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Interactive titfight poll

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Offline User1

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Interactive titfight poll
« on: June 18, 2018, 06:57:22 PM »
Hello Ladies,

I’m going to set up a special titfight poll.

Instead of a poll thats only based on votes it should allow the competitors to convice the voters to vote for her by showing she knows how to use her girls and also to be able to raise her score by forseeing her opponents next move.

As the poll goes on I will build a story based on it. But don’t be afraid, you don’t have to write long text passages, instead you'll only have to answer 2-3 questions before it starts so I can set up the intro. After the poll started you would have to send me a message that tells your next move every two days.

The poll will be based on the following rules:

Higher total points is declared the winner
Total points = votes received by poll + round points

Round explanation
5 Rounds in total, 1 round lasts two days (Start: 26.06.2018)
In a round the competitors each messages me her move to keep it secret. At the end of a round I match them, divide points (as shown in the table below) and post the next part of the story based on this rounds results, then the next one starts. After all rounds are played I sum the round points up with the poll results to declare a winner.

Moves to choose from (move of your opponent and its result):

  • Frontal Bump (frontal Bump=draw, side swing=hit+2, upper blow=hit+2, lower blow=get hit-2, defensive stance=get blocked-2, bearhug=hit+3)
  • Side swing (frontal bump=got hit-2, side swing=draw, upper blow=draw, lower blow=draw, defensive stance=hit+3,  bearhug=hit+1)
  • Upper Blow (frontal bump=Land on top-2+hit next turn x2, side swing=draw, upper blow=draw, lower blow=got hit-3, defensive stance=land on top-2+hit in next turn x2, bearhug=got invaded-5
  • Lower blow (frontal bump=got hit-2, side swing=got hit-1, upper blow=hit+3, lower blow=draw, defensive stance=hit+3, bearhug=hit+3+opponents next hit x3
  • Defensive stance (frontal bump=hit+2, side swing=got hit-3, upper blow=Holds up +2 + opponents hit in next turn x2, lower blow=got hit-2, defensive stance=draw+next hit x2, bearhug=got hit-5
  • Bearhug (frontal bump=stopped-3, side swing=stopped-1, upper blow=invades+5, lower blow=stopped-3, defensive stance=breaks defensive+5, bearhug=hit next turn x3

If this sound fun for you post below or message me, I will then choose two evenly matched competitors.  :)

Best regards


Offline User1

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Re: Interactive titfight poll
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2018, 09:33:36 PM »

I'm proud to tell that there is a first competitor for the hands-off titfight poll, so all that is left now is a worthy opponent.  ;D

She's a jet-black haired beauty with piercing brown eyes in her early twenties. Her slim figure is rouded up by a unbelievable pair of tits. My first thought as I saw her profile picture: "How can such a slim body have that huge tits while on top of that they have a round shape that doesn't look like it could be misshapen." (really its no exaggeration)

To keep the poll realistic her opponent also has to have a similar appearance, so I'm now asking only women at the age of 20-30 years that at least have a solid D- up to E-cup (maybe F) to sign in.