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REVENGE of a BLOND DEVIL! A Horrific Catfight! PT 1

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Offline supporturgoddess7-11-57

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REVENGE of a BLOND DEVIL! A Horrific Catfight! PT 1
« on: April 19, 2010, 07:23:22 AM »
              REVENGE of a BLONDE DEVIL! A Horrific Catfight!
                                                  By: Supporturgoddess

       Some time ago, a pretty blonde named Lauren ran away from her abusive parents. The teenager moved from job to job, always desperate for money. Changes in her situation made her desperation increase. By the time Lauren reached her twenties, she would do almost anything for money.
       At the same time, a young woman named Maureen P. Rose lived with her husband in a nearby suburb. Husband and wife worked at the same bank. Though not truly rich, they enjoyed flaunting their money in the faces of their working-class neighbors. The locals referred to the Roses as ‘the noses’, because Maureen and her husband liked to stick their noses in everyone’s business. They appointed themselves the moral watchdogs of the town. When the Roses discovered a local woman had once shown interest in another woman, they began a smear campaign complete with bullying and intimidation which resulted in the woman’s sudden departure. They also had one of the hardest-working women in the area deported. They found fault with everyone. With the exception of a small group of equally judgmental women who joined Maureen in a wicked clique, no one wanted to be around the obnoxious couple. Their reputation made it difficult for them to find domestic help. Desperate for money, pretty, golden-blond Lauren took a job as the Rose’s housekeeper.
       Mr. Rose began showing a bit too much interest in their lovely, young maid. He forced Lauren to wear a skimpy little uniform, which exposed most of her legs and a good deal of cleavage. His young wife, Maureen, grew jealous. She wanted to fire Lauren, but Mr. Rose refused, saying, ‘Good help is hard to find.’ Maureen’s schedule allowed her to return home from the bank hours before her husband. Maureen took the opportunity to work Lauren over, hoping the young maid would quit. Maureen, a tall woman with dirty blond hair, verbally abused young Lauren, belittling her at every turn. She made the maid’s working conditions Hell. Each night when Lauren left the Rose’s home, she burst into tears. Even so, she couldn’t quit. She needed the money. As the pressure grew, she began to drink, heavily.
       Maureen wanted Lauren gone, but her husband refused to let her go. Intensely jealous, Maureen devised a wicked plan. After watching Lauren’s habits for several days, Maureen went into action. She went to the hall closet and dropped some of her jewelry into the pocket of Lauren’s coat. When Lauren’s work was done, she went to the closet and put on her coat. As her hand slipped into the pocket, her brow wrinkled. She pulled out a small but expensive bracelet. Her blue eyes widened.
       Maureen pounced. “You’re a thief! I’ve caught you red-handed! I’m calling the police!”
       “No!” Lauren cried, grabbing the phone. The two women struggled over it until it went flying.
       Image-obsessed Maureen spent hours each week at health clubs and was in great shape. She shoved Lauren down. “Don’t you DARE put your hands on me! I’m calling the police!”
       Lauren shouted, “I don’t know how that bracelet got into my pocket! I swear! Please, don’t call the cops. I haven’t done anything wrong!”
       Maureen sneered. “I’ll let the police decide that.”
       On her knees with hands together, Lauren literally begged at Maureen’s feet. “I’ll do anything you want! Please, don’t call the police!”
        Hands on the sides of her hips, Maureen gloated over the begging blonde. “I only wish my husband was here to see you grovel!”
       Tears ran down Lauren’s cheek. “You don’t understand. I…have a little girl! My life is hard enough already. We have no money. I owe a lot. We’re living out of my car. I…sometimes drink a little too much. If you have me arrested, child protective services will take my daughter away from me. She’s all I have! She’s my world! Please, don’t take her from me!”
       Maureen scowled. “I guess I have you where I want you, don’t I?”
       Lauren looked up from her knees, crying, “I don’t know how that bracelet could have ended up in my coat, unless…. Lauren rose, eyes widening. “You put it there! “You’re so jealous that you’re actually willing to send me to prison and let them take away my child, just to get me away from your husband!”
       Confronted with the truth, Maureen spun and slapped Lauren’s face. Overwhelmed, months of simmering anger erupted from Lauren’s soul. She slapped Maureen back, hard. The blondes let out battle cries and leapt together like pouncing wildcats! 5’7”, 123 lb. Lauren fought for her daughter, screaming. “I’ll never let you take my baby!” Dark blond, 5’9”, 130 lb Maureen fought for her ego. The two women tugged savagely at each other’s hair, bit, hit, choked, and scratched until welts appeared on their arms. They hit the floor and rolled madly, overturning furniture and knocking a lamp off an end table. From the moment their hands clasped, Lauren knew she was outmatched by the larger and much more muscular woman she faced, but Lauren was motivated by her need to keep her daughter. She would never surrender! Maureen sat on Lauren, punching her face. Nose and mouth bloodied, Lauren kicked her heel under Maureen’s chin and forced her down backwards. They rose and clasped hands again. Lauren’s eyebrows tilted up. Though very warm and soft, Maureen’s unusually large hands were incredibly powerful. The muscles in her bare arms flexed, visibly. Maureen smiled wickedly in Lauren’s face, as she forced Lauren’s hands back over her wrists. Lauren strained until veins almost exploded from her neck, but the young mother was forced first to her knees and then to her back. Maureen ground her heel in Lauren’s face, and then stomped, repeatedly. Lauren lay bloody and devastated.
       Maureen sat on Lauren, her knees pinning the young mother’s shoulders. She wiped blood from her own lower lip and hissed, “You hurt me, Bitch! I’m going to make sure you never see your stupid little kid again!”
       Maureen choked Lauren. Lauren’s legs kicked wildly, as her world grew dark around the edges. Unable to pry Maureen’s deceptively powerful hands loose, Lauren pulled one of Maureen’s fingers to her mouth and bit it with all her might. Maureen wailed, letting go. Outraged, Maureen pulled Lauren’s head up by her hair and almost bit Lauren’s ear off. Lauren screamed her voice out. Driven by a desperate need to end the pain, Lauren found enough strength to lift Maureen off her feet for a moment. Both women crashed down hard and rolled apart.
       As they rose, Maureen rocked Lauren with a fist to her jaw, spinning her. Maureen attacked from behind, grabbing a dinner plate and breaking it over Lauren’s skull. Lauren fell slowly to her knees. Maureen seized the cord from the fallen lamp, wrapped it around Lauren’s neck, and started to choke the young mother out. Lauren weakened rapidly, but keeping the image of her little girl in her mind, she found the strength to kick up, sending Maureen crashing backwards against a wall. Lauren struggled to rise, but Maureen stomped her into the floor.
       Lauren cried weakly, “I…won’t let you…take…my baby!”
       Maureen gloated, “When the police take you away, you’ll never see her again!” She slammed her foot to Lauren’s jaw, almost breaking it.
       Lauren lie face-down on the floor, beaten and bloodied. Though she had nothing left to fight with, she tried to force herself up, sobbing, “My baby….My baby….”
       Suddenly, Lauren’s head snapped back, caught by her hair from behind. She looked up through half-open, tear-filled eyes and saw that four of Maureen’s friends had arrived.
       “What’s going on here?” The first woman asked.
       “I’ve been putting the help in her place,” Maureen explained. “First she tried to seduce my husband, and then she tried to steal my jewelry!”
       “That’s not true,” Lauren whined. “I didn’t….”
       A second woman slapped Lauren’s face. “We’ve all run across young sluts who try to steal other women’s husbands!”
       A monstrous smile covered Maureen’s face. “Maybe we should send a message, by making an example out of this one.”
       Five evil women spent the next hour punishing and humiliating poor Lauren in ways too sadistic to fully describe. By the time they were done, Lauren’s spirit was crushed forever.
       As they threw Lauren out into the street, Maureen challenged, “Go on and tell the authorities your version of what happened. It’s your word against all of ours. You’re just a homeless, alcoholic, unwed mother. There’re five of us, and we’re important members of the community. Who do you think people will believe?”
       It was no empty threat. No one believed Lauren’s account. Within hours, she had been arrested. Maureen went so far as to accuse Lauren of assaulting her in a drunken rage. Maureen spent quite some time in prison. She lost custody of her little girl and was barred from having any contact with her. When Maureen was released, she had nothing left to live for. She crawled into a bottle she never escaped from. She died a few years later, broken and alone.

       In the decade that followed, the Rose’s prospered. Maureen P. Rose grew even more obnoxious. Still image-obsessed, she spent countless hours at health clubs, keeping herself in remarkable shape. Though undeniably attractive, the cold-hearted woman even kept her husband at a distance. The two began doing little things to deliberately irritate each other. Even more judgmental than before, Maureen’s servants didn’t stay long. Eventually, she couldn’t find a housekeeper that fit her standards. She left that job to her husband.
       One day Mr. Rose announced he had found a new girl to be their maid. He said she would come by that afternoon, so Maureen could look her over. When Maureen opened the door that afternoon, it seemed history was repeating itself. There stood a 5’5” tall blond beauty with dazzling blue eyes and golden skin.
       “Hi,” the girl chirped. “I’m Laurie. I’m your new maid.”
        Maureen decided her husband was playing a wicked trick on her by hiring a girl who resembled their former maid. Maureen became determined to win that game. More than a decade earlier, she had crushed one blonde her husband desired. She would crush this one just as easily.
       Maureen insulted the young girl and gave her backbreaking and demeaning jobs to do, but Laurie never complained. At first glance Laurie seemed a dead ringer for her husband’s old obsession, Lauren, but as time passed, Maureen saw differences. Lauren had hated the uniform Mr. Rose made her wear, and she shuddered as he ogled her. Laurie embraced the skimpy uniform and openly flirted with Maureen’s husband! Laurie was also much prettier than Lauren had been. In fact, Laurie was almost superhumanly perfect! Mr. Rose couldn’t take his eyes off her! Maureen grew insanely jealous, watching as the young beauty wrapped her husband around her finger. Maureen planned to entrap Laurie exactly as she had entrapped Lauren all those years ago, but before she could act, Laurie vanished without a trace. Maureen returned to her wicked ways. The distance between Maureen and her husband increased. He came home very late each night, claiming her had to stay late to work at the bank.
       A few months later, Maureen started hearing rumors that her husband was having an affair with a much younger woman. Eventually, a woman from Maureen’s old clique told her she had heard a rumor that Mr. Rose planned a rendezvous with his young mistress in Maureen’s own house the neat morning, while Maureen was at work. Enraged, Maureen set a trap. This time she planned not only to crush the girl her husband obsessed over, but to have him there to witness it!
       That night, Maureen slipped drugs into her husband’s drink. When he finally woke the next morning, he found himself gagged and securely tied to a heavy chair. He struggled of course, but it was no use.
       “You bastard!” Maureen slapped her husband. “I’ll deal with you later. For now, just watch. The moment your little slut walks through that door, I’m going to tear her to pieces!”
        Ten minutes later, the doorknob turned. Maureen lunged and pulled a figure in a hat and trench coat into the room, threw the key out, and slammed the door shut, locking it. The figure stepped forward and dropped the coat.
       Maureen growled. “You!”
       Laurie stood hands on hips, a smirk on her lips. Only a tiny red teddy covered her exquisite body. She looked down at Mr. Rose tied to a chair and laughed. “Wow! That looks almost as kinky as some of the stuff your husband keeps begging me to do for him. You do know we’ve been having an affair, don’t you?”
       Maureen shouted, “You BET I know, Bitch! That’s why I’m here. I’m going to rip every blond hair out of your scalp! I’m going to break every bone in your body, in front of my husband! I came here to fight you!”
       Laurie smiled. “Bitch, that’s exactly what I hoped you’d say. I’ve been playing you from the start. I spread the rumors that lead you here. I haven’t fallen into your trap. You’ve fallen into mine!”
       Maureen kicked off her shoes and pulled off her blouse. Wearing only tiny, light-blue shorts and a gold sports bra, Maureen’s deeply tanned, muscular body gave Laurie a moment’s pause.
       Maureen taunted, “Another stupid little blonde once tried to take me on. I broke her!”
       Laurie scowled. “I know. You set her up so the police would take her little girl away from her. I’M that little girl! My foster parents tried to keep the truth about my birth mom from me. They thought I was too young to remember her, but they were wrong. I only recently found out what you did to her. As far as I’m concerned, you killed her! I swore over my Mommy’s grave that I’d exact revenge! I’m about to keep my promise. Get ready, Bitch! There’s Hell to pay, and I’m here to collect!”

                          To be continued in REVENGE of a BLOND DEVIL Pt 2!!!