Through the blood and sweat in my eyes, through the red hot pokers running up and down my spine, through the fountain of blood gushing from my forehead spilling my life all over the canvas, I look at you...
... I look at you...
... I look at you...
... a faerie queen, wounded and poisoned on the forest floor...
... a post apocalyptic valkyrie fallen from her steed, her sword broken...
... a...
No. Shake my head. Spit the purple haze from my lips.
Purple haze. That's what we called it, Megan. Do you like that?
He said I'd have to be careful. Don't let it stay in my mouth too long. And part of me chuckles. And the chuckle makes my back ache even more.
Shake my head again. I'm on my side, blood almost squirting from my forehead. Shawn Michaels would be proud.
But you're on your side, too. Laying there. Twitching. Your eyes wide open, your mouth drooling. Staring away at visions or dreams or nightmares or whatever's going through your head right now. You have no idea where you are. You may have no idea
who you are.
That's what the purple haze does, Megan. Just for you. A bit of alchemy I made...just for you. Just in case. Like Batman keeping a little piece of Kryptonite...just in case. But I didn't make it alone. I had help.
I slowly push myself to my knees, my back begging me to pin you. Right here. Finish it right here. But what I know and my back doesn't is that somewhere in that little girl lost head of yours, you'll hear the count. I have to make sure you don't hear anything.
And there's only one move that will do that. The one that held you down for the three count before. And if I'm honest, it's the only move I know that can do it. That's why I haven't gone for a pin yet. I may be the Unbreakable Rowan Chance...but you...
I'm on my knees, erect. I look out at the audience, their faces slightly twisted, like they all stepped out of a haunted Polaroid. The mist is still in my head. But not like you, Megan. No. Not like you.
You look like Morpheus in the last few moments before he breaks. Cold sweat. Rolling eyes. Bubbles on your lips. Head rolling like the vibroman in Jacob's Ladder. I look out at the audience and I see Tantalus and Red sitting together. My two masked men.
I cross my arms, and in classic Arn Anderson style, I give them the signal.
It's Over.
Somewhere behind me, that retired doofus who thinks he taught me anything I didn't already know is being held back by security.
You picked a side, Rick. That means you're The Enemy.
I lift pretty little Megan's head by her pretty purple hair. And I pause long enough to whisper into your ear...
"Muto didn't help me make the purple mist, little dreaming Queen..."
I bite your ear. Sharply.
"... your
Thomas did."
I wrap my arms around her waist. And I twist. Pulling her up into position.
She's dead weight. Her arms and legs, rubber. Her arms fall straight down. Her legs bend backward and split. There's no resistance. No reversal. Her body is helpless. Twitching. Her mind ten billion miles away falling into a black hole.
There's no stopping me,
Thomas. There's no stopping me,
Red. Your poet is finished.
My hands are locked behind her back. Hands to wrists.
And with your legs spread, in this position, your mound right in front of me, I can't help myself.
I open my bloody mouth, extend my tongue...
...and give your pussy a long, lascivious liiiiiiiick.Watching my masked men as I do.
Then, I make the little jump.
Make my legs spread.
And feel both of us descend toward the canvas.