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12. G.L.O.W. X - Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling X Rated - Unexpected Meeting

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Offline Donnadoes

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G.L.O.W. X - Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling X Rated

Japanese Toys, Porn Cartoons And An Unexpected Meeting

   You wouldn't believe how many different kinds of toys you could buy in Tokyo, Japan in 1985!

   The Japanese fight company were so happy with my work so far that they gave me the end of my third week off with full pay. So I went shopping for souveniers for the kids. The toy store Oni took me to was huge! I couldn't believe how big it was! We spent ages wandering up and down the long aisles with shelves on both sides covered in different kinds of toys.

   By the time we left, we both carried full, big bags of toys in each hand. I was worried he was going to get angry again after we took so long. But he seemed to soften from the start when I told him it was stuff for my kids.

   While we toy shopped he told me about his wife, kids and family. Oni looked like a middle aged to older man so it didn't surprise me. But I never heard him speak openly about them until then. Maybe it was because I told him so much about my own kids.

   After we got back to my room, I went through everything I got them from the 'Mai Ritoru Ponii - Osharena Ponii' or My Little Pony in english to trucks and planes that transformed into robots. They were called Transformings or something like that.

   "I don't know if they'll even put me in a rematch against Kito." I said to Oni while trying to twist and turn the arms and legs of a robot I held in both hands so it turned into a truck. "It's not like I talk to her or even the bookers. Whoever they are. I just catch my ride in front of the motel and show up at the arena every night."

   He shook his head with a frown, clearly displeased. "No no no. This no right. Missus go home to America soon. Still no rematch with Anrio Kito. Fans want rematch. Everyone want rematch! When rematch?"

   "I don't know, Oni." I said with a sigh. "Do you think I should let my son play with robots that have guns? And what's with the little glittery pictures on the butts of these ponies? Isn't that kind of perverted?"

   I was worried about accidentally buying something inappropriate for my children after I discovered Manga and Anime for the first time. There were whole aisles filled with the stuff. I planned to bring the VCR Oni bought for me back home with me so I wanted to buy some videos for the kids.

   After he showed me which ones were compatible with the VCR I had, Oni and I stared long at the long rows of movies. I recognized Astro Boy. I had bought Adam a couple AB figures. So I got a couple of those movies. I knew the ponies so I got a couple of those videos for Mandy too. 

   But when I walked up to Oni with another movie in my hand, he eyed it and shook his head. "Ah. No no missus."

   "What? What's wrong?" I asked, giving him a puzzled look as he took the video out of my hand.

   He explained that the Anime or Manga or whatever kind of cartoon I picked was actually pornography. I gasped in horror, snatching it back to look at the few pictures with tons of writing I didn't understand scrawled across it in Japanese.

   It had a chick on the front with big pig tails. She wore a skirt albeit a bit short. But I never would have guessed it was an adult cartoon in a million years! She looked like a combination of Barbie and G.I. Joe to me.

   So I was a little more concerned about what I bought the kids over there after that.

   I couldn't answer Oni's questions about a rematch between me and Kito because I didn't know. It surprised me when he asked about it. I thought he would know better than I did. I literally never knew who my opponent was twice a week until I walked into the arena each night. I thought Oni knew that.

   It's not like I saw Anrio Kito in the gym I worked out at on a regular basis. Right?

   Strangely, that's exactly what happened the very next day.

   I was on the exercise cycle, sweating from all the pedalling and a hard morning workout when who do you think came into the gym? Anrio Kito herself with her usual entourage of people who always followed her around.

   "Well, well, well. America girl go all red, white and blue after I beat you black and blue!" Came her familiar voice as she walked up to me with a smile.

   I kept on pumping the pedals with my lean, sweaty legs. Wearing my green one piece but without the tights that day. I glanced over at her with a nod. "Hello Kito."

   "Leave us now." She said to the people with her and they all exited the gym.

   She got on an exercise bicycle beside me and slowly started pedalling. I noticed she had a white one piece on with matching white wrist bands and head band. Her long, black hair tied back tight in a ponytail but the shorter, dark bangs still across the forehead.

   The first couple minutes passed in complete silence that felt long and awkward. I didn't know what to say to be honest. Then suddenly she spoke up very clearly "So what do you think of our beautiful nation of Japan so far? I hope everything has been to your liking during your stay here."

   I sputtered in surprise at the perfect english she was speaking to me now. Such a contrast from the thick Japanese accent in the ring. I stared at her and she smiled back and spoke again, as if to confirm what I had already heard.

   "Don't look so surprised. The accent is for the purists. I can't tell them their asian sweetheart learned to speak fluent English at the same age I learned Japanese when I was a little girl. So I do the broken accent in english thing for them."


   Cue another couple minutes of awkward silence.

   Then she spoke in perfect english again, saying "I was surprised when I first heard you decided to stay and work in Japan. Especially after I beat and humiliated you like that. I thought you'd be too embarassed to ever show your face in a ring here again and..."

   Rolling my eyes with a sigh I stopped pedalling and suddenly snapped at her with dripping sarcasm in my voice. "Are you kidding me? Is that why you're here right now? To trash talk and intimidate me? To get in my head? Because if that's the case, just tell me and I'll leave right now. I have better things to do!"

   I didn't mean to go off on her like that. I was just tired and not in the mood. I loved my time in Japan but it had been a long three weeks and there was still one more to go. She caught me at the worst possible time.

   I softened a little as I saw her pretty asian features harden and her hands grip the handle bars tighter on the exercise bike.

   "Look," I said softer with a sigh. "If you think I'm going to sit here and trade insults with you then you're wrong. I'm just not. I think we both have better things to do. I'll leave you alone to your workout if there's a problem."

   Only half a minute or so passed but it was a long, tense silence. I didn't look up, I just started cycling again. After a pause came the words. "There's no problem."

   I dared to glance over and she had a small, shy smile on her face.

   So I said "I hope that's true Kito because I don't want any real problems with you."

   "Please. Call me Anri." She said and I looked back over again to see her smile growing.

   It was weird because our conversation started out exactly like you would think. Very slow and even more awkward. But after the initial discomfort we actually got along fairly well. I told her how I'd enjoyed my time working there. She asked who my opponents had been so far and I told her.

   "So you're Donna Liberty now?"

   "The Patriot Belle. Yeah."

   "I thought you were the Cheerleader? How did that happen?"

   So I explained it all to her. Including the legal problems with Tom and Jacky. With a grin she asked me how my win/loss record was so far. I honestly tried to not sound arrogant when I told her. She nodded, seemingly genuinely impressed.    

   "Donna, I think I owe you an apology." She suddenly said, giving me an uncharacteristically meek look.

   "What? Why?"

   "You were a last minute substitute. I knew how inexperienced you were when we fought. I had to beat you, yes. But I was... hard on you. I probably went further than I should've. I know I went a bit over board and I'm sorry."

   At first I just looked at her blankly, blinking my green eyes. But then I smiled and laughed. "It's okay. I mean, I should be thanking you. That match we did really opened doors for me here."

   "Good. I am glad to hear that."    

   She smiled and I smiled and it felt really good. I meant it when I said I didn't want any real problems with Anri. We worked together. That was all.

   As we sat there on the exercise cycles in the gym and talked, I was growing more and more hopeful that her and I could be friends. Or at least not be the enemies we portrayed in the ring.

   I wanted to keep work in its place at work. Martial artists could do it, boxers could do it, football and hockey players could do it. So why not us too?

   So I'm still not exactly sure how we ended up going from that point to having sex and sleeping together. But the next morning I woke up with Anri fast asleep beside me in her bed and private suite.

   Under the covers we were both still very naked.

   And I'm thinking to myself, Isn't this supposed to be my nemesis who everyone wants me to fight in a big rematch? What have I done now?

To Be Continued...

End of Season 1



Offline diane p

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Re: 12. G.L.O.W. X - Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling X Rated - Unexpected Meeting
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2024, 02:21:54 AM »
some nice matches donnadoes !!!!
in what you wrote is true on some matches i've seen from barttle club they do different types of wrestling
 even some boxing matches at times
 :) :-*