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2018 Angelfist Invitational

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Offline PeachPit

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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2018, 06:56:47 AM »
20. Chawiwan Yongjaiyut - Thailand



45-  Yezhova Natalia (Natasha) Svyatoslavovna - Russia


Natasha's and Chaiwan's  one piece fight attire

After the taxi parked  across the street from the aging Nino Aquino Arena ,  Natasha looks both ways and make the sprint. Her bag is heavy with  her fight gear but it doesn't slow her down. It couldn't possibly

The dark stairwell leading up smells of sweat. Probably somebody cleans it once in a while, but it will always smell this way. That's because the fight arena is a sweaty place, and... that's a good thing.

In the women's locker room she strips  quickly into her red one piece fight attire  now she  will be called to the test.

Now as the first one in the ring  there is no time to waste. Being  the first one means the more time spent stretching, the better.

Chawiwan immediately starts with a sucker punch to Natasha. Natasha  falls to the mat and flips back up but is met with a hard punch to her  face.  . . She grabs Natasha with a handful of hair. "What the hell do you think you are doing you bitch!? This is my match!" She emphasized this with a slap to Natasha's  face. Natasha falls to the floor.

. Once Natasha  gets up she is taken back with a hard sidekick to the chin as Natasha stands there with her arms aside.  Now in perfect position, Chawiwan throws her knee up and does a brief twirld around and then throws her left leg up and sends it crashing down on the back of Natasha's neck in a nasty heel kick sending her belly first into the mat for the quick knockout. .


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2018, 08:47:36 AM »
5. Fidelia Deasia Tagaan Adlawan - Phillipines



60. Liberty Guerrero - USA

Fidelia's One Piece Swimsuit Attire:

LIberty's One Piece Swimsuit Attire:




Liberty  is currently taping up her hands in preparation for her match against Fidelia, As soon as she's done taping her hands,Sean Mooney  walks into the locker room and interviews her:

Sean: Libery  tonight you are facing Fidelia for the first time ever. Do you have any any thoughts?

Liberty: Yes I do Sean, Fidelia is a skilled fighter no doubt. But of course, she will never be as good as me. I'm too good for her, she will be tasting mat shortly. And as far as her calling herself  the Fierce Filipina? *Snorts* More like Fierce Hygeneia because you care more about looking good then playing the part.  And after I beat her, she will be bowing the new Angelfist Queen..


Liberty  enters the stage in the assigned Team USA one piece swimsuit attire

“Bell rings“

Announcer: This next match is scheduled for one full! Introducing first  from  Royal Woods Michigan, LIBERTY GUERRERO!

The fans all get to their feet and give Liberty a standing ovation.Liberty appreciated the warm hospitality knew she was the star. The crowd is now chanting her name, loud and proud. She then points to a sign that says: Liberty can pu 'em up, Fidelia  can‘t. She laughs at this asks for a pen and signs it.

Lee Marshal: There she is ladies and gentle men, the sports star  from Royal Woods, Michigan, Liberty Guerrero set to go one on one with the Fierce Felipina Fidelia.

Diamond Dave: Now while Lynn may be athletic, Fidelia has more experience than she does so I think Fidelia will win this match.

Lee Marshall: Don't forget to mention she does have a tae kwon do  background to it i; gonna be a match worth talking about.

Fidelia now enters the circular  ring and crosses her arms waiting for the woman who was once called, The gal  that time forgot, the now: "Fierce Filipina " Fidelia

*Pyro goes off”

(Break orbit by CF03 starts playing)

Neville walks down the ramp with an intimidating look but Lynn doesn't seem to be phased by it.

Announcer: And her opponent, The self proclaimed Queen of the Phillipines, FIDELIA!

Lee Marshall: Now earlier tonight, Liberty  had done some trash talking about Fidelia here, calling her Fierce Hygeneia, and she also mentioned that
she'll never reach her level. She's too low for it.  What do you guys think is going on inside  Fidelia's mind?

Diamond Dave: Well I think she thinks Liberty  spoke her  mind when she said that Fidelia is just like those people who made fun of her, who looked down on her and then she says that Liberty has it all backwards, saying she's he higher level, not her.

Lee Marshall"  She even said that there's no such thing as a Fierce Fidelia, only one of sound mind.  And Liberty didn't take too lightly at that comment.

Once Fidelia entered the ring, she went straight to Liberty with an intent to attack her. Luckily the referee got in front of her and told her to wait for the match to begin.Liberty simply smirked and started teasing her. Fidelia was now becoming more furious.

Liberty throws up her fists and shuffles her feet, referee calls for the bell, bell rings and the match is underway. Fidelia instantly charges at her  only to have Liberty counter that with a back heel kick to her neck.  .Fidelia bends over and massages her neck , looks at Liberty, and charges after her again gets hit with a sidekick to her belly.  Fidelia holding her belly  was now getting frustrated with this and goes for a third time. This time, Liberty  performs a leg sweep and then goes for a stomp on her belly.

Lee Marshall: Wow! What athleticism we’re seeing from Liberty.  Fidelia  can't even lay a hand on her and look at Liberty! She didn't even break a sweat!

Diamond Dave: You’re right, Lee Marshall  can 't seem to get on the offensive  early on in this  match.

Lee Marshall: Maybe this was a good strategy by Liberty. Getting into the head of Fidelia and taking advantage of it.

Fidelia  by now was back on her feet, furious at the fact she was getting owned by Liberty Guerrero and at the fact that she has just as much skill as she does.

But what she didn't see coming, was Liberty  who spring boarded with her knee that transitioned into a Tornado Spin kick flattening Fidelia.


Diamond Dave: I don't think Fidelia was prepared for this tourney by how this match is going so for.

Lee Marshall: Fidelia better think up another game plan or her appearance in this tournament will be short lived.

Liberty  now in full control of this match, and without any hesitation starts to ground and pound Fidelia keeping her grounded. Knees to the ribs, hammering away at her face and such.  Neville clocked her with a quick fist to the face  stopping her dead on her tracks.

Lee Marshall: OH MAN! Liberty  was going for the finish but Fidelia had that well scouted, and answers back i

Diamond Dave: That might just be the opening Fidelia  needs to take control of the matchup.

Lee Marshall : yes the tables have indeed turned to Fidelia's favor.

Fidelia gets back to her feet  and  then picks her up and flips her down on the mat and then begin  to put a dent in Liberty's lower back.

Liberty, now squirming in pain from he damage dealt by Fidelia.  Fidelia continues to deal more damage to Liberty's back. "BRING ME lMY CROWN i!!!"Fidelia yelled to the crowd. The fans answered back with air-shattering boos. Fidelia then tries to go back on the attack but Liberty  rolls away creating some separation. Liberty  then connects with a spinning eel kick to her face, Fidelia  is stunned then Liberty delivers a front dropkick, sending Fidelia flying to the side of the corner  LIberty then goes to the corner diagonally cross from Fidelia and runs and nails her with a hesitation dropkick. Liberty then bides her time and then  delivers a sidekick but Liberty  now is having a hard time getting up. That back is really hurting and  giving Fidelia the moment to strike. Fidelia picks her up and slams her with a front kick to the face

Lee Marshall : uh oh, Fidelia just layed the smackdown  is she going for the finish?

Diamond Dave:: Seems like it Lee, this match might be coming to a close...

Lee Marshall:  Yeah this could be the end for Liberty Guerrero.

However, Fidelia  gets caught in the chin by  Lynn with a front kick to the face.


Diamond Dave What a counter! This could be the momentum Liberty needed.

 Fans at this point are now chanting, "LIBERTY, LIbERTY", Both fighters down, and the referee starts counting.

2... 3.... Both Liberty  and Fidelia are not moving

. 5... 6... Liberty then gets up  and then count stops.

Fidelia now  up, went behind her and delivers a knee kick to her back and then , lines her up with a insogori kick , this time it connects! Fidelia  picks up Liberty , winds up her fist , but Liberty nails Fidelia  with a kick to her stomach. . Fidelia  crawls to the nearest  corner , gets up, and gets hit by a side kick by Liberty . Fidelia  falls straight , perfectly in Lynn‘s Drop zone.

Fidelia crawls up slowly and turns  around and  Liberty delivers a front kick and nails Fidelia

Lee Marshall: that was impressive! : is this the end?

Bell rings indicating knock out

Announcer: Here is your winner, 'LIBERTY"

Lee Marshall: And Liberty Guerrero defeats Fidelia in beautiful fashion!

Diamond Dave: Can you imagine how Tossed Fidelia could be right now?

Lee Marshall: Liberty Guerrero, has just won probably best match in her career.

Her hand is raised by the referee

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Offline PeachPit

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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2018, 06:08:12 AM »
28. Yuan ZhenKang - China



37. Denise Flynn - UK


Denise's one piece swimsuit attire:

Yuan's one piece swimsuit attire:

Announcer: The  following match is another Peach Pit Firs Round Invitational Tournament and coming down the ring  from Hong Kong Yuan ZhenKang

Lee Marshall: : One of the fastest fighters from the Far East  has arrived!

Diamond Dave:: That it is, it is Denise Flynn vs Yuan ZhenKang happening right now guys.

Lee Marshall: well, Yuan and Denise  both have talent, so it's a hard call here.

Yuan  is in the ring and awaits Denise. Denise then comes down the ring and enters the ring to have a stare down with Yuan..  Yuan stares back.

The ref rings the bell.

DDD! Bell rings.

Denise  and Yuan exchange right hands early on! Yuan  gets the advantage though, with right hand after right and. Yuan has Denise trapped in a corner firing left and right kicks to her side as she has full advantage early on.

Yuan then ushers in some right hand to the face  until Denise pushes her  off and delivers some right hands of her own, and then spins into a spinning sidekick to her face

Lee Marshall you don't see THAT everyday!

Diamond Dave: Nice flip flop

Denise then starts stomping and punching away on Yuan. . Denise then shoves her  into a corner in the ring and the delivers a right hand hook to the face as Yuan  falls down. Denise then picks Yuan up and strikes her in the face

Lee Marshall : we keep seeing more and more raw action  from Denise Flynn.

Denise  then charges  with a right fist but Yuan kicks Denie in the gut.

Diamond Dave  and just like that, Yuan takes advantage!

Yuan  gets up and does a series of right hands before connecting with a left hook! Yuan  then gets hit in the face with some right hands by Denise , Denise  rebounds and goes for a head strike , but Yuan  catches her with a hard knee to her gut to get back into  formation!

Lee Marshall: BAM! !! That‘s how you do it baby!

Diamond Dave: could have her right here right now!

As Yuan was getting ready for a front kick, Denise blocks it and then  then connects with a right fist stopping her in her tracks.  However, Yuan starts rallying back by punching Denise in the gut, but Denise  punches Yuan in the gut.

Lee Marshall: uh oh!

Diamond Dave: this can't end well!


Lee Marshall: BAH GAWD!!! AN UPPERCuT!

Yuan crawls slowly back up! Denise has an expression of disbelief! Denise  then sets up for a spine kick , but Yuan dodges and grabs Denise's head and pulls it down for a knee strike as it sends Denise down on her back.

Lee Marshall: Good night Irene

Diamond Dave:  Oh she is done for.

Lee Marshall:  indeed!


Lee Marshal : WHAT??!!



Denise then gestures Yuan to come over here ,  Yuan swings , and  Denise catches Yuan  with a righthand!  Denise  goes for a windmill kick  misses, Yuan   goes for a  windmill kick misses too, then Yuan connects with a side kick and then winds up for another to Denise's chin as she stands there dazed but Denise moved out of the Way!

Lee Marshall oh man! The opening for Denise Flynn!

Then Denise Flynn connects with a front kick to her gut , followed by a right hook to her face, and then  HITS ANOTHER! !

Diamond Dave : wise move, making sure Yuan will not come back

Denise finishes her off with a windmill kick for the knockout

DDD! Bell rings.

And your WiIIner...Denise Flynn!!!

Lee Marshall: Impressive come from behind victory by Denise Flynn

Diamond Dave: the extra boost she needed right now heading into the field of 32.

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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2018, 07:53:58 AM »
12. Sugunya Lertkunakorn - Thailand



52. Ange Bozonnet - Framce

Sugunya's one piece attire -

Lee Marshall: On to our next one

Diamond Dave:Ange Bozonnet  one on one with Sugunya Lertkunakorn. This is anybody‘s ball game at this point.

Lee Marshall : we get to see Ange face Sugunya for maybe the first time ever!

Ange then is standing in the ring, awaiting Sugunya

Diamond Dave:  Ange is my pick!

Lee Marshall: no no. Sugunya

Diamond: I think Ange brings more strength and endurance  to be honest.

Sugunya  then starts doing his pose with the lights flashing a

Diamond Dave: the energy of Sugunya still won't be able to take out Ange!

Lee Marshall: (sarcastic) whatever you say!

Sugunya and then is at the turnbuckle, does his pose with the flashing lights, then enters the ring. She and Ange shake hands and then get to their corners.

DDD! Bell Rings.

Sugunya  and Ange circle around each other in the center. Ange kicks Sugunya in the gut and starts punching away. Ange throws a windmill kick, Sugunya ducks, and connects with a sidekick.

Lee Marshall: WHAM! !!

Ange  raises her knee to block Sugunya's front kick and connects with a right fist

Diamdond Dave: WHAMMO! !!

Ange  then gets Sugunya up, but Sugunya shoves Ange  away and knees Ange in the face! Sugunya  then connects with a  right hook !

She then connects  with a  front kick to Ange's face.  Ange  is down and Sugunya does a double foot  stomp.

Lee Marshall: that still did some damage.

Sugunya  then looks to connects with a knee drop to the face but..


Diamdon CAUGHT!!!

Ange  then gets up to her feet and connects with a swinging windmill kick..Sugunya crawls back up and is then greeted by a barrage of uppercuts on Sugunya!

Lee Marshall: wow, rare move from Ange!

Sugunya is down in the corner, but stands back up, only to eat a right hook by Ange! And then Angie  connects with a front kick followed by a right jab !

Lee Diamond: wow, Sugunya is reeling here.

Diamond Dave: the power of Ange!

Angie  then attempts to set up a sidekick  but Sugunya then  pushes her  off,  swift kick to her gut, and then a  heel kick to her head planting her down.

Lee Marshal: did Sugunya seriously JUST do a heel kick? She rarely uses that move! I don't even think she does it at all!

Sugunya  then sets up for a sweep kick, but Ange jumps and  and connects with a front fist to the face  and connects with a side kick to her gut.

Sugunya then gets up  from her knees but takes a front kick to the face and it connects.

Diamond Dave  Finish her Ange!

Lee Marshall: get up,Sugunya

Sugunya gets up ! Angie has a look of shock on his face.

Diamond Dave : the resiliency of Sugunya ! But, I still think Angie can finish it with just one more.

Lee Marshall: That's exactly what Angie  was thinking.

She  is charging up for a flying jump kick..she misses when Sugunya side steps! Sugunya kicks Ange  in the gut and nails a right hook to her face sending her down .

Lee Marshall: It's got to be over

Angie pushes herself back up slowly ! Sugunya  is then going for a side kick,  but Ange shoves her off, goes for a front fist. BUT SUGUNYA  FLIPS OVER ANGIE  AND HITS A BACK KICK TO THE BACK OF ANGE'S FACE

Lee Marshall: WOAH!!! TOTALLY UNEXPECTED but then again this gal proves she can sting. .
Angie then reels away daze and Sugunya connects with a side kick to the face!

Lee Marshall : Just trying to make sure that the job is done!

Sugunya then finishes the job with a final sidekick as the bell rings

DDD! Bell Rings.

Lee Marshall: what a match!

Diamond Dave:  This is the best match here

Lee Marshall: I disagree ! The next match is heated. Its electric! But first, this commercial.

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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2018, 04:05:04 PM »
21. Thao-ap Pureesrisak 9- Thailand


43. Khurtina Irisa Pavlovna - Russia


Thailand's and Russia's One Piece Swimsuit Attire:

Lee Marshall: seems that Khurtina is the favored one hre

Diamond Dave : are you kidding me Lee? Only Thao-ap  seem to dislike Khurtina

Lee Marshall  She is an all star. But better. Thao-ap is dealing with a handful right now.

Diamond Dave : this should be quite a match. But let's just see, I believe in  Thao-ap.

Corey: MY pick has arrived!

Lee Marshall: I still think Khurtina is going to Win though.

Thao-Ap walks down quickly to the ring. She enters and shoves Khurtina!

Lee Marshall: uh oh! Bad idea Thao!

DDD! Bell rings

Khurtina  starts delivering a ton of fists  to Thao-ap, but Thao-ap shoves

Khurtina into the corner. Thao-ap  charges at Khurtina, throws a front kick but Khurtina throws up her knee and Thao-ap bounces back on her toe shaking her leg. 

Lee Marshall : ouch!  that'll leave a mark.

Khurtina  then lands a front fist to Thao-ap, actually attempts a sidekick.. but Thao-Ap hits Khurtina with a front kick and then a right side kick ! Khurtina lands back first. Thao-Ap then does her little taunt and starts hammering  away on Khurtina.

Diamond Dave; the aggression is real!

Thao-Ap then  picks up and shoves Khurtina into the corner, but Khurtina ducks and nails Thao-Ap with a back kick! But Thao-Ap rebounds with another back kick!

Lee Marshall: rebound from Thao-Ap.

Diamond Dave: the power!

Thao-Ap then again starts hammering away on Khurtina with left and right jabs . Thao-Ap starts taunting Khurtina. performs multiples knee strikes, and delivers a right hook. But Thao-Ap isn't done as she connects with a right side hook kick!

Khurtina slowly gets up . Thao-Ap goes to pick  up Khurtina, but Khurtina hits a right hook across her chin! Thao-Ap goes down.

Lee Marshall: and just like that Khurtina comes back.

Khurtina then starts kicking Thao-Ap in the gut. Khurtina misses a knee drop and Thao-Ap flips up and connects with a sidekick planting  Khurtina down.

Khurtina slowly gets up to her feet! Thao-Ap  shoves Khurtina into the corner, does a right hook, left hook, and then a front kick to her gut. 

Khurtina rises up  once again. Thao  headbutts Khurtina and holds her hair back and curls her fist

Lee Marshall this might do it, but I don't think it will. I may be rooting for Thao-Ap, but this is Khurtina  we are talking about here.

After 56 seconds, Khurtina  starts rallying  with the universe behind him. She kicks Thao-Ap in the gut and hits her with a front jab The crowd goes Wild!

Diamond Dave: wild crowd here tonight!

Khurtina does right jab after left jab! She then picks up Thao-Ap, she gets her own knee up and drops Thao's head on it!

Lee Marshall; this may possibly do it here tonight!

Khurtina looks  disappointed but gets Thao with a tornado spin kick.. She  throws a front jab to the face of Thao.

Diamond Dave: What's she going for here?

Khurtina  misses a  front kick, and Thao nails her a drive by kick to her gut! Thao  sets up for a spring jumping front kick, but Khurtina flips and hits with a front kick to her face!

Thao gets back up.  Khurtina  then charges with another tornado spin kick.BU'T WHILE HE IS IN THE AIR THAO-AP HITS KHURTINA IN THE GUT!

Khurtina slowly gets upt! Thao starts yelling at the ref to count her out.She tries going for a stomp to the face,  but Khurtina log rolls to theside ! She kicks Thao in the face  and springs up  with a right forearm to her face ! Khurtina is once again charging “with her right forearm....Thao sidesteps and connects with a side kick to her face. 

Lee Marshall: THATS lT!!

Khurtina crawls back up!

Lee Marshall: WOW! ”

Diamond Dave: she rose!

Thao  then goes to mock the forearm.

But Khurtina flips herself up  and musters all of her strength and connects with a left side kick to her gut, then a right side kick, and then on the left side kick Thao grabs her foot. However Khurtina whips her right foot across her face as she goes down for the count. ‘

DDD! Bell rings

Ahd your winner... Khurtina!

Lee Marshall: what a win for Khurtina! She really nailed it with true gusto

Diamond Dave : She did in magnifient fasion!

Lee Marshall  next is Jan Spivey vs Angie Larson ! Stay tuned!

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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2018, 06:58:16 AM »
#2 - Angie Larson - USA


64. Jan Spivey - USA


Both competitors one piece swimsuit attire:

Jan Spivey  walks out to the ring

Lee Marshall: The modern day triathalon superstar turned fighter

Diamond Dave : She's definetly one that will be turning heads in this tournament because her newly found skills could make her a contender.

Lee Marshall : With a heavy athletic background, this one is a slam dunk.  I think Jan will win.

Out comes Angie Larson

Diamond Dave : She is intensity personified

Lee Marshall: Although we would be fools to count out Angie Larson

Diamond Dave  you shouldn't count out either man. Argument settled.

Angie and Jan get into their corners.

( lszloQZhCrk plays)

And out come the Bullet Club to a pop! Iinder grabs a microphone.

Jan charges into Angie  with a flying high kick  to the face. Angie  is down and Jan  starts aggressively stomping away on Iordan.

Lee Marshall : And this is the intensity we have been talking about 

Diamond Dave: She  is also butchering the holy hell out of Ms Suzie Homemaker down there.

Angie Larson then flips back up and stings Jan with a front punch to the face.  She goes for a right hook, Jan grabs her arm and flips her down to the mat.

Jan  retreats to her corner , Angie rises and then bounces on her left knee and goes for a sidekick to the face but Jan sidesteps and Angie eats a front kick to the face.

She then picks Angie up by the arm  and starts punching away on her.

Lee Marshall : I don't know how long Jan can possibly continue this onslaught here. 

Diamond Dave:She has got this whole mach in her hands and  she is read

Jan is laughing in the ring, but not before swings and misses and gets hit with a knee to the gut followed by a right hook down to the mat.

 Angie reads her opponent  and then starts delivering front kick after front kick as the crowd chants, "Susie Q, Susie Q" 

Lee Marshall : Talk about a little down home , home cooking from the proud Iowa teacher from Des Moines Angie Larson.

 Angie gets fired up. She performs a leg sweep taking the wind underneath Jan's sails sending her down on her back. Angie then sends a heel stomp down to Jan's chest which has her rocking back and forth holding it. 

Diamond Dave  : UH OH!!

Lee Marshall : this can't be good!

Angie walks over to a down and out Jan Spivery still holding her injured chest

The crowd chanting, "SAY MATAY, SAY MATAY"

Lee Marshall: There ain't no more closer moments than this

Diamond Dave:  Everyone's bracket is about to be busted wide open .

 Angie  Larson sets up for the  crossface and locks it on hard!

Lee Marshall: what a reversal of fortune!

Diamond Dave : will the modern day warrior Jan Spivey tap out?

Lee Marshall: BAH GAWD!!!  She is crying like a little school girl

Diamond Dave ; will she tap?

Lee Marshall: It  maybe so !

With a slight reversal of fortune where seconds count for everything Angie Larson turned utter tragedy from a possible KO to opportunity as a screaming of "MATAY" is heard through the rafters as the referee taps the mat to single the bell.

3! DDD!

And your winner in a astounding come from behind victory ..ANGIE...LARSON!

Lee Marshall : You heard Dave earlier folks, if you were licking your chops earlier at a perfect bracket pick  Angie Larson came to rain down on your parade.

Diamond Dave: She was knock, knock, knocking at Sandman's door but it was a couple seconds of showboating too late on the part of Jan.

Lee Marshall: If she would have stuck to her guns she would be moving on but on the other hand it just doesn't get more sweeter than this

Diamond Dave: Cinderella story in the making as she has to be helped up by the referee.

Lee Marshall: A very emotional scene as Angie is in tears , tears of joy as she wipes them off her face and then gives a USA chant as the crowd turns it up.

Diamond Dave: She might face more opposition in the second round but this one has been kept quite long enough that she just could be the sleeper pick everyone over looked.

Lee Marshall:  This love affair with the crowd and Angie is spreading like wildfire as she spots her husband and chiild siting in the front row and gives them a hug .   
Diamond Dave:  With the field of 32 finally set for Angie Larson what is next?

Lee Marshall:  Well, We will just have to find out!  Back in a moment with more of the best of the best of 2018 Angelfist Inviational.


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2018, 07:20:36 AM »
31. Jenny Mika Gordy - Senegal



34. Valerie Adams -UK


Jenny's one piece swimsuit attire :


Valerie's one piece swimsuit attire:

The Announcer: : The following contest, is a first round match for the Angelfist Invitational  Tournament Introducing first from Senegal, weighing in at 120  pounds JENNY MIKA GORDY!!!!!

Lee Marshall: Here we go, another first round of the Angelfist! Will we see another upset as our last match?

Diamond Davel: Now this should be an interesting match! Jenny  and her  opponent, Valerie Adams, similar in style, and both considered the underdogs in this tournament. Let's not forget the last combatant who advanced Angie Larson

Lee Marshall: Well only one of these underdog is moving on to face Angie in  round 2 after this . that’s for sure!

Jenny Mika  enters the ring, and takes off her shirt to reveal her one piece attire as she walks around to her corner and begins throwing kicks and punches warming up.

The crowd cheers as out came Valerie Adams.

Announcer:: And her opponent, VALERIE ADAMS!

Lee Marshal: Time and time again, this gal,Valerie Adams, has proven she can hang with the very best!

Diamond Dave: This kid has heart, and like you said Lee, she has the skill to tell you all about it.

Lee Marshall: This should be interesting! Jenny and Valerie evenly matched in skill and talent, this may go down to who makes the first mistake!

Valerie Adams enters the ring, and takes off her  shirt to reveal her attire.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Jenny and Valerie meet in the center of the ring and both get caught up in a fist and kick exchanges that have no effect. , Jenny  gets caught with a
front fist by Valerie, but shifts into a front kick which is blocked. . Jenny  then transitions into a right and left exchange that are blocked  but Valerie  shoves her off, Jenny then throws a succession of spinning side kicks but Valerie stops her dead in her tracks wit ha back fist.

Lee Marshall: Nice back fist  by Valerie stopping Jenny's offense.

Valerie leaps in the air avoiding a leg sweep by Jenny as she blocks lefts and rights .  Valerie then spins for a side kick and then a back fist both blocked upon which Jenny connects with a front fist.

Diamond Dave: OOF!!!

Lee Marshalll: That oughta knock your teeth out!

Diamond Dave: Jenny timed that perfectly!

Valerie Adams retreats holding her head and Jenny  gains momentum by taking down Valerie with a front kick!

Lee Marshall: And there 's a front kick clearing out Valerie Adams.

Jenny  goes for a diving Knee Strike, but Valerie rolled out of the way, causing Jenny to crash and burn!

Diamond Dave: And Valerie dodges a bullet!

Lee Marshall: Jenny Mika Gordy  went for a high risk, high reward, clearly it didn't pay off.

Diamond Dave: This could be a window of opportunity for Valerie Adams!

Jenny gets up, and Valerie makes a comeback. Fist  after Fist , Valerie slowly picks up the pace.  Valerie blocks a sidekick from Jenny...

Lee Marshall:  Jenny went for a sidekick, but got stopped...

Then Valerie sending a right hook sending Jenny down!

Diamond Dave:  AND VALERIE ADAMS!  planting Jenny Mika Gorda, this is for a spot in round 2!

Jenny slowly gets up

Lee Marshall: And Jenny is still in this fight!

Diamond Dave: Valerie  was so close, but yet so far.

Valerie then goes for a combo of front left jabs and  sidekick , but Jenny blocks both and scores a knee strike. Jenny  then goes for a left fist, but Valerie  ducked it, and she hits a jab, then a right cross, and she hits those two strikes, speeding up each time.

Lee Marshall: Look at Valerie go!

Diamond Dave:  Valerie Adams has Jenny Mika Gordy  in a world of hurt right now!

She keeps up with the fists and cross, then she ends smacking Jenny with an uppercutt.

Valerie  then drags her into a corner, shouts out "It's bed timel",as goes for a  double knee strike, but Jenny shot up, and nails a sidekick!

Lee Marshall WHOA! Jenny with a sidekick!

Diamond Dave:  Valerie  was going for the kill, and Jenny intercepted!

Jenny  then sized her up for a right and left hook sending Valerie down, but when Valerie got up, she delivered a walloping right hook!

Diamond Davel: OH MY WORD!

Lee Marshall: Valerie Adams  got her square n the face!

Jenny  stumbled into a corner, Valerie then  wasted no time, and she delivered the final blow as she grabbed her by the hair and threw a succession of knee and punch strikes to her belly and face.  She ends it with a jumping front kick as a spray of blood is shot out as Jenny is laid out on the mat.

Diamond Dave : DISGUSTING!!!

Lee Marshall: Valerie Adams got all of that one! This could be All She Wrote!

*Bell rings indicating knockoutl“

Ding, Ding Ding,

Announcer:: The winner of this math, VALERIE ADAMSIIII

Lee Marshall: What a performance by both these two! But it is gonna be Valerie Adams who moves on to face another similar contender who has the ability to surprise Angie Larson. 

Diamond Dave: : But don't take anything away, Jenny Mika Gorda  put a valiant effort in this match.

Updated Bracket:


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #22 on: October 22, 2018, 09:14:10 AM »
15. Nisarra Suprija - Thailand


50. Linn Tegnér- Sweeden

Thailand One Piece Swimsuit Attire

Sweden One Piece Swimsuit Attire[/img]]{alt}

Out comes Nisarra, and the fans boo as Nisarra  throws insults at fans as she makes her  way to the ring.

*Bell rings“

Announcer: This next match

is a First Round match, set for one fall! Introducing first, weighing in at 123 pounds,  Nisarra Suprija !!!!

Lee Marshall: Brash, arrogant, and an all around difficult gal  looks to advance, to win the Angelfist Invitational!

Diamond Dave: I had a talk with her  earlier today about the possibility of facing Rosanna Medeiros and she said "One of us is gonna walk out with that gold, so if she’s gonna face me in the second round, she'll bring her best, I'll bring my best,and I will pass her up. "

Lee Diamond: Sounds like Nisarra is quite confident in this tournament, and has not a care in the world.

Nisarra  enters the ring, and takes off her ring jacet.

Out comes Linn Tegner, and she  waves her arm in the air as she makes her way to the ring.

Announcer: And her  opponent, from Stockholm, Sweeden, weighing in at 135 pounds, Linn TegnerIIII

Lee Marshall : Here comes one of Angelf'st Invitational  hottest stars, Linn Tegner, and she is hoping to make her apperance a memorable one by winning the Angelfist Invitational!

Diamond Davel: One of the underdogs in this tournament, along with Ange Larson, and also one of the fan favorites to win the entire tournament too!

Lee Marshall: But this will be interesting, Nisarra and Linn are almost similar in skill much like Ange Larson  and Valerie Adams earlier tonight!

Diamond Dave: You're right, Lee. But I believe on a High Flying level, Linn Tegner has the advantage.

Lee Marshall: But Nisarra has the brains advantage. She'll think of anything and everything to make sure she walks out, advancing to Round 2.

Linn Tegner  then takes off herhoodie.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Linn and Nisarra face off in the center of the ring, and Linn gets the upper hand with a simple jab..

Nisarra reverses into a sidekick , but Linn flips back on her feet, and Linn springboards with a tornado spin kick to her face..

Vic: And Linn , keeping Nisarra grounded, and making sure he does not gain any momentum.

Nisarra shoves Linn off, and  knocks Linn  down with a front kick!

Nisarra goes for another sidekick, Linn ducks and then nails Nisarra with a sidekick to her gut.

Lee Marshall: WHOA!

Diamond Dave: Linn  stopping Nisarradead in her tracks!

Lee Diamond: That's some fast feet, catching Nisarrain the jaw!

Linn then back hands Nisarra 

Diamond Dave:  Even though she's taking a pounding, Nisarra is still in this!

Lee Marshall: I 'm pretty sure its gonna take more than that to keep her down!

Linn goes for a right hook but Nisarra   counters with a right hook to her gut , then Nisarra whips around knocks her down with a Back Elbow!

She then hits a heel kick down on Linn's spine 

Linn  rolls across the ring  and Nisarra has  a look in her eyes that screams "Evil Intentions".

Lee Marshall: Linn, rolling to the outside...

Diamond Dave: But it looks like Nisarra has something crazy in mind!

Nisarra  charges  and nails Linn with a jumping front kick!

Diamond Dave: And there goes Nisarra!

Lee Marshall: Nisarra with a front kick taking Linn!

Diamond Dave: Now she needs to finish the job and  move on to Round 2!

Nisarra moves over to Linn and when Linn gets up she nails her  with a front fist to her gut


Diamond Dave: Desperation move by Linn, this could be the opening she needs!

Lee Marshall: Look out! Linn's going for it!

Diamond Dave: Linn looking for the tornado spin kick!

But Nisarra  got up, and clocks her with a right hand!

Lee Marshall: Oh but Nisarra gets up, and stomps  Linn!

Diamond Dave: Nisarra avoided that disaster, but now she needs to move forward!

Nisarra  goes for a spin kick, Linn ducks, and   gets a spin kick to the face by Linn!

Lee Marshall: And a kick to the kisser by Linn !

Nisarra didn't go down, but he did hit a front kick  stunning  the Swift but deadly Swede fighter!

Diamond Dave; And a superkick! Nisarra caught Linn right on the button!

Nisarra then goes for a sidekick , but Linn grabs her leg , knees Nisarra's leg , and gives her a back elbow to the face 

Lee Marshall: OOOH MONEY SHOT!!!

Diamond Dave: Linn caught her off guard right out of the blue!

Lee Marshall: And it just so happens Nisarra  is now in the danger zone!

Mark Andrews pulls her chin up as Nisarra stands there dazed,

Diamond: Linn sizing up Nisarra!

Linn extends her right foot for a quick and effect side kick to the chin !

Lee Marshall: And she connected and that could be it!

*Bell Rings*

Diamond Dave: and Linn Tegner  moves on!

Announcer: The winner of this match, LINN TEGNER!

Lee Marshall: And Linn Tegner with a hard fought victory over Nisarra to advance to the second round!

Diamond Dave; But don't take anything away from Nisarra, though. She brought everything she could to the table, but it just wasn't enough to advance!

The updated bracket then appears on the titantron


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2018, 05:04:25 AM »
46. Rosana Macedo Medeiros - Brazil


17.  Chamnian Srichure - Thailand

{alt} - Brazil one piece swimsuit

The crowd goes dead silent as out came Chamnian Structure

*Bell rings*

Announcer:  This bout is set for one fall, Introducing first, CHAMNIAN STRUCTURE!!!

Lee Diamond: And of course, the crowd not showing any reaction to Chamnian Structure.

Diamond Dave: And for the right reasons. This gal is just plain stupid, just

plain horrible, but mostly, she's just plain stupid to think she can compete with the likes of Rosana

Chamnian enters the ring, and still, not a single reaction from the crowd.

The crowd cheers as out came Rosana Macedo Medeiros

Announcer: Her opponent, from Sao Paolo, Brazil weighing in at 145 lbs pounds, she is the Brazilian Basher ROSANA MACEDO MEDEIROSIII

Lee Marshall: And look at the fans! These fans are loving this woman!

Diamond Dave: Well who wouldn't? This woman says, she's ready for any match, that’s why she's called the Brazilian Baher.

Lee Marshall: Yes the fans really getting behind Rosanna Macedo Medeiros.

Rosanna enters the ring, the bell rings, and Rosanna blasts through Chamnian with a tornado spinning side kick to her gut !

Diamond Dave WOW!

Lee Marshall: Chamnian just got hit by a freight train!

As Chamnian stands still , Rosanna explodes with a tornado spin kick to her chin as her Thailand opponent is knocked down with force.


Announcer : Here is your winner,ROSANNA MACEDO MEDEIROS!!

Lee Marshall : And Rosanna gets a spot in the second round, and man she made it look easy!

Diamond Dave: I mean it's Chamnian, it can't be more easier than that.

Rosanna celebrates in the ring as the crowd chants her name. *******************

Bracket Update:


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #24 on: November 05, 2018, 12:04:41 PM »
Might want to correct the invitational roster, you have Chamnian winning this round.


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2018, 12:06:40 AM »
Sorry I went too fast and have now updated the bracket


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2018, 08:36:38 AM »
Sienna Garalitz Leones Cuenco



 Kayleigh Baker

USA one piece swimsuit :

Philippines one piece swimsuit:


Out comes Kayleigh Baker  and everyone cheered for her.

*Bell rings*
Announcer: This next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first from Topeka, Kansas


Lee Marshall: Look at everyone here! All cheering for Kayleigh Baker!

Diamond Dave: Kayleigh Baker  of course is a rising star and looks to rise here in the Invitational!

Lee Marshall: And Baker for sure will do just that regardless if she wins or loses!

Kayleigh enters the ring, and she poses in the center of the ring.

Out comes Sienna Garalitz Leones Cuenco, and

to a rally of higher applause, she holds up her hands high  high as she makes her way to the ring.

Announcer : And her opponent from Panay, Phillipines SIENNA GARALITZ LEONES CUENCO!!!!

Diamond Dave: Yes, she is another one of Phillipines favorites who seems like a lock to advance further into this.

Lee Marshall: Hard work got her here and she is looking to show that she will be a name you will be hearing for some time.

Diamond Dave: Good, we wouldn't want another cheap win because of those two!

Sienna enters the ring, and she once again holds her hands up high  in the air.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Kayleigh  and Sienna  circle around in the center of the ring, Kayleigh gets the upper hand by taking her down with a sweep kick  and applying a heel kick to her belly.

Lee Marshall: Kayleigh, in control now...

Sienna  escapes another heel kick by rolling to the side.    Kayleigh goes for a side kick, Sienna caught it, and she connects with a front kick to the jaw.

Lee Marshall: But Sienna quickly turned that around!

Diamond Dave: Yes, Sienna with that swift front kick. by showing she can take any of Kayleigh's dangerous weapon: her kicks.

Lee Marshall: That's very smart, and it could pay diviidends!

Sienna  hammers down  on Kayleigh releasing her aggressive side.

Diamond Dave And now Sienna taking out her rage on Kai.

Lee Marshall: And Kayleigh s in quite a predicament at the moment.

Kayeligh slithers out of Sienna's grip, and she kicked Sienna square in the face!

Diamond Dave: Oh man! Sienna got her right between the eyes!

Sienna  stumbles into a corner, and Kayleigh hits a corner big boot!

Sienna slumps down, then Kayleigh  hits a running sidekick

Lee Marshall :Sienna is now the one in trouble!

Kayleigh goes for a diving knee stomp, but Sienna rolls out to the side.

Kayeligh gets back to her feet, and connects with a front fist punch!

Diamond Dave: LOOK OUT!!!!

Kayleigh throws another punch, Sienna ducks and then sticks her with a knee to her gut. Kayleigh bent over nursing her gut while Sienna connects with a tornado spin kick on Kayleigh.

Lee Marshall:  And Sienna  with a sensational Superkick!

The kick made Kayleighi turn around, and Sienna hits another one to the back of her head!

Diamond Dave: And there’s one more to the back of the head for good measure as Kayleigh is out for the count!

*Bell rings!*

Lee Marshall: And Sienna gets the win.

Announcer:: Ladies and gentlemen the Winner of the match, SIENNA GARALITZ LEONES CUENCO!!!!

Diamond Dave: And Sienna with a solid win over Kayleigh Baker.

Lee Marshall: But you give credit to Kayleigh. She gave her a fight!

Diamond Dave: She sure did.


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #27 on: November 08, 2018, 01:59:52 AM »
Tajima Mizuki - Japan(first)



Lorraine Hake - UK


UK one piece swimsuit

Announcer The following contest, is a first round match for the Angel Fist Tournament nt Introducing first from London, England  weighing in at  110 pounds Lorraine Hake!!!!!

Lee Marshall:: Here we go,another one of  our first round of the Angel Fist Tournament!

Diamond Dave:: Now this should be an interestir match! Lorraine and her opponent, Tajima both  similar in style, and both considered the underdogs in this tournament.

Lee Marshall: Well only one of these underdog is moving on to round 2 that’s for sure!

Lorraine enters the ring, and

takes off her shirt.

The crowd cheers as out came Tajima Mizukir.

Announcer:  And her  opponent, I Tajima Mizuki! ! I!
Lee Marshall:: Time and time again, this gal Tajima  has proven she can hang with the very best!

Diamond Davel: This kid has heart, and like you said she has the matches to tell you all about it.

Lee Marshall:: This should be interesting! Lorraine and Tajima, evenly matched in skill and talent, this may go down to who makes the first mistake!

Tajima Mizuki enters the ring, and takes off her shirt.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Mizuki and Lorraine lock up in the center of the ring, Lorraine gets caught in an

arm wringer by Mizuki, but she reverses it into a Hammerlock.

Lorraine then transitions into a Headlock, but Mizuki shoves her  off,  and  stops her dead in her tracks with a Shoulder Block!

Diamond Dave: There ’s a Shoulder Block, stopping Lorraine!

Mizuki  bounces around the ring for some momentum, dodging Lorraine doing so, but when she dodged the third time, Lorraine popped back up, and nailed her with a Dropkick!

Lee Marshall: 00F!!!

Diamond Dave: That oughta knock your teeth out!

Lee Marshall:  Lorraine timed that perfectly!

Tajima  rolls to the side , and Lorraine  gains momentum dancing the ropes, and then takes Tajima  down again with a  side kick to her belly!

Lee Marshall: And that oughta clear out Tajima !

Lorraine  sizes her up.

Lorraine goes for a diving Knee Strike, but Tajima rolled out of the way, causing Lorraine to crash and burn!
Diamond Dave: And Tajima dodges a bullet!

Lee Marshall::Lorraine went for a high risk, high reward, clearly it didn't pay off.

Diamond Dave: This could be a window of opportunity for Tajima!

Lorraine gets up, and Tajima makes a comeback.

Knee strike after Knee strike , Tajima  slowly picks up the pace.

Tajima blocks a right hook  from Lorraine...

Then Tajima  hits an upperutr!

Lee Marshall:: AND MIZUKI Mizuki  planting Lorraine Hake, this is for a spot in round 2!

Lorraine gets back up!

Diamond Dave: And Lorarine is still in this fight!

Lee Marshall: Tajima  was so close, but yet so far.

Tajima  now goes for a right kick, but Lorraine blocks it  and goes for a right punch to the face.

Lorraine  then goes for a left hook, but Tajimar ducked it, and she hits a jab, then a hook, and she hits those two strikes, speeding up each time.

Diamond Dave: Look at Tajima  go!

Lee Marshall: Tajima Mizuki  has Lorraine Hake in a world of hurt right now!

She keeps up with the punches  and hooks then she ends with an  uppercut.

Tajima  then grabs a dazed Lorraine to the center of the ring, shouts out "Disgustingl", then she goes for the Disgusting, a running double knee strike, but Lorraine shot up, and nails a sidekick to her belly

Diamond Dave: WHOA! sneaky strike by Lorraine!

Lee Marshall:: Tajima was going for the kill, and Lorraine intercepted!

Lorraine then sized her up for a right, left hook, but Tajima dodged ,  and she delivered a Superkick!

Diamond Davel: OH MY WORD!
Lee Marshall:: Tajima Mizuki  got her square in the face!

Lorraine  stumbles into the center of the ring dazed,  Tajima  wasted no time, and she nailed her with the "Disgustingl"!

Lee Marshall:  DISGUSTING!!!

Diamond Dave:  Tajima Mizuki  got all of that one!


*Bell ringsl“

Announcer:  The winner of this match TAJIMA MIZUKI!

Lee Marshall:  What a performance by both these n! But it is gonna be Tajima Mizuki who moves  onto round 2!

Diamond Dave: : But don't take anything away 'Lorraine Hake put a valiant effort in the  match.


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #28 on: November 11, 2018, 02:57:11 AM »
Emerald Madeira Lumeran Belmonte - Phillipines



Melissa Moore - USA


USA One Piece Swimsuit - {alt}

Phillipines One Piece Swimsuit - {alt}

Out comes Melissa Moore

*Bell rings“

Ring Announcer l: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Manila, Phillipines, Emerald Madeira Lumeran Belmonte

Emerald enters the ring, .

And out came Michigan's own,Melissa Moore  and the crowd cheered.

Announcer Her opponent, from Royal Woods, Michigan weighing in at 1125 lbs pounds, MELISSA MOOR!!

Lee Marshall: Melissa  may have beaten the best in United States, but will that be enough to defeat Emerald ?

Diamond Dave: Well that itself may just help. I 'm not sure it will give her the win however.

Melissa  walks up the steps to the ring, and stretches out in the corner.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Melissa and Emerald lock up in the center of the ring, Melissa takes Emerald down. Emerald gets up, hits a stiff jab to the jaw, then sets her  up for a side kick to the face.

Emerald goes for it, Melissa Moore ducks , turns around, and hits a picture perfect dropkick!

Lee Marshall: Wow! Melissa with a perfectly placed Missile Dropkick!

Emerald rolls out of the way, tries to shake off the effects from the dropkick, but Melissa Moore topples her over with  a spin kick!
Diamond Dave: Melissa Moore is putting Emerald in the defense from the get go!

Lee Marshall: You don't see that often!

Emerald gets back up

Emearld checks if her jaw is still intact, then gets up, and evades an incoming attack from Melissa Moore, then punches Melissa in the face.

Diamond Dave Oh man what a hit!

Lee Marshalll: You can hear that echo through the arena!

Emerald  gets back in, goes for a Knee shot , but Melissa Moore counters, and
hits knee to her gut , then hits a right hook to the face!

Diamond Dave: Nice counter move action from Melissa Moore!

Melissa Moore then hits a tornado spin kick to her face .

Emerald  slowly gets to her face, Melissa Moore goes for a head kick, Emerald caught it, then hits a hack elbow square in Melissa's face!

Emerald  then sets up for a side kick to her gut and connects!

Lee Marshall: There is Emerald now back on the offensive!

Emerald then sizes up Melissa Moore.

Diamond Dave: Looks like Emerald is gonna go for it!

Lee Marshall: The Triple Combo, to one has yet to get up from it yet ! If she hits it, it's all over!

Emerald goes for the kill, but ended up eating a Superkick instead!

Diamond Dave: WHOAH!


Melissa Moore then applies the Cobra Clutch!


Emerald tries to fight out of it, but the more she fought, the more tighter Melissa  increases the presure of  the hold.

After about a minute, Emerald  is  out.

Diamond Dave: Oh my god! Emerald is  out!

Bell rings!*

Announcer: Here is your winner, MELISSA MOORE !!!!

Lee Marshall : Melissa Moore just proved why she is   top US Contender!

Diamond Dave : She sure did, and what a name she  has made for herself


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #29 on: November 11, 2018, 06:43:22 PM »
 Matsuyama Kuma-  Japan (second)



Spravtseva Jelena Ilyinishna - Russia


Russian One PIece Swimsuit


Japanese One Piece Swimsuit


Out comes Matsuyama Kama, and she walks to the ring in confidence.

*Bell rings*

Announcer: The following contest

is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Moscow, Russia, weighing in at 125 pounds, The Grunge Grappler, Spravtseva Jelena IlyinishnaIIIII

Lee Marshall: Now we 've seen this gal  in action, and what she's capable at but Matsuyama is just as dangerous as she is.

Diamond Dave: And here's a gal who's afraid ofno one!

Lee Marshall: It just shows  to what Extent, Jelena will go to.

Diamond Dave: This is gonna be extreme as Matsuyama and Jelena go at it!

Matsuyama  enters the ring, and her and Jelena have a staredown.

Lee Marshall: You can feel the intensity as these two look each other in the eyes!

AS they stepped back into their corners, the bell rings, and the two lock up in the center of the ring.

Matsuyama gets the upper hand with an Arm wringer, but Jelena immediately counters into a Hammerlock, then Matsuyama  counters that into a Headlock.

Jelena  then shoves her off and  stops her front jab!

Lee Marshall: Nice connection , and now she has Matsuyama where she wants her!

Jelena now hits some mounted punches, but then Matsuyama counters into a Triangle Choke!

Diamond Dave: Look at Matsuyama!  She has her in a Triangle Choke!

Jelena was about to counter with a an elbow into her gut , but Matsuyama countered with a back fist to her face !

Lee Marshall : And Matsuyama  hits a sidekick ! Planting Jelena!

Matsuyama now picks up Jelena, but a right hand by Jelena causes her to stumble.

Jelena goes for a discus forearm, but Matsuyama  countered into a Hammerlock Lariat!

Diamond Dave: Hammerlock Lariat connects!

Matsuyama  then sizes Jelena up but Jelena  delivered a devastating Forearm Smash to the back of her neck!

Lee Marshall: Whoa! Jelena had it scouted!

Matsuyama  plops down into a corner, and Jelena hits a running jump kick to the face!

Diamond Dave: A scintillating boot by Jelena, Matsuyama  is now in trouble!

Jelena  now picks up Matsuyama, goes for a knee kick, but then Matsuyama counters with a right hook

Lee Marshall: Close call for Matsuyama! This Could be the opening she needs!

Jelena gets up in a corner, and Matsuyama hits a running high knee, and then another running high knee, then she transitioned into a running bulldog!

Diamond Dave:  Matsuyama just excellent at executing that bulldog!

Matsuyama  now sets her up for another Hammerlock Lariat, but Jelena ducked it, and hits a sidekick to her gut!

Lee Marshall: Wow! Jelena with another beautiful counter!

Jelena  now sizes up Matsuyama for a discus forearm, goes for it, but Matsuyama hits a big boot, but Jelena answers back With a Superkick!

Diamond Dave:  Both these gals just kicked each other in the mush!

Jelena  then sets her up for two front jabs to the face, and connects!

Matsuyama slowly gets to her feet, Jelena went for a Knockout Punch, but Matsuyama hits another high knee!

Lee Marshall: Matsuyama has her for a Hammerlock Lariat once again, and hits it!

Diamond Dave; Hammerlock Lariat connects!

Lee Marshall: Jelena is in trouble now!

Matsuyama  positions her, and hits a windmill tornado smack across the chin of Jelena putting her down


*Bell rings!“

Lee Marshall: What a battle!

TOny Chimel: Here is your winner, Matsuyama KammaI!

Diamond Dave: That had to be one of the best matches in the Angelfist Tournament thus far!

Lee Marshsalll: I'm sure these two will go at it again one day!

Diamond Dave I gotta admit! These two put  on a clinic  tonight!

Matsuyama Kama  raised her hands in victory. ***************