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The Neighbor's Daughter - The Next Chapter

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Offline RJT45

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The Neighbor's Daughter - The Next Chapter
« on: August 05, 2019, 07:35:29 PM »
My wife Peggy is a voluptuous red head, who loves physical altercations with other women!  It all started 25 years ago, right after our daughter Allie was born.  Having a few stubborn pregnancy pounds that were giving her a hard time, she joined a local gym, and started boxing classes to lose the weight.  She was good at it and enjoyed it, and the classes led to a couple of real fights with other women.  Along the way, she got into wrestling and catfighting too, and now is always looking for an opportunity to "mix it up" with another woman...young or old!

Peggy currently is 52 years old, stands five foot eight, has shoulder length red hair, green eyes, weighs in at 130 pounds, and has a fabulous 36D-24-34 figure!  Many times, younger women have been lulled into a false sense of security in fights because of her age.  In the end, they've all paid for that.  This then is another of her stories!!

This fight is the follow  up to the past up my wife had with our neighbors daughter recently.  That story can be found here:     Neighbor's Daughter

At the end of that story, my wife was challenged to a catfight by our neighbor.  Well, let me let Peggy tell you about it, as she did at the bottom of the story.  Peg....

Thanks RJ.  So, where to begin??  Well, I guess with a story you may have read about my surprise catfight with a woman named Karyn.  You can read the whole story here (, but to sum it up briefly, we'd been invited to watch two women box at a friend's house.  The two women were a bit older than me at 60, and the fight was between a well built blonde woman (I'd say a set of 38DDs was well built) and a much slighter but athletic brunette woman with just a hint of tits.  The woman were very different physically, and would be fighting topless.  Well, the slight woman won the fight, and I think the fact that Karyn and I then had a catfight kind of upstaged her win.  In short...she wasn't happy with either of us!  Well, the slight brunette was Candid's Mom, and now you may see the connection.  I think she really wanted Candid to clean my clock and even up with me.  Well, that didn't happen, but in chatting after the fight, Pat (her Mom) suggested that we needed to have a Mom and Daughter cat fight session.  Candid to fight my daughter Allie and she Pat, to fight me.  Flush from victory against a 30 something woman, I was gung ho to continue, and we agreed to work out details.  Like her boxing match, she wants us to fight topless, which means my 36Ds will be in full view.  Thinking about it after the fact, I realize it's been a long time since I've fought a woman with little or no tits.  Not really sure what I think about that.  Stay tuned!

So that's how it ended that day, but in the intervening weeks, plans have been made.  The 4 women were to fight in the original venue that Pat and Peggy originally met, the basement of our friends John and Michelle's house.  The fight would be in their gym ring and many of the same people that were invited to the original fight would return.  Peggy wanted to make sure that neither Karyn or her girl friend were to be in attendance, and as the fights were about to start, they were not to be seen.  It was agreed that the mothers would fight first, and that's where we are right now.  At this point, Michelle has taken center ring and is beginning to introduce the fighters!

"Ladies and Gentlemen.  If you remember back a couple of months, you were in this same venue for some topless boxing, with a blonde vis a brunette.  That night, the brunette won a hard fought battle and tonight, that brunette is one of our fighters!  That same night, you'll also remember that a blonde and a red head had a very impromptu catfight, with the red head eventually coming out the winner.  She is our other fighter tonight, so what we've got is a catfight featuring two winners to determine the ultimate champion! "  I think she said everything we need to know!

"Our first fighter this evening, the winner of that boxing match, In this 5 foot 7, 120 pounds and 34B tits ,the brunette, 60 year old Pat!", Pat entered the ring wearing an overside men's shirt as a coverup, to a smattering of applause.  She stood in the far left corner looking somewhat cocky, with her daughter Candid behind her.  "And our next fighter, the winner of the catfight that evening, in this corner at 5 foot 8, 130 pounds, and with 36D tits, the red head, 52 year Peggy!"   Peggy climbed into the ring as the audience gave polite applause.  She was wearing a short silk robe, and took her place in the near corner, with our daughter Allie standing behind her just outside of the ring!

Michelle called both women to the center of the ring and gave instructions.  "As you've both agreed, this is to be a topless, no holds bared catfight.  There are no rules but this of you will be declared the winner when the other one is either unable or unwilling to continue the fight.  Is this agreeable to both of you?"  Both Peggy and Pat nodded their assent and Michelle continued, "Okay then ladies, please return to your respective corners and prepare to fight."

Peggy and Pat returned to their corners and prepared for the fight.  Peg slipped out of her robe and looked fabulous in a red bikini bottom!  It was hard to believe that my wife was 52 years old based on her body, with only a slight bit of sag in her 36D boobs giving it away!  Pat in the other corner was going to be fighting in a dark blue thong, and her 60 year old body also looked years younger.  She had absolutely no tits, but a round sizable ass...or was it just highlighted by the thong...never a style I thought looked good on a mature woman!

On the sound of a bell, both women moved out to the center of the ring and began to circle each other.  As Peggy tried to move into position to engage the brunette, I saw Pat ball her right hand into a fist, and was not surprised when she surprised Peggy with a sharp right jab to her gut.  As Peggy slightly bent over the fist, Pat grabbed Peggy's hair with her left hand and while holding her down, delivered a well placed knee to my wife's 36Ds, throwing her up on the ring ropes!  The red head had never seen that coming, and was ill prepared to Pat continuing to attack her tits as she lay on the ropes!  A nice double punch to both sides of Peg's jugs had the red head exactly where the brunette wanted her! A couple of upper cuts sent her D cups flying, but the real damage was done when the brunette grabbed two handfuls of Peggy's tits, fun in her nails, and started punishing my wife's boobs!  Peggy screamed out as the older fighter went to town on my wife's tits!  While Peggy might have normally attacked back my grabbing her opponent's nipples, Pat had next to none.  Finally in desperation, Peggy threw a right fist connecting with Pat's left "tit" and when she got some reaction, she did the same with the older brunette's right "tit".  This seemed to piss Pat off, but it was enough for her to release Peggy's jugs and instead grab two handfuls of her red hair and throw her too the center of the ring!

As Peggy attempted to get to her feet, Pat connected with a foot to her mid section, and practically sent her flying out of the ring!  Peggy made sure to get up keeping her eye on Pat, but this time she was almost to her full height, when the brunette charged her, and slammed her back into a turnbuckle!  Peggy hit hard, and by the noise, I knew she was hurting!  In a flash Pat was on the red head, with her left hand bent her head back across the top rope of the ring, and with her right hand began slapping Peggy's tits!  When she let go of her hair, the younger red head slumped down with her ass on the second rope.  Hardly winded, Pat grabbed my wife's hair and dragged a screaming red head to mid ring.  Then she got behind her and wrapped her legs around Peggy's mid section, and started to apply pressure.  While Peggy was trying to separate the brunette's legs, Pat reached around and grabbed each one of Peggy's tits by the nipples, and I knew Peggy was in for some pain! Pulling Peggy's D cups apart, my wife started crying out in pain, but then when she slammed her tits together, it was a new level of pain!  After a couple of minutes of this torture, Pat let go of Peggy's tits, and released her leg hold on my wife.  The red head slumped to the ground, she was finished and offered no resistance when Pat pulled her to her feet by her hair.  Pat pushed her against the ropes, and proceeded to lob punches at Peggy's tits and gut, until the red head slumped to the mat! 

It had taken Pat exactly 9 minutes to destroy my wife!  As Pat strutted round the ring, Michelle and Allie helped Peggy out of the ring and to the dressing room!  In the Mother's Match, it was obvious that Peggy was not up to the challenge.  Lets see how the younger Thoman would fare in the Daughters Match!

After about a 20 minute break Michelle went back in the ring and called the crowd back from the bar.  "Well folks, you've seen how the Mothers fight, now lets see what the Daughters can do!  Our first fighter is the daughter of our first fight's winner.  She's five foot six, weighs in at 150 pounds, and had a large set of 34DD tits, like her Mom, she's a brunette, 33 year old Candid!"  And with that Candid bounded into the ring just wearing a black string bikini bottom!  Michelle continued, "And her opponent, the daughter of our first fight's loser, she's five foot 7, tips the scale at 130 pounds, with a 36DD chest, a red head like her Mom, 25 year old Allie!" and with that Allie entered the ring, also just wearing her red bikini bottoms! 

Looking at Candid and Allie, it was obvious where Candid was carrying the extra 20 pounds she had over her ass!  While they both had young firm tits, Allie's are larger and firmer, but then she's 8 years younger!  Where Candid's tits had come from was anybody's guess, as she was a voluptuous as her Mom was flat!  Both women seemed ready as Michelle called them center ring.

"All right your mother's fight, this is a No Hold Bared Topless Catfight.  One of you will be declared the winner when the other one is unable or unwilling to continue.  Do you both agree?"  Allie said yes, while Candid perhaps in an effort to emphasize her preparedness replied, "Fuck Yea!"

Both fighters returned to their corners and Peggy spent the last few minutes briefing Allie on what she'd learned fighting Candid, while I definitely got the impression that Pat was telling Candid, "I kicked her Mother's ass and you can kick this kid's ass too!"  They even looked at Allie's corner and laughed.

On the bell, both women moved out of their corners.  They danced around for a few seconds, till Candid moved at Allie.  Her hands were up and you really couldn't tell if she was going after Alie's hair or her tits.  Allie never waited to find out, as she delivered a short right rabbit punch to the older fighter's mid section.  Caught totally by surprise, Candid did nothing and allowed Allie to hit her with two more punches to the same spot.  Now Pat's daughter was hurting, and Allie continued her assault, hitting her big left tit with a right upper cut, which threw it up almost to her shoulder.  Before it came back down, Allie nailed it with a left that pancaked the tit flesh under her fist!  Now Candid was lying across the top rope!

Allie made the mistake of letting her get off the ropes and was rewarded with a right foot to her gut!  Before Allie knew what was going on, Candid wiped the red head around, and into the ropes on the other side of the ring!  As she laid there, Candid's mother Pat came up behind her and grabbed  two handfuls of Allie's hair and bent her backwards over the top rope.  As this happened, Candid started lobbing punches at Allie's chest, doing some obvious damage to the 25 year old. 

As quick as she could, Peggy got around the ring apron, and delivered a devastating blow to Pat's right side, which caused her to let go of Allie's hair.  Then she grabbed Pat by the hair and threw her off the apron to the gym floor and climbed into the ring!  She grabbed Candid by her arms just as she was starting to pull Allie up by the hair, and pulled her off Allie and said, "Now it's your turn babe!".  Waisting no time, Allie started loving rights and lefts into Candid's large jugs! 

Allie had just taken the fight to Candid, when Pat came out of no where and returned the favor by punching Peggy as hard as she could in her right side. As she did it again a second time, Peggy let go of Candid's arms, she turned towards her, Pat kneed her low in the stomach, knocking most of the air out of my wife's body!  Grabbing her hair, she threw Peggy across the ring and she landed on the ropes.  Peggy's robe had fallen open, and Pat started lobbing rights and lefts into Peggy's chest, really hurting the red head.  Meanwhile, Allie had continued her assault on Candid, eventually leaving her in a pile on the mat.  Then she turned to help her Mother!

Grabbing two handfuls of Pat's hair, she pulled the brunette off her Mom, and slammed Pat's head into the turnbuckle.  She did this two more times, until it was obvious that Pat was pretty much out of it.  The last thing she did was to throw Pat on top of Candid, leaving both Mother and Daughter defeated by Allie!  Then she turned to help her Mom out of the ring, while those in attendance gave her a standing O!

And that was it.  I went back to help my wife and daughter, and Pat and Candid were never seen again that night!

Before I leave this story, I want to give Peg and Allie a voice.  One question to them both...are we done with these women?

Peggy "Well, I beat Candid in a cat fight and I'm not ready to return to a catfight with Pat.  I will say though that I've seen her box, and I think I've got better skills than she does, so if we could box, that I'd do."

Allie "Candid is a piece of shit and I would pound her whatever we did, were we to meet again.  She's big and she's got some weight and that's been what she's depended on.  As for skills, she's way behind the curve.  Now, the mother, Pat.  She interests me.  She's fully 35 years my senior, but if she agreed to a catfight, I would definitely mix it up with her, but I'll tell you one thing!  I am not getting suckered in like my Mom did with this topless Bull shit!  There is no way I am putting my naked Double Ds into the wringer against that bitch!  She needs one of those, "I've got no tits" T-shirts!  I'll fight her, but you want my tits in play, you work it and get them out!"


Offline Allie22

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Re: The Neighbor's Daughter - The Next Chapter
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2019, 04:03:26 PM »
BTW...since this story was written, Pat has agreed to fight me.  A NHB bra and panty catfight, date and location TBD.  The 25 year old is fighting the 60 year old...anyone care to place a wager? 


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: The Neighbor's Daughter - The Next Chapter
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2019, 08:06:40 PM »
Loved Pat's beat down on Peggy! I am sure after Pat demolishes Allie we will see a Pat/Peggy rematch!


Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: The Neighbor's Daughter - The Next Chapter
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2019, 05:15:40 AM »
My moneys on you baby! 


Offline mag

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Re: The Neighbor's Daughter - The Next Chapter
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2019, 03:05:26 PM »
That was a great account, sort of really enjoyed hearing about Peggy losing one! (Sorry Peggy).   We are with ralbright, we think Allie is going to lose this one, as Pat really seems to know how to punish others.  Would have loved to see Pat punish Peggy even more!   :P

Can't wait to see Allie and Pat going at it.

Mike & Val


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Re: The Neighbor's Daughter - The Next Chapter
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2019, 05:35:01 PM »
I am with Mags, wanted to see Peggy take more punishment and some humiliation. I think it makes sense that Pat does just that to an overconfident and surprised Allie. Pat needs to make Allie her bitch, really put a beat down on her and then play with her and inflict some pain and suffering before a knock out, to enrage Peggy and insure she can get another shot at Peggy and her tits.


Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: The Neighbor's Daughter - The Next Chapter
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2019, 06:23:20 PM »
Nice comments folks, but my money is still on Allie!


Offline Allie22

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Re: The Neighbor's Daughter - The Next Chapter
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2019, 10:47:48 PM »
Sorry to disappoint you all, but I have no intention of not coming out on top, when Pat and I meet.  The question seems to be, if and when will we meet, because Pat has been dragging her ass agreeing on a time and a place.  Perhaps she's not a sure as some of you are...sorry Mag!


Offline dbmoore1968

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Re: The Neighbor's Daughter - The Next Chapter
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2019, 09:35:39 PM »
Love this story!  Can't wait for Pat and Allie.  Also sorry to Peggy....try for some boxing revenge.



Offline RJT45

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Re: The Neighbor's Daughter - The Next Chapter
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2019, 10:08:05 PM »
Fight #3 - The Final Chapter has been written by my wife Peggy!