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My red head wife's surprise catfight with a blonde

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Offline RJT45

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My red head wife's surprise catfight with a blonde
« on: June 09, 2019, 01:40:10 PM »
My wife Peggy is a voluptuous red head, who loves physical altercations with other women!  It all started 23 years ago, right after our daughter Allie was born.  Having a few stubborn pregnancy pounds that were giving her a hard time, she joined a local gym, and started boxing classes to lose the weight.  She was good at it and enjoyed it, and the classes led to a couple of real fights with other women.  Along the way, she got into wrestling and catfighting too, and now is always looking for an opportunity to "mix it up" with another woman...young or old!

Peggy currently is 52 years old, stands five foot eight, has shoulder length red hair, green eyes, weighs in at 130 pounds, and has a fabulous 36D-24-34 figure!  Many times, younger women have been lulled into a false sense of security in fights because of her age.  In the end, they've all paid for that.  This then is one of her stories!

The following fight came about after we'd been invited to watch two women box at a friend's house.  The friend is in the Sports Equipment business, and the lower level of their house is filled with sporting and exercise equipment, including a 3/4 size boxing ring.  His wife is, like my wife, into female combat, and as such, this ring has been the sight of several encounters that we have been privy to.  The two women had put on an excellent display, going six rounds in hard fought combat.  Although we knew several of the folks there, about half of the dozen guests there we met for the first time.  I had noticed two blond women, that we hadn't met, sitting on the other side of the ring, keeping their eyes on Peggy, and between rounds pointed this out to my wife.  Once I pointed it out to my wife,  Peggy and the two women had been looking in each other's direction. When the boxing match ended, the older blond of the pair walked over to where we were sitting.

" name's Karyn", she said, and Peggy introduced herself.  "I understand you are into catfighting...would you be interested in fighting me sometime?"

"Why me?", Peg asked.

"I don't like red heads", was Karyn's answer. 

I don't know if not was Karyn's directness or perhaps watching two women slug it out for 6 rounds, or the fact that this blonde freely admitted she just wanted to fight Peggy because she was a red head, but my wife surprised me when she answered, "How about right now?"

When Karyn agreed, I quickly got up and found our host and asked if he'd like another fight tonight for his guests.  He was excited and became even more so when I explained what had happened.  As the two boxers cleared the ring, our friend's wife Michelle climbed into the ring and said, "Well folks..that was supposed to be it for the night, but two ladies in the audience have decided to have a catfight.  What does everybody think?"

Cheers went up as Peggy and Karyn were introduced and made their way to the ring!   Karyn was wearing a short shift, something you might see women wearing to the beach, but not on the street.  Peggy had on a spaghetti strap sundress.  As my wife got to the ring, she kicked off her shoes and climbed under the ropes into the ring.  Karyn and Peggy stood facing each other as she pulled the shift over her head and my wife slipped off her sun dress. Peggy was wearing a Victoria Secrets sexy bra in lavender with matching panties.  Karyn was in a black bra and panties.

"What size's that bra" Peggy asked.

"36D" Karen replied

"Same as mine"

Well, just one more area where the women were well matched!  Like Peggy, Karyn looked to be in her early 50s, was about my wife's height, and had equal sized tits.

Michelle said, "Okay ladies, a no hold bared catfight.  Are you both ready?"

Both women said yes, and Michelle climbed out of the ring.

Before Peggy knew what was happening, Karyn slapped her across the face and practically knocked her into the ropes.  Peggy had no time to recover before the blonde grabbed her by the hair and flung my wife across the ring!  She started to get up, when Karyn kneed the red head right in the chest and threw her into the ropes.  Karyn followed that up with a very hard right punch low in Peggy's stomach, which seemed to hit her very core and must have hurt like a bitch as well as doubling Peggy up.  Another knee to my wife's tits and she was back on the ropes.  I was starting to worry about my wife as this woman was serious!!  She flipped Peggy into the ropes, un hooked her bra. and in one swift move thew my wife to the mat and snatched off her bra.  Only a minute or so into the catfight, and my wife had been pummeled and was now topless!! Now I was really worried!

As they say on TV, But wait, There's MORE!!

As someone in the crowd yelled, "Go after her tits!!"Karyn grabbed Peggy's red hair and pulled her to her knees and slapped my wife as hard as she could to the face, which of course sent  Peggy back to the mat.  Then she walked away, basically waiting till Peggy got to my feet again.  As my wife very carefully got up, she always kept eye contact with her blond opponent waiting for her to attack, but it never came.  Once Peggy was back on her feet, the two women circled around the ring standing about 5 feet apart.  Then, without any warning, Karyn charged Peggy, put her shoulder down and caught the red head just below her boobs, lifted her off her feet and slammed my wife ass first into the turnbuckle!  Fuck...that not only looked like it hurt but I think knocked the air completely out of Peggy!  My wife looked beaten!   Again that voice in the crowd, "Go after the bitch's tits!!".

As Peggy laid there wrapped across the ropes, the blond grabbed her by her nipples, put her foot into my wife's stomach, and monkey flipped her across the ring, using her nipples for leverage.  Karyn is really attaching Peggy's tits and nipples in this fight.  Fuck, I think this bitch is going to win this fight!!!

As Peggy lay there, Karyn walked over, grabbed her by the hair, and pulled her to her knees again.  Now the blond was intent on flattening my wife's tits with her knees and with every knee to Peggy's tits, again the voice, "Flatten her tits!!"!  She slammed Peggy 3 or 4 times, and I'm sure my wife's tits were on fire.  Just to make sure Peggy knew who was in charge, Karyn slapped the red head across the face again and let her fall to the mat. 

At this point, it looked like Peggy was done for, but one thing I've learned over the years about my wife is never count her out!  She has the ability to dig way down deep and pull up the resources she needs to come out on top.  It looked bad for my wife, but I knew in my heart that she could beat this woman!

Karyn pulled Peg up again by the hair, to continue, I assumed, kneeing her in the tits,  but Peggy never let her get her to her knees because as soon as she had enough clearance my wife sent a deadly upper cut into her womanhood!  Her legs were spread apart, and Peggy had a perfect target, and from the way she responded, I'd say she'd made a perfect connection.  The blonde bitch grabbed her crotch and dropped to her knees.  Just to show her that there was a new bitch in the ring, Peggy returned the favor and  slapped Karyn twice till she hit the mat!

Peggy stood up, leaned on the ropes, and started filling her lungs with deep deep breaths.  She was obviously hurting after the attack Karyn had waged on her tits but I could tell my wife was  digging deep to find the energy to come back.  The deep breaths were helping, but she never took her eyes off Karyn.  The room was silent except for one woman yelling for Karyn to get up!

Just looking at my wife's face, I knew she was going to take charge and it was time to even the field.  After having fought most of the fight braless, Peggy walked over to the blonde, unclasped the back of her bra, and pulled her up by the hair.  As her bra fell away, Karyn put her hands over her tits and I sensed that she was afraid payback was coming her way, and she was right!!

Just to keep her subdued, Peggy landed a couple of punches low...not cxnt punches, and then dropped her over the top rope.  Now it was Peggy's turn to take the fight to Karyn's 36Ds and that she did.  She started slapping and punching Karyn's slightly saggier tits (Peggy has near perfect boobs) repeatedly till she was whimpering with every contact!  Then Peg grabbed her, and wrapped her tits over the top rope of the ring and started dragging her back and forth.  Although they were newer, plasticized ropes, and not old fashioned hemp ropes which would have cut like a knife, they did enough damage for Karyn to scream out in pain!  Then Peggy left her hanging there for about 20 seconds or so till she grabbed the blonde by the feet and yanked her off the ropes to the mat!

Peggy flipped her over, grabbed her legs and had her spread eagled and proceeded to stomp her pussy twice for good measure!   Looking like she'd had enough fun, Peggy dropped her shapely ass down hard on Karyn's belly, knocking more air out of her, trapped her arms under her knees, slid forward on her body, and when she was in the perfect position, dropped her sweaty 36Ds over Karyn's face.  She resisted for a few minutes, but eventually she realized she had no out, and succumbed to my wife's tit smother!

As Peggy started to get up, she slapped Karyn a couple of times to bring her back in focus, and said to her, "I'll look forward to our next dance. I assume there will be one."

Karyn replied, "Count on it bitch"

There was a smattering of applause and at least one boob as Peggy stood center ring, and Michelle was right there with a hug and a t-shirt for my girl to wear.  It was a hard fight for my wife, but she prevailed.  Sounds like there will be a rematch...Can't wait!


Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: My red head wife's surprise catfight with a blonde
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2019, 02:00:09 PM »
Another good job RJ!


Offline Allie22

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Re: My red head wife's surprise catfight with a blonde
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2019, 06:44:00 PM »
That's my Mom!!!  Way to go!



Offline dbmoore1968

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Re: My red head wife's surprise catfight with a blonde
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2019, 01:48:02 AM »
When will we see a story of Peggy boxing?  It would be epic!



Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: My red head wife's surprise catfight with a blonde
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2019, 09:44:17 PM »