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Ladies Pro Wrestling

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Offline The Midnight Rider

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Ladies Pro Wrestling
« on: May 29, 2019, 12:50:33 PM »
Our first match of the evening is Leiah who weighs in at 135 and wearing a yellow two piece. She is facing Natalie who weighs in at 125 and is wearing a white two piece. Natalie was able to frustrate Leiah for the first few minutes of the match. She kept countering every hold that Leiah threw at her. But at the end of the day the veteran Leiah was able to get the upper hand. It came when Natalie went for a dropkick but Leiah ducked out of the way. Then as Natalie laid prone on theat Leiah began to take her to school. She started with several stomps to her back. Leiah then picked her up and delivered a big suplex. Finally Leiah said that it was over as she applied her finishing move the camel clutch. Natalie tried her best to get out of the hold but she finally had no choice but to tap out and live to fight another day. Your winner of the match is Leiah.

Our second match of the evening is Kristina who weighs in at 155 and is wearing a blue and gold one piece. Her opponent is Breeann who weighs in 135 and is wearing a red two piece. Poor Breeann just never stood a chance against the red hot Kristina. It was five minutes of hell for her as Kristina put a series of holds on her including a big swinging neck breaker. Then with Breann laying on the mat in pain Kristina rolled her over on her stomach and slapped on the STF. Breeann did last long in the hold as she screamed out her submission. Kristina told her that saying that she quit wasn't enough and then commanded her to say who the better women was. Reluctantly after a few more seconds Breeann finally admitted that Kristina was the better women than her. Then as she was getting off her back Kristina left Breeann with a parting gift when dug her nails into Breann's back. Your winner of the match is Kristina

Our final match of the evening is Marilee who weighs in at 170 and is wearing a multi colored one piece. She is facing Dena who weighs in at 195 and is wearing a black one piece with white trim. For the second straight week Dena was dealt a tough match. This time Marilee started the match by sneak attacking Dena. Then for the next ten minutes Marilee worked on Dena's legs. Finally though Dena despite her limping was able to make a comeback. When she able kick Marilee into the corner leaving her dazed. Dena then gave Marilee a big bodyslam and placed her in position for finishing move which is a elbow drop from the second rope. Unfortunately for Dena her right knee was so damaged from Marilee that it took her too long to get in place on the second rope. When she was finally in place Marilee had already gotten up and was able to stop Dena by headbutting her right in the crotch. Then she threw Dena back on to the mat and as Dena laid there pain. Marilee herself went to the second rope and she was able to connect with another headbutt to Dena's crotch. Then as Dena laid on the ground shaking Marilee sensed that the end was near as she went and slapped on the claw on Dena's crotch. Despite her toughness Dena just couldn't handle that and she quickly tapped out. Then after the match as Dena laid there in pain Marilee went back to the second rope and delivered another headbutt to Dena's crotch. She then picked Dena up and threw her out of the ring then Marilee said that she was going to take care of the trash around the promotion. Your winner of the match is Marilee