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One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB

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Offline Vivianne

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #225 on: January 06, 2018, 05:44:43 PM »
I watch the count climb and think this is surely it. A double count out. A draw. What will that do to these two? As much as losing will destroy one of them, this match ending in a draw after all of this would crush them both. It simply can't end that way...but the count is climbing and they are not moving.


Rowan just rose from the dead like the Undertaker and...wait...she looks different. I can't explain why I think that, but even from back here I can see a difference. Whatever she was looking for...perhaps she found it? I hope so. This madness needs to end...and soon...
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 05:45:22 PM by msan71 »


Offline Virginia Dare

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #226 on: January 06, 2018, 07:54:58 PM »
oh no.




Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #227 on: January 06, 2018, 09:14:26 PM »
My eyes narrow as the transition takes place and everything about Rowan just...changes! I growl and rise to my feet, fists clenched. Your lips move, reading them. You keep repeating there never was an Aika. Shaking my head as you try to make yourself believe it was ALL in you that whole time. Growling "No..."


Offline Lord Tantalus

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #228 on: January 06, 2018, 11:46:17 PM »
Calmly, I put my hand on Lisa's shoulder.


And under my mask, I can't help but smile.

At last.
Seldom defeated.
Never merciful.


Offline BustyTiffany35

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #229 on: January 07, 2018, 02:54:56 AM »
I don't trust my eyes. I just don't. What I'm seeing in the ring right now.. this cannot be happening. How could it? Everything that's happened tonight, everything that she's done to her - Megan broke her fuckin' back, she's bled her all over that ring. She escaped the Widow's Kiss by powerbombing her into next month. She had stopped her heart at one point - she stopped her heart.

So how is it possible that Rowan got up like that? How is it possible that she's standing right now? How is it humanly possible that she got up after all that? How. How. HOW??

Rowan. What the fuck are you.

Megan. My eyes drift down to her body. She still hasn't moved. She's hurting, Gawd she's hurting. Every inch of me is screaming to do something, every single fibre of my body is burning 'cause all I wanna do is help her so badly. But, no. I restrain myself, I tell myself for the hundredth time that this ain't my fight, she doesn't need or want or care for my help, this is her war and she is the only one who can finish this war. And I know, deep down through the anxiety and fear and concern and the nauseating whirlwind of emotions, I know somehow, someway, she'll get back up. She'll fight on. She'll survive whatever Rowan, no. Whatever that thing is.. she'll fight it, she'll endure, she'll survive, she'll tear it to fuckin' pieces and give it the hard goodbye. She'll.. she'll get through this. She has to. Please, get through this Megan. Please..

My fingers wrap around the guardrail, gripping it so tightly my knuckles turn white. My lips curl back, I'm leaning over the rail, I'm screaming.


..make her stop.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 02:59:49 AM by BustyTiffany35 »


Offline ThePurpleVixen

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #230 on: January 07, 2018, 04:05:27 AM »
The count is ticking down.

And there's nothing.

The crowd is gathered up, watching like mourners at a funeral.

And there's just nothing.

I've bled and I've fought and I've had my cxnt wrecked in front of my wife and I've remembered every fucking thing I love and hated about you.

And now there's just darkness and no dreams and not fucking anything. Just NOTHING.

And the canvas is shifting and there's a voice talking and I don't even hear it. Any more than I hear Rick and Larry, any more than I hear Am?lie, any more than I hear my wife and my friends and the screams of the fucking crowd, any more than I hear my own slow heartbeat in my ears. I don't hear my heartbeat. I don't feel it.

There's not a single fucking thing. There's fucking NOTHING.

"It takes someone really broken to wanna be a wrestler as much as you do," Scotty says to me as I'm sobbing in the alley beside the gym. I showed up to practice every session this week and now my young body hurting too much to get to the bus stop to go back to the collective house where I'm crashing, and I'm so helplessly furious at it for failing me when I just want to keep GOING. He's crouched down, resting one hand on the top of my head. Not even really soothing. Speaking like it's a fucking benediction.


Red looks at me, as I'm wrapping duct tape around a barbed wire rip in my forearm after a matinee hardcore brawl in Mobile to make sure I can get to the next show that evening on Tuscaloosa. I'm streaked in blood and sweat and beer and I've left some girl getting stretchered out back in the ring, and I have a bloody napkin stuffed into my ear from getting hit in the side of the head with an axehandle, and I'm slurring from the fucking head injury as I'm talking about getting going, getting on the fucking ROAD. I haven't even gotten the money for this show yet. And he gently squeezes my shoulder, and he has those big ol' Dixie eyes looking into mine. "What happened to make you like this, darlin'?"


Gemma looking into my eyes when she finds me alone in the dark, sitting on the far side of our bed, staring at the wall. Running my fingers over my tattoos. Over my scars. Music blasting in my headphones so loud that it's pulsing. "Come back, pickle," she says, her mouth moving. I can't hear any sound, though. Sometimes I do this, I get away from everything, sit away from EVERYTHING because


And when I'm young I'm so fucking young and I have all this hope and then people die and people hurt me and people leave me and I'm alone, I'm alone all the fucking time, I hurt all the fucking time because I FEEL so fucking hard and the only thing that makes sense is my first poets my REAL fucking poets, the ones who screamed vengeance and bellowed fury and snarled laughing smirking despair at the god-damn world, my Rollins and my Rotten and my Strummer and my Ramone and my Siouxsie and my Biafra and my Styrene.

Punk isn't a motivation - it's a fucking roar of anger at the bleak world because the whole fucking WORLD is rotten, it's enough to make you fucking sick to look at it, it's full of people who are already fucking dead. EVERYONE is fucking dead. We're all just living to die, here to fucking go.

The single most important line ever sung in punk was screamed by Johnny Rotten.


That's what people see in me, the jagged bits. The parts that taste the blood and smile. The most broken pieces that dig the FUCK into me, through the love and the laughter and the loyalty, that cracked parts that dig down DEEP into my fucking marrow and GOUGE me, and the pain leads me to dive off stages and charge into women wielding fistfuls of shattered glass and to run someone headlong through a flaming table. Callista Quinn once said that all I seem to do is seek ways to destroy myself. My Gemma said that I laugh in Death's face and kick him in the crotch to try to really piss him off. Because when there's fucking NOTHING, when there's NOTHING AT GOD DAMN ALL, when everything is fucking BULLSHIT, when the beast is slouching and the hour is fucking nigh and NOTHING FUCKING MATTERS ...

... then it doesn't MATTER what fucking happens, because you're already fucking DEAD.

Am?lie is staring in mild surprise at you as you rise up off the mat like a broken doll. Her raised delicately-shaped eyebrows and slightly widened pale eyes are as close to open-mouthed staring shock as the sociopath ever gets. It's the most surprise she's ever shown in the ring, and she takes a cautious step back.

She misses counting "NEUF".

But I fucking don't.

When I wrestled in Japan, I scared people.

They called me Ribingudeddojoshi.

Because I'm a motherfucking living dead girl.

My hand comes up off the mat and seizes a matted bloody sweaty loose handful of my own dark violet and crimson hair.

And I fucking DRAG myself off the mat by my own fucking hair, my face glistening with blood and sweat and a skeletal grin, all my teeth gleaming. And I keep YANKING, peeling myself off the fucking canvas, getting my left leg up and coming up, rising from the fucking grave, because PUNK IS FUCKIN' DEAD.

It ALL still hurts. EVERY FUCKING WOUND hurts as I get to my fucking feet, not just coming up gracefully but SHAMBLING, CLAWING my way out of the grave.

But the hurt doesn't fucking matter as I get my boots under me and yank my hair back, pulling my eyes wide, and I snap my head forward and SPIT a thick mouthful of blood at your smiling face, my crushed throat searing hot, my taped hands coming up in front of me as I shamble towards you, my right knee pulsing.

LVK: ... I have no idea what I'm seeing right now. None whatsoever. I-

*dead air*

... I have nothing.

"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline Rowan Chance

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #231 on: January 07, 2018, 06:51:19 AM »
(Ladies and Gentlemen, the incomparable Lawrence Van Keel...)

Folks, I don't know what to say here. I really don't.

These two women have put each other through Hell and now they're standing in the middle of the ring and I honestly can't tell you how they're standing.

Rowan Chance and Megan Dow are circling each other now. Predators, each trying to prove this ring is their territory.

And it's Megan Dow who makes the first move, sending an elbow straight into Rowan Chance's cheek!

Rowan backs up a step and she delivers an open hand uppercut right under Megan's jaw!

That staggers the Living Dead Girl, but she recovers quickly enough, sending a fist right into Chance's forehead!

Chance almost spins with the impact! But then, she comes back with another open hand strike, this time to the throat!

It looks like that blow caught Megan off guard as her hands grab under her chin and Chance takes advantage, grabbing Dow by the hair and OHMYGOD! what a brutal open hand uppercut!

Megan stumbles back to the corner...but comes right back out with three hard elbows straight into Chance's face! Now, Chance has fallen to one knee and Dow grabs the Black Widow by the hair and delivers a POWERFUL right cross that nearly knocks Chance to the canvas!

These two women are moving with the slow and powerful deliberation of TITANS! The toll of this match is clear. Each cannot defend the strikes of the other. These are two soldiers dragging themselves through a war with their bare hands, leaving every ounce of blood, sweat and tears behind them!



Megan is pulling herself back up again! Both women on their knees...Megan's injured leg stretched out behind her to protect it. And... ANOTHER BLOW TO ROWAN CHANCE'S HEAD! Megan seems to be targeting the open wound, trying to make it open even further!

And Rowan RETORTS with a blow to the belly! Another! And another! Megan buckling under the attack!

Both women are gasping for air now, exhausted after this incredible exchange. saying something to Rowan. I can't quite make it out but Rowan SPITS IN PUNKY'S FACE! More blood than saliva! That blinds Megan for a moment and...

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Offline RedEnforcer

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #232 on: January 07, 2018, 05:30:29 PM »
Watching. You never know how helpless you can feel until you are at a point where all you can do is watch. Two women trying to do their best to just destroy each other.

Those real catfight videos you see where tempers flare and hair is pulled and clothes are ripped are displays of quick burning passionate rage. Give enough time and that anger dies out.

What we are witness to here, in that very ring, is a slow building, venomous boiling overspill of hatred that happens when love doesnt just die, but when it is crushed and rots and decays.


I cant stand this.

They have pushed themselves past the point of sanity and are existing and fighting on a primordial level.  Order versus Chaos.  Intellect versus Emotion. Fear versus Will.

Who am I cheering for?

I look at that bastard beside me and his body language shifts to contentment, no pleasure. Motherfucker has been waiting for this moment.

One day buddy. Your mind games and machinations will lead you to a spot in a ring opposite me. And I Will Crush You Like The Insignificant Bug You Are.

But not today.

Today, I look at that ring.

At those women.

And I just pray they survive.
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


Offline ThePurpleVixen

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #233 on: January 08, 2018, 09:31:29 AM »
We've beaten each other fucking senseless.

There's no art to it. We're past art. There's no dodging, no blocking, no countering, no real interplay. Our arms are almost ragdolled ... but we work up the will to hit each other, dragging our arms into place against the forces of gravity and blood loss and exhaustion, like Jacob Marley struggling against the chains he forged in life. My elbow crashes into your face and closes one of your eyes in a nasty swelling, as blood gushes from your ripped forehead and flows from your moaning mouth. Your fist pistons into my belly and my abs are just crumpled after brawling for over a fucking hour, and after you hung my arms over the railing in front of my wife and pounded my core into a bruised mess. Your knuckles dig into my fucking spleen, and bloody spits mists crimson from my gasping lips.

It's not pretty. It's less pretty than the end of a fucking Rocky movie. We're both just pounding each other into hamburger.

Because eventually one of us is gonna get staggered just enough. Just the fuck enough for the other to hit one move.

Just. One.

That's the point we're at now. We've dragged other by the scruff of the neck through hell. Our heels have left long raked lines in the burning coal, and there's only been one set of footprints at a time. How fucking sweet.

But now we're here, and we're both out of gas. I'm used to fucking digging deep, but I'm way past any point I've gone before. I've been knocked out and pinned long before this by women way less deadlier than you who I hated far less. And I've fucking been in the ring with you when you were put away for good by moves far less brutal than the ones I've planted you with, by women less experienced and vicious.

And this is what it really comes down to, I guess. Neither of us CAN lose to the other. So much of us is tied up in this, so much of our past, so much of our rotten and decayed love, so much of our furious and toxic hate, so much pride and so much rage and so much betrayal and so many secrets and so many lies that neither of us CAN lose to the other. It's gonna destroy the one that loses. It's gonna leave her nothing but fucking ashes, to lose so much in front of everyone. Viking Hall almost did that to me, and that was the semi-main event of a card we were sharing, without anyone we knew in the audience aside from Straw Hat Guy (I'm still going through life with the humiliating burden of getting my face sat on in front of Straw Hat Guy). This? This is EVERYTHING.

And so we're each digging down deep into ourselves, to the fucking roots, through the living soil to the fucking bedrock, dragging up resources that should never see the light of day, burning fuel we'll never get back. Each of us is willing to destroy ourselves to win this fall. That's what it comes down to.

Larry's right. We're in a war, and this is the last fucking battle. Get the seven bowls ready. Open up the boat full of Aragorn's ghosts. Someone call King Frank to bring his horn and summon Aslan.

One of us is gonna break. One of us is gonna hit ONE MOVE, and be done.

Just ONE.

And of COURSE you spit in my face you horrid fucking cxnt!

You cinch my head under your arm - and since I already got spiked half-conscious with the Three Fires DDT earlier, I have no intention of having THAT happen again, or any of your other fucking DDTs. So with my head locked under your arm, breathing the hot scent of your sweat with the curve of your breast pressed to my cheek, swaying on one knee with my body aching and my bruised belly pounded breathless. But I ain't dead yet - my hands snake over you, restless as an eager lover, my left hand stealing up your back to grab a sweaty bloody handful of black hair and viciously CRANK your head back at the lights - and my right hand slithers over your blood-masked face and splays out and fucking DIGS in, raking at your eyes, ripping at your cheek, my thumb hooking inside your mouth and GOUGING it. Your muffled, gargling bloody screech warms my fucking heart.

You jolt off me, losing your facelock, and bat my hand away to frantically clutch at your face - and I straighten up, slowly. Panting. My breasts heaving in my sports bra. Sweat is glazed over my entire body, running slow and thick as I'm fucking dehydrated. My blood is fucking soup. No, it's CHOWDER. Painted on my face in fat greasy runners. I take your corset top in both hands, yanking it up, bunching it and straining it, hearing a few laces pop as I mound your tits towards your chin.

"FUCK your own toxic cxnt, Chance!" I snarl, SNAPPING my head forward from my knees, and just CRASHING my forehead, made thick as oak from my Irish/Slavic bloodline, right between your eyes with a sharp echoing


Your eyes cross and I sway back for a moment, seeing stars flashing in pretty patterns before I shake my head viciously, scattering sweat and blood, and see drool trickling from your lips. I grin, feral, and slowly hobble up to my feet, using you as a crutch as much as I'm womanhandling you up with me, hopping almost on one leg. Any pressure on my right knee makes a broken glass squeal run through my head. But I can get to my feet. Foot. Whatever.

And I can drag you with me.

"C'mon, sugartits ... up we go ... that's my girl ..." I growl, sweat and blood beading off me, my eyes almost glowing with baleful fire. My left leg trembles a little. It's been doing a lot of work tonight. But fuck it, I can sit down in a hot tub for a few weeks after this. Gemma won't mind bringing me food and booze and occasionally draining and refilling the tub.

The only fucking thing that matters


is putting you DOWN.

I take your left wrist in my right hand, and bring your arm behind your back as I press into you, my body nestled close to yours with an intimacy long dead belying the tingling in my pierced nipples. And I stare into your glassy eyes as I SHOVE your left hand into your own shorts at the small of your back, trapping it there. My left hand keeping a policeman's collar grip on your corset, bunching it in my fist.

My right hand draws back, slowly. Methodically.

Moving with a cold cautious sadistic precision.

My elbow thrust back tight.

My right palm flat towards you, my fingers curled for the strike.

"I know I told ya you never had a heart, Chance," I murmur, almost against your lips.

"... so I guess I'm just gonna stop your clock."

And my tattooed bicep flexes as I prepare to give you another taste of Thomas' gift. The Heart Breaker.

"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline Rowan Chance

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #234 on: January 08, 2018, 05:17:45 PM »
An eye rake. A fucking eye rake.

Sticking your thumb as hard as you can into my eye and ripping down. That's what you've got, Dow? That's it? The legendary Megan Punky Dow--mistress of a million signature moves (Trademark that, bitch)--sticks her goddamn thumb in my eye. Got a name for that one? I bet you do.

The Glasgow kiss snaps my head back (bet you haven't trademarked that, have you, fucking Gene Simmons of pro wrestling) and I'm double blinded. Your thumb and your fucking forehead.

Then, I feel you pull my head back by the hair. And I hear your taunt about my heart. My eyes are shut. Head still reeling. You cock your palm back and send it straight to my chest.

And my left hand catches it. With my eyes closed. My fingers curling and squeezing around yours.

I twist my hair out of your grip and slowly open my eyes. And I let you see what's in them.


Before, you saw our past.

Sitting on the hood of the car when I gave you the belt.
Fucking like rabbits in bed while old wrestling video tapes played on the TV.
Tag teaming as the Daughters of Darkness.
Your leg. My back.

But now, you look and you see Nothing.

Before, you saw the love we once shared and was lost.
Before, you saw the hatred that kept me on my feet.
Before, you saw the jealousy that burned in my belly.
Before, you saw the envy that kept me from fully embracing you.

Yeah, jealousy and envy.

We're perfect counterparts, Megan. Me with the big picture and you with the details.

I never was good with details. Keeping track of the little things. But don't just obsess over them, they piss you off when they aren't right. I remember you getting so angry at me for missing our flight in Houston. I fucked up the time zones and we were stuck in the airport for 16 hours. You screamed at me until airport security threatened to use a taser, then you spent the rest of the time drinking in that airport bar, spending way too much money on watered down drinks, and you refused to talk to me. Even after I apologized.

But what I had was the big picture. Overarching themes. Storytelling. And you loved that about me. Especially in bed. When I'd weave a tapestry of possibilities. Where are we tonight? In a dingy gym? In an abandoned alley? Or maybe on a star ship slowly descending into a black hole with only one escape pod left...and there's you...and there's me.

I'd lay the groundwork and you'd fill in the details. That's why we were so perfect, Megan. And that expertise for details made me envious of you. How you know every detail of every arena, armory, bingo hall or high school gym we ever wrestled in. And where we ate afterwards and what we ate. Those details always drove me crazy. Because they were always missing in my stories. But were the one who could list them off the top of your head.

And jealousy?

I remember seeing the picture of you and Gemma in your wedding clothes on her website. (No, I'm giving out the URL, you can go find it yourselves, you fucking assholes.) I printed out that picture and carried it with me for years. Looking at it before every match. One night, Red caught me. I tried to stuff it away in my bag, but he saw it. He also saw the tears I was trying to hide. Red asked me if I was okay and I told him to fuck off. I destroyed the woman I was wrestling that night. Yeah, I don't remember her name and I don't remember where it was and I don't remember what I had to eat after the match and I don't remember the name of the guy I fucked afterward; fucked him so hard he passed out.

I can hear you now. "Boys," you say with that snerk of yours.

Jealousy and envy and rage. They've been keeping me up this whole time. But they aren't in my eyes now.

And as I catch your hand as you send Tantalus' Heart Breaker at me, and as I twist that arm--hard enough to bend, but I don't have the strength to break it--I let my gaze settle on yours. Let you look in. Let you see...

...the rage is gone.
...the jealousy is gone.
...the envy is gone.

All that's left, Nothing.

Time can stretch, like you said before. And in the heartbeats me catching the palm strike and me twisting your arm and us sharing the gaze, you see all that I laid out. All of it. But the fact of the matter is, what I say next takes only four words and sums it up perfectly.

With blood on my tongue, I whisper this:

Your dead.

Because that was what was keeping me from finishing this, Megan.

Throwing you on the railing in front of your wife? That was your raven.

Beating your pussy into a pulp? That was your raven.

Your raven dropped you on your head and sat on your face.

And she could have done so much more to hurt you. But she preferred not to, just like the Scrivener. Because something was holding her back.

And that something was you.

Her love for you.
Her jealousy of you.
Her envy of you.
Her hatred of you.

All of that held her back.

But all of that is gone.

Your dead.

And with your twisted arm in my grip, I remember sitting in a Japanese hotel room watching Jake Roberts. The Lady DDT gear was at the foot of the bed, sweaty from the match I had that night. I was looking for DDT variants. Because the promoter would only allow me to use that one move--and it's thousands of variations--I needed to keep my repertoire fresh.

And then, it hit me. A variant I could use that... I couldn't use that. Not even in this shitty Japanese promotion with the exploding ring posts and glass and barbed wire I couldn't use that. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I mean, I did want to hurt people, but I didn't want to take them out of the business. That's evil fucking heel bullshit. So, I tucked it away. Just forgot about it.

...until right this very moment.

Oh, Megan. Your cruel little heart is going to love this. And you're going to know exactly why I put it away.


Your arm curled as far as I can twist it, I pull on your hand and turn your arm, pulling you toward me. A face-to-face hammer lock.

You know about hammer locks, don't you, Megan? You know exactly how easy it is to pull a shoulder right out of the socket. To snap an arm. So easy. So goddamn easy. Everyone's forgotten about hammer locks. So busy with their super dragon spin dive slams, they've forgotten the simple, elegant and brutal beauty of a hammer lock. One extra ounce of pressure and I can put you in a cast for a year, Megan. You know that, don't you?

And as I pull the hammer lock on, that presses us together. Face-to-face. Breasts-to-breasts. Hips-to-hips.

You can see right into my eyes, Megan. Look right into that blackness. That pitch, empty space. That Nothing.

As you writhe in pain from the hammer lock, my right hand hooks around the back of your neck. My forearm under your chin. A blatant choke, but one the referee can't see. And that right hand reaches under your chin and grabs my left forearm.

See, I met Jake once. Met him at a Comic Con. I told him I was proud of what he accomplished both inside and outside the ring. We talked about addiction and recovery and healing. I've got some expertise in that field--I wasn't always a pro wrestler after all, and you can see the proof hanging on my office wall, the proof that calls me "Doctor Chance"--and I told him I was an independent wrestler and was using the DDT as a finisher. Nothing fancy. Just the DDT. I felt it was a fucking crime the WWE turned the most brutal and effective finishing move ever into a goddamn transition hold. He liked me. Flirted a little. And when I asked him the secret of the move, this is what he told me.

"Everyone thinks the headlock is important." He chortled. Yeah, he chortled. "It isn't. It's the speed of your own body pulling their head down to the mat. And the impact on the head isn't what makes the move powerful. It's the impact on the spine. That's what stuns them and knocks them out."

I thought about that as I sat in that shitty Japanese hotel watching videos. And I'm thinking about that now. Because I know you're thinking about it now, Megan.

See, this isn't a standard drop DDT. This is a spike DDT. Like the one Edge used. Where I lift your body up and drop it straight down on your head.

Starting to see it, aren't you, Megan?

But I'm not going to lift you by your trunks. I'm not going to grab your trunks and pull.

I've already got your arm and neck.

Starting to see it, aren't you Megan?

My hands are locked under you. Pulling the trunks is just pulling your own weight up by your hips.

I've got your head. And I've got your arm in a hammer lock. My hands locked under you. I'm going to lift you up using both of them: your neck and your arm.

Lifting you by the arm means I'm not only going to pull your shoulder out of its socket, there's also a good chance I'll break your elbow.

And your neck? I'll be lifting you up by your skull in a quick, sudden motion. That means separation at the top of the spinal column. The lock of my arms guarantees you'll at least be spending the next month in traction. And maybe, if I'm lucky, the rest of your goddamn life.

You see it now, don't you Megan?

You're locked in.

There's no escape.

And as my feet plant on the canvas... I grin at Gemma... I bend down, just a couple inches...

...I start to pull.

Me. Not your raven. Me.

That weak ass bitch--your raven--is dead.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #235 on: January 08, 2018, 07:18:30 PM »
I tense up when I see it. Megan raking Rowan's eyes and then putting her arm behind her back.  When Megan cocks back that elbow, I'm on my feet yelling.

And then Rowan catches the blow. My sigh of relief is short lived as I see Rowan hammerlock Megan and bring her forward.  My own shoulder throbs seeing that because Rowan's dislocated my shoulder before. What the hell is she planning?

There's the headlock.

And Rowan's body shifts. Bracing.


She wouldn't. No, she couldn't.

I love DDTs. Hell I remember seeing Jake Roberts in the Carolinas when he wore karate pants and just started using the DDT. Of course, my own idol, Arn Anderson had the second slickest looking DDT ever and he was doing it left handed. And I've been put in my share. Hell, I did a stint in Japan with a different name and mask so I could train with Liger and ran into this Lady DDT character during a big schmozz and she just grabbed me instead of the gal next to me and spiked me down so fast, I still remember it to this day.  So I know my DDTs.

What Rowan is setting up isn't a DDT you can walk away from. It's an Impaler.  But worse because I don't see Rowan grabbing for tights. She's looking to completely destroy Megan's arm and snap her neck.


I have to stop this. There's no way I can get to the ring, these fucking guards would slow me down and even if I sprang now I don't know if I cold get there in time.

"ROWAN" I roar out...come on darlin look at me...come on...



Finally she looks over this way. And...gawd...she looks dead inside...She's not hearing me...
I need to do...something...

"ROWAN LOOK AT ME" I snarl...

And I lift my arms...have my hands reach back behind my head...and I start unlacing the ties that hold my mask on my face.

Gawddammit Rowan...look at me...see what I'm doing...come back to me darlin
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #236 on: January 09, 2018, 01:53:25 AM »
I knew this girl once.

Long time ago, feels like.

She was different. Different than anyone I'd ever met.

She was sharp where I was just jagged.

She was confident where I was just loud.

She was intensely sexual where I just liked making out.

She was clever where I was just snarky.

She was malicious where I was just vicious.

She was beautiful where I was just me.

But something was wrong.

Something was so, so wrong.

It came across little ways.

Little things dug and jabbed more than they should have. Arguments snapped more viciously than you'd think. The differences between us felt like a wedge we were constantly trying to overcome instead of making us fit better together. There were secrets. There were lies. We should never have had those, never. We should have known. We should have just KNOWN that it wasn't going to work. We weren't just hot, we were fucking exothermic, burning each other out. We were clashing sparks off each other. We were both so fucking smart, and still neither of us knew how wrong it had gone, how twisted it had become until it was too fucking late. Shit, maybe it was too late when we first met.

And when it all went wrong, it went hard.

It went wrong so hard that the girl is gone.

She's just gone.

I'm always gonna love the Ro that was on my doorstep in Portland, rain matting her dark hair to her face and looking at me with those big somber eyes. I'm always gonna love the Ro that held me in her arms and drunkenly sang "Love in the Library" in my ear. I'm always gonna love the Ro that took a hesitant bite of a fucking Philly cheesesteak wrapped in a giant slice of pizza and smiled through the grease. I'm always gonna love the Ro that was so afraid of a stinger, of that feeling of helplessness even as fleeting as it was, that she wanted me to cradle her on the locker room floor and whisper to her that she'd be all right.

I'm always, always gonna love that Ro. It won't take me away from Gemma, or from Reddy, or from anyone else I love, because LOVE DOESN'T FUCKING GET SMALLER, ROWAN, LOVE IS THE SIZE OF THE FUCKING UNIVERSE AND IT'S THE ONLY FUCKING THING THAT MATTERS.


You catch the palm thrust meant to stop your heart and put brutal, breaking pressure on my fingers, spreading them out as I snarl in sudden agony.

there's another world, ro. there's endless other worlds where we're star warriors or sky pirates or cyborgs and at least one where it's just like this one but

You twist my tattooed right arm back, and I'm too fucking tired to stop you, a thick bloody groan of pain as you torque my arm behind my back. I can feel my shoulder straining at the joint as my body crushes to yours.

in this other world when you came to me in wales you told me you would have said yes and i said it was too late and signed the contract but then you didn't just laugh like it was a secret fucking trap all along no instead

You take my head, locking my throat. Amelie couldn't care less. It's No Holds Barred. You could take a straight razor to my throat for all she cares. She's just watching, avid, a ghoul at the graveside who wants to suck our marrow. The whole audience is all like her, just people who want to watch the pain and the blood. All except the front row. What they want is much more complex. I'm bent over, swaying. My left hand slowly comes up, everything moving so fucking glacially.

you said and after and i said maybe when we get stitched up we can find somewhere quiet and public and have a little wine or some fucking thing i dunno and you smiled that ro smile and i had tears running down my face because maybe this match could just burn out the bad parts burn out the toxic bits and we could have something left some

You're not going for my tights. You're keeping a two-handed grip on my neck and my wrist, and you're gonna lift me that way. You're gonna try to snap my fucking neck. That's where we are, Chance. That's what everything has come to. My knee sags, going deadweight, since that's what Scotty taught us and also because deadweight comes pretty fucking naturally after losing blood and seething in hate for over an hour. My left hand clutches at your shorts, to make it harder to lift me. These are instinctive movements, ingrained. Not conscious. My conscious mind is elsewhere.

little fucking bit left of the happiness we had once and it wouldn't have been perfect nothing ever is but i love gemma after years of us trying to wreck each other she broke my ankle once actually broke it in her bare hands and once she hit me with a fucking car door i dunno where she got it but we're happy now anyone can be fucking happy if you try just a little to grasp for something some little light in this fucking graveyard planet we're all stuck on

I hear Red, bellowing. It's too late, Reddy. She can't hear you where she is. I hear commotion. I see blood, patterning on the mat. It's everywhere underneath us. Our bootprints are in it. We've bled everything from each other. And we're here.

but that world is as dead as you are ro and gods i'm gonna miss you

There's a commotion. I hear the white noise buzz of Van Keel shouting something over the speakers. Good ol' Larry. He'll make this a call for the ages. I sag down harder, gripping tight as I can. Fight the fucking Evenflow, kid, Scotty said. If a move is fast, make it be slow. Make them work for it. Everything is a voice down a distant hall as your arm crunches into my abused throat. You almost crushed it before with your fucking shin. It still hurts. Everything still hurts.


gems i'm so sorry i made you come here

so sorry i made you see this

i love you so fucking much
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline Virginia Dare

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #237 on: January 09, 2018, 02:42:18 AM »
I see Red jump out of his seat screaming at the ring his fingers on the back of his mask and I have to grab him and stop him.

I jump up, too. And I put my lips close to his ear.

"Please. Don't. You can't stop this." I look back up at the ring. "Only they can."

I say it again. "Please."

And very slowly I bring the Red Enforcer back to his chair.

And I realize he was willing to give up his mask to save his friends. Not one of them. Both of them.

And right then and there I realize exactly why I fell in love with him.


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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #238 on: January 09, 2018, 03:11:53 AM »
You try to deadweight me. That's cute.

You're just delaying the inevitable, Dow. I squeeze tighter on your throat so you know exactly what's about to happen is going to happen no matter what you think you can do.

I've lost a lot of blood. I'll be in traction for a year.

But you'll get what you wanted: me out of your life. Once and for all.

I give another heave and you come off your boots. Just an inch. I can feel your windpipe collapsing under my grip. I can feel the tendons in your shoulder straining. I think I hear a little pop in your elbow.

Remember that sound, Dow? Remember it? I do. I can't forget it.

Then Red screams up at me. For the briefest of moments, I look at him. I send him a silent message.

She'd do the same to me.

It's over now, Dow. Over.

I tighten my grip. Stomp my boots on the blood-stained canvas. Little pools of it under my feet. Get my base under yours.

And I heave. The first part of the move. The second is the snap.

Your boots come up, off the canvas. In the air. Hovering for just a moment.

There's going to be no kicking out this time, Dow. And if our fates were reversed, the same could have been said about me.

I feel your neck straining under my grip. Feel your shoulder start to rip away from the bone.

Twisting you around in a 45 degree angle to get the best torque, I spin on my legs--yeah, my legs, bitch--and it's time for the second part of the move. The snap.

It will put your head straight into the canvas. But that's not the worst of it.

Your arm comes dislodged from its socket, your elbow cracking. But that isn't the worst of it.

No, the worst is when your neck pops. The sticky stuff between your vertebrae pops. It may cut into your spinal cord--the very thing it's there to protect, so thanks Intelligent Design--and that's game over for little Punky Dow. But it was over for Punky Dow by the end of the second fall, wasn't it?

Your body crunching. Your abs look will look like an accordion. Legs up high and dangling, but then, suddenly twitching. Losing all connection with the engine at the top of your body running your brain.

That's what will happen, Dow. And then, I pin you. My hands on your breasts. My pussy on your face. I don't give a single shit about keeping your neck isolated. Neither does the referee.

And she counts. She counts





And it's over. At last. It's over. Once and for all.

I'm the better wrestler.
I'm the better woman.
And your wife can look at me and know it.
Red can look at me and know it.
Tantalus... and his apprentice. They can know it.

Everyone knows that I beat you. Once and for all.
Punky Dow is finished. Broken. Beaten. Destroyed.
She will wrestle no more.
No matter how many iron pins they put in her neck.
No matter how many years of rehab she suffers.

And the woman who did it...was me.
Rowan Fucking Chance.
My dark eyes look down at you, Dow.
And my bloody lips smile.
I can barely stand.
But it's over.
It's finally... OVER.

But that doesn't happen.

Remember, I said "It will put your head straight into the canvas."

And, "That's what will happen."

But it doesn't.

No, something else happens.

As I heave you up, you see that confident, cool face of mine twist in pain. I have to let go of the hold. I have to. Because my arms just exploded with lava in my nerves. Then... nothing.

And my legs. My legs.

Megan... I can't... feel...

I fall down to my knees, my tingling fingertips holding on to the hem of what's left of your skirt, just so I don't fall all the way down. My face pressed sideways on the front of that skirt.

And my head...

I said a long time ago there was more of my blood on the mat than in my body. It was a euphamism then. Or a metaphor. Or... it doesn't matter. It's the truth now.

I also said, "I'm on a clock."

Well, that fucker just chimed midnight.


My mouth gurgles. A bloody bubble. My body spasms against you. Almost falling.

But I don't. I don't fall.

I look up at you.

On my knees.

In front of Megan "Punky" Dow.

I can't feel my arms. I can't feel my legs. I can't breathe. My heart is...

I was right. I was right.


« Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 03:13:51 AM by Rowan Chance »
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline Vivianne

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #239 on: January 09, 2018, 04:16:35 AM »
I see Rowan go for what will be a brutal DDT...but she cannot do it.

I see her fall to her knees at Punky?s feet...

« Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 04:17:03 AM by msan71 »