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Trying out Boxing

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Offline snw

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Trying out Boxing
« on: June 06, 2019, 07:28:14 PM »
        Damn that's hot as I watch the two girls face off, I'm saying to myself. The two hot girls in the boxing ring are not just random girls about ready to test themselves against each other. While they don't know one another, I know both of them well. One is my wife while the other is the girl I've been seeing on a regular basis lately. My wife Leigh is 5'3 120lb blonde with a 36b chest. She's in shape and works out regular. She recently started taking some boxing lessons and being that my fantasy has consisted of watching her test herself against another woman she agreed to sign up to have a match at our gym.

         They have these type matches where the girls who want to test themselves against another girl to see how they would fare. She has told me stories of some scraps she's had before and she's even told me about fighting an ex or two of mine when I would see one when we were out doing stuff. Telling me about what she would do to them if they tried to get me back. All as a way to turn me on and I could tell she enjoyed the thought of beating a girl to show me who the better woman is.

           Her opponent is Lexi. A 5'8" blonde as well at 130 and 36dd chest is my I suppose you'd say gf. I met her at the gym one evening when my wife had been away for 2 weeks for a visit with her family. Lexi was fit and I mean toned and had this look that says I want you and I know you want me every time I saw her at the gym prior to my wife's trip. I normally would be at the gym with my wife but this time I hadn't been and Lexi made her move. As I was standing there drinking a water after one of my sets Lexi walks close to me and starts looking at herself in the mirrors lining the walls and flexing and checking out the work she'd been putting in. I couldn't help but stare as she smiled at when she saw my stare. Saying what do I need to work on today? I said not anything that I can see. It all looks good to me. She says well thank you but I think maybe I could work on you maybe. I'd love that but.... she stopped me and said I know really it doesn't matter to me that you're married. She said just do one thing for me. I said such as ? Give me a ride home. She said she needed a ride home. Her friend was suppose to be picking her up but she was late and she said I really do need a ride. I agreed and that started the regular trips to her house since.

         Then the hottest thing happened when my wife returned and we went to the gym as we had always done Lexi would would workout on the same machines that my wife would be working out on. If Leigh was on the bench press , Lexi was on the one next to her. My favorite was the peck machine and I would watch as Lexi's chest was a absolutely a picture of perfection as she did her reps next to my wife. She knew it too and did it even more when she would ask me how she did in her workout when I would be with her at her house. If my wife noticed or thought anything it never was known. Lexi started asking me who do like to watch workout more her or my wife during our foreplay. It progressed from there as I told her that she was hottest looking doing these workouts. As she seemed to be getting turned by me telling her that she had the superior body. Eventually she would talk about being stronger and tougher when she saw my wife doing the boxing workouts. She asked why Leigh started doing that workout and I told her of the fantasy and how turned on I got watching female fighting. Naturally she saw a way to take my wife on directly in front of me to show me who was the better woman. 

       She wanted to box my wife badly. The little tournament was coming up and my wife signed up telling me she would do it to make my fantasy real. They didn't pick the opponent it was done by the gym management. I just had to ask the favor of my buddy to make sure the two were matched up together. The whole thing was set then. My wife gave me play by play of her beating on her opponent before sex till the fight night. Even though she did not know who she would be up against. Leigh kept telling me that it made her excited to think of beating another girl in front of me. I couldn't wait to see how it would go.

           So here it is about to start as the two face each other as Lexi stands hands on her hips with a stern look staring into my wife's eyes taking in a deep breath filling her chest out even bigger as they brushed with my wife's smaller pair. Both girls were close enough size wise that no real advantage was seen. I was in my wife's corner while Lexi had told me she was having one of her friends in hers. However she said it'll make me fight harder seeing you over with her and winning the fight to get the prize. My wife came back to the corner and she looked a little unsure after facing her opponent for the rules. Leigh said she looked at me like she was mad talking to me. I said well it is a fight you know . She said I know. I said you don't have to do it. No no I want to so you can watch me. We are close to each other in size so it's not like she has a size advantage. Besides I'm fighting for my husband and she is just fighting so that gives me the edge. I'm thinking oh boy she hasn't a clue how badly Lexi wants to fight. I tell her don't take it lightly you'll do fine.

           The bell rings as they go out to start. Lexi strikes first jabbing my wife's pretty face 3 straight shots causing her head to go back with each lick. Leigh swings a wild punch toward Lexi that misses and Lexi again jabs as she is steadily backing my wife down as my wife's head pops back with each strike. Finally room runs out as my wife's back hits the ropes. Here is where Lexi switches up and is punching my wife's body. Hooking punch after punch in to my wife's side. Bending my wife's body sideways at each punch that lands just below the side of her ribs. Almost like a bow bends when you shoot an arrow was the way she bent my wife with body shots. Both girls sweating now Leigh wraps her arms around Lexi in a clinch. As she wraps her arms around Lexi and tries to cut the distance to take the steam out of the stinging shots. Lexi wraps her arms around my wife as well. That's when Lexi started to squeeze and instantly I hear my wife groan as Lexi picks my wife of the floor as she pulls my wife off the ropes. The ref is about to try and break the clinch but before he can Lexi gives my wife a little toss to the middle of the ring causing her to hit the mat back first. The crowd watching is cheering the show of strength and I can't help but look at Lexi in awe of her just dominating my wife as the ref warns her as my wife is getting into a seated position. As the ref goes to my wife to start the count Lexi holds her arms up flexing her biceps in the sports bra she has on while pacing around the ring. Lexi stops in my wife's corner where I'm standing and says you like it babe. I can nod as I'm speechless in admiration of her performance. She smiles at me and says I'm going take my time kicking her ass for you babe. Don't let her quit now Steve cause I promise you'll enjoy it and I got something for you after I'm done beating the little bitch's ass. Turning  around as my wife is still sitting as the ref is counting and is at 8. Lexi walks in front of my wife squatting down as the bell rings and saves my wife from a count out. Lexi smiles at my wife still seated and says don't quit Leigh. Sure would be a shame to let down down your man getting your ass kicked in the first round. Standing back up Lexi says he sure is enjoying it though he has a hard on right now but I'll take care of it cause I don't think you'll be up to it. At that comment Lexi goes to her corner as my wife gets up and comes to me. I could tell she was hurt but she was also pissed. She said did you hear what she just said to me? I say no I didn't what was it? She said that you had a hard on watching her kick my ass and she would take care of it when she finishes beating me. I assured her she was trying to get in your head. That is until Leigh puts her hand in my shorts and feels the hard on I've gotten and says that bitch has had it. As she turns to see Lexi waving from her corner saying told you Leigh as she licks her lips and gives me a wink. The bell rings to start round 2.

      My wife rushes out as she brings her arm way back swinging a looping punch towards Lexi. The punch never gets completed as before she can land it Lexi's upper cut hits my wife's abs lifting her off the ground as she folds around Lexi's fist and let's out ooohhhhffff.
As her feet hit the mat again she lurches forward grabbing on to Lexi's shoulders to keep from going down as her knees buckle. Hanging there arms around Lexi's neck to stay up. Lexi wraps her arms around my wife's torso just under her arms that are still holding on to Lexi's next. Lexi lifts her enough to get her mouth beside my wife's ear. Lexi says in a whisper, come on sweetie at least fight back. Steve is seeing you get your ass stomped. You know how he loves girl fights. Leigh says what you, how did you know that? Lexi again says he needs a real woman babe. The ref starts to break them up. As my wife loosens her arms from Lexi's neck Lexi keeps her hug in place and allows my wife to slide down a bit until her face is in front of Lexi's cleavage and tightens up moving her hands behind my wife's head pushing it into her chest. She rubs my wife's face around on her exposed cleavage as you hear mmmmmpppphhhh mmmmpppphhh as my wife tries get a breath. Lexi holding her opponent in this humiliating position causes the ref to stop his attempt to break them apart and watches this hot show being given by Lexi at the expense of my wife. Lexi in a sexy voice says ohhhh yeahhhh Leigh that's it right there. Still mmmmpppphhh mmmmmpppph as my wife's hands push at Lexi's upper arms trying to separate her face from the sweaty chest of my lover. Continuing her smother Lexi is staring at me as I can't help but rub my cock through my shorts watching her womanhandle my wife. The ref and the crowd watch as the sexy show has everyone watching.

       Lexi starts to walk toward me as she keeps my wife in place as my wife's legs half drag and stumble being she is all but out. Stopping in front of me holding her there staring into my eyes. I can hear my wife mmmppphhhh but not as loud now. Lexi says yeeessss that's it Leigh just go to sleep sweetie. Again mmmppphhhh I hear and Lexi says you see this Steve? I nod yes. Lexi says shhhh shhhh Leigh he's watching me, be still so he can watch ok. My wife's fist hit at Lexi's arms weakly trying to break free. Lexi says oh come on Leigh stop that you're just making it worse. My wife's arms go limp falling by her sides as Lexi twists her upper body shaking my wife's head side to side as her whole body is limp now only being held upright by her head pressed to Lexi's chest. Lexi grabs her hair and you can hear the seal break as she pulls my wife's face away and looks at her as Leigh's eyes are open as she's not out completely. Lexi looks at her and asks you give Sweet heart? It gets no reply. Again Lexi says if you give I'll stop but if not you get to seem what your husband likes the most about me. Then saying oh wait he likes these tits second best now. Now he likes watching me kick his wife's ass I think. So Leigh so you give? My wife weakly nods yes and says I giiivee you wiiinnn. Good girl Leigh. Can I borrow Steve tonight or would you rather us fight for him? Please nnooo Lexi don't take hiimm. Lexi smiles down at my wife and says too late for that honey I took him many times already I'm just taking him now for good. So tell me Leigh can I have Steve? Nooo Lexi! Smiling at the resistance my wife is giving she removes one hand from her hair as one hand holds her in place as she says ok then I'll do it the easy way. Pulling her fist back and sending a right cross to my wife's chin she releases her hold allowing my wife's limp body flop on the ground out cold at her feet. Curling her arms up flexing in my face. Lexi asks so how did I do babe? As we kiss she places a foot to my wife's face and says well Leigh we'll be seeing you. Lexi turns to me saying I wish I'd have kicked her ass two weeks ago but come on let's celebrate my win huh babe? Oh yes I say let's do that. Lexi turns at the stunned crowd and says ok folks shows over. Somebody see about getting this pitiful excuse for a woman home. I have to take her husband home since she can't. As we walk away Lexi asks so did it live up to your fantasy or do we need to do it all over again? BOTH I reply. I don't think that'd be a problem do you? Well no just maybe for my bride is all, but hey can't please um all. Giving my cock a squeeze saying but I'll try I'll damn sure try.


Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: Trying out Boxing
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2019, 01:59:07 PM »
Your wife needs to work out till she can take this bitch on and teach her a lesson!  Nobody does that to someone's wife and walks away scott free.  I want to see these two in a catfight and to see your wife use your "girl friend's" tits as punching bags.  You, by the way, are scum and when she'd finished with the girl friend, she should dish some more to you...and not the way you'd like!

Re: Trying out Boxing
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2019, 08:23:53 PM »
I could see this one done up as a toon.  ;D Weirdly I agree with Peggy and Sub. Lexi's badassery is sexy as fuck, but I think your wife might want to train up, have plenty of juice, and give it another go...