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Match with Becca Blast

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Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Match with Becca Blast
« on: August 26, 2018, 10:29:23 PM »
Becca Blast has agreed to do a message board match here with me. Apparently she thinks we have some unfinished business as I have gotten the upper hand on her.

Numerous times :)

I shrugged off her glaring at me earlier.

And we are meeting now in her backyard. I mean literally her back yard. And she's got a high fence giving us privacy. And she has a pool that has some very inviting blue water in it. I'm looking at it thinking of splashing around a bit on this hot summer day. Because I'm looking all cute and ready in my black and white tiger striped bikini.

My dark hair is in pig tails. Complementing my overall cuteness.

My adorablosity ;)

And I'm looking around to see where she is. And you know what?

She's nowhere to be found. Where are you Becca? Putting my hand to my forehead like I'm exploring out here. Looking for you

What are you all scared all of a sudden?

Where are you?

By the way, standing a cute 5'3 and 110 pounds. :)


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2018, 10:53:19 PM »
Well, at least I didn't have to let her in the house... can't afford to have it fumigated this month....

This pest, Hannah, though... is begging for me to dismantle her ... I am THROUGH with her treating every momentary advantage as a victory... as I adjust my powder blue tank top with the white trim over my 34D 24 34 figure... a white thong bottom snug to my hips as I come out... my hair up but not tight... it's hot out here today, and the last thing I need is a tight hairstyle... she's walking around my backyard like she owns it.. checking out the pool... the high redwood fence... the thick soft lawn. 

I am going to LOVE using her for compost.  As I loosen up my 5' 4" 125  body and smile...

Cute coves a multitude of sins.  It doesn't save a punk-ass bitch... and that's what Hannah is about to become.

MY punk-ass bitch.  Or bitch-ass punk.  Whichever she begs me to be. 

"Right here, darling.  Try not to wet yourself."  As I shake my arms loose and approach you, hands on my hips.  "Your move."
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2018, 11:13:15 PM »
I turn around and see you standing there.

Fumigate your house? Oh, that's so


Oh my god, how funny that is.

I would laugh but I would probably would drop dead from all that


Oh my god. How funny.

But you're trying to look all tough. Well let's see how tough you really are.

And I without wasting another second, I jump at you, literally jumping at you and twisting my body enough to make a diagonal with the ground

As I fling my body at you, quite bodily in fact :)

Smiling as I extend my legs and arms out, hoping to hit you flat in your chest with a cross body block and send us to the ground where you'll hopefully assume a most familiar position

You under me!



Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2018, 05:55:36 AM »
She's like a min-me... a little smaller, a little lighter, a little (well, a LOT) less curvy, and a bit dumber. 

But she has a ton of attitude.   And I see that on display as you saunter up to me and I tense up to ready fro whatever attack you have in mind... but a cross-body block is unusual even for you... and I'm knocked back... trying to keep my balance but then I drop to my rear .. my hands pushing up on your belly as I fall to try and push you up and off me to the side as I hit the ground.. fuck she's already a pain in the ass... but i will end that and her... trying to roll over and get this girl off me.. but in position to get to hands and knees and push up... show her that it will take more than a lightweight like her to get and keep me down!
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2018, 08:39:31 AM »
I get you down and I'm hoping that in a moment I can get swiveled around and start grapevining you again. And I'll be looking down into your reddening, shame-filled face again :) Oh, that was a nice face!

But you don't go flat this time and you're like bench pressing me off you, your hands pushing right into me, and with a small yelp I go flying off you, landing at your side, but I keep my attack unrelenting! At least for now. And I jump at you again, this time looping my arm around your head and neck, trying to go for a side headlock right here on the grass. Which smells a bit, well, grassy ;)

I'm going to keep you smelling the grass all day!

And all night!

And who's the dumb one right now huh? Let's see if your IQ drops from getting your head squeezed long enough and hard enough. Hmm. Shall we conduct an experiment here? My IQ starting point is 147...


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2018, 01:48:52 PM »
So much for her grapevining me THIS time... now to MMMFFFFF.. my head wrapped up as you go to try and make me inhale my own lawn... I don't... THINK so.. I grunt out as you lean in on me...

People who wear bikinis to fight usually forget one thing..  they forget that they are framing a target.  Innie, outie, pierced, whatEVER... that navel is a live, pulsing, bullseye begging to be hit.   So I do.. my left elbow jams up into your belly button as you lean in on me.. you see, Hannah... you may be cute... you may be sexy in your tight little zebra print.. hell, you might even have the upper hand for the moment....

But the chance of you making me eat this dirt?  You could Taraji and every woman from Hidden Figures working on it, and it is STILL too small for that to happen!  You get the point?
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2018, 07:47:58 PM »
I'm jumping on you and getting my headlock on when your elbow jams me up, right in the pit of my stomach, maybe my cute little belly button. It's not enough to really really hurt but it does make my eyes go big and stun me for a second.

Maybe you're not quite ready yet, so I back off, gasping a little bit. But I grab your hair and go to shove your face in the grass for a second before I'm back away and backpedal away several steps before I put my hands back up and wait for you to get up yourself

I bet your face is going to look uh, a little, grassy ;) If not red from embarrassment ;)

So what's the matter? You don't like headlocks, huh? I say, catching my breath. And I stick my tongue out at you and back away still a couple of more steps.

Giving you a chance to get to your feet. Who says I never gave you anything?

I'm going to run my mouth on you all day!


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2018, 12:26:41 PM »
As you exhale and your eyes go wide.. .I smile... and when you pull off my head to try that pathetic little shove into the dirt.. right arm down for balance already, so not like you do anything other than buy you room to escape.

I'm almost laughing as I watch you back away... "you WILL be running your mouth... exactly where I tell you to... service is only the FIRST humiliation I have planned for you!"  as I push up and watch you... I have to turn a bit to keep you in front of me, but that's no big deal...

And neither is the Hannah-shaped divot I'm gonna leave in the yard before I'm done with you!
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2018, 02:32:51 PM »
I stick my tongue at you and your comment of a Hannah shaped divot somewhere and watch you get to your feet (I think) but you're staying kind of low, looking like you're planning a move, like you're going to tackle me or something like that. But I'm going to beat you to the punch. Well I'll try to at least.

And I jump and pull my legs up and then extend them out, as I flex all my core muscles and aim a somewhat low standing dropkick right at your upper chest. Right above those boobs of yours.

Aiming the heels of my feet right at that


Well, two spots actually. One for each heel...

Letting out a little scream in the process! As my feet come flying at you

I'm the Dropkick Queen bitch!


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2018, 02:40:37 PM »
So far, all she's done is talk... now to see what other noises she makes... I stay low and come forward... looking to get into that body and wrap up those thighs... take you down into the grass as I close in....

When she hops up and those feet shoot out at my chest.. .smacking into the scoop front of my tank top and ooooooooooofffffffff... sent flying back onto my ass... how'd she... where'd that... fuck....I try to roll along in the grass.. .get my arms over my chest... and curl up on my side... needing a second.. to get my air back... didn't think she was THAT quick... now I know.. but damn that's a LOUSY way to learn that!
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2018, 02:44:23 PM »
I feel my feet connect where they were supposed to and I watch you get knocked down and roll away covering up, looking stunned and out of breath from my devastating out of the blue (to you anyway) dropkick. Yes I am the dropkick queen. My butt hits the ground and bounces just a bit but I'm back on my feet in no time

And I waste no time in reaching down and grabbing one of your ankles with both hands and start to give you a good yank towards me.

Come here! Where are you going? Are you hurt? Got an owwie huh?

Saying that while I give your ankle a good hard tug.


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2018, 02:51:28 PM »
You learn a lot of things when you do this sort of stuff for any length of time...

ANYONE can hurt you, if they find an opening.  (Case in point... this little pest as me holding my chest on my side in my own yard.) 

No matter how well you cover yourself, something is always open.  My left ankle grabbed.. towed back across the yard as I wind up face down and my tank top riding up while my face id pulled through the grass... my ass sticking up as I get girlhandled by the cackling idiot....

And, no matter how well you plan, something is always OPEN.  On YOU... I may be a bit blind, but my right leg is free.. and I can swing it and kick it out... at your shin... let's see how you like that....
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2018, 03:34:06 PM »
You kick at my shin and it hurts enough for me to drop your ankle. In fact I cry out Owww! That hurt, bitch!

And I jump up into the air again and twist my body like a corkscrew so that my back goes to you, and I flex and extend out my arm and try to aim the back of my elbow right between your shoulder blades.

I've tried to get as much air as I could, so that the impact is as devastating as I can get it!


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2018, 07:41:59 PM »
I love that feel.. my heel thuds into her shin and the jolt travels up MY leg even.. the kind of pain that will make her wonder in January what she cracked her leg on and think... "oh, yeah.. August."

It's almost better than the scream that accompanies you dropping my ankle.. but I have a chance to make some moves now... get my knees under me and go to push up so I can fix my top... UGGHHHHHHHHHH...

Something pointed and heavy slams into my back.. right between my shoulders.. my arms just set and now my chest driven back into the grass.. MMMMMMMMMMFFFFFFFFFFFFFF... I get a face full of lawn... try to push up with my knees.. and arms.. get my body back up so I can cough the taste of the sod out of my mouth.. spitting out stray blades... you better *cough*.. enjoy this... while you CAN, brat...
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2018, 07:43:33 AM »
My elbow and the back of my arm connects with your back just where I wanted it to. But my arm hurts a little bit now for some reason, But just a little bit. I hear you coughing up the grass in your throat and that makes me giggle a little too. And then I just roll on top of you and try to lie flat on you

I now try to get my arms under yours which surprisingly feel meatier and firmer than I thought they would but I try nevertheless to get my hands locked together behind your neck. It's just surprisingly a little tougher than I thought it would be. And I struggle hard, breath hard into your neck, trying to set up my full nelson on you.

Enjoy? I say under my breath. I'm going to enjoy every second of this! I don't know if you will be however!