I know you're fast, but you're not gonna be fast with your heart still shuddering back into shape like a sponge someone crushed all the water out of in one fist. Your ribs are going to be sprung, making every breath hurt.
And more important than that, you're gonna be suffering with every breath knowing what I have that you don't. Poor little rich girl Rowan Chance, sucking a silver spoon dry but knowing there's a toy out there she doesn't have.
So I don't think you'll be fast enough to stop me from taking your head off.
And practically, I was right. I KNOW Gemma's gonna watch footage of this over and over later and save it for use in arguments with me about me being stubborn or hotheaded, but I was right. I set this up PERFECTLY. It's not MY fucking fault you've got ... whatever the fuck you've got that just fucking plowed into me.
I don't even know what hit me.
There's a shout as your hand flashes up, and time slows for a moment as your fist crumples my jaw, my face shifting around the blow just like Luke Cage getting the god-damn Iron Fist to the side of the face, my purple tails bullwhipping forward with the blow and then I'm snapped up to my heels, staring at the lights for a blurry flashing second, twisting around with the force of the uppercut as I stagger and tumble to the mat, rolling across it like a car wreck victim, ending up sprawled on my left hip and elbow, blinking in skull-rattled confusion.
"Wha'FUCK?" I mutter, spitting a gob of blood onto the mats, streaked black with paint.
What the actual FUCK.
What just hit me?
It couldn't be you.
You don't ...
I drag my right hand over the blood running from the corner of my mouth, my jaw pulsing like it's made of molten metal, and tilt my eyes at you. I see the look etched into your face.
The raw, pain-filled, furious hate.
I've seen that look on my face before, in the mirror. Before I fought Gemma way back in SPARK, when SHE had fucked with my heart (and went on to break my ankle). Before I fought you in that hotel in Austin, after you broke her arm. Why do so many of my memories involve broken bones? Fuck you, gentle reader, like your life's so normal.
But I've never ever seen that kind of raw fury in your eyes, Chance.
You're always the cool taunting collected one. The one who relies on her ability to take it, to mock, to misdirect.
But now I see genuine fury.
This is terra incognita.
"THIS should be interestin' ..." I growl, spitting blood again as I push myself dazedly up to one knee, my left fist curling brutally tight -
- and my blood streaked right hand comes up, curling my fingers to beckon you for more as I sway a little, the uppercut still ringing through my head.
Because if you're anything like me when you're really genuinely fucking enraged, you'll come in HARD when you're invited, and I intend to piston my knuckles into the vee of your little leather shorts if you do to see if THAT dampers your fury a little.