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Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra

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Offline TheBabyfacedAssassin

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2018, 09:28:09 PM »
This has dare I say it a Picture Perfect start for me to this heated contest. I have been able to take advantage of all the opportunities so far in this match. My foot CRACKS into your face and your screams send chills up my spine as I stand over you at your head.

Your hands begin to cover your face as I sneer down at you and the crowd roars its approval. "You're such a weak little bitch aren't you Megan?" Taunting as I reach down for a handful of hair and attempt to pull you up your feet as I try to keep my right hand locked in your hair hoping that if I get you on your feet I can guide you near the ring apron and smack you face first into it.


Offline littlemeganwrestles

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2018, 06:16:22 AM »
Laying on my back with my hands cupping my pretty face, just smashed by your boot, I now feel your hands sink into my hair and my scalp starts to burn as I feel you starting to drag me up to my feet. My hands instinctively reach up and grip your wrist trying to pry your fingers free or at least relieve some of the tension on my hair. Before I get fully up, I look up and realize your close proximity to my body, seeming to let your guard down a little bit. Seeing this, I try to swing my right knee up hard and fast toward your body and bury it in your belly. If successful, I reach up with both hands over my head and try to grip your hair now with both my hands, then once I have a nice tight grip I try to drop down, letting gravity pull me to my knees on the floor below and attempting to pull your head down with me, positioning it so that your jaw will crack agaisnt the top of my head as I


Offline TheBabyfacedAssassin

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2018, 09:39:50 PM »
My boot drives into your face and I'm ready to continue teaching you a painful lesson here on the outside of the ring. I begin to get you pulled up and you manage to show your toughness as your knee swings up into my tanned and toned abs forcing a gasp of air to come from my lungs as I start to slightly bend forward. You then grab onto my long hair as I grunt and grimace as my fans try to encourage me. Suddenly however you drop down and my chin cracks against the top of your head as the pain shoots through me and I end up falling backwards and crashing to my ass on the thin blues mats as I end up falling onto my right side coughing and trying to clear the cobwebs.


Offline The Canadian Cutie

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2018, 12:13:39 AM »
Hmmmm this is a hard 1 to cheer for...…. I want to see you both lose *giggles*

Good luck to you both :)


Offline littlemeganwrestles

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2018, 07:14:58 PM »
I feel the impact of your jaw crashing down on the top of my head, and the sound of the loud CRACK from the impact, followed by your loud groan of pain makes me all tingly inside. As your body falls backwards and you end up on your side coughing and moaning, the crowd groans and boos as I push to my feet, groaning but also grinning smugly, still trying to regain my senses as I turn to see you lying there, wiping a bit of the blood from my nose ans stepping toward you, I try and plat my left foot and swing my right foot swinging as hard as I can toward your stomach as you lay there on your side, trying to punt you violently in the gut "you're mine now bitch!" I scream as I start to fill with


Offline TheBabyfacedAssassin

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2018, 09:25:55 PM »
I'm laying on the thin blue mats trying to come to my senses and get my wits back as the crowd does its beat to urge me on as you luckily take a couple moments to get to your feet. I'm taking a couple breaths when your foot slams into my belly with a loud SMACK as my eyes grow wide and I begin coughing and gasping in pain as my hands move to my belly rubbing it in pain as I lay on the outside.


Offline littlemeganwrestles

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2018, 11:55:59 AM »
My foot drives hard into your belly with a loud SMACK, sending you rolling over onto your back now, the crowd groaning as they see me slow your momentum. Standing over you now as you lie next to the edge of the ring, I plant my right foot on your chest and the slowly step up onto you, bringing my left foot up and placing it on your throat, staring to press down with all my weight as I put my hands on the ring apron for balance, letting my full weight sink into your chest and throat as I stand on you, even bouncing a little to add to the pain and


Offline TheBabyfacedAssassin

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #22 on: October 04, 2018, 06:00:37 PM »
I get forced over to my back as I cough and gag taking in some deep breaths as the crowd makes you aware of its disappointment. You stand next to me as I look up and take some deep breaths. You don't give me much time to recover as you stand on my chest first compressing my perky boobs under your boot and then your second boot goes across my throat as my feet kick on the mats as you choke me and I gag under you. I try to remain focused but it's hard when your losing air so rapidly. I get desperate and take my hands reaching up for your ankles trying to grab and then tug outwards seeing if maybe I can unbalance you and maybe with any luck have your chin hit the apron on the way down. However if this doesn't work there is a chance you could land on top of me.


Offline littlemeganwrestles

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2018, 04:03:20 AM »
I feel your tits flatten against your chest under my feet and your throat compress nicely as well. The sound you make as you gag and moan and the sight of your body squirming in pain as you struggle under me make an evil, cocky grin creep across my pretty face. The crowd boos louder and louder the more I choke you. I pull my hands off the apron, where they had been for balance, and raise them into the air, motioning for the crowd to get louder, mocking and antagonizing them. By doing this and pulling my hands off the apron, I destabilize myself. It pays off for you, kind off. When you grab my ankles and jerk them backwards, pulling my feet off your body I fall, but not in the way you had hoped. My head doesn't quite make it to the apron where you thought I might hit my chin. Instead I fall more flat and straight down, my body landing on top of yours fully, my abs landing with a SMACK across your belly and chest where moments ago I had just been standing "uuuuuuggghhhhhhhh" I grunt out as I land belly first, but am fairly certain you'll be hurting just as


Offline lexibabe

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2018, 02:14:48 AM »
love the action...I think kyra can swing the fight back in her direction  and finish ..this chick off once and for all :)

tramps  forever :)
the prez tramp


Offline littlemeganwrestles

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2018, 03:10:38 AM »
love the action...I think kyra can swing the fight back in her direction  and finish ..this chick off once and for all :)

tramps  forever :)

And if I end up beating her, as I expect I will...maybe I will take on the lead Tramp???


Offline lexibabe

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Re: Picture Perfect Princess Megan vs The Babyface Assassin Kyra
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2018, 05:27:38 AM »
love the action...I think kyra can swing the fight back in her direction  and finish ..this chick off once and for all :)

tramps  forever :)

And if I end up beating her, as I expect I will...maybe I will take on the lead Tramp???

hmmm well if there is anything left of you  after kyra  finishes  with you,then  be my guest :)
the prez tramp