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Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra

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Offline littlemeganwrestles

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Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« on: September 20, 2018, 02:18:55 AM »

Megan: CHALLENGE ISSUED to Kyra "The Babyface Assassin" by yours truly, the Picture Perfect Pro Princess Megan! I won't be bowing down to any tramp in the group, especially the biggest slut of them all.

Kyra: This chump wants to challenge me?!?!? Well she will learn the hard way that her one purpose in life is to be a picture perfect loser.

Megan: I have arrived at the club for the big day. Well, club is a's more or less just a shitty basement that the whores in the Classy Tramps make their club. Tonight my chance to get my hands on the first member of the Classy Tramps, Kyra. She calls herself the Babyface Assassin, but after the match she'll be known as the Bustedface Assassinated.

I am in front of the mirror, as I usually am, admiring myself as I make final preparations for the match. I tie my shoulder length silky auburn hair back into a pony, and take a step back to look me sexy, slender body up and down, "perfection" I tell myself with a grin as my eyes trace my body from my pretty face, down to my modest but perky tits, clad in a black lycra sports bra top, then down to my sexy flat tummy, then to my matching skin tight black lycra booty shorts that look to be painted on my perfectly toned, round bottom, and thighs below look to be toned to perfection as well. On my feet I wear black patent leather boots that rise to mid-calf.

Having sufficiently admired myself in the mirror, I hear a knock at the door and an aggressive voice grumbles "it's time" so I take a deep breath and blow myself a kiss in the mirror, then exit my dressing room and walk down the hall and pause behind the door that leads out into the club, take a deep breath, and step through as I am introduced.


I hear a series of boos and jeers as I realize for sure I'm in Tramp territory. It's so obvious as I look around and take note of all the tramps in the crowd. I strut to the ring looking like a supermodel on a runway with a sexy strut and an arrogant smirk on my pretty face. I get to ringside, hop onto the apron, step slowly through the ropes, straddling the middle rope for a moment and shaking my sexy ass to get a rise out of the crowd as I do before stepping on in, strutting around a little, striking a few more supermodel poses, then back into my corner and lean casually back against the buckles, arms outstretched across them as I wait eagerly for my Classless victim.


Offline TheBabyfacedAssassin

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2018, 02:39:01 AM »
All this bitch has done is run her mouth and trash talk me and everyone in my group. Now is the time to shut her up for good. She has foolishly decided to come to my local club and take me on. This is going to be an absolute pleaseure to ruin this bitch and take her apart.

I arrive to the arena pretty early as the fans have started to take their seats and I’m shown to be my dressing room as many of the preliminaries have already started. I slide out of my street clothes as I take some deep breaths and mentally and physically begin to prepare myself for this match. The fans will clearly be rooting for me as I finally hear a knock at the door and it indicates that it is finally go time.


I push through the curtain as the fans roar and get to their feet and cheer for me as I flash my million dollar smile for all to see as I strut down to the ring swaying my hips and high fiving some fans as I walk up the ring steps and climb into the ring glaring across at you as I show off my young toned body in a two piece purple bikini and matching boots as I stand in my corner smirking and stretching out as I ready for the bell ready to kick this losers cocky ass.


Offline littlemeganwrestles

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2018, 04:57:47 AM »
I watch closely and you emerge from the back and start making your way toward the ring. My eyes narrow on you as you move closer. I shake my head in disgust as you play to the crowd like the attention whore you are, pandering, and eating it all up as the retards cheer you. I take note of the girls in the crowd you high five and hug, noting the ones that are members of the classy tramps along with you. That info may come in handy later. Then, you finally climb your way into the ring.

I am standing opposite you in the corner, arms folded across my chest, tapping my foot, clearly irritated by your entrance, and trying to control my emotions and hold back every ounce of my being that is telling me to charge you and take your stupid head off. But I resist, standing my ground, fists and teeth clenched tightly as I shift my weight back and forth from one foot to another.

I do look your taller, bigger body up and down and have to admit you do have a nice body on you, well....for now. But that just provides me with even more incentive to crush it, and crush you. I still have a slight, cocky smirk on my pretty face as I take a step out of my corner, eyes locked with yours now, hands on my hips at this point, chest out, and say "I'm gonna end you classy tramps one  y kne, and I'm starting with you, Kyra." I say, listening for the bell as I approach the center of the


Offline TheBabyfacedAssassin

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2018, 05:36:57 AM »
I make my entrance as I glance over from time to time and see you clearly getting agitated with the length of my entrance which is fine by me. I have no problems making you wait. I see you standing across the ring looking all pissed off and unimpressed. I finally here you starting to run your mouth as you step forward smiling and strutting like a slut.

You make your little decree for the fans and I roll my eyes as I slowly push out from my corner and begin walking closer towards you as the ref stands between us and I’m several feet away as I yell back at you. “Is that so? Well how about I give you a picture perfect beatdown and then you can bow down and kiss my feet In front of all these people?”

Showing little fear as I put my hands on my hips and smile for all the fans as the ref looks over and asks if I’m ready to start this match. I nod my head yes and the crowd is on its feet as the ref signals for the bell and I bring my hands up about chest high now as I’m ready to get this going


Offline littlemeganwrestles

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2018, 01:35:06 PM »
I pause in the middle of the ring as you too start to strut toward me now. You fire right back with some stupid BS a "picture perfect beatdown" and how I'm going to end up kissing your feet. I can't help but to break eye contact with you for a brief moment as I glance down at your feet and wonder what they look like under those boots. Probably gross I imagine. No matter though, I won't be seeing them anyway.

"You think you will make me kiss your feet, bitch? Well I guess I'll just have to make you kiss my ass then" I say with a cute smug grin as I turn my body a little and give myself a little pat on my perfect ass.

At this point you are paused in front of me and the ref is between us asking you, then me if we are ready. I nod "I'm ready, she's not." I reply before he backs up and signals for the start bell DING DING DING.

You raise your arms up and so do I, about  chest level as my knees bend slightly and I lower my butt down a bit, widening my stance and taking a step toward you, leading with my right foot, but then stopping and popping back upright again, abruptly extending my right hand and saying "good luck'll need it" trying to starts things off the right way with a customary handshake....


Offline TheBabyfacedAssassin

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2018, 09:52:03 PM »
We continue to bicker back and forth as you fire back and shake that little ass of yours. Not as sexy as mine by any means but it isn't too bad. I roll my eyes as you make the little turn and then tell the ref that I'm not ready.

I just snicker at your little snide remarks as you start to get into position and then begin to step forward as you offer a handshake as many of the fans in attendance start to boo and tell me not to shake your hand as they think you may be up to something here.

I pause for a moment as I look to my left and right as I gaze out into the crowd asking for their opinion before I turn back around to face you. I then begin to extend my right arm and bringing my hand forward to get ready to accept the handshake before suddenly bringing my hand up and aiming a hard slap for the side of your left cheek as I hiss. "I'm not that stupid bitch!!!" The fans on their feet as I try to beat you to the punch so to speak.


Offline littlemeganwrestles

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2018, 02:22:12 PM »
My heart feel like it's about to beat out of my chest as I wait anxiously to see if you are as dumb as you look and shake my hand. You look around to the crowd trying to feel them out, the look back at me and slowly start to extend your hand out toward mine as I get to hide the evil grin that's trying to creep across my face "she really is a dumbass bimbo" I think to myself as you are about to accept my handshake.

But then all of a sudden your hand jerks up, recoils and swings forward, connecting with my pretty face on my left cheek with a loud SMACK, follows by my yelp "Aaahghh!!!" As my pretty head snaps to the side and saliva sprays from my mouth from your dirty, cheap shot slap. My body turns and stumbles a step to my right too before I regain my footing and turn my head and body slowly back toward you, fire in my eyes now, left hand rubbing my left cheek as the crowd cheered and laughter and I utter "you're gonna pay for that you disrespectful little cxnt" and then I let out a scream as I charge you, trying to throw all of my weight I to your body as my hands go for your hair to sink my fingers into it and grip tight while my tits slam agaisnt yours as I pump my legs and try to drive you backwards and into the corner several feet be behind you, my emotions leading my actions.


Offline TheBabyfacedAssassin

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2018, 02:19:37 AM »
I fully expected you to take the easy way out and try to cheap shot me and so did all the fans in attendance. It feels great to give you a taste of your own medicine as the fans roar its approval as my hand smacks into the side of your cheek as it echoes through the arena. The fans heckle you and laugh as you turn to face me.

You are clearly angry as I can just see and then hear it as you begin to charge forward quickly. I try to brace myself for impact as your hands sink into my hair and your perky tits smack against mine. I grit my teeth as I try to put my hands up and get them on your shoulders as my feet shuffle on the mat and I get pushed backwards. I stay focused and as we go backwards and get closer to the corner I try to use the momentum to fall to my back and bring my pretty feet up into your belly hoping to send you up and over me in a monkey flip attempt trying to maybe even send you flying into the corner behind me.


Offline littlemeganwrestles

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2018, 02:09:50 PM »
[Apologies for the delay]

I feel my body slam into yours and yours give way, starting to stumble backwards as I force you across the ring toward the corner, feeling pretty good about myself and my ability to move my slightly bigger opponent with so much ease....but that quickly backfires and all the good feelings go away when just before I get you into the corner you drop down, jerk me forward with you and raise your feet up and shove them into my sexy belly, shoving up and flipping me into the air over you and sending me crashing into the corner turnbuckle with a heavy THUD "uuuaaaaggghhhhhhh!!!" I groan out, followed by another heavy THUD and my body lands crumpled in the corner, curled up on my side in the fetal position below the ropes as I moan and reach for my lower back which took the brunt of the impact, gasping from having the wind knocked out of me after the fall onto my neck and shoulders. The crowd reacts


Offline TheBabyfacedAssassin

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2018, 05:57:31 PM »
I hear the satisfying thud of your body hitting the turnbuckles much to the delight of the capacity crowd as they roar their approval and continue to cheer me on as I begin to sit up and push my way to my feet checking my top briefly to make sure everything is in order before turning to face you.

I see you curled up in the corner and that's a good place for you at the moment. I have more sadistic moves in mind for you now as I know I'm going to have to be more vicious than I ever have been before to compete with you.

I love towards your feet trying to grab a foot in each hand and force you on your back. I try to position so your body is back in the ring but your head and throat is under the bottom rope. I then try to fall to my back and slingshot you up into the bottom rope hoping to take away your wind


Offline littlemeganwrestles

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2018, 04:17:00 AM »
Laying on my side crumpled on the mat after you tossing me into the corner turnbuckles, you are wise not to give me a moment to recover. I feel your hands grip around my ankles as you roll my body over, flipping me over onto my back.  Then you turn my body ever so slightly so that my pretty head and neck are positioned underneath the ropes. I open my eyes wide the moment I realize my position and my mouth opens as I start to shout out "Noooooo..." but I'm cut off mid-scream as my body jolts upward off the canvas and my throat slams hard up into the taught bottom rope "NnooooooooUUUUUNNNNNGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!" My air supply cut off momentarily as my windpipe is compressed from the impact, my hips though continue upward with the momentum and my sexy body kind of bridges into an arch, making me yelp out a second time before I go half limp folded awkwardly facing the arena rafters while the crowd cheers and  I cough and gag and moan in pain


Offline TheBabyfacedAssassin

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2018, 05:28:52 AM »
"Oh it looks like somebody is all choked up!!!" I taunt as my slingshot works to perfection and the crowd is really loving this as I push back up to my feet while trying to keep a hold of your ankles. I look out at the fans for a moment as the crowd urges me on and I flash a sinister smirk before I attempt to move to my right and guide your body with me as I now try to end up with my back to center ring and your head and face hopefully laying under the bottom turnbuckle. "Alright slut time for another ride!!!" I yell out as I once again try to fall to my back and slingshot you but this time trying to drive your face up into the bottom turnbuckle and hopefully keep up the punishment.


Offline littlemeganwrestles

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2018, 01:38:35 PM »
On my back moaning and wheezing, still trying to catch my breath after you drive my throat up into the bottom rope. I still don't feel your hands unwrap from my ankles,  but instead feel my body being dragged again, just slightly to my left until I am able to blink things into focus and I see the tightly wrapped turnbuckle hovering just about 12 inches above my head. Again my eyes open wide and I start to shout out "noooooooo..." as I try to bring my hands up but not in time, my body jolts up and my pretty face slams hard into the tight unforgiving bottom turnbuckle "Aaaaaagggghhhh!!" as you slingshot me once again. My face explodes in pain, vision blurred, nose tingling and a salty taste in my mouth now from where I assume my bottom lip is busted and bleeding. I desperately try to roll over and over, if you let go of my ankles yet of course, until my body is able to drop out of the ring to the hard thinly matter concrete arena floor


Offline TheBabyfacedAssassin

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2018, 07:54:10 PM »
I pretty much couldn't have planned a better start to this match as I have you hurting, coughing and now dazed after the thud of your face against the buckle echoes through the arena. I am laying on my back as the impact loosens my grip on your ankles as I feel and see you rolling away as I sit up and hear you just kind of drop to the floor. Probably not the softest of landings for you as I take some breaths and push back up to my feet as the crowd cheers and I give a quick wave before dipping out of the ring and come around trying to end up to where I'm coming from behind towards your head and I get closer lifting my right foot aiming a quick stomp for that hopefully dazed and maybe bruised face of yours trying to crush it with my sole.


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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2018, 06:23:00 AM »
I land on the hard floor outside the ring with a THUD, on my stomach and chest, knocking the air out of me a little bit still somehow feeling some slight relief to be out of the ring and away from you. I grunt out as I force myself to roll over onto my back now and start to sit up, but as soon as my head and shoulders life up off the floor you're there again, driving your foot down hard with a vicious stomp right to my pretty face, a loud sickening CRACK followed my my pain-filled shriek "Aaaaeeeeoowwwww!!!" Echo around the arena as my head snaps backward and body shoots back down flat on my back on the hard thinly matted concrete floor, the back of my head slamming into the floor with a dull THUD as well, stunning me instantly as my head rocks back and forth and I moan softly, hands coming up to cover my pretty face, a little trickle of blood now dripping from my left