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The Renters 3

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Offline JayB

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The Renters 3
« on: January 22, 2019, 03:09:27 AM »
Renters 2

The third renter that Rod and Holly took on was Natalie.  Natalie was a local policewoman who previously knew Rod from the gym.  She was also someone that Holly disliked greatly.  In fact, Natalie had a thing for Rod since their high school days.  Natalie stopped Holly a number of times for minor traffic violations, the kind that most times an officer wouldn’t bother with.  But, when it came to Holly, Natalie always found a reason to stop her.  Thus, getting these to fight wouldn’t take too much effort.

The script followed the usual plan.  Rod would make sure he was always around lending hand with any repairs or problems, making certain that he cut the grass at time of day when Natalie was home and that the sunny was bright so he had the excuse to work shirtless.  He would reminisce with Natalie about the fun times they had in high school and do whatever he could to stoke the blonde officer’s interest in him.  As with most of the women who had rented from Rod, they manufactured all kinds of reasons for him to stop by.  Rod, of course, was more than willing to do whatever it took to set the stage for the battle between his brunette wife and the renter, who always seemed to be a blonde.

When it became apparent that Natalie was ready  for the set up, Rod would tell her that Holly would be out of town visiting parents and that he would like for her to join him for dinner and whatever would follow.  This happened within two weeks, much quicker than with most of the renters.
Not long after dinner, the two retired to the bedroom and quickly were out of their clothes.  Natalie had short blonde hair, with a pretty firm body required of her police work.  She certainly had a strength advantage over Holly and frankly was likely presenting Holly’s toughest challenge.   Rod had remembered from high school that she had a firm pair of 34C tits with quarter sized areola and pencil eraser like nipples.  Natalie was an aggressive lovemaker and wasted little time going after  Rod’s large penis.  Rod, in truth, was enjoying the work that Natalie was doing on his nether region.  He had no objection if Holly was tardy in bursting in the room.

When Holly finally did interrupt the blow job as she burst into the room.  Natalie, reacted as an officer and didn’t waste a second in swinging to action before she even knew it was Holly.  She landed a left and a right to the naked big breasted brunette.  Just that quick, Holly was planted on her ass.  It quickly came to the blonde what was going on.  She looked at Rod with a smile on her face recalling that he always enjoyed watching girls fight and that this was just a way to get these two enemies to put on a show for him. 

Natalie was more than willing to oblige and waited for Holly to get back to her feet so they could put on the show.  A show she was determined to win in hopes that it might convince the stud to drop his wife with the big tits.  After all she had the better body and she was sure that in the bedroom Holly was no match for her.
Holly had no sooner returned to feet that Natalie was on her like bees in a hive.  She was overwhelming Holly at the very start of their fight.  She was very aggressive, probably why she went into law enforcement to begin with.  She was fighting at a speed that none of the other blondes had brought to this scene.  Rod had suspected that Natalie would be a huge challenge for Holly and she was proving to be so far.  Holly would try to counter what the blonde would bring but it had little effect.  Natalie was on  offense and Holly was retreating as the fight wore on.   Rod watched with admiration but also concern as the strong blonde was besting his brunette wife.  Natalie handled herself well and see did have a strong, sexy, athletic body that she put to good use.  Frankly, Rod wasn’t sure Holly could take much more as his admiration for the blonde turned to real concern for his wife.  Holly was taking a beating.  When it became apparent to Natalie that Holly was not her equal in this fight, she began to taunt her and carried over thoughts of superiority to her womanhood and her sexual prowess.  She let the brunette that she had the better body, the better tits, and for sure was a superior lover.  That later she told Holly would become evident when she ravished Rod after finishing thrashing her.  She said she never understood what he saw in her and that if he wanted a real woman he would his wife for her.

Instead of finishing off what she was on verge of completing, Natalie continued to taunt Holly  and flaunt her stuff.  It became evident to Holly that she was going to have capture all that spite that she had for the blonde and mount one last effort to turn the tide.  Natalie obliged her by mocking her and offering her chin as a target.  Not totally disregarding any threat that Holly posed, Natalie cockily invited Holly to try and land a blow to her chin.  Well, Holly more than obliged the blonde.  She struck with her best and most powerful punch of the fight.  Natalie’s knees buckled and shocked look emerged on her face.  She tried to pretend that the shot wasn’t effective but her panicked response belied that fact.  She tried to counter but for the first time in the fight, Holly was able to block a punch.  Natalie tried another and again Holly blocked it.  Now completely open to a frontal assault from the buxomy brunette, it was Natalie would suddenly was in retreat.  Holly connected on three shots that turned the blondes head one way and then the next.  Two quick shots to Natalie’s midsection brought down her guard and Holly landed a spot on uppercut that sent Natalie back into the wall.  Holly wasted no time in following up and planted three hard shots to the body.  Shots that had a stinging effect even on the firm, athletic blonde’s physique.  As Natalie slumped from the combination of shots, Holly landed the final blow, another supersonic upper cut.  The blonde fell forward into the brunette’s arms out cold.

Rod was relieved that Holly had survived the initial onslaught from Natalie but moreover thrilled at the show the two women had put on for him.  This was by far the most challenging fight that Holly had to endure but she prevailed.  Rod was hyped and was so hot for his wife at that moment but she demurred as she was drained from the fight.  She was handsomely rewarded, however, the next morning.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2019, 03:15:11 AM by JayB »


Offline lifeofriley

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Re: The Renters 3
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2019, 05:58:08 AM »
wow not even the tough police woman can take holly!


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: The Renters 3
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2019, 04:58:33 PM »
I hope there are a few additional episodes coming!