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My Initiation

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My Initiation
« on: July 18, 2019, 09:45:55 PM »
The first time it happened was during my last year of school (I guess it's high school for those of you on the other side of the Great Sea). One of my friend's father used to own an old sports complex dating from Soviet times. We used to throw parties there from time to time, and it was a great place for it: there was a sauna, a small pool to jump in after the sauna, a room with a pool table and a small gym with a ring in it. Everything was old and grey, bearing marks of time, but what did we care, the place had everything to spend some fun and crazy nights.

   So, we would go there about once in a month and pass a night drinking, smoking, enjoying the sauna (especially in winter) and sometimes a couple of boys would face each other in the ring for some improvised sparring - there indeed were also several pairs of large boxing gloves of used brown leather.

   But, this one time, at some point someone had an idea to suggest that maybe it was time for some girls to exchange some swings. The idea was uttered as a half-joke coming from a fresh post-adolescent head, certainly full of fantasies... Yet one of my best friends, a petite blonde reacted on spot! With enthusiasm, probably enhanced by several glasses of vodka with orange juice (we call this drink "the screw" in our country), she rapidly put on a pair of gloves and was dancing around, waiting for an opponent. Everyone cheered, several names were chanted to encourage a second girl to step forth, among which mine slowly became more distinct and louder. Everyone knew I was the little blonde's close friend, and I knew we were considered amongst the prettiest girls of our year, although we offered quite a contrast. I'm a redhead with wavy hair, not exceedingly tall, but several centimetres (or a couple of inches) taller than her, and, although thinner than now, definitely had some forms to flash, probably what you would graciously call "bottom heavy" and sporting a slightest of pooches. My friend, fair and straight hair, shorter, a somewhat straight body type, but nevertheless with a firm round ass, small breasts, she was lean, sharp and quick, with perfectly flat stomach.

   I ended up agreeing (of course, right, otherwise there wouldn't be a story to tell), and, smiling, encouraged by the eager crowd, slowly laced my pair of gloves. I should also mention that - yes, yes, because of the proximity of the sauna, remember - we were bikini clad. Both of us were wearing a two-piece: my friend a yellow-orange-red flower patter with bottoms the shape of mini-shorts (not sure if there's a special term for that in English), with the bottom part of her ass cheeks still visible - perhaps, had her ass been less rounded, the little shorts would have covered it completely, otherwise suiting her lean hips perfectly.

   Myself was wearing a dark green two-piece (seems that this colour suits well the milky pale redhead type). The shape of it was nothing too indecent or skimpy - I was not super confident back then about my plump, soft ass and my love-handles - note that it was nearly ten years ago and the reign of Kardashian booty was only slowly beginning.

   Anyway, there we were, suddenly facing each other in the ring, wearing what seemed ridiculously big gloves for our hands, grinning at the crazed state of the boys. The "fight" lasted at least five minutes. We circled around each other with dance-like steps, trying to imitate what we had once seen boxers doing, but quite ridiculously. We never decided on any rules, but out of instinct the face was never aimed at. Most of our punches landed on the other's shoulders, or even a glove against a glove. Once or twice a stomach or a breast got lightly hit, and each time it happened a great cheer was coming from the onlookers who were all around the ring. I was aiming at my friends flat stomach several times, but, of course, she was blocking easily, not having to think about protecting the head, she, on the other hand seemed to aim at my chest more often. With each punch I was keeping my guard higher, concentrating on protecting my breast area out of instinct, and that was when she suddenly caught me with a low-aimed jab at my belly. As my upper belly was covered by my guard, she struck where it was open, and the are that was open was the flesh right above the bikini bottoms.

   Becoming used that we blocked the majority of each other's punches, our strikes, starting as joking hints of punches, gradually became harder, so the one that landed in my under-belly made me grunt a little "ughn", my hands going down to clutch my gut. The crowd cheered with a loud "ooooh", but my friend seemed at least as surprised by the punch as myself. Still, it was nothing big, and rubbing it off, after a second I was grinning, and so was my friend. So we jumped around each other a little more, until the same thing happened a second time, only this time, as I was once more making my "ughn" with my lips forming a little "O", my friend pushed me back, and, stumbling back a step, I found myself leaning against ropes. She started to unleash an uninterrupted barrage of punches at my midsection, and so I bent down and kept my arms in front of my belly, even raising one knee up protectively. Now, I know, this sounds somewhat harsh, but her punches were not meant to hurt me seriously, it was just a light pressure, to demonstrate that she had me now. After ten seconds or so of this. I sank to my knees, simply to make the fight stop, not because I was hurt, since all her punches went into my arms.

   My friend obviously stopped, and simply smiled at me. I smiled back, still sitting on my knees, against the ropes, the crowd was wild. I thought, and surely my friend thought too, that that was the end of it, but suddenly I felt someone grabbing one of my hands from behind - one boy was leaning from outside the ring to grab it. Another one did the same with my other hand. They were chanting "more, more", and everyone, including myself, probably because of the alcohol, were pretty merry. I wriggled a bit, trying to free my wrists, but without a real effort, just going with the flow, waiting to see what they had in mind. Didn't have to wait long. What they had in mind was to ask my friend to hit me in my stomach while they were holding my hands.

   In this position, with my arms stretched behind my back, my belly forming a little fold at the level of my navel, I looked up at my friend, there was still a smile on my face. I was curious about her reaction more than I was afraid, since everything seemed as a game or a joke. She just shrugged her shoulders, got down to her knees in front of me and sent a light hook into my exposed flesh. I jerked a bit, and exhaled a bit of air, and then a second punch followed, acclaimed by reactions of the crowd. Since there was no other reaction from my part, a third punch followed, a bit harder, forcing out of me my little "ughn" for the third time in the evening. My friend looked around, and me too, and the boys were yelling "go on!" so a fourth punch landed in my soft belly. This time it partly cut my breathing, and I was squirming trying to break my hands free due to the urge to clutch my belly, but since I couldn't a fifth punch came, and with that my hands were released. I sank with my forehead against the canvas, my arms around my midsection, then let myself fall to one side, breathing heavily. My friend crouched besides me asking if I was alright. To which I responded by rolling to my back, staring at the ceiling and smiling. Yes I was ok, no I was not in real pain.

   After a few minutes we were back to drinking and sweating in the sauna, the boys praised our performance and the evening went on. But there was a feeling deep inside me, which was slow to fade. I rethought about it the next day after I had slept my hangover, finally I could name it - what had happened had in fact felt exciting to me. Not necessarily being hit in the stomach, but all together - facing another woman.


Offline sally

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Re: My Initiation
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2019, 07:51:30 AM »
that is a great story...still friends after the fight.  I know how those things go....some women never talk to each other again but you and she did...and it was a good fight to hit chest and stomach areas and both agreed and held up to the agreement.  Very nice!!  :)