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Match with Becca Blast

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Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #60 on: September 06, 2018, 06:33:01 AM »
I'm trying to breathe and get my wrist out of your grip... so I can SHUT HER DAMN MOUTH... yanking as hard as I can and pulling her towards me.. let.. go.. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... a forearm clubs into my jawline and my head starts flashing... wobbly and when she lets go... I have to stagger to the fence and lean on it to get my head clear... just .. need a.. second... then I can get back after her... if I can pick up where she is.. that's two hard shots, and that's two too many...

You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #61 on: September 06, 2018, 06:39:16 AM »
My forearm makes a nice thud with the side of your jaw and you go spinning off towards the fence. I said that I needed a breather and I take that breather right now, bending over a little and putting my hands on my thighs so I can get in some much needed air and temporary relief.

But I look over to you, leaning on the fence there and I have to smile again. Hey, I say, you don't look so good. Your jaw looks a little puffy too. That'll leave a mark.

And I wink at you and giggle a little more as I stand back up and start to approach you again. Putting my hands back up I say, Hey you want to try that hair grab again? I'll be happy to give you another shot!

So fucking happy I'll be :)


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #62 on: September 06, 2018, 06:42:52 AM »
I'm getting my head clear.. but she's recovering too... I can't let her do that... and your mouth running.. I need to shut that .. so I push off the fence and stagger towards you... reaching for your biceps on each arm to try and tie you up again... this time... I WON'T let her escape.. as I try to get body to body with you and push you back...
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #63 on: September 06, 2018, 06:46:54 AM »
You go for another lock up of sorts. But you're staggering into me, hardly at full strength. I think I'm in better shape than you are right now and I plant my feet solidly into that grassy ground and push back at you with every bit of strength I have left, trying to push right up against that rough looking wooden fense.

I grunt out loud with all that effort I'm expending, so wanting to move your body backwards and slam you back into that fence.

Hoping too that your neighbors will notice it rattle and rumble


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #64 on: September 06, 2018, 06:54:24 AM »
I grab at you.. and you grab at me... I find myself not only held off.. but shoved BACK... how... where is she ..MMMMMFFFFFFFFFFFFFF... my chest shakes as I get banged into my own redwood fence and my head bounces a little... outmuscled and paying for as I'm dizzy a second.. pawign at yoru chest to try and keep you off me long enough to find room to slip to the left and get free of you...

Where is she getting this from?  I'm feeling like a wet dishrag and she just.. keeps... coming!
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #65 on: September 06, 2018, 07:13:47 AM »
We make that fence and shake and rattle and rumble. Or you do mostly with your body slamming into it ;) But now you're pushing against me hard, mostly against my chest with a strength that's still very surprising. You're trying to push me off you and I do back off about a foot, reaching still to keep a hold of your shoulders.

And you're turning some to the side trying to slip out and you're managing to do that but I try to turn with you and lift my knee up, trying to get into your abs again

For a quick parting shot :)


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #66 on: September 06, 2018, 07:21:25 AM »
I'm fighting desperately now.. .trying to get some space to maneuver away from you... but she keeps my shoulders... and even though I try to twist out... I'm held enough that the slightly smaller but fresher girl can MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPHHHHH...

unload on me... throwing a knee up into me that has me bending over as the air I fought to get back goes away again... pinned back to the fence and gasping as I cover my belly... fuck... every one of those shots is taking more out of me... starting to feel like target practice as I try to get my left forearm into your chest and get you off me somehow.. although I barely have the energy to stand .. and shes been teeing off on me.. I have to fight back...
« Last Edit: September 06, 2018, 07:27:36 AM by Becca Blast! »
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #67 on: September 06, 2018, 07:28:08 AM »
You go down again, in a staggering and stumbling mess, covering up your belly. Must hurt huh? I purse my lips and make like I'm going to cry for you


But no crying from me. From you? That's a different story and a definite maybe ;) And I grab both your ankles this time and start dragging you away from the fence. Turning to look behind me to see where I want to put you

I start to HEAVE your butt along! Dragging and pulling again with everything I got. Feeling the muscles in my back straining. Legs too


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #68 on: September 06, 2018, 07:34:04 AM »
Groaning as I just... cant' breathe... and your mouth still running.. I push at you and you step back and go down.. my ankles... whooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... MMMMMFFFFFFFFF... my head .. bangs into the fence... I'm chest heaving .. and now.. dragged across my own lawn.. she has me in more trouble that she has this whole fight... and I feel like dead weight to her... so I try to go limp.. make her do all the work.. see if I cna get a break THAT way...
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #69 on: September 06, 2018, 05:46:03 PM »
You go all limp on me and suddenly it's like I'm dragging around three hundred pounds. I groan and grunt with each yank on your ankles but I manage to drag you a couple more yards I think away from the fence. Then I turn around and get your ankles securely under my arms and then flex with every thing and try to turn around in an attempt to turn you on your stomach.

I'm grunting and sweating some more in this almost herculean task I've set out for myself.

Grrrr, turn around, bitch, I say under my breath. I think you know what's coming next. Let you feel a real hold...


This time


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #70 on: September 06, 2018, 06:22:43 PM »
Going limp was a good idea when i was trying to clear my head from multiple shots and get air back into my lungs... but when she stops.. that plan ISNT so good.. my ankles... fuck she's going to... and I FLOP over onto my chest... she's been able to muscle me around as the match wears on... and I have to push up.. get my chest and face out of the grass.. but my legs are hers... fuck.. this is a mess.. how do I get out of it... think, Becca, THINK....
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #71 on: September 07, 2018, 07:53:54 AM »
Letting out a scream I use every thing I got to work you over to your back. You're a little heavier than me but I get myself set right and hold on the best that I can, spreading my feet and trying to find the right position over your lower back

I hold onto you ankles practically grimly and watch my little biceps flex as I hold up your legs. I'm trying to find the sweet spot for this hold, the place where it doesn't require so much...

Effort. My arms are wavering with the strain a little, but I turn my head to try and see how you are doing, imagining the pain you're hopefully feeling right now

Give up! I hiss out, through my clenched teeth.

Give up!

Not a question but a demand


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #72 on: September 07, 2018, 11:35:42 AM »
After all the back and forth... all the battering, trash talk, exchanges and pressure... it's pretty basic when you get down to it.

My head was a little fuzzy... the pain in my back as she applies the crab cuts through the fog.. my legs up, my tank dropping to show off my belly as she goes to roll my figure in a way nature did NOT intend it to go... my head out of the grass as I brace up on my right arm... she's shifting.. ugghhhhhhh.. .trying to find the right place... OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW... yelping out as she finds a spot that REALLY has my spine compressing the nerves that control my lower body... my left hand comes up as you settle into it.. and demand my surrender.. and I grab that dangling pigtail.. wrapping my fingers in it... and I PULL...

Like HELL... I grunt out... as I go to yank you off to the side...  with whatever energy I can muster.... get out of this first... THEN worry about what you're going to do...

But she now knows that if she wants to win this... I won't stop until I'm unconscious.. maybe.
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #73 on: September 08, 2018, 07:43:38 AM »
I'm trying to find the right spot here, but your legs are feeling heavy, heavier than I thought they would be, and you're still wriggling a bit, but I hear your groans so I know something is working here. I try to get my feet spread wide enough, but then I feel you tug on my hair. And tug is an understatement. It's more like a yank.

Very much like a yank.

At first it just pulls me back more, which pulls up your legs more and strains your back still more (spine compression, yes!), but then I start to feel an intense strain on my knee and an even worse one in my hip as you seem to be pulling me off to the side. My arms are already fiercely straining to hold onto your legs and this all starts to pull me off balance. I can't keep hold of both of your legs so I drop one and just try to focus on the other, using both my arms on it and focus too on just one of your hips, as I try to regain my balance

I'm still finding myself being pulled off to the side, but maybe I can do a little more damage while I still have a hold of you. My face feels like it is contorting a little as you continue to yank on my hair. I let out a groan but not a scream, but maybe it looks like I am about to do that


I hope you do some screaming here


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #74 on: September 08, 2018, 03:21:26 PM »
A full crab.. .is meant to HURT.  A lot.  And it does... her stubborn refusal to let go of it results in a torque on my back that has me screaming.   Loudly.  Hating myself for even that minor surrender, I pull harder n that pigtail and add some invective to it... "FUCK... YOU... WHORE...." until I finally get you to let go.

Of one leg.  Which drops down to the grass with an audible THUD while we both refocus....

A half crab... is a hold to wear a body down... my left leg free.. while she goes back to work on my right, pulling it across my body as my grip pulls you to my left... adding pain to my hip as I yelp out again... I am SICK of being used as her noisemaker!... but I'm going to be used for more than than if I don't get out of this!... it's draining just to keep my face and chest off the grass... my right forearm almost buried in the sod and I bring my free left knee forward.. under my hip as you straddle me.. and grunt out as I go to push up and pull that hair.. like I was a European tennis/model/whatever .. expending everything as I try to get you up off your feet so I can get free of this...

The problem is... after one of those Modelikovas hits the ball, eventually there's a Williams on the other side to hit it back.  I need to find the energy to deal with that, and the pain she just laid on me...

But first, I need to get her OFF me!
You little bimbos can bite me!