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Queen of the Gym

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Offline JayB

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Queen of the Gym
« on: December 09, 2018, 10:46:07 PM »
Barb entered the gym as she had 5 days a week at the same time each day—8 AM.  She was the one woman they all the men loved to watch work out.  The women who frequented the gym were in awe of her and often sought her out for training advice.   She was the fittest woman in this small town.  Blonde, 5’7” 125 lbs, she was not muscle bound but had plenty of definition in her muscles.  She obviously had a great figure, featuring 36C tits with big, erect nipples that her gym attire could never conceal. 

On this day, however, when she entered the gym there was new woman who was working out and was garnering a lot of attention from the men who working out at that time.  While she didn’t adorn the tight fitting attire that Barb fashioned, it was clear that this new woman had a lot to show as well.  Her loose fitting white t-shirt with her dark colored bra likewise couldn’t hide what was underneath.  This buxomy brunette also was sporting some impressive nipples that rose to the occasion as she worked out, gathering plenty of attention from the men present that morning.

It was a cardio day for Barb.  She did punching bag work, some jump rope exercises, and finished off with the battle ropes.  She didn’t take too much notice of the newbie in the gym but she was aware of the attention the big breasted brunette was garnering.  Quite frankly, she was a bit jealous that someone else might be an attention-getter besides her.  She had been the star since the gym opened 9 months ago.  But on this day, she was playing second fiddle.  She would have to see about that.

When she arrived at the same time the next day, Samantha, who went by Sam, was there again.  Like Barb she was doing a push/pull day, working chest and back.  With both women occupying the same gym space, the men felt exceedingly luck that day.  And, the women didn’t disappoint.  Barb’s nipple were showing from the moment she entered the gym, while Sam’s fired up after the first couple of bench presses she completed.  It was clear the women were conscious of each other and were competing with each other even if it was not an open contest.  Barb was a bit surprised to see that her new competition was actually able to out lift her on several exercises.  Sam had different body structure from Barb.  She wasn’t as defined as the blonde, probably weighed 10 lbs more at about the same height.  But she was clearly strong and every bit Barb’s equal in the gym.

This little unofficial, unspoken competition continued for several days.  Arms, then legs, and then another push/pull day.  It seemed as the week progressed more of the men in the gym started showing up at this time to watch the two women go at it in this silent contest the two had going on.

Barb’s boyfriend Bryce was a trainer at the gym.  He was the lucky guy at the gym who was able to hook up with Barb when he was hired to work morning shift.  It didn’t take long for the two to hit it off.   Not coincidently he was the biggest stud of all the trainers at the gym.  He was the guy most requested by the women who wanted help with the workout.  Zack, had quickly taken notice of Sam the first day she showed up at the gym and had acted quickly in making contact with her and the two had actually had a date already.  He would let Bryce, his best buddy, know that he had been lucky on that first date.

After a week or so of this back and forth between Barb and Sam, the blonde decided it was time to size her up and re-establish her dominance at the gym.  As they both finished up their respective workouts, they took to the locker room, showered, and made their way to their lockers.  The nude Barb approached the naked Sam and introduced herself.  Sam indicated she knew who she was and that enjoyed the silent competition between the two and that it served as motivation to lift heavier and longer.   For whatever reason, Bard took some exception to that.  She stated that she had observed that Sam never did any cardio.  Barb then went to a place that she knew would get a reaction.  She told Sam that if did some cardio, she could firm up her tits and then shocked Sam by cupping them, lifting them and then letting them drop.  Sam, kept her cool, and stated that she had never had any complaints about her tits and letting Barb know that she proudly displayed her 38Ds.  The two stood nipple to nipple, Barbs big, thick pink nipples mounted on a half dollar sized areola pointed directly at Sam’s equally erect brown nipples on nickle sized areola.   Barb then took a step further and pinched Sam’s midsection, telling the brunette that cardio could give her abs like Barbs.   That was all that Sam was going to take, calling her a bitch and then planting an open handed slap across the blonde’s face.  Barb finally got the reaction she wanted.  This was opening she was hoping for, a chance to take this big breasted brunette down and re-establish her dominance at the gym. 

Before Sam knew what hit her, Barb connected with a right-left-right across her face, then planted a shot to her gut, followed by another left-right combination.  The top heavy brunette crashed against a locker and slid to the floor.  Barb turned to other women watching in the locker room, wiped her hands together as if dismissing Sam.  Millie, Barb’s best friend, raised the blonde’s hand in victory, telling her that was an impressive display.  About that time, one of the other women motioned to something behind Barb.  As Barb turned she saw Sam rising to her feet.  Barb told the brunette that she didn’t know when she was beat and that she would gladly finish the job by mopping the floor with her.  The blonde stepped forward and fired a right hand toward Sam’s chin but to her surprise Sam blocked the blow and shot a quick right of her own.  Caught off guard by Sam’s resurgence, the blonde threw a wild left that Sam dodged.  Now open to Sam’s assault, Barb was on the receiving end of a right and then a left from the one with the bouncy tits.  Barb’s knees buckled from the two blasts, reflecting the strength that the brunette possessed.  Before Barb could react, she was now the recipient of a solid right to her abs and then straightened up by an upper cut.  With her hands drooping to her sides, Barb was exposed to three or four shots to the body.  She tried to grab hold of Sam to stymie the attack but Sam was too strong for that, pushed the blonde away and caught her with a shot to the chin that stunned the blonde.  Barb was in trouble and eyed the exit in hopes of avoiding a knock out.  However, Sam blocked her retreat mocking her with a “where do you think your going…this is too much fun…don’t leave…”  With that she connected on another upper cut that send the blonde sprawling on her back.

Sensing victory, Sam was going to use those big breasts of hers that Barb had claimed were too soft to smother her.  With Barb on her back, Sam dove to mount her.  But Barb had enough left in the tank to sense what was happening, raised her knees as Sam went to dive on top of her.  Instead Barb caught the brunette’s midsection, taking her breath away and then being tossed hard onto the floor.   Both women momentarily suspended their fight to catch their breath and regain their bearings.   On their knees the two women grasped hands in a test of strength as their incredible breasts slammed into her others.  As they pressed against each other their big, erect nipples engaged in an unintended to combat.  Both women quickly sensed the battle had shifted from their arms to their breasts as their impressive nipples began pressing against each other resembling a sort of sword fight.

By this time someone had alerted the staff that a fight had ensued in the women’s locker room.  Bryce and Zach rushed into the room, realized it was their two women going at it in a way that they could only dream about witnessing.  They paused momentarily, enjoying the nipple battle, before separating the two women.  Bryce, of course, was well aware of Barbs great body but was impressed with what he made of Sam’s big tits.  Within seconds of separating the combatants, Barb noticed the bulge in Bryce’s pants.  She inquired if that watching the two women go at it excited him.  He told her with a doubt, that the brief view of the two of them engaged in naked combat was the sexiest thing he had ever seen. 

The two women were frustrated that they hadn’t been able to finish their fight to prove who the better woman was.  Their two men were stimulated beyond their wildest imaginations and when they got to their respective homes the couples engaged in some great sex.  Each of the women recounted to their boyfriends that they were winning that final battle, that their nipples were superior to their opponents.  And some day soon, they would finish what they had started.  Their two boyfriends would do all they could to ensure that did in fact happen.  They had a plot afoot to guarantee it.


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Re: Queen of the Gym
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2018, 08:58:04 PM »
oh WOW this is my fave of yours in many months maybe ever and its just starting!!!

as you know I love seeing the softer big tit dark hairs of yours winning so am behind Sam but this is the first time where the big tit dark hair has been pretty strong with her soft body so I REALLY love this


Offline JayB

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Re: Queen of the Gym
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2018, 07:59:16 PM »
Jess was in the locker room and witnessed the scuffle between Barb and Sam.  She took note of how much in control for much of the fight was Sam.  She enjoyed seeing Barb take the punishment that Sam meted out.  She had never been a fan of Barb, in part because prior to Sam’s arrival, she had played second fiddle to the big nippled blonde.   She was an attractive, very fit woman with short jet black hair and a pair of 34B breasts.  While not in the same strength category of the other two, she was certainly number three on the fittest women in the gym.   And, she had always had the hots for Bryce.  She sought out his help when she didn’t really need it, she did whatever she could to try and gain his attention.  And while he was very helpful and attentive, he expressed no interest in her beyond his professional assistance.  He was Barb’s man.  Jess wanted to change that and observing how Sam took it to Barb and had her on the verge of defeat, gave her the motivation to try and win Bryce away from the blonde by kicking her ass to the curb.  No doubt if Bryce saw her as the better woman, he would dump Barb and finally see her as the woman for him.

Truth be told, Barb had really paid little attention to Jess over the months that they shared gym space.  So Jess decided to use that as her reason to confront her.  She accused Barb of being a stuck up bitch who thought she was better than everyone else.  And, that it was time someone put her in her place.  Barb’s response was to tell Jess if she didn’t like they way she acted then it was up to Jess to do something about it or shut up.  That was all the opening Jess wanted.  She quickly surprised Barb with a right-left combination to the face.  More stunned than hurt, Barb absorbed another punch from the dark haired Jess before blocking the fourth attempt.  The blonde bombshell then unloaded a sharp blast to Jess’s midsection, a blow that forced all the air out of her lungs.  Gasping for air, she fell to her knees as she reeled from the blonde’s powerful punch.  Barb backed off, gesturing her raven haired opponent to get up and fight.  Jess did manage to get back to her feet.  Sensing that this fight had gotten away from her, even though Barb had only thrown one punch, she landed a right to the blonde’s chin that seemed to have no impact.  In fact, Barb just chuckled and mocked Jess by asking is that all she’s got.  Barb then laid into poor Jess with 4-5 punches to the head and body.  With each body punch Jess was lifted off the ground and let out an audible grunt.  To her credit she tried to stay in the fight by throwing a weak right hand that again Barb laughed off.  Jess’s tried a left but that was blocked by Barb, who then tossed a mean right-left sequence that completely knocked Jess to the floor and out cold.

Barb would later discover that Sam had encouraged Jess to confront her.  That, she had made Jess believe that she could take the blonde out and steal her boyfriend.  Two things were now clear.  There was a huge distance between Barb and Sam, and anyone else in the gym when it came to any kind of female combat.  Secondly, the rivalry between the brunette and the blonde at this gym was intensifying and headed for a showdown.   And, while this rivalry was heating up between the women, their men were working together to make it happen.


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Re: Queen of the Gym
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2018, 08:38:03 PM »
great twist!!!!  ;D never saw it coming. a third woman getting into it.  8) now Sam is even tougher if Jess couldn't even hurt Barb. wow. continue please!!!  :o


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Re: Queen of the Gym
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2018, 06:22:08 PM »
As the rivalry between the blonde and brunette grew, their two boyfriends were at work to ensure that they finished what they started.  In the final stages of their first encounter they had stumbled into a tit fight each employing their very prominent nipples.  The two men were both aroused by that sight and were eager to see it to its conclusion.  Their plot involved telling their respective girl friends that the other was boasting that their tits/nipples were winning the battle before it was halted.  The hope was that this provide the right incentive for the two women to go at it again.

The men’s strategy paid off as the two women agreed to a renewal of their breast battle.  This fight would be for the men’s enjoyment only as it was to be staged after hours at the gym lockeroom.  No outsiders would witness this confrontation, just the two participants and their eager men folk.

The two women would begin the fight on their knees with their hands behind their backs so that only their tits and nipples would be their weapons.  Bryce, Barb’s guy, and Zach, Sam’s beau, could hardly contain themselves and just the sight of the two women nipple to nipple was enough arousal.  As the two women, Barb and her 36C thickly nippled tits, and Sam, the brunette with her big 38Ds sporting her own big nipples, went at it slamming and spearing each other, completely ignored the smiles on their spectators faces.  They were serious about this and were motivated to prove to be the better woman with the better tits.  After about 45 seconds of bashing each other’s breasts, Barb with the firmer tits,  began to sense that she was gaining an advantage.  Sam could sense the same, that is, Barb was gaining the upper hand, or tit, as the case might be.  Barb’s nipples mounted on firmer tits took control of Sam’s equally erect nipples but atop bigger albeit softer breasts.  Barb could sense that Sam was beginning to retreat and her nipples were giving way to hers.  It was at that point, Sam sensing defeat and willing to concede the tit fight to Barb, planted a right hand to the blonde’s chin.  Before she could react, Barb was the recipient of a left courtesy of Sam.  However, Sam’s third punch was blocked by Barb.  The big breasted brunette was then hit with a solid blast to her body and an upper cut that straightened her up.  The titfight was over and the real fight had begun.

The strong, fit women exchanged several blows back and forth while still on their knees.  Eventually, Barb was the quicker of the two and was able to get into two shots to one for Sam as she began to fade under the blonde’s attack.  Barb was proving too much for Sam at this point and the brunette was trying to cover and had stopped countering.  Barb was quick to her feet, grabbed the kneeling Sam by her hair and yanked to her feet.  She then delivered a right to her body and a quick left-right combo to each side of Sam’s face.  Sam had pretty much ceased fighting as Barb plastered her with 3-4 more shots to the head and body.  The final blow sent the brunette and her bouncing tits five into the wall and down on her ass.

At this point, Zach tried to intervene and halt the fight to prevent any more punishment to Sam.  He grabbed Barb from behind to halt the blonde’s advance.  With that Bryce pulled Sam’s beau off Barb and the two studs began to go at it.  Barb turned her attention to the men fighting as Bryce had the upper hand and after about 30 seconds felt a tap on her shoulder.  As she turned, the resurrected Sam delivered a body shot, an upper cut, and a left-right combo to the blonde’s ribs.  Completely surprised by this assault, she swung wildly missing her target and then her second telegraphed punch was easily blocked by Sam.  The brunette then connected with a solid shot to the side of the blonde’s face, buckling her knees.  Barb attempted to meet Sam punch for punch but the blonde’s shots lacked the power that Sam was unleashing.  As the brunette connected on three punches without a counter from the blonde, she caught Barb with an uppercut that pretty much finished off the blonde.  With her hands falling to her sides, she had the look of defeat in her eyes.  Sam, with a big smile on her face, delivered an over hand right that sent Barb crumpling to the mat.  She was finished.  She made no effort to get up, she was beaten by this brunette and her big tits.  Yes, Barb and won the tit battle but in the fight that mattered the brunette had prevailed. 

Bryce and Zach had halted their skirmish when the women had resumed their fight.  Bryce hurried to Barb’s position and comforted her.  Zach, with a big smile on his face, raised Sam’s hand in victory and declared her the new queen of the gym.   Barb took a couple of weeks off from going back to the gym and then went at different time than Sam.  She felt it would be too hard to face her and everyone else who knew that Sam had whipped her.  But, the defeat had also motivated her to work out even harder in hopes that someday she might get another chance at the big breasted brunette.  For her part, Sam loved the attention and respect that she got.  She relished the idea that people knew she was the better woman, that she was the queen of the gym.  She also knew that Barb was someone who wouldn’t take losing lightly.  She knew she had to keep up her regime in the gym as well.


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Re: Queen of the Gym
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2018, 06:47:56 AM »
really really into this story can't get more.  ;D hope barb really works on toughening up only its a shock a fake out she fights sam again and sam has been training even harder and DESTROYS her leaving barb shocked.


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Re: Queen of the Gym
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2018, 11:44:42 PM »
Barb won the fight pretty clearly. No need to train more, she just needs to keep Sam's guy from interfering.


Offline Ben19c

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Re: Queen of the Gym
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2018, 01:52:18 PM »
Wonderful Story.   ;)


Offline JayB

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Re: Queen of the Gym
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2018, 09:38:08 PM »
Sam was enjoying her status as the “queen” of the gym.  It was amazing how many “friends” she now had after it became known that she had dethroned Barb as the alpha female at the gym.  The women of the gym would give way to her whenever she wanted to use a piece of equipment.  Partly, I guess, out of deference and partly out of intimidation.   Barb, of course, had assigned herself to coming to the gym in either the wee hours of the morning or very late at night.  That way she didn’t have to explain over and over again how Sam had been able to whip her pretty soundly.  It was one of the few times in her life that she had tasted defeat and she was particularly dealing with it very well.  She and Bryce were still together and their relationship was solid but she felt somehow that she had let him down.

After a month of being on top, Sam felt that her status could be enhanced if she, as the alpha female, was paired with the alpha male.  And, thus she began to encourage Zach to assert himself, even to the point of suggesting he challenge Bryce to a fight.  Despite the rivalry between their girlfriends, the two men had remained on good terms.  Zach wasn’t really eager to take on Bryce because of their friendship but also because he wasn’t convinced he could take Bryce in a fight.  Eventually, Sam became frustrated with Zach and had other thoughts about sharing the alpha status with the strongest male.

Her frustration began to fall over into how she treated the other women in the gym.  In addition to taking advantage of their deference towards her, she would sometimes just take over a piece of equipment before someone else had finished their sets.  Likewise, she would not rack the plates off the barbells and machines she used, leaving that up to others to do so.   And, because no one challenged her, she would constantly push the limit.  The only woman who was a member that reasonably confront her was Barb and she never set foot in the gym at the same time.  That was until Joy joined the gym.

Joy had just recently moved to the area.  She had moved to the area with her husband due his transfer to the area for his job.  Joy had been a swimmer in high school and college and as a result had very strong upper body.  She was several years younger than Sam and Barb.  With short strawberry blonde hair, she had somewhat smallish breasts, 34A, with  perky, pointy nipples.  Joy was unaware of the whole Sam v Barb, queen of the gym rivalry.   She didn’t take kindly to Sam’s arrogant behavior in the gym.  After the third or fourth time, Joy confronted Sam in the locker room.   She told the top heavy brunette that she didn’t appreciate her violating what she thought was gym etiquette.  Sam just laughed and told the flat-chested blonde that if she didn’t like it she should do something about it but was pretty sure she didn’t have the guts.  As Sam walked away, Joy shoved her in the back and told her she wasn’t finished talking to her.

Sam whirled around and with a left and then a right put Joy on her ass.   Joy jumped to her feet and joined the fray.   Sam was a bit caught off guard that Joy was willing to further the fight along.  Quicker than Sam, Joy was able to land a left-right combo of her own.  Sam tried to counter but Joy ducked under the punch and delivered a solid shot to the brunette’s body.  As Sam dropped her guard to cover her body, Joy caught her with an uppercut.  At this point, Joy had really taken the fight to her big breasted opponent but hadn’t really hurt Sam.  Joy tried to press the fight but Sam had regained her balance and wits.  She blocked Joy’s next attempt and landed three hard punches, first to Joy’s chin, then a body shot, and the final punch caught Joy on the side of her head.  The blow staggered her and left her open for Sam to pound away with five or six unanswered shots.  Joy had mixed it up a time or two in her life but the hits Sam delivered were the hardest she had ever felt.  The final connection put her on her back and she realized at that point discretion was the better part of valor, and she conceded defeat.  With Sam towering over her, she raised her hands acknowledging that Sam was too strong for her.   Sam warned her to stay out of her way if she wanted to avoid another ass kicking.  Joy not only did that, she went shopping for a new gym.

This little skirmish was only a slight detour in Sam’s play to pair up with the alpha male of the gym.  Either Zach would gain that status himself or Sam would find another way to achieve her goal, as in winning Bryce away from Barb.  She rather fancied the later approach.  When Zach declined to confront Bryce straight on, Sam devised a plan that would hopefully force Zach’s hand.  And, it might just draw Barb back into the picture.



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Re: Queen of the Gym
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2018, 07:01:57 PM »
its warming up!


Offline JayB

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Re: Queen of the Gym
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2018, 09:08:58 PM »
Sam was working and plotting hard to get Zach to pick a fight with Bryce in hopes that he could become the alpha male in the gym.   As she was the top female there, she though it 0nly fitting that her beau should be her equal.

Part of her effort was to make Zach jealous of Bryce, or at least, make him feel insecure about Bryce’s feelings towards her.   She purposefully put Bryce in situations where he might make a play for her or give her undue attention.  She knew that Bryce would often work out at the wee hours of the morning, when no one else would be there.   One of those early mornings, she waited in the parking lot while he worked out in the gym.  When she saw him head for the locker room to shower, she entered the gym and timed her entrance into the men’s area as Bryce was exiting from the shower.  She walked in on him finding him totally naked.  She quickly realized that he was the alpha male for more reasons that his weightlifting abilities.  She was quick to point out to him from what she could see, he was the biggest man in the gym, and she didn’t just mean his muscles.   Bryce, aware of his assets, was not shy about standing in front of Sam totally exposed.  Sam took that as an invitation to make a play for the hunk.  She quickly removed her tube top revealing her own impressive assets.  With her phone recording, she asked Barb’s man what he thought of her tits.  He was very complimentary, telling her that she had a great set of breasts and that Zach was a lucky guy.  As she stepped closer to him, he held up his hand as if to tell her to stop.  He remined her that he was with Barb and that in no way would he cheat on her or do that to his friend, Zach.   Though foiled in getting Bryce to come on to her, she did have some good footage that she would be able to edit that would eventually share with Zach.

Another time when Bryce was working late on a Sunday night,  she hid in the women’s locker room until other folks had finished their workouts and gone home.  She knew that when he thought there were no women in the locker room, he would come in to clean up before heading home.  Again, she timed just as he was emptying the trash, she came out of the shower.  This time she was the one totally naked.  Tweaking her nipples just before she exited the shower area, they were thick and erect.  She was going to try one more time to get him to come on to her.  Filming again on her phone, she tried to make it look Bryce had purposefully walked in on her.  She feigned surprise and let out a shriek to add to the drama.  She uttered some words to the effect of accusing him of walking in on her in her current state.  Again, she could edit the footage to implicate Bryce.

When she showed the edited recordings to Zach, he was furious and confronted Bryce.  Of course, Bryce denied any such thing.  But, Sam insisted to Zach and put him in a position where he felt he had to defend her honor.  Bryce insisted he didn’t want to fight Zach and called Sam a liar.  Zach misinterpreted Bryce’s reluctance as his being afraid to fight him.  Sensing this Zach was egged on by not only Sam but his own ego.  He shoved Bryce.  Bryce raised his hands indicating he didn’t want any trouble.  Zach thought to himself that though Bryce was strongest guy at the gym, he was afraid to fight him.  He was really confident now as he continued his aggressive stance toward Bryce.  At this point, he figured if he landed a few punches, he could Bryce down for the count or at least he would concede.  So, he landed a right to the big man’s chin and tried to deliver a left to the same location.  To his surprise, however, Bryce blocked it and then delivered a solid left to Zach’s body, a right upper cut, a left-right combination before Zach knew what hit him.  Dazed and vulnerable to Bryce’s assault, Zach stumbled backward only to be pummeled by a series of powerful blasts matching Bryce’s powerful physique.  As Zach crumbled onto his back, he barely knew what had hit him.  He did have enough sense about him to realize that he had bit off more than he could chew.  So much for the idea that Bryce couldn’t fight.
Sam, furious at the sight of Bryce beating down her man, ruining her plan to for an alpha couple, picked up  a folding chair and approached Bryce’s back.  Just as the tide turned for her when she defeated Barb, perhaps, she could return the favor for Zach.  As she raised the chair in an attempt to clock Bryce, she felt someone grab her by the shoulder and spin her around.  Before she could register who it was, Barb planted a strong right hand to Sam’s midsection.  The blast forced her to drop the chair.  As quickly as she released the chair, she was on the receiving end of a right-left-right-left-uppercut.  Those five shots sent the big breasted brunette onto her back.

Meanwhile,  Zach told Bryce that he had had enough and the two turned their attention to the women.  Barb told Bryce to make sure that Zach didn’t interfere this time.  Zach raised his hands as if to say he was staying out this one.  Barb now turned her attention back to Sam who had managed to get to her knees.  Barb used her left hand to plant it on Sam’s hair in an effort to pull her back to her feet.  Before she could do that, however, the brunette planted three shots to the blondes exposed abs.  As Barb was forced to let go of her hair hold, Sam was quick to her feet and lifted the thick nippled blonde off her feet with an upper cut of her own.  Sam then backed up Barb with a flurry of punches to the head and body.   Sensing the fight turning against her, Barb wrapped her arms around Sam trying to forestall the assault.  The two women struggled with each and fell to the floor.  Trading places on top of each other as neither women could gain the upper hand.  Eventually, the women scrambled to their knees and resumed their fisticuffs.  The two strong women traded blows, both determined to give as good as they were getting.  After each had delivered 3-4 shots, Sam was successful in blocking a Barb right hand.  She quickly sent two quick rights of her own into the blonde’s midsection.  This forced Barb forward as she threw her arms around Sam’s neck.  A third blast to the same spot, freed Sam from Barb’s neck hold.  The loosening of her grip, resulted in Barb’s head sliding down upon the brunette’s large tits.  Sam swayed her breasts back and forth, left to right as if to use them as her fists.  The 38’s did their job as the sent Barb sprawling backwards on to her back.

With Barb in a vulnerable spot, Sam quickly got on top of the blonde, pinned her arms over her head, and used her D cups to batter Barb some more.  The blows from her big tits once again sent Barb’s head bouncing left and right.  Confident of victory now, the brunette went for the smother as she lowered her boobs onto the blonde’s face.   Within seconds Sam let out a scream.  Barb had chomped down on the big tits planted in her face.  The blonde pushed Sam off of her and the two women lay side by side as they each tried to regain fighting status.  As they eventually got back to their knees, Sam was furious at Barb’s tit attack.  Cursing, she was hell bent on destroying Barb.   But, she had lost her composure and swung wildly.  Barb easily ducked under the punch and then delivered a couple of body punches that brought a winced look to the brunette’s face.  Dropping her hands to avoid more body damage, Sam left herself open to a shot to the head.  It was Barb’s most devastating punch of the fight and Sam had no immediate reaction which allowed Barb to pound away with four unanswered shots.  Her hands now at her side, Sam was reeling from Barb’s punches.  Getting no response from the wilting brunette, Barb started pounded away at Sam’s biggest targets.  Sam covered her battered breasts with her hands, allowing the blonde bomber to finish her off with a solid uppercut.  Sam fell forward at contact, out cold.
This whole event had started out to sync up the alpha female with the alpha male in the gym.  That is in fact what was the end result, just not what poor Sam had had in mind.  The original alphas had been restored, at least for now.


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Re: Queen of the Gym
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2019, 07:37:34 AM »
any more coming? more queen or more new stories.