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Gal Gadot vs Olga Kurylenko

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Gal Gadot vs Olga Kurylenko
« on: November 29, 2018, 05:40:30 PM »


Gal Gadot was the most watchable part of the DC movie universe, universally known as the thing they got right in a myriad of bad decisions.

She knew there were two women who longed to fight her and those two women truly presented great challenges.  It was ironic that those two women were most talked about for her key career changing role.

While Olga desired to fight Gal it was well known by everyone including Gal that it was Jaimie Alexander that Olga truly wanted to fight.  Fight for the second time

Olga was pumped the fighting area would be different this time, more space for bigger names.  A large wine cellar with people watching.  She almost won this role and would prove she had the chops to do this.  Most importantly was winning this meant she got to fight Jaimie Alexander again, a fake American who got a lucky win.

Olga sat on one side and Gal sat on the other, while both were former models they weren’t dressed like it tonight.  This was a fight, it was going to be a fight, it was organized for two women to find out who was the better woman.  Dressed in track clothes and sat down on opposite sides, both had their hair pulled back in a ponytail

“Ladies”  Neither knew who called them it wasn’t about that person or any person there to watch it was about them.

“You have agreed to fight, when one says enough that is the end.  When one can no longer continue due to knockout that is it.”


“Sounds terrific”  Olga said “But Wonder “

“Don’t just don’t.  We know why we’re here and there is no need. It is your friend Jaimie you wish to battle”

Olga got up “Jaimie is no friend of…”  Gal was up and took her down and was hitting her with punches.

Olga was blocking some and got a leg up and across Gal’s body.  She pulled her down and rolled away “I beat you and then I destroy Alexander.”

Gal rolled back “When I beat you I’ll beat the woman who keeps saying she was supposed to take my role.”

Olga was up “I don’t care anymore.  What I care about is proving that slut Alexander can’t beat me.  I’ve already proven that you aren’t a one punch ko queen”

Gal smiled “Well fight me and prove what you are.”

Olga went for a punch but Gal stepped aside and hit a short punch which put Olga down.  “I know what I’m doing here you should never have wanted to fight me”

Gal backed away and took off her track coat and was in a tank top.  She then took off her tank top “I like topless.  Women should fight like this if you wish to attack my tits it is up to you but you should know I will attack yours.”

Olga got up and knew that somewhere in the world Jaimie Alexander had a tingling in her spine.  She didn’t know why she was tingling but when she found out why it would be the end of her reputation.  Olga needed to be the one to do that since she was the one who started the reputation that Jaimie Alexander was elite

Olga took off her jacket then her shirt.  Very close to the equal of what she always was a lean woman with great muscle tone very pert tits.  She was muscle but Gal looked stronger and her tits were slightly larger, shoulders slightly wider.

“I have no issues with topless.  In olden days when women battled it was.”

“I am aware of the history just as I am aware that I will make you history soon.  Do not worry though after I do the same to Jaimie you two can then find out which of you was more competition to me”

Gal blocked two punches then scratched one of Olga’s tits.  Gal was backing away but then stepped forward quickly and hit two jabs then ducked under a punch and was away from Olga.

Gal faked a punch which got Olga to cover up then came straight forward with a knee that got Olga between the tits.  Olga bent over and Gal grabbed the neck and dropped down or a guillotine choke

Olga pushed down on Gals elbow and escaped the choke then hit two punches before Gal got her feet on Olgas shins pushed and brought Olga down on top of her.  Gal immediately turned olga over but before she could do anything Olga pulled Gals hair and hauled her off.  Olga before getting up to her feet clawed at Gals left tit.

Gal got up and nodded then looked at her tit “Well done you’ve truly come here to win.”

“Olden days you want Olden days you shall have.”

There was a smile on Gal’s face that froze Olga with fear.  Gal saw the freeze and pounced landing a over hand right which quivered Olga’s’ legs then hit a knee that put Kurylenko down.  Now Gal was standing over Olga and clawed three times at the tits of the former Bond girl before being kicked away

Olga got up jumped into a punch but that was countered with a hip toss by Gal who immediately went on top of Olga in side control.  Gal pressed her ribs against Olga’s collar bones spine was down on the mouth she hit two stomach punches then sent four nails up Olga’s under tit.  She hit two more punches but then Olga was able to buck Gal off

They were up Olga came after Gal who just dropped back and monkey flipped olga then kicked up to her feet.  Gal simply looked back and smiled as Olga was on her back feet up.  All Olga had right now was her anger. No strategy just anger and was getting taken apart for it.

Gal casually and confidently walked over and held the feet of Olga thinking about what to do.  She stood over Olga’s body and looked up and began thinking more and more of what kind of move she wanted to do.  Olga moved her body and bit down on the Achilles tendon of Gal Gadot

Gal shrieked and tried to get away but Olga continued to use her desire to just win.  She used her long leg and got them between Gals then behind one knee and took Gal down.  Olga jumped on Gal’s back and pressed her face into the ground.

Olga tried for a camel clutch but was flipped by Gal.  Both got up but Gal was havng problems putting her weight down on her foot.  Olga saw that and waited for a wince from Gal when it came Olga hit a hard right cross.  Olga moved away wanting Gal to move her feet


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Re: Gal Gadot vs Olga Kurylenko
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2018, 05:41:32 PM »
Gal tried to match Olga’s movement and winced from her Achilles being bitten then was hit with a superman punch then a uppercut.  Gal swung blindly but Olga was away watching her again.  The foot caused a wince and this time Olga hit two kicks to the outside of Gal’s thigh then a upper cut.

Gal face was starting to swell and Olga was staying patient.  Olga watched the foot and the face of Gal Gadot.  Wince and engage.  Don’t talk until Wonder Woman was beaten that was her strategy now.  Each punch she landed was one punch closer to smashing Jaimie Alexanders entire reputation.

Wince again after moving and Olga went for a high kick this time but Gal faked the wince blocked the kick and hit a inside trip kick to the calf bringing Olga down.  Gal went after Olga hit one punch.  She couldn’t pul the arm back as Olga grabbed the wrist and tried to wrap a leg around the arm for a gogopolata but Gal forward rolled side spun and got her arm out and both women were up to their feet.

Gal tried a switch kick but it was perfectly blocked.  Olga was looking for a opening but Gal wasn’t showing much and was assertive with her strikes.  Gal was firing jabs in different intervals to keep Olga at a distance.

Olga was amazed by Gal and how well she adjusted.  She could see the skill gap was larger than she had believed when she was first challenging Gal.  Gal liked to scratch and claw but could also kick and punch.  Olga knew beating Gal was enough to scare everyone especially Jaimie.

Olga predicted the next lead punch from Gal would be a jab and slipped under and hit a right to the jaw that backed Gal up.  Olga then reached and scratched Gals’ tits and got behind Gal reached and grabbed at the tits again

Gal screamed as her tits were pulled to the sides.  It didn’t last long as she grabbed Olgas wrists and separated Olgas hands from the tits .  Gal let go of the wrist spun and got hit with a knee to the stomach.  Gal stumbled back a few steps and Olga ran at Gal only to get power slammed now both women were on their backs.

Gal began to get up and grabbed Olga’s arm lifting her up.  Olga got up quicker than Gal was expecting and lifted Gal of her feet and spiked her down.  Olga then fell to her ass and relaxed for a moment.  She needed to recover and fix her thought process.  Her fixation was solely on Jaimie Alexander and belief was that would bring her to victory.

Olga got up and backed away.  She took some deep breaths and watched Gal get up.  Gal was smiling “Why are you smiling.”

“I hoped you would be a test and you are more than I could have ever dreamed.”

Gal threw  a punch and Olga slightly moved her head back then a counter right.  Olga was away and then came back in hitting a right and left to the body then tried to end it with right highkick but she ended up on the ground as Gal stepped forward and tripped her.

Olga immediately threw herself into Gal and hit a punch then was pushed away by Gals legs.  Gal got up quickly Olga came in for a upper and Gal moved outside the punch and hit the jaw putting Olga down facefirst.  It was a terrific display of skill by Gal Gadot who was bleeding from that ground and pound by Olga.

Olga tried getting up but got slammed back down.  Olga shouted as the back of her hair was yanked then the feel of one hand going over her mouth.  Hair freed but secondhand went under Olgas chin. 

Gal gadot leaned back and was putting tremendous pressure on Olga Kurylenko “Tap out just tap out”

Tears started to fall from Olga’s tightly closed eyes but she refused to tap out.  Two full minutes of this camel clutch and it was clear Gal was winning but even ore clear Olga refused to lose.  The tears got to much on Gal’s hand and she slipped back.

Gal hit hard on her back and Olga twisted and slammed both elbows into Gals stomach then got both hands on Gal’s throat.  Gal went to grab but thought about it this woman absolutely positively refused to stop until she got the win.  She would take any punch and get up, refuse to tap out to any submission.

Olga tightened her hands around Gal’s throat.  Olga moved up more and more strangling Gal more and more.  Eyes tightened as she was watching Gal go unconscious this was it for Olga.  Her arms were having all her energy.  The fight ended here or when they got up she was going to be knocked out.

Olga was up more upright now an got a knee on Gal’s stomach.  Olga pressed down with her knee and watched it .  Gal’s hands arms were out wide and she was out cold.  It was over.  Gal Gadot was beaten and finally Olga Kurylenko knew that Jaimie Alexander was next.  That the lucky win Jaimie Alexander built her reputation on was about to be avenged and that reputation was going to crash and burn.

(Upcoming: Dina Meyer vs Victoria Pratt; Maggie Grace vs Phoebe Tonkin; Isabel Lucas vs Sarah Butler)