With special thanks to the ladies who allowed me to feature them
“Like you’ve been coming to Chatro for months now; you’ve seen what goes on, how the Dommes act, how they own us, they treat us like furniture, they punish us –like I wouldn’t punish my dog the way some Dommes treat their girls, and they use us like bargaining chips to pay out their friends. Like even Ms Jenn punished me-like she gave me to Jade, and I hadn’t done anything wrong.” I bit off, like I realised it sounded like I was whining, that’s not why I was visiting April this early on Saturday morning. “Hun, you must have seen some of us get used, like Nikkie and me ended one night as room sluts. Jade fought us, she broke us both, she worked us over, she dragged us both into the centre of the room and –well like we got used as room whores. Like it was worse than what happened to you.”
She gulped, I hugged her close, like I didn’t want her comparing what happened, that would only make her relive what happened last night. Like she had to move on; reliving would just make her more upset. “Like it was bad, it always is the first time, it’s horrid. You feel like you’re trash. But like as I said, you’ve seen it happen to others. You even saw it happen to Laurie.” Like I had to bite my tongue again, if April hadn’t wanted to work Laurie, if she hadn’t been bratty when Ms told her to stop, she might have got away. But no April being April had to be rude, like she got what she deserved. But like I couldn’t say that, not then.
“Yes but I’ve only watched before, this time it happened to me. And it happened when Paul was there too. He’ll think I am just a slut.” She started to cry again.
I wiped her eyes. “It’s ok sweetie, he still likes you, we are meeting him for lunch today
April sobbed again. “But I look a wreck, I’m a mess.”
I almost said “You look like you were fucking all last night,” but I didn’t, like it was true but I wanted her to get over it. So instead I said, “Come on have a shower, and I’ll get some sexy clothes out. Dress to impress, show him you’re the hottie he thinks you are; that I know you are!” I hugged her again and led her to her bathroom. I chose a tight fitting almost knee length cream skirt with slit sides, a hot pink top and because it was getting a little chilly- like it was late October a crimson sleeveless vest.
While I was waiting for her to finish- like she took ages, she totally had to have used all the hot water, like I was so glad I wasn’t paying her hot water account, I wondered. I had thought she was owned by Lyn Thay, but like April had said she had stood on the sidelines and watched. I called Chelle on my cell and compared notes. Like we worked out that Lyn Thay had made a set at April but April had been too silly- totally naive was how Chelle put it –to realise what Thay was doing. “So Chelle, is April owned?”
“Nah, she doesn’t even know what being owned is like”
When April got out of the shower I bustled her into the clothes, “you are so lucky, who knitted the vest, no one hand knits like that these days.”
“I knit; it gives me something to do on my commute to work.”
I admired her handiwork, I said so, she seemed to glow a little.
I hustled her out of her apartment -she shared with two other girls, she introduced me to one of them, the other wasn’t home - and off to the cafe where I’d arranged to meet her guy Paul Like it had taken some persuasion to get him along, I had to tell him April wasn’t more slutty than most girls who went to Chatro, I had to remind him what to say and what not to say. Like I totally didn’t want April getting upset again.
Like it was all good. Paul was almost a gentleman, he gave April a bunch of roses when we arrived, he was romantic -like I saw them holding hands under the table – Mrs Peccavi would have said he was attentive to her without being all over her. Like April beamed. Like he couldn’t go out with her that night- he was working, but they were dating the next night- yeah even though it was Sunday and they both had work on the Monday. They kissed when he left, like I was embarrassed the way they pashed each other in the cafe. Like Jenn’s mom would have said something else.
Our next stop was Ms Holly’s. On the way over I explained, “I really belong to Jenn but she lent me to Ms Holly.” April didn’t understand, she kinda spluttered something. Like Chelle was totally right; April was so naive. Like how had she gone to Chatro for all this time and not worked things out. I tried again. “Jenn protects me, she looks after me, when I’m bratty she disciplines me. And like...err...she Dommes me, like what Julia did to Debbie.” April blushed, like she squirmed in her seat. “Makes you hot just thinking about it, doesn’t it?”
She blushed more, she nodded.
“Yes like it makes me hot ‘n’ bothered too. But Jenn does that in private, at her home.”
“What do you mean she lent you to Ms Holly? I thought you said Jenn looks after you.”
It was my turn to splutter, like I didn’t have an answer. “Err, she did, she does, like they- the Dommes do as they please. Like you just gotta go with the flow” Like I was lucky, the train stopped. “April we gotta get out here. It’s the stop for the Univ.”
We walked along East 59th St, through the campus to Ms Holly’s apartment. It was part of one of the colleges. There were students around; I nudged April, “Like those guys are looking at us.”
“But of course, we’re hot” April giggled, she was back to her old self. “Wouldn’t you just like one of those guys, they’d be loaded,” she giggled again, “and they’d have lots of money too.”
We arrived; Holly introduced us to Kate, another Brit, like she was another visiting lecturer. April was impressed by Holly’s apartment. Like I meant her to be. Like she was impressed by Holly too, even without her leather corset, dressed in ‘normal’ street clothes, Holly exuded power. Like it was just what April needed. Holly made us some tea, her friend Kate left. We sat down
“Now girls, make yourself at home, April why don’t you sit there, next to the lamp?” Holly pointed to one end of her sofa, “and Cassie, you sit at the other end. That way you can put your tea and cake on the coffee table.” We did as she said. Holly put a tray of cake, scones and homemade cookies on the table. She sat in an arm chair across from us and poured the tea. “OK so April, you had an upsetting night, but you do realise you brought it on yourself. Don’t you?” She looked straight at April. For a moment April stared back, like she wanted to say something, but couldn’t find the words.
Holly looked up, “It’s gloomy. I’ll turn the lamp on.” She flicked some remote switch, the lamp next to April switched on. April blinked several times like she was almost blinded for a moment.
Holly went on, softly, like we had strain to hear, “You were bratty, you were rude, and you hit me first.” She stared at April. “Well?”
April, caught in the middle of the pool of light shone by the lamp, strained to see Holly, sitting in half shadow. She made a noise, like I couldn’t understand her, like it wasn't a word, it was more a strangled sound.
“April?” Holly whispered.
April knew Holly was looking at her, even though she couldn't see Holly properly.”Yes Holly, I guess” she mumbled.
"Did you say something, I couldn't hear you April" like Holly was so cruel, she could hear, she was dragging April's admission out of her.
"Yes Holly, I was wrong to fight you."
"You knew you'd be beaten, deep inside you, you knew I'd beat you. Didn't you?"
April squirmed, after what seemed almost a full minute, she finally nodded. She murmured, "Yes Holly, I suppose I did know you'd beat me."
Holly sipped her tea; she passed April the tray of cakes, like she was rewarding her for the right answer. April took a scone; she ate it nervously, holding her own plate just below her mouth to catch any crumbs. “Thank you, the scone was lovely.”
“There is an art to making scones; you have to knead the mixture just right.”
“Could you show me one day?”
“Of course, and the other thing is the cream- it’s not whipped like you Americans do it, its clotted in the traditional English – or Devonshire to be accurate- way.” She passed April the cake tray, “you don’t need to be worried about the crumbs. I can clean up later; a few crumbs on the floor don’t matter. I’ll show you how to make clotted cream too.”
April relaxed, like she settled back in her chair, she breathed normally, she put her plate down, she ate her scone, she had some tea, she reached for a seed cake. She bit some. Like she was so much more comfortable talking about cooking.
“So why did you fight me when you knew you’d lose?”
April choked on her seed cake. Like she turned bright red, she spluttered, she coughed. Like Holly had totally wrong footed her.
“Why did you do it April?” Holly purred.
April was still spluttering; like she tried to say something coherent, she failed.
“You did it because you wanted to lose, didn’t you April? That’s why, deep down you wanted to lose to me.” April squirmed, she spluttered some more. Holly purred again, “You know what happens to girls who lose at the Chatro Bar, don’t you April?
April mumbled something.
Holly went on. “You’ve seen it, haven’t you April? Indeed you tried to do it yourself to Laurie, didn’t you April? But you failed didn’t you April? Answer me April!”
“Yes, yes I tried to work Laurie, but ...” April’s voice trailed off.
“But you failed, And you know why you failed don’t you April/ Because,” and Holly raised her voice above the soft purr, not much, like it was her normal speaking voice but it was enough to make April shiver, ‘you’re weak, because at heart you want to be where Laurie was, where you were later last night. Where you belong, where you know you belong. Don’t you April?”
“Yes, yes, Ms, yes I wanted to lose to you, yes I know that now, and yes that is why I fought you, yes I knew I couldn't win, I knew you would And yes I couldn’t work Laurie over, even if Ms hadn’t stopped me, I know I wouldn’t have been able to work Laurie, I might have tried, but I know I wouldn’t have done it properly.” Like April was gushing, she couldn’t hold back. She was like a burst dam. And yes, I knew you’d take me... As I’ve seen other Dommes take girls who they beat. And yes ...” and her voice trailed off for a moment, like April was summoning strength to say what I knew she wanted to say. Like it’s always hard when someone breaks you, I slid my hand over and squeezed hers. She went on,” and yes, I belong there, with girls like Cassie and Laurie.”
“And you know what kind of place Chatro is, a place where weak girls like you are owned” Holly went on, like I knew she was smiling; her teeth flashed through the gloom. “A place where ownership and loyalty switches from one strong woman should she lose, where it switches to the woman who defeats her; where even a strong woman may be owned- like I owned Meani for a while. And it’s a place where the weak pick apart fallen girls. It is a different world, a world run solely on fear, lust, hate, humiliation and pride! And it’s a world where a weak girl like you- like Cassie- has only three choices. Either you can be owned as Jenn owns Cassie- owned so you can be traded, lent, disposed of at your owner’s will. Just like Jenn has lent me Cassie. Or you can be a room slut like Nikkie, like Debbie, like you were. And you can be a room slut if your owner loses, or even if she wins but can’t protect you, like Meani couldn’t protect Debbie last night. Or you can try to lurk in the shadows, out of the way of the powerful, try to pick on the weak yourself, try to build some power. But for a weak girl like you that won’t work. Will it April?”
“No what, April, you should show respect, no one likes a bratty sub.”
“No Ms Holly.”
“Good girl, now finish your cake up, it’s getting late, and you need to go home and get ready to go out again. I’m taking you and Cassie to Chatro tonight.”
“But Ms, but, I’m still sore from last night, I was so owned there!”
“Don’t you argue with me missy. You’ll do as I say.”
April cowered. “Yes Ms, but...”
“But nothing, you’ll show people you aren’t scared, you’ll show them that you know your place, that you are no longer bratty, that you have changed for the better.”
“And like” I thought but didn’t say, “You’ll show everyone there that Holly owns you. Like that’s what she wants.”
“Now girls, let me get you another cup of tea before you go.” She got up and went to her kitchen. April and I just looked at each other for a moment. Then I whispered, “Like I know; you’re exhausted, like a Domme breaking you –even if she doesn’t touch you, leaves you totally worn out. “
“She’s a witch, how can she know what I feel, how can she know what I think?”
“Like that’s how Dommes are, they know what buttons to press. But sweetie, stick around with me and I’ll show you how to press a Domme’s buttons, like you can sometimes- sometimes- make them do what you want. Hush now she’s coming back.”
Holly gave us more tea and cake and sent us on our way, telling us she would pick us up at 7.00. It was already almost 5.00pm like we had to hustle to get back home. The CTA isn’t that good a place to be late on a Saturday afternoon when its gets dark so early even if I had left my little car at the station. I’d asked April to have dinner with me, like she was in no condition to be by herself. So we went to her place, we grabbed some clothes for her and went back to my trailer. I cooked up a quick but good meal- like April needed a good feed - showered and we sat down waiting for Holly. She came with Kate whisked us off in her MG sports car, she said she had bought it just for her time in USA. Like she was so much richer than us.
We got to Chatro just as it started to get busy, like Holly had staged her entrance perfectly. Heads turned. Holly walked up to where Jenn was sitting- like I was totally surprised; there was this girl on Jenn’s knee. Jenn turned to Holly, “Hey, I didn’t expect to see you here, I just thought you’d be a bit sore. And I certainly didn’t expect to see you, April.”
“Ms Holly brought me; Ms. She said it would show I wasn’t scared, she said it would be good for me.”
“And she was right.”
“Jenn, meet my friend and fellow exchange lecturer Kate. Kate, meet Jenn, Jenn is one of the regulars here.”
Jenn smiled and said hello before Holly excused us all and took us to the bar to buy us drinks.
“Hey T, nice to see you and Shelley too, how are you?”
“Surprised to see you thought you’d be licking your wounds. April made you work hard.”
Holly looked at April. “I am sorry that I was bratty, I am sorry that Ms Holly had to fight me to make me realise I was wrong.” Like April was totally submissive, totally polite.
“And anyway I am here, more than can be said for Meani, she’s the one who is licking her wounds. “
T giggled. “Yup, she isn’t here, and if she was she wouldn’t have Chelle in tow. Good on you Holly congrats on teaching April manners, on showing where she belongs. I didn’t really think you could do it.”
It was the same everywhere, like people were surprised to see us, and especially surprised to see April so meek, so tamed, so totally owned. And everywhere Holly commented that Meani was not around. She introduced Kate to some people, Kate struck up a conversation with one of them- Emily, a blonde a few years younger than me, she’d been around Chatro but seemed to blend in the background. Like I’d never seen her fight, like she was pretty but she wasn’t hot like Nikkie or me. She was taller- like between Jenn and Holly in height- maybe 5ft 7, but she was a lil plump, a kinda soft plump not solid like Jenn or Tamikya. Like Kate seemed to hit it off with her.
. “Please Holly can we go back to Jenn”
“Cassie you’re jealous of that girl on her knee.” I blushed, like she knew. Then she smiled, “Yes we can. It’s a good spot, I can introduce you,” she nudged Kate. We- April Holly, Kate, Emily and I- walked over, sat down and Holly began to chat with some of the people.
I was much more interested in the girl on Jenn’s lap. She was Penny, I’d seen her a few times, she was older than me- like she was even older than Jenn by a year or two, not nearly as hot as me, like she was plump- not Jenn’s size of course, but not strong like Jenn either. Like she too was soft plump. . Like what was she doing on Jenn’s lap?
I listened, she wasn’t making any sense at first, Jenn was comforting her, calming her down, those meaningless quiet words I’d heard so often when I was distressed. Like I wanted to rip Penny apart, she was where I belonged. But I behaved myself, like I also wanted to find out why Jenn was spoiling her. And Penny started to tell her story, all broken up with sobs, like she milked it for all it was worth, and then some. Like Jenn is totally gullible when it comes to a sob story. Penny said she’d been at an ice hockey match, watching the Hawks against Cleveland- yes back then it was the Barons, not the Mobsters- by herself. She met Jade West at half time and they went back to watch the rest of the game. Jade invited her for a coffee, then at the café in some mall, Jade started picking on her.
Penny said she tried to get up and leave but Jade stopped her. Penny said she tried escaping, she went to the bathroom, planning to run out of the mall some other way but Jade followed her. Somehow Jade hustled her into some storeroom, and they fought. Penny gushed tears at this point, she said Jade was too strong, that she tried her best but Jade just fought her down. Like I knew how strong Jade was, like she’s beaten me every time we have fought- I don’t stand a chance against her, and like the last time I saw her fight, she even gave Jenn a hard time for a while- and not many women do that!
And then Penny said, Jade slutted her, Jade made her eat her out, Jade used some toys on her, Jade really worked her over. Like I knew that Jade would have done that, she was such a total bitch. And then, Penny said, Jade had pushed her out of the store room, just like that. Like Jade had got what she wanted, she had slutted Penny, as far as Jade was concerned that was the end of it. Like that was Jade that is just what she had done to me and Nikkie when she got her claws into us a few months ago – right here. But Jenn had hardly listened to me then, like it had been up to Nikkie to organize plot revenge and she had done it well too. Jade had ended up squealing and moaning but it had taken three of us. And like afterwards Jenn had spoilt me, like she had sat me on her lap right here, in her fav seat. She had praised me and been so good.
So what was this Penny bitch sniveling to Jenn about, like why was Jenn listening to her? Like Jenn wasn’t the only one listening either, by now Holly, Kate, and most of Jenn’s circle were all listening. Like everyone was listening to Penny. Like she had everyone’s attention. And no one was saying anything like “Penny must have deserved it”, or “She was probably bratty”. They would have if it had been me Jade picked on. It was so totally unfair.
Like I was so mad, but I couldn’t show it, Jenn would totally punish me. Like she might throw me to the crowd, like there were too many peeps there that night that would just love to take me down, like I couldn’t even be sure Holly wouldn’t work me over.
Like I was stewing when the door banged. There was Jade, what a coincidence, here was Penny telling Jenn how nasty and cruel Jade had been and she comes in. Like I guess it’s not much of a coincidence, like Jade usually goes to Chatro on Saturday nights. Later I thought maybe Penny knew that, and she knew Jenn would most likely be there, and she knew Jenn would be a soft touch. Like all subbies know that under all that toughness, that strong Domme exterior, Jenn is a real softie.
Tamikya was like “So, Jenn, actions speak louder than words, are you going to protect Penny?” Like I totally knew Tamikya was still angry from when I’d beaten Sharon. Like I’d told Jenn, I totally knew that she would gloat, she would tell all the women at work. She’d do that first cuz she totally despised Sharon, and second cuz she would want to get back at Tamikya, why I don’t know but I knew she did. Maybe it was just Jenn being Jenn, like she had to be queen bitch everywhere she was.
Holly nudged Kate. Like I didn’t hear what she said, but April told me later Holly had told Kate that she was sure there would be a fight, that this was what she hoped would happen, that this was why she had brought Kate along. Holly spoke louder. “Jade almost beat Jenn the last time. In fact if it wasn’t for…”she broke off, smirking. Like she thought that her tripping Jade was the reason Jenn had won. Like she might have been right. She hadn’t told that to anyone, like she was good at keeping secrets, but I knew, she knew and Jenn knew. And like Jenn flushed.
She brushed Penny out of her lap and stood up. “Jade you’re a bitch, we know that but why were you a bitch to Penny here?”
“I don’t need to give you a reason. I can do what I like with a slut like her.” She strode over to Jenn, reached out and slapped Jenn’s face hard. Jenn didn’t expect that, like nobody did, Jade moved so quickly. She didn’t let up either. Before Jenn even tried to get back out of Jade’s way, Jade had slapped Jenn’s face at least half a dozen times. Jenn’s face was red! Jenn was gasping, groaning. As the bigger girl retreated, Jade reached for Jenn’s hair, she seized a fistful and slammed her other fist into Jenn’s chin. Jenn staggered, like I thought the fight was almost over then. Like I’d never seen Jade so brutal so early! She hit Jenn again, this time Jenn deflected the punch a little, it hit her cheek but she still groaned; she seemed to buckle. Jade cackled. She let go of Jenn’s hair and sent another punch, it hit Jenn’s face again. Jenn groaned, she wavered, she was on her knees. Like Jenn Peccavi on her knees in less than a minute. Like to Jade! The crowd was wild; no one had ever seen anything like this.
Jade bent forward, gloating. She raised her fist to pound Jenn’s head. “Ooff” Jade rocked back, Jenn had head butted her tummy. Jade had been too confident. She reeled back clutching her tummy, sucking in breath. Jenn slowly got to her feet; she blinked, lots of times. Like Jade had punished her. She stood, still shaken, like she trembled waiting for Jade to attack. Jade took her time, like she looked as if she was winded. After what seemed a long time but was probably less than a minute she stepped forward, arms up ready to punch. Or so it seemed to us all. Suddenly Jade’s foot snaked up aimed for Jenn’s tummy. Jenn recoiled; the foot hit her side as she stepped –almost too late- out of the way. Jade had been feinting Jenn stepped further to the side, Jade followed, she tried kicking again, this time Jenn nearly caught her foot. Jade had to step back hurriedly to avoid Jenn’s counter thrust- a hard punch aimed for Jade’s boobs.
The two fighters circled each other for a few seconds.
I peeped at the crowd, Holly looked flushed, like she was excited by the fight, she had April on her lap. She whispered something in April’s ear. And there was Kate, looking surprised, but like she was excited too, and Emily was kinda nestled in under Kate’s arm. Like it hadn’t taken long for Kate to find a pet.
Jade looked anxious, like she knew that every passing second let Jenn recover just that bit more. She attacked, firing punches at Jenn’s tummy, Jenn parried some, some got through but Jenn brought her leg up, aiming her knee at Jade’s tummy. Jade backed off hurriedly, she avoided the knee, like she failed to block Jenn’s punch. That hit home on Jade’s shoulder, not as hard as Jenn intended, and like it probably didn’t hit where Jenn aimed, Jade scurried away, but it still hit hard. Jade tried to attack again, this time Jenn let her, she grabbed at Jade’s sides, slamming her own body into Jade’s and –in one of Jenn’s favourite moves, snaked her foot behind Jade’s trying to trip the blonde. Jade just avoided that, like she couldn’t avoid the punch that followed when Jenn let go of her sides.
Jade’s belly was pounded. And a second time as Jenn’s other fist connected. Jade gasped. She all but doubled up. Again the two women broke apart, again they stood breathing hard. Both were marked, Jenn with the start of a massive bruise on her cheek, Jade with torn and disarrayed blouse and the start of a bruise under that torn blouse. Like both of them had suffered.
“Run out of puff Jade?” Jenn taunted. “Want to give in now?”
Jade hissed something, like I didn’t hear what she said. She moved in her arms swinging. Jenn turned side on; Jade was committed to her rush and stumbled past Jenn, copping a hard elbow just below her ribs. She turned like she was quicker than I thought she would be, and came back hard, punching Jenn in the side. Jenn closed on her, grabbing her in a bear hug, squeezing her tightly, crushing the air from her. Jade struggled for a few seconds, as Jenn lifted her off the ground. Jade gasped, like she was losing, she had to find a counter. Like fast. And she did, she brought her own hands up to choke Jenn’s throat. For a long moment they were locked together, like it seemed neither wanted to let go, to do so was like admitting defeat. Like Jade had the advantage, her choke hold was more direct, Jenn started to turn red, then a sort of mottled mauve, like she was going out to it.
She realised it, let go of Jade and slammed her fists into Jade’s side. Jade tried to keep the choke happening but Jenn’s punches were too much. She let go, stepping back quickly but not quickly enough. Like Jenn had grabbed one of Jade’s wrists. Jenn clapped her other hand over the one already holding Jade’s wrist and began turning on her feet, slowly at first but faster and faster, forcing Jade to turn with her and almost dragging the lighter girl off her feet. Then Jenn let Jade go, like it was the old crack of the whip! Jade flew into a table, knocking it over and sending the glasses sitting on it crashing to the floor. Jenn was onto her, grabbing her and trying to drag her down to the floor. Jade wailed, seized Jenn’s hair and the two women fell together, Jenn on top. They rolled on the floor, Jade trying to get on top, Jenn trying to stay on top, slapping, punching at each other till after perhaps 40 seconds, they broke apart. Jenn got to her knees, Jade was slower; she was just straightening herself from being on her hands and knees when Jenn slammed into her, slapping and punching at Jade’s midsection. She forced Jade back down, Jade struggled, slapping and clawing at Jenn’s face and shoulders but she failed. Jenn pushed, her hands gripping Jade’s shoulders, she pushed the blonde to the side, and down, down till Jade writhed on her back. Like it was such a change from the beginning of the fight.
Jenn tried to straddle Jade, but as she had her leg in the air, swinging it over Jade, Jade struck back, punching Jenn hard in the belly. Like she wasn’t finished yet. Like we all heard Jenn’s groan as she fell backwards. The two women scrambled to their feet. Both were tired, Like Jenn’s top stuck to her, runnels of sweat ran down her face, her belly heaved as she sucked air. Like Jade was no better, her torn blouse stuck to her body, her face was red with exertion.
Again Jenn tried to catch Jade in a bear hug but Jade pushed Jenn back grabbing and clawing at her boobs. Like Jade was still too quick! Jenn hissed with pain. Her hands pushed Jane’s shoulders, again Jenn tried to trip her up. Jade faltered, like she almost fell, to save herself she dug her nails deep into Jenn’s boobs. Again Jenn howled. She bobbed her head down then sharply up, head butting Jade.
Jade squealed, one more shove from Jenn and Jade fell headlong to the floor. Like this time Jenn was quick. She stomped hard on Jade’s tummy. Jade gasped as Jenn stomped again, and then a third time, crushing Jade’s breath out of her.
“No, no more” Jade begged.
Like Jenn had won. She stood up straight smirking. She yanked Jade by her hair, dragging her up to a sitting position. She ripped the defeated girl’s blouse, tearing a sleeve off then binding Jade’s hands behind her back with her own sleeve. She then dragged the defeated girl by her hair up onto a table. “Penny, come on finger the slut, I just know she’s wet!” Jenn told Jade’s victim. Like Jade was so humiliated, being worked over by some weak slut, like it was nearly as bad for her as when Jenn had made Nikkie work Jade. Like I had to bite my tongue to stop from laughing. ’I’m off to the showers and when I’m back you can eat me out bitch! “Jenn slapped Jade’s face.
Jade whimpered as Penny started playing with her.
Kate was like ‘Does this happen all the time?”
Emily giggled, she nodded. “Bratty bitches get worked over, sometimes they don’t even fight, they just give in. Tougher women like Jade fight but if they lose the result’s the same. “
“Oh and have you ever been worked over?”
“No, I’m not bratty; I stay out of the way. Sometimes brats fight each other. The loser gets worked over usually by some stronger woman, like the brats don’t do it themselves. They might want to but they get pushed aside by some strong woman. That happened only last night. Nikkie, one of Cassie’s friends” Emily pointed to me, “beat Debbie, but Julia, worked Debbie over,
“Oh and you say you’re not bratty.” It was Jordy, like where had she come from? Like no place good! “Telling tales, gossiping about someone who’s not even here. Oh no you’re not bratty, not much.”
“Not talking to you!” Emily turned back to Kate. “Never mind her, she’s just a troublemaker, ask Cassie, she’ll tell you. As I was saying, last night, Cassie herself fought too, she beat Laurie, but when Cassie and April tried to work Laurie over they got pushed out of the way. And April was so bratty; she tried to stand up to Meani. It didn’t work; she ended up getting worked over”. Like Emily was totally dissing Jordy, it was like Jordy wasn’t worth her time, like she knew Jordy was there, she looked over at Jordy and smirked,” I suppose Meani was trying to rebuild her cred, she hasn’t been doing well lately” Like we all knew Meani and Jordy were allies, like Lynn Thay owned them both. Emily went on. “April Laurie and Debbie- the three losers all got worked over, all ended up as room sluts. It was so cool to see. Oh Debbie got the worst of it. But you could see she liked every second of it. She liked seeing April and Laurie together. April and Laurie hate each other, there is so much bad blood between them. And you could see she so liked being slutted, so liked being used.” Emily giggled. “Debbie couldn’t get enough of it Like Emily thought she was safe, that Kate would protect her And like perhaps she would have been safe if she had stopped there.
“But what made it so cool was that Meani- who kinda owns Debbie was there and oh so helpless, she’d fought earlier. Sure she had won but she was way too exhausted to interfere. Debbie and Jordy- this brat here” Emily pointed to where Jordy was, ‘got into a fight with Cassie and Nikkie, they were losing, Meani tried to help. But that made it three against two. Holly came in and helped Cassie’s team and they won. Oh and they all got so slutted. But it’s Debbie who is so, oh so weak, so bratty, she’s right at the bottom of the heap. Not that Jordy’s much above her.”
“I’ve heard enough, you bitch!” Jordy slapped Emily’s face.
Kate was like, “Hey you can’t do that! Let her be.”
Holly broke in, “Let Emily fight her own wars, it’s not as if you own her,” she paused, nudged her friend, “yet!” She dropped her voice, like April told me later on Holly was like “But you might own her if she loses.”
“At least let Emily get up” Kate insisted. Jordy glowered but stepped back.
Emily stood; she ducked under Jordy’s arm and slapped her boobs, several times. Jordy backed off, like she was surprised how quickly Emily took the attack to her. Emily kept the attack going, slapping Jordy across the face repeatedly. Jordy rallied, she grabbed at Emily’s hair, tugging it hard, dragging Emily to her left, just the spot for Jordy to punch Emily’s upper tummy.
Emily broke away, ducking again and twisting Jordy’s arm. Jordy let go. The two girls faced off, Emily taller than Jordy kept her distance, slapping at Jordy’s face and shoulders. Jordy tried to defend. Like she was partly successful, she parried some slaps but more got through. Jordy changed tactics, she closed, she grabbed Emily’s blouse, jerking it towards her. The blouse ripped, Emily squealed, she slapped hard at Jordy’s face; like Jordy’s head rocked as Emily punished it. Jordy slapped back at Emily’s boobs. Emily twisted, she tried to slap at Jordy’s face, Jordy intercepted Emily’s arm and yanked hard. Emily stumbled, like she was still in her heels, no one can fight properly like that! Jordy slapped at Emily’s boobs
“Let go, let go arrgh!” Emily squealed, she kicked off one shoe. Jordy dig let go, for an instant. She slammed her fist into Emily’s boob, shoved her back and ground her knee into Emily’s crotch. Like suddenly Jordy was top babe, in total control. She yanked at Emily’s sexy lace bra, hard! The shoulder strap snapped and Emily’s breast bounced free.
The guys hooted and cheered. Emily turned even redder. Jordy landed another punch on Emily’s sore boobs.
“Go get her Emily. Like fight her!” there was no way I wanted Jordy to win.
Emily reached up, grabbed a handful of Jordy's hair with her left hand, cupped Jordy’s chin with her other and tugged the hair while pushing up against Jordy’s chin. Jordy squealed, she stumbled. A full body buck, just the sort that Jenn gave, and Jordy almost fell.
“I think Emily is giving her an attitude change.” Holly giggled.
“Like Jordy having her world view adjusted.” Like I needed to show Holly I could use long words just like she did.
Jordy tried to stay steady. She squealed; Emily thrust her fist into Jordy’s tummy. Jordy shook, Jordy body slammed her and down she went. A hard kick to the ribs another squeal from Jordy- like Emily was back in control. She lunged at Jordy as Jordy got to her knees. She ripped Jordy’s blouse off and tossed it away. Emily’s arm snaked down wrapping round Jordy’s throat, like it was so good! Emily was totally in control! “You didn’t like my bra, well I don’t like yours” she sxxxxxxxed. In one painful move Emily broke Jordy’s bra and wrapped it round the fallen hottie’s neck. She hauled on it, yanking a gasping, squealing Jordy to her feet. In vain Jordy tried to claw at her own bra to pull it off. She gurgled, she gasped as her boobs bounced and swayed as Emily shoved her knee into Jordy’ s back making her stick out her rack.
Like the boys cheered again. Like even though I totally hated Jordy even I had to admit she was hot, and even more so when she was topless and helpless. Like Emily gloated, she paraded Jordy round the room. "Hey everybody, take a good look at her nice big tits," she giggled
“Aww you’re just jealous” some guy chuckled.
“Oh! Uh! Arrgh!” Emily crumpled. Jordy had stamped on Emily’s foot, hard. She had elbowed Emily in the tummy. Like Emily reeled. Like it served her right, she had been too confident. Jordy turned to face her again. She attacked, scoring repeated, unanswered slaps on her rival’s face as Emily tried to recover. Jordy slapped at Emily’s boobs, she ripped at Emily’s bra as it hang half off. She pulled Emily towards her. She shoved her knee up catching Emily’s tummy. Emily doubled up, Jordy tugged on the bra pulling Emily upright. She tried to slap Emily but the bra snapped, coming away in Jordy’s hand. Emily dodged a slap. She backed away, she kicked, high, Jordy back peddled, the kick went nowhere, Jordy tried to grab Emily’s’ foot while still in the air. She failed. Emily stepped back, took up a defensive stance.
The two girls were hurt, both had their boobs scratched red, they stood panting. I looked round while the girls stood panting. Penny was looking on; she wasn’t doing much to Jade. Like maybe she had made Jade cum, I don’t know. I glared at Penny. “Don’t get ideas girl, like Ms Jenn owns me not you.”
Like Penny glared back “Sez you!” she snapped.
I stepped over “Yes I said that, and I meant it”
Penny hissed at me.
I poked her hard in the tummy. ”Show some manners girl!”
Penny yelped, she backed away. And Jade took the chance to escape, like she vanished, I don't know where she went.
I looked back to the fight. Like Jordy recovered first. She lunged trying to grab Emily by the waist. Like she wanted to wrestle, she knew Emily had a longer reach. But she failed. Emily had brought her knee up, hitting Jordy in the tummy. Jordy doubled up. Emily grabbed Jordy by the hair; she tugged hard, almost jerking the little bitch off her feet. She shoved Jordy’s back, sending Jordy stumbling forward. She kicked Jordy’s ass, propelling her foe even faster.
"Uh!" Jordy had run out of room and straight into the wall of one of the booths. She bounced off, her legs buckled. Emily drove a hard fist into Jordy’s lower back. Like she was so quick, she had Jordy in a reverse headlock. She pulled Jordy down back onto a table. Glasses, plates, food, everything went flying. Like Emily was so totally punishing Jordy. Slap, slap, slap Emily was relentless, she hit Jordy’s face her boobs her tummy. Like it was so good. J Emily grabbed each of Jordy’s sore boobs, -one in each hand. She twisted the soft titflesh. She dug her fingers in the firm tender boobs, squeezing slow, hard, painfully. Jordy squealed. Like Jordy was so getting what she deserved! Emily sxxxxxxxed, she bent forward.
“Oh! Ah” Emily staggered back. Again Jordy had turned the tables, this time she had cupped Emily’s chin and shoved her back. Like she had used Emily’s own move against her- with just as much success. Jordy rammed her knee into Emily’s tummy. Emily groaned. She staggered she doubled up.
Jordy got up. Like she was hurt, she didn’t move that fast. But Emily was worse, like Jordy had winded her with that knee to the tummy.
“Ugh!” I reeled, like Penny had slapped my face, before I had time to turn round she had grabbed me from behind in a kind of bear hug. I spluttered; like the bitch was choking me. I stumbled back, then realised the booth was close behind me. Like I was going to do what Emily did. Only I was going to do it better. I pushed back, hard, pushing Penny with me.
Even as I pushed Penny, Emily only a yard or so away, stepped back. Jordy came at her with slaps, Emily tried to parry. Jordy grabbed a sheaf of Emily’s blonde hair. She tugged. She raised her knee. Like she knew she had the blonde, she pulled Emily right into her upturned knee. Emily moaned, she staggered. Jordy ground the knee into Emily’s slightly plump tummy again. Emily gasped, she crumpled to her knees.
And just as Emily crumpled I slammed a struggling Penny into the booth. Like she knew what I was trying to do, she knew where the booth was, but like she didn’t dare let me go, she knew I’d destroy her; her one hope was to squeeze me out before I pounded her into the booth or perhaps to dodge it. But she failed. Like I heard her whimper, her grip slackened. I stepped forward and crushed her back into the booth again.
Jordy knelt down; she stuck one knee out in front, grabbed Emily’s hair and bent her backwards down over her knee. She had Emily’s belly thrust up and her boobs thrust out. She pounded her fist in Emily’s tummy. Emily squealed, she groaned. “Stop” she begged.
“Oh so you did turn up!” Jenn sneered, like when had she come back, who was she talking to, had she seen me and Penny? I turned, Jenn was talking to Meani, she was standing on the other side of a bunch of tables and chairs from where Penny and me were but like what had she seen before? Jenn went on “Holly was saying you wouldn’t; that you were too scared after your near mauling by Chelle. Yes we know you won, but we all just know you just won. IT was the nearest run thing you ever saw.”
Kate giggled; she nudged Holly, “I never thought Jenn would be quoting Wellington”
“Don’t underestimate her. And don’t you think you’d better do something about Emily.”
Jenn turned for a moment, “So did Wellington say that first, I often wondered who Hubert Humphrey quoted just after he lost the 68 election, my parents were there, they were teenagers helping his campaign. She looked straight at Holly, “Well, well, she turned up, so what are you going to do now?”
Like she was ignoring Penny and me. Like perhaps she hadn't seen anything. She was looking away. Like I had a chance! I poked Penny in her soft tummy. Hard. "Stay away from Ms Jenn." I hissed.
Holly muttered something. As if to distract the room, Kate stood up, she walked over to where Emily lay, whimpering, beaten, her top ripped open, she glared at Jordy, “Don’t get ideas bitch.” For a moment we thought Jordy was going to tough it out. She stood up, took a pace or two back then met Kate stare; Kate stepped even closer, her legs astride the still whimpering Emily, Kate’s eyes flashed.
Jenn chuckled, that horrid belly laugh of hers. “I wouldn’t give a dime for your chances Jordy, she’d destroy you any day, but right now after a hard fight, you wouldn’t last a minute. “ Jordy slunk away. Kate helped Emily stand. She led the defeated girl back to where Holly sat. She sat down herself then sat Emily on her lap.
Jenn turned back to Meani, “Holly was saying such nasty catty things about you, your ears would have burned to hear it.She said you were too scared, you wouldn’t turn up here”
“So, I am here!” Meani snapped.
“Yes you are. But are you still scared, we just know what happened the last few times you and Holly clashed” Jenn’s eyes sparkled coldly.
“Perhaps but your English friend didn’t do too well last night.” Tamikya was still smarting from Jenn’s put down the other night. “And we know what Meani said is right…her voice trailed off, like she wasn’t going to say it herself. But she knew everyone knew the story Meani had spread that Holly was a failed Domme in England.
Kate giggled, “You mean people heard about that lil incident in Hull?” she nudged her friend.
“Hush” Holly hissed.
“So it’s true” Tamikya pounced. “We always knew you weren’t up to scratch, I just know” she glanced quickly at Jenn as she mimicked her before staring at Holly once more, “we all know you were just lucky that time. And the second time you had to have her” and again she looked at Jenn, ‘bail you out! Just like,” she paused and fixed Jenn with a cold stare.
”Piffle” Jenn growled before Tamikya could finish her sentence; like Jenn was totally edgy, like there must have been gossip about her fight with Jade- the one before the one this night,- like someone must have seen Holly trip Jade. Like Jenn wasn’t letting people go there. “Don’t take that crap, Holly, don’t take it from anyone. I just know you can deal with that insolent bitch!” She turned, "Where did Jade get to?"
I was like Penny let her go. Jenn muttered something; she glared at Penny "Well I'd better find the bitch again." and walked off.
T was like “Actions speak louder than words, dear.” Like she mimicked Tamikya- perhaps she didn’t know it though.
Like Holly had no chance, she had been boasting about how she was here and how Meani wasn’t and now Meani was and everyone was egging her onto fight. Brushing April from her lap, she stood up, like I don’t think either she or Meani really wanted to fight, but they had to, they’d have had no cred if they didn’t.
She glared at Meani, “yeah so you came after all. Didn’t I slut you enough last time?”
Meani didn’t waste time speaking, she came at Holly, slapping both of the English woman’s cheeks- one hand on each, the blows were hard; like we heard the crack as they landed. Holly winced, she stepped back. Meani pressed her attack, grabbing the front of Holly’s leather corset, trying to pull Holly onto her upraised knee. Holly pushed Meani’s knee to the side with her left hand and sent her right fist into Meani’s gut. Meani dropped back to avoid the blow.
The two tall women circled, each looking for an opening, each lashing at the other- Meani slapped Holly’s face, Holly hit Meani’s boobs. Meani tried to slap again, Holly grabbed the Minnesotan’s arm with her left hand, she twisted the am down, while sending her fist to Meani’s chest again. Meani gasped, she stepped back, jerking her hand in an attempt to free it. She slapped at Holly’s boobs, but that did no good, like that leather corset protected holly’s body so well. She grabbed at Holly’s hair, but failed as Holly jerked her head back. Meani’s fingers scraped against Holly’s cheek instead. Holly squealed; she let go of Meani’s hand bringing her own hand up against her own cheek.
I looked over at April, she was trembling, like I knew what she was thinking, how weak, how hopelessly alone she would be if Holly lost. Alone with a pack ready to pick her apart, to slut her even worse than she had been only the night before.
Meani surged forward, grabbing Holly in a bear hug, like perhaps she had seen Jenn do it; she squeezed Holly, trying to crush the air out of her. Holly fought back, her fists slugging Meani’s sides till Meani broke the grip and retreated. She swung her foot up, again aiming for Holly’s midsection. Holly sidestepped and grabbed Meani’s ankle leaving the blonde hopping on one foot. Holly closed, firing quick, light punches at Meani. Meani couldn’t respond properly like she was unbalanced. She did her best, trying to parry Holy’s blows but even after thirty seconds Holly’s attack took its toll. Meani lurched forward, grabbing Holly round the waist and tried to wrestle her to the floor.
Holly staggered like she didn’t expect that. She grabbed Meani for balance and for a second or so the two women clung together like they were lovers. Then they fell still clinging together landing on their sides. Meani rolled away, they both scrambled to their feet. Holly attacked; like she wanted to get back the advantage she had had before they fell. She charged in wielding punches, Meani stood back as Holly peppered her, she groaned- like the punches were telling on her- then let fly with a king hit to Holly’s jaw.
“Oh shit!” Kate said, as her fellow lecturer’s legs gave way. Holly slumped to her knees.
April wailed.
Meani sxxxxxxxed, stepped forward, then groaned. Like she had been too confident, Holly had head butted her tummy. Meani staggered, she grabbed hold of Holly’s shoulders, like she needed to hold something or she’d have fallen. Holly pushed up from her knees; she swung her head back, then forward, striking Meani just above the chest. Meani staggered, Holly tackled Meani – seizing her behind the knees. Meani crashed to the floor. Holly tried to straddle her foe before she rolled away. Like she almost succeeded, she had her legs across Meani’s body but Meani punched hard and accurately slowing Holly yet more -like Holly was still slow, like she was suffering from the king hit and a few more punches to Holly’s tummy and Meani squirmed away. Again the fighters got to their feet, like again Meani was just that bit faster; she swung a punch into Holly’s face, splitting Holly’s lips. Holly spat blood.
She stepped back to regroup. Meani attacked, aiming punches at Holly’s face; like by then she knew Holly’s corset protected her. Holly stood toe to toe, landing punches at Meani’s body. Like neither defended, both were out to inflict damage, to see who could stand the longest. It was Meani who broke away, like as Jenn said to me later “Smokin’ Joe Frazier always said “If you pound the body, the head will fall.” And like Meani was proof. Holly followed her attack up but Meani ducked, she hunched forward ramming her shoulder into Holly’s chest.
Holly reeled, she staggered, Meani completed her move by tripping Holly. Holly crashed to the floor. She groaned; she lay there for a moment. Meani dashed in, and then staggered back, holly’s foot in her belly. Like Holly wasn’t done yet. She swiveled as Meani tried to get close, each move was blocked by a kick from Holly.
I saw Jenn come back leading Jade. Like Jade had been too silly, she hadn't just run out. Jenn distracted everyone for a moment, grabbing Jade's arms pushing her down on a table in the corner. She was going to work Jade over. But we'd all seen that before, like the fight was more exciting just then.
After perhaps thirty seconds Meani stopped, she let Holly start to her feet, then when the Brit couldn’t kick she charged in, like she tried to knock Holly down with a hard kick. Holly grabbed the foot. She held onto it as she slammed her body forward. The two crashed to the floor again. Holly straddled a gasping half winded Meani. “You’re for it bitch” she cackled, slamming her fists into her enemy’s sides. Like Meani was tough, tougher than I thought she would be, she punched, she swung her fists at Holly, she bridged, pulling her ankles up to her butt then pushing. Then when Holly rocked, unstable from the bridge, Meani rolled to the side; Holly fell off. Before she could get up, Meani was on her. Like I thought Meani would straddle her but Holly squirmed her way free.
Again the two women got to their feet, they were tired, both gasping, both bleeding from cuts and scratches. Again they circled before closing on each other- like it was more stumbling into each other. Meani locked her arms round Holly’s waist, like she was trying the same bear hug tactic, Holly had tried. Again it didn’t work. Holly pushed forward, tripping Meani up by thrusting her leg between Meani’s parted legs’ Meani retreated to avoid Holly ramming her knee up and destroying Meani’s crotch, Holly gave one more huge shove and the two fell to the floor again.
They rolled around, slapping, kicking, punching at each other for one mad frenzied moment, then somehow –like I don’t know how – I stopped watching the fight for just a few seconds, Holly managed to get Meani in a leg scissors ; she started crushing the Minnesotan’s tummy between her legs. Meani bucked, tried to roll, punched out, clawed at Holly’s legs but the Brit kept squeezing, like it seemed each time Meani moved Holly just tightened her grip.
I’d stopped looking at the fight cuz I saw Gordon had come in. Like I was over to his side as quick as I could, nestling up to him. I had totally scared Penny, like she wouldn't go near Jenn again that night. Like I was safe there. Sure h Gordon was older, but he was fun, he was rich and he liked spoiling me. I kissed him, he hugged me.
I was like, “Let’s watch the fight, I got something to show you later.” He nodded.
Meani struggled, she punched Holly in the tummy, then on the chin, Holly’s head lolled back, like I thought she was stunned for a second or two. Meani squirmed free. The two women stood again. Holly attacked, she wrestled Meani, her arms round Meani’s waist forcing her foe back and back further till she crashed into a table.
Meani tried to defend, but Holly was now too powerful, she pushed the struggling blonde back down onto the table. Glasses, trays, snack food flew from the table as it rocked under Meani’s weight. Pinned by Holly’s left hand, Meani struggled but to no avail. Like Holly was so totally in control, ripping Mean’s blouse open and slapping at Meani’s boobs. Holly grabbed her enemy’s head and slammed it into the table not once, not twice not even three times but four times. Like she was totally merciless.
“Oh fuck, oh shit, oh you slutty bitch.” Jenn’s roar broke our concentration. We turned, she was rocking back and forth, still riding Jade. Jade had eaten Jenn out, again.
Ms T was like “Jade has such a good tongue, pity she can’t fight.”
Tamikya giggled.
I heard Meani groan and looked back at the fight. Holly was attacking Meani’s boobs, slapping, pulling on the nipples, punching, digging her fingers in deep, twisting, kneading. More than half dazed, Meani squealed, she tried to slap Holly’s hands away, she failed. Holly reached down, tugging Meani’s skirt to her knees. Meani fought back, like she was still defiant, with a hard punch to Holly’s face. Like Holly groaned, but retaliated swiftly, punching Meani’s tummy, grabbing her head in both hands and slamming it down on the table. She ground her knee into Meani’s crotch, slowly, painfully, until Meani whimpered her surrender.
Jenn congratulated Holly, she kissed her.
Holly sxxxxxxxed, turned to her friend “Kate, I think we got ourselves a victim.” And the two Brits made Meani stand and frog marched their tottering, squealing, stumbling, defeated enemy to a booth. As they walked off, Holly looked at April and Emily, “You two, wait here and if that bitch” she jerked her finger where Jade sat glowering and drinking, “tries anything funny, yell and we will deal with her!” Just to emphasize her point Holly patted Meani’s butt and detoured towards Jordy. She glared at Jordy, “Go on I dare you!”
I giggled, squirming against Gordon “She would never dare! She’s a wimp!” I turned to April, “I’ll protect you if she tries anything while Ms Holly is away.” Like I knew Jordy would never dare fight me, she was too tired after her fight with Emily to have a chance, like she knew I’d beat her even if wasn’t worn out. Like I’d get points with Jenn and all the Dommes and with Gordon for being so nice and protecting the other girls. And I’d make April even more grateful to me. Like best of all I’d just rub Jordy’s nose in the dirt. Like as Ms Jenn would say “Trifecta!”
So I stood and chatted . And Jenn came over, she had cleaned herself up, I don’t know where Jade was; Jenn had probably let her go home. Like Jenn never threw anyone she really liked to the room, there was no way she’d have made Jade be a room slut; like not unless she wanted to punish her real bad. I introduced her to Gordon, she was like she was pleased I'd been helping April. After a while Jenn went off, she was looking for Penny. Like I wasn't worried, she came to me first and I totally knew I'd destroy that wimp Penny if she got too near Jenn and like even better Penny knew too and she was totally scared. So she should be. Like anyway Jade had probably satisfied Jenn- like so far as anyone ever did satisfy Jenn.
I led Gordon to a table right near where Jordy still sat on her own. Gordon sat me on his knee. I kissed him deep. He groped me –just a little – like he was a gentleman.
“Remember I said I had something to show you”
He smiled. I took his hand up to the v line of my blouse, “It’s in there” he groped and found the chain and the pendant he had bought. He smiled. I almost sxxxxxxxed as I saw Jordy go bug eyed when the big diamond sparkled in the light.
A little while later, the two Brits came back. Somewhere they had found a leash and a collar, the collar was round Meani's neck as she crawled out on her hands and knees. Holly chuckled, "See everyone, we got a new bitch. What are we going to do with her?”
“Oh she’d make a perfect room slut!” Kate tittered.
“I don’t think so” Ms T glared at Kate
“T is right” Tamikya added.
Like it totally stank how the Dommes stuck together. If I’d been in Meani’s position they’d have been cheering Kate and Holly on.
Kate and Holly looked at each other, like they couldn’t possibly fight Tamikya and T, right then- both having fought- Holly twice in two nights- they’d be totally slaughtered. Holly was like, “Come on lets’ take the girls and go home. We’ll turn this bitch loose. Come on Emily and April.”
Gordon was like “And its about time we left too.” He squeezed me close. We stood up and left. Like I totally had to know what happened to Emily and April, I could hardly wait to ring April tomorrow. But in the meantime I was going to give Gordon a good time.