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Aphrodite Championship Tournament Grand Finale

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Aphrodite Championship Tournament Grand Finale
« on: June 04, 2019, 07:13:43 PM »
After 6 long weeks, we are only one match away from crowning the new Aphrodite Championship. Will it be...

{alt} vs. {alt}

                                                Lydia35                                                                                                     ~ FitCaitlin ~

Lydia35, who defeated SableTheDiva and Kelseycat or will the title go to ~ FitCaitlin ~, who earned her spot in the finale by defeating Gabb11 and Terrihart01.

As a reminder YOU the fans get to choose who becomes the Aphrodite Champion.

This poll will be open for 7 days so there's no rush to vote.

And now let the match begin!
Be sure to check out my sexfighting stories at

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Offline lydia35

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Re: Aphrodite Championship Tournament Grand Finale
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2019, 04:55:48 PM »
Wow ! The Grand Finale.  Never thought I would get this far while fighting two wild and wicked opponents,  But on the other hand they did teach me a few new nasty things that I look forward to doing to the luscious lady Caitlin I face now  to be able push her over the edge and have her spewing more than once.  Slowly I slide out of my robe as I enter the chamber for our long bout for ultimate domination


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Re: Aphrodite Championship Tournament Grand Finale
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2019, 05:54:18 AM »
Not an easy choice but Lydia will be the champion!


Offline lydia35

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Re: Aphrodite Championship Tournament Grand Finale
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2019, 03:05:18 PM »
Nearly exhausted after our back n forth struggle we both go for a final decision. Legs spread wide we slide our wet bodies together then slam two wet and sore pussies together lips strtched as clit seeks clit . Trading thrusts build into a steady rhythm as hands clasp tit and hair