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Match with Becca Blast

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Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #30 on: August 30, 2018, 07:38:11 PM »
We land and I hear the air rush out of you and are those cute little eyes rolling in your head?... I do believe they ARE!

One of the nice things about living in the South when Danny was in the Navy was that I learned all those fun expressions.  Like, "bless her heart."  It's not a nice thing.  It's a polite way of saying , "Holy fuck, she's SCREWED."  Like you are.   Lying on your back, fighting for air under me and your head a little pressed into the soil... so when I push up off you with my hands on your breasts... it's just  natural thing to try and pull that skimpy zebra-print top up over your head and off your body as I go to strip the hapless girl who actually thought she could come toss me around my own yard.

Bless her heart,  Bless her poor dear heart.
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #31 on: August 31, 2018, 07:03:59 AM »
Your hands go right for my breasts, trying to pull at my bikini top. This gives me renewed energy and I grab your wrists again and squeeze them tightly, very tightly, practically digging my nails into the underside of your wrists.

I guess you're straddling me now so I push up hard with my hips at the same time, violently trying to twist and buck you off me, fighting you with renewed vigor.

No stripping! I say under my breath. Trying to take an advantage here since you seem so focused on stripping me. grunting as I try to shove you off me with my hips


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2018, 01:01:50 PM »
Everyone has their own lines they won't cross.  Or have to be dragged across. 

As you put my wrists in a vise, I find out one of yours.  And it's a bit of a surprise.  This is a woman who, in previous meetings, had no problems trying to arouse and distract me.  That grapevine... OWWWWWWWWWW as your nails dig into my wrists ... that she's so happy to talk about took place in a BEDROOM, for crying out loud.

In an odd way, I can respect it.  Take the power for yourself, YOU determine how and when you use your body... all that self-empowerment stuff.  Right on, sister... UMMMMMMMMMFFFFFFFFF

I could, if your hips didn't smack up into mine and take a bit of air out of me by smacking ME in a sensitive area.... but that's the purpose here isn't it... and I get an object lesson in self-determination as you twist and shove me off to the side, into the grass myself.. call it a #MeToo moment, then, as I draw my knees up and get my legs between our bodies... so I can extend them and kick you away from me!

"Don't start games if you don't want to play them, GIRL!"
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #33 on: August 31, 2018, 05:55:37 PM »
I manage to buck you off me alright, but as we fall I'm going on top of you and am met quickly by your knees as you shove me off you with them. I land on my back and I curl up into a ball on my side before moving to my knees. Well, my hands and knees.

I look over at you and realize that you shoved me more than a few yards away. I don't know how that happened but I take a moment or two to get some air back into my mostly air deprived body.

I'm gasping and then panting as I look over at you, now knowing who is in the worst shape right now.


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #34 on: August 31, 2018, 06:12:02 PM »
She got me good.. and I landed badly... but I'm still the one that had her wrapped up and under me... I can get back to that...

She's getting her air back... I ignore my own heaving chest and scramble over to grab that hair and try to stand up.. fine.. I wanted to throw you around more anyway.... using your hair and left elbow... so that I can try to pivot around and whip my new beach toy to the fence.. let's see how you like it there!   Bettign that yrou back will probably hate it... but I will LOVE what it does to you as a whole...
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #35 on: August 31, 2018, 06:24:26 PM »
You grab me roughly as soon as I get up by my arm and another handful of my air. You're trying to throw me but I resist trying to plant my feet into the grassy ground. But you are too strong and I am sent in the direction of the fence

But I try to get my footing and manage to stop myself only several feet away from you. Maybe more. I'm not sure. I stop myself but I've lost some balance and I double over to keep from falling onto my face. Still panting I have to take just a little longer to catch my breath and right myself fully before I can turn to face you again.

I know you're there behind me somewhere and I brace myself and try to think of something to do should you attack me here


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #36 on: August 31, 2018, 06:33:35 PM »
I want to whip her to the fence.. but she blocks me.. planting down and making me spin just to shove you forward.. so I have to fight to get my own balance back.. and there you are... not far away at all... and bent over.. let's persuade her.. I brace on my left foot and try to swign my right up at that open butt... let's see if I can make you do that at least!
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #37 on: September 01, 2018, 06:57:35 AM »
I'm catching my breath slightly bent over when I feel you move closer to me. My spidey senses are tingling ;) Then I hear a bit of a whoosh as you are setting something up. Perhaps a kick? And I turn around and see you in position for one. You're leg going up in the air in a spinning sort of kick

And I back away perhaps just in time to see you foot whoosh across my stomach just an inch away from it. And I back away one more step and watch what position your follow through will leave you.

While you can probably see a smile on my face :);)


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #38 on: September 01, 2018, 07:54:18 AM »
A pirouette.


I don't get her ass.   I don't get her gut.  I don't get the bookkeeper.  (If you haven't seen The Untouchables, you have missed out on life.  Go watch it.  NOW.  The come back to the fight.  We'll wait.)

I get nothing... except the job of trying to keep my balance when I don't hit what I expected to hit and I get spun around... so I plant that foot on landing and spring off it turning to try and get some distance... I don't have any more balance than I did before, but I have room... and I need all the space I can get.  Because that smile on her face... is like she knows she has the drop on me...  and she does.  I need room to maneuver, and I hope I can get it.
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #39 on: September 01, 2018, 08:05:59 AM »
Someone must have wanted to be a ballerina when they were young.

Is that right? Did you want to be a widdle, widdle ballerina when you were growing up? Did you? That's so cute!

And I giggle watching you spin around. And spin around as you try to keep your balance. And I giggle some more.

And I walk up to you and extend my index finger out. Maybe if I can poke you in the shoulder with it, that would be all it would take to put you back on the ground

One little poke.



Actually I did want to be a ballerina for a little while ;)


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #40 on: September 01, 2018, 08:14:00 AM »
I'm fighting to stay up right... and my face getting redder the more she runs her mouth...

Who DIDN'T want to be a ballerina?  So I get kicked out of dance class for punching Simone... she deserved it!  Big ox kept stepping on my feet... on purpose!

So, that was when I found out Simone was Ms. Ellen's granddaughter.  And guess who taught the class?  "Rebecca Elizabeth, you CANNOT just go up and punch people.  You're smart.  Be more creative in how you respond!"  "Yes, Daddy.  Do I have to say I'm sorry?"  "Not to Simone.  But to Ms. Ellen, yes.  The tuition is non-refundable."

Right now, you're Simone... and you prove it by being a jerk and ahhhh.. jabbing me hard in the shoulder as I try to set my feet.... and I land on my ass.... BRAT!   my hands go down to push back up and stand... no WAY do I back down... not THIS time!
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #41 on: September 01, 2018, 08:30:41 AM »
It wasn't a hard shove or a jab. It was just a little "poke." You're just uncoordinated ;)


I think about attacking again but decide against it and back away a little, putting my guard back up, my hands out in front of me. I know I'm in better shape than you now. You fell on your ass with such an unceremonious looking and sounding "whump," but it looks like you're going to kick at me if I come forward again.

So I don't. Preferring to not give you that satisfaction. But I say, "Hey I'm sorry you're reliving past childhood trauma. But boo hoo to you!

It's present day trauma that I'm after ;) Come on bitch! Get back up and get some more! I say, planting my feet firmly into the grassy ground. One leg behind the other.

Come on! I say again. Time for play is over!

In a demanding tone


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #42 on: September 01, 2018, 02:55:08 PM »
I'm angry, tired, embarrassed, and my spine just got a jolt from that unceremonious landing... my light blue tank top beginning to darken noticeably from sweat, and as much as I want to kick at you and get that smug smile off your face after that pratfall, you stay out of range....

But you also don't attack, which gives me time to recover as you stand there and run your mouth about how you're going to give me more... "Already... knocked the wind out of you... once... won't be hard to do it again... " as I push up and pull my feet under me to stand... I'll give you all the present-day trauma you can handle... as I come at you and reach for your hands.. Time to plant this girl in the dirt and be done with this! I think as I rush at you to lock up..
You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline hannah.part.time.jobber

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #43 on: September 02, 2018, 06:46:57 AM »
You get up and you quickly rush in for a lockup. I'm ready for you and I move to mirror your collar and elbow grip on me. I'm pushed back a few steps before I'm able to get my feet planted right correctly into the grassy ground and I struggle and strain to keep you at bay.

I grimace and wince a little, knowing you can probably overpower me eventually, but I'm doing my best to try and hold you off for now, for a few seconds at least, pushing at you with all my strength

And I say in your ear, You can't muscle me around so much, can you?

As I'm breathing on you and you're breathing on me and my hand grip is right over your biceps


Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Match with Becca Blast
« Reply #44 on: September 02, 2018, 04:28:29 PM »
There are dozens of things I could have done... smarter things... clever things... crafty things that would have had her down and in pain....

I did this.   Mostly out of anger and frustration, with a touch of arrogance, I suppose, to show you that I can take you apart when I want and how I want.

And it works.  You go back and I can feel you sliding.  I have you... you little smirking pest, I have you....

And then I don't. You get your feet set and push back into ME... your hand squeezing my left biceps as I try to flex and push into you.. you whisper into my ear and I inhale to try and show you who has the back arching the wrong way just a bit as I've been stood up by your defiance...

And I'M the one who gets muscled back... my feet sliding in the grass as she sets and drives into me... the trap sprung and now i have to deal with finding a way to turn it around!
You little bimbos can bite me!