Neat, I'd often considered such "plucked from their own space and time and put into a forced match", notably (though not only) with "Star Trek" characters, but I'd never thought of this in tag-team terms... until now !
My choice:
Uhura & Rand vs. Troi and Crusher (with emphasis on Troi and Uhura, and Crusher and Rand, mainly facing each other...) and I'd give it to the original series pair !
P.S.: I don't know if you meant to, and for this reason, but that shot of Uhura... from the "Mirror, mirror" universe: that would make her just that much nastier to contend with (yes, I know, in that episode, it's actually Uhura "prime" that we see in that hotter-still get-up, but say, here, it's the actual "evil opposite" of her... hmmm...)