudden surge of hot toxic glee show on my face. Not least of which because I'm actually fucking bleeding, and my knee is not THAT much less pained than I'm letting on, so I don't exactly have a lot to giggle about, but also because I want you to keep coming. And of course you don't disappoint. Rowan Chance just NEVER stops coming.
(Ha! Right?)
I drag my leg behind me, making for the ropes. Face twisted up in pain and determination with purple hair hanging in sweaty slick tangles over it like Sarah Connor crawling for the shotgun in the steel mill. You come closer, and yeah baby, there's the shit-talking, low and wicked. You're all turned on, aren't you, my little raven? 'course you are. Seeing me all hurt never fails to get you fired up, you thirsty little bitch. You come closer, leaning in, and you clearly want me to take a swing at you.
Fortunately, like my pretending my agonized knee hurts, that's an easy bit of acting, since I REALLY want to punch your fucking teeth down your throat. I release my knee and SWIPE a wild shot at you, and you smirk in a way that makes me want to hit you even harder. I could really wipe that smirk off your face, reach up and snatch the waist of your little leather shorts and jerk you into me so I could REALLY tag your pretty face - but that's not good enough.
Not compared to what I've got in mind.
Somethin' sweet.
So I swipe again, and let you chuckle your little smug fucking chuckle that I kinda hated even when we were partners. You were smug like a clown wears greasepaint, fucking smeared all over you.
A little boot to my belly. "Hunnnhh!" I jolt a little, as you keep running your fucking mouth and give me another. "Unh-!" I paw at the ropes, dragging myself along them, a snarl etched on my face after that last little comment. Fucking bitch. If I could rip back every kiss from your lips I would. My head hangs as I grind my taped knuckles swiftly into my eyes while you put on a runway walk beside me, twisting my fist into one eye after the other to make them good and watery. They're already red and wet from the ferocity of the struggle in the Nevermore. I just wanna really fuckin' sell this shit. I want you DRAWN IN, you bloodthirsty little spider. Right into MY fucking parlour.
You come down to face me, all legs and bloody smile and well-remembered curves and lush silky skin and dark hair. Fuck you for being so fucking gorgeous.
Then you lick the streak of freshly knuckled tears up like Courvoisier (knew ya'd like that, fuckin' deviant) and I hear Red bellowing in the crowd. He's in full-on Low Country mode, and I have to bite my lip HARD not to giggle when he calls you an egg-suckin' dog. Fortunately it just adds to my air of furiously defiant agony.
Reddy knows. No fucking way he'd bust out "egg-suckin' dog" if he wasn't trying to get your back up.
And it works. I HEAR the raised hackles in your voice when you hiss at him and SNATCH my sweaty tangle of purple hair. You're gonna just haul me right up for the Widow's Bite, aren't ya? That's what you've been dreaming of since I made the challenge. Hitting that fucking move on me again.
But I ain't dreaming, Rowan. I'm remembering a road trip, from a run in a local fed near you in Arizona up to a show in Nevada. The sun was a blazing glare in an endless blue sky and all around was just endless red, and we'd been talking about the match the night before.
You'd been getting worked over pretty hard by Lucky Petra and La Titillier, a couple of Eurotrash girls with shameless sensuality and overly revealing attire. They might've been tarts, but they were tall and strong, lithe and powerful, and they'd been cutting the ring in half all night, beating you down whenever I stretched for a tag. I was frothing at the fucking mouth when they were setting you up for some sort of spike piledriver - and when I saw their manager Mssr. Pierre up on the apron distracting the ref so they could hit the doubleteam, that fucking tore it.
I'd stampeded into the ring and SHOULDERCHECKED the ref hard into Pierre so their heads clonked like coconuts, sending the Frenchman in the long blue coat tumbling to the concrete as the ref staggered and fell, not knowing what just happened. And I'd gone racing over, Docs airwalking the mat and punktails streaming behind me and SLAMMED an uppercut up between Lucky's thighs to pound her fucking mound as she was perched on the middle rope before giving her a pieface shove over the ropes to the outside to land with a boneshaking thud. La Tittilliere had dropped you from her standing headscissors and came and grabbed my shoulders from behind, so I mule-kicked my heel up into her cxnt as well, then turned around, yanked her hands off her aching crotch and hoisted her up for an atomic drop to finish busting her up before I shoved her down and took you by the wrist and the back of your shorts as I guided you as gently as I could to our corner, where I resumed my spot on the apron. I was holding the tag rope all nice and legal, reaching over the top for your hand as the ref shook his aching head and looked around at the moaning French chicks clutching their cootches on the mat, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened.
We'd been laughing about that, and it'd come up that you'd never really taken a fucking mound pounding in the ring.
"Nobody's ever fuckin' crotched you? EVER?"
My eyebrows were halfway to my hairline. You just smiled, driving the big ol' comfy Caddy. I had to admit this was better than the Greyhound.
"Nope. They just assume a sexfighter like me...well, it'd be like trying to headbutt a Samoan."
I laughed, draining off some Sonoran root beer.
"Well ... I mean, sure, a big blind uppercut to your goodies is probably just gonna feel like that dude from New Mexico who kept his cowboy hat durin' the sexfight and didn't have any moves except rammin' you, but like - what if it was more ... precise?"
"Boys," you'd said, just laughing. I loved listening to you laugh back then. You'd kept your hands on the wheel at 10 and 2. "They think they can just hit you with 'MY BIG NINE INCH' and you'll just melt."
I tilted my head back and tore off a hunk of pemmican in my teeth, contemplatively. You heard the silence from the other side of the car and added softly: "Yeah. Sorry. That must be kind of gross, huh?"
"Naw, I'm just tryin' to figure out if nine inches is actually big or if you're bein' ironic." I'd grinned, chewing the peppered dried meat, my bare tattooed feet up on the big hot dashboard.
"But I'm sayin'," I'd turned towards you, drawing a leg up under me. "Like one time I fought this tiny chick, Princess Something or Other, right? Super flyweight, all aerial shit, I wrecked her up for 2 out of my 3 dates with the fed and she got so pissed off she demanded we go NHB for my last appearance. She ended up being stretchered outta there that night, but before that she hit me with this SHOT ... she had her middle knuckle out like she was froggin' someone's leg in middle school, right? Spread my legs and just DRILLED me on the mat with it."
I shivered a little bit, despite the desert's furious heat. "Just fuckin' NAILED my clit because she's either a fuckin' pussy assassin or I had walked under two fuckin' ladders and stepped on a black cat that night."
You'd grinned at me. "You sure that was bad luck?" Your dark eyes were wicked ... but you weren't answering my question.
My cheeks colored up hotly and I'd first punched your arm hard enough to bruise and then lunged over to suckle your earlobe, my tits pressed to your bicep before I remembered if I kept pressing to you I'd swerve us off the road and we'd die.
"Bitch! And ... I MIGHTA soaked my shorts a TINY bit ... good thing, though, was she was so fuckin' smug about that she decided she'd climb a ladder and hit a 630 on me. And there was no ladder set up in the fuckin' ring yet. Gave me plenty of fuckin' time to recover while she was wrestling the damn thing into the ring and getting it up and climbin' it. Let me tell you how well that went for her."
I propped my left elbow on my right palm, inked forearm straight up, and then I mimed it falling over with a little cartoon scream. "Aaaaaaaaahhhh - pppbbbttthhbbt." I added a pierced-tongue raspberry to indicate the sound she made hitting the concrete.
You were taking a sip of hot tea when I did that. Then it was it was dripping off the windshield and steering wheel as you snorted laughter.
"BUT," I'd added, "Point is, this little 4'11 hundred-pounds-soakin'-wet flippy-shit fairy princess COULD'VE fuckin' pinned me. My eyes fuckin' rolled like spinning jackpot wheels when she tagged me."
You'd gotten your breath back, and regained your grip on the tea-soaked steering wheel. "Sounds like something I should avoid," you'd said. Oh, so carefully you'd said it.
"Mmmmmm ..." I'd leaned in close, nestling up as you drove, and murmured in your ear, low and secret and teasing because I hadn't missed how much you DIDN'T want to discuss this. "... good thing no one is dumb enough to try to mound pound Iron cxnt Rowan Chance, huh?"
Your eyes came off the road for a second. Just a second. So you could look at me. "I make half my living pounding my pussy on things, babe. Even if they were able to...I'd just look back at them and grin."
I'd arched an eyebrow - and then my eyes got that gleam in them. And I got that smile. The mischievous one. The fuckin' dangerous one. I glanced at the road to make sure no trucks were coming and then curled up against your side, breasts warm on your shoulder, my left arm sliding behind you to stroke your hair, my right hand slowly running over your thigh ... running in silky snaking brushes inwards and upwards.
"H-h-hey!" You gasped. Gods, that sounded so fuckin' sweet. I had just one fingertip tracing your jeans, up the line of your hidden petals that I knew even through denim. Your legs squeezed on my hand and your cheeks flushed. THAT was new. Rowan Chance getting hot-cheeked at a little heavy petting ...
"You'd just look at them and grin ..." I purred.
"Stop that. MEGAN. I'm driving!"
My breath was hot and teasing on your ear, soft lips brushing it.
"But what if ... they knew just where ... "
My fingertip brushed you, just there. You grabbed my wrist, pulling us to the side of the dusty desert road one-handed in a cloud of red. Your voice was stern - but breaking.
"If you did it...yes. Absolutely yes."
You'd look at my deep dark eyes.
"But only you."
Things got interesting after that. We hadn't gotten much further that day, since that little pit stop on the roadside ended up lasting until sundown before we got dressed again.
But I never forgot.
And as you drag me up from the mat by my purple tangle of hair - loose from my punkytails, just dragging me up like we're in a hotel room and you're pulling my face up your bare glistening body, I end up on my knees, and my right knee screeches nails-on-chalkboard pain through my leg as my weight settles there.
And I crane my head up at you, and smile that smile. The dangerous one. I purr breathlessly up at you, face blood-streaked and glistening sweat.
"I ... remember EVERYTHING."
And I SWING my right arm up between your smooth olive thighs, my hand curled into a brutally tight fist with my taped thumb JUTTING out from it.
Aiming to just fucking DRILL a Stumptown Spike right into sexfighting champ Rowan Chance's iron cxnt ... the vicious dagger of my thumb driving right into the delicate peaked spot that a lover knows best.
That only I could hit.