I'm jumping on you and getting my headlock on when your elbow jams me up, right in the pit of my stomach, maybe my cute little belly button. It's not enough to really really hurt but it does make my eyes go big and stun me for a second.
Maybe you're not quite ready yet, so I back off, gasping a little bit. But I grab your hair and go to shove your face in the grass for a second before I'm back away and backpedal away several steps before I put my hands back up and wait for you to get up yourself
I bet your face is going to look uh, a little, grassy

If not red from embarrassment

So what's the matter? You don't like headlocks, huh? I say, catching my breath. And I stick my tongue out at you and back away still a couple of more steps.
Giving you a chance to get to your feet. Who says I never gave you anything?
I'm going to run my mouth on you all day!