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The Wives Finally Meet, Again!

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Offline JayB

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The Wives Finally Meet, Again!
« on: November 21, 2018, 08:51:31 PM »
About 2 weeks after Kari had won the topless boxing competition, she and several of her friends had booked a weekend at a local resort.  It was one of the women's birthday, so they decided to celebrate it in style with some partying and good times.  They could go out drinking and then walk back to the room without having to drive any where.  I mentioned to Ken, Cheryl's husband what was up, and asked him if he wanted to come over to catch a game on the new giant screen TV we had bought with some of the prize money Kari won.  I'm guessing he told Cheryl because she decided to follow Kari and her friends to the resort.  She kept an eye on their activities and followed them back to their room after a night of drinking and partying.

The women had secured a male stripper to come and perform for the birthday girl.  So, when there was a knock at the door, Kari assumed it was the stripper.  A tad bit intoxicated, she failed to recognize that it was Cheryl.  Cheryl wasted no time, however, in delivering a left and a right to Kari's chin which forced Kari back out of the doorway.  Hardly before she knew what had hit her or even whom, she was dealt a blow to her gut and then a powerful uppercut that sent her sprawling onto a nearby bed.  Cheryl quick to follow up on her surprise assault grabbed Kari by her blonde locks and slung her hard into the opposite wall where she crashed, hitting her head and momentarily knocking her out.  Kari slid down the wall and landed on her ass and provided no response to Cheryl's blitzkrieg.   Cheryl then wiped her hands together like she had just finished a dirty job and left.  She felt exhilarated, she had finally kicked Kari's ass.  Granted, she did it by sucker punching her while she was a little on the drunk side.  But, hey, she did it regardless.

About 30 seconds after Cheryl left, Kari righted herself and wanted to know had happened.  When her friends told her, she started  out of the room after Cheryl.  They managed to stop her telling her that between being a bit drunk and just being knocked out she was in no condition to do anything.

Kari was furious to say the least.  Not only had seen been jumped by the brunette bitch but her friends watched her get pummeled that way.  When Kari relayed to me what had happened, for the first time in this rivalry I was afraid for Cheryl.  Kari was now definitely out to make her pay for her unscrupulous and underhanded attack.  In Kari's mind she had still not been beaten by a better women.  This was the act of a cheat.
Just 3 days after the ambush at the resort, Kari spotted Cheryl in a local shopping center.  Kari ducked into a store and waited until Cheryl was approaching the store and then stepped out in front of her.   Cheryl had a sick look on her face when she saw Kari.

"Fancy meeting you here", Kari said, as Cheryl took a step backwards.

"Oh...hi Kari", Cheryl responded rather meekly.

Kari with a hostile voice: "I believe we have some unfinished business, don't you."

"Here?" said Cheryl, pausing for her next response.  The she tried to ward off Kari with a feeble attempt at intimidation.  "Do you really want me to humiliate you in front of all these people?"

Kari quickly retorted, "I'd love for you to try!"

Realizing her back was against the wall, Cheryl decided to strike first.  She cranked out a right hand to the side of Kari's face.  As if feeling nothing from Cheryl's punch, Kari cranked out a right-left combo and then a mean body shot that caused Cheryl to lose her breath.  Unconcerned about Cheryl's condition, Kari then threw a mean upper cut that sent her big-breasted brunette rival sailing across the mall hallway a good six feet, where she lay prone on her back.  Kari attempted to dive on top of Cheryl but she was able to roll away and avoid Kari's effort to pin her to mall floor.  Cheryl quickly rose to her feet and made an effort to escape but Kari chased her down and tackled her.  Cheryl rose to her feet first and landed a solid right hand to Kari's chin as she got to her feet.  Again, Kari just kept coming and landing a few more left-right combos that sent Cheryl stumbling backwards into a storefront wall.  Kari pursued her and went to grab Cheryl's long brunette hair and as she did in desperation Cheryl delivered a couple of shots to Kari's abs and then grabbed her ankles to drop Kari to the floor.  Cheryl then kicked Kari from behind sending her to the edge of the mall's fountain.  As Kari got up and turned to face Cheryl plastered her with hard right to her chin and sent her spilling into the water. 

As was always the case, Kari was braless and when she emerged from the cold water in the fountain, her big, thick nipples were erect and giving those who happened to be witnessing this fight quite a show.  Cheryl then dove into the pool on top of Kari and the two wrestled in the water.  Kari being the stronger of the two women was able to take advantage of her strength.  She pulled Cheryl up by the front of her dress and in doing so ripped it down to her navel exposing her large 38DD tits.  Kari and Cheryl exchanged several punches before Cheryl threw a wild haymaker that Kari ducked under.  Kari then drove home a vicious belly punch and then her follow up upper cut sent Cheryl tumbling out of the fountain.  Cheryl jumped to her feet before Kari got out of the pool and took off running for the mall exit.  Kari caught her by the hair spun her around and delivered two more  hard shots that floored Cheryl.  Again, she scrambled to her feet in an effort to make out of the mall.  At that very moment mall security arrived separating the two women and allowing Cheryl to escape the mall to live and fight for another day.  She might live to regret the latter. 

Kari had managed to gain some degree of satisfaction in her working over Cheryl but she wanted a more satisfying finish.  One she would continue to pursue.