5. Fidelia Deasia Tagaan Adlawan - Phillipines

60. Liberty Guerrero - USA

Fidelia's One Piece Swimsuit Attire:
https://www.target.com/p/women-s-sport-elastic-scoop-back-one-piece-xhilaration-153-red-blue-m/-/A-53105187?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=PLA_Women+Shopping&adgroup=SC_Women&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9019545&gclid=CjwKCAjwq57cBRBYEiwAdpx0vQBl1zM_BvRHezIvgGoqtYpgBV3I25Fvsl0Jjm_4079kFwAEybbmBxoC9qYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.dsLIberty's One Piece Swimsuit Attire:

Liberty is currently taping up her hands in preparation for her match against Fidelia, As soon as she's done taping her hands,Sean Mooney walks into the locker room and interviews her:
Sean: Libery tonight you are facing Fidelia for the first time ever. Do you have any any thoughts?
Liberty: Yes I do Sean, Fidelia is a skilled fighter no doubt. But of course, she will never be as good as me. I'm too good for her, she will be tasting mat shortly. And as far as her calling herself the Fierce Filipina? *Snorts* More like Fierce Hygeneia because you care more about looking good then playing the part. And after I beat her, she will be bowing down...to the new Angelfist Queen..
Liberty enters the stage in the assigned Team USA one piece swimsuit attire
“Bell rings“
Announcer: This next match is scheduled for one full! Introducing first from Royal Woods Michigan, LIBERTY GUERRERO!
The fans all get to their feet and give Liberty a standing ovation.Liberty appreciated the warm hospitality knew she was the star. The crowd is now chanting her name, loud and proud. She then points to a sign that says: Liberty can pu 'em up, Fidelia can‘t. She laughs at this asks for a pen and signs it.
Lee Marshal: There she is ladies and gentle men, the sports star from Royal Woods, Michigan, Liberty Guerrero set to go one on one with the Fierce Felipina Fidelia.
Diamond Dave: Now while Lynn may be athletic, Fidelia has more experience than she does so I think Fidelia will win this match.
Lee Marshall: Don't forget to mention she does have a tae kwon do background to it i; gonna be a match worth talking about.
Fidelia now enters the circular ring and crosses her arms waiting for the woman who was once called, The gal that time forgot, the now: "Fierce Filipina " Fidelia
*Pyro goes off”
(Break orbit by CF03 starts playing)
Neville walks down the ramp with an intimidating look but Lynn doesn't seem to be phased by it.
Announcer: And her opponent, The self proclaimed Queen of the Phillipines, FIDELIA!
Lee Marshall: Now earlier tonight, Liberty had done some trash talking about Fidelia here, calling her Fierce Hygeneia, and she also mentioned that
she'll never reach her level. She's too low for it. What do you guys think is going on inside Fidelia's mind?
Diamond Dave: Well I think she thinks Liberty spoke her mind when she said that Fidelia is just like those people who made fun of her, who looked down on her and then she says that Liberty has it all backwards, saying she's he higher level, not her.
Lee Marshall" She even said that there's no such thing as a Fierce Fidelia, only one of sound mind. And Liberty didn't take too lightly at that comment.
Once Fidelia entered the ring, she went straight to Liberty with an intent to attack her. Luckily the referee got in front of her and told her to wait for the match to begin.Liberty simply smirked and started teasing her. Fidelia was now becoming more furious.
Liberty throws up her fists and shuffles her feet, referee calls for the bell, bell rings and the match is underway. Fidelia instantly charges at her only to have Liberty counter that with a back heel kick to her neck. .Fidelia bends over and massages her neck , looks at Liberty, and charges after her again gets hit with a sidekick to her belly. Fidelia holding her belly was now getting frustrated with this and goes for a third time. This time, Liberty performs a leg sweep and then goes for a stomp on her belly.
Lee Marshall: Wow! What athleticism we’re seeing from Liberty. Fidelia can't even lay a hand on her and look at Liberty! She didn't even break a sweat!
Diamond Dave: You’re right, Lee Marshall can 't seem to get on the offensive early on in this match.
Lee Marshall: Maybe this was a good strategy by Liberty. Getting into the head of Fidelia and taking advantage of it.
Fidelia by now was back on her feet, furious at the fact she was getting owned by Liberty Guerrero and at the fact that she has just as much skill as she does.
But what she didn't see coming, was Liberty who spring boarded with her knee that transitioned into a Tornado Spin kick flattening Fidelia.
Diamond Dave: I don't think Fidelia was prepared for this tourney by how this match is going so for.
Lee Marshall: Fidelia better think up another game plan or her appearance in this tournament will be short lived.
Liberty now in full control of this match, and without any hesitation starts to ground and pound Fidelia keeping her grounded. Knees to the ribs, hammering away at her face and such. Neville clocked her with a quick fist to the face stopping her dead on her tracks.
Lee Marshall: OH MAN! Liberty was going for the finish but Fidelia had that well scouted, and answers back i
Diamond Dave: That might just be the opening Fidelia needs to take control of the matchup.
Lee Marshall : yes the tables have indeed turned to Fidelia's favor.
Fidelia gets back to her feet and then picks her up and flips her down on the mat and then begin to put a dent in Liberty's lower back.
Liberty, now squirming in pain from he damage dealt by Fidelia. Fidelia continues to deal more damage to Liberty's back. "BRING ME lMY CROWN i!!!"Fidelia yelled to the crowd. The fans answered back with air-shattering boos. Fidelia then tries to go back on the attack but Liberty rolls away creating some separation. Liberty then connects with a spinning eel kick to her face, Fidelia is stunned then Liberty delivers a front dropkick, sending Fidelia flying to the side of the corner LIberty then goes to the corner diagonally cross from Fidelia and runs and nails her with a hesitation dropkick. Liberty then bides her time and then delivers a sidekick but Liberty now is having a hard time getting up. That back is really hurting and giving Fidelia the moment to strike. Fidelia picks her up and slams her with a front kick to the face
Lee Marshall : uh oh, Fidelia just layed the smackdown is she going for the finish?
Diamond Dave:: Seems like it Lee, this match might be coming to a close...
Lee Marshall: Yeah this could be the end for Liberty Guerrero.
However, Fidelia gets caught in the chin by Lynn with a front kick to the face.
Diamond Dave What a counter! This could be the momentum Liberty needed.
Fans at this point are now chanting, "LIBERTY, LIbERTY", Both fighters down, and the referee starts counting.
2... 3.... Both Liberty and Fidelia are not moving
. 5... 6... Liberty then gets up and then count stops.
Fidelia now up, went behind her and delivers a knee kick to her back and then , lines her up with a insogori kick , this time it connects! Fidelia picks up Liberty , winds up her fist , but Liberty nails Fidelia with a kick to her stomach. . Fidelia crawls to the nearest corner , gets up, and gets hit by a side kick by Liberty . Fidelia falls straight , perfectly in Lynn‘s Drop zone.
Fidelia crawls up slowly and turns around and Liberty delivers a front kick and nails Fidelia
Lee Marshall: that was impressive! : is this the end?
Bell rings indicating knock out
Announcer: Here is your winner, 'LIBERTY"
Lee Marshall: And Liberty Guerrero defeats Fidelia in beautiful fashion!
Diamond Dave: Can you imagine how Tossed Fidelia could be right now?
Lee Marshall: Liberty Guerrero, has just won probably best match in her career.
Her hand is raised by the referee
Bracket Update: