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Who will win the catfight?

10 (52.6%)
9 (47.4%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Voting closed: October 30, 2008, 02:32:36 AM

neighbor catfight poll story

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neighbor catfight poll story
« on: October 23, 2008, 03:32:36 AM »
Shirley is 37 years old, 5'4" and about 200 pounds. Despite the weight, she has a very pretty face with short brown hair and is very curvy and feminine with very large breasts and a sexy curvy butt. She also has very sexy, perfectly pedicured feet with her toenails painted a bright red.
Melissa is Shirley's new neighbor and has just moved into the neighborhood. Melissa is 28 years old, 5'7" and about 130 pounds. She has long black hair, a very pretty face, large firm breasts, a sexy midriff, long sexy legs, also pretty pedicured feet with her toenails painted a dark red, and a tight little sexy butt.

After Melissa moves in, Shirley begins to notice that every morning as her husband is walking out to his car to leave for work, Melissa is walking out of her own house dressed to go jogging in a sports bra and some biker shorts. Every morning, she stops in front of Shirley's house and calls out to Shirley's husband and makes some brief conversation as she does some warm-up stretches in front of Shirley's mailbox. Shirley just happens to notice this one morning as she is looking out the window. After a few weeks, she points it out to her husband and he tells Shirley not to worry about it that he has no interest in Melissa. And Shirley believes her husband but she still is infuriated that Melissa would be showing off her body to her husband while stretching every morning and making flirty conversation.

One morning, Shirley decides to follow her husband to his car to see if that will help the situation. So, Shirley walks out with her husband, carrying his lunch. As he gets to his car, she kisses him passionately goodbye and hands the lunch to him. Melissa is stretching by the mailbox just like every other morning. She completely ignores Shirley and begins talking to her husband as usual. Shirley is enraged and spins around to face Melissa. "Excuse me, but I would appreciate if you would find someone else's husband to put your body on display for," Shirley says. Melissa turns her head toward Shirley and looks at her as if she has just noticed the other woman standing there. She looks Shirley up and down and says, "Look, he has to spend all day looking at your big flabby butt and fat thunder thighs. The least I can do is let him enjoy a real woman's body for a minutes every morning." Shirley takes a step toward Melissa, "If you don't leave my husband alone, I'll show you what a real woman does to little skanks like you." Melissa also takes a step toward Shirley. The women stand face-to-face with their breasts nearly touching, Shirley in a denim skirt and a t-shirt and sandals and Melissa wearing her sports bra, biker shorts, and tennis shoes. Melissa looks down at Shirley's massive boobs. "Your breasts are just a little bigger than mine, but I guarantee that mine are firmer than your fat saggy boobs have ever been in your life. I bet your husband would like to feel the difference," Melissa taunts. Shirley takes another step forward until her large breasts are pressed against Melissa's. "If you don't shut up, I'm going to shut you up," Shirley threatens. "Bring it on, Thunder Thighs!" Melissa responds as she slaps Shirley hard across the face. Shirley is shocked and takes a step back, rubbing her face. Melissa thinks she has won the encounter and turns to smile at Shirley's husband. With her attention diverted, Melissa is completely blind-sided as Shirley retaliates with a sharp backhand across Melissa's face. Melissa cries out and staggers back several steps.

Vote above for who you think will win this catfight and remember to leave any comments that you have. I will try to write out the story as the poll progresses.



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Re: neighbor catfight poll story
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2008, 05:19:18 PM »
The voting is really close right now, but Shirley is winning. So I am writing a little bit of the catfight with some back and forth action. Remember to keep voting and leave any comments that you have.

Melissa regains her senses after the back-hand from Shirley and charges her older rival. Shirley is also charging and the two collide in a fury of punching and slapping and hair-pulling. Melissa eventually gains the upper-hand and slams her knee hard into Shirley's belly. She then grabs Shirley's short dark hair and slings her hard to the ground, face first into the dirt. Melissa straddles Shirley's back and maintains the grip on her hair with both hands. Shirley's sandals have come off her feet in the struggle and now her sexy feet dig furiously into the dirt attempting to gain some traction so that she can shake Melissa off of her back. Melissa begins to slam Shirley's face down into the dirt. She then pushes Shirley's pretty face into the lawn and begins to rub it into the dirt. Shirley begins to cough and spew as dirt fills her mouth and nose. Melissa then stands to her feet and grabs Shirley's t-shirt and yanks it up over her head, pinning her arms so that she cannot fight back. Melissa then steps back and begins to kick Shirley hard in the side with her tennis shoe. Shirley's cries are muffled by the shirt over her head. After three hard kicks, Melissa pulls the shirt completely off of Shirley and throws it to the ground, leaving Shirley's massive breasts held in only by her white bra. She looks down at her rival who is now laying on the ground clutching her side as tears stream down her dirty cheek. "Wow, that was easier than I thought, Thunder Thighs," Melissa taunts. Shirley whimpers through her tears, "No fair. Take off your tennis shoes, skank. Fight fair." "Oh, Thunder Thighs wants a fair fight," Melissa mocks as she sits down on the grass and removes her tennis shoes and her socks. She stands back to her feet now barefoot. She then walks over to Shirley who is still lying on the ground and begins to jerk Shirley's denim skirt off of her sexy butt and down her thick legs, revealing Shirley's white cotton panties. "Let's get this skirt off of Thunder Thighs before she starts complaining that she can't move as good as I can," Melissa taunts. After removing the skirt, Melissa looks down at her older rival's thick legs and remarks, "Wow, those really are thunder thighs you have there," as she kicks Shirley's right thigh with her now bare foot. "We want a fair fight now," Melissa says, "so, Thunder Thighs, you let me know when you're ready to continue. For now, your husband can enjoy looking at my body while his fat wife catches her breath." Melissa smiles at Shirley's husabnd and licks her lips. Shirley stands slowly to her feet and glares at Melissa. "You will not humiliate me in front of my husband," Shirley says fighting back her tears. Melissa laughs. "I just knocked your fat flabby butt down on the ground, rubbed your ugly face into the dirt until you started to cry and then stripped you down to your underwear out here on your front lawn. How much more humiliation can you take, Thunder Thighs?"

Shirely cannot contain her anger after hearing this and she lets out a battle yell and charges her younger rival. Shirley slams into Melissa and knocks her hard to the ground with Shirley straddling her. Shirley lands a flurry of hard punches to Melissa's head and she is dazed. Shirley then pins Melissa's arms to her sides with her knees and sits back on Melissa's belly as she begins to pummel Melissa's large breasts. "Let me see if I can soften up these firm boobs that you're so proud of," Shirley screams as she slams her fists as hard as she can into Melissa's big breasts. Melissa howls in pain. Shirley then leans forward and slams her massive boobs themselves, clad in her white bra, hard down on top of Melissa's firm breasts. "Let's see whose boobs dominate whose," Shirley taunts as she slams her large boobs on Melissa's repeatedly. Shirley then grabs two handfuls of Melissa's long black hair and pulls her head up into her huge breasts for a smother. Melissa's arms and legs flail wildly but she cannot get the big curvy woman off of her. After several moments, Melissa is nearly motionless and Shirley lets up on her victim, sitting back on her belly once more. Melissa is now the one in tears, gasping for breath. Shirley stands to her feet and begins to rub her sexy foot all over Melissa's face, smearing the younger woman's cheeks and nose and mouth with the dirt that was on her foot. "Let's see how you like dirt all over your pretty face," Shirley mocks. She then brings her pretty foot to rest over Melissa's mouth and commands, "Kiss it, skank!" Melissa turns her head to the side and whimpers, "Never." With Melissa's head turned, Shirley sexy foot is resting on Melissa's right cheek and her left cheek is facing the ground. Shirley leans her weight down on her pretty foot pinning Melissa's cheek to the ground. "By the time I'm done with you, little girl, you'll not only kiss my feet but you'll lick the dirt off of them until they are clean," Shirley threatens with a smile.

Remember to vote and please leave comments about what you think about how the fight is progressing so far and who you think will win and why.



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Re: neighbor catfight poll story
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2008, 02:48:11 AM »
The voting is still pretty close, but Shirley is still winning, so here is more of the fight.

Shirley removes her sexy foot from Melissa's face and reaches down and pulls the younger woman to her feet by her hair. But as she is being pulled up, Melissa slams her fist hard into Shirley's big belly. Shirley loses her grip on Melissa's hair as she doubles over. Melissa then slams her knee up into the larger woman's belly. Shirley slumps to the ground and Melissa once again forces her older rival face-down on the ground and straddles her back. She starts rubbing Shirley's face into the dirt again. "Eat some grass, you fat cow!" Melissa screams. Shirley begins choking as her mouth and nose once again fill with dirt. Melissa then turns around to face the older woman's big curvy butt in her white cotton panties. She smiles up at Shirley's husband and asks, "How would you like to see your big fat wife get her flabby butt spanked?" Without waiting for an answer, she begins smacking Shirley's big sexy butt as hard as she can. The air is soon filled with the loud smack of Melissa's hand on the soft flesh of Shirley's butt cheeks and the painful yelps of the older woman. After several moments, Shirley's butt is glowing red and her yelps have changed into a steady sob. Melissa stands to her feet and kicks Shirley in the side. "Get up, Thunder Thighs, I'm not through with you yet," she taunts.

Shirley slowly stands to her feet once again and wipes dirt and tears from her face. Melissa looks the older woman up and down and then says, "You know, fat girl, you're so fat and ugly, the only thing you have going for you are those big boobs and they're so flabby and saggy, I don't even know why your husband stays around." Melissa reaches out and slaps Shirley's massive left breast causing it to jiggle in her white bra. Shirley has had enough and she sends a hard right fist into Melissa's big, firm left breast. Melissa cries out and staggers back a few steps. Shirley charges in and slams her left fist into Melissa's sexy midriff. The younger woman doubles over in pain and Shirley grabs her by the hair and slams her knee into Melissa's pretty face. She then roughly pushes the younger woman to the ground face-down and straddles her back. She reaches down with both hands and grabs two handfuls of Melissa's long dark hair and pulls back as hard as she can, snapping Melissa's head back. Melissa screams out, but Shirley maintains the hold, pulling her head back in a modified camel-clutch by her hair. Shirley continues to jerk back on the younger woman's head with all her might as Melissa begins crying uncontrollably, nearly passing out from the pain.

Remember to vote. And please leave some comments so I'll know how if the story is any good. And also, leave any comments about who you think should win and why.


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Re: neighbor catfight poll story
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2008, 05:57:40 PM »
I thing that Shirley is goign to have a very humiliating ending and for the first time she woudl be beaten and get spanked on her big ass with everyone looking.




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Re: neighbor catfight poll story
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2008, 09:48:40 PM »
I think Shirley will beat and humiliate her skanky neighbor.



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Re: neighbor catfight poll story
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2008, 09:53:58 PM »
Thanks for the comments. The poll is tied right now, so we need some more votes. And be sure to leave more comments.



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Re: neighbor catfight poll story
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2008, 07:25:37 AM »
The poll was really close this time and Shirley only won by 1 vote. So, below I am posting the end of the catfight with Shirley winning. But, because the vote was so close, if anyone is interested, I am willing to post an alternative ending with Melissa winning the catfight. So, if anyone would prefer to read that ending, just post a reply here and I'll add that ending as well.

Shirley releases Melissa's hair and the younger woman lies face-down on the ground crying as the older woman stands to her feet. Shirley puts her foot on the back of Melissa's head and pushes her face into the dirt. "Now, skank, I'm going to show you just how much thunder is in these thighs," Shirley says as she sits on the ground next to the younger woman and then pulls Melissa's head in between her big thick thighs and begins to squeeze. Melissa flails her arms and scratches at Shirley's sexy legs, but the older woman's thick thighs are too strong. After several minutes of struggle, a frustrated and worn out Melissa begins to beg for mercy. "Please. Let go. You win. Please," she whimpers. Shirley releases her opponent and Melissa lies on her back crying. Shirley then straddles Melissa's belly and slaps her in the face. "Who is the better woman?" she asks. "You are," Melissa sobs. Shirley then leans forward, pushing her big sexy boobs into the younger woman's face. "Who has the best boobs?" she asks. "You do," Melissa sobs. "Kiss them," Shirley commands and the younger woman obeys. Shirley then stands to her feet and begins to rub her sexy right foot all over Melissa's face, smearing dirt from her foot across the younger woman's tear-stained cheeks. "Kiss my foot, skank," the older woman commands. Melissa begins to kiss it. After a few moments, Shirley commands again, "Lick it. I want it completely clean." Melissa brings her tongue out of her mouth and begins to lick the dirt from the better woman's foot. Once all the dirt has been licked from her sole, Shirley gives a new command, "Now, lick out between my toes." Melissa moves her tongue in and out between the older woman's pretty toes. Finally, Shirley shoves her big toe into the humiliated woman's mouth, "Now, suck my toes clean." Melissa sucks all the dirt off each of the sexy toes of Shirley's right foot. When she is finished, Shirley looks down and examines her pretty foot. "Well, little skank, you did a good job. Now, clean my other foot." Shirley shoves her dirty left foot onto the beaten woman's face. About five minutes later, Melissa has finished cleaning the older woman's left foot with her tongue. Shirley smiles over at her husband as she places her sexy right foot on the defeated woman's chest and strikes a victory pose. "Take a picture, honey," Shirley says, and her husband takes out his cell phone and gets a shot of the victory pose. Shirley then leans down over the humiliated Melissa's face and threatens her. "If I ever see you around my husband again, I will beat you down again, only next time, I won't stop until there is nothing left." Shirley then walks over to her husband smiling. He reaches up and wipes dirt from her cheek and lips and then kisses her deeply as he reaches back and squeezes her sexy curvy butt cheeks. He then puts his arm around his wife and begins to lead the better woman back to their house. "I'm going to call in a sick day," he says, "then, we'll get you all cleaned up and spend the day celebrating your victory." After Shirley and her husband enter their house, Melissa slowly rises to her feet, still crying. She gathers up her tennis shoes and begins to limp back to her own home, defeated, humiliated, and alone.


the game

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Re: neighbor catfight poll story
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2008, 04:29:37 PM »
I would love to read the other ending, and have melissa humiliate shirley



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Re: neighbor catfight poll story
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2008, 06:43:50 PM »
Here is the ending with Shirley losing.

Shirley releases Melissa's hair and stands to her feet. "How does it feel to be dominated by the better woman?" the older woman taunts. Melissa slowly rises to her feet. "I haven't met a better woman yet," Melissa replies. "I'm done playing with you, Thunder Thighs," the younger woman says. "It's time to end this." Melissa charges forward and punches Shirley hard in the mouth. The bigger woman staggers back and Melissa slams her knee up between her legs. Shirley grabs her crotch and sinks to the ground on her knees. Melissa steps back and then kicks Shirley in the face. This sends the larger woman to the ground on her back. Melissa walks up and slams her foot down hard on Shirley's belly and then rubs her sexy dirty foot all over the older woman's face. Melissa then straddles her rival's belly and begins scratching at Shirley's massive breasts. Her fingernails making long claw marks into the boob flesh exposed by Shirley's white bra. The older woman screams out in pain. Melissa then leans down and bites into Shirley's huge left breast. Shirley howls in pain, kicking her legs furiously. Melissa doesn't let up and turns her head to bite down into Shirley's right large breast as well. Melissa smiles down at her shocked rival. "Well, Thunder Thighs, your husband won't be enjoying those flabby boobs of yours for a while without seeing these scratch and bite marks and remembering how his wife got her big fat butt humiliated by me," the younger woman laughs. Melissa then pulls the older woman's head into her own firm breasts to smother her. She holds tightly as Shirley kicks and her arms flail for several minutes until finally she releases the older woman who begins gasping for air with her tongue hanging out of her mouth and tears streaming down her cheeks. Melissa leans her firm breasts over Shirley's head to begin to smother her again but the older woman cries out in mercy. "Please! I give. You win. No more. Please. Please." Melissa sits back on Shirley's belly and basks in her victory, secretly relieved that the battle is finally over. Melissa slaps the older woman's face. "Who is the better woman?" "You are," Shirley sobs. "Who has the best boobs?" "You do," Shirley sobs. "Well, Thunder Thighs, before you said that I would not humiliate you in front of your own husband. Now, I have to prove you wrong." With that, she yanks Shirley up onto her knees in front of her husband by her short dark hair. "After having to spend all night with your big fat flabby butt and your ugly saggy boobs, I'm sure that you are glad that your husband gets to see my beautiful body every morning before he leaves for work. Tell him that you want him to enjoy seeing my beautiful body every morning." Shirley hesitates and Melissa yanks her short hair hard. Shirley cries out and then sobs, "I want you to enjoy seeing her every morning." "Now tell him that you are just a big fat ugly cow." Shirley sobs, "I'm just a big fat ugly cow." "Good, fat girl, now Moo!" Melissa taunts. Shirley begins mooing through her tears. Melissa pushes the larger woman face down on the ground and rubs her face into the dirt. "Eat grass, you fat cow!" Melissa smiles fiendishly at Shirley's husband as she says, "Just one thing left. We need to make sure that Thunder Thighs has learned her lesson and so she needs a good spanking to remember this by." With that, Melissa pulls Shirley's white cotton panties down off of her big curvy butt cheeks. She then begins smacking Shirley's butt and thighs as hard as she can. After several minutes, Shirley's butt and thighs are glowing red with prints of Melissa's hand. Shirley is sobbing uncontrollably and her butt cheeks and thighs are quivering from the beating. Melissa stands to her feet and then completely removes the white cotton panties from Shirley's legs. She reaches down to the cell phone that is clipped to her biker shorts and hands it to Shirley's husband. "Take a picture so I can remember my victory," she says as she places her sexy foot on Shirley's spanked butt and holds the panties over her head in a victory pose. Shirley's husband reluctantly takes the picture and hands the phone back to Melissa. She then walks up to him and says, "If you ever want a real woman you know where I live." Melissa then picks up her tennis shoes and begins to walk home. After a moment, she turns back smiling and waves Shirley's white cotton panties in front of her like a trophy, "I'm going to keep these for a souvenir." After Melissa walks back to her own yard, Shirley's husband kneels down by his wife's side. He tries to wipe away some of the dirt and tears from her cheek and he kisses her gently. "I'm going to call in a sick day to work, then we're going to get you cleaned up and taken care of." He helps Shirley to her feet and leads his beaten and humiliated wife back into their home.