I am staring, with my head hanging, at your purpled breasts, going over what the hell happened in the last minute. I had been looming over you, mashing your pathetic tits when my arms went out from under me, and I landed tits first on your wounded rack. Than it sort of blurs, motion and commotion, but then your bony knee snuck in between my thighs, almost crushing my honey pot. I guess I must have raised the roof with my yell, because I can still hear the mob ‘discussing’ that scream.
Rolling away, but brought up short by a hair pull, I am now upright and glaring at your swaying tits, seeing strands and wads of red hair everywhere. I guess brunette hair doesn’t show up. I can feel my lower lip hanging as I snort in some more oxygen, and lift my head up with burning hatred in my eyes. My hands up, no longer clutching my swollen crotch, I owe you big time.
“Still running away, you cxnt” as you use your reach to keep me at a distance, but I draw in a deep breath and resolve to finish this slut, once and for all. YOU OK LIN? How did they know I got kneed? WE CAN’T HEAR YOU CURSING ANYMORE. I did pretty well with my slapping, I remember, thinking my hands are quicker then yours, and I lean in with a left/right pair pf slaps, one of them landing on your hurting boobs. I step in further, and launch a wild series of titty whappers, my ass bustling as I hitch forward. I miss with a couple, but you haven’t blocked one yet!
“Am slapping her tits off guys!” I blurt out in between breaths.