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Peggy & Jenifer #2 - Catfight in the Rain

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Offline RJT45

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Peggy & Jenifer #2 - Catfight in the Rain
« on: September 07, 2019, 03:17:38 PM »
My wife Peggy is a voluptuous red head, who loves physical altercations with other women!  It all started 25 years ago, right after our daughter Allie was born.  Having a few stubborn pregnancy pounds that were giving her a hard time, she joined a local gym, and started boxing classes to lose the weight.  She was good at it and enjoyed it, and the classes led to a couple of real fights with other women.  Along the way, she got into wrestling and catfighting too, and now is always looking for an opportunity to "mix it up" with another woman...young or old!

Peggy currently is 52 years old, stands five foot eight, has shoulder length red hair, green eyes, weighs in at 130 pounds, and has a fabulous 36D-24-34 figure!  Many times, younger women have been lulled into a false sense of security in fights because of her age.  In the end, they've all paid for that.  This then is another one of her stories!

It was only a couple of weeks after my wife and Jenifer fought originally ( that the following fight took place.  It all started with a phone call, and at this point, I'm going to turn you over to my wife to continue the fight set-up.  Peggy.....

Thanks RJ.  As has been said, it was a phone call from Jenifer that set the balls in motion and ended up with the fight you are now reading.  Jenifer called my cell phone out of the blue one Tuesday  and started to tell me a story.  Seems that several years ago, she'd seen a video of two women catfighting outside at night in a rain storm.  There was something very sexy to her about the action, and it had stayed with her.  She'd fantasied about a fight like that since seeing the video, and she wondered if I was the woman to help her turn her fantasy into reality!

"Wow...I'd really like to see that video", I said.

She said she would two, as she'd watched it a couple of years ago and the web site she saw it on no longer exists. (Note to self...Google search in my future!

I asked her what she had in mind, and she said a No Holds Bared, Bra and Panty Catfight, in their backyard, at night in a rain storm.  She said I owed her a rematch, so why not this way.  I frankly was as turned on as she seemed by the premise, and there was talk about a rematch, so I asked her the obvious question, "When?"

She related to me that her husband Rick was a bit of a weather nut, and there was a strong line of storms moving across the country, and according to what he'd read, they were going to move into western Pennsylvania early Thursday, and if they held together, should be at the shore early evening.  "How does 6:30 Thursday evening sound?"  Perfect I replied, and then she said she'd call me Thursday afternoon and confirm times, and we ended the call.

As soon as we got off the phone, I got in the car and drove over to Kmart.  I've been in enough of these Bra and Panty catfights to know that more times than not, your underwear gets trashed.  I used to go for winning the preflight glamor competition, dressing as sexy as possible, but I've had too many expensive bras and panties shredded, torn, pulled apart, etc.  for $12.95 plus tax, I purchased a white cotton bra and a white satin set of panties at Kmart.   If I lost this set, I was out 13 plus dollars! back to RJ.

Thanks Peg.

So with everything she needed in hand, it was just a time to wait and see what happened.  BTW, Peggy did an extensive Google search, and never found the video.  On Thursday afternoon, Jenifer called and said that the storm was moving slower, and to come over more like 7:30 that night.  Peggy dressed in her Kmart Specials, put a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt over her ensemble, and took an additional bra and panty with her for the trip home.  The sky was darkening as we drove to their house and I don't think it was just because of the hour.  A storm was on its way to us.

Rick met us at the door and after hellos, said that Jenifer was getting ready and showed Peggy to a bedroom and then told her we'd be out on the back porch when she was ready. Just needing to slip out of her shirts and T-shirt, Peggy joined us in a few minutes.  In answer to what would she like to drink, Peggy replied, "Grey Goose on the rocks".  .  In a couple of minutes, Jenifer joined us and she too grabbed a beer. Both women were in their fight outfits, and Jenifer's was an eyeful!   She was wearing a black shelf type bra and marching panties.   Both were made of some kind of gauze like black see through material.  (Oh those weren't staying on her long!  She won the dress round, but the fight was yet to begin)  Her nipples and bush were clearly visible, and by the way, Peggy had also gotten Jenifer's stats.  She was 5 foot 9 - an inch taller than Peggy, weighed 165 pounds - 35 pounds heavier than Peggy, was 37 years old - 15 years younger than Peggy, her measurements were 38-24-36 and she wore a 36E bra.  She, Jenifer was a big girl with big tits, which she showed me up close and personal, as her boobs almost tumbled out as she bent down to kiss me.  Incredible Clevage!

"So, should we get started?", Jenifer said, as it started to rain.  They had two huge golf umbrellas for the husbands, and we each opened one and escorted our wives to the middle of the back yard.  The rain was falling heavier now, and Peggy was happy that she'd put her hair in a pony tail to keep it manageable.

"So..No Holds Bared Catfight..only rule is one of us will be the winner, when the other one is unable or unwilling to continue.  Only the combatants can halt the fight, not the husband.  We all agree?"  We all nodded our agreement, and the girls gave us hugs and kisses, and walked towards each other while Rick and I stepped back!

Looking deeply into each others eyes, the two women moved at each other. Slowly they came closer and closer and then they began to circle. After a few revolutions, they stopped and  stood facing each other. I  was surprised that Pegg made the first move and surprised by what it was, a round house right to her head that Jenifer stepped out of. Before Peggy could close up the blond counters back with a devastating right to the red head's gut, then a couple of well placed leg lifts that flatten Peggy's tits followed by a pull of her hair, that throws Peggy to the ground.  As the rain gets harder, Jenifer starts pulling Peggy up by the hair but before she can do anymore damage the red head hit her with a right rabbit punch well below her panty line. This really hurt the big blonde and Peggy is able to get back to my feet and she grabs Jenifer by the center of her bra and flip her to the ground.(Really thought that was going to be the end of her bra, but it's stronger than iot looks!) Jenifer does a quick leg sweep, and Peggy is on the grass with her.  The two women fall on each other and start attacking each other's body.  Jenifer connects with two well placed shots to Peggy's tits, while Peggy grabs the back of Jenifer's panties and starts pulling them up the blond's ass.  It raining even harder now, and if I thought the blond's bra and panties were see through before, it's like she's buck naked now!  Hell, even Peg's Kmart Classics are practically see through!  Jenifer bares her claws and starts literally shreding Peggy's bra!  Peggy continues to pull at Jen's panties eventually tearing the thin material apart, but not till she had is pulled up the blond's ass!  As the material separates, both women roll away from each other and start to get to their feet, but the younger blonde is faster than my wife and as Peggy gets to her knees, Jenifer viciously knees her in the tits.  As Peggy slumps to the ground, Jenifer gets behind her.  She pulls the red head to her knees by the hair, and then reaches down and whips what's left of Peggy's bra off her tits and wraps it around her throat.  Now the blond is totally in control of the fight! (Fuck!  She had all the cards and she was playing them hard and fast.  I was in trouble!!)

After holding my wife like this for several minutes, Jenifer uses the bra to bring Peggy to her feet.  She starts shaking my wife back and forth, making Peggy's 36Ds dance as if she was listening to some weird beat! Suddenly Jenifer uses the motion to throw Peggy to the ground again!  This time she grabs my wife by her pony tail, puts her foot into her back, and starts to pull on her hair till my wife is bent like a pretzel and starts screaming out in pain!  (Jenifer must have really been pissed that I won the last time we met and she was going too make sure I suffered for it!) I thought that the blond might be going for an uncle call from my wife, but suddenly she let go of Peg's hair and the red head's face slammed into the wet grass.  Then Jenifer grabbed Peggy's feet and flipped her over on her back.  She slowly spread Peggy's legs and proceeded to twice stomp my wife's pussy with the heel of the right foot.  The first time she got a grunt from my wife, the second Peggy cried out in pain! 

I knew the end was near and so did Jenifer's husband. He came up to me and asked if I thought we should stop the fight.  I reminded him of the rules and also told him the shit I'd get from Peggy if I interfered.  Unable to change my mind, we stood side by side and watched as his wife took mine apart piece by piece.

Dropping Peg's legs, and leaving my wife prone on her back, Jenifer landed knees first in my wife's tits, almost causing Peggy to black out from pain!  Thank God they had a very private yard and also that the rain was heavier and thunder had started to roll in, or someone would have surely called the cops of these two women.  (TWO WOMEN???? It was all the blond bitch at this point!)  Slidding back, Jenifer dropped her ass on Peg's stomach and then said something to her that only the two of them could hear (What she said was, "I could have fucked you up a lot worse tonight, but I don't want to ruin you for your husband, so just be a good girl and take your punishment").  She then grabbed her bra under each cup, and whipped it off her tits and over her head, exposing her large rack.  She dropped her wet 38 inch set over Peggy's face until my wife tapped out, effectively ending the fight.

Then she said, "You two boys head inside.  Peggy and I have something to discuss, and then I'll help her inside"  I'll turn this narrative over to Peggy now...

"Jenifer slid off me and we both laid on our backs as the rain continued to fall.  "Thanks for helping me live out a fantasy tonight and fight in the rain.  Now I'd like to live out one more." and with that, she slid a finger into my pussy and began to manipulate me.  Next thing I knew, she had my boob in her mouth and was playing with my nipple with her tongue.  Was it a turn on?  I have to admit it was.  She was very good at what she was doing to me and I have a feeling she'd practiced on herself many times before.  She took me to the verge of orgasim when she suddenly stopped.  "Got to leave something for RJ" and she leaned over and kissed me full on the mouth, and there was a lot of lounge action too!  When she finished, she helped to to my feet and the last thing she said was, "If you can't wait to get home, RJ can always fuck you in the bedroom you changed in".  Rather than let him fuck me, I took a long hot shower, dressed (no bra and perhaps I won't wear one for a couple of days) and we drove home...then he fucked me!


Offline mag

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Re: Peggy & Jenifer #2 - Catfight in the Rain
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2019, 03:45:48 PM »
Loved the account and in the rain was pretty cool. 

Sounds like Jenifer would have enjoyed punishing Peggy a bit more but showed some mercy for her.
Maybe in the rubber match Jenifer will not be so kind, she made sure to stomp on Peggy's pussy and knee her tits pretty roughly at the end of the fight. 

Can't wait to see if they match up again. Wonder if Jenifer will ask for some stakes on the next one.

Sorry Peggy, like hearing about your wins, but love to read about your defeats too! 


Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: Peggy & Jenifer #2 - Catfight in the Rain
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2019, 05:31:37 AM »
Mag...there definitely will be a 3rd fight!  Unlimited boxing next week!




Offline RJT45

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Re: Peggy & Jenifer #2 - Catfight in the Rain
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2019, 06:32:31 PM »


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: Peggy & Jenifer #2 - Catfight in the Rain
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2019, 02:05:04 PM »
Love the entire  Peggy series! This is beginning to shape up as the best. Love your setup; it is a 1 win each status and we know Peg wants a rematch, but now it appears Jen wants a rematch with some real stakes and risks. Love it!


Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: Peggy & Jenifer #2 - Catfight in the Rain
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2019, 08:34:10 PM »