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The Wives Finally Meet, continued

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Offline JayB

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The Wives Finally Meet, continued
« on: November 07, 2018, 09:46:50 PM »
Another installment of the repost:

-The Wives Finally Meet, continued
Despite losing her fight with Kari (my big nippled blonde wife), Cheryl (my friend Ken’s big breasted brunette wife) had gained a great deal of confidence.  In fact, Ken tells me she went back to the restaurant where she backed down from a confrontation with another woman who, like Cheryl, wore low cut dresses to display her massive cleavage.  When Cheryl showed up this time, when the platinum blonde confronted her again, she followed her outside to settle matters once and for all.  When they got to the parking lot rather than backing down Cheryl got into her face and dared the blonde to make her move. The blonde backed away, drew back, and went to slap her.  Cheryl caught her hand before she could complete the strike and planted a hard right to her opponent’s stomach.  She followed that up with a vicious uppercut and a left-right combination to her stunned nemesis.  The platinum blonde was sent crashing back onto the hood of a parked car.  Realizing that she was way over matched by her brunette tormentor, the blonde tried to escape to her car.  Cheryl reached out and grabbed the strap on her blouse, ripping it and her dress, spun her around and floored her harried opponent with another right-left flurry.  Cheryl stood over the blonde whose massive tits were now exposed (larger, in fact, than Cheryl’s but clearly enhanced) and asked her if she had had enough.  The blonde responded,  “Yes, you’re too much for me!”   Cheryl’s retort was, “No joke…and I might add these are natural (pulling down her top to show off her big boobs) not like those fake things you’ve got.”

Cheryl now set her sights on fighting Kari a second time.

Almost three months to the night that Kari and Cheryl had their fight,  Cheryl shows up at our door to challenge Kari to a rematch.  She proposes that the two meet in a week and fight in the ring for three rounds.  Kari of course has never backed down from a fight even though she’s never fought in a conventional fight.  So the two agreed to duke it out in a local gym after it closes in a week.

Ken had told me about Cheryl’s demolition of the platinum blonde from the restaurant and how focused she was for a rematch with Kari.  What he didn’t tell me was that Cheryl had starting working out with a trainer and had been taking some boxing lessons.  (I wouldn’t find this out until later).  Kari, of course, goes to the gym 3-4 days a week and is in superb condition.  However, she’s never trained to box.

In the privacy of a local gym, Kari, me, Cheryl, and Ken show up for the rematch.   Cheryl enters the ring first followed by Kari.  No words are exchanged and neither woman makes eye contact.  Cheryl removes her t-shirt and shorts, and is down to her bra and panties.   Kari does the same, but of course, she doesn’t wear a bra so she is topless.   I took a quick glance at Ken and noticed he was admiring Kari’s thick nipples getting thicker as they met the cool air in the gym.  Cheryl also noticed what Ken was doing.  She then decided to remove her bra as well.   I took notice as Cheryl’s voluptuous  38Ds rolled out of her bra.  She did, in fact, have a great rack.  She wasn’t Kari’s equal  for the total package but it was certainly enough to arouse me.  I also noticed that Cheryl looked fitter than she did three months ago.  I had a feeling this was gone to be something special.

« Last Edit: November 07, 2018, 09:47:21 PM by JayB »


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Re: The Wives Finally Meet, continued again
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2018, 05:02:33 PM »
At the sound of the bell, the first round begins.  Both women are cautious and only throw a few punches in the first minute of the three minute round.  To be honest, Cheryl looks a bit smoother in the ring.  Obviously, her boxing lessons show up in her form.   In fact, she lands the first solid shot of the fight when she catches Kari with a solid right that backs her up into the far corner.  Cheryl moves in and attempts to throw a combination of punches but Kari is able to cover up and deflect most of the hard stuff.  Cheryl then backs away from the corner and motions Kari to meet her center ring.  Of course, Kari obliges and the two trade punches, each throwing 4-5 decent shots without any hint of deploying any defensive maneuvers.  Cheryl’s seem to have a bit more sting and Kari seems to wilt first under the barrage of punches each throws.  Kari attempts to fight back but Cheryl shows that she knows how to be a defensive fighter and blocks a telegraphed right thrown by Kari.  Cheryl follows that up with a couple of body shots that cause Kari to grab hold of Cheryl  to stop the attack to her body.  Kari has  rock hard abs but Cheryl delivered a couple of really hard shots  Kari definitely felt.   

Kari was confident coming into this fight feeling that her underestimating Cheryl in the first fight allowed Cheryl to be more competitive than she should have been.   Two minutes into the first round of this fight is bringing home the fact to Kari that Cheryl is the toughest opponent she has ever faced and that the damage she inflicted in the first fight was no fluke.

Cheryl was finally able to free herself from Kari and landed a couple of good shots that sent the sweat flying off Kari’s face.  Cheryl was obviously the aggressor as the round came near to it’s end and backed Kari up into her corner and pounded away.  While most of the shots she was able to block with her arms, Cheryl landed a few good shots as the round ended.  Cheryl was clearly the winner of the first round and Kari knew it when she came to her corner.  I could tell she was surprised.  I believe she thought she would dominate this fight and likely score a first round KO.  Cheryl felt in control.  I could read it in her body language.  She was pumped and even her big tits looked firmer to me.   I was really turned on by what I was witnessing even though my wife was losing.  There was something about watching a woman in control of another that excited me.  Cheryl ‘s performance in the ring was in an odd way a turn on.   Though, Kari looked good even as she was losing.  Sweat was pouring down her chest and her magnificent nipples were extremely erect.  To my mind, she had the best body of any woman I had ever been with or seen in person.  At the moment though, that wasn’t enough to put her in control of this fight.

As the two women waited for the 2nd round, one looked to continue her dominance and the other looked for a way to turn the tide.


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Re: The Wives Finally Meet, continued
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2018, 06:40:13 PM »
I usually don’t get involved in Kari’s fights.  I’m usually just a spectator enjoying the action.  For the first time though, I feel a need to say something to her.   The first thing I do is remind that the fight is only 3 rounds and that she needs to get going.  Her response to me was a mean stare.  I informed her that during the round Ken told me that Cheryl had been working out regularly and had lost 10 pounds. (He didn’t tell she had been taking boxing lessons).   Kari’s reply to that information was “I noticed she seemed to be punching harder and she seems to have firmed up some in her body.  She certainly was the better woman out there in that round, she really took it to me.”  She then asked, “Do you think she really can beat me?”  My sarcastic reply was “You were the one getting pounded out there, what do you think?”  For the first time ever she was looking to me for some motivation.   My first inclination was to tell her to try and hit Cheryl to start with.  However, I bit my tongue and went with the tried and true, “Don’t let a brunette be the one to beat you.”

Kari took great pleasure in especially messing up brunettes.  Her previous boyfriend cheated on her with a brunette.  In fact, that’s how we met.   Her boyfriend at the time worked with my then girlfriend, Jill.  Mark, her ex, and Jill worked together.  They came up with the idea for the four of us to go on a beach trip.  So we rented a house at the beach for a week.   I didn’t really know Mark and Jill didn’t really know Kari that well so it was fun for us to get to know each other.   Kari and I hit it off really well and discovered we shared a number of the same interests.  I think Jill picked up on that and was getting a bit jealous, though nothing was really going on.  However, the second night there will we were making love, Jill asked me if I thought Kari was hot.  I, of course, said yes.  Jill then wanted to know if she was hotter than Kari.  Naturally I insisted that to be true (though I actually thought otherwise).  She then wanted to know if I thought she had better nipples than Kari knowing that I was turned on by a woman with thick nipples.  I had no of knowing but figured that Jill was the possessor of the better equipment as she did have some nice thick brown nipples.  I jokingly said that the two of them should have a contest to determine the winner.   Well, the next night after we had all had some drinks I made the suggestion and the ever competitive Kari agreed.  So both women stripped topless with their backs to each other.  Mark then poured cold water on Kari and I did the same with Jill.  The two then turned to face each other.  I was impressed with Jill but when I took a look at Kari I was really aroused.   I saw Jill look at Kari’s nipples, then hers, and then Kari’s again.  I think she found out something she didn’t really want to know.   Well, the next day I got up and went to buy some groceries and other supplies.  Kari decided to head to the beach to gather gawks and stares.  Jill and Mark stayed behind to straighten up the house.  After 30 minutes or so Kari returned to the house to get something to read.  As she walked into their bedroom she found Jill and Mark together in the bed.  My theory was that this was Jill trying to one up Kari after losing the competition the night before.  (Later, though I found out that Mark and Jill had hooked up a number of times before).   Kari, of course, went ballistic.  She preceded to work Jill over pretty good, until Jill begged her to stop.  That only egged Kari on as she just punished Jill for her indiscretion.  Once done with Jill she then turned her wrath on Mark and ordered him out of her life.  Mark gathered the beaten and battered Jill and left.  I came back to the house and all the action had taken place before I returned.  Kari explained what had happened and we finished out the week at the beach and shortly thereafter starting a serious relationship.   So, bringing up fighting a brunette I hoped would provide some needed inspiration.   We’ll soon find out as the bell rang for round 2.


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Re: The Wives Finally Meet, continued
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2018, 07:56:37 PM »
yes!!! another good one.  ;D


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Re: The Wives Finally Meet, continued
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2018, 08:14:55 PM »
The 2nd round would turn out to be different than the 1st round.   Spurred on by  my  “beat the brunette speech” Kari had a new focus.  But, perhaps an even larger impact on the 2nd round would be Cheryl’s impatience or overconfidence.  Whichever it was, it would see this portion of the fight take on a different complexion.  As the bell sounded to start the round, Cheryl charged across the ring anxious to pick up where she left off in the previous round.  She really felt, correctly I might add, that she had dominated Kari and could sense that victory was within her grasp if she took the initiative and remained aggressive.  She could tell her 3 months of workouts and boxing lessons were paying dividends.   She was certain that Kari had never faced a woman like herself that could really take it to her.  Kari escaped in the first fight, but Cheryl was determined to finish off the blonde with the big, thick nipples (it still got under her skin that Ken had fantasized about Kari and it was made worse by her giving him a feel after the last fight).  She was motivated alright. 

Unfortunately, she was too eager.  In her haste to secure the victory, she got careless.  She telegraphed her first punch and Kari easily blocked it.  With a new found vigor, Kari speared two hard punches to the body and then a sharp left-right combo to Cheryl’s face.  Caught off guard by this unexpected rally by Kari, Cheryl stumbled backward and left herself open for more attack from Kari.  Kari launched one of her typical assaults of 5-6 punches to both the body and the head.  As Cheryl dropped her guard, Kari caught her with a strong left hand square on the nose.  Down she went into her corner.   A referee might have counted her out, but without one in the ring, the fight continued as she struggled to her feet.  Kari ever relentless, continued to pepper Cheryl with hard shots and easily pushed the big-breasted brunette around the ring.  As I perceived her well- endowed tits to be firmer at the end of the 1st round, they now seemed to be sagging as Kari delivered punishing blow after punishing blow.  Kari’s thick nipples were at complete attention, or as she would say, “on high beam.”

Cheryl would go down a second time following a powerful punch to her aching abdomen.   As the air escaped her body, she dropped to one knee to catch her breath.   She tried remembering what she had learned in boxing class when the opponent is overpowering and dominating the flow of the match as was the case with Kari.  Cheryl realized that she had to adopt a defensive posture to ward off the attacks and then hope to find an opening from which to counter.   Once on her feet she tried to keep her guard in a way that most of Kari’s incoming punches would be deflected off her arms and protect her head and body.   With about 30 seconds left in the round, Cheryl could sense that the power behind Kari’s attack had waned, likely the result of punching herself out.  As Kari backed off her attack, Cheryl took the opportunity to throw a few punches to keep her at bay for the remaining seconds in the round.  She was able to connect on enough punches to move Kari back to the center of the ring and forced her to cover up as the bell sounded.

The good news for Cheryl was that she survived the round for at one point it looked like Kari would knock her out.  The bad news, of course, was that what momentum she had at the end of the 1st round had been lost and Kari had dominated her in that round.  Each combatant had won a round, though Kari had forced Cheryl to the mat twice in the 2nd round.   The edge and likely the momentum were with Kari.  Each woman knew the 3rd and final round would be decisive.  Kari knew she needed to keep up her relentless attack and show Cheryl that she was no match for her strength and power.  Cheryl knew she had to swing the tide back in her direction.   She hoped her work over the last three months would pay off and she could counter Kari’s power with what she had learned.