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Mature Neighbors Fight; from Cavalier

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Offline Mr. Cavalier

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Mature Neighbors Fight; from Cavalier
« on: June 14, 2010, 01:11:39 AM »

"Tits were coming out of suit tops and the bottoms were creeping up the cracks of their asses, exposing ass cheeks, as they twisted and fought on the grass ... "

When I was fourteen I witnessed an event that was to have a profound influ¬ence on my life. What I saw was a cat¬fight between two voluptuous mature married women. I was in the back yard getting ready to cut the grass and there seemed to be some sort of disagreement going on in the neighbor's back yard. Their yard was surrounded by a high wooden fence. We had a tree growing in the corner of our place which had a limb situated so that I could look right over their fence.

Reaching my perch., I saw Betty, our neighbor, standing nose to nose with Mary, a woman who lived on the other side of the street. The-two women were known to be friends, spending time at each other's homes and going shopping together. Both women were wearing tight one piece bathing suits, Betty’s white and Mary's dark green. Betty had light brown shoulder length hair while Mary's was darker brown almost black and hung a little below her shoulders. Of course I don't know their meas¬urements, but they were built. They were about the same height with huge tits, full thighs and good looking asses. The word to describe them is lush.

It was obvious that they had been sunbathing, for they were standing on a blanket and I could see a tube of suntan oil. I'll never know what they were ar¬guing about, but I heard the words bitch, slut and cxnt. Betty really got it started when she shoved Mary. Mary shoved back and the next thing I knew both grabbed double handfuls of the other's hair. Did they ever jerk each other about, squealing all the while! They fell to the ground and rolled over and over still pulling hair. Fast as cats they separated, were on their feet and flew at each other again, slapping at faces. Down they went, forming a ball and rolling over and coming to rest on knees, Mary's left hand buried in Betty's hair. Betty's left hand was twisted in Mary's hair. With their right hands they slapped, clawed and pinched each other.
I had never realized that women could move at the speed these women did. They kept right at each other with no let-up. Never had I imagined such. fury as first Mary then Betty was : knocked to the ground, only to leap up 1 to continue the woman-fight. Tits were . coming out of suit tops and the bottoms:: were creeping up the cracks of their asses, exposing ass cheeks as they I twisted and fought on the grass. When they spread their big legs, pussy hairs were exposed around the crotches of their bathing suits. They jumped up and what they did next almost put me into a state of shock! Glaring at one another, the two women began to peel out of their suits. They did this simultane¬ously, not saying a word or breaking eye contact. Each cxnt was covered with a thick pelt of pussy hairs. Mary's cxnt was darker than Betty's, but no more luxuriant. Betty's and Mary's tits were so big and their nipples were sticking straight out at each other.

Still glaring, they hunched down and began circling. Mary saw an opening and threw a punch that connected with Betty's jaw. Betty hit back flattening one of Mary's boobs. The punches flew fast and furious as the two naked women fought with their fists. Finally tiring, they slammed into each other's arms in a mutual bear hug. Big boob s¬mashed into big boobs, bellies covered with sweat slapped together, furry cxnt pressed firmly against furry cxnt as the women squeezed one another in their full-length bearhug. They stood locked together, straining and struggling. I thought that it must feel awfully good and sexy to be clasped together like that.
Slowly they sank to the ground. I could see Mary slip her full naked thigh erotically between Betty's spread legs .. First one and then the other was on top as they rolled about scratching welts into each other's backs. Finally they came to rest on their sides.
Betty and Mary appeared to be rest¬ing, their heads together cheek to cheek. I noticed their asses start to quiver and then tense. They brought their cxnts together. Gently and slowly they began to hunch. Every time their cxnts touched a sigh or moan would escape from their parted lips. The tempo began to build faster and faster.¬ Unlocking their legs they spread them apart for fuller and wetter contact. Each woman grabbed a handful of the other's luscious ass. They would bring their furry cracks together, rubbing and pounding furiously then separating and making humping motions at one another. Then more frenzied rubbing as they slammed together.

Words can't do justice to the scene as Betty and Mary laid entwined pussy fucking. Finally cxnt loving cxnt came together one last explosive time as the women climaxed.
You asked if fighting and fucking mix. You bet they do! I grew up into a sexy woman of twenty-five and I fight and fuck every chance I get. As you can guess, the above described fight really did something to me. Keep printing letters of fighting and fucking because I'm one woman who knows it is true.

D. T., California.


Offline sidekick

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Re: Mature Neighbors Fight; from Cavalier
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2010, 01:24:02 AM »
Ahh, the classics.   ;)   I never tire of them.  Thanks for this reprint.


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Mature Neighbors Fight; from Cavalier
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2010, 11:55:14 AM »
Mr. Cavalier,

Thank you for all the stories and photos you've shared with us. I used to have quite a collection of the magazine when I was younger. It was one of my favorite sources for catfight materials. I really miss them. Some of my all time favorite stories where from the old mags.

Keep up the good work.



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Re: Mature Neighbors Fight; from Cavalier
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2010, 01:30:57 AM »
Thanks for the re-print Mr Cavalier. It brings back memories of reading the magazine and a few almost apartment style matches i've seen in person. I would enjoy re-reading a story that I think happened in an apartment coomplex and featured a young snobbish Mom who was still lactating that got in a boxing and or wrestling match with a neighbor. I think the Mom had sweats on. Anyway if you or anyone know of the match I speak i'd love to re-read it.

Thanx Sunset, and everyone else for the kind response to these great letters.  Not sure I remember the exact apartment match you mention, but I do remember a letter from a guy "complaining" that an Asian hottie wreslting in his apartment runined his carpet by lactating all over it.  I LOVED that letter.  I'll see what I can find and thank you all again.


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Re: Mature Neighbors Fight; from Cavalier
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2010, 12:45:27 AM »
You may ask anytime Mr. sunset...I hold the copyright... 8)


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Re: Mature Neighbors Fight; from Cavalier
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2010, 07:04:33 PM »
Then how about some Donna of Utah letters? She was great.

Yes she was, one of our most popular.  I'll be posting something soon.