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One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB

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Offline Virginia Dare

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #210 on: January 02, 2018, 02:23:01 AM »
Pounding my hands on the steel railings, I stand up shouting: "NO! MEGAN! DON'T LET HER CINCH IN THAT HOLD!"


I've felt that hold. I know what it does to you.

I know what she does to you once you're in it.



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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #211 on: January 02, 2018, 06:04:52 PM »
I'm pretty fast.

I don't wanna brag (haaa, no - I fucking love bragging) but I've been called "snake fast" by SEVERAL Midwestern regional announcers of varying degrees of respectability. I once superkicked someone so fast they didn't even have time to finish their sentence (they were in the middle of saying "Megan, I swear to God, if you fucking superkick me one more time at the breakfast table, I'm going to fucking k-". Love you, Gems). I hit people so fast they don't know they've been hit until their head bounces off the canvas. I'm like a fuckin' molotov - I'm full of alcohol and I EXPLODE. I'm so fast I turn off the light switch in the hotel room and I'm in bed before the room is dark.

Okay, I borrowed the last one from Muhammad Ali, but I'm fast is the fucking point.

But you, Ro.

You don't ALWAYS move quick, is the thing. You don't sprint, you rarely dash. Your movements in the ring are mostly controlled, smooth. And then you just fucking lash out. And I remember one night in Peoria, which I always assumed was a city Bugs Bunny had made up until I wrestled there (Peoria Civic Center, represent! Big ups to the jitterbug plate at June Bug's Diner), I was on the apron, and I was sweaty and bruised. I'd just barely gotten off a proverbially hot fucking tag to you after getting spun and whipped and leaped on all around the ring by these quick little girls who thought they were the fucking Jumping Bomb Angels. And I saw the way you ducked a high roundhouse kick and just ROSE like a fucking storm, seizing the girl's head as she staggered off the whiff and dropping her in a reverse DDT before she'd even realized she'd missed.

"'Lance Storm' my everlovin' fuckin' ass," I'd muttered through a half grin, my arms draped on the second rope as I rested on one knee and recovered, sweat dripping off the end of my nose. Lance Storm is a brilliant wrestler who's an absolute fucking mastermind at striking and mat work, like most Canadians, and he's not slow - but he's not FAST.

Not like you.

I probably should have said something that night. I didn't. I didn't really even tease at bringing it up until a couple weeks later, at the Waffle House in Jefferson City (BEST smothered-covered-capped-and-country hash browns north of Mobile). I'd just teased a little, to see what you said. And you hadn't wanted to talk about it. Your lie was so heartstring-tuggingly bad that I just dropped it.

I dunno. Maybe if we'd talked about more things out in the open and hadn't had so many secrets in the dark and ...

... that's just the blood loss talking.

Point is:

You're one fast little cxnt, Rowan Chance.

Which is why you're able to snatch me in that fucking hold so quick as I bend over to peel you off the mat like a wet decal and finish you off.

From fucking corpse to a clutching spider in a breath.

The gogoplata is one of those moves that everyone tries. Taker using it all over the PPVs and Shin Aoki choking Nagata out fucking cold with it and Joe Rogan calling it over and over in breathless panting excitement as fighters try to lock it in has led to all sorts of fighters trying the complex, elaborate choke when they should really stick with a fucking headlock and make sure they can get that right first. It's not a reliable hold - there's so many moving parts that you have to make sure you get in correctly, and escape can be as simple as just standing upright.

But you're so fucking fast.

Your legs wrap around, hooking my shoulder as you trap my reaching right hand. Your hips lift, pressing your folded shin into my throat, and I can feel the pulse race in my ears like a sudden rush of kettledrums. I know how to fight this. I do. I've had to, since I've seen you choke so many fucking people out with it. And it's not just the choking, it's the ...

... the way you put the hold on.

My left hand comes up, flailing and then snatching at your jaw, PUSHING it hard back, forcing your blood-soaked face to crank back at the crowd upside-down as I plant my fucking red Docs and LIFT, my abs flexing brutally tight. All I have to do is stand and break your grip, and you're on the fucking mat.

All I have to d-


My right knee doesn't agree to the plan, and just crumbles. I drop hard, to my knees, and the pain JOLTS me again, making my spine whiplash in electric agony as my right leg spasms when the brutalized swollen knee crashes into the canvas.

And I'm trapped.

"NNNGHHHHHNnononono ..." I snarl like a mantra, the pain etched all over my bloody face as your shin sinks into my throat. Crushing my voice away. Crushing my windpipe shut. Pinching off my carotids. Your hands laced behind my head.

Your face staring up at me, so fucking close.

"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline Vivianne

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #212 on: January 02, 2018, 06:40:21 PM »
I have seen Rowan use this hold before, and the outcome is always the same. Nobody escapes it. Well, I have heard rumors that Gemma did once, but I was not there to see it. She locks it on so quick that Punky is trapped immediately. Yes!



Yesss Rowan!! CHOKE HER OUT!!!
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 07:05:09 PM by msan71 »


Offline Rowan Chance

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #213 on: January 02, 2018, 08:17:50 PM »
You move so panicked. And I am so calm.

Slowly increasing the pressure. Pulling your face down. Pulling your lips down.

My face is a mess of blood, sweat and hair.

My shin presses hard into your throat and I see your eyes begin to bulge. Your nipples tenting your sports bra. Your left leg kicking and digging at the mat while your right leg is folded useless under you. You paw at my chin, struggling to keep my lips away.

And somewhere else, laying on a beach in Florida, you whisper to me, "Your lips are like a drug." And you're kissing me. Over and over and over again. Just that. Kissing. Over and over and over again. Listening to the water rush up on the shore. Hearing the sounds of a Parrothead party somewhere down the beach. You never could get enough of kissing me.

But back in the ring, when your face is so close, I can feel the bloody brush of your lips, I whisper against your mouth.

"You are mine."

And I know both meanings of those words are sinking into your panicked brain.

And then?

The kiss

The kiss you will never escape.

And as I kiss you, I'm whispering between your lips. A little poem, just for you. I suck at poetry, but I wanted this moment. Right here. When I had you. I finally had you.

I've got you
I'm in your blood
In your brain
In your dreams

I've got you
And you can never ever escape me
Whenever you touch her
A part of you is touching me

I've got you
No matter how much you lie to me,
No matter how much you lie to your wife,
No matter how much you lie to yourself,
You will never
Escape me

And with your mouth wide open, gasping for air as my shin slowly crushes your windpipe...

My mouth plants a kiss on yours.

Deep. Dominant. The kind of kiss that made  your toes curl. That made your back arch, pressing your tits up into mine. The kind of kiss that put your hands above your head and made your eyes scream, "Please..."

My domme kiss. Quick. Powerful. Sudden. Like a Mutoh kick.

And just like that, I'm away again, having snatched whatever breath you had left.

I've got you, Megan.


I've got you.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 08:22:58 PM by Rowan Chance »
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Offline ThePurpleVixen

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #214 on: January 03, 2018, 05:06:39 AM »

There's a panic that sets in when you're really, really being choked. And a throat choke triggers every fucking biological terror lurking in the evolutionary cobwebbed corners of the hindbrain. I know, consciously, that I need to FIGHT this. I need to hit you, to free my arm, to dig my leg under me and plant it, to break your balance, to roll us over, to gouge your eyes, to go for the ropes and throw myself through them, to do fucking something, to do god-damn anything.

But instead, my left hand is clutching at your shoulder, skidding off the sweat glossing your olive skin. My left leg is digging blindly for purchase, rocking off balance as my red Doc Marten skids across the mat. My hair is hanging in my bloody face, and my eyes are bulging. My vision's starting to tunnel a little and that's never good. There's no good tunnels to be goin' through when you're in the fucking ring. Bruiser Brody is not waiting in the light to call you home. But the blood vessels in my eyes are bursting. I can feel them, heavy as fucking marbles. My eyes must look red as fuckin' Invader Zim's, and just like him, I'd love to destroy this god-damn planet right now.

My hips bob with the swaying struggle of my left leg, my right leg folded awkwardly, crumpled and pulsing with pain. My chrome-studded belt is still on, and my little panelled skirt of tattered red velvet coffin lining strips, most of them clinging to me with sweat or whatever.

My hand presses to your chin, but I can feel the crazy rush of adrenaline and cortisol, the pulse of my blood, and my blurring vision means I'm not ... I'm not fucking STOPPING you ... my hand skids off your slick bloody jaw with a wet rasp of grip tape.

You whisper against my panting ragged lips, and my left foot drums on the canvas, kicking frantically at the ma as you draw closer.


My right hand clutches at a bloody fistful of your hair, trying to stop you. I can't stop your words, your filthy fucking venomous lies, from sinking into my gasping brain. I can't ...

... my throat is closed, not closed but CRUSHED, and my eyes are fucking bulging and red as fucking coals, my back is twisted and my leg is crumpled, my taped hand is pawing over the fucking canvas, and my heartbeat is pounding so loud it's a drum in my fucking ears ...

... and you kiss me. Your lips CRUSH against mine, and you rip the breath out of me.

My body spasms, twisting in your grip like electricity is going through me.

My blood-red eyes ... roll.

Crescent white showing like an idiot moon.

My parted bloody lips sag, and drool trickles from my busted lip onto your tits.

LVK: ROWAN CHANCE HAS THE WIDOW'S KISS LOCKED IN, AND MEGAN DOW IS TRAPPED! This may finally, FINALLY be reaching an end, ladies and gentlemen!

RP: Meg, c'mon, kid! Oh fuck, she's fading. Fuck. She looks like a gutshot horse.
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline Virginia Dare

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #215 on: January 03, 2018, 06:07:02 AM »

A "Don't Tap Out!" chant starts and I join it, slamming my feet on the floor, banging the metal railing.

But her arms are going limp. And her leg has stopped kicking.

She's stopped trying to escape.

I can't even look at Gemma.

I remember being in that hold and I remember how I escaped, but after she's taken so much I don't know if Megan can.


The words get caught in my throat and I remember Rowan choking me with her shin, pulling me down for that awful awful kiss.


I'm about to scream but I feel my belly quake. Say it. Say it.


I can feel my cheeks reddening and I don't care.

You've got to escape, Megan. Don't let Rowan win.


Offline Rowan Chance

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #216 on: January 03, 2018, 06:33:09 AM »
Little Dead Girl...
Do you really believe you can pull this off?
Do you?
Your bad leg...
Your blood loss...
How many concussions do you have right now?

Come to me
Kiss me
And dream
And let me...destroy you
The way you want
The way you know only I can
A demonic dance of sex and violence
I'm the only one who knows the steps
I'm the only one who can truly send you into nothingness
You can't fight
You know you can't win

But more importantly...

You don't want to win

You want to be destroyed
I'm your Shiva
I'll always be your goddess of destruction and lust
I always have been
You may have gone to her for love
But you came to me for destruction

And I'm destroying you now
Locked behind the wrong side of the gate
"Abandon All Hope..."

As I suck your breath with my kiss
Crush it with my shin
Realize now
It's over
And you
Are mine

Plead with me
And I'll give you everything you want

Then you see a shift in my eyes
A softening of the hard darkness

My lips part and whisper in a voice you haven't heard in years

"Admit it...and I'll let you go."

And again, you fully understand both meanings of that.

"Just say it, Megan..."

You feel the pressure lessen...just a little. Just enough to let you speak.

"Admit you need me... and I'll let you go."

My grip releasing...just a little.

From my hands and my eyes. And my heart.

Just say it...
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline RedEnforcer

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #217 on: January 03, 2018, 03:36:44 PM »
How is this still going on? Never. I have never seen Rowan kick out of a finisher.


That sinks in. I have seen Rowan fight for years. I was even her opponent for many many matches. Sometimes I was her partner. I have seen her take so many finishers. And not once be able to get up. Why? Because by the time her opponent would try a finisher Rowan had already given everything she had to win. And some days that speed, that will just was not enough. And at that penultimate moment, I would look at Rowan and see her exhausted body. Totally spent in both mind, body and soul. And like a blacksmith swinging his hammer down one last time on a weakened weapon, I would use my finisher and shatter Rowan. And the three count would come.

I thought after that Mindfuck, she was done. She had to be. But from some other place Rowan found one more surge in her.

And now, it is Megan that is trapped, embraced in the Widows Kiss.  When Rowan first snapped it on, it looked like it was pure reflex, muscle memory borne from days of practice practice practice slapping on that move so much she could do it in her sleep. But as the hold has lasted, Rowan gained more and more strength. That iron will snapped back. And the hold got harder. Sunk in.

And Megan, oh Megan. So crafty, so smart. Such a brilliant wrestling mind. Surviving so many attempts to put you away, even one of the most brutal assaults I ever witnessed right in front of your wife. You were as surprised as we were that Rowan kicked out. But you did as you do and went right back to work. When I met you, I could tell you had been kicked around by life. Bitchslapped and blindsided and pretty much treated like a chew toy by Life. Despite all that, you kept that insane sense of humor and bright outlook. Because even at your lowest, you have hope.  Many times I found myself, the older wiser one, leaning on you for support. An oasis. And right now I see you drifting. Oxygen being deprived and yet you still scrap and struggle and claw. Because you always have. 

Fuck me this match is gonna kill me.

And then, I go from looking on worriedly and snap seated up.

I saw it. I have seen that hold and been in that hold enough to notice. Subtle. But...

What are you playing at Rowan? Why did you ease up?

What more do you want from her?

No, what more do you need from her?

And why does my face feel so wet?
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


Offline Virginia Dare

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #218 on: January 03, 2018, 03:55:36 PM »
Not a lot of people know Rowan Chance as long as I have. Not a lot of people have fought Rowan Chance as much as I have. And I've hated her. I think she's really the only person I really ever hated. She broke my shoulder. She broke my ankle. She--she forced Red to cut my hair.

And watching this match--this isn't a match. I don't think there's a word in the English language for what this is--I've been hoping Punky would win. But more than that--I've been hoping she would destroy Rowan, once and for all.

Do the one thing I couldn't do. I couldn't bring myself to do it. Put that kind of blood on my hands. I don't want to hurt people but I want to win and if that means I have to hurt you then so be it. But what's been happening here has made my heart jump right into my throat. But what made it all worse was what just happened.

Red saw it, too. He stands up just as my breath catches in my throat. My hand over my mouth. I try to catch his eye for a silent acknowledgement:

Did we just see the same thing?

I saw Rowan's eyes and I heard her whisper. And in that moment I knew--I knew--that she loved Megan. Not in the past. Right now. So much that it was breaking her heart. And--in that moment--all the hate I've ever held for her vanished.

She had fallen in love.

That Rowan Chance who broke my bones and cut my hair and took my championships and laughed over me when she did--she had fallen in love.

And I just can't hate her anymore.


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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #219 on: January 03, 2018, 07:45:10 PM »
This.. isn't happening....

She had her... but somehow Rowan got out of the Mindfuck...  my mind is fucked just thinking of it.  And she's choking Punky out in that damn gogoplata...

Someone's screaming down there... a blonde with an unbelievable body... it can't be her... how many legends are IN this place... but I can hear that Tidewater drawl slicing through the din... then it stops.  No... someone has to keep up the flow.  If she knows how to break this... .Punky needs to know we're aware...

You little bimbos can bite me!


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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #220 on: January 03, 2018, 08:15:59 PM »
I'm still fighting.

I'm always still fighting.

It's just that I'm not fighting a battle I can win.

It's a battle against the crushing pressure on my throat, against the way you've stolen air from my lips, against my crumbled and throbbing knee not supporting me, against my aching pounding bleeding head with my brain still battered from getting fucking Tombstoned, against the blood on my tongue from your soaked face like poison wine, against your hands laced in my soaked hair, against gravity and physics and motherfucking inevitability.

But the funny thing about certainty is that there isn't any. That's why I'm a Discordian.

Your grip eases.

My throat flexes as you stop crushing me into your shin quite so hard. There's a ragged choking bloody breath that feeds me with just enough hot searing oxygen to keep me going. Your hands relax their vicious grip on my head for just a moment.

And those dark eyes soften, and for just a moment I'm with Ro.

Look. I know if someone were to, I dunno, read a subjective account of this match in some kind of narrative format and somehow have an insight into our memories and our thoughts, then they might somehow get the impression that one of us is good and one of us is bad.

We're both bad. I'm not a nice person. I love the people I love and I'm loyal as a fucking wolfhound, but I also inflict dramatic physical harm on a whim. I once tackled Red into a brick wall outside a bar and messed up his shoulder before a match the next day and there wasn't even a reason for it. He didn't see it coming, I was just dramatically reacting to a vastly incorrect thing he was saying about Star Trek or some fucking thing. I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER EXACTLY WHY I TACKLED ONE OF MY DEAREST AND MOST BELOVED FRIENDS INTO A FUCKING BRICK WALL.

I'm not some fucking heroine. I don't wanna brag but I've had more bounties put out on me in the territories than fucking Michael Hayes. I'm VICIOUS. I hurt people, often in brutally creative ways. I met my wife by jumping her with a fucking steel chair as she was coming down the aisle after a match. I WASN'T EVEN IN THAT FEDERATION (this was before our fist match in SPARK), it was just the best way I could think of to get her attention. I'm fucking BROKEN. I'm PUNKY.

... but when I was in love, I was just Meg. And once I was in love with Ro.

The way your voice drops that throaty whiskey thing you did in the ring and just sounds soft and more like the brilliantly clever I used to share stories with all night. The way your eyes looked more like dark chocolate and less like coal. Even the lines of your face soften under the thick crimson mask.

And my right hand curls in your hair. Softly. My bloody black nails just barely scritching your scalp.

I loved you, Ro. I loved you so fucking much I thought it would kill me when it ended. I thought the world fucking revolved around you. All I wanted, all I needed, all I fucking hoped for was just you, in my arms, every night forfuckingever.

And I'd say it.

I'd say it not to get out of the fucking brutality of this hold but because right now at this second it feels RIGHT, because while I hate Rowan fucking Chance, the fucking spider, the fucking attack dog of that bastard hypnotist - I love Ro, the girl who danced with me to a Jimmy Buffett song. The girl who sat with me in the parking lot and laughed until we fell over. The girl who held me and told me it was gonna be all right when I was bleeding or hurt and it made me cry not because it hurt but because I wasn't fucking hurting ALONE for once in my life.

And I loved her. And she looks like she's right here, coated in blood.

And it'd work, Ro.

I'd tell you how much I needed you. Just like you want.

I'd say it ... except.

It won't work.

It'd work - if you hadn't come to fucking Wales before the match.

Fucking Wales

It was still raining.

It was always still raining.

The doorbell rang. It rang again.

I was in bed, upstairs at Rox Manor. It was a quiet night. I'd given the staff the night off, Gemma was halfway around the world doing a deal in Shanghai, and I was home alone eating Guinness ice cream and watching old Misawa matches in bed on my laptop, wearing an ancient Wesley Willis shirt ("Rock Over London. Rock On Chicago.") and cotton shorts. I opened up the home security app suite, because who the fuck would come to Gemma's giant manor in the middle of fucking Wales in the rain at night, and through the unblinking camera eye I saw you standing on the front porch.

I stared at my screen for about a minute, probably, blank as a fucking slate.

I'd literally just finalized the agreement for the match in Paris. The Jack Daniels people were on board, the Zenith was booked, the insurance waivers were ready. We needed to formally sign the contract, but the agents would handle that. Everything was ready for me to finally burn you out of my life.

And you were here in fucking Wales.

"Come on Megan! It's raining out here!" Your voice crackled through the intercom, wirelessly fed to my computer.

I sighed and because my better judgement was in Shanghai (and you know you're in dire fucking straits in life when GEMMA ROX is your model for clarity of thought), I clicked the talk button.

"... it's literally ALWAYS rainin' in Wales," the intercom blared, and the camera over the door whirred as I zoomed in on you. "What the hell are you doin' out in the arse-end of Albion, Chance?"

I say arse sometimes now. Happens when you're married to Gemma.

"Guess!" you said bitterly through wet hair that'd fallen down over your wet face, dripping down your wet coat.

Upstairs, I smirked. "... auditionin' for a part in the next Ring movie?" I said innocently, my grin audible even through the intercom.

Your eyes narrowed. "That's not funny." And you held up a leather document pouch. "The contract. I brought it myself."

"It's KINDA funny ... "

There was a long silence, and then a long sigh. Upstairs I sagged on the bed like Atlas looking at the globe he had to pick back up. "Why'd you bring that here, Rowan? We know what we're fuckin' doing already. Do you really want this shit to happen now?"

You remained still as a fucking statue, holding it up. Looking at the camera. A flash of lightning lit up your face, pale in the moonlight. Not your usual tone. Dark eyes even darker against it. Your soaked hair pitch black.

You didn't say anything.

Obviously this wasn't right.

But you didn't say anything.

"God damn it, Rowan," I finally muttered. But it wasn't a fierce snarl. I was saving my snarls for Paris.

I was just ... weary.

I was doing Paris for a fucking one dollar fee because I wanted this to be over.

Because I wanted to live my life without you showing up like a vengeful fucking ghost.

I wished Gemma was home so I could have her go out there with a shotgun to clear you off the property. Maybe I should've just done that. It was my shotgun, anyway. But I knew already I wasn't gonna. There was no good reason to open the door to you -

- but I had to know why you were there.

"Fuck," I muttered to myself, just for the sake of something to say, and got out of my nice warm bed, pulling a heavy velour robe on as I went down the stairs because it was fucking cold in the front hall with the freezing rain, and I opened the door, leaning  against it. I stared at you for a few long beats. And remembered the last time we did this, in Portland.

"How's my fuckin' line go? 'You look like a drowned rat', right?"

You were wearing a heavy London Fog coat. No hat. Black gloves which made me somewhat concerned. Your makeup was running, smeared by the rain, making you look like you belonged to a goth band. Or maybe Hole. "And I think mine is something along the lines of 'Can I come in?'"

I rubbed the heel of my hand into my eye for a moment, every line of my body both weary and wary. "Yeah, yeah, you can fuckin' come in. I don't think we're gonna fuck and go get bibimbap in the mornin' like last time, though." I slid my hands into my big robe pockets and looked you over a long moment. My hair was down, loose for bed, and I had no make-up because I was at home. I just looked like Meg. I even had some light brown roots showing since I wasn't gonna bother touching up my dye job until just before the show.

"C'mon," I tilted my head and stalked inside, my bare tattooed feet padding on the palazzo tiles of the front hall. "Shut the door all the way. You'll hear the alarm beep."

You did, for once, listen to me and shut the door all the way. Your high heels click-click-clicked behind me because of course Rowan fucking Chance wears stilettos to go visit an ex she's agreed to fight in a fucking deathmatch. You were looking around the front hall. The architecture of Rox Manor is old and well-preserved. High ceilings. You can smell the good Welsh wood just walking in. "Nice place," you said as we passed into the eastern room. You tossed the wet leather messenger pouch on the long breakfast table that'd look like a dining table to anyone who didn't live in a manor house. There was a soft leathery wet thump. "It's in there. Ready for you to sign."

Then, you undid the belt of the coat and let it fall off your shoulders.

You were in a long, black dress. Slender, thin. Slit up to your thigh. Spaghetti straps. And your olive skin was moist from the rain. Wet against the dress, making it stick to all the right places.

I got a shiver up my back that I really didn't fucking want to be there, hands in my pockets, my big soft robe draped around me, neck to ankles. As covered as I'd ever been around you, actually. But that dress. I remembered that dress.

I took a long slow breath, and leaned back against the morning room archway, looking at the pouch sitting there on the breakfast table so I didn't have to look at you in that clinging slit dress. The DINING table is way longer, one of those grand old English lord's tables that can seat an oil painting's worth of people. Gemma's house is ridiculous and amazing. It's full of history that neither of us owns, and we wreck it all the damn time by slamming each other into it. I love it.

But I didn't love the way you were IN it, like a shadow of the past.

"The fuck are you doin' here, Rowan. Any fuckin' courier in the world would've brought that. You could've sent it to the Jack Daniels team or Zenith management or Gem- my fuckin' agents like you're s'posed to."

"Got anything to drink?" you asked. "Place like this must have an excellent wine cellar. Or maybe even whiskey." You weren't looking at me. You were looking around the home I shared with my wife. Taking it all in. Admiring it, even.

Letting the light play off your soft, wet skin.

I let my eyes drift half-shut just so they could stop seeing the dim light gleam on you. It was mostly dark in there, since I had been in bed and the staff was off and Gemma was off doing Gemma Business. Your olive skin. I'd seen it up close, in starlight and harsh arena lights and candlelight and headlights. I knew how every inch of you feels under my fingers. I knew how every curve of you tastes.

"'course there's fuckin' drinks. I live here."

I stalked past you, robe swirling, and stalked towards the bar, two rooms away. I jerked my head for you to follow. The bar is a hunting lodge type - except Gemma and I have taken down the animal heads. All the wooden plaques on the walls are mounted with wrestling gear.

Boots. Masks. Weapons.
Tops and bottoms, tacked into place.
Each one marked with a tasteful brass plate indicating the date of capture and detail of the hunt ("Tara Tornado's sparkly red headband, taken after a Stroke of Midnight, Peoria Civic Center, 09/18/15").

Behind the bar, there's Gemma's G-Force cricket bat, and the Red Queen, mounted on hooks where you'd normally see rifles in a pub, or axes or whatever.

Your eyes fixed on my mallet right away.

"There she is." you whispered.

I glanced up and half-grinned. "Yeah. Haven't carried her around since ... " I flapped my hand, giant robe sleeve making whooshing sounds as I looked like a fuckin' depraved wizard. "... y'know. Tokyo." The head of the roque mallet is still somewhat - blackened. Which makes no sense. It's not like your mask was rigged with pyro. Whatever. I moved behind the bar and took two doubles glasses down, and I built two neat Laphroaig 12 years.

"I had something special like that once," you said, your voice half-elsewhere. Then, your voice came right back, and brought bitterness with it. "Until someone broke it."

"Yeah, well, don't turn into a fucking ghost monster and break everyone's fuckin' arms and maybe your toys won't get smashed." I glowered, sliding the whisky across the bar at you and drinking my own off in one long pull that did NO justice to the Islay single malt peated libation. I slammed the glass down and glared at you, hands wide on the bar, looking like a pub owner dealing with a customer who has an outstanding tab.

"What. Do. You. Want. Rowan."

"Maybe I wouldn't have had to turn into the ghost monster if someone hadn't tried to paralyze me for life with her fucking wife." You picked up the glass and shot the whiskey down.

"As to what I want..."

You rolled the glass in your fingers, delicate as magic.

"I want another drink."

You grabbed the tall green bottle with its simple white label and refilled your glass. Then you started just fucking walking around the lounge. Letting the dim light of the moon shine through your dress.

"... feel free." I offered after you'd snatched the bottle in a voice so heavy with irony it attracted magnets. I drummed my fingers slowly on the bar, watching you. I wished I'd turned more lights on in there. There were a few trophy and accent lights on, but it was dim and moonlit from the bay window.
And you looked too fucking pretty this way, ill-met in the moonlight.

You stopped in front of the big window, looking back at the Red Queen behind the bar. Your face was pained with memories. And your fingers lightly touched a spot where I knew you had a scar. I knew because I put it there. It was tiny, but it never fully went away. Some never do.

"I'll tell you the truth, Megan. I wanted to see you."
Still looking at the Red Queen.

"I wanted to see the house. Wanted to see you in the house. Wanted to see what kind of life you made without me. Wanted to see what kind of life you ran away to." You smiled humorlessly and drink down the rest of the whisky. "To tell you the truth, Megan..." You poured another glass. "I wanted to see the consolation prize."

My eyes went flat. Flat as fucking stones.

Then I shrugged, leaning one hand on the bar, flapping my sleeve airily. My voice dripped with honeyed sarcasm.

"Sure. It's a pretty nice silver medal, I guess, bein' here in a giant house with a successful, brilliant, gorgeous, dangerous, captivating woman who loves me unconditionally, doin' whatever I want all day and becoming a better wrestler and exploring the world and meetin' fascinating people who come here just to share in our lives."

I leaned closer, my eyes going mockingly wide.

"But imagine if I was living the fucking DREAM, right?"

I grabbed the Jack Daniels that I force Gemma to let me keep behind the bar, and poured it off. Not even Gentleman Jack. Not even Jack red label. Straight up plain black label cheap-ass Jack.

"I could live with YOU and THOMAS. OOOOH. We could wear MATCHING CORSETS!" I giggled mockingly, breathily. "WHAT IF HE LET US WEAR MATCHING COLLARS, RO, CAN YOU IMAAAAAAGINE? When he took us for fucking walkies we'd look SOOOOOOO cute."

I faded into a sneer. "You dumb cxnt."

You just stood still, quietly smiling. Holding your glass.

"This is us, Megan. You and me."

You pointed at your aged Laphroaig whisky bottle. The one that cost at least three digits. "Me..." And then you pointed back at the Jack Daniels on the bar with my hand around its neck.

"...and you."

You finished your peated whisky off and put the double down.

"You never knew quality when you saw it. And always settled for second best." You poured another glass, looking so fucking satisfied with yourself.

I shook my head with a roll of my eyes, drinking my Jack and savoring the long dirty burn. And when I spoke, I was grinning. Looking at the cheap familiar faux-vintage Jack Daniels label. The only reason I don't have a shirt based on this design is that EVERY FUCKING INDY WRESTLER DOES.

"Gemma drinks this with me when I wanna drink it. She can stock fucking Laphroaig. We have a bottle of Royal Salute Diamond Jubilee back here. We have Suntory Kakubin Black Special. But she drinks this with me."

I poured another shot.

"Because I like it."

I drank it off, and sighed contentedly.

"She doesn't force it down with a sneer. She doesn't BITCH about it the whole fucking time. She doesn't think that you're only worth what you cost."

I poured another shot, and snapped it down, and grinned, bright and merciless.

"But when ya put it that way, darlin', it makes sense you're with Thomas. He must spend enough on you to make ya feel reallllly special. Like a fucking Pomeranian with a velvet bed."


My eyebrow rose a little as I tensed my fist on the bottle. There was angry Rowan. Hi there. Been a while. But you stopped yourself, raised your chin, regained your composure. "This is about you. And me."

You put the glassware down, your knuckles so white I was sure it was gonna burst in your hand until it clinked to the table. Then you stepped closer to the bar. That smile you had fully repainted on your lips.

"It's a nice house. Nice bar. Nice whiskey."

You came closer.

"But be honest with me Megan. Really honest..."

You stepped right up against the fucking rail.

"Can she fuck you as good as I did?"

There was a bitter, knowing little smirk on my face.
You were really putting on your full show, your body serpentine and fucking perfect. You looked like liquid sin poured into that dress. I let my eyes rove you. Let you see me looking. Meg and her big hungry hazel eyes, dilating when they see what they want, bright as an alley cat. And I drained off my Jack, so you could smell it on my breath, the smell of punk clubs and shitkicker bars and biker cocktails. The smell of America's back roads and cheap alleys. I leaned across the bar, almost close enough to kiss.

"Ro," I said softly.

"You're so fucking broken you think that the fuck-games you play are love."

You stared hard into my eyes.

"That wasn't a 'YES.'"

Well, that fucking tore it. I can yell pretty fucking loud. There's a reason I'm the Human Trigger Warning.


I leaned closer, reaching out for you, as if desperate to drag you back from wherever the fuck your head was right now.


I slammed my Jack down, hard enough to jolt whiskey over my fist.


You just stood there and let those words echo around the room for a little bit. Watching my chest heave. My pierced nipples were jabbing at my thin shirt under my open flapping wine-red robe. Then, when the room was quiet, you corked the whisky bottle. And I could see on your face that I felt you'd made some kind of point. And I knew it was too late to get through to you.

"Let's go sign the contract."

I sighed and leaned back, against the expensive racked bottles. I took a drink right from Jack's neck.


You looked like you'd been slapped. I didn't even have the energy to grin about that.

"Send it to my fucking agent. I'm done playing games with you, Rowan. I'm just ... I'm done. We're done. That's the whole fucking point."

I flapped my hand back the way we'd come.

"You're welcome to the whisky, and you know where the fucking door is."

And then we were d-

"YOU FUCKING COWARD!" you screamed, throwing the Laphroaig to the floor in an expensive shattering puddle.



Your voice was starting to crack.

"THEN YOU...THEN YOU...Th-then you..."

You looked down at the broken glass.

For once I wasn't the one who was screaming. That's a rarity.

"I asked, Rowan." My voice was softer than it'd been in a long time with you. "I asked, and you said no."

I shook my head, and drank more Jack to swallow down the rage and sadness that was surging up.

"I don't ask twice. And you said NO."

Your head snapped back up from the glass and you screamed with wet glistening dark eyes.


You let that hang in the air. Then, you raised your chin in that haughty Chance way again, blinking hard. Your stalked back to the morning room, heels clicking, and grabbed the contract out of the leather satchel. The pen, too. It was one of those fancy ones, I saw as you came back in. How fucking formal. But I was still staring blankly into space as you threw the pages back to the last one, and signed your name.

"You want it to be over?" you asked, not sounding like you at all. "You want to be done with me? Once and for all? Forever and a day?"

You thrust the pen and contract back at me.

"Sign it."

I was just staring blankly after you as you stalked out. And staring blankly as you stalked back. I looked at the pen as if uncertain what it was, and back at you. At the contract, and back at you. My mouth worked slowly.

I shook my head, suddenly, viciously, as if clearing a dream from my head, a wolf with a fucking bee in her ear.

"Yo- there wasn- what the f- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ON ABOUT?"

I was so angry and confused I sounded like an overheated and drunk teakettle starting to bubble through the spout. Then I found clarity in one important line.


I threw my bottle overarm, smashing the far wall and whiskey-soaking the black floral mask I captured from a girl named La Rosa Negra de Santa Juanita back in Guadalajara after a Dollbreaker in 2016.

I was roaring.


And you slapped me. Right across the bar. My head snapped to the side, my cheek burning in a red handprint that glowed like embers, my purple hair swirling with the impact. Your voice was coldly furious. Betrayed.

"I begged you to stay. Begged you. BEGGED YOU. I've never begged for anything in my life. Not even for him."

You were close enough to kiss, and I could smell your perfume even through the rain. It was the one I liked from before, not the one you've been wearing lately.

"I couldn't say yes, Megan. Not with words. But if you were paying attention, the rest of me was screaming 'yes.'" You shook your head. "You just couldn't hear it."

I took a long, slow breath. It wasn't a prana breath. There was no Zen to it. It was a breath that shivered because sobs that were fucking four years old were trying to bubble back up, rotting and ancient. I deliberately turned my face back towards you, not looking at you. I looked down at the bar. My hands slid over it, smoothing my palms on the walnut. I spread them wide apart, as if getting ready to play the piano.

I tapped my left forefinger down.

"I asked you to stay with me. To be with me. To be with me."

On the other side, I tapped my right forefinger down.

"You said no."

I took another careful breath. I was pretty fucking well along the road to being drunk, but the rage and adrenaline and confusion and booze were all swirling enough to leave me sounding relatively sober.

"The next time I saw you, you put my head into a fucking steel stage and rubbed your cxnt on my face."

"Forgive me," my eyes cut up at you at last, red and BURNING. "I'm not seeing the fucking Princess Bride true love in that story."

(So it's my favorite movie, so what. No, YOU'RE a pussy.)

You looked away and I just stared at you. You took your own long breath and your voice came out sounding thick. "Would you have done otherwise?"

I snorted. And looked away.

"You could have put my head through the metal. And you wanted to." You managed a smirk as a tear rolled down your cheek, as unexpected as desert snow. "I just did it before you did."

I gestured with both hands, helplessly. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me this before that? Why the fuck didn't you tell me the next god-damn night?". My volume was rising, sharply. "IF THIS IS TRUE, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU .... "

I clutched the sides of my head in both hands like I was putting myself in a temple crush and dropped my elbows to the bar with a thud.

"No. I'm not ... this doesn't fucking ... just no. NO."

None of it made any fucking sense.


I shook my head, held in both hands, and didn't look up.

You took the contract in your hands, one at each corner, as if to tear it. "I could just..."

I reached out and took it. Not looking up. My left hand cradling my forehead. I blindly grabbed the ornate silver pen and scribbled a loopy twisted version of my name near enough the line to please the lawyers. And I set it down. My right hand came up and covered my eyes, and tears pattered on the bar, not stopping.

"It's too fucking late, Ro."

You nodded. Taking the contract in your hands, neatly closing it up and folding it. "You're right."

And you laughed.

"You're goddamn right."

I couldn't even be bothered to fucking sigh. Because of course. Of course you fucking laughed. Of course it was another pointless fucking mindgame. Ro, the girl I loved, is fucking dead. There's only you now, Chance. You slapped my hands away from your face so I'd look at you as you fucking monologued.

"I'm going to fucking BREAK YOU Megan Dow. You hear me? I'm going to make you PAY for what you took from me."

You levelled a finger at me, drawn up with your dark glee, delighted at springing whatever sort of trap this was supposed to be.

"My spine."
"My mask."
"And my heart."

"You broke all of them. And now... I'm going to break YOU. And your fucking second-prize wife is going to WATCH."

I just looked at you, letting my tears run. I didn't wanna stop them. Even if they were four years old and sour and dusty with the sand of Vegas. I wanted you to see them. Because this wasn't a trap, Rowan. You didn't reveal any dark secrets. You just proved to me why nothing good could ever come out of us being near each other, ever again.

I crooked a gentle little half-smile, my elbows resting on the bar.

"The mask wasn't yours. It was Thomas'. Just like everything else about you."

I tilted my head, looking at you and remembering what you were. And how it was gone.

"I wasn't the one who broke your spine. That was Jenny. But maybe I'll finish the job."

I took a soft sighing breath, and smiled at you sweetly as I did that night in Chicago when your back was so hurt.

"And you never really had a heart, Rowan." I shook my head, tears still sliding down my cheeks. Old tears. "Sorry, Tin Girl. It was just a ticking clock after all."

The kind that counts down.

But I smiled, soft and gentle.

"... but I loved you anyway."

I pointed back towards the front hall.

"Get the fuck out of my house."

You nodded. I didn't know or care if any of that really hurt you. It didn't matter.

"Maybe I don't have a heart." And you grinned all wicked and evil again as I just looked through you. "But you do. And so does Gemma."

You turned your back on me, going to retrieve your coat.

"It'll be fun wrecking you with her watching."

Your body slinking under the black dress. You turned to grin, over your shoulder.

"And I'll make extra sure, win or lose, she won't be able to fuck you for a year." You shrugged the jacket on my shoulders. "Or maybe forever."

I chuckled, soft and dark.

"Sex is the only fuckin' thing you can see, isn't it?"
You just looked blankly at me. I don't think you'll ever understand what I meant. I tried, anyway. "Is it like being the Predator? The world is all saturated colors and pulsing cocks for you to jump on and hot cxnts for you to grab?"

I met your eyes, and my red teary ones were steady, and I didn't see the girl I'd loved anymore. Even a little of her. She was gone.

"I'm gonna beat you, Rowan. I'm gonna beat you so that everyone sees you beaten." I snorted, raw disdain. "'Unbreakable', my fuckin' sweet ass. Now get your collared whipped little butt back home before Thomas sends out the dogcatcher."

You grabbed the cut hem of the dress and pulled it up so the edge of the tattoo is just showing. So fucking lewd. Not even any artistry left in it, just flashing me like a 19th century hooker.

"Nobody's done it yet, baby. I'll see you in Paris."

You tied up the contract in the document pouch and let yourself out. And I just sat at the bar for a while, and then I went back upstairs. I wanted to finish that Misawa match.

See, I always finish what I start.

And that moment, that slacking moment where you ease up.

You don't want me to say I need you because you love me. It's just another fucking game. All everything is, in the whole fucking world is games to you.

So let's fucking play.

I can breathe, just a gasp. Just enough. The hold is loosened, just enough. You're staring at me, waiting, waiting for me to gasp out my soul.

Instead I force my right boot down, and ignore the crunch and twang and clank of my wrecked knee as I FORCE that fucking leg up, my left boot finally finding the mat and digging in, my hand tight in your hair, left hand cradling the back of your neck, yanking your head against mine. My knee is agony, screaming agony, but I ignore it and plant my red Docs. I can hear people screaming, people I love, who want us to go to fucking Brazil.

Our foreheads crushed together, blood sisters sharing an oath.


I roar at you, wasting the air I got as I DRAG you up. Every fucking muscle tensing, my abs fucking shredded, my shoulders rounding and biceps defining, my legs quivering as I DRAG you up wrapped around me, into the fucking sky, hoisting you up for everyone to see.

... and really, roaring in your face was a mistake, because I needed that air. My eyes roll back and I go rubber - and fall forward.

Driving your back into the mat with both our full weight behind it, in a what can be charitably called a deadweight powerbomb, blood and saliva running from my slack slips.


But smiling, even in the black.

(If you've made it this far, congratulations! You just read an incredibly elaborate flashback taking place in a wrestling match and there's probably an animated ad of some girl sucking another girl's toes just above it. Fun fact; this post was as long as 1.5 Rime of the Ancient Mariners, and it had way more tits. Full credit goes to Rowan for roleplaying out the flashback with me even though we both ended up crying over it because we're huge dorks. <3 )
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline Rowan Chance

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #221 on: January 03, 2018, 11:21:47 PM »


What the fuck are you thinking? What the fuck are you doing?

Tighten the goddamn hold you stupid, weak bitch. TIGHTEN THE GODDAMN HOLD.

Need? What the fuck does need have anything to do with it? END HER. FUCKING END HER. END THIS. END THIS AND GO HOME.

But all it took was that moment. That moment and those words. I allowed you enough breath to speak and enough breath to think. Because beating you wasn't enough.

"You can beat her or you can win." That's what Tantalus told me. "You can't have both."

"Fuck you," I said. "I can have both."

Well, those words are coming back to me now as your eyes reignite and your fingers clutch in my hair and your arm begins to lift me off the canvas.

My face against your face. Blood on blood.

Your blood.

My blood.

Our blood.

That's what makes the ritual. Binding us together...

...or breaking us apart.

I squeeze your throat, trying to crush that larynx before you can do anything else.

"You're going to break that knee of yours," I say against your lips. But even as I say the words, I know you don't care. You could break every bone in your body and you wouldn't care. So long as it meant you'd be rid of me. Breaking the bond.

I'm high up. All my weight down on your throat. Still face to face. My blood pouring down on you like red rain.

I look right into your eyes. That moment when I'm suspended in the air, both of us locked together. Bound together. Ready to destroy each other.

Your eyes flutter.

All the strength leaves your body.

You collapse.

And then...both of us fall.

My back hits square on the mat. Then, the back of my head bounces. Like I fell twenty feet onto a brick wall.

The last thing I feel is a shockwave of pain from the tips of my toes to the tips of my fingers.

My hands lose their grip. My legs lose their grip.

My body arches over backward, landing on my chest. One foot on the bottom rope. The other dangling off the apron.

As everything fades to black, I







Tales of the Sexfight Championship


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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #222 on: January 04, 2018, 05:42:19 PM »
Well here we are. Both women pretty much completely spent. And it?s all their fault.
Megan and her bullheadedness. Rowan and her need to be unbreakable.

Pretty much the physical embodiment of the proverbial irresistible force driving headlong into the immovable object. I?m not sure what drove these two apart. I bet looking at it now, it would seem like it had to be some life altering tragedy for this kind of carnage to result. But in my life lots of tragedies develop from the simple want of a nail.

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.     

That is what this feels like to me. I see my, more than that...I see them lying there just having gone nuclear on each other.

There is no winner here.
No happy ending.
No last minute save.
No run in from the back to turn the tide.

This is where we are.

And I just pray those two survive.
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #223 on: January 06, 2018, 07:46:06 AM »
LVK: And referee Am?lie Lacroix now glancing back and forth - she's officially confirmed both women are down, as if there was any doubt possible after that vicious choke and that catastrophic powerbomb landing.

RP: It looks like a god-damn plane crash. One down on her face in a puddle of blood an' one sprawled on her back an' danglin' half in the ropes.

LVK: Despite the crowd's protests, Lacroix is signaling she's going to begin the count formally. If this count goes to 10 ... both women lose this fall, and this match is a draw. These two women have literally given their all in what I would normally say is a heroic effort. But there was no heroism tonight; just a grim determination to destroy each other.

RP: Fuck. I think the only thing worse than one of 'em losin' is BOTH of 'em losin'. This will NEVER end if this count finishes.

LVK: ... you're not going to try to jump in again, right?

RP: Not until my heartbeat gets back to normal. Fuckin' tasers.


I'm past dreaming.

I'm on my face, my left cheek on the mat. Blood running down my forehead, blood and saliva dribbling from my parted lips. Blood for fucking blood, and by the fucking gallon, like I always say.

My arms are ragdolled - one above my head flat on the mat as if reaching towards you and one limp at my side, fingers curled against my taped palm.

My back barely moves, my breaths so shallow they barely lift my chest against the mat.

My legs are sprawled, right one jutting off to the side, almost straight as pulses of agony from my wrecked knee make my calf tense and quiver - but that's the only real movement. The left leg bent at the knee, my bootheel almost tucked up against me. My blood red Doc Martens are still for once, not shuffling or kicking.

Aside from the faint tidal breathing and the slow drum of my heart, the pulse of my blood and drip of me against the canvas that's been my home for so many years, I'm finally at rest.

I embrace Chaos. It's in my nature. (And I don't mean like the NJPW CHAOS, even though I like those boys and I have some CHAOS gear that Will Ospreay gave me last time we hung out in Dublin. I mean, I'll never be able to wear it IN New Japan, because that's not how those shows work, because gods fuckin' know you can't let someone with tits wrestle on the same card as fuckin' Goto, but whatever. Also, did everyone see Ospreay giving me such a sweet tribute with the purple hair and attire at Wrestle Kingdom? He's such a nice boy. I should get Gemma to fuck him. Wait. Where was I?)


Right. Chaos.

I'm a Discordian. I act unpredictably. I believe in uncertainty wholeheartedly. This makes me difficult to deal with, dangerous in the ring, and absolutely fucking maddening to Callista Quinn. Entropy - for me everything in life is just about embracing entropy. You can't fight chaos; order is a fucking lie. You can just dive headlong into it, into change and evolution and turmoil and madness. The UNIVERSE is constantly rolling along the endless roller coaster of entropy.

Except in one particular case.

Robert Boyle talked about it, way back before anyone should have been able to envision such a concept. Because it was the 17th century, he called it primum frigidum (also what people call Calli). Now we just think of it as absolute zero.

It's a state of the lowest possible temperature, which means the least possible movement. Absolute zero is the only moment in the fucking universe when the slide into entropy stops.

This ring is at absolute zero.


No one's moving. Entropy has stopped.
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #224 on: January 06, 2018, 04:55:46 PM »
I've got nothing left. Nothing.

There's more of my blood on the mat than there is in my body. My back has given up. My head doesn't know where it is.

I've got nothing left. Just...nothing.

I hear the referee counting. She's already up to three. "TROIS." Whatever.

I'm down. And there's no getting up. I don't even know if I'll ever get up.


This isn't about you, Tom, but I'm thinking about you. How we met in college. How you trained me. You were all into magic-with-a-k and Crowley and Joseph Campbell and Fraser's Golden Bough. You were so fucking hot and I needed to have you. You called yourself an "anti-alchemist." Turning the sublime into the vulgar. And for a while, I was your Scarlet Woman. You liked turning goddesses into whores. Dismantling the proud into the subjugate. And I resisted you. I wouldn't let you subjugate me. You punished me and punished me, but I wouldn't submit. And that made me special. I never submitted to you. And that put me in a special category.


And here's your special girl, laying on the mat, unable to move. I can't get up. I've been..., I won't say it. I wouldn't say it to you and I won't say it to her. Not ever.

You gave me the mask to show me the darkness in my own soul. To be what I wanted to be, you said I had to see it. To embrace it. To be it. I became the vengeful spirit, Aika. She could never be destroyed. And when I needed that darkness, I came back for it. Every time I put it on, I destroyed something. Wrong. I destroyed two things: my opponent and a little bit of myself. And when I needed it against Megan, you were reluctant. I didn't understand why. It was as if you felt using it against her would... yes. She did. She shattered it. Sent Aika back to whatever shadowy place she came from.

And sitting alone with you afterward, you told me something I never understood.

"I was hoping you'd realize you didn't need the mask."

That's what you told me.


But now I'm laying on the mat, unable to move.  She's wrecked me, Tom. I took everything from her. And she's wrecked me. didn't need the mask.

I need it now. I've always needed it when things got dark. So I could get darker. didn't need the mask.

I do need it. I can't fight her without it. I've beaten her. But...I can't just beat her. I need to break her. To finish her once and for all. And I can't do that without Aika.

But then, I hear a voice. A voice I don't recognize. It speaks to me as loud as thunder, as soft as morning dew:

"There never was an Aika."


My closed eyes open. That voice. It wasn't yours, Tom.

It was mine.

"There never was an Aika."

That's my lips moving. That's my voice speaking.

Magic always comes in threes. Say it again.


My lips move.

"There. Never. Was. An Aika."

It was always just me.

Those lips? They smile. A wide, wide smile. Blood between my teeth.

And suddenly, my body moves.

Like a marionette being lifted by strings. From a prone position to standing. My raven black hair now almost crimson. My face a thick mask of pain.


LVK: Rowan has...

(The sound of a chair being overthrown.)


LVK: Oh, God. Dear Lord in Heaven.

And I'm smiling.

There never was an Aika, Megan. It was always me.

Finally, Tom. Finally.

I feel it. In my heart.

I'm not afraid. There is no pain. There is no love.

I roar. Aika never roared.

That's because I'm not Aika. What is it you always called me, Megan?

Rowan. FUCKING. Chance.

I'm not Aika.

I'm Rowan.

But I'm not your Rowan.

I'm not even Tom's Rowan.

I'm the Rowan I always wanted to be.

But love held me back.

My love for you, Megan.

My fists clench and all the pain is gone. The pain in my back. The pain in my head. All of it.

I clench my fists and all the love is gone. My love for you. Like the blood from my body, it's laying in pools on this canvas mat. Seeping through it. Dripping between the wooden boards.


Just. Gone.

Along with any love I ever had for a piece of meat like you.

The piece of meat laying face down in front of me.

That's all you are to me, Megan.

And I...

I am very, very...hungry.

Tales of the Sexfight Championship