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Fight Night in LA - "Unbreakable" Rowan Chance vs "The Platinum Queen" Tiffany

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Offline BustyTiffany35

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My hand's within reaching distance. Fingers about to tighten around the bottom rope. Then, I pause, and look up. And turn my face over my shoulder to glare at ya.

In my younger days (signs) I would have actually believed your trash talk. I would have listened and tried to oblige ya and break outta this hold on my own. And risk severe or even permanent injury in the process. In my younger days I would have actually believed whatever nonsense was dribbling outta your mouth at the moment and been foolish enough to take the bait. But I'm not that woman anymore. I'm a lot older (sighs) now and far more wiser than that naive lil' hot-head that used to run around the Indies proving how tough she is and how much Fighting Spirit she had.

The reality is, I can't get outta this hold on my own. I'm not a top-level elite grappler like Callista Quinn, so I wouldn't even know how to begin to slip outta a move like this. The only clear escape is a rope break and sugah if ya wanna make me feel like shit for grabbing the rope, just know that ya didn't make me tap. Do ya still think you're the better wrestler?

And if ya think going for a rope break means you're too much for me, that it is taking the easy road out, then ya really gotta reassess some things about yourself, Ms.Eye-Raker. 

The reality is, I can't show the world who the "better wrestler" is if I'm stuck like this, with her YANKING, PULLING, TUGGING and TWISTING away on my poor leg.

I'm gettin' too old for this shit, Chance.

So I turn my face over my shoulder to shoot ya a glare. It's a look that's clouded with pain and weariness, but a look that's boiling hot with anger. With fury. With promises of hurting ya so badly you'll need another three doctors to clear ya to wrestle yet again.


I turn back to the rope and grab it.

Not even looking back I growl at the ref who's still hovering close to us,"GET HER THE FUCK OFF OF ME. NOW."

I clutch that bottom rope until my knuckles start to turn white. My other hand reaches a lil' further, grabbing onto the edge of the apron. I wait for the ref to tell Chance to untangle herself from me. I know Viceroy refs, they'll get physical if they have to and this one's ready to yank Chance off of me if she needs to. And once my legs are untangled, I'm gonna pull myself out and slide outta the ring for a much-needed breather. Rest this leg, get it back into working condition, then get back in there and kick her fuckin' head in.


Offline MeganMuscleBarbie

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Mmmmm!  This is delicious!


Offline Rowan Chance

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You reach the ropes, squeezing them for all you're worth. Screaming at me.

I laugh at you. Yes... I laugh at you.

The referee tells me to break the hold. "I've got a four count," I hiss at her.

So, she starts counting.


I TWIST that ankle of yours again. Digging my fingernails into the skin. Those ligaments under the skin taking so much pressure, wanting to pop.


You can feel the lateral and medial ligaments almost getting torn from their roots.


I'm counting along with her. Taunting both you and her. Rolling my eyes as she counts. I don't want your ligaments sprained...I want them TORN.


Last chance. I TUG hard on your ankle as I twist it. Make sure you can't walk on that bitch for a month without limping. I even throw an elbow down, right on the tip, right under the bone that lets your ankle pivot. Just to make sure.

Then, I raise my hands and kick my legs, making sure one heel hits you in the ass on your way out of the ring.

"GET OUT OF MY RING, BITCH!" I shout at you as you skedaddle out. Falling down to the floor. I push myself up to my feet and raise my arms.


I watch you out of the corner of my eye, making note of where you fall as I prance around the referee.

"Count slower next time," I whisper at her, smirking. "And I'll give you a kiss backstage."

She glares at me and starts her count on you. Ten count to get back into the ring.

The crowd boos and jeers. Let them. That's why they paid to get in here. To boo and jeer at me.

But they're not going to get what they really want. Because what they really want is to see me lose.

And I'm not losing tonight, Tiff. Not to a blonde bimbo like you.

Like I said, I'm keeping my eye on you. Making note of where you are outside the ring. Because if you get within any kind of reach, I'm gonna make sure the ref has to restart that count of hers.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline BustyTiffany35

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This is the part in the story where the heroine is lured into a trap by the villain and is promptly captured. The villain takes her away to a remote location where she ties her up, trusses her with near inescapable knots, and locks her into a Death Trap. The villain thinks she has our heroine and confidently leaves her to her demise, but our plucky heroine escapes by the skin of her teeth..

Once you've dislodged yourself from my legs, I manage to frantically pull myself out and away from ya, screaming the whole time. That last vicious tug and that sharp elbow to the back of my booted ankle gets me to cry out with heavy abandon. Ya even sneak in a short kick to my backside which I do not appreciate, but it does send me on my way out. I slam bodily into the mats lining up along the ringside floor, laid out in a crumbled heap, clutching at my strained ankle almost immediately. Finally, I'm free - but at quite the cost.

I hear ya laughing from inside the ring at me and I just wanna punch ya in the throat.

I can't really do that, though. Can't really do anything at the moment. I must look like a real hot mess right about now: curled up into a fetal ball by the foot of the ring, my pain-wrought face buried in the mats, platinum hair outta its ponytail now tousled about, bare shoulders trembling, soft sobs retching from behind clenched teeth. Gawd, this hurts..

My fingers gently fondle my brutalized ankle, feeling as if it's hanging by the thinest thread. Those fingertips graze the tenderized tendons that Chance maliciously twisted on just moments ago, the pain so fresh and seething hot. Those tendons feel like they're being stabbed at by jagged daggers anytime I run my fingers along my ankle. Everyone watching can see me visibly wincing, they can see me bite down hard into my lower lip to stifle a whimper. I bite down so hard I can almost taste blood. I lay there for a long moment, just holding my ankle, breathing fast, moaning loud and hard.


The ref's voice booms out from inside the ring, and everyone can see me twitch, see my neck crane and my head tilt back. Eyes are wary, watery, marred with pain and slow comprehension. Ref's starting her ten count, I realize. Her voice carries over the noise of the audience. The crowds watch as I slowly, painfully, drag myself up.


Everyone watches me get to my feet, seeing me twitch and tremble as I put pressure on my hurting ankle. They see me use the side of the ring for assistance, pulling on the apron skirt as if my life depended on it. They watch my strain to get upright, watch me hobble about on my "good" foot for a brief moment.


They see the pain written clearly across my flustered face, the struggle it took just to get both my legs under me, as well the time I had taken just to stand. I'm not lookin' too good at the moment, to all who's watching - the crowds of fans, the counting ref, Rowan - they all see that I ain't lookin' great at all. They obviously see the toughness, the relentlessness, tenacity that I possess for even being able to stand back up -

"Four! ..Five! ..Six!"

- but what they all clearly see is that I'm hurt. They all see the damage this unbreakable woman, this harlot, this villain had caused me in such a short amount of time. Just looking at my sorry state right now is clear evidence of that. But they all put their concerns aside to watch me turn to the inside of the ring, glaring vehemently at the dark-haired beauty brimming with confidence, smiling with such a boisterous amount of smugness that it makes me wanna suplex her through a window.

"Seven! ..Eight! Nin--!!"

Everyone watches as I grab hold of the bottom rope again, this time, to try and pull my big, busty and battered body back into the ring rather than to drag myself out. And they all see me tremble with agony, crying out in pain as I fold my legs beneath me, my damaged ankle sliding against the stiff edge of the ring. I get another hand to grip the middle rope to balance me as I kneel on the apron, leaning against the ropes for support, chest heaving, breathing hard and heavy. Everyone's sharing the same point of view and opinion of me right 'bout now and it's not a positive one - they must all be thinkin' I'm in trouble. Very deep trouble.

Rowan's already moving forward, advancing quickly, ready to make the pretty ref restart her ten count. She's got an attack planned already and she's looking to execute it. I feel her shadow looming over me, and it takes all my willpower to keep the grin from showing on my lips.

..just a lil' closer.. wait til' she's right on ya.. wait right until she attacks, then - counter, grab her, and hurt her.

Everyone watches as Rowan descends on me, and everyone, Chance included, at the very last second realizes that, yes, I am genuinely hurting - but I ain't hurting that severely. The damage is wretched, it's dreadful, it's debilitating. But it's not fatal. Yet, at least. I'm hurt, but not hurt to the point where I cannot retaliate, 'cause I still can. I can still fight, I can still beat ya, Rowan. Bad ankle and all, I'm gonna. Up until this point I led em' all on, made y'all believe I was in such dire peril, that Rowan had me right where she wanted me. Even took a lil' extra time out on the floor, made my cries a bit louder, played up that I was worse than I really am. Just so that I could draw the villain in close, real close, into a trap of my own.

This is the part of the story where the villain thinks she has our heroine..

« Last Edit: March 10, 2018, 07:52:09 PM by BustyTiffany35 »


Offline Rowan Chance

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I give you just enough time. Just enough time to feel the pain ease up. I know pain. I know it very, very well. And I know exactly how much time to give you. Enough time for you to figure you can walk on it again. Enough time to think you can get back into this fight.

But that's where you're wrong. You were never in this fight.

You thought this was a wrestling match. Oh, honey. That's not what it is at all.

This is me showing the world that I'm back. Showing the world that Megan didn't break me. Nobody can break me. Least of all a big-titted blonde bimbo.

And when I'm through with you, they're gonna be scraping you up off the mat with a shovel, Tiff.

This isn't a wrestling match. This is an assault. And since I'm who I am, it's armed assault. With a deadly weapon. And that deadly me.

So, I step over to where you're at, just on the other side of the ropes. Grabbing at your hair. That long, luscious blonde hair. Just so I can force you to look into my eyes. Because I want you to see what's behind them.

No mercy.

I'm not the Rowan you met before Paris, Tiff.

I'm something else entirely.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline BustyTiffany35

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My thick, wavy, platinum tresses now drape over my face and shoulders in a tousled cascade, wildly flowing down the length of my back having come loose from its ponytail. My silver-blonde hair's a big disheveled mess, and now, your fingers have sunk into them. Clutching my mane as tightly as ya do makes me wince, makes my scalp cry out in biting pain, causes tears to sting my eyes. But all those lil' pains and aches are trivial, they don't matter. I want this, I need ya to be this close to me. Grab my hair as hard as ya want, baby. Pull it real tight. Talk some more smack to me, why don't ya. Keep thinkin' I'm all yours. Keep believin' that, sugah. Your fingers tighten in my hair and with a harsh pull, ya twist my head back, forcing me to look up at ya.

And, I freeze.

The Viceroy ceiling shines with expansive white lights that frame your head, a dark shadow masking your cold, beautiful face as your eyes stare right back down into mine. Those eyes... they send chills down my spine. My mind was racing as fast as a SVR Coupe until they slammed dead into that daunting, impenetrable, reinforced vibranium roadblock of your eyes. I can't think, can't move, everything goes blank, goes cold as a February morning. It's all because of those eyes, those cruel, unnerving eyes, telling me - SWEARING to me - that you're gonna hurt me. That all ya care about is hurting me. You'll hurt me bad, with no remorse, no mercy. 

I shudder in your grip, and for that moment, as ya hold my hair and keep me on my knees and make me look into your soulless eyes, my heart begins to sinks in my chest. A tsunami of apprehension grip me, tightly, swallowing me up whole. Hopelessness and doubt start to haunt my thoughts, every pain and ache that I've ignored now burn alive, screaming vengefully across my battered body. I suddenly lose my breath, it's becoming difficult to focus. My knees dig a lil' deeper into the hard edge of the ring, my lower lip quivers, my hands reach desperately for the hands that are tangled in my tousled hair. Your grip, it's unflinching, like iron fists they keep me from moving. Your death stare continues to burrow into me, making me feel so vulnerable, so exposed.. so pathetic. And the more I stare into the darkness, the more your familiarity is lost on me. I could barely even recognize ya, Rowan. There were moments back in Paris when I'd look at ya and just stop and stare, wondering with ghostly astonishment just what the actual FUCK you really are. I questioned whether you were even human, and now, in this very moment, I'm getting that answer, and it scares me. It's real fuckin' scary.

And it's exactly what I wanted.

My knees tremble only for the moment before they go stiff, pushing down against the apron. My lips quiver, but only for a second before they curve into scowl as my teeth grinds inside my mouth. My claws dig into your hands that are still buried in my hair, cracking the flesh. And my eyes, whatever semblance of fear that lingered in them is gone, replaced with fury. They burn back into yours. I start to push myself up onto my feet.

I wanted this, I wanted to face something that would push me to my limits. Something, that would scare me. Something that would try to hurt me in the worst possible way, without hesitation. I wanted to face something else entirely. And now, it's arrived, it's here, pulling on my hair, silently promising to maim me in front of thousands. This is the fight I've been craving for. You're the one I been wanting for so long, Rowan..

My legs shift, one foot now planted flat on the apron. I breathe in deep, and push myself up, gripping onto your hand now, using you to balance me out, my nails digging deeper into your smooth skin. I rise up to my feet, slow but steadily, because that's what fighters like us do - rise to the occasion, when adversity glares down at ya, looming over ya, blocking your path, we rise up and we face it head on and we go through that bitch without hesitation. I'm standing now on the apron, hurting, disheveled, beat-up - but standing. I'm leaning up against ya, the ring ropes providing the only separation between us. My forehead is pressed firmly against yours, our faces so close to one another our lips almost, almost brush together.

And my eyes, they never leave the darkness of yours. I don't see anything, not the crowds of
cheering, screaming fans, not the lights of the Viceroy, not the ring. Only you. I see you, and what ya are, and I know what ya intend to do to me.

"Ya wanna send a message to the world, at my expense?" I whisper against your sweet lips, breathing hot air over your mouth. "Am I your sacrifice, Rowan? Is that it? I'm all yours, aren't I? You gonna sacrifice me to the whole world, in front of everyone? Well sugah.. I might be your sacrifice.. but tonight, you're MY TROPHY. And once I beat you I'm gonna fuckin' mount ya on my wall--"

I launch my left knee up, rocketing it high with a snap of aggression. Aiming it right into your stomach, hoping that ya won't see it coming, that you'll still be brimming with confidence that I'm still all yours, reeling and disoriented, ripe for the taking. Hoping that once the shot connects, it'll be enough to double ya over. So that once it does, I can grab YOUR hair, and hop off the apron, and fuckin' guillotine your throat over the top rope! 
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 01:26:09 PM by BustyTiffany35 »


Offline Rowan Chance

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A quick and stiff kick to the midsection always sucks. Always. No exceptions. And I even see this one coming. But my stupid, arrogant head is in the wrong place, and that's why it connects the way it does, just as you intended.

Your powerful leg lifts off the canvas and rams straight into me, lifting my feet an inch off the canvas, bending me over, knocking the wind out of me. I stagger back a couple of steps, my eyes wide open and confused, my lips pursed as I try to suck air into my lungs. My arms bent over, grasping my belly.

One step...two...three...all on reflex. I know I should get out of range and reach.

I stagger back, the impact and pain still in my gut. Damn, that was hard. She shouldn't be able to hit that hard. Sure, she's got strength, but that isn't just strength, it's something else. Something just as important: knowing how to hit that hard.

Fuck she almost kicks as hard as Punky punches.

I fall to one knee, but get back up again, still backing away. Keeping out of range.

I don't want to take another one of those.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline BustyTiffany35

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The knee connects, striking Rowan fiercely in the tummy. A hard, brutal blow on its own, what makes it especially devastating is that it was a calculated one. Striking her in that precise spot not only ensures she's NOT gonna advance on me anytime soon, but she's also gonna suffer in those moments. My eyes stare after ya as you double over, arms wrapping tight over your throbbing stomach. I straighten up and lean forward, fingers splayed out to catch that braid of hair--


Damnit, your hair just slips outta reach, and ya begin a rough stagger back that puts ya completely outta range. I hiss out loud as that means I won't be able to grab your head and drop ya throat first over the top rope, however, you're backing up quite a bit. Doubled over and gasping, straining to catch your breath, to breathe. That knee certainly did a number on ya, sugah.. well, I'll have to keep that in mind. For now, I got a change of plans..

I duck into the ring, bending over the second rope as quickly as I can, flinching as my ankle stings with biting pain the moment I drop my boot onto the ground. I sink my teeth down into my lower lip, stifling a curse, and ignore it. I can still move it relatively well, can put weight on it. It's just a motherfucking inconvenience. I shake my head and snap my eyes up at Rowan. She's tumbled to one knee but is already getting back to her feet. She's backing away quite a bit, but also she's still hurting from the knee. I follow after her, a slight limp in my step, as I step forward it looks like I'm about to launch a closeline or a slap or hell, a knockout right hand. But instead, at the very last instant, I duck.

Still in the motion of going to launch a forearm or something to knock your head off, I duck down instead and pump my heels and step along your side. I aim to duck right under your left arm and circle around your hip to come up hot behind ya. My arms would wrap taut around your waist from behind, my ample breasts would rub all along your back, my breath wafting over the curve of your neck. And once I have ya clutched tight in a reverse waistlock, I'm gonna pop my hips, arch my back, lift, and German Suplex ya into the canvas!

A loveslap would have been great, but Rowan, sugah, ya deserve something a lot more, punishing..
« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 10:16:03 PM by BustyTiffany35 »


Offline NightHawk

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Sits back watching this match intently . A amazing match so far  :)


Offline Rowan Chance

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Do me a favor. Hold your breath. But don't take a deep gulp first. Do the opposite. Blow all the air out of your lungs. Do it until there's nothing left...then keep going. Go on, keep going. Got nothing? All right.

Now, start doing jumping jacks. Go on, keep going. Do as many as you can. And do them without breathing.

Feel your lungs burning? Feel your head spinning?

Yeah, that's where I am right about now. After that knee to the stomach, I've got no gas in the tank and I've got to make my body move to avoid that clothesline. Ducking down, moving my feet to keep my base, trying to turn so I can get a...

...wait. She's got her arms around... body flies up in the air, arms flailing around my head. Legs kicked out in front of me. The bottom of my body flowing right over the top as you toss me so hard, I make a complete 180.

My belly slams into the canvas, my torso snapping right back up. Head and chest feel the slap of the mat, harder than even a Gemma Rox punch. Raven black hair across my face. My eyes wide and unfocused. On my knees.

For a moment, my whole body tilts, arms limp beside me. Then, as sure as gravity, I slowly fall to my right, collapsing down to the canvas. My right arm flopping over my face, my left arm flat on the mat, my legs hooked at the knees.

My shoulders are down. But I don't even know that. I don't even know where I am right now.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline BustyTiffany35

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I see ya, breathing heavy, straining to catch your breath. You're flustered and staggering, your footing uncertain, you're fighting just to keep your balance. Ya see me coming now, and that makes ya work double-time, I can see the gears churning away in your wary eyes as ya try to think of something to counter my incoming onslaught. Ya do what comes naturally, ya duck to avoid the closeline that it looks like I'm preparing for ya, but that closeline never comes - instead, I'm at your back, arms wrapped firmly around ya from behind, wrists interlocked and pushing into your throbbing stomach. Just along the angle of your neck, a dark grin curves my glossy lips.

Got ya, sugah.

I lift ya up, fists driving into your belly, arms crushing at your sides, my entire body curving back in a near perfect arch. The back of my head points directly at the canvas, arms coiled tight around your waist as ya fly through the air. I'm on my toes as I finish the snap German Suplex. You go soaring into the night.

Lifting your opponent up and simply tossing them across the ring is all good if you're running for mayor of Suplex City, but if you really wanna throw a bitch like a well-oiled Machine, then ya pay close attention to the finer details.  The pop of your hips have to be timed just right, ya have to arch all the way back, whip your head too just for the added momentum. All those lil' nuances have gotta be in play. And ya don't just let go of em' the second their feet leave the canvas. No, ya keep holding on, keep your arms cinched tight, keep on lifting and hoisting em' up in the air, so that once ya do let go and launch em' into the stratosphere at the very last second, they'll land hard, real freakin' hard, they'll crash badly, they'll hit the mat in the worst, most painful way possible. Sharp, precise, and devastating. Punky showed me how to throw a proper suplex, she throws them 'bout as good as that angry lil' workhorse from Redhook. Hell, she probably throws em' even better.

The crash of your succulent body into the canvas is like thunder screaming through a storm. It's such a loud sound it nearly drowns out the roar of the fans as they witness ya flipping completely through the air to slam devastatingly hard into the mat. I'm already on my feet as ya melt into the ground, and I pause for a moment as my eyes wander over your disheveled figure. You're wracked with pain, breathless and disoriented, and despite that, I can't help but notice there's a graceful, almost alluring quality in your ravaged state. My footfall fills your ears, black boots padding along the ring carrying me closer until I'm towering over you. Ya look so fragile, so vulnerable, so deliciously helpless right now, flat on your back, eyes wild and lost. I should probably pin ya right 'bout now. Instead, that grin crosses my lips, and I reach down and grab a handful of your hair.

I make sure to tug on your silky dark tresses extra hard as I haul ya up to your feet. Ya look like you're still uncertain of what's happening, which works out great for me, as it gives me enough time to slip in tight behind ya and guide your right arm through your legs. I clutch that wrist with my left hand from behind, firmly grasping it, keeping your right hand between your savory thighs. Then, I lean over your side, to coil my right arm around your left arm, lean back and pulling back on that arm until I've got it hooked tight. Wrapping ya up in an abdominal stretch--

Oh no, sweetheart. It's not as simple as that. You're going for a ride..

--except, instead of just stretching ya, I take a deep breath, and I aim to LIFT ya up into the air instead, and flip ya around right in front of me, so that when ya fall back to the ground, you'll go crashing down, aching throbbing belly-first, right across my bent knee! If I can hit this Pumphandle Gutbuster, then you'll know exactly where ya are right now - waist-deep in a whole lot of trouble.


Offline Rowan Chance

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When you're in pain, instinct takes over. There's a lot of instinct in pro wrestling.

Tuck yer chin.

That one gets pounded into you over and over and over and over again.

All those months I spent as Lady DDT gave me a few instincts. One in particular...

I'm in pain. Uncertain about where I am. Uncertain about...

...wait...there' hair...

...lifting off the canvas...

...arm between my legs...


...lifted up...


Tuck yer chin.

When you spend months as Lady DDT and all you're allowed to do is one move—just one move—particular instincts come up fast.

...lifted up...


You lift me up and my body flies easy. It's no problem for a powerhouse like you to lift my wiry frame and throw me with real momentum.

...lifted up...


My arm snaps, coiling around your neck, using all that speed, strength and momentum you just used to toss me. I grab my left wrist with my right hand and twist my body, spinning both me and you, dropping my weight below my hips so I can drag both of us down.

Down to the mat.

Your head.

Head meet mat.

Right now, the announcers are screaming about me trying to reverse your gutwrench into a swinging DDT. We'll see if they get to finish that thought.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline BustyTiffany35

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All it takes is a second. 


One single second.


For everything to turn on ya.


In a blink of an eye, the momentum shifts, and the whole world turns on me. I watch as your body floats in mid-air, spinning around as planned and expected. But then, something changes, the trajectory of your flight abruptly shifts. Instead of simply dropping down in front of me, to land on my bent knee, ya turn. Somehow, ya manage to turn your whole body in mid-flight, so that ya can loop your arm over my head. I feel your arm around the back of my neck, coiling tight and hooking me up for a very familiar move. I don't know how ya were able to do that, you were so out of it a moment ago. Maybe the toss up into the air woke ya up, maybe ya were playing possum this whole time. I dunno how, but all I do know is, you've got me locked up, and you're using MY own momentum to YOUR advantage. All it took was a second for everything to go crashing down.

My world goes spinning as I feel your wrists lock tight beneath my chin. I can't hold ya up, can barely keep my balance as ya continue to ride the momentum of the throw and spin us around. My ankle is beating fiercely as well, hurting again, offering lil' support to keep me upright. And then, ya swing your legs up at my side, pushing all your weight down below your core, making me trip forward and fall. Ya drag us down, the canvas rushing up to crash into my head and face, the sound of the audience collectively gasping in shock serenading me into this violent impact. I have to admit, it was a beautiful reversal, I didn't see it coming and I couldn't stop it from happening. Ya got me, ya have me, and I can't stop ya from planting my head viciously hard into the canvas. I can only hope my shoulder buries itself deep into your stomach as ya lay me out with your swinging DDT.

Once again, our plucky, busty heroine is captured by the luscious, cunning villainess..


Offline Rowan Chance

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As our bodies crash down to the canvas, I hear your head hit the boards with a loud, thick sound. The sound of a skull smashing into something hard and unforgiving. Like a melon hitting the floor.

And as we plummet toward the pain, my legs reach up and snap around your waist, just like a spider. My ankles hook around your back. And I don't let go of the DDT. No, ma'am. I keep it held tight around your neck.

Just as we hit, I feel you trying to put your shoulder into my belly. You manage that and it the pain hits my stomach. I grit my teeth and bite my lip, shaking my head.

Oh, no, sweetness. Not like that, you don't.

Still, it's hard to ignore the dull flame in my belly now. I'll probably suffer some sort of digestive indignity later tonight, but for right now, I've got you. I even whisper it so you can hear the words.

"I've got you."

My left arm was around your neck. Now, my right arm slides under your left armpit so I can grab my wrist and complete the lock.

Under you. My left arm around the back of your neck, my right arm under your arm, reaching under your chin and holding my wrist tight. My legs wrapped around your waist.

A front-face guillotine choke. In the '70's, they called this a sleeper hold. But just to make sure you understand exactly who it is you're in the ring with...

...with my left arm under your chin, I extend my thumb. Right up into your throat. Right against your windpipe. And right out of the referee's view.

I shove it hard. Making sure you feel not just the meat of my thumb, but the sharp fingernail, too. Pushing up, crushing your air. And I whisper it again.

"I've got you."
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline BustyTiffany35

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The busty heroine, having been captured yet again, is trussed up, bound and gagged and kneeling inside a small cage, glaring up at the villainess who stands on the other side. She's smiling down wickedly, arrogantly, at her captive, leaning forward, her beautiful face so close to the cage that her scarlet lips nearly brush the steel bars. And the villainess whispers three words that makes our heroine shiver in her bonds..

I'm planted headfirst into the rigid canvas, striking it so hard I'm immediately sent into a daze. I'm rocked, like an MMA fighter getting viciously kicked in the side of her head, or a boxer taking a furious right to the chin. Everything feels murky, distant, it all gets eerily quiet, except for an incessant ringing in my ears. My body's unresponsive, my limbs feel like deadweight, they've become anchors that keep the rest of me weighed down atop of Rowan. I can't move, can't think straight, can barely breathe. Breathe. Breathe.. I can't, I can't breathe..!!

It's as if I've shot down some dark winding tunnel, eventually reaching the end and blasting outta it into the icy cold waters of reality. I'm fully cognizant again and the splash of noises, feelings and emotions nearly drown me whole. It barely takes a moment for me to realize with waking horror that instead of rolling off of Chance following that impactful swinging DDT, I'm now laid firmly on top of her, but not by choice. She's got me here, trapped in her constricting embrace!

My ample breasts press firmly over her delectable breasts, my flat, toned tummy kissing her taut, smooth tummy. Her slender legs have coiled around my waist in a crushing iron grip, while her left arm is wrapped just as tightly around my neck. Her right arm slides under my left, both her hands locking solidly to keep her choke hold sealed in place. My head's throbbing from the DDT but that'll soon pass, hell, I can easily ignore that as I've got far more pressing matters to focus on. It's become so hard to breathe, and the air of the Viceroy suddenly becomes very hot. At least the ringing in my ears have stopped, or maybe it's become far too loud for me to even hear that bothersome sound. The noises of the crowds have amplified, growing in deafening waves of shouts and screams. And yet, hovering above all that clamor, is her voice - your voice, whispering to me three words that send chills down my spine.

I hear ya Rowan. I hear ya loud and clear, and I shiver in your grasp.

Ya murmur that taunt and it makes my blood boil, it makes me burn up inside. Inflamed with humiliation at having been caught again, trapped in another insidious hold by my smaller, but insanely skilled opponent. My ankle is still sore from the inverted figure-four that ya had me in, and now you've got me locked up in this. This, a guillotine choke, a mighty tight one at that. You've got it cinched in so tightly it's become uncomfortable to breathe. 

And then, ya shove your thumb against my throat, your sharp nail digging into my skin, crushing the air right outta me!

My watery eyes go wide, a gasping breath escaping my gaping mouth. Things go from bad to really fuckin' horrible in a single blink. I'm now FIGHTING to breathe, writhing and squirming above ya, straining with all my might to gulp down even a single bit of air as your thumb continues to bury itself into my throat! Panic starts to settle in my mind, sheer panic - and rage. Despite my peril, I can't ignore how dirty you've been fighting this whole time. Crafty, cunning, resourceful - ya, whatever. You've been playin' dirty and I ain't too fond of that at all! Ya tried to use your nails to claw my eyes out when the match started, now you're using your claws to tear into my windpipe? Best of all, the ref can't see any of this happening. I grit my teeth tightly.

Ya just can't stop being the villain, now can ya, darlin'?

I hear your sweet sounding voice again, riding over the wave of voices from the Viceroy audience. Taunting me, telling me with such assurance, that you've got me. You got me... I bite down on my teeth even harder. I ain't gonna go out like this, I swear to myself. Sorry love, but I'm not gonna let ya take me like this!

I gulp in as much air as I can and get to work. I hastily reach in with my right hand and latch onto your left wrist. I grab it, squeeze it, scrape my own claws into it. I pull down, as hard as I can, to alleviate the pressure ya have on my neck. That thumb from your right hand is still jamming into my throat. I'll get to that in a second.

Next, I squirm and writhe against your luscious body, but my movements are a bit more, calculated. More focused. I'm shifting and sliding in tight lil' motions within your guard, until my feet have firmly planted themselves into the canvas. Then, I rise up, up onto my toes, lifting my hips into the air, dragging your tightly coiled legs up along with me as well. It takes a bit of effort on my part and there's still an incredible strain on my neck, but it's also a bit easier to breathe now that I'm pulling down on your left wrist. Just that bit of breathing space makes it easier for me to move. My upper body remains on the mat, on you, my weight pushing down on ya, smothering pressure against your upper body.

And my left shoulder pushes forward, right against your neck. My left arm now tries to snake around your head, so that the blade of my wrist can press up into the base of your skull. Trying to make this as uncomfortable for ya as possible, to make breathing for ya as uncomfortable as possible.

Back to your thumb. It's still jabbing into my throat, but not for long. My right hand, I move it from your left wrist to grab hold of your right thumb. I latch onto it tightly, placing a death clutch on it.

A naughty, dirty lil' gal like you Rowan deserves the harshest of spankings. But since I'm a lil' tied up right now, I'll just have to settle for givin' ya this.

And what this is, is a hard, sharp TWIST of your thumb. Trying with as much spite as I can muster to BEND that thumb back, as cruelly and as harshly as I can.

Ya got me, sugah. But ya ain't gonna keep me!
« Last Edit: April 14, 2018, 08:45:59 AM by BustyTiffany35 »