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Match with Becca Blast

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Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2018, 03:13:05 PM »
My forearms already down in the grass... trying to push up and not let her take advantage of that ache in my spine... when she does.. sliding onto my back as I feel your arms try to capture my already flexing ones... trying to get your hands... to my neck... can't let her do that... and I get an idea... this might be one of the crazier things, but I need to get her OFF me....

So I dip my head low.. onto the grass.. and push up with my feet.. extending my legs until we get to the tipping point .. and try to roll over on my head and neck.. putting the weight of BOTH of us on it.. ahhhhhh.. but if I can flip us... you'll be under me and I will be landing on that bumpy mattress you call a chest....

Won't that be FUN?
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2018, 05:18:03 AM »
I can feel your arms start to flex in your grasp. This makes my eyes widen and starts to give me some heady kinds of feelings. I can't get my full nelson fully, can't quite grasp my hands behind your neck, and I'm struggling against your arms. And my eyes widen even more when you manage to lift yourself with my 110 pounds on top of you

And you flip us right over until your weight is pushing down on me and now my full nelson attempt seems like a distant memory. I groan with your weight on me, your back flattening out my chest and I groan out a "Get off me!"

Breathing is suddenly difficult. My arms are still kind of under yours but it seems like you have them trapped now, but you don't have my legs trapped and I try to get them around your waist, trying to lock a bodyscissors on you. I'm not sure how strong it's going to be from my current position under you but it might help to control you enough to perhaps maneuver you maybe back to the side

That is if I have the strength to turn you. But I do believe I have managed to get my ankles locked, and I grunt as I try to turn you to your side, and I feel an intense burn start to build in my hip


Offline Markus Wolf

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2018, 05:21:09 AM »
This match is so much fun to read! Keep it up ladies!

I agree. Keep it up, Becca & hannah!
Follow me on Twitter: @markuswolf09


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2018, 06:38:52 AM »
She's fast... hooking those legs around my waist... while our arms are still tangled and fighting for position... uhhhhhhhh... no... not that way.. dear... I grunt out... my feet free... I plant them flat to the grass and try to extend my legs... bridge up... just enough so I can drop back down and try to jar you out of that grip.   

"I can bounce you... in the grass... all day... now give it up... before I hurt you...."   I spurt out... trying to intimidate you body and brain...
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2018, 06:44:11 AM »
I'm trying with all my strength just to hold on to you, but you're obviously still too strong. And you bridge up, lifting my butt and much of my back off the ground. And when you drop back down, it knocks a lot of the air out of my body

My legs loosen up quite a bit on you and it's going to take a few seconds before I can lock them down again. If I can even do that. I groan again. Gasp out for breath and try to do anything with my arms, moving them up and down the sides of your body.

I'm not sure what good that will do but I'm just trying to squirm and move under you the best that I can right now


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2018, 06:49:20 AM »
I get the impact I want... and the result I want... a big gust of air from the sexy smaller younger woman and a loosening grip... you slide your arms up and down... you want out.. fine by me... I roll over to the left ... off your body... onto my hands and knees.. OK, Hannah, time for you to learn the house rules... as I reach for your hair and go to pull you up with me as I stand...

First rule... there's only one Queen bitch here.. and that's me!  as I twist that mane in my right hand to add pain to your scalp... "and if you can't remember Rule 1, there's a trash can with your name on it waiting to go out to the curb!"
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2018, 06:56:50 AM »
I'm still gasping when you finally get off me and go to grab a handful or two of my long dark hair and pull me up to my knees.

I shreik from the pain in my scalp as you twist it and grab your wrists both of them and just try to squeeze them as hard as I can.

I'm trying to look at you but you have my neck twisted mostly away from you. Still if you can see the expression on my face, you can probably tell I'm not being friendly anymore.

And I say under my breath, I'm not scared of you, bitch!


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2018, 02:12:28 PM »
I do like getting you up this way.. .you reach for my wrists and squeeze.. a scream and then the under-your-breath insults and defiance... it's like champagne.... I just drink that up... "hold tight girl... you don't want this to misfire"  as I snap my let leg up.. looking to smack my shin across your chest as you struggle to turn away...

Don't be scared of me... I LIKE it when you want to fight.. it means you become Hannah.Full.Time.TARGET!
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2018, 04:32:27 PM »
I'm fighting to get free of your hands, trying to turn and twist no matter how much all that hurts from this position. And suddenly you let go and slam your shin into my stomach. That hard bony shin of yours.

Stings! But also drives more air out of me. I was twisting away from it so it's not quite the knockout blow you thought it was but I lose my balance anyway (already it was precarious) and I fall right on my cute little ass.

In front of you, hopefully a safe distance away from you since I can't see where you are right now. So I scramble to turn to face you and get to my feet as soon as I can, looking for you and putting my hands out at the same time


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2018, 05:00:57 PM »
Lucky... she's lucky.  Moving just enough so I don't flatten those girls.

Of course, I DO get to knock more air out of you by taking your tummy on a trajectory towards the next county, so luck is a relative thing.

You go to a landing on that ass that I've been meaning to kick for a while now... and as I come forward,you actually scramble up.

When I was a kid, they still had these toys -- they probably don't anymore, too violent or something -- but they were an inflatable bag with sand sealed in the base.  They would paint a clown, or Batman, or a football player on them.  You could hit them as hard as you wanted, they'd fall down, and then bounce back up so you could do it again... Hannah's kind of like that right now; too stupid to stay down.

So, as you come up with your hands up.. I go to grab those wrists... and pull you around to face me.   So I can drive my left knee up at your tummy and let my thick, flexed thigh smash into what you think is cleavage.   

I think I'll paint her to make her look like roadkill.
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2018, 05:32:31 PM »
I get to my feet and there you are, grabbing my wrists again and yanking me in towards you so hard that it seems like a flinch to me. And your knee comes up and drives right into my chest, lifting me off my feet for a second before dropping back down to the ground

I gasp out explosively. I felt your flexed quadriceps drive right into my boobs. And when I get back to my feet, I can barely stand. My legs turning to jelly and my entire body slumping in your direction, my head landing right on your shoulder.

I just make gasping sounds, all kinds of big gasping sounds. I'd wrap my arms around you but you still have my wrists...

God, what did you do???


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #26 on: August 30, 2018, 06:29:55 PM »
Oh, look, she wants to get up... you've an instinct to fight back... that's going to be the end of you, Hannah... I whisper in your ear as you lean on my shoulder....

I plant your hands firmly on your own cute butt... rubbing your palms on that ass until I can slip your hands inside your bottoms.. then go to wrap my arms around yours and lock my fists on your spine.

"Oh, and what did I do?  Nothing compared to what I'm ABOUT to do."  as I go to tighten my grip and crush that battered chest into my fuller girls...

"i don't hear you bragging any more, Hannah."  SQUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZEEEE "Becca got your tongue?"
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #27 on: August 30, 2018, 07:06:05 PM »
I'm still making all kinds of gasps and wheezes right up against your body. I'm about to try to put my arms out and push against you if I can manage that but no, you're on me, locking up my arms with yours and wrapping your arms around me in an oh, so tight grip

Starting to squeeze me now, making me feel your clenched fists on my spine, feeling your arms locking right around my diaphragm trying to take my breath away. I take in a good deep breath before you clamp down and now it's suddenly hard just to goddamn breathe...

Your arms start to resemble something like steel clamps, squeezing whatever air I put back in out of me once again. I gasp again at the initial crushing squeeze, and then I pant a little

My chest flattened against yours...


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #28 on: August 30, 2018, 07:10:59 PM »
I feel your chest swell against mine and then it comes out...  slowly.. as I feel your girls mushroom under mine.. "THIS is all the fight you had, after all that big talk?" as I nibble the side of your neck.. mostly because I can.. and chuckle... a low throaty chuckle that is darker than even I thought it might be...

"Time to re-sod the lawn... with you"

And with that I plant my right foot.. twist... feelign the grass tear a bit under my weight and torque... and then go to throw you down onto your back under me...

"We are SO going to have fun with you....
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #29 on: August 30, 2018, 07:19:28 PM »
You keep up the pressure with your amazingly (and deceptively) strong arms feeling the incredible strain on my back too. Never mind my bottom couple of ribs. I want to scream out from the pain but I don't want you to see me scream. At least not yet.

It's a moot point anyway because I don't have the breath to scream right now. All I can do is wheeze and pant and whimper a little bit. My arms are starting to feel numb, too.

But then you twist and give both our bodies a hard torquing twist and throw and I'm powerless to do anything to stop you right now

And I crash onto the not so soft ground with all your body weight on top of me and again, all the air left in my body is driven out

I'm dazed too from the back of my head hitting hard on the grassy ground. Your weight on top of me still

Pressing down.

All I can do is just go, Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh.

I have to find a chance to recover. Even if it's just a little while.