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Catwoman's Night Out - Cold

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Offline Sandman13

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Catwoman's Night Out - Cold
« on: November 02, 2018, 04:14:43 AM »
Cat-Woman's Night Out – Cold

   Halloween night at the local watering hole and the place was getting crowded. The music was blasting, the liquor was flowing and various patrons of the bar were dressed as monsters, pirates, ghosts – and the women were scantily clad versions of all of that.
   Out on the dance floor Gabriella was wearing a black skin-tight version of the Catwoman costume – the one Ann Hathaway wore in the last Batman movie. High-heeled black leather boots, a mask and a real leather whip, coiled up and tied to her belt, completed the outfit. With the help of a lot of duct tape, Kleenex and a Wonder Bra she had even managed to make it look like she had some cleavage.
   Gabi was really enjoying all the attention from the guys – she twisted and twerked and gyrated, knowing all the men were staring at her shapely ass. (Their girlfriends were watching too, but they weren't enjoying the spectacle quite as much.)
   The dark-haired Mexican girl's smile began to fade, though, when a stunning blonde strolled onto the dance floor and began her own little show. In a matter of second every eye in the place was on the woman with the hour-glass figure dressed as a female version of  The Riddler.
   She wore a very short dress, green and covered with question marks. A derby hat, high heels and a purple mask matched the outfit. She had a tall wooden staff that sported a question mark at the top.
   As she danced ( making every man in the club drool with lust) it was apparent she was only wearing a tiny green thong underneath the dress without a bra. The buttons down the front of the dress struggled to hold in her big round breasts.
   Things would have gone just fine but Gabi had no intention of letting some other woman steal her spotlight. She had her whip and in case she got in trouble she'd brought back-up. Over at the bar, wearing a Wonder Woman costume, was Amber, who had been hired by Gabi to be her bodyguard, just in case her arch-rival Samantha showed up.
   Gabi was particularly wary of Samntha, having had her ass kicked by the beautiful blonde on numerous occasions. Amber had convinced her she could handle any woman who gave Gabi problems.
   So as The Riddlerette made one sultry dance move after another, Gabi continued to boil. She finally slipped quietly behind her and without looking, kicked backwards with her high-heeled boots, making a solid, painful contact with the blonde's calf.
   “Owww!” the Riddler responded, turning to look and see who had kicked her. But the place was crowded and no one stepped forward to apologize. She eventually went back to dancing.
   But no sooner had she gotten back into her rhythm than someone gave a really hard slap on her nearly bare behind. She tried to turn and see who was doing things to her but she couldn't seem to catch the culprit in the act.
   By this time Ridderette was steaming. When she felt a hard tug on her costume she grabbed the hand behind her and held on. She turned to find a slutty Catwoman wincing in pain as she twisted her wrist.
   “What the hell, bitch?” the Riddlerette asked angrily. “You have some kind of problem with me?”
   Catwoman yanked her wrist free and replied “You bet I do, you sleazy tramp!” She began poking her opponent in the chest with one long finger. “Your kind needs to know who is in charge around here!” She poked Riddlerette right in the cleavage with each phrase.
   The sexy lady in green finally had enough and with a quick motion, she grabbed Gabi's finger and twisted it backwards. The brunette yelped and tried to get loose but the grip on her finger was too strong.
   “Lemme go!” Gabi whimpered. “Oww! Owww! You're gonna break my finger, bitch!”
   This did not succeed in gaining her release. Rather, the blonde just twisted harder on her finger until Gabi found herself sinking down on her knees.
   “I'm going to break it clean off if you call me a bitch once more! Now, if you want loose, say you're sorry!”
   Gabi was almost in tears and she quickly replied “Sorry! Sorry! I'm so sorry! Now lemme go!”
   Riddlerette just smiled and bent her finger back even further. “Not good enough – say please! And sound like you mean it!”
   Gabi was almost crying by this point. “Okay! Okay! Please! Owwww! Please-please-please-please!!!”
   Finally satisfied, the blonde let loose her grip and stood back. “That's better. Now let that be a lesson!”
   The smart thing to do would have been to just walk away. But no one ever accused Gabi of being smart. Instead of leaving, she got to her feet and after a little time rubbing her aching hand, she launched a second attack on her conqueror. She started slapping and scratching at her foe.
   Gabi used the element of surprise to gain an advantage over the blonde, knocking off her hat and then she pulled off the purple mask. That was when she froze, a look of dread coming over her face. The Riddlerette was her arch-rival Samantha! “Oh, shit, it's that bitch again!” Gabi squeaked.
   Sam's green eyes narrowed and she spoke in a low, threatening voice. “I should have known – there's only one slut in town who would start shit during a fun dance – it's you, isn't it, Gummi?”
   With that she gave a big pull on Catwoman's goggles, yanking them way out then releasing them so they snapped back with a loud smack on her face. “OWWWW!” Gabi screeched. She didn't know it but she'd be sporting two perfectly round black eyes the next morning.
   Sam continued to tear at Gabriella's mask, exposing the tall brunette. “So what have you learned from all our old fights, you moron?” she asked the struggling Catwoman.
   “Ummm – don't call you a bitch? Gabi mumbled. “And, uh, don't pull your hair?” Sam nodded with a happy grin and commented “Very good! Now here's your reward!” as she sank a hard fist deep into Gabi's soft belly.
   Catwoman blew out an agonized gasp and bent over holding her aching tummy until Sam straightened her up with a solid one-two to her face. Gabi staggered back but she put up her fists and charged back at Samantha.
   “You don't know it but I have an ace in the hole tonight!” Gabi hissed. “The toughest girl in town is here and she's my bodyguard!”
   Sam just laughed. “That's a pretty pathetic body to be guarding!” she mocked.
Over at the bar Sam's best friend Kimmy was having a drink. She was dressed as Harley Quinn with a red and black mini-dress and big platform shoes. She heard the commotion out on the dance floor but she couldn't see it very well because of the tall busty woman standing in front of her.
The big woman had reddish-brown hair and an impressive set of boobs. And you couldn't help noticing her large bust thanks to her revealing Wonder Woman costume. At the moment she was on her feet intently watching the fight on the dance floor.

"Oh shit!" Gabi gasped, the Riddler mask hanging in her hand. "I never thought this was - YOU!" She began to slowly back up even without realizing it as her legs trembled.
"Damn, Gummi - don't you ever, EVER learn?" Sam asked in an exasperated tone. "I beat your ass over and over again. I fucking blast you, rip off every stitch of slutty clothing you have on and I knock you out cold as a mackerel - over and over and over! And you still want to fuck with me! What the hell is wrong with you? Do you like being punched goofy? Does it get you off or something?
She cracked her knuckles and rolled her neck, loosening up. "Cause if you do get off on me pounding your ass into jelly, get ready! It's about to happen again!"
Gabi snarled back "Oh, yeah, blondie? As a matter of fact, I don't get off on getting beaten. Quite the opposite. Which is why I brought backup tonight. I have a bodyguard! And I also have - THIS!"
She suddenly uncoiled the whip from the belt on her costume. It was long and made of leather with a heavy handle. A  serious weapon. And she apparently knew how to use it - she snapped it at Sam, making it crack loudly. She then whirled it around her head and with a flick of the wrist, she brought the end of the leather snapping against the side of Sam's face.
"Oww! Damn!" Sam gasped. "That hurt, you asshole!"
Gabi just snickered and brought the whip whirling around again. "What's the matter, tough girl? Can't take it? Here, have some more!"
 This time she actually snapped off the top button holding Sam's Riddler top together. The button went flying off which exposed a lot of cleavage. Another snap of the whip and the blouse flew completely open.
Sam wasn't wearing a bra and her firm boobs were suddenly jutting out for everyone to see. But instead of being embarrassed, Sam just stood up proudly and ignored her sudden topless situation. She was very closely watching Gabi snap her whip.
Gabi was laughing and enjoying her success over her hated rival. "Oh my god, look everybody! Blondie forgot to wear her bra! And speaking of enjoying it, she looks like she likes having her tits whipped!" Gabi told the crowd.
In truth, the temperature in the club was kept very low and the cold air was causing Sam's silver dollar-sized nipples to harden and pop out.
But when Gabi snapped her whip at Sam again, intending to cut deeply into her exposed breasts, Sam suddenly twisted sideways and grabbed the end of the whip with her left hand. She wrapped the leather around her wrist a couple of times then gave a savage yank on her end.
Gabi was still holding tightly onto the whip handle so when Sam pulled she found herself staggering forward - directly into a thundering right hook from the blonde woman!
The brunette tried to yell for help but all the air was suddenly expelled from her lungs by the gut punch. Gabi folded over and her soft tummy wrapped around Sam's fist.
"Guuuhhh!" she wheezed. Sam pushed her back and finally noticed she was exposed to the rowdy party crowd. She considered just walking away to find some safety pins or something to help her cover up. But then she thought of the stinging blows from the whip and shrugged. "Fuck it - she's gonna pay for hitting me before I do anything else!"
In the meantime, Amber had noticed the shouting and activity up on the dance stage. She couldn't see exactly what was going on because of the crowd milling around in front of her. But she stood up preparing to check things out. At that moment the crowd parted for just a second and Kimmy spotted Sam and Gabi locked in combat.
She knew she couldn't let Amber make it a two-on-one fight. Thinking quickly, she dashed up behind Amber and pulled down the Wonder Woman top. Suddenly there were two topless women in the club - Amber's 34G rack was swaying in the breeze much to her embarrassment. As she was trying to pull her top back up and tuck things back into place, Kimmy grabbed a half-empty shot glass and tossed it right in her eyes.
Amber screeched as the stinging liquor blinded her for a instant. That was all the time the quick-thinking Kimmy needed to lower her head and run full-speed into the larger woman.
The brunette gave out a agonized gasp and fell back against the bar. Kimmy backed off, a little surprised that her attack had worked so well. She was no fighter like Sam but she was trying her best against her much bigger foe.
Back up on the dance floor, tears were just starting to well up in Gabriella's eyes as this fight suddenly took a much too familiar turn. Sam took a boxing stance right in front of her and began to punch her silly. First with a series of jabs to the face then when Gabi tried to cover up Sam moved the attack down to her already aching belly.
"Ooooffff! Ooooo! Stop - Sam, please! I- uhhhggg!" Gabi whined. She was all grins and happiness when she was whipping Sam but she immediately turned into a sniveling crybaby when she started losing.
Sam stopped punching the moaning Catwoman and took a long look at her.
"What's the matter, tough girl? Can't take it?" Sam mocked her, repeating the things Gabi had said earlier to her.
"One thing I can't figure out about you tonight, Gummi - how do you suddenly have a rack with some serious cleavage? We both know you've always been flat as a board! Let's see what's you and those tiny tits are up to!"
With that Sam ripped away the front of Gabi's Catwoman outfit to expose a wonder bra, lots of duct tape and some foam padding. All that went flying with a few more rips to the costume, leaving the brunette just as topless as the blonde. Gabi looked down to see her 32B cups exposed. Her lower lip was split and a big drop of blood splashed on her cleavage. Well, what cleavage there was, anyway.
"Just like I thought - you're still a member of the Itty Bitty Titty Club!" Sam taunted her. Gabi started to give out an angry retort but her words were cut short when Sam slugged her another good one on the jaw. The tall brunette's  knees wobbled and she tried to focus on what Sam was saying but everything seemed foggy and confused. Where was her bodyguard Amber? This was not supposed to happen like this!
Back at the bar, Amber had wiped the liquor from her eyes and fended little Kimmy off enough to recover, at least somewhat. She gave the tiny brown-haired girl a vicious back-handed slap that sent her falling on her back. Amber then spotted the two women on the stage and realized her employer was getting her ass kicked. "Sorry to end our little session so soon, runt! I will be back to repay you for that headbutt though!"
She stepped over Kimmy, her eyes searching the stage for Gabi and Sam. It was just that instant that Kimmy brought up one thick-soled boot and kicked Amber in the crotch as hard as she could.
Amber's eyes popped wide open and she froze, a look of shock on her face. "Whu-whu- what happened?" she moaned, her hands going down to the suddenly injured area. Seeing that the big woman was still in place over her, Kimmy just smiled a cruel little smile and brought both feet up for another savage kick.
"Oh! Oh! Mommmyyy!" Amber whimpered and started to collapse. Kimmy scrambled up to her feet as Amber sank to her knees, both hands holding her crotch. She seemed surprised to find it was still there.
Kimmy took dead aim at Amber's big brown eye, shut her fist tightly and let fly. Sam had been teaching her how to throw a punch and this one landed with a loud, satisfying smack.
Amber swayed back and forth, still on her knees but obviously out of it. Kimmy, running on an adrenaline surge, pulled the big girl to her feet and then threw her face down on the bar. Still holding onto Amber's dark hair, Kimmy yanked her down the length of the bar as shot glasses, bottles and mugs went flying and patrons scrambled to get out of the way of the angry little woman
Back on the dance floor, Sam was gleefully ripping Catwoman's costume to shreds. Gabi was soon left wearing only a few rags here and there, a tiny thong and her boots. She wobbled on unsteady legs until Sam got behind her and started spinning her around by her nylon thong.
“Whoaaaaahhh! Owwww!” Gabi wailed as she was spun around and around, the front part of the thong digging deep into her tender private parts until it could barely be seen and the back stretching out nearly a foot. “You're cutting me in two!”
When Samantha finally let go of her screeching victim, the Mexican woman went flying across the dance floor, coming to rest near the steps leading to the bar.
Sam grabbed up her Riddler staff – shaped like a question mark – and used it to entangle Gabi's long black hair. The tall woman shrieked as her thick hair was used to drag her down the steps toward the bar.
“Ow! Ow! Ow!” Gabi yelped as she bounced down the steps. “You're getting splinters in my ass!” Sam muttered “That's not the only thing you've had in your ass lately, according to those pics on the internet!”
Sam giggled but she kept pulling Gabi along by her hair. She pulled a long hairpin out of her haiir and paused long enough to fasten her shirt back together.”Gotta keep the girls covered!” she told the crowd with a grin.
By the time she finished dragging the wailing woman all the way over to the bar, Kimmy had Amber leaning limply against the bar. She had shredded Wonder Woman's gold top and she was bopping the brunette's big tits up and down, right and left and back and forth like a boxer works over a speed bag. Bappity-bappity, bappity went Kimmy's little fists on those big jugs as Amber could only whimper and moan.
“Oh, hey, Sam!” Kimmy greeted her, waving with one hand while she kept bopping Amber's tits with her left. “Please – stop!” Amber was begging her. “You're KILLING me!”
The two “bad girls” high-fived and Sam hair-hauled Gabi up to her feet. The former tough-talking bitch could barely stand, her legs wobbling as she sagged, arms hanging limply.
Sam would then have let her go but she ran one finger across a painful red welt on the top of her boob. She grimaced and then eyed her arch enemy, swaying and bleary-eyed in front of her.
“Oh, well, it IS my signature move! Pucker up, Gummi!” Sam told her. Then the tough blonde wound up and let fly with a tremendous right to Gabi's mouth. The punch landed with a loud crack and Gabi's head and shoulders rocked back, then forward. Amazingly, she stayed on her feet and she even had a big wide grin on her face, showing off that pink-gummed smile. And that was when her six front teeth slowly crumbled into tiny shards.
That seemed to bring Gabi back to life for a minute, as she looked down at what was left of her teeth on the floor. “Oh, no! Not again! I just finished payed the dentist for the last time!” she wailed in an ear-splitting screech.
Kimmy finished her pounding of the former tough chick and strolled over to view the now toothless and weeping Gabi. She saw Sam winding up with what would surely be the knockout blow.
“Hey, um, would you mind if I did the honors. Sam? I've always wanted to knock this slutty wimp out cold! And you know, yesterday was my birthday!”
Sam smilled and gave a little mock bow. “But of course, Kimmy – be my guest!”
Kimmy beamed happily, took a boxer's stance and belted the bewildered Gabi with a thunderous punch to the point of her big chin.
Gabi flew backwards and slammed into the wall of the bar right below the shelves that held all the liquor bottles. The force of her body against the wall jarred loose the shelves. Slowly, one by one, each bottle slid off the shelves and landed with musical thumps and bops on her head.
Bonk! Thwack! Bump! Bink!” went the glass bottles. Each time they hit the expression on Gabi's brused face got a little more stupid and out of it. With a final “Clunk!' Gabi gave a little sigh and slid down the wall, legs spread wide and a goofy toothless grin on her face.
Just then someone yelled “Look out!” and Sam turned to find Amber sneaking up behind her with a large flower pot held up over her head. The topless Wonder Woman was planning on crashing it over Sam's head.
That plan didn't go too well, Sam whirled and belted Amber with a quick one-two to her jaw. Amber got all glassy-eyed and the pot slipped from her hands to land with a thump on her own head. The big girl wound up sitting side by side with the knocked goofy Gabriella.
“Happy Birthday, Kimmy” Sam said with a beaming smile. “Looks like the bad girls won one for a change!”








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Re: Catwoman's Night Out - Cold
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2018, 03:53:12 AM »
Fun story!
Loved the end with the bottles bonking on Gabi's head and the flower pot over Amber's.



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Re: Catwoman's Night Out - Cold
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2018, 08:49:28 AM »
...very nice story...!!  :)


Offline Tiffany_BBW

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Re: Catwoman's Night Out - Cold
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2018, 11:36:14 PM »
Wow that was a great story!  I loved all the elements of Gabi's humiliation - really great stuff!
I am Tiffany, destroyer of boobs.  Fear me.


Offline Markoplyo

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Re: Catwoman's Night Out - Cold
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2020, 03:06:46 PM »
I love reading the different ways Sam dishes out the humiliation to Gabby. I can't wait for the next installment.