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One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #90 on: December 01, 2017, 02:43:45 PM »
My head is in my hands and my heart is in my mouth as I watch my wife, Megan fucking Dow get out punched by Rowan fucking Chance...

"This can't be happening..." I stammer, seeing Rowan CLUB Megan with a brow splitting overhand right but fortunately I'm granted a reprieve from the horrifying thought of being stuck here and forced to watch Rowan beat my wife to death when Punky uses her head the only way she knows how.

As a weapon.

I know it's odd switching back and forth like this but she really can be two different women. Waking up and looking over to see a crooked smile that lets me know I'm in for a morning of mischief? That's Megan. Waking up in the center of the ring with a cackling harlequin of hurt gazing at me maniacally? That's Punky.

And right now I'm watching Punky through and through.

"YES! THAT'S IT BABY! JUMP ON HER!" I scream, hoping this is the moment she can finish this fucking heartbreaking eye-sore once and for all but then I see a glint in here eye and she CHARGES at a stunned Rowan...

"No! NOOOOO!" I roar angrily as they topple the long way down to the Parisian concrete "YOU CAN'T WIN THE MATCH WHEN YOU'RE OUTSIDE THE RING YOU FUCKING NUTTER! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!?!" I scream furiously. The roar and cheers of a bloodthirsty crowd, whooping as they see you both land in a heap, probably drowns out my protests but it doesn't drown out my anger.

"Uughhn... you crazy fucking bitch..."
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


Offline Rowan Chance

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #91 on: December 01, 2017, 03:49:43 PM »
There's no denying it, no hiding it. I'm in pain.

Usually, that's a good thing. Pain can be a motivator--it can tell you to get your ass moving. And your mind is weaker than your body. The body can keep going even when the mind tells you to stop. And I've learned how to turn pain into more than just a motivator. Tantalus taught me--

--yeah. Him.

I'm in pain. And I think of all the times I've been in this much pain. There was Japan...and that was with Punky.

Then, there was FTW. That was with Punky.

Then, there was Viking Hall. That was with Punky.

The worst times I've ever been hurt in a was you. Always you.

And for the longest time, Tant--he--told me that I was holding back. "There's a part of you that you haven't discovered yet," he said. And for the last few minutes, since I threw that punch that knocked you down, I've figured out what that was.

Every time we got in the ring, my goal was to beat you. Not hurt you. Beat you.

Well, that goal changed when you threw your palm through my chest.

"There's a part you haven't discovered yet."

Yeah. Ironically, the two of you had to show me how to find it.

You throw your boot at me, hoping to implode my ribs. But I sit up fast--too fast as my body lets me know--and I wince as I catch your red boot under my left arm.

Right around now, I know what you expect. You expect me to give you a wink or a quick raise of the eyebrows or some kind of smile. A dramatic pause before the pain. Something to entertain the audience...and myself, if I'm honest.

But that isn't what happens.

I catch the boot with my left hand... right arm cocks back like a shotgun... a switch blade, my right hand snaps into a claw... aren't the only one who learned from him...and I was his student long before you were...

...and that claw aims directly for that soft little spot between your thighs. The one I've already abused this match. The one I'm going to continue to abuse. The one I'm never going to stop abusing.

Because I'm done trying to beat you, Punky.

Now...all I want to hurt you.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline BustyTiffany35

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #92 on: December 01, 2017, 04:07:03 PM »
I could hear her wife screaming wildly, her voice louder than the roaring crowds around us. But the sounds of her encouragement, and angry protests, along with the screams of the bloodthirsty masses seem like a million miles away.

I notice Red had calmed down a bit, having been "assisted" to his seat by the other wrestlers and attendees scattered amongst the front row. But his hulking masked figure is a distant blur in my peripherals, blending in with the rest of the crowds standing around me.

That creepy Tantulas fellow was clutching that guardrail so tightly following the "Heart Breaker" in the ring, but he became a dim shadow in the corner of my eye.

No, all these sights and sounds, they're all secondary. They're all so far away for me. I'm focused on one thing, the only thing that has my full attention is the chaos that's raging before me. These two furious angels are ripping each other apart, they've torn into each other inside the ring following the first fall and once again they're back on the cold arena floor. I watch in utter amazement as Punky pushes through the pain that's battered her body, rising to her feet to unleash more hell. She doesn't stay down - only retaliates. I stare in complete disbelief at Rowan as she somehow gets to her hands and knees, blood coating her lips, pain ravaging her body. My gawd, she's relentless, and fast. Like Dodging Bullets fast.

Everyone around and behind me leaps to their feet and screams their faces off as Punky sets up for a rib-churning punt kick.

Everyone gets a little louder when they see Rowan counter Punky's stiff kick, from outta nowhere, grabbing that thick Doc Martin before her hand shoots up between those creamy inked thighs.

I remain seated, too mesmerized by the exquisite carnage that's unfolding before me to move, completely silent and emotionless as I watch this beautiful storm continue to rage on while a single question echoes in my head over and over:

How the FUCK are these two still even breathing?
« Last Edit: December 01, 2017, 04:09:05 PM by BustyTiffany35 »


Offline ThePurpleVixen

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #93 on: December 01, 2017, 09:30:38 PM »
This WOULD'VE ended you.

Sprung your ribs, maybe cracked one. They're already punched in from the Heart Breaker. Maybe I could've hit you hard enough so you'd hear that bubbling hiss of a collapsed lung. Ever heard that, Ro? It sounds like someone boiling a pot of soup in your chest. It sounds like poison gas whispering through a vent. One kick would've ENDED this.

But you never make things simple, do you, you twisted fucking mental case.

You snap yourself out of the way of the punt kick in a way that must've fucking killed your back and ribs, and snatch my left boot.

And I don't even get time to think anything about smirks or taunts or enziguiris before you spike your right hand up into my cxnt.

There's no holding back. Your fingers are curled into claws, and they DIG into me. It's amazing exactly how little protection a thin layer Lycra provides. Sometimes I think I should wear a Shock Doctor or something like a roller derby girl. Little late for that thought now, though.

My spine curves back into an arch as the pain fucking JOLTS through me, racing along my nerves as your fingers sink with grim fucking expertise into the most sensitive spots of my most sensitive area.

Isn't that always the trouble with fighting an ex? They know how to really make it hurt.


It's a PIERCING fucking scream, so intense I'm not even aware of it at first, my head snapping back with my purple punktails whipping an arc of glittering sweat and blood flowing down my tormented face, my legs going rubbery and start to fold as I clutch desperately at your wrist to try to pry your grip off - but you have your claws fucking SUNK into my pussy, ravaging me. There's no defense for that. There's no training that makes you ready to get your pussy clawed by a madwoman in a Paris arena. I swipe wildly at your head, but I miss with my eyes watering from the pain, the overwhelming and temple-pounding pulsing PAIN -

- and much worse, from the undeniable, intense, humiliating fucking heat pulsing in my cxnt as you crush it in your fingers, drawing a throaty groan as I start to crumple in around the brutally cruel claw.
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline Rowan Chance

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #94 on: December 01, 2017, 11:22:05 PM »
The arch of your back.

The swing of your hair.

The sound of your scream.

The way your body crumples before me.

Finally... finally.

I've got you.

You fall to your knees. I'm on my knees. Your head tumbles forward. Your hands limply trying to pull my hand away. I just squeeze tighter.

"I've got you," I whisper. As my index finger begins pressing through your lycra shorts, finding the metal nub that I know is there. Pressing it between the naked flesh and my finger. Metal on your clit while the rest of my fingers dig their manicured tips into the flesh around it.

I move closer. Feeling your tented, pierced breasts through your t-shirt press into my corset. My leather corset. The same one I wore the night I...

...yes. That night.

My body presses against yours, slowly pushing it back. Forcing you to either put your hands behind you or put your shoulders to the concrete. My other hand reaches up and snakes through your hair, pulling it tight. Arching your head back. Demonstrating your powerlessness...and my power over you.

Watching your face, waiting for your eyes to roll back. Waiting for your lips to start drooling. Waiting for your body to start spasming.

All the pain in the world, focused in the tips of my fingers.

All the pleasure in the world, focused in the same place.

My lips find your throat. My teeth find that soft place, too.

"There's no more fighting," I whisper against your neck, my hot breath on your creamy pale skin. My tongue licking where I bit. "There's only one thing."

My fingers under your belly SQUEEZE tight.

"All that's surrender."

Pushing further. Bending you back...harder.

"All the wisdom gathered from endless nights in cheap roadside motels and five star luxury suites," I bite your earlobe, whispering with my dark voice. Every word a drop of poison into your ear. "Every single night, I paid attention. That was one of the reasons you loved me. I paid attention. And I knew exactly what to say...exactly what to do..."

SQUEEZE. Your pussy and your hair.

"Did you really fucking think I would only use that wisdom in the bedroom...Punky?"

And that is when I allow you to hear my laugh. My darkest laugh. The one that made your skin go all prickly. The one that made the hairs on your neck stand up. The one that melted Red into a puddle of helpless muscle and hard on.

My Witch Laugh.

"I've got you now. And your little wife is going to watch you cum all over my hand. So is Red. So is Thomas."

My hand recedes from your pussy...and SLAPS it. Like an undisciplined child.

"And then...I'm going to ruin you."


"And for all."

LVK: ...

RP: Is that a...submission hold?

LVK: ...

RP: Van Keel?

LVK: ...

RP: Van Keel's gone bye bye folks.

LVK: Good God, I need a smoke.

RP: You quit ten years ago.

LVK: Shut up.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline ThePurpleVixen

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #95 on: December 02, 2017, 05:38:18 AM »
I can take a lot of punishment in the ring.

Calli Quinn held me across her bony shoulders miles in the fucking air in a torture rack for a fucking eternity before she drove me into a car windshield, and I still ended up beating her.

Lindsay "The Dragon" Campbell wrapped me up in a figure 4 with her giant legs until my knee was almost sprung like a cheap clock, and I didn't give up then either.

My own wife snapped my ankle in an ankle lock, and I kept fighting and almost put her eyes out with my fucking thumbs (Love you, honey!).

If you'd grabbed my throat, or my wrist, or picked my leg for a kneebar, we'd be having a very different moment right now.

But no no no.

You cinched your fingers into my womanhood. And you're not just fucking mauling me. You get pussy mauled in female wrestling. It's just gonna happen. Especially in fucking Puerto Rico.

But no no no ...

... not just that ...

It was hot as fucking hell that night, and the leather you wore creaked and made slick little sounds against my naked skin.

My wrists were crossed above my head.

And you had me in your hand.

"I've got you," you'd hissed then. You held me so it hurt. But it hurt so fucking sweetly it felt like I was floating. You pressed me with your fingers and I shuddered, I writhed. Giving up all my control to you felt so fucking perfect. It felt like every fucking nerve was lit up with electrics, like I was sinking sweetly into a pool of burning caramel. Desert lightning flashed on the horizon as you pressed with a single fingertip on the titanium bead that was still fresh back then and gods above how my eyes rolled in my head, how I fucking moaned.

My knees hit the thin red mats with a jolt, ass settling on my calves as I grip at your wrist and sway back like a drunk.

My eyes flutter and my black lips part. Blood runs in cobweb crimson strands between them. Half my face is masked in it now. The breath I draw in tastes like blood and pain and sex and your leathers.

You press with your fingertip and I shudder.

I writhe.

I shake my head in protest as you press into me, your tits pressed into mine.

The smell of that hot black leather, sticky with sweat.

I shake my head again. My hand comes up, clutching for your shoulder, for your throat ... and you clutch my hair between the hanging purple tails, and crank my head back, baring my throat as my other hand slithers behind me, tape skidding on the concrete.

You squeeze me. Your fingers sink in deep and my body ...

... jolts.

My hand clutches at your neck, but it's just hanging there now, holding on.

I'm drowning.

Your whispers are barely even making it through. Maybe it's the concussion. Maybe it's the blood loss. Maybe it's the overwhelming pain.

Maybe it's just what you're saying.

Your teeth against my skin. Your tongue.

That night in the desert in your apartment I cried out so loud I hurt my throat.

You laugh in my ear and my back curves and arches, lashing me in a short whipcrack.


- nnnnnnhhh -

- nnnnno ..."

So many eyes on me. Cameras capturing the moment in immortality. Your hand ...


And the slap smacks home. Slapping my cxnt.

Sweat mists off my thighs.

Blood rains from my face as my head jerks back.

And the sugar skulls on my shorts ... glisten. Welling with heat.

I ... shudder.

And drool trickles from the corner of my black, bloody lips as I hang in your grip, shivering and jolting with my wife watching. With my friends watching. With my mentors watching. Watching me hang there on my knees, twitching ...

... like a broken toy.

LVK: Oh dear God. Can we ... are there no commercials we can cut to? Anything?

RP: No, van Keel. This is all there is.

LVK: No one ... no one should see this. This isn't right.

*the creak of an announce chair and the sound of wingtipped footsteps moving away*

RP: Larry, I ... uh. I'm sure ... he'll be back, probably just needed wine. Or somethin'. Uh. I guess Chance has Dow ... kinda ... submitted here. I don't think the ref is gonna count it, though.

This'd be a lot hotter if Meg wasn't bleedin'. But it ain't ... this ... I dunno.
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline Rowan Chance

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #96 on: December 02, 2017, 07:21:58 AM »
You're done.

Your body collapsed before me. A little spasm here or there. On your back. Legs spread. Your shorts wet. Face bloody. It's over. Mercifully, it's over. The pain. The humiliation. The pleasure. I stand up. Stand over you.

Yeah. That's right. I stand over you.

My ribs aching and my back twitching. Holding my side. Blood on my lips. But you're down and you aren't moving.

It's all over.

Not quite.

I've got plans for you, Punky. And your little wifey is going to help me bring them to fruition.

So I grab your red boot and I begin dragging you across the concrete. You leave a trail of sweat and blood behind you that even a first year Boy Scout could track. Your arms above your head, your face turned to the side. Dragging you across the concrete. Dragging you like a cross on my shoulder. Because you are.

Tom Waits sang it: "We're all chained to the world, and we all gotta pull."

I'm chained to you. But I'm going to break that chain. I'm going to break breaking you.

Breaking Punky.

* * *

I'm laying in bed, naked and sweaty. You're right there. The whole wall is a window overlooking the Vegas night sky. I touch my forehead to yours.

"I fucking love you," I whisper, my whisky voice almost hoarse. From the screaming. Holding you with trembling arms.

You have a look in your eye. That "FTW" look. A glimmer. Means you're up to no good.

I curve a smile on my lips. "What?" I ask.

That's when it all goes wrong.

* * *

I've dragged your body around the corner of the ring toward where Gemma's sitting. Your skirt hiked up around your gorgeous hips. Long legs wet and pale. Pulling your dead weight. Dragging a corpse.

I can see people screaming at me to throw you in the ring. But they don't understand.

I don't want to beat you. I want to hurt you.

I want to break you.

When I get to where your wife sits, you start to come around. So, I drop your leg and grab your purple punkytails and smash your face a few times. Then, I grab you by the shoulders and throw your torso over the top of the railing. You're still facing me, so your head is almost upside down toward Gemma.

I put my hand on your chin, forcing your back to arch even more. And I glare at Gemma.

"I told you," I say to her. "You were going to beg me to stop."

And with your back arched over the railing...your arms dead at your side...the tips of your boots touching the floor...

I glare at Gemma...

...and send my fist straight into your soft, pale belly.

Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline BustyTiffany35

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #97 on: December 02, 2017, 06:19:22 PM »
....gawd damn..

Seeing Punky like that, on her knees, suffering, battered heavily, conquered.. and humiliated. Completely, utterly humiliated. Helpless in Rowan's hands, unable to defend herself at all against her, absolutely...vulnerable. It's something, it's really something I'm not used to seeing, something that I can't bare to watch. I love and respect her so much, this is just, infuriating to see her treated like this. And all the's something that, gawd I can't deny it. Seeing her like this, it riles me up. Someone as strong as Punky, to see her like this, to watch her be taken in this manner, seeing her so powerless, so helpless..  GAWD, what the hell's the matter with me!?

Now, it's no longer that question of how these two could possibly still be fighting that's running over and over my head. No, instead, it's the image of Rowan, one hand grasping a Punkytail, her other hand crushing Punky's womanhood, her teeth sinking into that one spot on Punky's neck that makes her moan so dreamily.. All the while, Rowan's sinister yet stimulating laughter echoes in the background, surrounding their intertwined bodies..

THAT plays repeatedly in my head for a couple of long moments.

I blush real hard at what had just occurred, biting down on my lower lip, my emotions running high as I just don't know what to feel after having seen that.. But then, then it all gets real fucking dark. The whole front row section stirs alive as Rowan drags Punky's lifeless body across the concrete, dragging her tortured form over - to Gemma. Punky's laid out in front of her wife, like a prized trophy, put on display in front of the woman she loves, belonging to, unconditionally, Rowan for the moment. I stare in shock and disgust at the scene that's about to play out, not sure if Punky's even conscious at this point. Then my eyes widen, and my heart races. This doesn't seem like a match anymore - it's more of a message, a bloody, lustfully sickening message from Rowan.

No, no, fucking STOP.

My concern for Punky overwhelms every part of my thinking and I finally move - I BOLT out of seat, and I start SHOVING aside the other attendees as they start to block what's about to happen. I manage to brush past Red even, giving him a hard nudge as I move forward. I don't wanna get a good look at this - I wanna get my hands on Rowan and STOP her. There's just, there's just too many fucking people in the way, damnit!


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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #98 on: December 02, 2017, 06:55:43 PM »
Gawd damn...

I have stopped cheering and am just standing there motionless. (One benefit of a back row seat...nobody yelling at you to sit down if you stand the whole time.) It dawns on me that the hunger grumbling in my stomach is not because my last meal was before I left the States. No, this is a different kind of hunger. A hunger to see more blood...Punky's blood. A hunger to see more pain...Punky's pain. Gone is the guy who snuck in, uncomfortable with what a Rowan win would mean for Punky. He left the minute that heart punch landed to put an end to Rowan in the first round. He gave his seat to another...and now I am not even using the seat as I stand there, lusting for more. Yes Rowan...more.

Yes Rowan...


« Last Edit: December 02, 2017, 07:49:25 PM by msan71 »


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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #99 on: December 02, 2017, 07:39:03 PM »
What have I done?
What have I done?

The Mad Poetess
And the Raven-Haired Witch

One is the storm
Violent eloquence and song
A force that cannot be denied
You cannot hide
   from her wrath

The other is a sword
Deadly deliberation
Woe betide the fool
Who has denied
   her desires

What have I done?
What have I done?

Placed the two against each other
Poetry and precision
Set to illision
Wanton in their need
For destruction

What have I done?

I rise up.
Hands on the rails.
And I scream the Witch's name.
But mercy's heart has fled
Seldom defeated.
Never merciful.


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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #100 on: December 02, 2017, 09:28:07 PM »
As my fist crushes your tight abs--how you have such a sixpack when all you do is drink sixpacks, I'll never know--I hear a familiar voice calling out my name.

I don't turn my head. I'm not going to be distracted. Not now.

I just return the shout with one of my own.


I say the name like I'm spitting it out.

"I'm busy wrecking your little poetess!"

Another punch to the stomach. My next words directed at you.

"You never could face me in a sexfight, Punky."

Another punch.

"Because you..."




"Enough for me!"

RP: Yeah, uh, folks. I don't know what to say here. This is...this ain't a wrestling match anymore. This has turned into something else and I'm a wrestling announcer. I...I don't know where Larry went. But I think I'm going to join him.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #101 on: December 02, 2017, 11:11:46 PM »
I watch the action I guess you would call it with an ever growing sense of horror.

To see Rowan, no this isn?t Rowan, not the one I know. I don?t know what this is. It?s not even that evil spirit she likes to put on display at times. No, this is something....primal.

I watch as she avoids the kick and patches onto Megan?s pussy like an alligator snapping up its prey.  And Megan...

oh Megan

I?ve never seen her so out of control. So lost in pain. So swallowed up in pleasure.

The last thing I wanted to see in this fight was it to get so gawddamn personal.

Megan does something I?ve seen before in much more friendly surroundings and is out.  All that has to happen is for her to be rolled into the ring and pinned.  But that is not enough for her opponent. I refuse to call her Rowan anymore. My eyes shoot over to Tantalus as Megan is being dragged.

Congratulations Dr. Frankenstein, you have broken the laws of nature and created a monster. I hope you are properly satisfied.

Then the thing that was my Rowan lays Megan over the railing like some sick ancient sacrifice right in front of Gemma and begins laying in blows.

My mind whirls.

There is a commotion behind me. It?s Tiffany. Bless her heart she has seen enough. The look on my face begs me to help. She tries pushing through.

My hand goes out and rests on her shoulder, squeezing to get her attention. She turns and looks at me with hope. I shake my head once.

?We cannot stop this now. It has gone beyond the point of interference. If we get involved with them now in this state, they will just keep going after each other with even more ferocity. They have to end this themselves.  May God have mercy on them both.?

I don?t invoke the Lord?s name lightly. So when I do, the message gets across. For good, for bad, this is their war to wage.

Let this be their last battlefield.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2017, 11:13:42 PM by RedEnforcer »
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #102 on: December 03, 2017, 02:51:47 AM »
What happens to me isn't like getting knocked out.

I've been knocked out lots of times. Way more than my neurologist likes to think about. It's a pretty simple biological process, really, in a spooky kinda way. You get hit hard enough, usually in the head, that your brain jolts against the inside of your skullcase despite the comfy blanket of cerebrospinal fluid, and pow. Everything shuts down. It can last anywhere from just an eyeblink to long enough to worry people and have them fetch smelling salts.

This isn't like being choked or smothered out. I've got lots of experience with that, too. That's a much slower and more desperate feeling. The way your lungs burn, the way your brain tries to process things faster as it frenzies for a way out, the way your limbs get heavy. The way your senses become intensely aware - which can be kind of a problem all its own if you're being smothered, depending on how and by who ... but either way, that tends to lead to a deep and dreamless sort of sleep.

No. What you do to me is GRAY me out. You work me until my nerves give up on sending signals because they're completely fucking overloaded and just try to shut everything down. It's much fucking worse.

You crush my pussy, working it with a mocking lover's touch and a witch's cruelty, forcing my hips into jolting jerking orgasm against my fucking desires. That's another funny simple sort of biological process - no matter how much you hate someone, if they're touching you just HERE and pressing just THERE, your body just ... reacts. Again ... and again ...

... and you don't stop. Crushing me. Draining me. Nothing takes the fight out of you like an orgasm ripped out against your will - combined with the agonizing, nerve-throbbing pain of your pussy claw. Slumped on my knees. Drool trickling from my lips. Hands fallen to my sides, taped knuckles hitting the mats. And you push me back, rolling me flat. My long legs unfurl as you kneel over me, your hand dominantly crushing my helpless sex. My legs quiver as you finish me off, my eyes fluttering.

Blood running down my face, my skull paint a dripping ruin, mostly gone in a wash of sweat and blood and saliva. It'd be easy for you to roll me into the ring and pin me as cleanly as I pinned you what seems like an eternity ago, when I drove my palm through that twisted little black coal you claim is your heart. So fucking easy.

... it's always been kinda easy for you with me when it comes to sex, hasn't it?

"The fuck do you mean 'sexfighting'?" I'd asked with a wry snort and a giggle, sitting in the little bar of the VFW hall in Yuba City where we'd just performed with some scrap-dog indy fed for 40 paying customers. The beer was a buck and the old vets in their forage caps didn't give us any hassles as we sat there, probably just glad they had pretty girls to look at. We were talking about our training, our backgrounds. How we'd both been to Japan. I'd talked about being in Puerto Rico with Reckless Youth. You'd talked about sexfighting, whatever the fuck that was.

You'd just smiled that smile.

Not long later I was spread out like warm butter across the motel bed, sweatier and more exhausted than I'd ever been in life, my thighs trembling as much as they are now, my head hanging back off the bed as you straddled my hips with a casual, easy dominance.

"Ooo-oh, so ... that's ... that's what it is ..." I'd panted in a soft, throaty purr.

And you'd just smiled that smile.

And again, and again, and again ... throughout our time together. I considered myself pretty sexually experienced - active, imaginative, fit, good-giving-and-game, all that fucking stuff. Plus I'm fuckin' hot. Let's not lie. But with you?

Fuck. You could just ruin me. You could ruin ANYONE, but you just melted me, over and over.

I remembered the time in Jersey, not long before the Cheesesteak Incident in Philly. We were working a show for a regional up there headed up by an old boy who'd been a worker from a long line of workers, from the Gazelli family that went all the way back to Angelo Gazelli back in the '50s. His twin grandsons were just getting started in the biz - couple of 20 year old slabs of Italian-American beefcake, worked a classic Gazelli gimmick with the Italian flag tights and the red boots. They couldn't stop staring at you through the whole show. I caught 'em more than a few times. Apparently they were fans of your work.

I brought them back to the hotel. Both of 'em. Maybe it was a stupid idea, but what the fuck, I'd been drinking with Balls Mahoney before the show, and I was still buzzed even after wrestling a 15 minute madhouse brawl with Jessicka Havok. So I brought them back, as a present. Maybe I thought you'd get a laugh at it, we'd get the nice young boys to get naked, have a giggle, and then send 'em on their way.

Maybe not. Maybe I wanted to see what would happen.

And you showed me.

I remember that night, when you showed me what you could do ... how sex was a weapon for you, an instrument of pure control ... it flashes through me as you drag me on a slick of blood and sweat and my own trickling nectar across the mats.

The audience can't decide between shocked silence and agitated protest, the noise rolling through the Zenith like a wash of static.

You drag me up and hang me on the railing. My arms fall back, hooked over the steel as it bites into my back. My head hangs down, purple punktails soaked black in sweat and blood nearly brushing the floor. Gemma's behind me.

Dreamy and barely conscious, I give her a crooked smile, and start to tell her everything will be okay.

And your fists crash into me.

Sweat mists off me, my body jerking and jolting.

There's no defense. My hands are dangling behind me, my body totally open, my legs splayed, resting on my bootheels like I'm hung in the stocks. You don't even need to be good at punching to hurt me. Your fists crushing into my body, pounding my tits, slamming me in the dripping cxnt just to watch me spasm.

I just hang there, in the gray.

I hear the voices. Tiffany, my darling sheriff, trying to get to me. Thomas, the sculptor in his last desperation trying to stop his beautiful creation from destroying everything. Red, his voice a low rumble. And Gemma. Beautiful Gemma. Seeing her upside down through shudders of breathless pain as blood runs down my face and drips near her expensive shoes.

She looks so fucking beautiful tonight.
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline Rowan Chance

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #103 on: December 03, 2017, 04:16:25 AM »
I see you laying across the railing, your arms splayed out and your head fallen back. You are so far bent that your shirt is up along your sweet breasts, almost showing off the sportsbra you always wear under your punk rock t-shirt. Your pale, creamy skin is the perfect palette for ink. And I've seen every inch of the canvas.

"The fuck do you mean sexfighting?"

I'm eating an awful hot dog. Stale bread, stinking of stale hot dog water. The only salvation is smearing the whole thing with as many condiments as I can find. Considering this cheap place, we were lucky they didn't charge us for little packets.

We've been talking. You think I'm like you: a street kid who got into wrestling because it was her only choice. Well, to be honest, it was my only choice. Growing up with three brothers who worshipped the Four Horsemen, you've got no choice but to be a wrestling fan. And even when I spent two years in Tantalus' sexfighting league, I couldn't wait to get to wrestling school.

But sitting with you here, talking for hours, I learned more in one night than I did after six months of school. Dangling our feet off the ring apron like school girls, trading stories and secrets.

And that night, I showed you a secret.

And looking at you now, I remember that night. Your head off the bed, pale skin covered in sweat.

I distinctly remember a "Wow..." that made me giggle.

Made me giggle. I hadn't done that since I was a little girl, listening to Ric Flair promos.

And we spent all that year together. Our notorious tag team, the Daughters of Darkness, using Halestorm's song as our entrance music. We'd gone from promotion to promotion, winning and losing titles. My body was starting to ache from keeping up with you. I couldn't imagine someone doing this for years. But at night, you eased all those pains away with knowing fingers. Kneeling on my ass, erasing all those pains with your wise fingers.

And then there was Philadelphia.

We got invited to one of Tommy Dreamer's ECW reunion shows and of course we had to go. You were giddy like a school girl. I'd never seen you like that. On the drive from Atlanta to Philly, you couldn't stay still.

The show was everything you dreamed it would be. The place stunk like piss and vomit and blood. The beer was cheap and the food was terrible. But the wrestling...well, that couldn't be argued with.

But afterward, you insisted on a Tony Luke's big, each, with Cheez Whiz. And then you dragged me down to Pagano's for the Big Slice, huge double-sized slices of cheese pizza. You put them together and called it a Philly taco.

"Cheeze Whiz?" I asked. "You know they can't even legally call that food."

You grinned, slick of oil on your chin and bright caution orange cheese on your cheek, chewing with evident glee as you leaned against the windshield of the rental car, sitting on the hood.

"An' Cheez Whiz is good. You c'n use it to stop barbed wire rips from bleedin'." You were happy.

"You know," I said. "There's Talula's Garden just around the corner. And if you can't afford it, I'll take..." Pause. Full stop.

The credit card was still a fresh wound. And I just poured salt on it.

Your eyes got angry and dark.

"Y'know ... this is fine. I'm fine like this. This is what I ate during every fuckin' pass through Philly I've done. An' I got paid enough on some of these to buy PLENTY of fancy shit."

You take another bite, almost vengefully, cheap knuckle meat and orange cheez and soft white bread tearing juicily. "But why would I fuckin' waste money on sittin' in some place that thinks candles an' 40 dollar chicken means classy when I c'n buy a Philly taco and save the rest'a my money?"

That was when the first cracks started to show. The credit card. The ECW show. I loved you. I loved you so much. But...

You're still over the railing. And all those memories rushing up to me.

Trying to make me weak. Trying to keep me from doing what I have to do. What I came here to do.

Destroy Punky.

I send another shot to your abdomen and look at Gemma as I do.

"What's her name?" I ask.

Another punch. My glare fixed on Gemma.


Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: One Dark Night in Paris: Punky vs Rowan Chance, 2 out of 3 Falls NHB
« Reply #104 on: December 03, 2017, 05:05:16 PM »
I thought the first fall was insanity. 

This is worse.  No art, technique, or craft here.  Just a primal, visceral (in the most literal sense) bloodletting.  An elemental struggle on the molecular level; the kind of fight Punky has owned since I've known her.  Rowan's made a bad choice to fight her this way...

But, Punky... shatters. Her essence torn out of her for all of us to see... and the husk draped in front of Gemma. Not as a solace, but as a trophy.  Some big blonde is up and trying to get through.  Perfect.  I can use her for blocking... maybe slip past her and get down there... help her.  Somehow... if only this luchador wannabe would move... "Get out of my WAY, you over-medicated doorstop... that's Punky down there!  She's being obliterated!"   But then I see the eyes in the mask... he's as terrified as we are... and the softness in his voice... oh, god, this ISN'T going to happen.. is it?  And Rowan's voice brings me back a bit from the void of despair swallowing us up (so help me, if that bastard Tantalus is working some sort of mind game, there will be HELL indeed to pay!), taunting Gemma... I can't stop my voice; I don't want to.

"Her name is PUNKY, you ice-cold WHORE!  PUNKY!  And if I get the chance EVER, I will use your entrails to write it on your plasticene CORPSE!"
You little bimbos can bite me!