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Katharine McPhee vs Katie Cassidy

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Katharine McPhee vs Katie Cassidy
« on: November 23, 2018, 09:17:03 PM »

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Katharine McPhee heard Angelica Celaya wanted to fight Serinda Swan and paid her if she won.  She watched with delight as they fought and Serinda was unable to fight any more.  She hated Serinda and now was telling people she was to famous to fight Serinda and had nothing to gain.  Truth was she simply didn’t know if she could win and that was the simple truth for Serinda when it came to her.

She was out one night and pointed “See that’s where Angelica proved Serinda Swan is just a big mouth.  I started it kicking her fake ass all over the barn and outside then Angelica made her quit and it was awesome.”

“So when you two going to settle up”  One of her cast mates asked

“Settle what, my point  has been she can’t beat me.  She put my face in the mud but there was more fight left.  There was me beating her so bad that she wouldn’t have been beaten by Angelica because she’d flinch at any aggression from another woman… That’s how bad I had been beating her before she was given the win because they wanted Jaimie in the finals.”

“You talk a lot and it wasn’t just mud she put your face in… It was shit.”

Melissa Benoist sat down with the Scorpion cast.  “Can you tell the full truth on you and Serinda because well she’s still DC family.  When she and Angelica tore each other apart they were family and you showed your face and gave Angelica the win… Katie heard and she was like ‘wish it was me’  Me on the other hand I don’t care what Angelica and Serinda do to each other… I care if Katie Cassidy ever fights Serinda because Serinda played Zatanna but Katie’s my friend… What I want from you is to shut up about Serinda, you’re to cowardice to fight her again so shut up about her.”

Katharine looked around at her friends then burst out in laughter “First off if Katie fought Serinda she’d win because Serinda’s nothing… She’s NOTHING.  Whether I distracted Serinda who cares she lost because she don’t measure up to Angelica, maybe she measures up to Katie but I doubt it but seriously Supergirl are you thinking you can act tough around me because listen little Glee…”  Katharine stood up and Melissa did as well but a hand went on her shoulder.

“I’m not going to let you fight her for a bitch like Serinda… I’ll fight her and prove to Serinda just how PATHETIC SHE IS.”  It was Katie Cassidy and Melissa was confused they had just left Candice Patton’s apartment and it was agreed that Serinda was family but Katie disliked her so much and thought the best course of action was for her to go to war with Serinda and prove what she always knew and that was Serinda was a pathetic bitch.  So why was Katie here

“Katie what are you doing here.  We talked about this and…”

“And I need to do the one thing Serinda Swan is completely incapable of.  That is to leave you beaten and defeated.”

Katharine looked around a little bit of paranoia of Serinda “You keep mentioning.”  Crack.  She got hit with a backhand by Katie Cassidy and put down
“Serinda, I keep mentioning Serinda its because you two bitches act all tough but at least you’ll fight me.  I’ve challenged her for four years and not a fucking peep from that coward.”

“What the hell you fucking dumb bitch”

Katharine tripped Katie up and dove on top of her slamming her head into the ground.  “You want to fight me then I’ll beat you like you are Serinda.”

Katie turned Katharine around and began slamming her head into the floor “Funny because you can’t beat her but don’t worry I won’t shove your face into shit.”  Katie stood up and was hit with a punch to the stomach then thrown over the table.

“Keep talking bitch it’ll just make things worst for you.”

Katie threw a plate which was batted away by Katharine.  McPhee couldn’t stop Katie from diving at her lifting both legs up and slamming her down “I’ll do what I want and you won’t stop it”

Katie was hitting rights and lefts hit six before McPhee could grab the blonde lock and throw the blonde off.  They both scurried up quick and Katie hit a straight kick that sent McPhee back “I’m going to hurt you and its not a joke.  Know what  a joke is.  Not being able to beat someone as pathetic as Serinda Swan.”

That name and the condescension from Katie “Only I get to disrespect her.”  Katharine rushed forward and Katie couldn’t stop her.  McPhee grabbed Cassidy by the shirt and slammed her into the partition between two booth

Katharine let her right hand go and hit two punches to Cassidy stomach then Katie hit a elbow to McPhees face.  “That’s a rock hard stomach not the soft Swan stomach.”

Katie stepped in for a big right then followed it with two hooks to McPhees ribs.  Katie tried to finish that with a right uppercut but Mcphee shifted her hips slid out and cracked Katie in the cheek putting her down.

“Rock hard stomach and a glass jaw.”

Katie tried to kick Katharine but the foot was caught and Katharine started turning around sliding Katie in a 360 on the floor then let go Katies body hitting into a table leg.

Katharine pulled Katie away from the table then lifted her up so much only to rip off Katie’s shirt.  Katie immediately drove forward and brought Katharine down then jumped upward and slammed a knee between Katharines legs.  Katie Cassidy rolled away after that her body hurting from being thrown into a table leg

Katie got up and went for a big kick but Katharine blocked it and pushed away.  McPhee was up and was definitely still hurting from the low blow but said “I still got enough to beat you.”

Katharines eyes diverted as someone had entered and was in front.  “You did”  CRACK

Katie could see it from the moment Katharine McPhee got up and hurt.  The eyes moved and it was a great opening.  Katie set her feet and turned her hips and hit a picture perfect high kick the shin of Katie Cassidy got Katharine in the jaw and ear crumpling her.  Katie saw Katharine crumple and looked behind her and saw what happened.

Katharine McPhee saw Serinda Swan enter the spectator circle

Katie walked up to Serinda sized her up and down and gave ‘that it’ smile then looked back at Katharine.  Katie saw her starting to get up and kicke her in the head. Katie removed Katharines shirt and bra gave both to Serinda “I did what you can’t and I will do worst to you.”

Serinda looked at her “I still won’t waste energy putting you down.”  The two stood there staring and Serinda went to make a move on Katharine but Katie got in her way. 

“Want at her.. Tell me the time and place that I prove why you won’t fight me and its not that I’m  a waste of time but because I’d kick your ass!”

“I’ll get her some other day but you… You” Serinda turned and walked out.

(Upcoming:  Gal Gadot vs Olga Kurylenko; Isabel Lucas vs Sarah Butler; Maggie Grace vs Phoebe Tonkin)