"Hurting people is easy."
Tantalus saying that. A dark room. Almost no lights. Just the sound of chains. The flicker of a candle. He's wearing his red jacket and his mask. Everything else is black.
"You just need two things. The knowledge of
how to do it. And the will
to do it."
The sound of his foot steps on the hard wood floor. He walks in a small circle.
"I've watched the matches you asked me to watch. Evaluated your...style."
The slight sound of chains again. And leather stretching.
"Flamboyant," he says, raising a finger. "But not effective."
He makes almost a full circle, back to where he started. There are no windows in this place. Only darkness, the candle, him, and the chains.
"I'm going to teach you how to hurt someone with the slightest of moves."
He steps forward, the candle lighting his eyes behind the mask.
"Is that what you want?"
The chains rattle. And my muffled voice makes a soft, whimpering sound.
"Very well," he says. "Let's begin."
* * *
Back in the ring, a few moments ago, you said the words.
"Rich girl."They echo in my head. Along with my own voice. A sudden
SLAP and my words.
"Don't you ever fucking call me a rich girl again. Or it'll be OVER between us."There are a lot of echoes in my head. But right now, they're overshadowed by the pain.
I fall to the canvas, the impact making me cringe. Making my body freeze. My hands clench into fists and then claws and then fists again.
My toes are tingling. But I can move them. Yes, I can move them. I cough and it feels like I swallowed a poker that's been sitting in a winter fire all night. I check my side. Yeah. I've got a floating rib. I shake my head. Spit blood on the canvas. Try to move.
No, my body says.
You don't get to do that yet.I look at you. On the mat. Clutching your knee. Trying to wish it back to health. But that's not going to happen.
"You're not getting up any time soon, Megan Dow," I say, blood in my mouth.
I put my hands under me. Push myself to my knees. And I crawl.
That's right. I fucking crawl toward you. On my hands and knees. I bet you like that. In fact, I
know you like that. Watching me crawl across the hotel room floor toward you. Your eyes shining so bright. Your lips wet with anticipation.
"Rich girl."Those words sting my memory again. Not just sting. Lingering in there like a fucking scab you know you should't pick.
Every inch I move is agony. My chest. My spine. My whole core is gone. I know you've hurt my back. I know I'll be in the emergency room tonight. But you'll be there, too, bitch. I'll make fucking sure of it. There's no duct tape for you tonight. No cheap ass locker room remedy for what I'm going to do to you. You'll need fucking
doctors. And I won't be the one making the call. You can argue with your goddamn wife about it. Be goddamn proud. Tell
her to fuck off when she dials 911 because you can't fucking walk. Tell
her that calling the doctor is tapping out. That admitting you aren't tough enough. And shame
her for using a credit card to get you accepted into the emergency room.
I crawl. Right up behind you. And I use your goddamn shoulders to push myself up to my knees. Behind you. Using your body to keep myself up. I grab your loose purple hair and hold your neck in place. Remembering Thomas' words. Saying them out loud.
"Hurting people is easy."
I raise my right hand, holding your hair with my left.
And kneeling behind you, my right hand sharp, like a razor, the edge of my palm strikes right below the base of your skull, right at the top of your spine.
I watch your body jerk. It takes a moment after the impact. Your arms spread out and your fingers clench. Then, you fall face first. Flat onto the canvas. Flat. Motionless.
LVK: OHMYGOD. What was that?
RP: I've seen Rowan use that before. In Japan. Used to be the set up for... oh shit.
LVK: The Widow's Bite?
RP: Yeah. Shit. I gotta stop this.
(The sound of Rick's headphones hitting the table and a muffled conversation. Shouting between the two men.)
RP: You don't get it! She put Meg in a fucking COMA the last time she used that move!
LVK: We can't get involved, Rick!
RP: Maybe YOU can't get involved.
LVK: Remember last time? Remember?
(A long pause.)
RP: Yeah. I remember.
(The sound of headphones being picked up.)
LVK: Sorry, folks. We're back.
RP: Yeah, we're back.
LVK: Rowan looks seriously hurt. Barely able to stand. Even if she could lift Punky, I doubt she has the core strength to pull off the Widow's Bite.
RP: If she does, there's nothing stopping me from jumping in the ring. You understand that Van Keel?
LVK: Rick, don't force me to get security.
RP: I said NOTHING, Larry. NOTHING.Lifting your prone body from the canvas takes everything I've got. You're limp now. But you're not limp enough for a three count. And fuck revenge. I want this to be OVER. If three seconds ends this--once and for all--then so be it.
I get you up to your knees. Your body heavy. Dead weight. Hook your head in a front face lock. Close my eyes. Breathe. Reach around your waist and fucking
LIIIIIIFFF--OHFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKGODFUCKINGDAMMIT!!!LVK: Rowan is actually lifting and turning Punky's body...
RP: She's going for it.
LVK: Stay down, Rick. Stay down.
RP: She's going to paralyze her, Van Keel.
LVK: STAY DOWN!The pain in my spine makes my legs quake. My knees nearly buckle. But I lift your body and twist it, turning it. The tombstone piledriver position. Lifting and turning until your legs are above my head. My arms tight around your waist. Your head just an inch below my knees.
I'm going to jump. And when I come down, I'm going to fall into a full splits. And your head is going to hit the canvas, shoving every last vertebrae against the one next to it. Cracking your skull. Jamming your neck.
That's what's going to end this war, once and for all, Megan. That's what's going to end
Once and for goddamn all.