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2018 Angelfist Invitational

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Offline PeachPit

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2018 Angelfist Invitational
« on: July 27, 2018, 01:14:33 PM »
We have scoured the local shopping malls from the back roads of America through small town USA to the big Metropolitan skylines of the world searching for the next wonder woman.  We captured your photos, you answered our questionnaires,
and now we want to one thing........can you back it up?

Each selected contestant sits down with our GURU to lay out your ultimate challenge

The higher the stakes the higher the challenge as 64 of our finest ladies  have to pit their skills against the toughest and most resilient fighters around the world

It's time to put your money and your mouth where your heart and soul is and with that in mind let's start the show

Welcome to Manila

Gateway to Quezon city

Specatacular Resorts

Romantic Beaches

Fantastic climate

and the host of the first ever Angelfest Invitational Tournament

As the search was being conducted for some of the most toughest female fighters who will further test their intellgience and strength to compete for the title as the ANgelfist champion

Liv from Pinoy Seqoui Stadium let's welcome our 64  contestants as each of them walk across the beach saying their names

1.  Janet Stacey - USA


2. Angela Larsen - USA

3. Cat Sassoon - USA


4. Fidelia Deasia Tagaan Adlawan - Phillipines

5. Constanza Molly Congson Desiderio - Phillipines


6. Sienna Garaitz Leones Cuenco  - Phillipines

7. Berenice Magdalene Sytengco Borres -Phillipines


8. Nya Mallory Uytengsu Manlangit - Phillipines

9 Emerald Madeira Lumeran Belmonte - Phillipines

10. Catchada Chaipoowapat - Thailand

11. Sugunya Lertkunakorn - Thailand


12. Ampawn Pookusuwan - Thiland

13. Wani-Ratana-Kanya Chalor - Thailand


14Nisarra Suprija - Thailand

15. Sureeporn Noppachorn - Thailand

16. Chanhira Chadee - Thailand


17.  Chamnian Srichure - Thailand


18. Areva Panyarachun

19. Chawiwan Yongjaiyut - Thailand


20. Thao-ap Pureesrisak 9- Thailand

21. Fujiyama Tamiyo (from left to right) - Japan


22. Matsuyama Kuma-  Japan


23. Yokouchi Asaji -  Japan


24. Ose Hazuki -  Japan

25. Tajima Mizuki - Japan


26. Ma Jia - China

27. Yuan ZhenKang - China


28. Gao Zhelan- China


29.  Akosua Kwasi -Ghana


30. Jenny Mika Gordy - Senegal

31. Oluwatomiwa Oluwafeyisayo - Nigeria

32. Oluwakemi Titilope - Nigeria

33. Valerie Adams -uK


34. Jessica Cunningham - UK

35. Lynda Duncan  - UK


36. Denise Flynn - UK


37. Vaneeta Gill UK


38. Lorraine Hake - UK


39. Davydova Raisa Mikhailovna - Russia


40. Khaslik Galka Timofeyevna - Russia


41. Spravtseva Jelena Ilyinishna - Russia

42. Yagovkina Agrafena Stepanovna - Russia


43. Khurtina Irisa Pavlovna - Russia

44. Yezhova Natalia (Natasha) Svyatoslavovna


45. Cristiane Bastos Guerra - Brazil


46. Rosana Macedo Medeiros

47. Amanda Nakata Cardoso - Brazil


48. Alice Olofsson - Sweeden

49. Linn Tegnér- Sweeden

50. Alexandra Molander - Sweeden


51. Rachel Canning - Australia

52. Ange Bozonnet - Framce

53. Erin Austin - USA

54. Melissa Moore - USA

55. Denise Buick - USA

56. Molly Knight - USA

58. Jasmine Ocampo -Phillipines

59. Kayleigh Baker - USA

60. Lacey Williams - USA

61. Liberty Guerrer0 - USA

62. Chelsea Richards

63. Jane King - USA


64. Jan Spivey - USA


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2018, 02:06:30 PM »


Offline PeachPit

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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2018, 06:17:24 AM »
Tournament Bracket has been updated :


Offline PeachPit

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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2018, 07:01:07 PM »
Yes we did have Angela Larsen and Jasmine Ocampo scheduled to fight but due to the bracket rearrangement that will not happen.  If they do end up facing each other in the tournament then we will go with the last voting results of the two to determine the outcome fight and will not post a poll. 


Offline PeachPit

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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2018, 07:52:33 AM »
Angelfist Invitational First Round

#32 -  Oluwatomiwa Oluwafeyisayo - Nigeria



##33 - Oluwakemi Titilope - Nigeria


My name is  Oluwakemi Titilope. I am a tee old, divorced African-American handyman with no children.

When you work casting modeling runway shows , naturally you come into contact with plenty of women.

It is hard not to when you are casting the order of which each model will come down the runway and . last month, I had to visit a woman I'd casted before and I remember the feeling that she had given me.

This young woman who's name was  Oluwatomiwa Oluwafeyisayo was only twenty years old and already living in a huge house on her own due to all the money she made as a International Model in California.

 Oluwatomiwa Oluwafeyisayo was one fine looking woman all right with a luscious mane of dark hair and big dark eyes.

I had high hopes this time around in this tourament because even though  Oluwatomiwa Oluwafeyisayo was a gorgeous, young black  woman in her twenties with a fabulous body and I was only a meager stage hand  that was twice her age, I was also a ex model  .I thought despite my age I was more than enough man to handle this vixen.

The fight commenced in the arena as both fighters wore one piece swimsuits from their respective country of Nigeria {alt}

 Oluwatomiwa leaped out in front of  Oluwakemi screaming , "AWWW"", with her guard up and her body exposed as she jumped back as the crowd applaused as they were greeted to an entertaining play in round fight.   Oluwatomiwa lifted her arms up in the air chanting, "THAS IT, THAS IT, I GOT THIS BITCH".    Oluwakemi circling around patiently with her guard up waiting.  Oluwatomiwa throws a punch and Oluwakemi jumps back , She repeats with another strong jab as Oluwakemi bounces back. Oluwatomiwa throws a right hook , Oluwakemi  side steps to the left but Oluwatomiwa  catches her with a strong side kick to her gut as she bends over holding her belly.

Oluwakemi  quickly recovers and resumes her guard  and inches closer.  Oluwatomiwa throws a front kick, Oluwakemi  dodges to the left and surprises   Oluwatomiwa  with a sidekick to the face.   Oluwakemi  then goes on  the charge with a spin kick to the face connecting that sends Oluwatomiwa   to the ground. However, Oluwatomiwa   bounces up on both feet slamming them deep into the gut of Oluwakemi   as he lets out a deep groan walking back.  Oluwatomiwa then grabs  Oluwakemi's arm and pulls her in for a punch to her belly,  Then she grabs  Oluwakemi  by the waist and hoists her backward for a body slam as  Oluwakemi  arches her back in pain.   Oluwatomiwa then goes for a hook kick down into her gut but Oluwakemi rolls out of the way.  Oluwakemi flips herself back up and Oluwatomiwa turns to be greeted by punches to the face . 

Oluwatomiwa  goes for  a right hook to Oluwakemi's side as she covers up.  However Oluwatomiwa throws a right hook to Oluwakemi' face , However Oluwakemi' answers back quickly with a left jab to her face.  She scores again with a side kick to  Oluwatomiwa and jumps up with a side kick to her chest rocking her back. Then as she is about to inch closer Oluwatomiwa comes charging back with a right hook to her face.  She goes for another punch but Oluwakemi' blocks it and shoves her back and shouts to her to hit her again.  She then goes for a right jab, Oluwakemi' blocks and goes for a left and right hook to her side . 

Oluwakemi' then goes for a sidekick to Oluwatomiwa's knee as she screams and drops to one knee as Oluwakemi sends a front kick upside her jaw sending her down to the mat for the knockout as the bell rings,

Oluwakem takes a step back to take a deep breath as she bends over as the referee hoists er hands in the air. Bracket Update


Offline PeachPit

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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2018, 10:22:36 AM »
16. Sureeporn Noppachorn - Thailand


49. Alice Olofsson - Sweeden


Working for a large international company has its pros and cons. The opportunity to travel to different places, see unique sights, and experience diverse cultures definitely falls into the "pros" side of the equation. Sometimes the travels are glamorous and exciting, other times they can be better described as dreadful.

Dreadful was certainly the first adjective that came to mind when I got the news that our March management team meeting would be held at the Hotel Jen in Manila not too far from the Angelfist Invitational at the Nino Aquino Stadium. My boss at the time was a proud Filipino who wanted to show off his homeland and at the same time share a little bit of Phillipine culture with those of us less familiar with life in the Philippines

Summer  has never been one of my favorite seasons so when it comes to traveling, whether it is business or pleasure, I tend to migrate in the direction of Antarctica but  not the god damn tropic. Call me a wimp if you'd like, but give me the option between a warm sunny beach anywhere in the world versus snow covered tundra and you can safely bet I'll opt for Frostbite Falls  every time.

Like most naïve Sweedes when it comes to world geography, my knowledge of the Philippines was pretty limited. I thought it might be worth finding out a little more about the Philippines  before I jumped to any conclusions, so I did what every thirty something geographically challenged guy does in this day and age, I read about the Nino Aquino Stadiuml. Maybe my initial thoughts about the Phillipines and moody people were wrong. After all, weren't Swedish models famous for modeling swimwear?

My momentary delusions of blue eyed blonds wearing one pieces swimsuits circling  around the ring  were quickly replaced with more realistic visions of me fighting my ass off when I glanced at the flyer for Angel Fist . Imagine the joy that rushed over me as I read the opening line from the poster

"A Ring Built on  Skill and Strength."

That was the headline on the poster.. The text immediately beneath the headline did little to bolster my confidence.

"May the mightiest warrior prevail ."

For some people, spending a few nights in a hot house might seem like a vacation. I just didn't happen to be one of those rare people. Unfortunately, this was business and the option of saying no to this once in a lifetime opportunity didn't seem like the best career move on my part. When the boss sets up a meeting in his home country and books rooms in a hotel that sells out a year in advance, you have two choices. Either you jump in front of a car to break enough bones to get a sympathy reprieve, or you lie through your teeth and say, "Sounds like fun, I can't wait!" I chose the latter option.

The plans were set. I was scheduled to leave Stockholm on a Sunday evening. I would arrive in Manilla on Monday morning. From there someone would pick me up and take me to the hotel.  We had meetings scheduled through the month the tournament was scheduled.

Lucky for me, the Manilla airport has a lshopping area where I could pick up some essentials like a razor, a toothbrush, a couple of shirts, etc. I was able to find all of the necessities to get me by for a day or two until my suitcase could catch up with me.

 I was one of a few fighters  flying in from Sweden; everyone else was coming from somewhere in Europe, Thailand, or the United States There were eight other gentlemen besides myself and one lady. At thirty-six I was by far the youngest gal in the group with the average age being somewhere in the vicinity of sixty.  Sureeporn Noppachorn was the only bright spot amongst the old geysers. Thirty something and very attractive,  Sureeporn Noppachorn could turn heads in just about any crowd. The boss rarely went anywhere without his "assistant", so it wasn't a surprise she was along for the trip amd tournamemt


The two were in the center Sureeporn as her eyes drew a dark gaze as she stood  in her countrie's one piece swimsuit while Alice stood across with her left palm up and her right curled in a fist her country in her one piece swimsuit as the bell rang.

Sureporn threw a spinning sidekick deep in her gut as Alice let out a loud cry as she stumbled back as Sureporn leaped and connected with a jumping sidekick to her chin for an instant knock out as the bell rang as Sureporn did a couple of backflips onto the center mat as the referee held her hand up high.

Bracket Update


Offline PeachPit

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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2018, 09:28:43 AM »
17. Chanhira Chadee - Thailand



48. Amanda Nakata Cardoso - Brazil


It' a funny thing what hate can do to a woman. Hate is an emotion which can lead you in so many directions. It can eat your guts out and turn you into a shell of a gal  who is useless or it can goad you into doing things which you swear you were never capable of accomplishing.

Amanda Nakata Cordoso started hating one person a lot of years back and it sent her over the edge into that place where you become a shell. She struggled with it and himself for four or five years, building walls around herselfwhich not one person on earth could penetrate. She was a loner who needed nothing nor anybody. In fact she swore never to allow anyone to get close to her ever again. Amanda did a lot of drinking in that period but she could never get drunk enough to make the feelings of hatred go away. Then Dan came along and slipped up on her .He got inside her head and her heart. She married him and let the walls close back in and she kept her world small. Just Dan and the boys, and Johnny and Martha, Dan's folks.

Her country was at war then and Amanda was in the military. She let her hatred be channeled toward the enemy and those blood thirsty bastards she worked for turned her loose. She soon became a cold blooded killer. Looking back Amanda thanked God, if there is a God, that she was in a war zone. She would have hated to have done the things she did in any civilized place. There is one thing for sure, she would have ended up in the electric chair instead of being honored with a lot of medals . The military loves to give out medals for "Gallantry in Action," or "Bravery above and Beyond the Call of Duty." Amanda got a little more than her share of medals, not because she was so brave, but because she was just mean. Actually vicious is a better word. They trained her well....too well. Now they can't turn her loose because it would be a crime in itself to turn an animal like her loose on the population of the gentle land of her  birth. So here she stays, in a special prison that holds several hundred of the kind of women that Amanda is. There are quite a few Navy Seals there, a bunch of Green Berets, the SOG types, and a fair number of women who were trained as Amanda was.

The guards are not mean, the food is excellent and the living conditions are probably better than most of the of her relatives have back home. Amanda won't...actually, can't mention the name of the facility as it doesn't exist as far as the government is concerned.. She has no idea where it is located, except it must be in the South. It is so hot and humid and those slash pines don't grow in a lot of other places. It's just called a Military Reservation, with fifteen foot, electrified, barbed wire fences around it's perimeter. There are six buildings in the middle of thirty five thousand acres of forest. The buildings themselves are thoroughly camoflauged and unless you know exactly where you are going, you can't see it from the air, or from ground level as you can't get within ten miles of the facility itself. There's one road in...and none out, not for them anyway.

They had remained in place---in situ---as the miltary called it, continuing to take out both military and civilian targets. Grady was the executive officer and Amanda was nominally in command of ten of the most vicious sons-a-bitches on the face of this earth. After being left behind for over eighteen months, Amanda and Grady began to realize that their country abandoned them and Amanda decided they had to get the fuck out of the Phillpines. They had to try like hell to work their way across Manila . It took Amanda nearly a week to convince the rest of the team to go with her, because most of the men had found themselves a hot broad to shack up with and they really had no desire to go home. They all knew they had been listed as MIA/KIA so there wasn't anybody looking for them back in Brazil.  Amanda promised them that if they came out with her , they could disappear and come back to their little hooches and their slant eyed dollies. It didn't quite work out that way.

When they moved out, Cory was actually surprised to see them form up into the formation they had perfected way back when they were first out in the bush. "Gator Bair" Thibodeaux took the point and they all spread out behind him in an arrowhead type of formation. They hadn't forgot their training and they moved through the jungle like a group of cats. You couldn't hear a sound, not one fucking sound. Just the usual jungle racket of birds and those noisy god-damned monkeys. They had every intention of making it to Thailand so they made a total of about ten miles that first day. After that they made sometimes as much as fifteen and sometimes less than five. It was all according to what was going on around them.

About the fifteenth day out, Cory saw 'Gator' freeze and drop. Everybody else did the same, wriggling around to get their weapons trained on the same bearing. That day a whole platoon of Vietnamese Soldiers passed through their formation. The Dinks never saw them.....Shit the team coulda' wiped out the lot of them but that wasn't what they were trying to do. When it came to a fire fight, the team were murderous and when it came to keeping outa' sight, they were masters at that too.

The fuckin' CIA had grabbed Amanda and Grady right off and began to debrief them in a safe house somewhere in Manilla. As soon as they were sure the two officers were who they said they were, things changed a lot. The cuffs came off, they got to shower, shave and get into some clean uniforms. Clean clothes may seem like a small pleasure but when you've been in the same set of Cami's for five weeks, clean clothes becomes almost orgasmic. The CIA clowns proceeded with a heavy debriefing. Amanda told Grady that there was no reason to hide who they were or what they had been doing, so they supplied them with all the information they could, except where the rest of the team was). Amanda heard later that it amounted to over twelve thousand pages of Top Secret documents.

Amanda was a Major at the time they came out and she found out that she had been promoted twice while she was in country.

The fight commenced with Chanhira taking the stage glaring at Amanda as she circled her arms into curling them into her fists as they circled around , She moves in as Amanda bounces in place {alt} while Chanhira pounding her chest, "COME ON....TEST ME...COME ON!"

She moves in closer to the center as the bell rings while Chanhira screams with her fist clenched shaking them.  Chanhira throws a left jab, Amanda ducks, and repeats jab while Amanda ducks and sticks her with a right jab to the face. Chanhira throws a right hook, Amanda ducks, and hits a left hook to Chanhira's side. Chanhira throws a left hook, Amanda ducks, and they bounce back as the crowd cheers.

They circle around again with their tensions reaching an all time high. Chanhira throws another right hook, Amanda ducks, and is being pursued to the center. Chanhira tries with all her might throwing left and right hooks while Amanda stays out of the line of fire. Eventualy Amanda catches her with a heel kick to the back of her head .  Chanhira lets out a loud yell as she runs off to the edge of the circular ring holding it . She bends back up and composes herself whining as she heads to the center.  Chanhira tries the same routine throwing left and rights and Amanda springs into action jumping up and connecting with two side kicks to the face as she drops down.  Chanhira's guad drops down as Amanda jumps and connects again with another side kick to the face knocking her flat out on her back.

Chanhira is out on her knees holding her lips and bends down to spit out the blood and wiping it as she looks at her fast and furious opponent. She pursues her opponent again out of anger stepping up and charging at her with another left and right hook followed by a side kick that have no effect as they are battered away. Amanda catches Chanhira's sidekick and sends an elbow down into it and sends a left backfist to her face whipping her back as Chanhira shakes her head.

Chanhira is punch drunk as she takes left and right hook's to the face , followed by a sidekick and a right hook as Chanhira is circling tpward the edge with her guard down She then takes one last ditch effort and throws a right hook as Amanda ducks and goes for left and right hook's to her belly followed by a front right jab to her face. Amanda then charges with a jumping front kick to her face as Chanhira still refuses to go down. However  a spinning sidekick to her chin sends Chanhira down to the outer mat on her side.

A shadowy figure in a black suit with black glasses whispers to another shadowy figure , "nice to test out our new soldiers of tomorrow out on the karate battlefield"


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2018, 07:51:00 AM »
8. Berenice Magdalene Sytengco Borres -Phillipines



57  Molly Knight - USA


I've always been big into fitness so when my coworker, Fred, decided to open a karate school, I was the first person to sign up. It helped to complete my already busy schedule full of work, school, and my attempts to keep a dying relationship alive. The girl in question and I had worked together before she had gotten fired for constantly being late, and I had stepped in and helped her out a few times before we started dating.

Eventually it led to us becoming more than just friends and initially things were great. But as with all good things, it came to an end. She had to move back home so we ended up only seeing each other once a week, and when we were together, towards the end, all we did was fight. Things weren't looking so great for us.

Fred and I worked at different stores , so he was bringing a few people from his place into the class who I didn't actually know, including this one rather cute girl.

I knew I had seen her before but could not remember her name for the life of me, so I waited until Fred brought her over to introduce her to me and a few of the others.

"Hey guys, this is Mary. Mary this is Jason, Zach", and with a glance in my direction, Fred said, "and this is Ben."

"You can call me Mary," she smiled shyly. All the while I just couldn't keep my eyes off her. She stood about 5'4", at least a C-cup, and had the nicest ass I had ever seen.

After Fred walked away, we all stood around stretching and talking though, if I'm honest, this was more just simply staring on my part. I found out from Mary that she lived half an hour away and that she would rather be out here than at her house after work because she needed to start getting in shape for her upcoming karate tournament. She also told me she was extremely nervous about taking karate because she wasn't very coordinated. Being the nice guy I am, I reassured her that everyone is nervous their first time but eventually she'll get the hang of it.

Having just started class,Mary  did not have the all white uniform everyone else did, instead she was wearing fairly short shorts that hugged the curve of her ass, and a tight t-shirt making it hard not to notice her breasts pushing the shirt out. I tried my best not to look at her all night but it was very difficult to do with someone so attractive standing mere feet away from me.

After class ended, Fred, Jason and I were going to go out for drinks, so naturally we invited Mary along but she declined, stating, "I have to go see my boyfriend, tell him what he's missing out on by not coming to karate with me."

All I could think of was how she had a boyfriend, making her decidedly off limits, but I guess it was a good thing since I still was with my girlfriend at the time.

Over the next few weeks I got to know Mary better. I found out about her culinary degree, and how she was working on her business degree with the hopes of opening a bakery someday. Who doesn't like a girl with a good head on her shoulders, goals, and the motivation to stay in shape?

One night while I was out with some friends, I got a text from Mary, simply saying, "I need you."

Slightly confused I replied, "I think this was meant for your boyfriend." Secretly I was hoping it wasn't since I had been lusting after this girl since I had first met her.

"No I mean you, Ben. My boyfriend and I are fighting right now and I need someone to come pick me up and comfort me. I'm lost in the city and kinda hammered."

Sadly I was an hour away from her and was making every excuse in the book not to go to her because I didn't want to make a mess of her relationship for her to have to deal with. Eventually, she managed to find her way back, but I still regretted not driving to her. But that was the start of it all for her and I. Now that I knew she had a thing for me, I had all the confidence I needed to try and get her.

A few more weeks went by, when I got a phone call from her, so naturally I answered it.

All I could hear through her crying was, "He broke up with me."

I told her I would be right over, got in my car and drove. When I got there, and she had already gone through two bottles of wine and was still crying hysterically. I carried her up to her bed, and tucked her in since she could barely walk. She begged me to stay with her so I lay on top of the sheets on the edge of the bed so that I could sneak away once she fell asleep.

The next morning I got a text saying, "Thank you for not taking advantage of me being super hammered, you're an amazing guy."

As we continued talking, she revealed that she had had a thing for me since she started taking karate and that it had been so hard to keep her hands to herself whenever she saw me. We set up a time to see each other that night, so I got out of work early and grabbed a couple of things to bring with me for the night.

As I pulled into her driveway, all I could think of was,"Damn, I hope I don't mess this up."

I walked up to the door, and right as I was about to knock, it opened. Looking her up and down, I saw she was wearing a black tank top with a purple bra with black yoga pants that accentuated her already perfect ass.

"I'm glad you came over," she said with this mischievous grin.

"Anytime, glad you're letting me spend some time with you," I replied.

We made our way to the kitchen where I put down the bottle of wine and the ice cream that I had brought with me. "Figured I might as well replace some of the wine you drank last night, and who doesn't like ice cream?" I said.

The sexual tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife, so I turned towards her and slowly brought my lips down to kiss her firmly but passionately. It felt like I was melting, her lips were so soft. I reached down and around her and pulled her closer to me, pressing us together.

She broke away from the kiss, "I have been waiting for you to do that for so long now, I can't believe you didn't just do it as soon as I opened the door after what I told you yesterday."

"I have some self control, I didn't want to just in case you weren't completely sure about it."

To reaffirm what she wanted, she got up on her tip toes and kissed me hard while clawing at my back, turning me on even more than I already was.

I picked her up while she was still kissing me, and brought her over to the couch. I threw her onto it playfully, and jumped right on top of her, pinning her down with my legs because I remembered her telling me that she liked to be roughed up a little bit.

I grabbed her chin and directed her head towards me, stared deep into her dark brown eyes, and told her, "You are beautiful", which made her beam like I have never seen her smile before, then I leaned down and kissed her again.

Slowly I released my pin on her, all while still kissing her, and started moving my hands down her body, making my way down to her perfect ass. I grabbed onto it, flipping her over on top of me leaving her entire body open for me to grope as much as I wanted.

Eventually I picked her back up, telling her that I wanted to lie in bed with her because, as comfortable as the couch may be, there was so much more room in her bed. She agreed and started to get up, but I pushed her back down, getting between her legs and picking her back up with her straddling me.

She started yelling that she was too heavy for me to carry all the way up the stairs, to which I told her that she was as light as a feather and brought her up the stairs and gently lay her on the bed. As I did so, I leaned down to kiss her again, this time she had her legs wrapped around my back so I could feel how wet her pussy was, even through my jeans.

I slid my hands up the back of her shirt and undo the clasp of her bra with a snap of my fingers. I stopped kissing her for just a moment to take off her shirt and bra, then start kissing her again the moment they had past her lips. I start kissing down her neck making my way to her breasts and started attacking her nipples. "Be nice to them, they're sensitive" she pouted at me. That was mistake number one, because then I started to really go at them, making her moan and tell me how much she loved her nipples being sucked on.

After a few minutes of that I started to kiss my way down to her yoga pants, which by now have a very dark spot where her pussy was. I moved my hands to her hips and start pulling the pants down as I kissed and licked my way down her body. All I could hear was her heavy breathing as I got closer and closer to her wet pussy lips. Right as her pants came down past her perfectly shaved pussy, I decided I wanted to tease her a bit, so I moved my head to the right just a little bit, making my path of kisses go right past her pussy down her leg. I kept going down her right leg all the way to her ankle and back up. Again, I passed her pussy, up her stomach, stopped at her right nipple for a moment, then back up to her mouth. Just by looking into her eyes, I could see that her lust for me had grown even more and that she was about to take things into her own hands. So I continued on my way back down her, stopping at her left nipple this time, all the way down to her left ankle, and started my way back up.

This time, I decided it was time to stop teasing her, but she stopped me right as my mouth hovered over her wet, little pussy. "So I'm fully naked and you have everything on why?" I looked down and noticed she was right. I did have all my clothes on for some reason!

I quickly stripped, and got back to where I was on her. I spread her toned legs, and kissed my way up her thighs to her pussy, which was leaking her juices by then. I slid my tongue up her slit, tasting her sweet juices, maneuvering my tongue into her tight pussy, going a little bit inside making her gasp from the sudden intrusion of my tongue. I removed my tongue and moved it up towards her clit, sliding slowly over it, which made her jump. I took my right hand off of her leg and slid my middle finger deep inside of her pussy while I flicked my tongue across her clit.

"Oh My God! That feels amazing! How are you doing that with your tongue?" she gasped breathlessly.

I continued to flick her clit with tongue in any direction it would go, occasionally putting my whole mouth around it and sucking it in and flicking it around inside my mouth. Soon after I did this, she wrapped her legs around my head, pulling me deeper in towards her pussy. "I'M CUMMING!!!" she screamed, as I felt her juices start flowing more from her pussy. As she released me from her leg lock, I started tonguing the alphabet on her clit, but she stopped me claiming it wasn't fair to leave my cock hard as a rock after she had gotten off like she did.

She pushed me out from in between her legs which caused me to fall back onto the floor with my cock pointing straight up towards the ceiling. She got in between my legs, and took all of me in, in one go, right down her throat. She expertly sucked my cock almost to the point of me cumming but I made her stop so that I could make her cum more, this time with my cock.

I got her back up on to the bed, spread her legs, and licked her pussy once more even though she was already more than wet enough to take my entire cock. I slid my cock head up and down her slit a few times, saying, "Tell me what you want."

"I want your fat cock to fuck my tight pussy until I cum so hard I can't cum anymore."

And with that statement I slide all 6 inches of my cock into her making her scream out from being filled by me. I'll admit, I'm not hung like a horse, but I know how to use what I have. After a few times in and out of her tight pussy, I spread her legs, and reached down to start rubbing her clit, which was now incredibly sensitive after the treatment I had given it earlier. Almost instantly, she came so hard that she lost her breath. She grabbed my hand away from her clit because she couldn't take another orgasm right away. So I moved her legs up to my shoulders and started sliding deeper into her, making her gasp from the depth I was reaching.

After a few minutes of this, I flipped her over to her hands and knees and buried myself all the way in her. As I pounded myself deep inside her, I grabbed onto her hair and pulled her back into me so that I could grab onto her nipples. She was getting so wet I could see her juices running down her thighs.

I decided it was time to try to get her to really cum hard, so I flipped her back onto her back, slid my cock in and told her to hold on. She asked me "Why? What are you going to do?"

"Just hold onto my neck and you'll see" as I hooked my arms behind her legs.

She grabbed onto my neck I lifted her up, and impaled her on my cock. "Holy shit, what are you doing!" she said as I started to slam her down on my cock. I could feel her pussy muscles contracting around my cock every time I lifted her up, like they were trying to keep me deep inside her.

I laid her back down on the bed because I was starting to feel that familiar feeling in my balls.

"Baby, I'm gonna cum, where do you want it?"

"Right in my pussy. I need to feel you shoot your cum deep inside my pussy!"

After those sexy words left her lips, I felt it traveling up my cock. "Oh yes, I'm gonna cum all over the inside of your pussy!!!"

As the first blast of cum shot into her tight pussy, she screamed out in orgasm just from the feeling of being filled with my hot cum. Shot after shot filled her up, until there was nothing left in my balls, and we just lay there with my cock slowly softening inside her pussy. Eventually I slid slowly out of her, along with some of our mixed juices, but neither of us cared, we were both so worn out.

"Man, that was awesome sex" she said.

"Yeah it was" I said, as I moved next to her on the bed.

"I could definitely use a nap" she whispered, as she curled up next to me, and slowly we both fell asleep after a night of fun filled activities.

She unfortunately would receive a different adult education in the ring as her face was bruised, eye cut, and nose bleeding as she took a barrage of front punches as her arms were slightly lowering down as

as Berenice gave her a tornado spin kick knocking her down as she log rolled onto her center tapping her bare leg on the mat . Bernice stares cold at her as Mary climbs up to her feet as Berenice slowly curls her fists as Mary takes a wild swing, Berenice ducks and throws lefts and rights as Mary walks back with her arms down at her sides as Berenice thrusts with a sidekick catching Mary on the chin as blood is spat as she falls down on her belly lights out as the bell rings.

Bracket Invitational


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2018, 08:06:37 AM »
Nice!  Very ambitious story with lots of action.  Too bad these new movies still can't replicate the old Angelfist movie.

Would like to see Berenice vs. Davydova in the second round.

Btw, I think there is a typo.  Shouldn't it be "Molly" and not "Mary"?


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2018, 07:07:33 AM »
24. Ose Hazuki -  Japan (fourth gal)



39. Davydova Raisa Mikhailovna - Russia


It was my senior year in High School. Things were looking good. I was going to be on the honor role. College was a surety! All is well.

Both my parents worked as reporters for a nationwide newspaper. My dad came home in November with his big break. A sixth month Phillipine on-site story about the Angelfist invitational . The newspaper offered the trip and a chance of a lifetime to both him and my mother. But what to do about me? They couldn't leave me alone because I qualified in the tournament as a way to engage in a activity before Fall semester.. 

Russian One Piece Swimsuit:

Japanese One Piece Swimsuit

As soon as I was in the ring with the Russian, Davydova slapped me on the back and said, "I am going to have a ball with you Ms Moto!" I laughed a little uncomfortably. She  just burst out with uncontrolled laughter as if they knew something I didn't.

She pushed me back. "You wanna fight? I'll kick your ASS!" Davydova was nose to nose with me as she towered over me. I shuddered as I remember being told she was quite an expert in martial artists.

I tried to gain some composure, shaking with fear. "Try if you can." I said in a quiet and trembling voice, my eyes lowered. There was an uneasy silence as she just stood there with her hands on her hips.  I tried to pass to the right. I was halted by another shove and a slap to my face. My lower lip began to tremble with fear now, a tear rising in my eye. "Aww, you gonna cry Sissy!", proclaimed Davydova. Again another shove from Davydova. "What are you gonna do about it Wimp!" .  Davydova began to circle me, moving her body like a Karate Champion. I put up my arms in futility. The blows came raining down expertly. She was like lightning. Within 30 seconds I was on the floor groveling in pain. She continued her pounding and kicking. I was getting woozy from the blows.

Then like that, Davydova looked down on her smiled, and then set a foot stomp on her head as she was out as the bell rang , I was done :)


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2018, 07:32:47 AM »
9. Nya Mallory Uytengsu Manlangit - Phillipines



55. Denise Buick - USA



Denise fight attire


Nya fight attire

"Harder, Miss Buick! No, step out - come now, defend yourself! Don't shy away! All right, stop!"

Denise Buick panted with relief, her arms blushing from the force of blocked punches. She rubbed them gingerly and winced.

Her karate instructor, Adam - that is, see fu - clapped a firm hand on her shoulder and whirled her around to face him.

"Have you already forgotten what I've taught you, Miss Buick? Have my lessons left your head so quickly?"

Denise lowered her eyes in shame and made a quick short bow. "I'm sorry, see fu. It's just... I'm too afraid of getting hurt."

Adam looked sternly into the 24-year-old's pleading face. Already the tallest of her classmates, and yet still so much like a young teenager. Her lithe body stood with hunched shoulders: poor posture not befitting a martial arts student, and evidence of a lack of self confidence. Her chestnut hair was slipping from the stern ponytail, falling into her long lashes. She looked simultaneously like a wild spirit with uncontainable will, and a lost puppy in search of someone to belong to.

"Miss Buick." Adam began sternly, "this will not do. You cannot fear pain. Pain is inevitable. You must learn to embrace it, not shy away."

"I'm sorry, see fu." Denise bowed uselessly again. This time she raised her eyes hoping to appeal to the strong, solidly built 29-year-old instructor. She, like most of the other girls in the class, was entranced by his strong features - boyish, yet with strength of soul beyond his years. Something more about him entranced Denise, however. It was as if he touched another reality, something attractive but beyond her comprehension. She couldn't quite put a name to it.

The instructor's expression did not soften. "Miss Buick, you will drop and do twenty pushups. Then you will run laps around the floor until I say you may stop. If you still have strength to summon afterwards, I wish for you to stay behind so that I may instruct you further. If you disobey again this punishment will double. Do you understand?"

Horrified, Denise nodded. "Yes sir!" She immediately dropped to her hands and knees.

"And count out loud!" Adam called as he turned away. "One, two! Class, let's continue. Katana!"


By the twentieth lap a strong-willed Linda had nearly fainted, determined as she was to continue. She panted as if she had no lungs left, pushing her leaden legs forward lest she risk disobeying. When Adam saw her teetering he finally ordered her to stop, sending her to the showers as he dismissed the rest of the class. His words rang in her ears as she collected herself under the steaming water.

"Miss Buick, you will stay behind today. You will come to the exercise room once you are done, and you will be taught the lesson of The Dragon Tail."

Dressed in a clean white tank top and loose yoga pants, Denise entered the small gym. She wondered if it was appropriate to appear before her see fu without her robe, but when she saw him waiting for her in jeans and a t-shirt, her worry eased.

"Denise." Adam began as soon as she entered. "For a moment, we will treat each other as equals. We are comparable people with adult minds. I wish to teach you this lesson as your friend."

Chills ran up Denise's back and slithered up her neck at her instructor's use of her first name. She nodded timidly, suddenly feeling as if she were somehow between worlds.

"Whether or not you wish to learn today will be your choice, Denise." Adam's eyes seemed to grow more piercing as he continued, and the change sent odd thrills through Denise's limbs. "You will not be forced to obey me. Obeying will be a choice that you make - only you, and for yourself. Do you understand?" Denise nodded dumbly, not feeling as if she could refuse in any case. Something about her instructor's tone overrode her will, joined with it and like a current, swept her onwards. Her will was Adam's; they were one mind. She would obey, because she was meant to.

"Sit on the bench press." Adam instructed. "On the edge. Face backwards. Take hold of the bars."

Denise did as she was instructed, without thinking. "Good." Adam commented, and began to circle her. He nudged her gently, as he did with postures in class, correcting her. "Arch your spine. Long neck. Relax your shoulders. Good." Denise tingled from fingertip to fingertip, unable to ignore the sensation of doing something inappropriate, taboo. But her mind was resolute and calm.

"In karate," Adam began, "every action is a result of a choice. You choose when to strike, you choose when to block. You choose to react to what is given you. Nod if you understand."

Denise nodded, involuntarily closing her eyes. Adam's words poured into her soul, stirring something deep and meaningful.

"Denise." He had stopped in front of her. "You will not move your hands."

Denise's breath caught in her throat. She understood now what Denise was getting at, if only partially. Shying away was a choice she made too.

"Nod if you understand."

A deep appreciation began to grow in Denise. She saw now that her fear was also a product of choice. She saw also that to give up control was a choice, and no one could make it for her. Denise nodded.

Adam smiled in admiration, knowing her eyes were closed. Denise was getting it. Her willingness to learn was strengthening her resolve. He took in her posture, perfectly poised, knowing this was a lesson she would remember.

Going to the closet where sparring equipment was stored, Adam retrieved a long black leather whip. It was skillfully braided, with a tasseled end. He uncoiled it with a snap. Denise started, but did not move.

"Open your eyes." Adam instructed. Denise did, and her gasp was audible. In a split second an array of emotions visibly played across her features: from shock to horror, confusion to fear.

"Denise." Adam's tone was level, serious. "Did you make a choice?"

For the first time Denise lifted her eyes to meet his. His expression was not menacing. He had asked her a question, and he knew what it meant. Denisecould pick up and leave at this instant, if she chose to. But she had already decided. A darker side of her will had already taken over. She would stay, she would obey, because it was an inherent part of her. Because she chose to, as they both knew she would.

Adam saw her features set in resolution, and lifted the whip. Denise  did not move. He brought it down across her forearms, stinging.

Flash forward to her Angelfist fight as Denise takes a sharp right blow across her chin

Memories of the  leather striking   Denise's back as Nya deliver's a powerful side kick to her back and for a split second her every molecule was alive in the sudden reality of pain that terrified and horrifed her, because she had chosen it.

"The lesson of The Dragon Tail is one of acceptance." Adam explained in a gentle tone. "Denise, you must learn to accept pain."

Adam brought the whip down quickly and suddenly, skillfully laying the stroke in the same place as the last.

During the fight, Denise squealed, having not prepared herself for the lightning-fast kick attack to her sides and across her face.

"You will not make demands of me, Denise." Adam corrected her in the tone of an adult dealing with an ignorant child, smiling slightly. "Just as you cannot make your opponents do as you wish. You must only deal with what is given you. Understand?"

Denise collected herself, riding out the fading sting. She nodded, and gripped the bench bars with determination, looking straight ahead.

Adam got serious. "Denise, I am about to give you twenty strokes of the whip. They will land anywhere I see fit. They will hurt. Denise, you will count each of them and thank me for each lash in a steady voice. You will say, exactly, 'One. Thank you sir, may I have another?' If you skip a count, if you forget to thank me, we will begin again. Nod if you understand."

Denise nodded, eyes still facing forward, her grip still resolute. She barely got the motion out before the first stroke landed on the round of her behind.

She nearly forgot where she was as the hard side kick from Nya struck her hard in the back.

"Oh! One! Thank you sir. May I have anoth-OH!"

"You will not move." Adam corrected her sternly as she started. When Denise  did not reply, he said, "You have missed the count. We will begin again, at one. Now, count!"


By the nineteenth stroke, and after several restarts, Denise was trembling with fear and losing the effort in keeping it together in her big fight  . The repeated blows  by Nya struck  her buttocks, arms, back and thighs where every nerve in her body screamed, and for the first time in a long time, she truly, deeply felt misled. Each

Finally the last stroke cracked against her chin from a tornado spin kick from Nya as Denise comes crashing down to the mat lying on her side.

Denise closed her eyes and looked back once before she crossed the studio's threshold. Adam stood there, and watched until visions of his false teachings disappeared  from her sight.


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2018, 07:59:30 AM »
23. Yokouchi Asaji -  Japan (third)



40. Khaslik Galka Timofeyevna - Russia


Russian One Piece Swimsuit:

Japanese One Piece Swimsuit

She was five feet, three inches tall. She weighed a whopping 115 pounds. At eighteen years old, Khaslik was checking in to a new high school in the first month of the school year. Her father was a fighter pilot in the  Russian Air Force. They moved a lot. They moved so much that her mother had her fill of it five years ago and divorced his dad.

Khaslik  knew what it was like, checking in to a new school. She had done it many times before. It didn't make her happy now  because she knew that once again her ass would be on the line in the Angelfist International. .

She  shouldered her duffel bag  and reported to the registration desk. It took her half an hour to check in. It took another hour to change and prepare for her fight.   
 The sound of the bell rang and she was up for her match. It was fight time "Well, I better get this over with," she thought.

She made her way to the circular ring.  Yokouchi  yelled, "Hey girl , the Pee Wee Invitationall is two blocks down." Khaslik ignored the jibe and walked up the steps to the ring. 

She went to her corner and began stretching out. . Yokuchi strolled over to her corner. "What is a anorexic like you doing in the Peach Pit? You're barely big enough to be out of kindergarten."

"I gonna ask you one time to leave me alone. Don't bother me. Wait for the bell and then we'll talk." Khaslk replied.

Not taking the hint, Yokuchi started to grab her shoulder as the bell rang.. Khaslik shifted her weight, grabbed the errant wrist and gave it a quick twist. Yokuchi doubled over in pain. "I asked you nicely to leave me alone. I meant it. The next time, I'll break it."

Khaslik was small, but she was highly skilled. Shee had attended karate classes since she was five. At twelve, she was a black belt. At fifteen, she attained instructor status. Now, at eighteen, she was a dangerous weapon. She had learned from the best martial arts instructors on the planet. When she found out that she was too short to be a fighter pilot like his dad, she had concentrated on her martial arts skills to the exclusion of all else. Even though she was small, there were few women who could defeat her.

Yokuchi  had tears in her  eyes as she nursed his wrist. The pain was incredible. It wasn't broken, but it would hurt like hell for several hours.

As Khaslik walked back,  Yokuchi made a grab for her shoulder.

Khaslik looked behind her. "Last chance," she whispered.

Yokuchi  pulled her hands up to push Khaslik.  Khaslik thumped her  in a certain place on her breast bone.Yokuchi  collapsed, gasping for air. John left him there and waited for her as Yokuchi propped herself up to her feet still holding her chest with her left and and with a right hook, Khaslik ducked and

delivered a powerful blow to her breastbone area as Yokuchi bent over gasping for air. . She  hit the mat on her knees and tried to breath.  Khaslik c delivered a crippling blow between her legs  Yokuchi collapsed holding her  and screaming, "I'll get you for that.

Khaslik walked quietly over to the one holding herself between her legs. "You don't learn very easy." Khaslik broke her  arm in three places with one blow. As the bell rang and Khaslik was declared the winner. out the corner of her eye she saw the other girl running toward her with her  broken arm. She  sidestepped and kicked the girl  in the knees. She heard something crack. The bitch  collapsed. "You are another slow learner," she whispered, kicking the other knee out of joint. She looked at her closely to determine if they were disabled. "Stay away from this tournament.. If I see you again, I'm going for the other arm."

Bracket Update


Offline PeachPit

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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2018, 09:34:10 AM »
# 4 - Cat Sassoon - USA





#61 - Chelsea Richards - USA

USA Fight Attire - Chelsea

USA Fight Atttire - Cat


My name is Chelsea Richards. I am 25 years old. I guess I should begin my story back when I was in high school. I really wasn't a nerd or anything, but I was very smart. I was  athletic and was a swimmer and into martial arts.. I had friends, but of course none of them were athletes.

Some of the boys  thought I was pretty good looking, but I just didn't have the social skills  that a lot of girls had. I did have brains though, and I finished 1st in my class.

After graduation, I received an academic scholarship to MIT. I dated a few boys  here and there, but never found anyone I really cared for. It was my Senior year that I met John,  He immediately captured my heart. I fell head over heels in love with him.

Let me tell you a little about John.  You see, we told each other everything about our past before we got married. Yes, we got married right after our college graduation.

John  was very popular in high school.He  was extremely beautiful, and very handsome. When John walked into a room, all heads turned. He told me about dating a gorgeous cheerleader  named Cat. They were a couple for about 3 years during high school. He told me it was Cat that took his virginity.

After graduation, John got a football scholarship, and he never saw her again until 10 years after we married, but more on that later.

John broke up with her, and went on to play college football, then some professional football. Cat said at first she was devastated, but then realized she could do fine without him.

John went to school at Boston University. They  met through some mutual friends and started dating. I don't know if hhe fell in love with my brains or what, but he made it clear he wanted to marry me, and have kids someday.

After graduation, I got a job as an Electrical Engineer. John got a job with a small marketing firm. We made a good comfortable living, and enjoyed life to the fullest.

Now I thought our sex life was pretty amazing. I mean, we did it all the time. We were spontaneous, and adventurous. I

We decided to give it 10 years before starting our family. That would give us time to travel, and play around. I also started saving money, because when we had kids, I didn't want John  to work before they started school. That is what John wanted also.

So life was good. Everything seemed to be going according to plan. Then something happened that eventually would turn my world upside down. Somehow, I knew it the moment I heard the news.

John  and I were sitting at the dinner table one evening when we arrived a few days before my upcoming tournament fight when he said, "guess what honey, you will not believe who  has been assigned to my team."

"And who would that be, sweetheart?" I said, with a curious look on my face.

"Now don't be upset, but it is Cat Sassoon, my old high school girlfriend."

My look of curiosity quickly turned into a look of concern, maybe even a look of fear. John saw it right away.

Then he laughed and said, "ok, I can see the jealous look on your face. Honey I assure you that you have nothing to worry about. I love you, and I am totally devoted to you. Any feelings I had for Cat disappeared a long time ago.  I promise you."

With that he stood up and peeled off his clothes. Then I  pulled his pants down and sucked his dick until he was about to unload. Then hhe told me to bend over the hotel dining room table and take it from behind. It was so spontaneous, and incredible, I almost forgot all about Cat

That night in bed was so full of passion, and I'm guessing I had 3 or 4 orgasms. After we finished, I asked her if I could request that Cat  be put with another fighter.

Again he laughed and said that was silly. Even if Cat did try something, I could handle her. He tried to alleviate my fears, and he did a little, but in the back of my mind was this fear that she had come back to take him away from me.

After my public practice with the other fighters before the tournament,  he began to mention Cat  quite often. The tournament committee selected her because she was an ex karate champion, and had name recognition. John said she was doing real well, and would make quite a close fight with you.

We went to the tournament party, and I finally got to meet Cat. She practically tried to break my hand when we shook.

While shaking my hand she looked at John and said, "so you married this little thing?"

She laughed and walked away. I shot a look at Cat , but she just mouthed "I'm sorry" to me, then started talking to someone else.

All evening John kept hanging on Cat. He kept bringing her drinks and talking about their high school days. She was laughing, and flirting right back with him. I also noticed John  kept putting his arm around Cat.

I guess Cat was oblivious to me sitting in the corner feeling hurt, ignored, and left out. She finally noticed me, and I guess realized I was not enjoying this very much.

She came over and sat by me and said, "Chelsea honey, don't be upset. Cat is just like that. Shee is a big flirt, but I assure you that there is nothing to worry about. You are my wife, and I love you very much."

John went back to the party, and I just sat there.

A few minutes later I noticed that John  and Cat were missing. I asked someone if the had seen John. They told me they saw him and Cat go in the room..

I walked in, and peeked in and saw John and Cat  talking.

"John, I know you still have feelings for me. Let me just kiss you and see if there is still something there. I know I feel it."

"No Cat. I am married, and I love Chelsea very much. he said.

I could tell Cat was pretty drunk.

Then Cat  just took her in his arms and kissed her. She didn't resist, but If she had been sober maybe she would have. Either way, it hurt me so much.

She finally pushed Cat  away and headed towards the door. I ran down the stairs and waited.John came down and saw me.

"Oh, hi honey. I was just upstairs using the bathroom. I have had a bit to much to drink."

As we started to go back up, Cat came down the stairs. John looked at me with such a guilty face. I looked at him,  then over at Cat. Cat gave John  a wink, then looked at me and laughed. She was one arrogant son of a bitch.

I did not say a word on the way back to the room. In fact I said very few words the next few days. I did express my distrust of John , and even suggested or dropping out of the tournament.

He laughed it off, and kept assuring me I was the one he loved, and needed. He also mentioned that pretty soon he would be ready to start working on a baby.

During the  fight the tension brewed between the two

"You stupid little wimp. You just interrupted me right in the middle of giving your man the best fuck she has had in a long time. Get out of here while a real woman pleases  your man."

I remember the night after the tournament fight as I caught them again in the act

I looked at John  and he was crying, just saying "no", over and over.

Then he said, "Chelsea, I am so sorry, please let me explain."

Cat  was laughing, and had gotten off the bed. She stood there naked laughing at me. I had never been so humiliated in my life. Tears were streaming down my face.

Now in the ring, I didn't know what to do next. I walked over towards Cat, I'm not sure why because I had no clue how to fight I have only been doing it a year. I guess it was pride, or something.

I reached Cat figuring I could catch her off guard, but what happened next caught me completely by surprise. I guess you would call it a sucker punch. I never saw it coming, and never had time to defend myself.

Her fist came fast, and out of nowhere. She caught me square in the jaw, and knocked me on my back. The arena started spinning, and I could taste blood. My head felt like it was in a vice. I was so dizzy it took me a second to get my bearings.

I could hear Cat  laughing, and Jphn screaming, "no Cat, stop, don't hurt my wife."

I struggled to get up on all fours. When I did, Cat kicked me hard on my left side. I felt the ribs break. My side, and my upper body seemed to explode. I have never felt pain like this. I struggled to breath. She kicked my ribs again. It was the last thing I remember until waking up in the emergency room.

I woke up on a gurney in the X-ray room. A technician told me to relax, they were taking pictures of my head and ribs. I was in so much pain. It also came back to me what had happened, and why I was there.

They took me back to an examination room where I saw John sitting in a chair. He jumped up and came over and asked if I was ok.

He was crying, and of course telling me over and over how sorry he was. I just stared at him. I knew it would hurt to talk, so I didn't.

The doctor came in and looked me over. He said I had a hairline fracture of my jaw. Several ribs were broken, with one of them partially puncturing my lung. He said I was lucky, had  the fight gone a little further, I might be dead now.

I looked at John, and he kept crying.

The doctor said I would be ok, but they were going to run a few more test, and keep me overnight for observation. I would be very sore, and would not be able to eat much solid food for a few days. I should be able to talk some by tomorrow.

John came over and sat beside me. She started into apologies, and explanations, but I stopped him.

I managed to get out these words, "I do not want to hear anything you say right now. I want you to go home and pack. Since I will be here tonight, you can spend one more night there. Tomorrow you leave after we talk."

He tried to plead with me to let her stay at the hospital, but I pointed to the door. Hegot my message, and left.

They gave me something that knocked me out, so I slept good. It was so strong I didn't have nightmares. Later, I would.

I woke up the next morning and my sister Kim was sitting by my bed. She gave me a big hug, and said that John had called her last night. She told me that John had confessed everything, and was hoping I could forgive him.

"Fat chance," was all I said.

Kim had always liked John , but she had a different opinion now.

I never saw John  again.

John quit his job and moved away. He  got a better job in another city. he emails me periodically just to find out how I'm doing. I never read or send an email to John without Chris seeing them first. John eventually married a science teacher whose previous wife was killed in a car wreck.

By the time they married, he became a father  to her  two children, and loves them very much. They adore her.

Chris  and I were married about two months after the tournament fight. I was asked to head up this startup company that manufactures high end electrical components for the airline industry. They offered me a great salary, plus a lot of stock. The company grew under my leadership, and eventually went public. I am now worth about 20 million.

We moved out of our little rent house, but built a much bigger house on a huge lake lot we bought. It has a huge back deck, a pool, hot tub, and four boat slips. We have two boats and two sea-doos.

We also had two kids. A boy first, then a girl. Chris  does not have to work, and enjoys his  job as husband and father. We love each other more everyday. We really are one big happy family.

I guess you could say, "It Was All Part of My Plan."

Tournament Update


Offline PeachPit

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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2018, 07:22:29 AM »
#29 -Gao Zhelan - China


#36 Lynda Duncan - UK


Gao's one piece attire

Lynda's one piece swimsuit fight attire



Ghao Zhelan arises from the bench in her shimmering red one piece swimsuit as she is given the mic and walks up as Lynda Ducan is warming up.

All the fighters are in the ring going off at each other about how they're the greatest female fighter.. Well I have

a surprise for you ladies, because the 14 time world champion is now in the Angelfist Invitational, after finishing an amazing 14 years as Ms. Strong woman China and the best fighter of all time. That would be me, Ghao Zhelan..

The first and only woman to compete against a man, in a steel cage match. My résumé goes on and on. You ladies are so adorable, talking about your 'accomplishments backstage. Yeah you've done some pretty awesome things while they've been here, but you lot are just getting started.

"Ghao Zhelan is probably one of the greatest fighter of all time, male and female. 14 time world champion, winning her first ever title at the

age of 10!

Tom comments.

"I think Lynda Duncan has gotten

in Way over her head, she is underestimating Ghao Zhelan , Which is a bad move. 

"Lets not forget, Ghao Zhelan not Only fights  women, but she 's fought men too. " Second Commentator  pipes in.

The bell rings and Lynda  runs at  Ghao.  However, I knee her in the gut instantly and elbow her right in the mid back, sending her down. I pick her up and and start pounding away and the crowd start counting. I back away and throws a front fist to her face.

She laughs and kick her right in the face sending  her down.

"And the Winner of this match, Ghao Zhelan!"Lee Marshall  announces and the ref raises my hand.

"Ghao Zhelan  is going to dominate Angelfist  and every gal in it, I guarantee you. "Lee  comments.

"What a quick and impressive win by Ghao Zhelan. " Lee praises. "Lets iust watch how this match started,Lynda  charging for Ghao only to have Ghao's knee connect full f°rce into her abdominal area and then that elbow to Lynda's back mid section. "

'and then the continuous punches in the corner of the ring. That is when Ghao  got a good fist  in there, but watch Lynda's laugh, “completely  unphased but not enough moxy to back it up as  a swift kick t to the face is what really ended the game for Lynda, "Lee finishes.

Bracket Update


Offline PeachPit

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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2018, 08:25:11 AM »
13. Ampawn Pookusuwan - Thailand


52. Rachel Canning - Australia

Ampwan's One Piece Fight Attire:


Into the mind of Ampawn,

I am a ballbusting bitch. What I mean by that is, I get off on making women suffer. Specifically-and I want to make this clear in no uncertain terms ~I do this by exploiting their most easily accessed, extremely vulnerable and extremely delicate weakness.  You should be afraid, girls. You should be very afraid.

How long have I been like this? Well,

I can't tell you exactly when this fascination began. Like all fetishes, it starts with something innocent. Well, relatively innocent. My childhood memories at this point are vague, but I remember spending a lot of time in the principal's office after some girl  that had been teasing me had then been found on the ground crying her eyes out, and moaning that I'd kicked her in her  delicates. I don't remember what these  girks  had done to me exactly. It was probably a slight of some kind, and likely one that was largely imaginary. What can I say? A lot of kids misbe have, and throw tantrums. At a very early age, I'd somehow intuited that if you kick a girl  there, the lights over, and he's not getting back up for awhile.

Flash forward to a few years later.

In high school, it's more or less the same story, but the memories are more distinct. And by high school, I'd developed a reputation, and I think that reputation did me no favors. My body had developed, and the girls had started to notice me in jealousy , and-I don't mind telling you-I kind of enjoyed the glances I got. I'd make a special point of wearing the most revealing, torn clothes I could. I was a Goth girl, so this would come complete with a choker, and a lacy bra, and perhaps

a see through top that exposed my midriff, and then maybe a plaid mini skirt to drive the boys wild. You might think I got a lot of action in high school because of this, but you'd be wrong. A side effect of my reputation was that all the boys were too afraid of me to ask me out. Though some of them wouldn't admit to being afraid of me, and would try to prove me, saying a tiny girl like me was no match for them anymore. It Was also around this time that the boys started to get really big, so I started in women's self defense classes to make sure I learned everything I could about how to protect myself against a woman who's twice my size. The result Was a lot of  bitchy women  hollering at me, taunting me, and then winding up on the floor, writhing, vomiting, passing out, or some combination of all three, after just one kick. Oh, and did I mention I was also a cheerleader? And believe me when I say, we cheerleaders learn to kick. And we can kick hard!


Ampwan  comes from out the curtain in her Thailand

Announcer: : Introducing first, making lay to the ring, from Thailand, Ampwan Pookuswan

Then out comes out running wearing her sunglasses and her Australian running attire Rachel Canning

Announcer:  And her opponent, from Sydney, Australia , weighing in at 145 lbs Rachel Canning!

Afte r the announcer said his name, crowd starts chanting: "AUSSiE GIRL!" *clap clap clap clap p* "AUSSIE GIRL " *clap p clap clap clap*

Lee Marshall : And here's Ampwan's  opponent, Rachel Canning and she's quite a fan favorite. Diamond Dave  how do you think this fight  will go down?

Diamond Dave:  Well I've never seen Ampwan, so I 'm gonna say Ampwan is

going  to get her butt kicked real bad  for Rachel  wins.

Lee Marshall: : Well we can't be too sure out that Diamond Dave,, Maybe she’s just as experienced and skilled as Rachel

Diamond Dave: : No one asked you Lee

Lee Marsh::  just have to wait and see what Ampwan  can do this match should be a real treat. .

Rachel Canning entered the ring,Ampwan shake hands and flips Rachel down to the mat

Lee Marshall "The  bell rings and Ampwan , right out of a box, delivers a spinning  kick to Rachel. . Rachel goes down to the ground and flips up  only to he met with a  front kick to  the face by the ace savey fanatic.

Diamond:  Oh my goodness! Ampwan, ,right from the get go just cleared out Rachel Canning with that assault and Rachel is already crawling back on all fours.

Lee Marshall: Not even Rachel Canning herself was expecting Ampwan to  immediately fire away like that. The whole arena is shocked.

Yes Diamond Dave,  it looks like you and  Rachel are  "eating  the only words  who were surprised"  :well, look at the crowd they're just as locked as you guys were!

 The fans, some had looks " shock and amazement, and some ere on their feet.

Lee Marshall : Rachel Canning  is now back on her  feet and :fakes out Ampwan with a back hand to the face as , Ampwan falls to the floor

Ampwan   tries to get up, only to be it over and over and over again by the stomping of Rachel's feet on her belly.  . Rachel goes for another kick but is met by a front kick to the face by Ampwan who then flips herself up for a straight charge knocking Rachel out on the mat.


Diamond Dave: : And not only that, imagine the damage that has been done to the neck  of Rachel Caning having all if that body weight coming down on our neck like that.

Lee Marshall: That’s hurting my neck  just by thinking about it.

Ampwan  then picks her up  and while Rachel is  incapacitate

Lee Marshall: : This is not going to end well for her.

Rachel tries for a comeback and  proceeds to throw punches on Ampwan. Ampwan  then throws a forearm and the two of them starts exchanging blows all the while circling around the ring.

Then while circling, Rachel surprise Ampwan with a low front kick to her belly.  . Rachel  immediately sizes her up for a superkick, when suddenly Ampwan ducks and then connects with a knee strike to Rachel's back.

Diamond Dave: Well, you did say there's always something surprising around every corner and this was one of those surprises.

As Rachel  slowly gets to his feet, she charges and  delivers a  tackle and drives her down to the ground. Ampwan comes to and starts to get up, only to be smashed by a sidekick  to the face and a knee to her gut. 

Lee Marshall; She could be up for an upset here folks, what could this mean to the tournament?

Then Rachel unleashes sidekicks to her gut followed by a spin kick across Ampwan's chin knocking her down to the ground.

Announcer: : Here isyour winner... RACHEL CANNING!

Lee Marshall: While Rachel Canning  tries to process everything that just happened, Let's take a quick TV timeout and stay tuned to more of The Angelfist Invitational.

Bracket Update