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Ladies Pro Wrestling

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Offline The Midnight Rider

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Ladies Pro Wrestling
« on: June 01, 2019, 10:49:24 PM »
Our first match of the day is Marilee who weighs in at 165 and is wearing a multi colored one piece. She is facing Tiffany who weighs in at 130 and is wearing a black and green one piece. Marilee came into the match confident after her beating Dena the other. Tiffany was able to bring her back down to earth as she dominated her for nearly ten minutes. However Marilee was able mount a comeback when she ducked on a clothsline and Tiffany turned she was met by a big elbow from Marilee leaving her dazed. Then Marilee picked Tiffany up and gave her a big bodyslam right in the middle of the ring. Marilee then said that the match was over as she bounced off the ropes and leaped in the air to deliver a big splash. Unfortunately for her Tiffany moved out of the way leaving her to crash chest first onto the mat. Now with Marilee in serious pain Tiffany went in for the kill as stood Marilee up. Then she went behind her back and applied a brutal abdominal stretch to Marilee. Despite her effort to get out of the hold the pain was just too much and Marilee started to frantically tap out . Finally Tiffany let go of the hold and Marilee collapsed to the mat and started to sob and hold her ribs and midsection which were severally damaged by Tiffany. Your winner of the match via submission is Tiffany.

Our second match is Heather who weighs in at 140 and is wearing a red and white two piece. She is facing Dena who weighs in at 190 and is wearing a black one piece with white trim. Dena was looking to get back on the winning track after her last two tough outings. She was able to use her size to dominate Heather for the vast majority of the match. Dena kept on the attack by punishing her with several elbow drops to Heather's chest but Heather was able to kickout everytime Dena went for a pin. It was pretty clear that Dena was getting frustrated with not being able to put Heather away. Then she picked her up and whipped her into the corner. Dena then got a running start and delivered a huge splash to Heather knocking the wind out of her. But Dena was not done as she went to deliver another splash but Heather was able to move out of the way as Dena was in the air. Now Heather sensed that she might have chance was able to quickly get up while Dena leaned against the top turnbuckle trying to recover from crashing into the corner. Heather though wouldn't let her recover for too long. As she grabbed her by the hair and went to give her a superkick. But Dena was able to duck the kick and when Heather turned around Dena gave her a big slam. Then Dena said that it was over as she climbed to the second rope to give Heather a big elbow drop. Heather though was again able to move out of the way again leaving Dena to crash and burn again. Then with Heather stalked out Dena as she laid on the mat trying to recover from the fall. The best thing Dena could have done was just stay down because as soon as she got up and turned around Heather met her with a big superkick to her jaw leaving her knocked out. Heather then dragged herself over to Dena's lifeless body and was able to to put her arm over Dena's chest for the cover and she picked up the 123. Your winner of the match is Heather.

Our final match of the evening is Misty who weighs in at 175 and is wearing a brown one piece. She facing Kristina who weighs in at 160 and is wearing a blue and pink one piece. Poor Misty just never stood a chance against the ruthless Kristina. The match lasted all of five minutes as Kristina just dominated her with a series of brutal backbreakers and suplexs. Finally with Misty on the verge of tears Kristina slapped the STF on her. Misty just began begging for her to release the hold. Kristina told her to tap the mat and admit that she was the better women. Misty started tapping repeatedly and then with pain in her voice admitted that Kristina was the better women. However Kristina was not done after she had released Misty from the hold. As she grabbed Misty's legs and and she stomped down on her crotch leaving Misty in even more pain. Then she picked Misty up by the hair and threw her out of the ring. Kristina then said that there wasn't any woman in the promotion who can handle her. Your winner of the match is Kristina.


Offline WriteThisWay

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Re: Ladies Pro Wrestling
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2019, 05:00:59 AM »
Are you seriously just going to give every post the exact same name?