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BeautifuldisasterJen VS Tonyacats in the ring .... sexy ladies match up.

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Offline stormbolt7

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First I feel I should mention this.
Thanks very much to Jen for being patient. Tonya was in a very close poll. So to be fair to that lovely lady. I held this story back. As I did not want to post it, and possibly cost her votes.
BOTH ladies had been advised of this.

Also for any of the ladies looking. Tonya is a very wonderful lady, I think very much of. One of my first buddies here, as well as someone I am proud to call a friend. Tonya was gracious enough to take a chance on me. Being one of the first ladies here, to let me write a story with them in it.
This story was very hard for me to write. YET it was decided the same way, any of the ones written have been. So I am not playing favorites, whe doing them. Even when I wish I could.
That said, onto the story.

I was concerned about the coming fight.

Tonya was very game, and willing to step up to almost anything. Yet she was taking on a lot, with trying to go, with a lady that had boxed before.
Tonya definately had won some tough fights, while I got to watch.

Yet Jen was very good in the ring.
Jen had issued the challenge, and Tonya had stepped up. I had to admire the sexy ladies spirit.

Tonya smiling at me, as she hugs me, as we head to the car. Jen was a friend, yet Tonya had definately become closer.
I was always willing to side her.

We soon arrive at the gym. Tonya bubbling over with excitement, as we head in, to find Jen waiting.

Tonya's lively, and pretty blue eyes roaming the gym, as she takes it all in, before settling on the ring itself.
Jen was doing some stretches, and warm ups. Dressed in sports bra, and hip hugging shorts. Jen was looking very fit, and ready.

Tonya was wearing an equally pleasing skin tight pair of shorts.that showed off her, long sexy legs, and tight ass.
Tonya was wearing a partially cropped t-shirt, that displayed her tight belly, and the very bottom, of the warm soft globes of her breasts.
Tonya was simply stunning.

Tonya long blonde hair, framing a beautiful heart shaped face.
Jen, dark hair, lovely face, with a slightly exotic look to it.

Tonya moves to the ring, and slides between the ropes, as I pull them for her, and she smiles at me.
I was kind of doing extra duty for this as both ladies were at times sided by me.
Tonya moving around the ring, testing her footing, on the slightly springy mat.

Jen soon in the ring as well, as we begin to put gloves on both, sexy beauties.
Then their mouth pieces.

The it is time, for things to begin.
The two ladies touch glove, and begin to dance around the ring.

Tonya having a slight height, and reach advantage. Yet both ladies being cautious, at the start.
It was looking like two, sleek cheetah's moving around their prey. Waiting for the right moment, to dart in, and strike, with speed and grace.

Jen begins to throw a few test jabs. Tonya staying away from them, as she manages to land a quick one of her own, as Jen is pulling back, from her own attempt.
Jen's brown eyes showing her growing respect for the lovely blonde, as they begin to test one another's defenses.

Then Tonya gasps, as Jen manages to land a light blow, to her sleek belly. Yet the trim muscles absorbing most of it, as she moves back. Jen now moving ahead with the attack, as she begins to throw some punches.
Tonya avoiding or blocking most. With a few getting by. Yet nothing serious, as Tonya begins to focus fully on her opponent.
As they began she had been trying to do a little to show me her skill, and preparedness. Yet as things began to heat up. She got settled, and began launching punches of her own.

Now it was Jen back peddling a little, as Tonya was going on the attack.
Her reach helping to get past some of Jen's guard, to land a few light blows. With a very solid one, landing to shake Jen a little, before she retaliates, to push Tonya back.

Legs, moving, as if on springs still, as they circle, and bob, and weave.
Sweat begins to glisten on both lovely ladies, as they continue to fight. Tonya definately doing well for herself, yet Jen still using some of her learned skills, to test her.

After a little bit more, I call a time, as both ladies breathing heavier, and this might take some time to decide.

They move to the corners, and I get a towel, and some water for Jen. Being more used to this, she quickly takes some water, and gets some of the sweat away from her eyes.
Then I am with Tonya.

The smile on her face, as I take slightly longer tending to her. "Told you I could do this." She says, as I get her water, and wipe the sweat away from her pretty blue eyes.
"You look amazing out there Tonya." I reply truthfully, as she always looked great.
I work quickly to make sure her shoulders are staying loose, as Jen is back up, and ready to go.
Tonya very ready as well, as we begin what would be another round.

The two ladies not being as hesitant, as they have been testing one another, and now begin to move in tighter, as punches are sent, and blocked or landing with grunts of pain, from the struck lady.
Jen was very good at this, and definately had my full support in any other fights.

Yet I found it hard not to start to cheer, as Tonya seemed to start getting the better of the dark haired beauty. Jen backing up, as Tonya began to throw punch after punch. Her adrenaline flowing, as she began to sense she had the other lady at a disadvantage.
Tonya feeling the rush, as Jen is spun slightly, as a hard punch, lands against her chest, slightly to the one side.

Jen seeming to double up a little, as she backs up, and begins to fight more defensively.
I want to yell to Tonya, to be careful, and not punch herself out.
Maybe what Jen was waiting on. Yet Tonya seemed to keep having extra, and her punches still seemed to have something behind them.
Jen landing a hit, to Tonya's shoulder, yet it is not full on, and glances off.
Breasts, bellies, and sides, and shoulders being struck, for both ladies.
I am very impressed with both ladies.

Tonya getting her feet set, as she pulls back, to unleash something wicked.

Jen's arm shoots forward, and gets past Tonya's guard, and scores a direct hit on Tonya's chin.
I am up on the ring apron quickly. As Tonya's hands drop, even as her mouth piece falls free.

Tonya trying to stay with it, yet the punch had hit on the money, and she begins to move backwards on wobbly legs.
I move into the ring, to make sure Jen does not hit her again, while her defenses are down.
Jen even though in the heat of battle, was being a sports woman, and had stepped back.

Jen had seen this before, in the ring.
Tonya definately had a fighting heart. Yet as she is almost to the ropes, she slumps down, onto the canvas. Her head dazed, and her eyes slightly glassy, from the punch she had just taken.
Tonya trying to clear her head, as she hears me begin to count.
Her back now against the lower ring ropes, as her legs slide back and forth a bit. Yet she can not seem to get herself up.

Her pretty blue eyes watching, as she tries to focus, as the count ends, and I go to Jen, and raise her arm.
Tonya's heart pounding, as I had never seen her lose. She had never lost before when with me. Yet here she was, watching me maybe walk away, and leave her?
"Was I just going to leave her sitting in the ring, as I leave with Jen?" Going through her head, as she sees Jen hug me.

I quickly undo the gloves for Jen, as she nods to Tonya. Jen acknowledging a very worthy opponent. Jen has been boxing for awhile. Tonya had given her a definate challenge, as an amateur to the ring.

Tonya's heart pounding, as she wants to get up, to show me maybe she could still go on with the fight.
Then her eyes begin to fully focus, as she sees me rush to her, and sink onto the mat by her. Holding her, asking her questions.
I was definately not leaving her.
"M okay." She says, as I get the gloves off her, and Jen seeing Tonya was okay, slips out of the ring, and heads to the showers, another victory for her.

Tonya letting me help her back up, as she likes the concern she sees in my eyes for her. Yet did I still feel the same about her, after seeing her lose a fight. Did I only care about her, because she had always won before??
Tonya liking the attention, as I hovered over her.
"I want to go home." Tonya says, as I agree, wondering at her soft spoken words. Was she really okay?

We gather her things, and soon are heading back to he rplace. Tonya's gaze meeting mine, yet the lovely lady not saying much.
I did not want to press her, as she would talk when she wanted to. For the drive, I would not push.
Her heart still not sure, if I liked her just for being Tonya or if I only cared while she was winning.
Tonya had seen more than one lady, dropped by someone they cared about, after they lost a fight.

When we get in, Tonya says she wants to take a shower. I watch as this breath taking beauty heads along the hall, towards the bath room.
It was tearing at my heart, not being sure, how best to show her my concern for her.
I slip closer to the bathroom, and soon hear the water spray in the shower. I give her some time, then slip into the bathroom.

Tonya was standing naked, as the water sprayed over her body. Some of it stinging, from places that would soon be showing nice sized bruises.
Her question, still roaming through her heart, and mind.
As my arms slide around her from behind. Gently cupping her breasts, and trying not to catch any sore spots.
Tonya's arms moving to wrap around mine. Any discomfort, being over ridden, by the joy in her heart.
Her hands now over mine, as they hold my hands, to the soft, warm globes, of her firm breasts.

"You looked fantastic Tonya." I tell her, as she stands pressing back against me. Just letting me hold her.
Then she releases my hands, to turn to face me. Her eyes searching mine, and finding only what she needed in my gaze.
Tonya moving against me, as her breasts press against my chest.

My arms going around her, as our lips brush together. The aches and pains in her body, paling besides the pounding in her heart.
She had her answer.
I had told it to her before, yet here I was. After her fight, and loss. With nothing else, but her on my mind, and heart.

Our hands begin to roam one another, as the water cascades over us.
"Where does it hurt Tonya?" I ask, as she smiles.
"All over, but very tender here." She says, cupping her left breast. As I move down, to begin kissing it. Her nipple hard, as I dart my tongue against it, before gently sucking on it.

"Mmmmmmmmm here baby." She says offering the other breast for some TLC.

Slowly Tonya has me work down, to her silky smooth inner thighs, and velvety smooth sex. Tonya running her fingers through my hair, as I kiss, and make sure she is feeling all better, as her womanly juices touch my tongue, as she grows very aroused.
Tonya guding me back up, as her eyes look deep into mine. You really meant it didn't you?" She asks, as we press together.
Tonya slowly being raised up slightly, as my aroused manhood, slides into her waiting womanhood, and her leg wraps around me.
"Always Tonya .. win or lose, your my lady." I tell her softly, as we begin to make love in the shower.
"Mmmmmmmm I'll remember that, long as you remember it as well lover." She replies smiling.

Her heart happy, as her wet naked body presses to mine.
I had seen her win, I had seen her lose. Yet always I had seen a woman that impressed me in every way.
You did not come across a woman like Tonya every day.

Jen had won the fight.
Yet Tonya had also won, finding my words to her where true. Good or bad, win or lose. I was very happy having Tonya by my side.
She is always a winner to me. As long as she would have it, I would be at her side as well.

The end    
« Last Edit: April 23, 2010, 02:36:11 AM by stormbolt7 »