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Rachel (38 years old) vs Lisa (18 years old)

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Offline scuz

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Rachel (38 years old) vs Lisa (18 years old)
« on: May 23, 2010, 11:51:29 AM »
Rachel (38 years old 5ft4 132 lbs) rolled her eyes at Lisa (18 years old 5ft1 105 lbs).

Rachel was a  pretty housewife with shoulder length blonde hair. She was wearing jeans and a pink top . Lisa was skinny, quite pretty and had long dark hair She was dressed in a chavy black top and short skirt.

The disagreement had begun in the local pub where Rachel worked after she'd refused to sell Lisa a drink because she looked underage.  Lisa did look quite young but she swore at Rachel like a hardened fisherman.

Rachel had finished her shift and now they came face to face as rachel walked through the nearby park.

It was still broad daylight (and still about 20C)  but Lisa was very aggressive and screaming in Rachels face.  

Lisa was with a bunch of young lads who were smoking weed sitting at a park bench.

Rachel said "what is your problem?", Lisa screamed back "you, ya fat bitch!!".

Rachel retorted "whatever! get out of my way!".

The guys started making whooping sounds, seemingly trying to egg on Lisa.  

Lisa retorted "make me!"

Rachel tried to walk round her, but Lisa side stepped blocking her path.

Rachel tried then to push past her. She momentarily knocked Lisa off balance.  

Lisa saw red and grabbed Rachel's hair with both hands.  She pulled her head forward violently. Rachel struggled and responded by grabbing Lisa's hands and tried to prise them off.

As they wrestled, Lisa removed once hand and started punching with it.  Rachel let out a cry each time Lisa hit her, but somehow managed to trip Lisa.

They both fell on to the grass. Lisa was still holding on to Rachel's hair with one hand and trying to hit with the other. Rachel was on top though and trying to grab Lisa's flailing arm.

Lisa removed her other hand from Rachel's hair and tried to push her off, but Rachel was too heavy.

Rachel grabbed both Lisa's wrists and slammed them down on the grass.  She had Lisa pinned and despite Lisa's kicking legs, Rachel had the upper hand.

Rachel screamed at her "are you finished??"  Lisa spat in her face then said "get the fuck off me ya fat fuck!"  

Rachel looked up at the lads and pleaded "can you tell her to wise up!?" One of the guys retorted "only if you show us your tits!".

"What tits??" Lisa screamed.

Rachel said "grow up" then looked back down at Lisa who spat in her face again. Lisa screamed "Get your fucking padded tits out of my face"

The guy repeated "show us your tits and we'll let you go!".  Rachel felt uneasy as the lad stood up and pulled out a flick knife. He walked behind her and warned her "don't move!".

He pulled up the back of Rachels top and sliced her bra straps open, then reached up and pulled her bra off. Then he walked back to the bench and put the bra on his face laughing.

Rachel felt self councious as she looked down at the small outline of her breasts in her top. Lisa screamed "Holy fuck, look at you now!!! I had bigger tits than that when I was 12"

The boys laughed.  Just then Lisa pushed hard and managed to knock Rachel off balance. She slapped her hard in the face then used all her strength to push Rachel over to the side. Rachel tried to get to her feet, but Lisa got there quicker and grabbed Rachel by the hair when she was on her knees.  

Lisa pulled her head down and kicked her in the face. Rachel screamed out as each kick connected, but Lisa showed no signs of stopping. After a good twenty seconds of kicking, the same guy lept up and grabbed hold of Lisa. He pulled up the back of her top, and sliced her brastrap.

Lisa screamed "fuck off" but jokingly laughed as she let go of Rachel's hair and pulled her own bra from under her top throwing it on the grass.

Lisa stood over Rachel screaming "who's the queen?"  Rachel lifted her head. Her lip was bleeding and she had a cut around her eye.

Lisa walked backwards and screamed "get the fuck up". Rachel shouted "fuck you you little bitch" as she got to her feet.

The guys were staring at the girls chests as they stood panting for air.  

Rachel was exhausted and both girls were soaked with sweat.

Lisa screamed "whose the little bitch now??"

Rachel looked a bit chunky round the middle and her breasts looked small and soft in relation.

One of the lads yelled "those are damn small titties"  pointing at Rachel.  The other guys laughed.

Rachel looked round at him and said "I don't fucking care what you think!"

The lad replied "let us see them then!!!"

Rachel looked at him directly and said angrily "no"

Lisa bent down and took off her shoes and socks.

She screamed at Rachel "show him your fucking little tits then fucking kiss my fucking feet."

Rachel screamed back "get a fucking grip".

Lisa lunged at Rachel pulling wildly at her top. She pulled it up  to her neck and yanked Rachel whole body forward. Rachel furiously punched and slapped as her breasts were exposed. She connected with Lisa's face repeatedly, and Lisa yelled "eiya eiya eiya fuck" as she took the blows.

Lisa pulled at her top and yanked it over her head. Rachel was now topless and exposed. She grabbed at Lisa and pulled her head down, pulling her top up and exposing her breasts also.  Lisa prised Rachels hands off and stepped back screaming "you want to see my fucking tits???"

With that she lifted and removed her top completely. Lisa was skinny but had firm breasts. They were a large B or possible a C cup.  Rachel's breasts were a smaller A cup size and much softer looking.

The cheeky guy yelled  "damn fine titties" pointing at Lisa. The other guys had their phones out and were taking pictures of the exposed women

Lisa smiled then without warning launched her self at Rachel. The two topless girls grabbed at one another.  Rachel was slapping with both hands, while Lisa had one hand on Rachels hair and the other punching furiously at her slightly soft belly.  

Rachel's slaps were connecting to Lisa's face, but she was being winded by the ferocity of Lisa' s belly punches.  Lisa then hit her with one too many. Rachel fell to her knees screaming "ok ok I give up i give up i give up".

Lisa stood over her. Lisa's lip was bleeding badly, and both women had large scratch marks all over their body's.  

Lisa put her hands on her hips and hollared "whose the fucking queen??" as she put her naked foot on Rachels lips.

"Oi!" shouted a voice from across the park.  A couple of bouncers from the Rachel's work were running over.  They were both well over 6ft and built like body builders.

The lads said at the same time, "lets split" and began to run off into the park

Lisa hurridly slipped on her shoes, picked up her top and ran after them.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2010, 12:17:31 PM by scuz »


Offline CrashCorrigan

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Re: Rachel (38 years old) vs Lisa (18 years old)
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2010, 08:53:42 AM »
That was pretty cool.  I'd like to see more.


Offline scuz

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Re: Rachel (38 years old) vs Lisa (18 years old)
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2010, 01:13:16 AM »

Glad you enjoyed it.

I'll try another when inspiration strikes. :)