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Kelsey's First Spring Break

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Kelsey's First Spring Break
« on: March 26, 2019, 12:38:48 PM »
Kelsey's First Spring Break
    The past 6 months had been an exciting time for Kelsey, full of adventure and first-time events.  She entered college at the University of Tennessee, met lots of new and interesting people, attended her first football game as a student at historic Neyland Stadium, and now was participating in her first collegiate spring break.  Although college was fun, it was also stressful, and spring break was a chance to take a break from writing papers and studying for tests.  The beautiful freshman, with long, dark brown hair, was also eager to show off her delicious 5'7 and 120 lbs. tanned body in the new bikinis she had purchased just for the occasion. 
   Heading toward Panama City, her friends began discussing what they wanted to do. One of them turned to her and asked, "Kels, what do want to do?"
   "Everything," Kelsey replied, "I'm tired of worrying about grades and doing homework.  This week, I'm going to do it all."
   They stayed in a hotel that was full of other college students on spring break.  The hotel was a popular spring break destination because it really catered to young people trying to have a good time.  There was a huge swimming pool on the edge of the beach.  In the evening, they had a DJ playing loud music and offered different fun, and often sexy, activities to keep everyone entertained. 
   Kelsey and her friends were having a blast.  The only downside was that their hotel rooms were located next to some obnoxious University of Alabama girls.  With their "Roll Tide!" this and their "Roll Tide!" that, Kelsey found them more than a little annoying.  One of the girls from Bama, a tall, blonde named Aleigh, really captured Kelsey's attention.  Something only a handful of people knew about her was that the gorgeous brunette was bisexual.  Although she dated mostly guys, she had been known to fool around with other females and could definitely appreciate the good-looking blonde's body.  Aleigh had an attractive face and long shapely legs, but what set her apart from other women was her huge boobs.  The first time Kelsey saw Aleigh was in the hallway outside her room.  She was wearing a low cut tank top.   As Kelsey walked away, she found herself fantasizing about playing with the blonde's sweetly curved mounds.   
    Tall, pretty, big-boobed blondes' caused conflicting emotions in Kelsey.  On one hand, she found them especially attractive but, on the other hand, she found almost all of them to be conceited, with a sense of entitlement.   While she considered herself to be a generally good person, over the years she had been known to take pleasure in bullying and tormenting big-boobed blondes.  There was something satisfying to Kelsey in seeing them knocked down a few notches. 
   Kelsey quickly identified the buxom blonde as a rival.  That evening the adorable brunette went out to the pool area for the planned activities.  After she surveyed the crowd, Kelsey determined that she was one of the 3-4 hottest females at the hotel.  Aleigh was one of the few in the crowd that could be considered her equal.  Kelsey was extremely competitive and enjoyed being the center of attention.  Fortunately, she had brought some very sexy and very skimpy G-strings, while Aleigh was wearing a conservative looking one piece.
   That night, the DJ announced that they were going to have a swimsuit contest.  Kelsey was very excited and quickly signed up.  Then she went up to her room and picked out the sexiest bikini she had brought.  She selected a navy blue bikini that emphasized her assets well.  Kelsey did not have large breasts, but they were cute and perky. This particular bikini did a good job in keeping them pushed up, making the most of her small, but eager tits.  Her main feature, which received the most attention, was her butt.  It was the reason she had purchased so many G-strings.  Though smaller than Kim Kardashian's booty, she had a flat, narrow waist that made her butt seem almost as big.   It was perfectly formed and the envy of flat bottomed women everywhere.  At her first college party, a guy flirting with her commented, "You butt is like honey.  It's thick and sweet."  Afterward, every time she saw him, he called her "honey."  Kelsey, also, had gorgeous legs, well-crafted from years of cheerleading. 
   Before the contest started, each of the competitors were led behind the big stage that had been erected on the beach.  Kelsey felt a tinge of excitement when she saw Aleigh in the crowd of girls.  The tall blonde had changed into a two-piece bikini.  While nowhere near as skimpy as Kelsey's G-string, it did quite effectively show off Aleigh's curves.  The other girls were a mixed bag of scrawny model wannabes and chubby chicks that had entered on a dare.  It was obvious Aleigh was Kelsey's only real challenger.
   Kelsey was called out first.  It was a real rush for the shapely brunette to be on stage in front of over 100 people and hearing them "ooh" and "ahh" as she strutted to the center.  The crowd howled excitedly when she turned and shook her fantastic butt towards them.  As she looked out onto the crowd of horny college students, one face stood out… Trevor Lane.  Trevor was the third-string quarterback for Tennessee.  He wasn't the greatest football player and only played if the game was a real blowout. But what Trevor lacked in athletic ability, he more than made up for with his dreamy blue eyes.  He was hands down, the most popular player on the team. At least among the female students at UT.  As Kelsey looked down upon Trevor, she detected a hint of lust in his eyes. 
   One by one, the other girls came out, but Kelsey noticed that Trevor kept staring at her.  None of them could steal his attention… none until Aleigh sashayed out.  Kelsey watched as Trevor's eyes drifted toward the statuesque blonde.  The Tennessee freshman knew that beauty was in the eye of the beholder and it wasn't unfathomable that Trevor could find Aleigh more attractive.  Kelsey's face was easily as cute, if not cuter, than Aleigh's and she had a richer tan and a more well-toned waist.  It was hard to say, who had the sexier legs.  Kelsey's were shorter, but shapelier, while Aleigh's were longer and appeared leaner.  The real difference was whether you liked butts better or boobs.  Kelsey had the obvious advantage in the derriere department, but she could not compete with Aleigh's big melons. 
   Then, gradually, Kelsey noticed Trevor's eyes moved back towards her.  He was, apparently, a butt man after all.  As it turned out, Aleigh's tits were no match for Kelsey's divine tush. Kelsey was voted Ms. Spring Break 2019.  Kelsey 1 Aleigh 0.
   Due to the chaos and excitement around winning the pageant, Kelsey did not get a chance to talk to Trevor until the next day.  While sunbathing on the beach, she noticed Trevor walk by surrounded by several of his friends.  Her heart fluttered as she hoped he would see her.  Initially, it appeared he did not notice her as he walked on by, but then, suddenly he broke away from his entourage and turned towards her.
   "Hey, Ms. Spring Break," he said, "I heard you go to UT."
   "I do." She struggled to hide her excitement, knowing he had been asking about her.
   "So do I.  I'm on the football team.  I'm a quarterback."
   "Oh yeah, I thought you looked familiar," Kelsey answered, trying to not to sound overly eager. 
   They talked for several minutes and it was obvious to Kelsey that Trevor was definitely interested in her.  She did have trouble keeping his attention though.  Since she was laying on her front, her thick booty was proving to be quite the distraction, as he spent half the conversation staring at it.  She didn't mind though, after all that was why she was wearing a thong. 
   Unfortunately, just when things were going good, Trevor's friends called him away.  Before he left, he asked, "Are you entering the wet t-shirt contest tonight?"
   Kelsey had heard about the contest but did not plan to enter.  She was the reigning Ms. Spring Break and she did not sully her sash and crown by entering such a low-class competition as a wet t-shirt contest.  Besides, Aleigh would probably enter and she didn't want to give the blonde a chance to get even with her.  Kelsey knew it would be more fun to enjoy Aleigh's plump tits, wrapped in a clingy wet t-shirt, from the audience than it would be on stage. 
   "I haven't really thought about it," she lied.
   "Well, I hope you do.  Seeing you in the swimsuit contest has been the highpoint of my week.  I'd love to see you there tonight."
   "Maybe you will."
   That settled it. Whether she wanted to or not, Kelsey was going to enter the wet t-shirt contest.
   Kelsey found a thin white t-shirt to wear for the contest.  She made sure it fit snugly around her tits.  Since she did not have the biggest tits around, she wanted to make sure they would be clearly seen.  There were 8 girls entered into the contest, including herself.  Aleigh was one of them, but it was obvious she would not be Kelsey's only competition.  Almost all the girls had bigger tits than Kelsey, but the sexy brunette knew that big jugs alone wouldn't win the contest. 
    She expected them to be being called out one at a time, but all 8 were called out together.  This contest had none of the dignity and organization of the previous night's pageant.  Instead, this was pure and unadulterated chaos.  The audience members had been encouraged to bring their own water guns and countless dozens of them had shown up with an assortment of weaponry, ranging from simple water guns to large super soakers.  Almost immediately, Kelsey was bombarded with a deluge of water.   The thin material covering her boobs quickly became transparent, showing off her delightfully formed mounds.  Many of the gunslingers had filled their guns with ice cold water and Kelsey shivered as the icy spray drenched her body.  The sudden chill on her delectable nipples achieved the intended results, as they stiffened into little, hard dagger-points.  One guy near the front had brought a high powered water rifle and aimed it straight at her tits.  The adorable brunette let out a loud squeal as he accurately nailed one her quivering tips. 
   Kelsey glanced over at Aleigh, with her volleyball sized melons, and knew she had her work cut out for her.  She tried to pose sexily, but it was hard to while being blasted with water.  It wasn't being fired accurately, either, and several streams of H2O pelted her in the eye, momentarily blinding her.  After one occasion, she opened them up just in time to see Aleigh's tits flying at her face.  The blonde was dancing wildly and one of her nipples, erect and bullet shaped, almost poked Kelsey in the eye.  Kelsey moved safely away from the big blonde, thinking how embarrassing it would be to get knocked out, in front of everyone, by one of Aleigh's big tits.  Sensing that Aleigh was getting most of the attention, Kelsey decided to bring out the big guns.  She turned around and began waving her shapely rump at the audience.  It obviously garnered her some attention because she felt a noticeable increase in water splatting against her soft flesh. 
   The water began to die down, as the guns ran dry.  Kelsey looked around at her competitors and thought they looked like a bunch of drowned rats.  Big-boobed drowned rats, that is.  While they stood shivering, wiping the water out of their eyes, Kelsey decided to use the opportunity to strike a sexy pose, knowing it was her last chance to impress the judges.  It didn't work.  Aleigh came in 1st, Kelsey a distance 5th. Now it was Kelsey 1 Aleigh 1.
   Kelsey was very competitive and did not like to lose.  Even though she was still the reigning Ms. Spring Break, losing the wet t-shirt contest seemed to have taken away some of her standing among the spring break crowd.  As she was leaving the beach area, she heard the DJ announce tomorrow night's festivity… an oil wrestling competition. 
   Kelsey woke up the next day excited.  While she had the perfect body for the swimsuit pageant and she did ok in the wet t-shirt contest, she knew oil wrestling was the perfect event for her.  She had always enjoyed play wrestling with her friends and the rougher the better.  In fact, never one to back down from a challenge, she had been in several fights.  Kelsey enjoyed competition and showing off her body, so oil wrestling seemed like the perfect event.
   Around noon, Kelsey went out on the beach to get some sun.  As she sat on her towel, applying some suntan lotion, Trevor walked up. 
   "Hey, you need some help with your back?" He asked with a smile.  She didn't know if he was playing around or not, but there was no way she was going to miss out on the opportunity to let Trevor Lane rub suntan lotion on her body. 
   "Sure," she said, as she handed him the tube and rolled over. 
   Trevor talked as he applied the lotion, but Kelsey had trouble keeping up with what he was saying.  Her head began to swim with excitement as Trevor's strong hands massaged her body.  Occasionally, she would nod or say "uh huh" or something just to let him know she was listening.  He was mostly talking about himself and describing various athletic feats or things he had accomplished.  She looked around, hoping some of her friends were watching.  Without witnesses, no-one would believe that the great Trevor Lane rubbed suntan lotion on her at spring break. 
    Trevor started covering her shoulders with lotion, kneading it in carefully, probably much more carefully than the job required.  He was getting no complaints from Kelsey, though.  As he slid his hands down between her shoulder blades, he came to her top strap.  With experienced fingers, he quickly unstrapped it.  Kelsey let out a sudden gasp.
   "I'm sorry," he apologized sweetly, "It's just that the strap was in the way.  I wanted to make sure I did a good job.  I'm kind of a perfectionist."
   "That… that's ok," Kelsey stammered, "You just caught me off guard.  Do whatever you want…I mean feel…is necessary.  I trust your judgment."  She tried to mask her embarrassment by sounding cool and sexy but was afraid she ended up sounding nervous and slutty.  Either way, he didn't seem to care as he continued to caress her back.  His hands slid down her side, to the point of grazing the edges of her boobs.  Once again, he was getting no complaints from her.
    As he moved down towards her lower back, she drifted back into an erotic haze.  Trevor knew what he was doing.  Using his hands to navigate her body, he gently squeezed and massaged her soft skin.  Suddenly, through the fog that had enveloped her brain, Kelsey realized he had asked her a question.
   "What… what did you say?" She asked.
   "I asked if you had heard about the oil wrestling tonight.  I know that's probably not your thing."
   "Why do you say that?"
   "Well, it's just you strike me as the girly girl type that would probably be afraid to mix it up with another girl."
   "I don't look athletic enough to take another girl?" She asked playfully.
   "You look plenty athletic enough.  I bet you were probably a cheerleader in high school or something.  It's just you don't seem like a tough girl type." 
    Kelsey had been a cheerleader in high school and had also been a volleyball player.  While she did not look at herself as a tough girl type, she had been in her share of hardcore, hair pulling, slapping, clothes ripping catfights.  Just that year, she had got into a fight with a girl after a football pep rally.  A girl from Florida was at a party next door.  They had some words and soon began slapping and pulling hair.  It ended up with them both on the floor, wearing nothing but their shorts.  Kelsey wound up on top, slapping the girl until she gave up.  She decided not to share this story with Trevor.  It would be more fun to surprise him with her fighting prowess.
   "I don't know," she said, "It sounds like a lot of fun.  I might try it."
   "Wow. That would be awesome if you did.  Seeing you wrestle in a bikini would be wicked sexy."
   Once again, Kelsey drifted off, this time with fantasies of tonight's match dancing in her thoughts.  In actuality, she had already signed up.  After the t-shirt contest, she saw Aleigh give the DJ her name.  After she left, Kelsey went to the DJ with a special request…to let her wrestle Aleigh.  She had been prepared to bribe the DJ, if necessary.  Instead, he quickly agreed, recognizing the sexy and exciting opportunity of having Ms. Spring Break wrestle the Wet t-shirt contest winner.   
   Kelsey began dreaming of getting her hands on Aleigh's magnificent breasts.  She intended to both dominate and molest the blonde amazon.  As she visualized fondling Aleigh, Trevor moved down towards her renowned ass.  He slathered a large quantity of lotion on her smooth tush and began working it in.  It was obvious he was enjoying himself as he took more time with her bottom than he did the other regions.  She felt him knead and massage the soft flesh, as visions of Aleigh danced through her head.  Trevor palmed her round ass and opened her cheeks, his thumbs grazing the opening of her anus. 
    Slowly, he moved down her shapely thighs and calves, all the way to her ankles, before moving back up to her upper thighs.  Intoxicated by lustful passion, Kelsey subconsciously spread her thighs open.  Trevor accepted the invitation and slid his fingers under her thong and began massaging her clit in circular motions.  Kelsey felt her insides begin to melt and suddenly realized she was audibly moaning.  She knew she was about to have an orgasm on a public beach, but felt helpless to do anything about it.  If Trevor stopped now, she was liable to die.  She tried to muffle her breathing and moaning but could tell she was getting louder and louder.  Kelsey wanted Trevor to stop but needed him to continue.  Suddenly, she felt a release as she exploded all over his hand.  Almost immediately, Trevor pulled his fingers out and wiped them on the back of Kelsey's thighs.  As he raised up, he slapped one of her plump ass cheeks. 
   "I think your good now," he said and began to walk off.
   "Will I see you tonight," she whimpered.
   "Oh yeah. I can't wait." Then he left, leaving Kelsey behind.  Overwhelmed by emotion, Kelsey collapsed face first on her towel, where she lay for several minutes.  If she had looked around, she would have realized that her and Trevor's erotic moment had not gone unnoticed, as they had attracted a small crowd.  By the time she had recovered and went to her hotel room to shower, the crowd had moved on.
   That night, when Kelsey showed up for the oil wrestling event, she was shocked by the large crowd.  Apparently, word had got around about the big match between Ms. Spring Break and the Wet T-shirt champion and everyone was excited.  Kelsey was excited also and was eager to entertain the mass of people, especially Trevor.  When she saw him, she eagerly beckoned him to come over.
   "Hey, Darlin," Kelsey cooed, "They said we could pick a second to stand in our corner, and I thought about you."
   "I don't know; I have a pretty good view over there.  What would I have to do?"
   "Mostly you just stand there and cheer me on and give me advice.  But you also get to pour oil on me."
   "That could be kinda hot.  Okay… I'm in."
   There were two other matches, with Kelsey's and Aleigh's match being the main event.  Kelsey thought the first two matches were dull with the contestants playfully (and boringly) rolling around.  None of the girls did anything to stand out and the winners seemed to be chosen arbitrarily.  Kelsey was determined to make sure her match with Aleigh was memorable and that there was a clear winner. 
   There was a short walk from the staging area to the makeshift ring.  She walked slowly, swaying her hips sexily, making sure the audience, who would be the judges, got a great first impression of her.  Kelsey wore a black G-string that, with the exception of a skimpy patch covering her womanly secrets, was basically a thread running along her tanned, shapely hips and between her plump ass cheeks.  Her top was black with colorful dots and it pushed up her small, but cute, tits.  She could tell by the crowd's reaction that they were impressed by her entrance. 
   Next, Aleigh came out.  For someone as beautiful as Aleigh, she really needed to work on her sexy walk.  She walked quickly into the ring, obviously nervous.  The blonde wore her sexiest bikini of the week.  It was a skimpy, crimson thong with a matching top.  While her butt was not as nice as Kelsey's, it did look good in her thong.  Aleigh's main eye catcher was, of course, her beautifully formed, massive breasts.  While her entrance was lacking some of Kelsey's sensual showmanship, she received her share of cheers and support from the spectators. 
   They moved into the center of the ring, which was just an oversized kiddie pool, and faced off, waiting for the bell to begin.  As she looked straight into Aleigh's sexy breasts, Kelsey realized just how big the blonde was.  Kelsey wasn't exactly short, at 5'7", but this blonde was a good 4 inches taller and outweighed her by at least 30 lbs.  Instead of being intimidated, the brunette reveled in the opportunity to dominate her Amazon-sized opponent. 
   "This is going to be fun," Kelsey said.  She could barely contain herself.
   "It will be fun. But just remember, blondes have more fun," Aleigh answered, almost robotically.   It was obvious she had used that line many times.
   "Ladies, face your seconds!" the DJ bellowed. "Gentlemen… please apply the oil."  The crowd cheered loudly, as the two girls were covered in baby oil.  Kelsey saw lust in Trevor's eyes as he squirted every inch of her sexy body with oil.   Her well-tanned body began to glisten under the lights.  At the same time, Aleigh's second, a horny looking boy with glasses, applied oil to the blonde.  Aleigh squealed bashfully when he squirted some down the front of her thong.  Kelsey smirked, thinking of all the ways she planned to make Aleigh squeal some more that night.  Finally, the bottles were empty and the two girls turned to face each other. 

Round 1
    The bell sounded and Kelsey quickly lunged into Aleigh, driving her shoulder into the blonde's soft belly.  The brunette surprised her shapely foe with her aggressiveness and slammed her down onto her back.  Then Kelsey grabbed Aleigh's face and shoved it between her tits, rubbing her face between her sweetly curved mounds.  Aleigh managed to push her off and they began rolling around the ring.  Kelsey tried to get on top of the big blonde again, but it was difficult to get a hold of her slippery body.  The two spent most of the first round with Aleigh slithering out of one attempted hold after the other.  With the 60 second round almost over, Kelsey finally managed to wrestle Aleigh onto her back.  The sexy brunette slid on top and mounted her school girl style.  The crowd went wild as she planted her amazing ass on top of Aleigh's glorious breasts.  Pandemonium broke out on the beach as she began to grind her delicious booty into the blonde's heavy mounds.  Aleigh squealed as her large, voluptuous breasts were humiliated. 
    Suddenly the bell rang, signaling the end of round 1.  The crowd booed loudly, obviously enjoying the sight of Kelsey embarrassing the blonde. 
   Kelsey ran over to her corner, where Trevor was waiting.  To her surprise, he took her head in his big hands and kissed her in the mouth. 
   "That…was…awesome," he said, struggling to get the words out.  She noticed he had a full-blown erection in his swim trunks.
   As he gushed about how sexy the first round was, Kelsey looked over at Aleigh.  Her bespectacled second tried to console her, as she appeared to be on the verge of tears.  Kelsey loved it.  The night before, at the wet t-shirt contest, the shapely blonde had appeared so cocky and self-possessed.  Some girls like shopping, others like dancing, Kelsey liked knocking big boobed blondes off their pedestals.  The crowd loved her butt fucking Aleigh's breasts, so the next round she was going to have to step it up a notch to top it.  She knew exactly what to do. 
   The bell rang and Kelsey moved excitedly to the center of the ring.  Time to humiliate the blonde some more.

Round 2
   Aleigh appeared hesitant to move away from the safety of her corner, so Kelsey decided to help her out.  She reached out and grabbed the front of the blonde's top and slung her on her back in the center of the ring.  Before the blonde could get up, Kelsey again grabbed the front of her top and began pulling.  It was obvious what the sexy brunette's strategy was, as Aleigh struggled desperately to keep her jiggling tits covered.  Technically, removing your foe's top was against the rules, but the DJ knew he would have a riot on his hand if he tried to stop Kelsey.  The crowd was already mad that he had stopped round 1 when he did. 
   With a loud rip, Kelsey went flying backward with Aleigh's top in her hands.  The big blonde looked mortified as she tried, mostly unsuccessfully, to cover up her big jugs.  Much to Aleigh's chagrin, Kelsey wasn't close to being finished.  The devious little brunette grabbed Aleigh's bottoms and pulled.  Aleigh pleaded with her to stop, as her thong slid down her long legs.  Aleigh scrambled onto her knees and tried to crawl to her corner, but Kelsey stopped her by hopping on her back.  Grabbing a handful of blonde hair, Kelsey began riding her like a bronco.  Aleigh tried to buck her off, but Kelsey had a tight grip on her long hair. 
Kelsey was having fun and the crowd was roaring with approval.  The brunette, though, was worried that Aleigh would quit after this round and she still had unfinished business.  Kelsey slid off of Aleigh and kicked her in the side, flipping the blonde onto her back.  Aleigh knew what was coming next and crossed her arms covering up her boobs.  Kelsey grabbed Aleigh's wrists in an attempt to spread her arms apart, uncovering her breasts.  She had been dreaming for days about fondling and molesting Aleigh's soft, luscious melons.  Sadly, she was going to have to wait a little longer.  The bell rang signaling the end of round 2. 
   She reluctantly got off Aleigh and walked over to Trevor.
   "I can't believe that was 60 seconds," she complained to Trevor, "I had her right where I wanted her."
   "I know," he answered, "It was just getting good.  Wait here.  I'm going to have a little talk with the DJ."  Trevor went over and had a few words with the undersized DJ.  She couldn't understand them because of the raucous crowd, but between Trevor shoving his finger in the man's chest, and the intimidated look on the man's face, she assumed Trevor was threatening to beat his ass.  While they talked, Kelsey looked over at Aleigh who was pathetically trying to put her bikini back on.  Unfortunately for her, and fortunately for everyone else, it was too ripped and stretched.  Kelsey grinned, both from the amusement of watching Aleigh unsuccessfully trying to re-clothe herself and from the realization that Aleigh wasn't going to quit.  Trevor walked back over to Kelsey.  "This round is on me.  That prick won't touch the bell until I give him the word.  Have fun, beautiful," he said as he gave her another kiss on the lips. 
   Kelsey moved to the center of the ring, eager to have more fun with the shapely blonde.  She planned to treat the blonde's curvaceous body like a playground.  There were definitely tears in Aleigh's beautiful blue eyes now, as she moved towards Kelsey.  She had one arm draped over her substantial chest in a futile attempt to cover it, while her other hand covered the juncture of her thighs. 
   "I'll tell you what, blondie," Kelsey teased, "I'll go easy on you.  All you have to do is sing Rocky Top loudly for everyone to hear.  Do that and I won't embarrass you anymore."  Aleigh didn't answer, she just shook her head defiantly, as a tear rolled down her cheek.  Kelsey laughed.  Aleigh's defiance just meant more fun for her. 
   They stood waiting for the bell.  After several seconds, Trevor realized the DJ was nervously waiting for a signal.  The tall football player nodded and the DJ rung the bell.

Round 3
   Kelsey slowly moved towards Aleigh.  Now that she wasn't limited to a mere 60 seconds, Kelsey planned on taking her time and really enjoying this round.  She made one crucial mistake though.  She had taken Aleigh's tears as a sign that she was beaten, instead, they were tears of anger.  As soon as she was in arm's length, Aleigh slapped Kelsey across the cheek.  Kelsey staggered backward, stunned by the hard blow.  Before she could recover, Aleigh had her by the hair, slinging her around the ring. 
    Kelsey was dazed, but she had been in her share of hair pulling catfights before and she knew how to defend herself.  She slammed two uppercuts into Aleigh's pretty face and the blonde let loose of her hair.
   "Big mistake, Bitch," Kelsey screamed.  To the delight of the crowd, all pretenses of an oil wrestling match ended and the two sexy coeds began throwing punches at each other.  Aleigh fought like a girl who had never been in a fight before in her life.  She kept her head down and slung her fists wildly, rarely hitting anything but air.  Kelsey, on the other hand, calmly aimed her punches, striking Aleigh at will.  What Kelsey lacked in power, she made up for with cool accuracy, as she peppered Aleigh with blow after blow.  She knew she wasn't a knockout puncher, but when it was all over, she was confident she would be the clear winner.  After all, she had certainly beat tougher girls than Aleigh before. 
   Since Aleigh was ducking her head, Kelsey's fists were getting sore from hitting the top of her hard skull.  She decided to aim for a softer target… Aleigh's boobs.  The brunette slammed her small fists into the soft, heavy flesh repeatedly.  Kelsey giggled, as the blonde's tits danced wildly from her punches.
   "This is too eas…" Kelsey started when suddenly one of Aleigh's erratic attempts at a punch nailed her across the chin.  For a moment things went dark and her shapely legs turned to jelly, as she fell back onto her sexy ass.   Before she could react, Aleigh was on her pummeling her cute face.  She felt like she was moving in slow motion.  Each time she thought the cobwebs were clearing, Aleigh would connect with another hard punch.  The blonde had looked up when she realized Kelsey was no longer hitting back and was now more accurate with her fists.  Against a virtually defenseless target, the big blonde was able to put some real power behind her punches.  Kelsey put her hands up and tried to shield her face, but it seemed like Aleigh's punches were coming from every direction at once.  While Kelsey had lost a fight before, she had never felt so helpless and overwhelmed. 
   "Ring…the…bell," she gasped between blows.  Apparently, Trevor couldn't hear her, because the bell didn't ring and the fists kept raining down on her.  She closed her eyes and hoped Aleigh would show her mercy.
   After what seemed like an eternity, the punishing blows ceased.  As she was about to let out a sigh of relief, she felt someone grab her top, turning the sigh into a squeal.  Kelsey opened her eyes, just as Aleigh ripped the top off her.  She knew things were about to get worse.  Aleigh reached for the battered brunette's G-string, while Kelsey tried to fend her off.  There wasn't much material in the G-string, but it was the only thing preventing Kelsey from being completely nude in public.  A hard right punch to Kelsey's jaw stunned the Vol student and Aleigh easily slipped the G-string off.  Kelsey squealed again as she found herself buck naked. 
   Desperately, Kelsey kicked Aleigh in the stomach, giving her some space to crawl away.  She made it to the edge of the ring and tried to crawl over before Aleigh grabbed her by the waist.  Kelsey lay dangling over the side, her well-formed ass jutting upward. 
   "Please," Kelsey pleaded, "Let me go!"
   "Not yet," Aleigh said, "We're just starting to have fun."
   Kelsey knew what was going to happen next.  Her ass, that other women both envied and resented so much, was too inviting of a target.  SMACK! Aleigh's hand came down hard on Kelsey's dazzling derriere.  SMACK! SMACK! Slap after slap came down, punishing her soft ass cheeks.  Kelsey felt so humiliated as Aleigh spanked her bare ass in front of all those people, including Trevor.  She looked for Trevor, hoping he would stop it.  When she finally found him, she saw that he was cheering and laughing like everyone else in the crowd. 
   "Please…please," Kelsey begged, "Roll Tide! Roll Tide!" She yelled, hoping the Alabama coed might have mercy on her.
   "It's rolling, bitch, it's rolling," Aleigh answered with a laugh.  Kelsey's butt received another 7 or 8 abusive slaps before the blonde finally relented.  Aleigh wasn't finished with the sexy Vol yet, though.  She seized Kelsey's ankles and drug her to the center of the ring.  The statuesque beauty knelt down and straddled Kelsey.  Then she slid up pinning Kelsey's shoulders down with her knees placing her cxnt over the brunette's mouth.  Kelsey kicked and thrashed about, as she struggled to breathe, but she couldn't dislodge the bigger girl.  To add extra humiliation, Aleigh began to grind her pussy into Kelsey's face.  Kelsey couldn't help but taste Aleigh's pussy juices and was afraid the dominant Amazon was going to orgasm all over her face.  To her relief, the blonde got off… before she got off.  Then she strutted to her corner as the crowd cheered wildly.  There was no doubt who they chose as the winner.  Aleigh was the Panama City Spring Break Oil Wrestling Champion of 2019.

   After the match ended, Kelsey tried to find the remnants of her bikini.  Unfortunately, they had disappeared into the crowd, mementos for some horny college students.  She tried to make her way through the crowd to the sanctuary of her hotel room but found herself being groped and fondled mercilessly.  A girl she beat in the swimsuit contest grabbed her by the crotch as she laughed in Kelsey's face.  Normally, the brunette would have tried to knock the girl out, but she was not in the mood for another fight.  Instead, she backtracked to the ring area and ducked behind the DJ stand.  After a half hour or so, the area cleared out and she made a dash for the hotel.
    The battered brunette entered through the side door and ran up 3 flights of stairs buck naked, only to find her hotel room locked and none of her friends anywhere to be found.  There was no way she was going to go down to the lobby nude and ask for a key.  Instead, she curled up in the doorway of her room and hoped to be as inconspicuous as possible.  After a few minutes, she started shivering.  It was 90 degrees outside, but the hallway's AC must have been set on 65 degrees or colder.
She waited for 10-15 long minutes, with no signs of her friends, when suddenly the elevator opened.  Kelsey desperately hoped it was her friends, but instead it was Aleigh's second.  Earlier, she had found it amusing seeing him with Aleigh.  He was several inches shorter than Aleigh and was probably outweighed by 10-15 lbs.  In fact, he wasn't much bigger than Kelsey.  Now she didn't find him amusing at all and hoped he wouldn't notice her, but he did.  As soon as he saw her, he walked over to where she sat.
   "Hey, it's Kelsey, right?" He asked.  Kelsey nodded.  "I'm Chase.  For what it's worth I thought you should have won.  I mean, you did win 2 of the 3 rounds."
   "Thanks," Kelsey mumbled through her chattering teeth.  Her head was still a little muddled from the beating she had just taken, but it almost seemed like this guy was hitting on her.  She must really look rough if this guy thought he had a shot.  He was cute enough in the face, but she was more into the athletic types and this guy was built like the captain of the chess club. 
   "I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you're locked out of your room."  Kelsey just nodded, hoping he would go away.  "Well, why don't you come into my room and wait.  It's better than sitting out here in the hall."
   Kelsey wasn't excited about going into Chase's room, but it was not only freezing sitting in the hallway but rather humiliating as well.  Reluctantly, she took him up on his offer.  As she walked into the room, she heard someone in the shower.  As if he read her thoughts he answered, "That's my friend.  They're cool, don't worry."
   'What the hell,' Kelsey thought, 'Enough people had seen her naked tonight already, what's one more.' 
   She walked over to the king sized bed and sat down on it.  Chase was staring lustfully at her body, especially between her thighs and at her tits.  She crossed her legs and placed her hands over her breasts.  As he continued to check her out, he started talking, telling her a little about himself.  He said he attended Vanderbilt University and was a pre-med student. 
   'Pre-med from Vanderbilt,' Kelsey thought, 'So that's what Aleigh sees in him. Dollar signs.' 
   Chase was being very friendly, although she did wish he would offer her a shirt or towel or something.  Still, sitting on his bed was a lot better than sitting in that cold, dirty hallway. 
   "Thanks for inviting me in," Kelsey said, "I really appreciate it."
   "Anytime," he said, as he sat down next to her.  She flinched a little as he touched her shoulder.  "It's OK, I won't hurt you."  Then he gently kissed her on the cheek.  She still wasn't thinking clearly, but it was obvious this guy was definitely trying to make the move on her.  Kelsey's first instinct was to knock his teeth out, but she thought better of it for multiple reasons.  The first reason was that if she made him mad, she was going to end up back in the frigid hallway.  Second of all, if this was Aleigh's boyfriend, as she suspected it was, making out with him would be a nice way of getting back at the blonde beauty for the thrashing she had given her.  Additionally, Kelsey's self-confidence had taken a pounding tonight and it was nice to be desired.  Besides, Chase was cute and apparently smart with a bright future. 
   They began kissing and Chase's hands roamed along Kelsey's soft body.  She liked how he was being gentle and not groping at her like most guys.  Still, she let out a few inadvertent squeals when he kissed or touched a sensitive area, like her puffy lip or one of the assorted tender bruises tattering her luscious body.  She heard the shower turn off and hoped he might stop kissing her and finally get her something to cover up with, but he didn't.  A moment later, the bathroom door opened and… Aleigh walked out wearing nothing but a towel. 
   Kelsey was stunned.  She hadn't even considered the possibility that it was Aleigh in the shower.  The blonde seemed almost as surprised as Kelsey, but her look of shock quickly turned into a wicked little grin. She walked over to Kelsey and took her chin in her hand.
   "You look like hell," Aleigh said, as she checked out Kelsey's face.  Kelsey thought about making a witty retort, but her foggy brain couldn't come up with anything clever.  She also had no interest in tussling with Aleigh anymore for one night.  All the fight had been beaten out of her in the ring.  Now she just wanted to leave the room without any trouble. 
   "I was locked out of my room and Chase let me wait in here for my roommates," Kelsey replied, "I don't want any trouble, so I'll wait outside."  She got up and started to walk to the door.
   "Don't be silly," Aleigh said, as she took Kelsey's hand.  "Besides, I saw your friends in the hallway a while ago.  They were going out to the clubs.  I don't think they will be back for a long time.  Besides, you can do me a favor.  I'm pretty tired and Chase is all worked up.  Maybe you can help him out, while I rest for a bit."
   "What are you talking about?" Kelsey asked.
   "You know what I'm talking about," Aleigh said, then whispered in Kelsey's ear, "Don't make me get rough."  She placed her hand on top of Kelsey's head and pushed her to her knees.  Chase stood before her and dropped his shorts.  Kelsey was stunned by what she saw dangling between his legs.  While Kelsey had only been with a handful of guys in her lifetime, Chase had easily the biggest cock she had ever seen. 
   Kelsey didn't have many options.  She looked at Aleigh who had sat down on the bed, crossing her fabulous legs sexily.  The towel barely covered her long torso, stretching from just above her nipples to the upper part of her thighs.  As Kelsey considered Aleigh's full breasts and shapely legs and then looked back at Chase's gigantic member, she realized that there could be a worse dilemma for a bi-sexual girl. 
    Kelsey took Chase's already rigid cock in her delicate hands and parted her lips.  The head slid inside the warm wetness of her mouth and she began to suck.  She could only get about 4 inches of the massive shaft inside her mouth so she gripped and massaged the rest with both her hands.  Kelsey was no expert on giving a blow job, preferring to receive oral sex rather than give it, but she did have a working knowledge of the required technique.  She ran her tongue around the head and then the shaft and then sucked some more.  Her jaws began to ache from being stretched so wide.  She felt him begin to seize and knew he was about to cum so she started to draw back. Aleigh grabbed the back of her, preventing her from withdrawing and Chase erupted all over her tongue.  Kelsey began to gag as he spurted time and time again, flooding her mouth.   
   When he finally withdrew, Aleigh released her hair.  The blonde was obviously turned on and she motioned for Kelsey to sit beside her.  Aleigh ran her finger along Kelsey's cum moistened lips and slid it into her own mouth, licking it clean.  Then she took Kelsey's head, pulled it toward her and planted a soft kiss on the dazed brunette's mouth.  Aleigh pushed her tongue into Kelsey's mouth and the young Tennessean responded by sucking on it and massaging it with her own tongue. 
    Just when Kelsey was really getting into it, Aleigh pushed her aside and drew Chase towards her.  Chase passionately ripped the towel off Aleigh, completely uncovering her kissable body.  Then they began making love, while Kelsey sat awkwardly beside them.   Although she enjoyed watching the blonde's luscious body being sensuously mauled by Chase's kisses and groping hands, she began to feel like a third wheel.  She started to go to the bathroom and clean up, but Aleigh pulled her down beside her. The blonde ran her fingers along her own breasts, as she stared at Kelsey.  Taking that as a sign, Kelsey grabbed one of the large breasts and began massaging it, using both hands.  She had been dreaming of getting her hands on these ever since she first set eyes on them.   After several minutes of alternating between breasts, molding, stroking, and tweaking them, Kelsey lowered her face and began hungrily sucking one of Aleigh's large nipples.  The blonde's chest rose and fell as Kelsey tugged gently on the soft flesh.  While Kelsey played with the Aleigh's big, beautiful breasts, Chase thrust his large cock inside the blonde.  Aleigh began breathing more rapidly and her moaning got louder and louder before her body shuddered uncontrollably as she screamed in ecstasy. 
   After Chase pulled out he settled down beside Aleigh.  Kelsey lay against Aleigh's tit, disappointed.  She was just starting to have a little fun.   It had been a long and tough day and she was about to doze off when she heard Chase and Aleigh whispering.  The whispering got louder and it appeared they were arguing.
   "No," Aleigh said, "You know I don't like that.  Do it with her.  She'd probably love it."
   Chase shrugged his shoulders and moved towards Kelsey.  Kelsey had no idea what "it" referred to, but if it involved her having sex with Chase and his big cock, she was game.  Chase leaned down and kissed her and she began kissing him back.  Then suddenly, he flipped her onto her stomach.
   "Wait a minute," Kelsey protested, "What are you doing?" She asked, knowing very well what he was doing.
   Chase parted her plump cheeks and rammed his engorged member into her anus.  Kelsey squealed loudly, as the inside of her tush was forcibly stretched wider than it had ever been.  She squealed several more times before Aleigh put her hand over her mouth.
   "Sshhh," Aleigh said while giggling, "As much as I love to hear you squeal, you're getting too loud.  People are trying to sleep around here."
   Kelsey couldn't help herself and kept squealing but Aleigh's hand muffled the sound.  While many guys had coveted her juicy ass, Kelsey had never allowed anyone to fuck it.  She had been saving it for someone special.  Even though Chase was trying to be gentle, Kelsey felt like he was torturing her virgin asshole.  Chase rode her sexy ass for 20 brutal minutes before she felt his member begin throbbing and her anus was filled with his cum.  He rolled over, allowing the sticky fluid to stream out along her cheeks. 
   Kelsey felt like her ass was on fire. She was exhausted, yet still slightly aroused.  Both Aleigh and Chase had had orgasms, in fact, Chase had had 3 orgasms, but Kelsey still hadn't had 1. Still, the feeling of exhaustion was overtaking her feeling of arousal, and she would have been content to go to sleep, but Aleigh had other plans.
   Aleigh leaned over and whispered into Kelsey's ear, "That was really hot, seeing you squirm around and listening to your sexy little squeals." Aleigh began to kiss Kelsey's shoulders and back, and then making her way down to her butt, enjoying each inch of Kelsey's tanned body.  Then she rolled Kelsey over and gazed into her eyes.  "You know, I've never been with a girl before.  I mean, I've always fantasized about dominating a hot chick and making her my bitch, but I didn't think I could ever make it happen for real."
   Kelsey groaned as Aleigh grabbed her head and guided it down between her legs.  The blonde parted her thighs and shoved Kelsey's face against the warm, damp entrance to her womanhood.  Kelsey was worn-out and needed sleep, but she dutifully stuck out her tongue and began licking the shaved vagina.  Aleigh let out a gasp when Kelsey spread open her pussy lips and invaded the depths of the soft juncture.  The room was filled with the sound of Aleigh's heavy breathing and the wet, slurping noises Kelsey made as she consumed the statuesque blonde's tender flesh.  Aleigh was obviously worked up already, so it only took Kelsey a few minutes to bring her to a climax.  As soon as Kelsey's lips and tongue made contact with the clitoris, Aleigh began to shudder and groan and her body was seized in an orgasm. 
    After a minute, Aleigh's body relaxed and she lay back panting.  Kelsey slid up and whispered in her ear, "I am so horny, please." 
   Aleigh ignored her and turned towards Chase and he began to kiss and fondle her body.  After resting for a few minutes, she began reciprocating his affection and soon they were making love again.  Kelsey was upset they were neglecting her needs, but there wasn't anything she could do about it.  She considered pleasuring herself, but instead, she gave in to her exhaustion and fell asleep. 
   A few hours later, Kelsey woke up.  It was still dark outside and Aleigh and Chase had finally gone to sleep.  Kelsey had grown accustomed to late night study sessions and found she could survive on very little sleep.  She was no longer exhausted but was still very horny.  Aleigh's tits were tantalizingly close and she was tempted to reach out and play with them.  Then she looked over at Chase, who was laying on his side, his large cock dangling like a soft salami.  She stared at it, fascinated by its size.  She had thought that Aleigh had been interested in the pre-med student for his future earning potential, but now Kelsey knew what really attracted her.  Unable to fight the temptation, she reached out and touched his soft member.  As she began to caress it, it suddenly came to life.  Like a large snake waking from slumber, it slowly rose, staring at her with its single eye. 
    Kelsey gasped, as she realized Chase was awake.  He didn't say anything, he just leaned over and took her in his arms.  As they began to kiss, he reached around and grabbed her butt cheeks.  He squeezed and massaged them, while simultaneously sucking on Kelsey's tongue.  Chase was a virtuoso in the bed.  He demonstrated how much he had learned in his Anatomy classes as he manipulated and stimulated every sensitive part of her body.  After playing with her ass cheeks for a while, he slid one hand between her legs and stroked her smoothly shaven pussy.  He moved the other hand to one of her breasts and began massaging it.  Chase squeezed the honey soft breast, then pinched and pulled her nipple, before switching to the other breast.  At the same time, he began to rub his finger around the sweetness between her legs before plunging inside her tight, wet opening.  Within minutes she was breathing heavily and her body began writhing. 
   "Please," she gasped, "I want it. I want it so bad."
   Chase shrugged and smiled.  He grabbed her legs, raising them up and slid between her thighs.  Taking his cock, he rubbed its head along her damp, moist needy place, teasing her with it.  She whimpered in anticipation.   Finally, he gave her what she craved, burying himself deep inside her.  She let out a loud squeal, as the massive cock filled her body with pain, excitement, and unbelievable pleasure.  Faster and deeper, Chase plunged his tool inside her till she could hold no more.  She felt like he was going to split her in half, still, her body stiffened with wondrous pleasure and she squealed and groaned loudly.  Suddenly, she felt her body convulse in a chain of orgasms, as all the pent up desires and sexual frustrations of the night came flooding out.  She gradually relaxed, but Chase was not finished.  He continued thrusting in and out and seconds later he was overcome by his own muscle locking, shuddering climax, as she felt him flood the insides of her, yet again.  Kelsey was becoming Chase's own personal sperm bank.  She shivered with an aftershock, as he pulled his large member out of her. 
   Finally, at peace and still tired, Kelsey soon fell back asleep.  Several hours later, she woke up and noticed it was daylight.  Kelsey was laying on her stomach and both Aleigh and Chase had a hand palming one of her butt cheeks.  Figuring her friends had to be home by now, Kelsey decided to go back to her room.  Trying not to wake the couple in her bed, she slid out slowly.  Before she left the room, she stopped in the bathroom to grab a towel to cover up with.  She paused to look in the mirror and was taken aback by her reflection.  Aleigh was right, she really did look like hell.  She had not realized had badly her normally adorable face had been battered.  Her bottom lip was swollen, she had a black eye, and her puffy face was tattered with bruises and abrasions.  Being so dazed from her beating, physically exhausted, and sexually frustrated/aroused the night before, she had not noticed how sore she was until now.  As she contemplated the abuse her face had taken, the bathroom door opened and a nude Chase walked in.
   "You're still here I see," he said as he walked up behind her and placed his hands on her hips.  "I was afraid you had left without saying bye."  Kelsey let out a soft squeal as she felt his stiffening member rise up, poking her ass.  "You are so sexy when you squeal."  Kelsey frowned, thinking back to the beginning of the oil wrestling match when she had vowed to make Aleigh squeal.  That seemed like such a long time ago. "I was about to take a shower.  You want to join me?"
   Kelsey needed to get back to her friends and pack to go home.  They were supposed to be out of their room in a few hours.  Still, she knew she would regret it if she passed up on an opportunity to experience Chase's incredible cock one more time.
   "OK," she answered.   
   Chase led her into the shower and turned on the water.  The two began to kiss softly, as the warm water massaged their bodies.
   "I couldn't pass up one more opportunity have your fine ass," he said.  To Kelsey's frustration, he spun her around and forced her to bend over at the waist.  "Aleigh never lets me do this her," he said, as he thrust his cock into her still sore anus.  Once again, he tried to be gentle as he stuffed his massive member inside her small opening.  She struggled to not squeal, but she couldn't help whimpering as he painfully thrust his substantial organ in and out of her.   Finally, she heard him let out a long and low groan as she felt his hot seed spill into her.  Chase pulled his still throbbing cock out and slapped her on the ass. 
   "Try not to wake Aleigh as you leave," he said as he parted the shower curtain. 
   Kelsey climbed out and grabbed a towel.  Drying her sweetly curved body as she walked, she quickly left the hotel room, slamming the door behind her. 

   Kelsey knew she would never forget about her first spring break, even the parts she wanted to forget.  She never saw Trevor again.  He flunked out of UT at the end of the spring semester.  She did find herself thinking about Chase a lot and the fact that UT and Vanderbilt are only a few hours apart.  Looking him up on social media, Kelsey started texting him.  One weekend, she drove west to see him.  They spent the weekend together, mostly in his bed.  She had never met a man with his size and sexual stamina.  He was insatiable.  Whenever she was really horny and needed to relieve some stress, she called him up.  He seemed to be in a perpetual state of horniness.  One weekend Aleigh was there.  The blonde resumed her bullying, dominatrix ways and they treated Kelsey like a sex toy.  The next time Kelsey went to see Chase, Aleigh was there again.  This time, Kelsey decided things were going to be different.  The two got into a fight, which Kelsey won.  But that is a story for another time.


Offline Rivals Rapture

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Re: Kelsey's First Spring Break
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2019, 07:48:23 PM »
Very well-written! Bravo Karl! :)


Offline mag

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Re: Kelsey's First Spring Break
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2019, 10:35:02 PM »
Wonderful story Karl.   Agreed on the well written and wonderful setup.   Loved the whole thing.  :-)


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: Kelsey's First Spring Break
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2019, 11:37:02 AM »
Great story! Dying to hear about the rematch with the blonde !


Offline Texasfightfan

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Re: Kelsey's First Spring Break
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2019, 01:18:01 AM »
Excellent story.   Can’t wait for the rematch.



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Re: Kelsey's First Spring Break
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2019, 10:22:00 PM »
Excellent Story... You are a talented writer.  Thanks


Offline Fortran Wrench

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Re: Kelsey's First Spring Break
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2019, 11:17:39 PM »
I really enjoyed this. Well done! Loved the open-ended finish too.
There's no elevator to success. You'll have to take the stairs.